顺序栈和链式栈的时间复杂度均为O(1), 因此唯一可以比较的是空间性能。初始时顺序栈必须开辟一个固定的长度内存,所以存在可存储元素个数限制和浪费空间的问题。链式栈没有栈满的问题,只有当内存空间用完才会出现栈满的情况。但是每个元素都需要一个指针域,从而存在结构性开销。所以当栈的使用元素个数变化较大时,应采用链栈;反之应该采用顺序栈。
#include<iostream> using namespace std; #define StackSize 100 //定义数据类型 typedef int DataType; //定义结构体 typedef struct { DataType data[StackSize]; int top; }SeqStack; //初始化栈 void InitStack(SeqStack *S) { S->top = -1; //要注意处置状态时栈顶位置为-1 } //入栈操作 int Push(SeqStack *S, DataType x) { if(S->top == StackSize - 1) { printf("Failed, because the stack is full!\n"); return 0; } S->data[++S->top] = x; return 1; } //出栈操作 int Pop(SeqStack *S, DataType *ptr) { if(S->top == -1) { printf("Failed, because the stack is empty!\n"); return 0; } *ptr = S->data[S->top--]; return 1; } //获取栈顶元素 int GetTop(SeqStack *S, DataType *ptr) { if(S->top == -1) { printf("ERROR, the stack is empty, you can't get the top of the stack!\n"); return 0; } *ptr = S->data[S->top]; return 1; } //判断栈是否为空 int Empty(SeqStack *S) { if(S->top == -1) return 1; else return 0; } //主函数 int main() { DataType x; SeqStack S; InitStack(&S); //初始化栈 printf("We want to insert 10 and 15. \n"); Push(&S, 10); //元素10入栈 Push(&S, 15); //元素15入栈 if(GetTop(&S, &x) == 1) //打印栈顶元素 printf("Now, the top element of the stack is %d \n", x); if(Pop(&S, &x) == 1) //出栈 printf("Doing a Pop, the element you delete is : %d\n", x); if(GetTop(&S, &x) == 1) //打印栈顶元素 printf("Now, the top element of the stack is %d \n", x); printf("you can push a new element into stack.\n"); scanf("%d", &x); //自定义元素入栈 Push(&S, x); //然后输出栈顶元素 if(Empty(&S) == 1) printf("your stack is empty!\n"); else { printf("your stack isn't empty!\t"); if(GetTop(&S, &x) == 1) printf("And the top element of the stack is %d \n", x); } system("pause"); return 0; }
#include<iostream> using namespace std; #define MaxSize 100 typedef int DataType; //定义节点结构体 typedef struct Node { DataType data; struct Node *next; }Node; //初始化 Node * InitStack() { Node *top = NULL; return top; } //销毁栈 void DestroyStack(Node *top) { Node *p = top; while (top != NULL) { printf("%d\t", top->data); top = top->next; free(p); p = top; } } //入栈操作 void Push(Node **top, DataType x) { Node *s = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); s->data = x; s->next = *top; *top = s; } //出栈操作 int Pop(Node **top, DataType *ptr) { Node *p = *top; if (top == NULL) { printf("1ERROR, the stack is empty!\n"); return 0; } *ptr = (*top)->data; *top = (*top)->next; free(p); return 1; } //获取栈顶元素 int GetTop(Node *top, DataType *ptr) { if (top == NULL) { printf("2ERROR, the stack is empty!\n"); return 0; } *ptr = top->data; return 1; } //判断栈是否为空 int Empty(Node *top) { if (top == NULL) return 1; else return 0; } int main() { DataType x; Node *top = InitStack(); printf("We want to insert 10 and 15. \n"); Push(&top, 10); //元素10入栈 if (GetTop(top, &x) == 1) //打印栈顶元素 printf("Now, the top element of the stack is %d \n", x); Push(&top, 15); //元素15入栈 if (GetTop(top, &x) == 1) //打印栈顶元素 printf("Now, the top element of the stack is %d \n", x); if (Pop(&top, &x) == 1) //出栈 printf("Doing a Pop, the element you delete is : %d\n", x); if (GetTop(top, &x) == 1) //打印栈顶元素 printf("Now, the top element of the stack is %d \n", x); printf("you can push a new element into stack: \t"); scanf("%d", &x); //自定义元素入栈 Push(&top, x); //然后输出栈顶元素 if (Empty(top) == 1) printf("your stack is empty!\n"); else { printf("your stack isn't empty!\t"); if (GetTop(top, &x) == 1) printf("And the top element of the stack is %d \n", x); } DestroyStack(top); system("pause"); return 0; }
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