Ext.data.proxy.Proxy 代理类的根类(它分为客户端(client)代理和服务器代理(Server))
Ext.data.proxy.Client 客户端代理
Ext.data.proxy.Memory 普通的内存代理
Ext.data.proxy.WebStorage 浏览器客户端存储代理
Ext.data.proxy.SessionStorage 浏览器级别代理
Ext.data.proxy.LocalStorage 本地化的级别代理(跨浏览器)
Ext.data.proxy.Server 服务器端代理
Ext.data.proxy.Ajax 异步加载的方式
Ext.data.proxy.Rest 一种特殊的Ajax
Ext.data.proxy.JsonP 跨域交互的代理——跨域是有严重的安全隐患的,extjs的跨域也是需要服务器端做相应的配合
Ext.data.proxy.Direct 命令
REST指Representation State Transfer(有时写作ReST),表示性状态转移,其要求无状态、客户端-服务器、具有缓存机制的通信协议——实际上是使用HTTP协议。
- Ext.onReady(function(){
- //Ext.data.proxy.Memory 内存代理 它的 proxy: memory
- //Memory的configs有:
- //batchActions、batchOrder、data、enablePaging、listeners、model、reader、write
- //其中data表示内存数据的来源,model表示代理哪个对象(哪个model)
- Ext.define('User',{
- extend:'Ext.data.Model',
- fields:[
- {name:'name',type:'string'},
- {name:'age',type:'int'}
- ]
- });
- //不用create方法,直接用代理Proxy来创建对象数据
- var userData = [
- {name:'name_fdsafs',age:3},
- {name:'nane_yyyy',age:54}
- ];
- //创建model的代理类
- var memoryProxy = Ext.create('Ext.data.proxy.Memory',{
- data:userData,
- model:'User'
- });
- //做CRUD
- userData.push({name:'new name',age:90});
- //Update
- memoryProxy.update(new Ext.data.Operation({
- action:'update',
- data:userData
- }),function(result){},this);
- //Read
- memoryProxy.read(new Ext.data.Operation(),function(result){
- // console.info(result);
- var datas = result.resultSet.records;
- Ext.Array.each(datas,function(model){
- // console.info(model);
- // alert(Ext.encode(model));
- alert(model.data.name);
- })
- });
- });
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null ext-all-dev.js:102469
Ext.define.updateOperation ext-all-dev.js:102469
Ext.define.update ext-all-dev.js:102507
(anonymous function) proxy_memory.js:28
(anonymous function) ext-all-dev.js:16067
fire ext-all-dev.js:16022
Ext.apply.readyEvent.readyEvent.fire ext-all-dev.js:16280
Ext.apply.fireReadyEvent ext-all-dev.js:16380
(anonymous function) ext-all-dev.js:3335
- update: function() {
- this.updateOperation.apply(this, arguments);
- },
- /**
- * @private
- * Fake processing function to commit the records, set the current operation
- * to successful and call the callback if provided. This function is shared
- * by the create, update and destroy methods to perform the bare minimum
- * processing required for the proxy to register a result from the action.
- */
- updateOperation: function(operation, callback, scope) {
- var i = 0,
- recs = operation.getRecords(),
- len = recs.length;
- for (i; i < len; i++) {
- recs[i].commit();
- }
- operation.setCompleted();
- operation.setSuccessful();
- Ext.callback(callback, scope || this, [operation]);
- }
new Ext.data.Operation({
Returns the records associated with this operation. For read operations the records as set by the Proxy will be returned (returns null
if the proxy has not yet set the records). For create, update, and destroy operations the operation's initially configured records will be returned, although the proxy may modify these records' data at some point after the operation is initialized.
Usually called by the Ext.data.Store which owns the model instance. Commits all changes made to the instance since either creation or the last commit operation.
Developers should subscribe to the Ext.data.Store.update event to have their code notified of commit operations.
- /**
- * Usually called by the {@link Ext.data.Store} which owns the model instance. Commits all changes made to the
- * instance since either creation or the last commit operation.
- *
- * Developers should subscribe to the {@link Ext.data.Store#event-update} event to have their code notified of commit
- * operations.
- *
- * @param {Boolean} [silent=false] Pass `true` to skip notification of the owning store of the change.
- * @param {String[]} [modifiedFieldNames] Array of field names changed during sync with server if known.
- * Omit or pass `null` if unknown. An empty array means that it is known that no fields were modified
- * by the server's response.
- * Defaults to false.
- */
- commit : function(silent, modifiedFieldNames) {
- var me = this;
- me.phantom = me.dirty = me.editing = false;
- me.modified = {};
- if (silent !== true) {
- me.afterCommit(modifiedFieldNames);
- }
- },
) :
- /**
- * Returns the {@link Ext.data.Model record}s associated with this operation. For read operations the records as set by the {@link Ext.data.proxy.Proxy Proxy} will be returned (returns `null` if the proxy has not yet set the records).
- * For create, update, and destroy operations the operation's initially configured records will be returned, although the proxy may modify these records' data at some point after the operation is initialized.
- * @return {Ext.data.Model[]}
- */
- getRecords: function() {
- var resultSet = this.getResultSet();
- return this.records || (resultSet ? resultSet.records : null);
- },
- /**
- * Returns the ResultSet object (if set by the Proxy). This object will contain the {@link Ext.data.Model model}
- * instances as well as meta data such as number of instances fetched, number available etc
- * @return {Ext.data.ResultSet} The ResultSet object
- */
- getResultSet: function() {
- return this.resultSet;
- },
这个对象将包含model实例以及元数据,such as number of instances fetched, number available etc,这句怎么翻译,什么意思搞不太懂,(一个数字实例,数字可用等????)
- Ext.onReady(function(){
- Ext.define('User',{
- extend:'Ext.data.Model',
- fields:[
- {name:'name',type:'string'}
- ],
- proxy:{
- type:'localstorage', //使用cookie,不关闭浏览器,每次刷新,增加,关闭浏览器,不清cookie,依然保存上次数据
- id:'id11111'
- }
- });
- //我们使用store来初始化数据
- var store = new Ext.data.Store({
- model:User
- });
- store.add({name:'cdsaf'});
- store.sync();
- store.load();
- var msg = [];
- store.each(function(rec){
- msg.push(rec.get('name'));
- });
- alert(msg.join('\n'));
- });
- Ext.onReady(function(){
- Ext.define('User',{
- extend:'Ext.data.Model',
- fields:[
- {name:'name',type:'string'}
- ],
- proxy:{
- type:'sessionstorage', //使用session,不关闭浏览器,每次刷新,增加,关闭浏览器,从头开始
- id:'id11111'
- }
- });
- //我们使用store来初始化数据
- var store = new Ext.data.Store({
- model:User
- });
- store.add({name:'cdsaf'});
- store.sync();
- store.load();
- var msg = [];
- store.each(function(rec){
- msg.push(rec.get('name'));
- });
- alert(msg.join('\n'));
- });
- Ext.onReady(function(){
- Ext.define('User',{
- extend:'Ext.data.Model',
- fields:[
- {name:'name',type:'string'}
- ]
- });
- var ajaxProxy = new Ext.data.proxy.Ajax({
- url:'base/user.jsp',
- model:'User',
- reader:'json',
- limitParam:'indexLimit'
- });
- ajaxProxy.doRequest(new Ext.data.Operation({
- action:'read',
- limit:2,
- start:1,
- sorters:[
- new Ext.util.Sorter({
- property:'name',
- direction:'ASC'
- })
- ]
- }),function(o){
- var text = o.response.responseText;
- alert(Ext.JSON.decode(text)['name']);
- });
- });
- <%@ page language="java" import="java.util.*" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
- <%
- response.getWriter().write("{name:'cdf'}");
- %>
- Ext.onReady(function(){
- Ext.define('User',{
- extend:'Ext.data.Model',
- fields:[
- {name:'name',type:'string'}
- ],
- proxy:{
- type:'jsonp',
- url:''
- }
- });
- //jsonP,跨域
- var user = Ext.ModelManager.getModel('User');
- user.load(1,{
- scope:this,
- success:function(model){
- alert(model.get('name'));
- }
- });
- });
- <?php
- echo "Ext.data.JsonP.callback1({name:'cdcdcd'})";
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