2.EnhacedGA (EGA)改进初始路径,找到起点和终点之间最佳的路径。
EGA使用了5种特定的crossover和mutaion操作来改进初始路径。并且在这篇文章当中,路径长度,光滑程度和安全性都作为多目标路径规划问题的objective function。
算法可以拓展到多移动机器人的路径规划问题中:objective function 加入一个新的损失项,即机器人之间的距离,并且EGA中加入一个新的collision removal operator 来移除可能的collision between paths。
为了检验算法的有效性,12 plannar environments with different size and complexities were examined(作者还和PSO,A*,PRM,B-RRT在12个环境里面做了比较)。结果表明EGA的表现并不会受control parameter的影响。
不仅如此,我们还将算法和其他已有算法(A* ,PRM,B-RRT和PSO)进行比较。比较实验表明,我们的算法比PSO以及确定性的算法A*以及概率算法PRM和B-RRT路径规划算法在路径长度、运行时间和成功率上 更outperforms。
最后,仿真表明在四机器人的路径规划算法上,我们的算法不仅给出来collision-free 的路径,还找到了所有机器人的近似最优解。
keywords:移动机器人;路径规划;遗传算法;APF;多机器人路径规划;多目标路径规划(Multi-objective path planning)
Considering the affecting factors on PP like different kinds of robots and environments, static or dynamic obstacles, and multiple robots, finding the shortest path with the highest degree of smoothness which avoids collision with other robots and obstacles is still a challenging problem.
(Canny, 1998)说PP(path planning)问题是一个NP难问题。所以启发式或者进化算法被广泛用在寻找最优解上。GA、PSO和蚁群算法,artificial bee colony、bacterial forging optimization、shuffled frog leaping就是其中的一些。上面这些工作都将环境认为是网格地图,并且在这些grids中找到最优路径*【emmm,真的是这样嘛?表示怀疑】,比如Tuncer et al. (Tuncer & Yildirim, 2012) introduced a new mutation operator to find the path with the shortest length in a discrete gridded environment using GA。
Feasible initial solutions can improve the performance of the evolutionary algorithms。之前他们都是随机初始化,初始化的路径不OK就一直初始化**(作者认为这样很蠢很没有效率,还diss了一波传统的GA的operators,作者为PP设计了自己的operators)**
再者原来的GA在PP问题上只关注路径长度。而多目标的PP问题可以找到一个更不错的路径来适应现实中的工程需要。PP比较常用的三个 目标:1.长度2.路径平滑程度(更少的degree of direction change)3.路径安全:a path which always satisfies a predefined safety margin
(distance) with respect to obstacles
【有主编怀疑了,你丫的是不是只是单纯的想用GA啊,干嘛不用用其他的进化算法或者确定的算法捏?不能APF初始+粒子群嘛 不能APF初始+蚁群算法嘛】
GA introduced in PP in 2013 by considering the linear combination of path length, smoothness, and safety as an objective function.作者觉得2013这篇文章牛逼,GA可以并行计算,并且这篇文章引入co-evolutionary mechanism,类似于每一个iteration每个机器人都规划自己的path然后会evaluated the collision between robots。不过作者说这种mechanism也有毛病,每一个slave GAs(robot的意思把)will continuously modify the paths without any knowledge about the collision between robots.【可能是之前这个工作,robots之间不知道其他人的路径,但是每个时刻会根据现在的位置进行evalute collision?这样避障效果可能比一开始大家就知道各自走哪里,然后对将要走的路径计算collision probability效果要差?】所以,作者就在这里说机器人之间的碰撞必须作为PP问题的附加约束,和obstacle一样
我滋瓷啊,当然作者也在后面MRPP中做了这样的工作,但是我还是感觉作者没说出为什么要用GA,可能要看2013的工作,看为什么要用GA把.只是有一句话我不知当说不当说:确定不是找一个已有算法APF然后fine turn说GA更好咩 = =
如果想看multi-object可以看A modified PSO-DE algorithm was introduced by Tang et al. (Tang et al., 2016) for for PP in a discrete environment with a combination of path length and safety as the objective function.作者diss说这个runtime太长,不过的确是MOPP(多目标PP)
也有人Han et al. (Han & Seo, 2017) selected selected a set of points in the obstacles’ neighborhood and used them as a guide to build an initial feasible path. Then, a modified PSO was adopted to optimize the position of the points and find the optimal piecewise linear path.They showed that the success rate of 100% could be achieved using a feasible initial path. Also, a modified operator could improve the path smoothness while the problem originally aimed at minimizing the path length.
作者在文章related work中指明2017年的时候就有人三步PP(proposed by Mac et al. (Mac et al., 2017):
Hidalgo-Paniagua et al. (Hidalgo-paniagua et al., 2016, 2015) proposed a multi-objective (path length, smoothness, and safety) Shuffled Frog-Leaping algorithm with three refiner operators to find the optimal path in a gridded environment.
Davoodi et al. (Davoodi et al., 2015) presented a multi-objective GA for PP in a continuous environment. The proposed algorithm initiates with random paths and uses simple crossover and mutation operator to generate feasible paths and optimize them. To compensate for the drawback of random initial paths and common genetic operators, new operators were introduced to correct collision with obstacles and self-intersection. However, using a multi-objective algorithm with an infeasible initial solution and several operators could result in long runtimes。
Instead of connecting the center of the grids in a discrete environment with linear segments to build a piecewise linear path,
【所以作者大概就是这个意思:你们啊 对大的地图都是连接grid中心,我不要,我直接对像素操作。那,我的工作,不也是一样的 = =,没有用grid 直接像素查看APF梯度】Song et al. proposed the application of Bezier Curve (Song &Wang, 2016) and a multimodal delayed PSO (Song et al., 2017) to build smooth paths. Using this method, the mobile robot will be able to follow a curve, instead of a piecewise linear path, which is desirable for many applications. 当然也有人A*之后再平滑的。
In this study, we consider the PP problem in 2-dimensional environments filled with arbitrarily-shaped static obstacles, which have no interaction (positive or negative attributes) with the free space . Moreover, the robots are considered as points, and their size will be added as a confidence radius around obstacles. Also, in the multi-robot PP case, we assume that all robots move with constant speed.
all feasible paths between start and destination locations will be determined based on the pre-calculated potentials.
Next, the coordinates of PBs related to each feasible initial path is coded as a solution.
Fig.2(b) shows the solution structure (chromosomes of the EGA) corresponding to the initial pat shown in Fig. 2(a).
As the initial paths obtained by the proposed APF might have a different number of PBs, the mentioned solution coding will result in an EGA with variable length chromosome
Using chromosomes with variable length could improve the flexibility of the path planner, as it can select the optimal number PBs automatically
Fig. 3(a) shows the potential map of the environment shown in Fig. 2(a)
To determine the feasible initial paths, starting from the start location, at each iteration, an adjacent node with the highest potential should be selected.
Repeating this procedure, the potential of the path increases gradually till it meets the destination location, the point with the largest potential in the map. At this point, a feasible path between start and destination locations is found.
The proposed APF is guaranteed to find a feasible initial path if one exists.
个人估摸为什么说保证呢,因为你看这个形式 = = 不就是BFS嘛,全部遍历过去了,当然只要有连通区域就能保证咯 = =
we used the Roulette Wheel Selection (RWS) o select parents for crossover operator.
The first crossover operator finds a new offspring by calculating the mean of the two parents:
When the number of PBs of the two parents are not equal, first, the parent with the smaller number of PBs is selected,作为母亲
α is a vector of random numbers in the range of [-1,+1].
While the first crossover operator is designed to generate shorter and smoother paths, the second crossover operator is adopted to search the environment in a random fashion and avoid premature convergence.
Mutation Operators和 Deletion Operator就不讲了,自己去论文里面看.
three tasks should be handled simultaneously:
(i) the optimal path for each robot should be determined based on the position of static obstacles
(ii) the determined paths should be checked for possible collisions among robots, and
【yep,是这个道理,还有机器人和移动障碍物的collision 概率呢】
(iii) the optimal paths should be modified based on the collisions.
文中为了方面mobile robots with constant speed are considered.
也就是说相同时间走的路程是相同的,如何说这段时间移动的距离can be used to detect possible collisions between robots。
For PP of mobile robots with variable speed, only the distance calculation should be modified based on different speed values, and the rest of the algorithm can be applied in the same way.
The first one measures the closest distance between every two robots and increases the objective function value associated with their paths if they are closer than a predefined safety distance。The penalty of the objective function value is inversely related to the distance between two robots; if their distance is larger than the predefined safety distance, the penalty is zero, otherwise, the closer the distance, the greater the penalty.
【这 = = 不就是动态的APF,选取静态障碍物的APF+最近动态障碍物的APF】
The second mechanism modifies the paths which collide with each other.For this purpose,one of the paths is selected randomly, and one of its PBs is selected and moved in a random fashion. This modification will remove the detected collision; however, the new path should be checked for possible collision with all other paths again. If the new path is collision-free, it will be replaced by the old one. Otherwise, the collision removal process will be repeated.
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