- import os
- import signal
- import random
- import secrets
- FLAG = os.getenv("FLAG", "fake{cast a special spell}")
- def janken(a, b):
- return (a - b + 3) % 3
- signal.alarm(1000)
- print("kurenaif: Hi, I'm a crypto witch. Let's a spell battle with me.")
- witch_spell = secrets.token_hex(16)
- witch_rand = random.Random()
- witch_rand.seed(int(witch_spell, 16))
- print(f"kurenaif: My spell is {witch_spell}. What about your spell?")
- your_spell = input("your spell: ")
- your_random = random.Random()
- your_random.seed(int(your_spell, 16))
- for _ in range(666):
- witch_hand = witch_rand.randint(0, 2)
- your_hand = your_random.randint(0, 2)
- if janken(your_hand, witch_hand) != 1:
- print("kurenaif: Could you come here the day before yesterday?")
- quit()
- print("kurenaif: Amazing! Your spell is very powerful!!")
- print(f"kurenaif: OK. The flag is here. {FLAG}")

第一步就是先求 state
- from pwn import *
- import random
- io = remote("janken-vs-kurenaif.seccon.games", 8080)
- context.log_level = 'debug'
- io.recvuntil(b"kurenaif: My spell is ")
- u_spell = io.recvuntil(b'.', drop= True).decode()
- print(f"{u_spell = }")
- #u_spell = 'df74f6c5c096355a87ec544c1ac865e8'
- u_rand = random.Random()
- u_rand.seed(int(u_spell, 16))
- u_hand = [u_rand.randint(0,2) for _ in range(666)]
- i_hand = [(i+1)%3 for i in u_hand]
- #solve prng
- from Untwister import Untwister as _Untwister
- import logging
- logging.disable()
- # Superclass Untwister to obtain PRNG state after seeding
- # instead of PRNG state after outputs generated
- class Untwister(_Untwister):
- def __init__(self):
- super().__init__()
- self.first_MT = self.MT
- # https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/main/Modules/_randommodule.c#L201
- # Index is 624 after seeding
- self.index = 624
- def get_random(self):
- # https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/main/Modules/_randommodule.c#L232
- # First MT state is set to 0x80000000 after seeding
- self.solver.add(self.first_MT[0] == 0x80000000)
- print(self.solver.check())
- model = self.solver.model()
- state = [
- model[x].as_long() if model[x] is not None else 0
- for x in self.first_MT
- ]
- result_state = (3, tuple(state+[624]), None)
- rand = random.Random()
- rand.setstate(result_state)
- return rand
- ut = Untwister()
- for me in i_hand:
- res = bin(me)[2:].zfill(2) + "?" * 30 #fill to 32bits
- ut.submit(res)
- ut_rand = ut.get_random()
- ut_rand_state = ut_rand.getstate()[1][:-1]
- # sanity check
- for me in i_hand:
- assert me == ut_rand.randint(0, 2)

这里边用到一个模块Untwister 可以到github下载,其实本身很短,直接放在这。
- #https://raw.githubusercontent.com/icemonster/symbolic_mersenne_cracker/main/main.py
- from z3 import *
- from random import Random
- from itertools import count
- from time import time
- import logging
- logging.basicConfig(format='STT> %(message)s')
- logger = logging.getLogger()
- logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- class Untwister:
- def __init__(self):
- name = next(SYMBOLIC_COUNTER)
- self.MT = [BitVec(f'MT_{i}_{name}', 32) for i in range(624)]
- self.index = 0
- self.solver = Solver()
- #This particular method was adapted from https://www.schutzwerk.com/en/43/posts/attacking_a_random_number_generator/
- def symbolic_untamper(self, solver, y):
- name = next(SYMBOLIC_COUNTER)
- y1 = BitVec(f'y1_{name}', 32)
- y2 = BitVec(f'y2_{name}' , 32)
- y3 = BitVec(f'y3_{name}', 32)
- y4 = BitVec(f'y4_{name}', 32)
- equations = [
- y2 == y1 ^ (LShR(y1, 11)),
- y3 == y2 ^ ((y2 << 7) & 0x9D2C5680),
- y4 == y3 ^ ((y3 << 15) & 0xEFC60000),
- y == y4 ^ (LShR(y4, 18))
- ]
- solver.add(equations)
- return y1
- def symbolic_twist(self, MT, n=624, upper_mask=0x80000000, lower_mask=0x7FFFFFFF, a=0x9908B0DF, m=397):
- '''
- This method models MT19937 function as a Z3 program
- '''
- MT = [i for i in MT] #Just a shallow copy of the state
- for i in range(n):
- x = (MT[i] & upper_mask) + (MT[(i+1) % n] & lower_mask)
- xA = LShR(x, 1)
- xB = If(x & 1 == 0, xA, xA ^ a) #Possible Z3 optimization here by declaring auxiliary symbolic variables
- MT[i] = MT[(i + m) % n] ^ xB
- return MT
- def get_symbolic(self, guess):
- name = next(SYMBOLIC_COUNTER)
- ERROR = 'Must pass a string like "?1100???1001000??0?100?10??10010" where ? represents an unknown bit'
- assert type(guess) == str, ERROR
- assert all(map(lambda x: x in '01?', guess)), ERROR
- assert len(guess) <= 32, "One 32-bit number at a time please"
- guess = guess.zfill(32)
- self.symbolic_guess = BitVec(f'symbolic_guess_{name}', 32)
- guess = guess[::-1]
- for i, bit in enumerate(guess):
- if bit != '?':
- self.solver.add(Extract(i, i, self.symbolic_guess) == bit)
- return self.symbolic_guess
- def submit(self, guess):
- '''
- You need 624 numbers to completely clone the state.
- You can input less than that though and this will give you the best guess for the state
- '''
- if self.index >= 624:
- name = next(SYMBOLIC_COUNTER)
- next_mt = self.symbolic_twist(self.MT)
- self.MT = [BitVec(f'MT_{i}_{name}', 32) for i in range(624)]
- for i in range(624):
- self.solver.add(self.MT[i] == next_mt[i])
- self.index = 0
- symbolic_guess = self.get_symbolic(guess)
- symbolic_guess = self.symbolic_untamper(self.solver, symbolic_guess)
- self.solver.add(self.MT[self.index] == symbolic_guess)
- self.index += 1
- def get_random(self):
- '''
- This will give you a random.Random() instance with the cloned state.
- '''
- logger.debug('Solving...')
- start = time()
- self.solver.check()
- model = self.solver.model()
- end = time()
- logger.debug(f'Solved! (in {round(end-start,3)}s)')
- #Compute best guess for state
- state = list(map(lambda x: model[x].as_long(), self.MT))
- result_state = (3, tuple(state+[self.index]), None)
- r = Random()
- r.setstate(result_state)
- return r

- #2.get seed
- from z3 import *
- prng_N = 624
- def u32(x):
- return x & 0xffffffff
- # Note that LShR is used instead of ">>" operator
- # unsigned 32 bit integers use logical bitshift, not arithmetic bitshift.
- # https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/main/Modules/_randommodule.c#L186
- def init_genrand(s):
- mt = [0 for _ in range(prng_N)]
- mt[0] = BitVecVal(s, 32)
- mti = 1
- while mti < prng_N:
- mt[mti] = u32(
- 1812433253 * (mt[mti-1] ^ LShR(mt[mti-1], 30)) + mti
- # 1812433253 * (mt[mti-1] ^ (mt[mti-1] >> 30)) + mti
- )
- mti += 1
- return mt, mti
- # https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/main/Modules/_randommodule.c#L209
- def init_by_array(init_key):
- key_length = len(init_key)
- mt, mti = init_genrand(19650218)
- i, j = 1, 0
- k = prng_N if prng_N > key_length else key_length
- while k:
- mt[i] = u32(
- (mt[i] ^ ((mt[i-1] ^ LShR(mt[i-1], 30)) * 1664525)) + init_key[j] + j
- )
- i, j = i + 1, j + 1
- if i >= prng_N:
- mt[0] = mt[prng_N-1]
- i = 1
- if j >= key_length:
- j = 0
- k -= 1
- k = prng_N - 1
- while k:
- mt[i] = u32(
- (mt[i] ^ ((mt[i-1] ^ LShR(mt[i-1], 30)) * 1566083941)) - i
- )
- i += 1
- if i >= prng_N:
- mt[0] = mt[prng_N-1]
- i = 1
- k -= 1
- mt[0] = 0x80000000;
- return mt
- seed_vars = [
- BitVec(f"seed_{i}", 32) for i in range(624)
- ]
- seed_rand_state = init_by_array(seed_vars)
- s = Solver()
- for a, b in zip(seed_rand_state, ut_rand_state):
- s.add(a == b)
- print('check:',s.check())
- model = s.model()
- print(f"{model = }")
- seed_init_key = [
- model[x].as_long() if model[x] is not None else 0
- for x in seed_vars
- ]
- print(f"{seed_init_key[:10] = }")

- #3,get my spell
- seed_rand_seed = sum([x * (2 ** (idx * 32))for idx, x in enumerate(seed_init_key)])
- print("seed_rand_seed =", hex(seed_rand_seed)[2:52], "...")
- seed_rand = random.Random()
- seed_rand.seed(seed_rand_seed)
- # sanity check
- assert seed_rand.getstate()[1][:-1] == ut_rand_state
- for me in i_hand:
- assert me == seed_rand.randint(0, 2)
- print(f"I spell:{hex(seed_rand_seed)[2:]}")
- io.sendline(f"{hex(seed_rand_seed)[2:]}".encode())
- print(io.recvall().decode())

- from Crypto.Cipher import AES
- from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
- from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad, unpad
- from flag import flag, secret_spell
- key = get_random_bytes(16)
- nonce = get_random_bytes(16)
- def encrypt():
- data = secret_spell
- gcm_cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce=nonce)
- gcm_ciphertext, gcm_tag = gcm_cipher.encrypt_and_digest(data) #CTR+消息验证码(?)
- ofb_input = pad(gcm_tag + gcm_cipher.nonce + gcm_ciphertext, 16)
- ofb_iv = get_random_bytes(16)
- ofb_cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_OFB, iv=ofb_iv) #OFB
- ciphertext = ofb_cipher.encrypt(ofb_input)
- return ofb_iv + ciphertext
- def decrypt(data):
- ofb_iv = data[:16]
- ofb_ciphertext = data[16:]
- ofb_cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_OFB, iv=ofb_iv)
- try:
- m = ofb_cipher.decrypt(ofb_ciphertext)
- temp = unpad(m, 16) #从最后一位padding
- except:
- return b"ofb error"
- try:
- gcm_tag = temp[:16]
- gcm_nonce = temp[16:32]
- gcm_ciphertext = temp[32:]
- gcm_cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce=gcm_nonce)
- plaintext = gcm_cipher.decrypt_and_verify(gcm_ciphertext, gcm_tag)
- except:
- return b"gcm error"
- if b"give me key" == plaintext:
- your_spell = input("ok, please say secret spell:").encode()
- if your_spell == secret_spell:
- return flag
- else:
- return b"Try Harder"
- return b"ok"
- print(f"ciphertext: {encrypt().hex()}")
- while True:
- c = input("ciphertext: ")
- print(decrypt(bytes.fromhex(c)))

这显然是个padding oracle的题,ofb和gcm都是通过与固定的流异或来得到密文。通过尾部爆破看解密状态得到加密用的流。
- from pwn import *
- context.log_level = "error"
- r = remote("witches-symmetric-exam.seccon.games", 8080)
- context.log_level = 'debug'
- r.recvuntil(b"ciphertext: ")
- enc = bytes.fromhex(r.recvline().decode())
- print(f"{len(enc) = }")
- print(f"{enc.hex() = }")
- #get ofb stream
- def bxor(*args):
- if len(args) == 1:
- return args[0]
- a, b = args[0], args[1:]
- return bytes([i ^ j for i, j in zip(a, bxor(*b))])
- def query(xs):
- r.sendline("\n".join([x.hex() for x in xs]).encode())
- ress = []
- for _ in xs:
- r.recvuntil(b"ciphertext: ")
- res = r.recv(5).strip().decode()
- if "b'ofb" in res:
- ress.append("pad")
- elif "b'gcm" in res:
- ress.append("gcm")
- elif "o', p" in res:
- ress.append("spell")
- elif "b'ok'" in res:
- ress.append("ok")
- else:
- raise ValueError(res)
- return ress
- def leak_enc(pln):
- enc = [0 for _ in range(16)]
- for pos in range(16):
- print(".", end="", flush=True)
- expected_padding = ([0] * 16 + [pos+1] * (pos+1))[-16:]
- found = []
- probe = [0] * 16
- xs = []
- for i in range(256):
- probe[15-pos] = i
- try_block_ofb = pln + bxor(enc, expected_padding, probe)
- xs.append(try_block_ofb)
- #每次发送256个,然后再取返回信息,加快爆破速度
- ress = query(xs)
- for i, res in enumerate(ress):
- if res == "gcm":
- found.append(i)
- if len(found) != 1:
- raise ValueError("???", pos, found)
- enc[15-pos] = found[0]
- print()
- return bytes(enc)

- #get ofb
- from Crypto.Util.Padding import unpad
- ofb_iv = enc[:16]
- ofb_enc = enc[16:]
- print(f"{ofb_iv.hex() = }")
- ofb_stream = ofb_iv
- for block in range(4):
- ofb_stream += leak_enc(ofb_stream[-16:])
- ofb_stream = ofb_stream[16:]
- print(f"{ofb_stream.hex() = }")
- ofb_dec = bxor(ofb_enc, ofb_stream)
- gcm_tag, gcm_nonce, gcm_enc = ofb_dec[:16], ofb_dec[16:32], unpad(ofb_dec[32:], 16)
- print(f"{gcm_tag.hex() = }")
- print(f"{gcm_nonce.hex() = }")
- print(f"{gcm_enc.hex() = }")

第三步是爆破 gcm的流,这块目前还不大明白,慢慢来,GCM需要计算tag,tag是通过h0和密文通过_ghash_clmul方法运算得到,除了这个ofb,gcm基本上一样。
- #GCM parameters
- from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes, bytes_to_long
- from Crypto.Cipher._mode_gcm import _GHASH as GHASH, _ghash_clmul as ghash_c
- # https://github.com/Legrandin/pycryptodome/blob/master/lib/Crypto/Cipher/_mode_gcm.py#L223-L226
- h0 = leak_enc(b"\x00" * 16)
- print(f"{h0.hex() = }")
- # https://github.com/Legrandin/pycryptodome/blob/master/lib/Crypto/Cipher/_mode_gcm.py#L232-L236
- nonce = gcm_nonce
- fill = (16 - (len(nonce) % 16)) % 16 + 8
- ghash_in = (nonce + b'\x00' * fill + long_to_bytes(8 * len(nonce), 8))
- j0 = GHASH(h0, ghash_c).update(ghash_in).digest()
- print(f"{j0.hex() = }")
- #Decrypt GCM
- # https://github.com/Legrandin/pycryptodome/blob/master/lib/Crypto/Cipher/_mode_gcm.py#L239-L245
- # nonce_ctr = j0[:12]
- # iv_ctr = (bytes_to_long(j0) + 1) & 0xFFFFFFFF
- # nonce_iv_bytes = nonce_ctr + bytes.fromhex(hex(iv_ctr)[2:].zfill(8))
- block_one_ctr = bytes.fromhex(hex(int(j0.hex(), 16) + 1)[2:].zfill(32))
- block_two_ctr = bytes.fromhex(hex(int(j0.hex(), 16) + 2)[2:].zfill(32))
- gcm_stream = leak_enc(block_one_ctr) + leak_enc(block_two_ctr)
- gcm_pln = bxor(gcm_stream, gcm_enc)
- secret_spell = gcm_pln
- print(f"{secret_spell = }")

- #3, encode 'give me key'
- from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad
- signer = GHASH(h0, ghash_c)
- token_dec = b"give me key"
- # https://github.com/Legrandin/pycryptodome/blob/master/lib/Crypto/Cipher/_mode_gcm.py#L372-L379
- # > encrypt and digest > encrypt
- token_enc = bxor(token_dec, gcm_stream)
- msg_len = len(token_enc)
- # signer.update(token_enc) # defer to later for block alignment
- # https://github.com/Legrandin/pycryptodome/blob/master/lib/Crypto/Cipher/_mode_gcm.py#L459-L462
- # > encrypt and digest > digest
- signer.update(token_enc + b"\x00" * (16 - msg_len))
- signer.update(long_to_bytes(8 * 0, 8) + long_to_bytes(8 * msg_len, 8))
- tag_dec = signer.digest()
- # https://github.com/Legrandin/pycryptodome/blob/master/lib/Crypto/Cipher/_mode_gcm.py#L465
- # > encrypt and digest > digest > self._tag_cipher.encrypt
- j0_stream = leak_enc(j0)
- tag_enc = bxor(tag_dec, j0_stream)
- print(f"{tag_enc.hex() = }")
- payload = ofb_iv + bxor(pad(tag_enc + gcm_nonce + token_enc, 16), ofb_stream)
- print(f"{payload.hex() = }")
- r.sendline(payload.hex().encode())
- r.sendline(secret_spell)
- flag = r.recvuntil(b"}").decode().strip()
- print(flag)
- #SECCON{you_solved_this!?I_g1ve_y0u_symmetr1c_cipher_mage_certificate}

LSB都整来,对于c = m^e mod n 来说,不断的将m乘2(c*2^e mod n)判断末位是0还是1,以确定2m与n的关系。这个题有点类似,返回的不是末位而是第1位是不是0xff
- from Crypto.Util.number import *
- #from flag import flag
- flag = bytes_to_long(b'A'*55)
- p = getStrongPrime(512)
- q = getStrongPrime(512)
- print(p,q)
- e = 65537
- n = p * q
- phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
- d = pow(e, -1, phi)
- print(f"n = {n}")
- print(f"e = {e}")
- print(f"flag_length = {flag.bit_length()}")
- # Oops! encrypt without padding!
- c = pow(flag, e, n)
- print(f"c = {c}")
- # padding format: 0b0011111111........
- def check_padding(c):
- padding_pos = n.bit_length() - 2
- m = pow(c, d, n)
- return (m >> (padding_pos - 8)) == 0xFF
- while True:
- c = int(input("c = "))
- print(check_padding(c))

先确定flag的上下边界(已知flag以SECCON{开头,后补全0和全1),然后确定一个除法的最小值:int('00'+'1'*8+'0'*(b.bit_length()-10),2),然后每发送 dec//flag_md(上下边界的中间值)的e 次幂再乘c ,当返回是0xff时则说明flag在上半部(比一半大)。修改边界循环即可。
- from pwn import *
- context.log_level = "error"
- # ====== Get parameters ======
- r = remote("this-is-not-lsb.seccon.games", 8080)
- r.recvuntil(b"n = ")
- n = int(r.recvline().strip().decode())
- r.recvuntil(b"e = ")
- e = int(r.recvline().strip().decode())
- r.recvuntil(b"flag_length = ")
- flag_length = int(r.recvline().strip().decode())
- r.recvuntil(b"c = ")
- c = int(r.recvline().strip().decode())
- print(f"{n = }")
- print(f"{e = }")
- print(f"{flag_length = }")
- print(f"{c = }")
- def query(k):
- y = (pow(k, e, n) * c) % n
- r.recvuntil(b"c = ")
- r.sendline(f"{y}".encode())
- res = r.recvline().decode().strip()
- if res == "True":
- return True
- elif res == "False":
- return False
- else:
- raise ValueError(res)
- dec_lb = int("0011111111".ljust(n.bit_length(), "0"), 2)
- dec_ub = int("0011111111".ljust(n.bit_length(), "1"), 2)
- flag_lb = int((b"SECCON{"+ b"\x00" * 48).hex(), 16)
- flag_ub = int((b"SECCON{"+ b"\xff" * 48).hex(), 16)
- # ====== Binary search ======
- while flag_ub - flag_lb > 10:
- flag_md = (flag_lb + flag_ub) // 2
- coef = dec_lb // flag_md
- if query(coef):
- print("-", end="", flush=True)
- flag_lb = flag_md
- else:
- print("+", end="", flush=True)
- flag_ub = flag_md
- print()
- flag = bytes.fromhex(hex(flag_lb)[2:])
- print(f"{flag = }")

- from random import randint
- from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime, bytes_to_long
- from secret import FLAG
- # f(x,y,z) = a1*x + a2*x^2 + a3*x^3
- # + b1*y + b2*y^2 + b3*y^3
- # + c*z + s mod p
- def calc_f(coeffs, x, y, z, p):
- ret = 0
- ret += x * coeffs[0] + pow(x, 2, p) * coeffs[1] + pow(x, 3, p)*coeffs[2]
- ret += y * coeffs[3] + pow(y, 2, p) * coeffs[4] + pow(y, 3, p)*coeffs[5]
- ret += z * coeffs[6]
- ret += coeffs[7]
- return ret % p
- p = getPrime(512)
- # [a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, c, s]
- coeffs = [randint(0, 2**128) for _ in range(8)]
- key = 0
- for coeff in coeffs:
- key <<= 128
- key ^= coeff
- cipher_text = bytes_to_long(FLAG) ^ key
- print(cipher_text)
- shares = []
- for _ in range(4):
- x = randint(0, p)
- y = randint(0, p)
- z = randint(0, 2**128)
- w = calc_f(coeffs, x, y, z, p)
- packed_share = ((x,y), w)
- shares.append(packed_share)
- print(p)
- print(shares)

- #read msg
- f = open('output.txt')
- cipher_text = int(f.readline())
- p = int(f.readline())
- shares = eval(f.readline())
- '''
- | A B O | A= x0,x1,... y0^3,y1^3,...
- M = | C O O | B= I*2^128 C= I*p
- | D E L | D= -w0,-w1.. L= large
- E= O, 对M进行格基约减后,得到的前6个参数
- '''
- r, c = 11, 11
- two_127 = 2**127
- two_128 = 2**128
- large = 2**1024
- A = matrix(ZZ, 6,4)
- B = identity_matrix(ZZ,6)*2^128
- C = identity_matrix(ZZ,4)*p
- D = matrix(ZZ, 1,4)
- L = matrix(ZZ, 1,1, [large])
- for i in range(4):
- xi,yi = shares[i][0]
- A[0,i],A[1,i],A[2,i] = xi, xi**2, xi**3
- A[3,i],A[4,i],A[5,i] = yi, yi**2, yi**3
- D[0,i] = -shares[i][1]
- M = block_matrix(3, [[A,B,zero_matrix(ZZ,6,1)],
- [C,zero_matrix(ZZ,4,6),zero_matrix(ZZ,4,1)],
- [D,zero_matrix(ZZ,1,6),L]])
- vec = vector(ZZ,11)
- for i in range(6):
- vec[i] = two_127*two_128
- vec[10] = large
- # https://jgeralnik.github.io/writeups/2021/08/12/Lattices/
- def closest_vector(B, target):
- # Babai's Nearest Plane algorithm
- M = B.LLL()
- G = M.gram_schmidt()[0]
- small = target
- for _ in range(1):
- for i in reversed(range(M.nrows())):
- c = ((small * G[i]) / (G[i] * G[i])).round()
- small -= M[i] * c
- return target - small
- cv = closest_vector(M, vec)
- assert cv[10] == large
- for idx, cvi in enumerate(cv):
- print(f"cv[{idx}] = {cvi}")
- coeffs = [i//two_128 for i in cv[4:10]]
- czs = [int((w - (x * coeffs[0] + pow(x, 2, p) * coeffs[1] + pow(x, 3, p)*coeffs[2]
- + y * coeffs[3] + pow(y, 2, p) * coeffs[4] + pow(y, 3, p)*coeffs[5]))%p) for (x,y),w in shares] #模值需要转整
- c6 = gcd(czs[1]-czs[0], czs[2]-czs[0])
- c7 = czs[0]%c6
- coeffs += [c6,c7]
- key = 0
- for coeff in coeffs:
- key <<= 128
- key ^^= coeff
- flag = cipher_text ^^ key
- flag = bytes.fromhex(hex(flag)[2:])
- #SECCON{Unfortunately_I_could_not_come_up_with_a_more_difficult_problem_than_last_year_sorry...-6fc18307d3ed2e7673a249abc2e0e22c}

- from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long, getPrime
- from random import randint
- from math import gcd
- from secret import FLAG
- from os import urandom
- assert len(FLAG) < 100
- def generate_key(rng, seed):
- e = rng(seed)
- while True:
- for _ in range(randint(10,100)):
- e = rng(e)
- p = getPrime(1024)
- q = getPrime(1024)
- phi = (p-1)*(q-1)
- if gcd(e, phi) == 1:
- break
- n = p*q
- return (n, e)
- def generate_params():
- p = getPrime(1024)
- a = randint(0, p-1)
- return (p,a)
- def main():
- p,a = generate_params()
- print("[+] The parameters of RNG:")
- print(f"{a=}")
- print(f"{p=}")
- b = int(input("[+] Inject [b]ackdoor!!: "))
- rng = lambda x: (x**2 + a*x + b) % p
- keys = []
- seeds = []
- for i in range(5):
- seed = int(input("[+] Please input seed: "))
- seed %= p
- if seed in seeds:
- print("[!] Same seeds are not allowed!!")
- exit()
- seeds.append(seed)
- n, e = generate_key(rng, seed)
- if e <= 10:
- print("[!] `e` is so small!!")
- exit()
- keys.append((n,e))
- flag = bytes_to_long(FLAG + urandom(16))
- for n,e in keys:
- c = pow(flag, e, n)
- print("[+] Public Key:")
- print(f"{n=}")
- print(f"{e=}")
- print("[+] Cipher Text:", c)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()

首先通过输入b来确定e,也就是让f(x)==x 由于有要求e必需大于10所以这里e选11,先求得b
然后要求输入5组x那就要算出 f(x1) == e,f(x2)== x1,...
最后将得到的c,n用 crt得到m再开11次方。
- from pwn import *
- io = remote('BBB.seccon.games', 8080)
- context.log_level = 'debug'
- io.recvuntil(b'a=')
- a = int(io.recvline().strip())
- io.recvuntil(b'p=')
- p = int(io.recvline().strip())
- #rng(11) = 11^2 + a*11 + b mod p
- P.<x> = PolynomialRing(Zmod(p), 'x')
- e = 11
- eq = e^2 + a*e + x - e
- b = eq.roots()[0][0]
- print(f'{b=}')
- #rng(a1) = a2 ;rng(a2) = a3 ; ... rng(a4) = 11; rng(11) = 11
- ra = [e]
- while len(ra)<5:
- eq = x^2 + a*x + b - ra[-1]
- d = eq.roots()
- for j,_ in d:
- if j not in ra:
- ra.append(j)
- print(f"{j = }")
- io.sendlineafter(b'[+] Inject [b]ackdoor!!:', str(b).encode())
- for i in range(5):
- io.sendlineafter(b"[+] Please input seed: ", str(ra[i]).encode())
- n_a ,e_a ,c_a = [], [], []
- for i in range(5):
- io.recvuntil(b'n=')
- n_a.append(int(io.recvline().strip()))
- io.recvuntil(b'[+] Cipher Text: ')
- c_a.append(int(io.recvline().strip()))
- f11 = crt(c_a,n_a)
- m = f11.nth_root(11)
- flag = bytes.fromhex(hex(m)[2:])
- print(flag)

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