ulimit: docker 默认支持ulimit设置,可以在dockerd中配置 default-ulimits 可为宿主机所有容器配置默认的ulimit,docker启动时可添加 –ulimit 为每个容器配置ulimit会覆盖默认的设置;目前k8s暂不支持ulimit
cgroup: docker 默认支持cgroup中内存、cpu、pid等的限制,对于线程限制可通过 –pids-limit 可限制每个容器的pid总数,dockerd暂无默认的pid limit设置;k8s 限制线程数,可通过在kubelet中开启SupportPodPidsLimit特性,设置pod级别pid limit
/etc/securiy/limits.conf,systcl.confg: 通过ulimit命令设置只对当前登录用户有效,永久设置可通过limits.conf配置文件实现,以及系统级别限制可通过systcl.confg配置文件
本地环境:os: Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS 4.4.0-154-generic docker: 18.09.7 base-image: alpine:v3.9
k8s环境:kubelet: v1.10.11.1 docker: 18.09.6
soft :用户可修改,但不能超过硬限制
工作原理:根据 PAM ( Pluggable Authentication Modules 简称 PAM)机制,应用程序启动时,按 /etc/pam.d 配置加载 pam_xxxx.so 模块。/etc/pam.d 下包含了 login 、sshd 、su 、sudo 等程序的 PAM 配置文件, 因此用户重新登录时,将调用 pam_limits.so 加载 limits.conf 配置文件
- This specifies a value one greater than the maximum file
- descriptor number that can be opened by this process.
- Attempts (open(2), pipe(2), dup(2), etc.) to exceed this
- limit yield the error EMFILE. (Historically, this limit was
- named RLIMIT_OFILE on BSD.)
- Since Linux 4.5, this limit also defines the maximum number of
- file descriptors that an unprivileged process (one without the
- CAP_SYS_RESOURCE capability) may have "in flight" to other
- processes, by being passed across UNIX domain sockets. This
- limit applies to the sendmsg(2) system call. For further
- details, see unix(7).
根据定义,nofile 限制进程所能最多打开的文件数量,作用范围进程。
设置 ulimit nofile限制soft 100/hard 200,默认启动为root用户
$ docker run -d --ulimit nofile=100:200 cr.d.xiaomi.net/containercloud/alpine:webtool top
进入容器查看, fd soft限制为100个
- / # ulimit -a
- -f: file size (blocks) unlimited
- -t: cpu time (seconds) unlimited
- -d: data seg size (kb) unlimited
- -s: stack size (kb) 8192
- -c: core file size (blocks) unlimited
- -m: resident set size (kb) unlimited
- -l: locked memory (kb) 64
- -p: processes unlimited
- -n: file descriptors 100
- -v: address space (kb) unlimited
- -w: locks unlimited
- -e: scheduling priority 0
- -r: real-time priority 0
- / # ab -n 1000000 -c 90 &
- / # lsof | wc -l
- 108
- / # lsof | grep -c ab
- 94
- / # ab -n 1000000 -c 100
- This is ApacheBench, Version 2.3 <$Revision: 1843412 $>
- Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd, http://www.zeustech.net/
- Licensed to The Apache Software Foundation, http://www.apache.org/
- Benchmarking (be patient)
- socket: No file descriptors available (24)
- This is a limit on the number of extant process (or, more pre‐
- cisely on Linux, threads) for the real user ID of the calling
- process. So long as the current number of processes belonging
- to this process's real user ID is greater than or equal to
- this limit, fork(2) fails with the error EAGAIN.
- The RLIMIT_NPROC limit is not enforced for processes that have
- either the CAP_SYS_ADMIN or the CAP_SYS_RESOURCE capability.
同一主机上运行的所有容器共享同一个内核(主机的内核),docker通过namspace对pid/utc/network等进行了隔离,虽然docker中已经实现了user namespace,但由于各种原因,默认没有开启,见docker user namespace
$ docker run -d cr.d.xiaomi.net/containercloud/alpine:webtool top
- $ ps -ef |grep top
- root 4096 4080 0 15:01 ? 00:00:01 top
容器中查看id,uid为0对应宿主机的root用户,虽然同为root用户,但Linux Capabilities不同,实际权限与宿主机root要少很多
- / # id
- uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),1(bin),2(daemon),3(sys),4(adm),6(disk),10(wheel),11(floppy),20(dialout),26(tape),27(video)
- / # su operator
- / $ id
- uid=11(operator) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
- / $ sleep 100
- $ ps -ef |grep 'sleep 100'
- app 19302 19297 0 16:39 pts/0 00:00:00 sleep 100
- $ cat /etc/passwd | grep app
- app❌11:0::/home/app:
设置 ulimit nproc限制soft 10/hard 20,默认启动为root用户
$ docker run -d --ulimit nproc=10:20 cr.d.xiaomi.net/containercloud/alpine:webtool top
进入容器查看, fd soft限制为100个
- / # ulimit -a
- -f: file size (blocks) unlimited
- -t: cpu time (seconds) unlimited
- -d: data seg size (kb) unlimited
- -s: stack size (kb) 8192
- -c: core file size (blocks) unlimited
- -m: resident set size (kb) unlimited
- -l: locked memory (kb) 64
- -p: processes 10
- -n: file descriptors 1048576
- -v: address space (kb) unlimited
- -w: locks unlimited
- -e: scheduling priority 0
- -r: real-time priority 0
- / # for i in `seq 30`;do sleep 100 &; done
- / # ps | wc -l
- 36
- / # su operator
- # 启动多个进程,到第11个进程无法进行fork
- / $ for i in `seq 8`; do
- > sleep 100 &
- > done
- / $ sleep 100 &
- / $ sleep 100 &
- sh: can't fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
- / # ps -ef | grep operator
- 79 operator 0:00 sh
- 99 operator 0:00 sleep 100
- 100 operator 0:00 sleep 100
- 101 operator 0:00 sleep 100
- 102 operator 0:00 sleep 100
- 103 operator 0:00 sleep 100
- 104 operator 0:00 sleep 100
- 105 operator 0:00 sleep 100
- 106 operator 0:00 sleep 100
- 107 operator 0:00 sleep 100
- 109 root 0:00 grep operator
- / # ps -ef | grep operator| wc -l
- 10
设置 ulimit nproc限制soft 3/hard 3,默认启动为operator用户,起4个容器,第四个启动失败
- $ docker run -d --ulimit nproc=3:3 --name nproc1 -u operator cr.d.xiaomi.net/containercloud/alpine:webtool top
- eeb1551bf757ad4f112c61cc48d7cbe959185f65109e4b44f28085f246043e65
- $ docker run -d --ulimit nproc=3:3 --name nproc2 -u operator cr.d.xiaomi.net/containercloud/alpine:webtool top
- 42ff29844565a9cb3af2c8dd560308b1f31306041d3dbd929011d65f1848a262
- $ docker run -d --ulimit nproc=3:3 --name nproc3 -u operator cr.d.xiaomi.net/containercloud/alpine:webtool top
- b7c9b469e73f969d922841dd77265467959eda28ed06301af8bf83bcf18e8c23
- $ docker run -d --ulimit nproc=3:3 --name nproc4 -u operator cr.d.xiaomi.net/containercloud/alpine:webtool top
- b49d8bb58757c88f69903059af2ee7e2a6cc2fa5774bc531941194c52edfd763
- $
- $ docker ps -a |grep nproc
- b49d8bb58757 cr.d.xiaomi.net/containercloud/alpine:webtool "top" 16 seconds ago Exited (1) 15 seconds ago nproc4
- b7c9b469e73f cr.d.xiaomi.net/containercloud/alpine:webtool "top" 23 seconds ago Up 22 seconds nproc3
- 42ff29844565 cr.d.xiaomi.net/containercloud/alpine:webtool "top" 31 seconds ago Up 29 seconds nproc2
- eeb1551bf757 cr.d.xiaomi.net/containercloud/alpine:webtool "top" 38 seconds ago Up 36 seconds nproc1
docker,容器启动时设置 –pids-limit 参数,限制容器级别pid总数
kubelet,开启SupportPodPidsLimit特性,设置–pod-max-pids参数,限制node每个pod的pid总数 以kubelet为例,开启SupportPodPidsLimit,--feature-gates=SupportPodPidsLimit=true
- [root@node01 ~]# ps -ef |grep kubelet
- root 18735 1 14 11:19 ? 00:53:28 ./kubelet --v=1 --address= --feature-gates=SupportPodPidsLimit=true --pod-max-pids=150 --allow-privileged=true --pod-infra-container-image=cr.d.xiaomi.net/kubernetes/pause-amd64:3.1 --root-dir=/home/kubelet --node-status-update-frequency=5s --kubeconfig=/home/xbox/kubelet/conf/kubelet-kubeconfig --fail-swap-on=false --max-pods=254 --runtime-cgroups=/systemd/system.slice/frigga.service --kubelet-cgroups=/systemd/system.slice/frigga.service --make-iptables-util-chains=false
- / # for i in `seq 100`; do
- > sleep 1000 &
- > done
- / # ps | wc -l
- 106
operator 下,创建线程受到限制,系统最多只能创建150个
- / # su operator
- / $
- / $ for i in `seq 100`; do
- > sleep 1000 &
- > done
- sh: can't fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
- / $ ps | wc -l
- 150
- [root@node01 ~]# cat /sys/fs/cgroup/pids/kubepods/besteffort/pod8b61d4de-a7ad-11e9-b5b9-246e96ad0900/pids.current
- 150
- [root@node01 ~]# cat /sys/fs/cgroup/pids/kubepods/besteffort/pod8b61d4de-a7ad-11e9-b5b9-246e96ad0900/pids.max
- 150
总结 cgroup对于pid的限制能够达到限制线程数目的,目前docker只支持对每个容器的限制,不支持全局配置;kubelet只支持对于node所有pod的全局配置,不支持具体每个pod的配置
sysctl.conf为机器级别的资源限制,root用户可修改,目录项/etc/security/sysctl.d/中的配置会覆盖sysctl.conf,在/etc/sysctl.conf中添加对应配置(fd: fs.file-max = {}; pid: kernel.pid_max = {})
- $ docker run -d --ulimit nofile=100:200 cr.d.xiaomi.net/containercloud/alpine:webtool top
- cb1250c8fd217258da51c6818fa2ce2e2f6e35bf1d52648f1f432e6ce579cf0d
- $ docker exec -it cb1250c sh
- / # ulimit -a
- -f: file size (blocks) unlimited
- -t: cpu time (seconds) unlimited
- -d: data seg size (kb) unlimited
- -s: stack size (kb) 8192
- -c: core file size (blocks) unlimited
- -m: resident set size (kb) unlimited
- -l: locked memory (kb) 64
- -p: processes unlimited
- -n: file descriptors 100
- -v: address space (kb) unlimited
- -w: locks unlimited
- -e: scheduling priority 0
- -r: real-time priority 0
- / #
- / # echo 10 > /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max
- sh: can't create /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max: Read-only file system
- / # echo 10 > /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max
- sh: can't create /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max: Read-only file system
- / # echo "fs.file-max=5" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
- / # sysctl -p
- sysctl: error setting key 'fs.file-max': Read-only file system
- $ cat /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max
- 32768
- $ docker run -d -- --ulimit nofile=100:200 cr.d.xiaomi.net/containercloud/alpine:webtool top
- $ docker exec -it pedantic_vaughan sh
- / # cat /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max
- 32768
- / # echo 50000 > /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max
- / # cat /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max
- 50000
- / # exit
- $ cat /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max
- 50000 # 宿主机的文件也变成50000
总结 由于docker隔离的不彻底,在docker中修改sysctl会覆盖主机中的配置,不能用来实现容器级别资源限制 limits.conf可以在容器中设置,效果同ulimit
thread限制:修改kubelet配置--feature-gates=SupportPodPidsLimit=true --pod-max-pids={},cgroup级别限制pid,从而限制线程数
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