// 1. mac安装程序 brew tap shopify brew install themekit // 类似于 node.js // 2. 注册shopify // 3. shopify设置成中文 ==> 后台页面左下角设置 ==> store language ==> 当前语言设置成简体中文 // 4. 设置专用应用 应用-创建专有应用 ==> 权限 ==> 选择模版(允许读取和写入) // 4. 下载主题 // 5。 添加主题, 将准备好的主题压缩成zip文件 ==> 目录:在线商店-模版-添加模版 ==> 添加成功后在操作中发布 // 6. vscode准备 打开解压好的主题 ==> 在页面中创建 config.yml文件,内容如下 : development: password: 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 theme_id: "124534685867" store: shy-boys.myshopify.com //说明 : 密码位置 : shopify后台==> 应用 ==》 管理专有应用 ==> 点开专有应用名称 ==> 找到密码 // theme_id 位置 : shopify后台 ==> 在线商店 ==> 模版 ==> 自定义 ==> url上的数字就是主题id // store :当前url的链接, 不要http, 内容如上 // 7. 命令启动本地和远程连接 // theme get 拉取shopify店铺主题最新代码 // theme watch --allow-live 动态监听代码变更及上传 // 说明 :当在后台手动修改了配置后, 本地需要更新代码使用 theme get来获取最新的代码 // 当本地修改了代码, 代码会自动提交到远程, 不需要像git一样进行远程push
和vue结构一样, 存放一些静态文件的地方, 比如img, 字体图标, 公共js, js插件等
“current”: 当前已选择了的所有 sections
“presets”: 能在 Add section 目录中看到的预设的 section
列出全局主题设置, 注意是全局的, 使用 settings.xxxx来获取设置的值
默认下是theme.liquid, 类似于vue中的html文件
可复用模块, 说简单点就是组件存放的地方(普通组件)
注意事项 :
{%- section 'prime-banner' -%}
小模块,比section更小的模块, 通常是静态的
导入使用 include或者reder,用法如sections
通过 page.xxxx.liquid的文件命名格式就可以作为shopify的后面页面开使用
学习地址 : https://liquid.bootcss.com/filters/escape/
总结 :是一门不太好用的语言
// 单行
{%- assign natural_height = false -%}
// 内容内为变量
{% capture my_variable %}I am being captured.{% endcapture %}
// 多行
{% liquid
assign product_img = block.settings.top_products_img
assign product_sale_percent = product_price_sale | divided_by: product_price_virtual | times: 100 | minus: 100 | abs | round | append: '%'
== 相等
!= 不相等
< 小于
= 大于或等于
<= 小于或等于
or 逻辑或
and 逻辑与
{% if product.type == "Shirt" or product.type == "Shoes" %} This is a shirt or a pair of shoes. {% endif %} // contains 包含 {% if product.title contains 'Pack' %} This product's title contains the word Pack. {% endif %} // if/else {% assign username = "John G. Chalmers-Smith" %} {% if username and username.size > 10 %} Wow, {{ username }}, you have a long name! {% else %} Hello there! {% endif %}
input : {% for product in collections.frontpage.products %} {% if forloop.first == true %} First time through! {% else %} Not the first time. {% endif %} {% endfor %} output : First time through! Not the first time. Not the first time. Not the first time. Not the first time.
input :
{% for product in collections.frontpage.products %}
{{ forloop.index }}
{% else %}
// no products in your frontpage collection
{% endfor %}
output :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
- index0
input :
{% for product in collections.frontpage.products %}
{{ forloop.index0 }}
{% endfor %}
output :
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
- last ```javascript input : {% for product in collections.frontpage.products %} {% if forloop.last == true %} This is the last iteration! {% else %} Keep going... {% endif %} {% endfor %} output : Keep going... Keep going... Keep going... Keep going... Keep going... This is the last iteration!
- length ```javascript input : <!-- if collections.frontpage.products contains 4 products --> {% for product in collections.frontpage.products %} {% if forloop.first %} <p>This collection has {{ forloop.length }} products:</p> {% endif %} <p>{{ product.title }}</p> {% endfor %} output : This collection has 4 products: Apple Orange Peach Plum
- rindex0
input :
{% for product in collections.frontpage.products %}
{{ forloop.rindex0 }}
{% endfor %}
output :
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
<div class="prime_day"> {%- section 'prime-banner' -%} {%- section 'prime-top-products' -%} {%- section 'prime-featured-products' -%} </div> <style> .prime_day [data-animate_images=true] .lazyload { opacity:0 } .prime_day [data-animate_images=true] .lazyloaded { opacity:1; animation:0.5s cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.54, 0.32, 1) 0s forwards; animation-name:zoom-fade-small; transition:none; } .prime_day [data-animate_text=true] { opacity: 0; } .prime_day .lazyloaded [data-animate_text=true]{ opacity: 1; animation: 0.8s cubic-bezier(0.26, 0.54, 0.32, 1) 0.3s forwards; animation-name: rise-up; } </style>
{% for block in section.blocks %} {% liquid assign product_img = block.settings.top_products_img assign product_img_mobile = block.settings.top_products_img_mobile assign product_image = block.settings.top_products_image assign product_image_mobile = block.settings.top_products_image_mobile assign voice_control = block.settings.assistantable assign product_title = block.settings.top_products_title assign product_sub_title = block.settings.top_products_sub_title assign product_price_sale = block.settings.top_products_price_sale assign product_price_virtual = block.settings.top_products_price_virtual assign product_url = block.settings.top_products_url assign product_sale_percent = product_price_sale | divided_by: product_price_virtual | times: 100 | minus: 100 | abs | round | append: '%' %} <a href="{{ product_url }}" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" class="top_product_wrap"> </a> {% endfor %}
{% liquid
assign discount_bg = 'https://cdn.shopifycdn.net/s/files/1/0556/4203/0246/files/265_2x_1e877f82-e25a-45de-863d-fce15adeda91.png?v=1623512350'
assign voice_bg = 'https://cdn.shopifycdn.net/s/files/1/0556/4203/0246/files/195_2x_831e54fd-1076-47c0-a70d-2e9768ba9b44.png?v=1623512350'
assign star_bg = 'https://cdn.shopifycdn.net/s/files/1/0556/4203/0246/files/27_2x_f8989dcf-e752-4200-af30-532a69d4aa9a.jpg?v=1623514323'
assign header = section.settings.top_header
<img data-src="{{ product_image | img_url: 'master' }}" alt="{{ product_image.alt }}" class="lazyload mobile-hide">
<div class="top_voice_wrap {% unless voice_control %} hide {% endunless %}">
<img src="{{ voice_bg }}" alt="" class="lazyload">
{%- if section.settings.section_height == 'natural' or section.settings.mobile_height == 'auto' -%}
{%- endif -%}
<a href="{{ product_url }}" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" class="top_product_wrap">
{ "name": "Slideshow", "class": "index-section--hero", "max_blocks": 5, "settings": [ { "type": "select", "id": "section_height", "label": "Desktop height", "default": "650px", "options": [ { "label": "Natural", "value": "natural" }, { "label": "450px", "value": "450px" }, { "label": "550px", "value": "550px" }, { "label": "650px", "value": "650px" }, { "label": "750px", "value": "750px" }, { "label": "Full screen", "value": "100vh" } ] }, { "type": "select", "id": "mobile_height", "label": "Mobile height", "default": "auto", "options": [ { "label": "Auto", "value": "auto" }, { "label": "250px", "value": "250px" }, { "label": "300px", "value": "300px" }, { "label": "400px", "value": "400px" }, { "label": "500px", "value": "500px" }, { "label": "Full screen", "value": "100vh" } ] }, { "type": "checkbox", "id": "parallax", "label": "Enable parallax", "default": true }, { "type": "select", "id": "style", "label": "Slide navigation style", "default": "minimal", "options": [ { "value": "minimal", "label": "Minimal" }, { "value": "arrows", "label": "Arrows" }, { "value": "dots", "label": "Dots" } ] }, { "type": "checkbox", "id": "autoplay", "label": "Auto-change slides", "default": true }, { "type": "range", "id": "autoplay_speed", "label": "Change images every", "default": 7, "min": 5, "max": 10, "step": 1, "unit": "s" } ], "blocks": [ { "type": "image", "name": "Slide", "settings": [ { "type": "checkbox", "id": "sign_form_valiable", "label": "Append Sign Up Form", "default": false }, { "type": "textarea", "id": "title", "label": "Heading", "default": "Two line\nslide title." }, { "type": "range", "id": "title_size", "label": "Heading text size", "default": 80, "min": 40, "max": 100, "unit": "px" }, { "type": "text", "id": "subheading", "label": "Subheading", "default": "And an optional subheading" }, { "type": "url", "id": "link", "label": "Slide link" }, { "type": "text", "id": "link_text", "label": "Slide link text", "default": "Optional button" }, { "type": "select", "id": "text_align", "label": "Text alignment", "default": "vertical-bottom horizontal-left", "options": [ { "value": "vertical-center horizontal-left", "label": "Center left" }, { "value": "vertical-center horizontal-center", "label": "Center" }, { "value": "vertical-center horizontal-right", "label": "Center right" }, { "value": "vertical-bottom horizontal-left", "label": "Bottom left" }, { "value": "vertical-bottom horizontal-center", "label": "Bottom center" }, { "value": "vertical-bottom horizontal-right", "label": "Bottom right" } ] }, { "type": "image_picker", "id": "image", "label": "Image" }, { "type": "image_picker", "id": "image_mobile", "label": "Mobile image" }, { "type": "range", "id": "overlay_opacity", "label": "Text protection", "info": "Darkens your image to ensure your text is readable", "default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 100, "step": 2, "unit": "%" }, { "type": "select", "id": "focal_point", "label": "Image focal point", "info": "Used to keep the subject of your photo in view.", "default": "center center", "options": [ { "value": "20% 0", "label": "Top left" }, { "value": "top center", "label": "Top center" }, { "value": "80% 0", "label": "Top right" }, { "value": "20% 50%", "label": "Left" }, { "value": "center center", "label": "Center" }, { "value": "80% 50%", "label": "Right" }, { "value": "20% 100%", "label": "Bottom left" }, { "value": "bottom center", "label": "Bottom center" }, { "value": "80% 100%", "label": "Bottom right" } ] } ] } ], "presets": [{ "name": "Slideshow", "category": "Image", "settings": { "autoplay": true, "autoplay_speed": 5 }, "blocks": [ { "type": "image", "settings": { "title": "Endless\npossibilities.", "subheading": "Bring your brand to life" } }, { "type": "image", "settings": { "title": "Two line\nslide titles.", "subheading": "And big, beautiful imagery" } } ] }] }
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