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HICO/HICO-Det 数据集介绍


1. 基本信息

  • 这是HOI(Human Object Interaction)领域最常用的数据集之二。

  • 官方资料:官网HICO论文,另一篇相关论文

  • PapersWithCode:HICO榜单HICO-Det榜单

  • 基本信息:包括117类行为,80类物体,600类动名词组合(查看附录)。

    • HICO-DET:共47776张图片,38118属于训练集,9658属于测试集。

2. HICO 概述

  • 本身就是一个多分类任务,列出了600中动名词组合(详见附录)。
    • 当然,不全是正负样本,也有“模糊”样本。


2.1. 标注文件介绍

  • 下载HICO数据集或HICO-DET数据集时,都包含HICO配置文件,即名为 anno.mat 的标注文件。
  • 标签内容(摘录自README)
    • list_action:600x1的ndarray,对于每一类都有 name/vname/vname_ing/syn/def/synset/add_def几个属性。
    • list_train:训练图片名称列表
    • list_test:测试图片名称列表
    • anno_train:训练集标签,shape是 num_classes x num_train_samples
      • 标签包括 +1(positive), -1(negative), 0(ambiguous)
    • anno_test:测试集标签,shape是 num_classes x num_test_samples
      • 标签包括 +1(positive), -1(negative), 0(ambiguous)
  • README内容
    a. list_action  600 x 1 struct      each entry is one HOI category
        - nname:     noun (object)
        - vname:     verb
        - vname_ing: verb with the -ing ending
        - syn:       synonyms
        - def:       definition
        - synset:    corresponding wordnet synset
        - add_def:   additional definition

    b. list_train   38116 x 1 cell      each entry is a file name of an 
                                        (training) image
    c. list_test    9658 x 1 cell       each entry is a file name of an 
                                        (test) image
    d. anno_train   600 x 38116         entry (i,j) is the annotation of 
                                        (training) image j on action i
    e. anno_test    600 x 9658          entry (i,j) is the annotation of 
                                        (test) image j on action i

    Possible annotations:
       +1:  positive
       -1:  negative
        0:  ambiguous
      NaN:  no annotation

    'ambiguous' is assigned due to the disagreement betweem annotators

    'no annotation' incidcates the image is not annotated with the HOI. Most 
      of the images are annotated with the HOIs of one object category only.
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  • 该任务中,每个样本其实是一个长度为三的元组,分别包括人物信息(bbox)、物体信息(bbox)以及交互行为。

3.2. 标注文件介绍

  • 主要内容包括
    • images:包含 traintest 两个文件夹,其中包括若干图片。
    • tools:包含若干 matlab 格式的工具
    • anno.mat
    • anno_bbox.mat:标注文件
    • README:介绍标注文件内容
  • anno_bbox.mat 介绍
    • bbox_train
      • 每张图为一个样本,每个样本内容包括 filename/size/hoi,分别代表用户名、图像尺寸、人物交互信息。
      • 其中人物交互信息 hoi 又包含了若干样本,每个样本包括 行为编号、人物bbox(数组,多个)、物体bbox(数组,多个)、交互任务编号对(即前面两个数组中的编号)
    • bbox_test:与 bbox_train 格式相同
    • list_actions:600类动名词组合,附录中已经罗列。
  • README 介绍
1. anno_bbox.mat contains three variables:
    a. bbox_train: bounding boxes annotation for the train2015 set

        filename: file names
        size:     image width, hieght, depth
        hoi:      HOI annotations
            id:          action index of list_action
            bboxhuman:   human bounding boxes
            bboxobject:  object bounding boxes
            connection:  instances of HOI (human-object pairs); each row is
                         one instance, represented by a pair of human bbox
                         index and object bbox index
            invis:       1: HOI invisible; bboxhuman/bboxobject/connection
                            will be empty
                         0: HOI visible; bboxhuman/bboxobject/connection
                            will not be empty

    b. bbox_test: bounding boxes annotation for the test2015 set; same 
                  stucture as bbox_train

    c. list_action: list of HOIs
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id   object        
001  airplane      
002  apple         
003  backpack      
004  banana        
005  baseball_bat  
006  baseball_glove
007  bear          
008  bed           
009  bench         
010  bicycle       
011  bird          
012  boat          
013  book          
014  bottle        
015  bowl          
016  broccoli      
017  bus           
018  cake          
019  car           
020  carrot        
021  cat           
022  cell_phone    
023  chair         
024  clock         
025  couch         
026  cow           
027  cup           
028  dining_table  
029  dog           
030  donut         
031  elephant      
032  fire_hydrant  
033  fork          
034  frisbee       
035  giraffe       
036  hair_drier    
037  handbag       
038  horse         
039  hot_dog       
040  keyboard      
041  kite          
042  knife         
043  laptop        
044  microwave     
045  motorcycle    
046  mouse         
047  orange        
048  oven          
049  parking_meter 
050  person        
051  pizza         
052  potted_plant  
053  refrigerator  
054  remote        
055  sandwich      
056  scissors      
057  sheep         
058  sink          
059  skateboard    
060  skis          
061  snowboard     
062  spoon         
063  sports_ball   
064  stop_sign     
065  suitcase      
066  surfboard     
067  teddy_bear    
068  tennis_racket 
069  tie           
070  toaster       
071  toilet        
072  toothbrush    
073  traffic_light 
074  train         
075  truck         
076  tv            
077  umbrella      
078  vase          
079  wine_glass    
080  zebra         
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id   verb          
001  adjust        
002  assemble      
003  block         
004  blow          
005  board         
006  break         
007  brush_with    
008  buy           
009  carry         
010  catch         
011  chase         
012  check         
013  clean         
014  control       
015  cook          
016  cut           
017  cut_with      
018  direct        
019  drag          
020  dribble       
021  drink_with    
022  drive         
023  dry           
024  eat           
025  eat_at        
026  exit          
027  feed          
028  fill          
029  flip          
030  flush         
031  fly           
032  greet         
033  grind         
034  groom         
035  herd          
036  hit           
037  hold          
038  hop_on        
039  hose          
040  hug           
041  hunt          
042  inspect       
043  install       
044  jump          
045  kick          
046  kiss          
047  lasso         
048  launch        
049  lick          
050  lie_on        
051  lift          
052  light         
053  load          
054  lose          
055  make          
056  milk          
057  move          
058  no_interaction
059  open          
060  operate       
061  pack          
062  paint         
063  park          
064  pay           
065  peel          
066  pet           
067  pick          
068  pick_up       
069  point         
070  pour          
071  pull          
072  push          
073  race          
074  read          
075  release       
076  repair        
077  ride          
078  row           
079  run           
080  sail          
081  scratch       
082  serve         
083  set           
084  shear         
085  sign          
086  sip           
087  sit_at        
088  sit_on        
089  slide         
090  smell         
091  spin          
092  squeeze       
093  stab          
094  stand_on      
095  stand_under   
096  stick         
097  stir          
098  stop_at       
099  straddle      
100  swing         
101  tag           
102  talk_on       
103  teach         
104  text_on       
105  throw         
106  tie           
107  toast         
108  train         
109  turn          
110  type_on       
111  walk          
112  wash          
113  watch         
114  wave          
115  wear          
116  wield         
117  zip           
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600类 HOI 行为(动名词组合)列表

id   object          verb          
001  airplane        board         
002  airplane        direct        
003  airplane        exit          
004  airplane        fly           
005  airplane        inspect       
006  airplane        load          
007  airplane        ride          
008  airplane        sit_on        
009  airplane        wash          
010  airplane        no_interaction
011  bicycle         carry         
012  bicycle         hold          
013  bicycle         inspect       
014  bicycle         jump          
015  bicycle         hop_on        
016  bicycle         park          
017  bicycle         push          
018  bicycle         repair        
019  bicycle         ride          
020  bicycle         sit_on        
021  bicycle         straddle      
022  bicycle         walk          
023  bicycle         wash          
024  bicycle         no_interaction
025  bird            chase         
026  bird            feed          
027  bird            hold          
028  bird            pet           
029  bird            release       
030  bird            watch         
031  bird            no_interaction
032  boat            board         
033  boat            drive         
034  boat            exit          
035  boat            inspect       
036  boat            jump          
037  boat            launch        
038  boat            repair        
039  boat            ride          
040  boat            row           
041  boat            sail          
042  boat            sit_on        
043  boat            stand_on      
044  boat            tie           
045  boat            wash          
046  boat            no_interaction
047  bottle          carry         
048  bottle          drink_with    
049  bottle          hold          
050  bottle          inspect       
051  bottle          lick          
052  bottle          open          
053  bottle          pour          
054  bottle          no_interaction
055  bus             board         
056  bus             direct        
057  bus             drive         
058  bus             exit          
059  bus             inspect       
060  bus             load          
061  bus             ride          
062  bus             sit_on        
063  bus             wash          
064  bus             wave          
065  bus             no_interaction
066  car             board         
067  car             direct        
068  car             drive         
069  car             hose          
070  car             inspect       
071  car             jump          
072  car             load          
073  car             park          
074  car             ride          
075  car             wash          
076  car             no_interaction
077  cat             dry           
078  cat             feed          
079  cat             hold          
080  cat             hug           
081  cat             kiss          
082  cat             pet           
083  cat             scratch       
084  cat             wash          
085  cat             chase         
086  cat             no_interaction
087  chair           carry         
088  chair           hold          
089  chair           lie_on        
090  chair           sit_on        
091  chair           stand_on      
092  chair           no_interaction
093  couch           carry         
094  couch           lie_on        
095  couch           sit_on        
096  couch           no_interaction
097  cow             feed          
098  cow             herd          
099  cow             hold          
100  cow             hug           
101  cow             kiss          
102  cow             lasso         
103  cow             milk          
104  cow             pet           
105  cow             ride          
106  cow             walk          
107  cow             no_interaction
108  dining_table    clean         
109  dining_table    eat_at        
110  dining_table    sit_at        
111  dining_table    no_interaction
112  dog             carry         
113  dog             dry           
114  dog             feed          
115  dog             groom         
116  dog             hold          
117  dog             hose          
118  dog             hug           
119  dog             inspect       
120  dog             kiss          
121  dog             pet           
122  dog             run           
123  dog             scratch       
124  dog             straddle      
125  dog             train         
126  dog             walk          
127  dog             wash          
128  dog             chase         
129  dog             no_interaction
130  horse           feed          
131  horse           groom         
132  horse           hold          
133  horse           hug           
134  horse           jump          
135  horse           kiss          
136  horse           load          
137  horse           hop_on        
138  horse           pet           
139  horse           race          
140  horse           ride          
141  horse           run           
142  horse           straddle      
143  horse           train         
144  horse           walk          
145  horse           wash          
146  horse           no_interaction
147  motorcycle      hold          
148  motorcycle      inspect       
149  motorcycle      jump          
150  motorcycle      hop_on        
151  motorcycle      park          
152  motorcycle      push          
153  motorcycle      race          
154  motorcycle      ride          
155  motorcycle      sit_on        
156  motorcycle      straddle      
157  motorcycle      turn          
158  motorcycle      walk          
159  motorcycle      wash          
160  motorcycle      no_interaction
161  person          carry         
162  person          greet         
163  person          hold          
164  person          hug           
165  person          kiss          
166  person          stab          
167  person          tag           
168  person          teach         
169  person          lick          
170  person          no_interaction
171  potted_plant    carry         
172  potted_plant    hold          
173  potted_plant    hose          
174  potted_plant    no_interaction
175  sheep           carry         
176  sheep           feed          
177  sheep           herd          
178  sheep           hold          
179  sheep           hug           
180  sheep           kiss          
181  sheep           pet           
182  sheep           ride          
183  sheep           shear         
184  sheep           walk          
185  sheep           wash          
186  sheep           no_interaction
187  train           board         
188  train           drive         
189  train           exit          
190  train           load          
191  train           ride          
192  train           sit_on        
193  train           wash          
194  train           no_interaction
195  tv              control       
196  tv              repair        
197  tv              watch         
198  tv              no_interaction
199  apple           buy           
200  apple           cut           
201  apple           eat           
202  apple           hold          
203  apple           inspect       
204  apple           peel          
205  apple           pick          
206  apple           smell         
207  apple           wash          
208  apple           no_interaction
209  backpack        carry         
210  backpack        hold          
211  backpack        inspect       
212  backpack        open          
213  backpack        wear          
214  backpack        no_interaction
215  banana          buy           
216  banana          carry         
217  banana          cut           
218  banana          eat           
219  banana          hold          
220  banana          inspect       
221  banana          peel          
222  banana          pick          
223  banana          smell         
224  banana          no_interaction
225  baseball_bat    break         
226  baseball_bat    carry         
227  baseball_bat    hold          
228  baseball_bat    sign          
229  baseball_bat    swing         
230  baseball_bat    throw         
231  baseball_bat    wield         
232  baseball_bat    no_interaction
233  baseball_glove  hold          
234  baseball_glove  wear          
235  baseball_glove  no_interaction
236  bear            feed          
237  bear            hunt          
238  bear            watch         
239  bear            no_interaction
240  bed             clean         
241  bed             lie_on        
242  bed             sit_on        
243  bed             no_interaction
244  bench           inspect       
245  bench           lie_on        
246  bench           sit_on        
247  bench           no_interaction
248  book            carry         
249  book            hold          
250  book            open          
251  book            read          
252  book            no_interaction
253  bowl            hold          
254  bowl            stir          
255  bowl            wash          
256  bowl            lick          
257  bowl            no_interaction
258  broccoli        cut           
259  broccoli        eat           
260  broccoli        hold          
261  broccoli        smell         
262  broccoli        stir          
263  broccoli        wash          
264  broccoli        no_interaction
265  cake            blow          
266  cake            carry         
267  cake            cut           
268  cake            eat           
269  cake            hold          
270  cake            light         
271  cake            make          
272  cake            pick_up       
273  cake            no_interaction
274  carrot          carry         
275  carrot          cook          
276  carrot          cut           
277  carrot          eat           
278  carrot          hold          
279  carrot          peel          
280  carrot          smell         
281  carrot          stir          
282  carrot          wash          
283  carrot          no_interaction
284  cell_phone      carry         
285  cell_phone      hold          
286  cell_phone      read          
287  cell_phone      repair        
288  cell_phone      talk_on       
289  cell_phone      text_on       
290  cell_phone      no_interaction
291  clock           check         
292  clock           hold          
293  clock           repair        
294  clock           set           
295  clock           no_interaction
296  cup             carry         
297  cup             drink_with    
298  cup             hold          
299  cup             inspect       
300  cup             pour          
301  cup             sip           
302  cup             smell         
303  cup             fill          
304  cup             wash          
305  cup             no_interaction
306  donut           buy           
307  donut           carry         
308  donut           eat           
309  donut           hold          
310  donut           make          
311  donut           pick_up       
312  donut           smell         
313  donut           no_interaction
314  elephant        feed          
315  elephant        hold          
316  elephant        hose          
317  elephant        hug           
318  elephant        kiss          
319  elephant        hop_on        
320  elephant        pet           
321  elephant        ride          
322  elephant        walk          
323  elephant        wash          
324  elephant        watch         
325  elephant        no_interaction
326  fire_hydrant    hug           
327  fire_hydrant    inspect       
328  fire_hydrant    open          
329  fire_hydrant    paint         
330  fire_hydrant    no_interaction
331  fork            hold          
332  fork            lift          
333  fork            stick         
334  fork            lick          
335  fork            wash          
336  fork            no_interaction
337  frisbee         block         
338  frisbee         catch         
339  frisbee         hold          
340  frisbee         spin          
341  frisbee         throw         
342  frisbee         no_interaction
343  giraffe         feed          
344  giraffe         kiss          
345  giraffe         pet           
346  giraffe         ride          
347  giraffe         watch         
348  giraffe         no_interaction
349  hair_drier      hold          
350  hair_drier      operate       
351  hair_drier      repair        
352  hair_drier      no_interaction
353  handbag         carry         
354  handbag         hold          
355  handbag         inspect       
356  handbag         no_interaction
357  hot_dog         carry         
358  hot_dog         cook          
359  hot_dog         cut           
360  hot_dog         eat           
361  hot_dog         hold          
362  hot_dog         make          
363  hot_dog         no_interaction
364  keyboard        carry         
365  keyboard        clean         
366  keyboard        hold          
367  keyboard        type_on       
368  keyboard        no_interaction
369  kite            assemble      
370  kite            carry         
371  kite            fly           
372  kite            hold          
373  kite            inspect       
374  kite            launch        
375  kite            pull          
376  kite            no_interaction
377  knife           cut_with      
378  knife           hold          
379  knife           stick         
380  knife           wash          
381  knife           wield         
382  knife           lick          
383  knife           no_interaction
384  laptop          hold          
385  laptop          open          
386  laptop          read          
387  laptop          repair        
388  laptop          type_on       
389  laptop          no_interaction
390  microwave       clean         
391  microwave       open          
392  microwave       operate       
393  microwave       no_interaction
394  mouse           control       
395  mouse           hold          
396  mouse           repair        
397  mouse           no_interaction
398  orange          buy           
399  orange          cut           
400  orange          eat           
401  orange          hold          
402  orange          inspect       
403  orange          peel          
404  orange          pick          
405  orange          squeeze       
406  orange          wash          
407  orange          no_interaction
408  oven            clean         
409  oven            hold          
410  oven            inspect       
411  oven            open          
412  oven            repair        
413  oven            operate       
414  oven            no_interaction
415  parking_meter   check         
416  parking_meter   pay           
417  parking_meter   repair        
418  parking_meter   no_interaction
419  pizza           buy           
420  pizza           carry         
421  pizza           cook          
422  pizza           cut           
423  pizza           eat           
424  pizza           hold          
425  pizza           make          
426  pizza           pick_up       
427  pizza           slide         
428  pizza           smell         
429  pizza           no_interaction
430  refrigerator    clean         
431  refrigerator    hold          
432  refrigerator    move          
433  refrigerator    open          
434  refrigerator    no_interaction
435  remote          hold          
436  remote          point         
437  remote          swing         
438  remote          no_interaction
439  sandwich        carry         
440  sandwich        cook          
441  sandwich        cut           
442  sandwich        eat           
443  sandwich        hold          
444  sandwich        make          
445  sandwich        no_interaction
446  scissors        cut_with      
447  scissors        hold          
448  scissors        open          
449  scissors        no_interaction
450  sink            clean         
451  sink            repair        
452  sink            wash          
453  sink            no_interaction
454  skateboard      carry         
455  skateboard      flip          
456  skateboard      grind         
457  skateboard      hold          
458  skateboard      jump          
459  skateboard      pick_up       
460  skateboard      ride          
461  skateboard      sit_on        
462  skateboard      stand_on      
463  skateboard      no_interaction
464  skis            adjust        
465  skis            carry         
466  skis            hold          
467  skis            inspect       
468  skis            jump          
469  skis            pick_up       
470  skis            repair        
471  skis            ride          
472  skis            stand_on      
473  skis            wear          
474  skis            no_interaction
475  snowboard       adjust        
476  snowboard       carry         
477  snowboard       grind         
478  snowboard       hold          
479  snowboard       jump          
480  snowboard       ride          
481  snowboard       stand_on      
482  snowboard       wear          
483  snowboard       no_interaction
484  spoon           hold          
485  spoon           lick          
486  spoon           wash          
487  spoon           sip           
488  spoon           no_interaction
489  sports_ball     block         
490  sports_ball     carry         
491  sports_ball     catch         
492  sports_ball     dribble       
493  sports_ball     hit           
494  sports_ball     hold          
495  sports_ball     inspect       
496  sports_ball     kick          
497  sports_ball     pick_up       
498  sports_ball     serve         
499  sports_ball     sign          
500  sports_ball     spin          
501  sports_ball     throw         
502  sports_ball     no_interaction
503  stop_sign       hold          
504  stop_sign       stand_under   
505  stop_sign       stop_at       
506  stop_sign       no_interaction
507  suitcase        carry         
508  suitcase        drag          
509  suitcase        hold          
510  suitcase        hug           
511  suitcase        load          
512  suitcase        open          
513  suitcase        pack          
514  suitcase        pick_up       
515  suitcase        zip           
516  suitcase        no_interaction
517  surfboard       carry         
518  surfboard       drag          
519  surfboard       hold          
520  surfboard       inspect       
521  surfboard       jump          
522  surfboard       lie_on        
523  surfboard       load          
524  surfboard       ride          
525  surfboard       stand_on      
526  surfboard       sit_on        
527  surfboard       wash          
528  surfboard       no_interaction
529  teddy_bear      carry         
530  teddy_bear      hold          
531  teddy_bear      hug           
532  teddy_bear      kiss          
533  teddy_bear      no_interaction
534  tennis_racket   carry         
535  tennis_racket   hold          
536  tennis_racket   inspect       
537  tennis_racket   swing         
538  tennis_racket   no_interaction
539  tie             adjust        
540  tie             cut           
541  tie             hold          
542  tie             inspect       
543  tie             pull          
544  tie             tie           
545  tie             wear          
546  tie             no_interaction
547  toaster         hold          
548  toaster         operate       
549  toaster         repair        
550  toaster         no_interaction
551  toilet          clean         
552  toilet          flush         
553  toilet          open          
554  toilet          repair        
555  toilet          sit_on        
556  toilet          stand_on      
557  toilet          wash          
558  toilet          no_interaction
559  toothbrush      brush_with    
560  toothbrush      hold          
561  toothbrush      wash          
562  toothbrush      no_interaction
563  traffic_light   install       
564  traffic_light   repair        
565  traffic_light   stand_under   
566  traffic_light   stop_at       
567  traffic_light   no_interaction
568  truck           direct        
569  truck           drive         
570  truck           inspect       
571  truck           load          
572  truck           repair        
573  truck           ride          
574  truck           sit_on        
575  truck           wash          
576  truck           no_interaction
577  umbrella        carry         
578  umbrella        hold          
579  umbrella        lose          
580  umbrella        open          
581  umbrella        repair        
582  umbrella        set           
583  umbrella        stand_under   
584  umbrella        no_interaction
585  vase            hold          
586  vase            make          
587  vase            paint         
588  vase            no_interaction
589  wine_glass      fill          
590  wine_glass      hold          
591  wine_glass      sip           
592  wine_glass      toast         
593  wine_glass      lick          
594  wine_glass      wash          
595  wine_glass      no_interaction
596  zebra           feed          
597  zebra           hold          
598  zebra           pet           
599  zebra           watch         
600  zebra           no_interaction
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