yum install -y gcc gcc-c++
yum -y install libevent
tar -zxvf libfastcommon-1.0.70.tar.gz
- cd /usr/local/bigdata/libfastcommon-1.0.70
- ./make.sh
- ./make.sh install
- tar -zxvf libserverframe-1.2.0.tar.gz
- cd libserverframe-1.2.0
- ./make.sh
- ./make.sh install
- tar -zxvf fastdfs-6.10.0.tar.gz
- cd fastdfs-6.10.0
- ./make.sh
- ./make.sh install
- [root@node5 fdfs]# ll
- 总用量 32
- -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1901 11月 20 21:18 client.conf
- -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10287 11月 20 21:25 storage.conf
- -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 620 11月 20 21:18 storage_ids.conf
- -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9158 11月 20 21:22 tracker.conf
4.2、tracker.conf 配置文件
- [root@node5 fdfs]# cat tracker.conf
- # is this config file disabled
- # false for enabled
- # true for disabled
- disabled = false
- # bind an address of this host
- # empty for bind all addresses of this host
- bind_addr =
- # the tracker server port
- port = 22122
- # connect timeout in seconds
- # default value is 30
- # Note: in the intranet network (LAN), 2 seconds is enough.
- connect_timeout = 5
- # network timeout in seconds for send and recv
- # default value is 30
- network_timeout = 60
- # the base path to store data and log files
- # base_path = /opt/fastdfs
- base_path = /data/fastdfs
- # max concurrent connections this server support
- # you should set this parameter larger, eg. 10240
- # default value is 256
- max_connections = 1024
- # accept thread count
- # default value is 1 which is recommended
- # since V4.07
- accept_threads = 1
- # work thread count
- # work threads to deal network io
- # default value is 4
- # since V2.00
- work_threads = 4
- # the min network buff size
- # default value 8KB
- min_buff_size = 8KB
- # the max network buff size
- # default value 128KB
- max_buff_size = 128KB
- # the method for selecting group to upload files
- # 0: round robin
- # 1: specify group
- # 2: load balance, select the max free space group to upload file
- store_lookup = 2
- # which group to upload file
- # when store_lookup set to 1, must set store_group to the group name
- store_group = group2
- # which storage server to upload file
- # 0: round robin (default)
- # 1: the first server order by ip address
- # 2: the first server order by priority (the minimal)
- # Note: if use_trunk_file set to true, must set store_server to 1 or 2
- store_server = 0
- # which path (means disk or mount point) of the storage server to upload file
- # 0: round robin
- # 2: load balance, select the max free space path to upload file
- store_path = 0
- # which storage server to download file
- # 0: round robin (default)
- # 1: the source storage server which the current file uploaded to
- download_server = 0
- # reserved storage space for system or other applications.
- # if the free(available) space of any stoarge server in
- # a group <= reserved_storage_space, no file can be uploaded to this group.
- # bytes unit can be one of follows:
- ### G or g for gigabyte(GB)
- ### M or m for megabyte(MB)
- ### K or k for kilobyte(KB)
- ### no unit for byte(B)
- ### XX.XX% as ratio such as: reserved_storage_space = 10%
- reserved_storage_space = 20%
- #standard log level as syslog, case insensitive, value list:
- ### emerg for emergency
- ### alert
- ### crit for critical
- ### error
- ### warn for warning
- ### notice
- ### info
- ### debug
- log_level = info
- #unix group name to run this program,
- #not set (empty) means run by the group of current user
- run_by_group=
- #unix username to run this program,
- #not set (empty) means run by current user
- run_by_user =
- # allow_hosts can ocur more than once, host can be hostname or ip address,
- # "*" (only one asterisk) means match all ip addresses
- # we can use CIDR ips like
- # and also use range like these: 10.0.1.[0-254] and host[01-08,20-25].domain.com
- # for example:
- # allow_hosts=10.0.1.[1-15,20]
- # allow_hosts=host[01-08,20-25].domain.com
- # allow_hosts=
- allow_hosts = *
- # sync log buff to disk every interval seconds
- # default value is 10 seconds
- sync_log_buff_interval = 1
- # check storage server alive interval seconds
- check_active_interval = 120
- # thread stack size, should >= 64KB
- # default value is 256KB
- thread_stack_size = 256KB
- # auto adjust when the ip address of the storage server changed
- # default value is true
- storage_ip_changed_auto_adjust = true
- # storage sync file max delay seconds
- # default value is 86400 seconds (one day)
- # since V2.00
- storage_sync_file_max_delay = 86400
- # the max time of storage sync a file
- # default value is 300 seconds
- # since V2.00
- storage_sync_file_max_time = 300
- # if use a trunk file to store several small files
- # default value is false
- # since V3.00
- use_trunk_file = false
- # the min slot size, should <= 4KB
- # default value is 256 bytes
- # since V3.00
- slot_min_size = 256
- # the max slot size, should > slot_min_size
- # store the upload file to trunk file when it's size <= this value
- # default value is 16MB
- # since V3.00
- slot_max_size = 1MB
- # the alignment size to allocate the trunk space
- # default value is 0 (never align)
- # since V6.05
- # NOTE: the larger the alignment size, the less likely of disk
- # fragmentation, but the more space is wasted.
- trunk_alloc_alignment_size = 256
- # if merge contiguous free spaces of trunk file
- # default value is false
- # since V6.05
- trunk_free_space_merge = true
- # if delete / reclaim the unused trunk files
- # default value is false
- # since V6.05
- delete_unused_trunk_files = false
- # the trunk file size, should >= 4MB
- # default value is 64MB
- # since V3.00
- trunk_file_size = 64MB
- # if create trunk file advancely
- # default value is false
- # since V3.06
- trunk_create_file_advance = false
- # the time base to create trunk file
- # the time format: HH:MM
- # default value is 02:00
- # since V3.06
- trunk_create_file_time_base = 02:00
- # the interval of create trunk file, unit: second
- # default value is 38400 (one day)
- # since V3.06
- trunk_create_file_interval = 86400
- # the threshold to create trunk file
- # when the free trunk file size less than the threshold,
- # will create he trunk files
- # default value is 0
- # since V3.06
- trunk_create_file_space_threshold = 20G
- # if check trunk space occupying when loading trunk free spaces
- # the occupied spaces will be ignored
- # default value is false
- # since V3.09
- # NOTICE: set this parameter to true will slow the loading of trunk spaces
- # when startup. you should set this parameter to true when neccessary.
- trunk_init_check_occupying = false
- # if ignore storage_trunk.dat, reload from trunk binlog
- # default value is false
- # since V3.10
- # set to true once for version upgrade when your version less than V3.10
- trunk_init_reload_from_binlog = false
- # the min interval for compressing the trunk binlog file
- # unit: second, 0 means never compress
- # FastDFS compress the trunk binlog when trunk init and trunk destroy
- # recommand to set this parameter to 86400 (one day)
- # default value is 0
- # since V5.01
- trunk_compress_binlog_min_interval = 86400
- # the interval for compressing the trunk binlog file
- # unit: second, 0 means never compress
- # recommand to set this parameter to 86400 (one day)
- # default value is 0
- # since V6.05
- trunk_compress_binlog_interval = 86400
- # compress the trunk binlog time base, time format: Hour:Minute
- # Hour from 0 to 23, Minute from 0 to 59
- # default value is 03:00
- # since V6.05
- trunk_compress_binlog_time_base = 03:00
- # max backups for the trunk binlog file
- # default value is 0 (never backup)
- # since V6.05
- trunk_binlog_max_backups = 7
- # if use storage server ID instead of IP address
- # if you want to use dual IPs for storage server, you MUST set
- # this parameter to true, and configure the dual IPs in the file
- # configured by following item "storage_ids_filename", such as storage_ids.conf
- # default value is false
- # since V4.00
- use_storage_id = false
- # specify storage ids filename, can use relative or absolute path
- # this parameter is valid only when use_storage_id set to true
- # since V4.00
- storage_ids_filename = storage_ids.conf
- # id type of the storage server in the filename, values are:
- ## ip: the ip address of the storage server
- ## id: the server id of the storage server
- # this paramter is valid only when use_storage_id set to true
- # default value is ip
- # since V4.03
- id_type_in_filename = id
- # if store slave file use symbol link
- # default value is false
- # since V4.01
- store_slave_file_use_link = false
- # if rotate the error log every day
- # default value is false
- # since V4.02
- rotate_error_log = false
- # rotate error log time base, time format: Hour:Minute
- # Hour from 0 to 23, Minute from 0 to 59
- # default value is 00:00
- # since V4.02
- error_log_rotate_time = 00:00
- # if compress the old error log by gzip
- # default value is false
- # since V6.04
- compress_old_error_log = false
- # compress the error log days before
- # default value is 1
- # since V6.04
- compress_error_log_days_before = 7
- # rotate error log when the log file exceeds this size
- # 0 means never rotates log file by log file size
- # default value is 0
- # since V4.02
- rotate_error_log_size = 0
- # keep days of the log files
- # 0 means do not delete old log files
- # default value is 0
- log_file_keep_days = 0
- # if use connection pool
- # default value is false
- # since V4.05
- use_connection_pool = true
- # connections whose the idle time exceeds this time will be closed
- # unit: second
- # default value is 3600
- # since V4.05
- connection_pool_max_idle_time = 3600
- # HTTP port on this tracker server
- http.server_port = 8080
- # check storage HTTP server alive interval seconds
- # <= 0 for never check
- # default value is 30
- http.check_alive_interval = 30
- # check storage HTTP server alive type, values are:
- # tcp : connect to the storge server with HTTP port only,
- # do not request and get response
- # http: storage check alive url must return http status 200
- # default value is tcp
- http.check_alive_type = tcp
- # check storage HTTP server alive uri/url
- # NOTE: storage embed HTTP server support uri: /status.html
- http.check_alive_uri = /status.html

- [root@node5 fdfs]# cat storage.conf
- # is this config file disabled
- # false for enabled
- # true for disabled
- disabled = false
- # the name of the group this storage server belongs to
- #
- # comment or remove this item for fetching from tracker server,
- # in this case, use_storage_id must set to true in tracker.conf,
- # and storage_ids.conf must be configured correctly.
- group_name = group1
- # bind an address of this host
- # empty for bind all addresses of this host
- bind_addr =
- # if bind an address of this host when connect to other servers
- # (this storage server as a client)
- # true for binding the address configured by the above parameter: "bind_addr"
- # false for binding any address of this host
- client_bind = true
- # the storage server port
- port = 23000
- # connect timeout in seconds
- # default value is 30
- # Note: in the intranet network (LAN), 2 seconds is enough.
- connect_timeout = 5
- # network timeout in seconds for send and recv
- # default value is 30
- network_timeout = 60
- # the heart beat interval in seconds
- # the storage server send heartbeat to tracker server periodically
- # default value is 30
- heart_beat_interval = 30
- # disk usage report interval in seconds
- # the storage server send disk usage report to tracker server periodically
- # default value is 300
- stat_report_interval = 60
- # the base path to store data and log files
- # NOTE: the binlog files maybe are large, make sure
- # the base path has enough disk space,
- # eg. the disk free space should > 50GB
- # base_path = /opt/fastdfs
- base_path = /data/fastdfs
- # max concurrent connections the server supported,
- # you should set this parameter larger, eg. 10240
- # default value is 256
- max_connections = 1024
- # the buff size to recv / send data from/to network
- # this parameter must more than 8KB
- # 256KB or 512KB is recommended
- # default value is 64KB
- # since V2.00
- buff_size = 256KB
- # accept thread count
- # default value is 1 which is recommended
- # since V4.07
- accept_threads = 1
- # work thread count
- # work threads to deal network io
- # default value is 4
- # since V2.00
- work_threads = 4
- # if disk read / write separated
- ## false for mixed read and write
- ## true for separated read and write
- # default value is true
- # since V2.00
- disk_rw_separated = true
- # disk reader thread count per store path
- # for mixed read / write, this parameter can be 0
- # default value is 1
- # since V2.00
- disk_reader_threads = 1
- # disk writer thread count per store path
- # for mixed read / write, this parameter can be 0
- # default value is 1
- # since V2.00
- disk_writer_threads = 1
- # when no entry to sync, try read binlog again after X milliseconds
- # must > 0, default value is 200ms
- sync_wait_msec = 50
- # after sync a file, usleep milliseconds
- # 0 for sync successively (never call usleep)
- sync_interval = 0
- # storage sync start time of a day, time format: Hour:Minute
- # Hour from 0 to 23, Minute from 0 to 59
- sync_start_time = 00:00
- # storage sync end time of a day, time format: Hour:Minute
- # Hour from 0 to 23, Minute from 0 to 59
- sync_end_time = 23:59
- # write to the mark file after sync N files
- # default value is 500
- write_mark_file_freq = 500
- # disk recovery thread count
- # default value is 1
- # since V6.04
- disk_recovery_threads = 3
- # store path (disk or mount point) count, default value is 1
- store_path_count = 1
- # store_path#, based on 0, to configure the store paths to store files
- # if store_path0 not exists, it's value is base_path (NOT recommended)
- # the paths must be exist.
- #
- # the store paths' order is very important, don't mess up!!!
- # the base_path should be independent (different) of the store paths
- # store_path0 = /opt/fastdfs
- store_path0 = /data/fastdfs/fdfs_storage
- #store_path1 = /opt/fastdfs2
- # subdir_count * subdir_count directories will be auto created under each
- # store_path (disk), value can be 1 to 256, default value is 256
- subdir_count_per_path = 256
- # tracker_server can ocur more than once for multi tracker servers.
- # the value format of tracker_server is "HOST:PORT",
- # the HOST can be hostname or ip address,
- # and the HOST can be dual IPs or hostnames seperated by comma,
- # the dual IPS must be an inner (intranet) IP and an outer (extranet) IP,
- # or two different types of inner (intranet) IPs.
- # for example:,
- # another eg.:,
- tracker_server = node5:22122
- # tracker_server =
- #standard log level as syslog, case insensitive, value list:
- ### emerg for emergency
- ### alert
- ### crit for critical
- ### error
- ### warn for warning
- ### notice
- ### info
- ### debug
- log_level = info
- #unix group name to run this program,
- #not set (empty) means run by the group of current user
- run_by_group =
- #unix username to run this program,
- #not set (empty) means run by current user
- run_by_user =
- # allow_hosts can ocur more than once, host can be hostname or ip address,
- # "*" (only one asterisk) means match all ip addresses
- # we can use CIDR ips like
- # and also use range like these: 10.0.1.[0-254] and host[01-08,20-25].domain.com
- # for example:
- # allow_hosts=10.0.1.[1-15,20]
- # allow_hosts=host[01-08,20-25].domain.com
- # allow_hosts=
- allow_hosts = *
- # the mode of the files distributed to the data path
- # 0: round robin(default)
- # 1: random, distributted by hash code
- file_distribute_path_mode = 0
- # valid when file_distribute_to_path is set to 0 (round robin).
- # when the written file count reaches this number, then rotate to next path.
- # rotate to the first path (00/00) after the last path (such as FF/FF).
- # default value is 100
- file_distribute_rotate_count = 100
- # call fsync to disk when write big file
- # 0: never call fsync
- # other: call fsync when written bytes >= this bytes
- # default value is 0 (never call fsync)
- fsync_after_written_bytes = 0
- # sync log buff to disk every interval seconds
- # must > 0, default value is 10 seconds
- sync_log_buff_interval = 1
- # sync binlog buff / cache to disk every interval seconds
- # default value is 60 seconds
- sync_binlog_buff_interval = 1
- # sync storage stat info to disk every interval seconds
- # default value is 300 seconds
- sync_stat_file_interval = 300
- # thread stack size, should >= 512KB
- # default value is 512KB
- thread_stack_size = 512KB
- # the priority as a source server for uploading file.
- # the lower this value, the higher its uploading priority.
- # default value is 10
- upload_priority = 10
- # the NIC alias prefix, such as eth in Linux, you can see it by ifconfig -a
- # multi aliases split by comma. empty value means auto set by OS type
- # default values is empty
- if_alias_prefix =
- # if check file duplicate, when set to true, use FastDHT to store file indexes
- # 1 or yes: need check
- # 0 or no: do not check
- # default value is 0
- check_file_duplicate = 0
- # file signature method for check file duplicate
- ## hash: four 32 bits hash code
- ## md5: MD5 signature
- # default value is hash
- # since V4.01
- file_signature_method = hash
- # namespace for storing file indexes (key-value pairs)
- # this item must be set when check_file_duplicate is true / on
- key_namespace = FastDFS
- # set keep_alive to 1 to enable persistent connection with FastDHT servers
- # default value is 0 (short connection)
- keep_alive = 0
- # you can use "#include filename" (not include double quotes) directive to
- # load FastDHT server list, when the filename is a relative path such as
- # pure filename, the base path is the base path of current/this config file.
- # must set FastDHT server list when check_file_duplicate is true / on
- # please see INSTALL of FastDHT for detail
- ##include /home/yuqing/fastdht/conf/fdht_servers.conf
- # if log to access log
- # default value is false
- # since V4.00
- use_access_log = false
- # if rotate the access log every day
- # default value is false
- # since V4.00
- rotate_access_log = false
- # rotate access log time base, time format: Hour:Minute
- # Hour from 0 to 23, Minute from 0 to 59
- # default value is 00:00
- # since V4.00
- access_log_rotate_time = 00:00
- # if compress the old access log by gzip
- # default value is false
- # since V6.04
- compress_old_access_log = false
- # compress the access log days before
- # default value is 1
- # since V6.04
- compress_access_log_days_before = 7
- # if rotate the error log every day
- # default value is false
- # since V4.02
- rotate_error_log = false
- # rotate error log time base, time format: Hour:Minute
- # Hour from 0 to 23, Minute from 0 to 59
- # default value is 00:00
- # since V4.02
- error_log_rotate_time = 00:00
- # if compress the old error log by gzip
- # default value is false
- # since V6.04
- compress_old_error_log = false
- # compress the error log days before
- # default value is 1
- # since V6.04
- compress_error_log_days_before = 7
- # rotate access log when the log file exceeds this size
- # 0 means never rotates log file by log file size
- # default value is 0
- # since V4.02
- rotate_access_log_size = 0
- # rotate error log when the log file exceeds this size
- # 0 means never rotates log file by log file size
- # default value is 0
- # since V4.02
- rotate_error_log_size = 0
- # keep days of the log files
- # 0 means do not delete old log files
- # default value is 0
- log_file_keep_days = 0
- # if skip the invalid record when sync file
- # default value is false
- # since V4.02
- file_sync_skip_invalid_record = false
- # if use connection pool
- # default value is false
- # since V4.05
- use_connection_pool = true
- # connections whose the idle time exceeds this time will be closed
- # unit: second
- # default value is 3600
- # since V4.05
- connection_pool_max_idle_time = 3600
- # if compress the binlog files by gzip
- # default value is false
- # since V6.01
- compress_binlog = true
- # try to compress binlog time, time format: Hour:Minute
- # Hour from 0 to 23, Minute from 0 to 59
- # default value is 01:30
- # since V6.01
- compress_binlog_time = 01:30
- # if check the mark of store path to prevent confusion
- # recommend to set this parameter to true
- # if two storage servers (instances) MUST use a same store path for
- # some specific purposes, you should set this parameter to false
- # default value is true
- # since V6.03
- check_store_path_mark = true
- # use the ip address of this storage server if domain_name is empty,
- # else this domain name will ocur in the url redirected by the tracker server
- http.domain_name =
- # the port of the web server on this storage server
- http.server_port = 8888

- [root@node5 bigdata]# cat /etc/fdfs/client.conf
- # connect timeout in seconds
- # default value is 30s
- # Note: in the intranet network (LAN), 2 seconds is enough.
- connect_timeout = 5
- # network timeout in seconds
- # default value is 30s
- network_timeout = 60
- # the base path to store log files
- # base_path = /opt/fastdfs
- base_path = /data/fastdfs/client
- # tracker_server can ocur more than once for multi tracker servers.
- # the value format of tracker_server is "HOST:PORT",
- # the HOST can be hostname or ip address,
- # and the HOST can be dual IPs or hostnames seperated by comma,
- # the dual IPS must be an inner (intranet) IP and an outer (extranet) IP,
- # or two different types of inner (intranet) IPs.
- # for example:,
- # another eg.:,
- tracker_server = node5:22122
- #tracker_server =
- #standard log level as syslog, case insensitive, value list:
- ### emerg for emergency
- ### alert
- ### crit for critical
- ### error
- ### warn for warning
- ### notice
- ### info
- ### debug
- log_level = info
- # if use connection pool
- # default value is false
- # since V4.05
- use_connection_pool = false
- # connections whose the idle time exceeds this time will be closed
- # unit: second
- # default value is 3600
- # since V4.05
- connection_pool_max_idle_time = 3600
- # if load FastDFS parameters from tracker server
- # since V4.05
- # default value is false
- load_fdfs_parameters_from_tracker = false
- # if use storage ID instead of IP address
- # same as tracker.conf
- # valid only when load_fdfs_parameters_from_tracker is false
- # default value is false
- # since V4.05
- use_storage_id = false
- # specify storage ids filename, can use relative or absolute path
- # same as tracker.conf
- # valid only when load_fdfs_parameters_from_tracker is false
- # since V4.05
- storage_ids_filename = storage_ids.conf
- #HTTP settings
- http.tracker_server_port = 80
- #use "#include" directive to include HTTP other settiongs
- ##include http.conf

/usr/bin/fdfs_trackerd /etc/fdfs/tracker.conf
/usr/bin/fdfs_storaged /etc/fdfs/storage.conf
netstat -ntlp
- [root@node5 bigdata]# netstat -ntlp
- Active Internet connections (only servers)
- Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
- tcp 0 0* LISTEN 51822/fdfs_storaged
- tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1332/master
- tcp 0 0* LISTEN 51590/fdfs_trackerd
- tcp 0 0* LISTEN 680/rpcbind
- tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1090/sshd
- tcp6 0 0 ::1:25 :::* LISTEN 1332/master
- tcp6 0 0 :::111 :::* LISTEN 680/rpcbind
- tcp6 0 0 :::22 :::* LISTEN 1090/sshd
- [root@node5 data]# /usr/bin/fdfs_monitor /etc/fdfs/storage.conf
- [2023-11-20 21:56:02] DEBUG - cp: 0x616bc0, tls.enabled: 0, htable_capacity: 0
- [2023-11-20 21:56:02] DEBUG - base_path=/data/fastdfs, connect_timeout=5, network_timeout=60, tracker_server_count=1, anti_steal_token=0, anti_steal_secret_key length=0, use_connection_pool=1, g_connection_pool_max_idle_time=3600s, use_storage_id=0, storage server id count: 0
- server_count=1, server_index=0
- tracker server is
- group count: 1
- Group 1:
- group name = group1
- disk total space = 17,394 MB
- disk free space = 14,381 MB
- trunk free space = 0 MB
- storage server count = 1
- active server count = 1
- storage server port = 23000
- storage HTTP port = 8888
- store path count = 1
- subdir count per path = 256
- current write server index = 0
- current trunk file id = 0
- Storage 1:
- id =
- ip_addr = ACTIVE
- http domain =
- version = 6.10.
- join time = 2023-11-20 21:26:27
- up time = 2023-11-20 21:26:38
- total storage = 17,394 MB
- free storage = 14,381 MB
- upload priority = 10
- store_path_count = 1
- subdir_count_per_path = 256
- storage_port = 23000
- storage_http_port = 8888
- current_write_path = 0
- source storage id =
- if_trunk_server = 0
- connection.alloc_count = 0
- connection.current_count = 0
- connection.max_count = 0
- total_upload_count = 0
- success_upload_count = 0
- total_append_count = 0
- success_append_count = 0
- total_modify_count = 0
- success_modify_count = 0
- total_truncate_count = 0
- success_truncate_count = 0
- total_set_meta_count = 0
- success_set_meta_count = 0
- total_delete_count = 0
- success_delete_count = 0
- total_download_count = 0
- success_download_count = 0
- total_get_meta_count = 0
- success_get_meta_count = 0
- total_create_link_count = 0
- success_create_link_count = 0
- total_delete_link_count = 0
- success_delete_link_count = 0
- total_upload_bytes = 0
- success_upload_bytes = 0
- total_append_bytes = 0
- success_append_bytes = 0
- total_modify_bytes = 0
- success_modify_bytes = 0
- stotal_download_bytes = 0
- success_download_bytes = 0
- total_sync_in_bytes = 0
- success_sync_in_bytes = 0
- total_sync_out_bytes = 0
- success_sync_out_bytes = 0
- total_file_open_count = 0
- success_file_open_count = 0
- total_file_read_count = 0
- success_file_read_count = 0
- total_file_write_count = 0
- success_file_write_count = 0
- last_heart_beat_time = 2023-11-20 21:55:39
- last_source_update = 1970-01-01 08:00:00
- last_sync_update = 1970-01-01 08:00:00
- last_synced_timestamp = 1970-01-01 08:00:00

- [root@node5 bigdata]# /usr/bin/fdfs_upload_file /etc/fdfs/client.conf hello.txt
- group1/M00/00/00/wKgqj2VbZz6AEMWLAAAAVg21ZJg024.txt
- [root@node5 bigdata]# cat /data/fastdfs/fdfs_storage/data/00/00/wKgqj2VbZz6AEMWLAAAAVg21ZJg024.txt
- aasdfasdfasdf
- asdfasdfasdf
- asd
- fasd
- fasdfasd
- hello world
- asdfasdf
- asdf
- as
- df
- asdf
- asd
- 删除文件
- # /usr/bin/fdfs_delete_file /etc/fdfs/client.conf group1/M00/00/00/wKgqj2VbZz6AEMWLAAAAVg21ZJg024.txt
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