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wsl 安装jupyter_在Windows子系统linux wsl2中配置jupyter笔记本

在wsl2中安装jupyter notebook,在windows中打开可视化界

wsl 安装jupyter

I am going to explain how to configure Windows 10 and Miniconda to work with Notebooks using WSL2

我将解释如何配置Windows 10和Miniconda以使用WSL2Notebooks一起使用

We are going to see how to:


  1. Install and configure a WSL2

  2. Install and configure Windows Terminal

    安装和配置Windows Terminal
  3. Install Miniconda and common libraries

  4. Launch Jupyter Lab/Notebook

    启动Jupyter Lab /笔记本
  5. Install GUI and Remote Desktop to WSL2 to lunch GUI required like Spyder or Anaconda Navigator

    将GUI和远程桌面安装到WSL2,以午餐所需的GUI,例如Spyder或Anaconda Navigator
  6. Some helpful resources


首先,安装WSL2 (First, install WSL2)

Windows Sub System Linux (WSL2) was available in Windows 10 version 2004 in May 2020. If you don’t have It, then install a Ubuntu distribution following the instructions in https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10

2020年5月,Windows 10版本2004中提供了Windows子系统Linux(WSL2)。如果没有,请按照https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/windows中的说明安装Ubuntu发行版。 / wsl / install-win10

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I recommend installing Windows Terminal from the Microsoft Store instead of using the default Ubuntu terminal because that allows you to have multiple terminals in the same window.

我建议从Microsoft Store安装Windows Terminal ,而不要使用默认的Ubuntu终端,因为这样可以使您在同一窗口中拥有多个终端。

To edit Linux files is also more comfortable with Sublime Text or Notepad++ from Windows Explorer using the path: \\wsl$\

要编辑Linux的文件也更舒适使用路径崇高文本或记事本++从Windows资源管理器:\\ WSL $ \

You can browse and edit Ubuntu files from your Window:


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And change the default Profile to open to Ubuntu terminal opening Settings file and changing the value of defaultProfile with the Ubuntu guide:

并更改默认配置文件以打开Ubuntu终端,打开设置文件并使用Ubuntu 指南更改defaultProfile的值:

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