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最近想要学习SQLAlchemy, 发现网上的中文文档大多是机翻的, 读起来特别变扭, 因此对照着最新的英文文档梳理了一遍, 写下来记录一下
目前SQLAlchemy的版本为1.4.x, 风格处于1.x过渡到2.0的时代. 为了尽量让这篇文章的兼容之后的版本, 本文将讲述1.x和2.0两种风格的接口(主要是查询的接口)

其实在2.0风格中, 主要受到影响的是ORM的查询方式, 详情见文档: 2.0 Migration - ORM Usage


[fast →](https://blog.csdn.net/biggbang)
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[fast →](https://blog.csdn.net/biggbang)
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一般来说SQLAlchemy的使用方式有两种: CoreORM

  1. ORM是构建在Core之上的
  2. Core更加底层, 可以执行直接执行SQL语句
  3. ORM类似于Django的ORM, 由于sqlalchemy提供了一套接口, 所以不需要我们直接写SQL语句 (1.x版本)
  4. 至于要用哪个, 等到你用到时, 你会知道的



一般来说, 使用步骤如下:

  1. 配置数据库连接
  2. 建立连接
  3. 创建表
  4. 执行SQL语句, 按需开启事件是否自动提交
  5. 拿到返回数据, 执行其他代码


我们在创建引擎(连接)时, 需要指定数据库的URL, URL格式, 见: Engine Configuration, 总的来说, 格式就是: dialect[+driver]://user:password@host/dbname[?key=value..]

  • dialect 数据库名称(方言): 如mysql
  • driver 连接数据库的库: 如: pymysql
  • user 用户名
  • password 密码
  • host 地址
  • dbname 数据库名称
  • key=value 指的是给数据库的参数


|  | mysql+pymysql://root:passwd@\_db?charset=utf8 |

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调用sqlalchemy.create_engine方法, 为了兼容2.0风格的接口, 可以加上future参数. 至于什么是2.0风格的接口, 可以看看官方文档: 2.0 style

  • url 即数据库url, 其格式见上文: 数据库的连接的格式
  • echo参数为True时, 将会将engine的SQL记录到日志中 ( 默认输出到标准输出)
  • echo_poolTrue时,会将连接池的记录信息输出
  • future 使用2.0样式EngineConnection API

更多参数见官方文档: sqlalchemy.create_engine


|  | from sqlalchemy import create\_engine |
|  |  |
|  | # 兼容2.0的写法 |
|  | # 返回对象不一样 |
|  | engine1 = create\_engine("sqlite+pysqlite:///:memory:", echo=True, future=True) |
|  | print(type(engine1)) |
|  | #  |
|  |  |
|  | engine2 = create\_engine("sqlite+pysqlite:///:memory:", echo=True) |
|  | print(type(engine2)) |
|  | #  |

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注意, 由于sqlalchemy使用lazy initialization的策略连接数据库, 故此时还未真正地连接上数据库


我们想要让数据库创建一个表, 需要利用MetaData对象, 关于一些常用的MetaData方法, 见: MetaData
除了要MetaData对象外, 我们还需要Table对象, 用于定义一个表的结构

|  | mytable = Table("mytable", metadata, |
|  |  Column('mytable\_id', Integer, primary\_key=True), |
|  |  Column('value', String(50)) |
|  |  ) |

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  • name 表名称
  • metadata 该表所属的MetaData对象
  • 其他参数: 通过Column指定一列数据, 格式见: Column定义


|  | from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Table, Column, Integer, String, ForeignKey |
|  | from sqlalchemy import create\_engine, text |
|  |  |
|  | # 数据库配置 |
|  | "username": "root", |
|  | "password": "123456", |
|  | "host": "localhost", |
|  | "database": "test" |
|  | } |
|  | # 连接mysql |
|  | engine = create\_engine("mysql+pymysql://{username}:{password}@{host}/{database}".format(**DATABASE\_CONFIG), |
|  |  echo=True, future=True) |
|  | metadata\_obj = MetaData() |
|  |  |
|  | user\_table = Table( |
|  | "user\_account", |
|  |  metadata\_obj, |
|  |  Column('id', Integer, primary\_key=True), |
|  |  Column("username", String(30))) # String也可以不实例化 |
|  |  |
|  | # 第二个表 |
|  | address\_table = Table( |
|  | "address", |
|  |  metadata\_obj, |
|  |  Column("id", Integer, primary\_key=True), |
|  | # 定义外键 |
|  |  Column("uid", ForeignKey("user\_account.id"), nullable=False), |
|  |  Column('email\_address', String(32), nullable=False) |
|  | ) |
|  | # 相当于执行 CREATE TABLE 语句 |
|  | metadata\_obj.create\_all(engine) |
|  |  |
|  | """ |
|  | -- 相当于: |
|  | CREATE TABLE user\_account ( |
|  |  username VARCHAR(30),  |
|  |  PRIMARY KEY (id) |
|  | ); |
|  | CREATE TABLE address ( |
|  |  uid INTEGER NOT NULL,  |
|  |  email\_address VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,  |
|  |  PRIMARY KEY (id),  |
|  |  FOREIGN KEY(uid) REFERENCES user\_account (id) |
|  | ) |
|  | """ |

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create_all方法, 默认会在创建表之间检测一下表是否存在, 不存在时才创建.


|  | # ---------- 访问所有列 |
|  | # .c => Column |
|  | print(user\_table.c.keys()) |
|  | # ['id', 'username'] |
|  |  |
|  | # ---------- 访问某一列 |
|  | print(repr(user\_table.c.username)) |
|  | # Column('username', String(length=30), table=) |
|  |  |
|  | # ---------- 返回主键 |
|  | print(user\_table.primary\_key) |
|  | # 隐式生成 |
|  | # PrimaryKeyConstraint(Column('id', Integer(), table=, primary\_key=True, nullable=False)) |

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通常, 我们通过调用engine.connectengine.begin方法开始一个事件
sqlalchemy使用事务有两种风格commit as you goBegin once, 前者需要我们手动提交, 后者会自动提交


engine.connect方法符合python的上下文管理协议, 会返回一个Connection对象, 该方法会在不手动提交的情况下回滚.举个例子:

|  | from sqlalchemy import create\_engine |
|  | from sqlalchemy import text |
|  |  |
|  | # 数据库配置 |
|  | "username": "root", |
|  | "password": "123456", |
|  | "host": "localhost", |
|  | "database": "test" |
|  | } |
|  | # 连接mysql |
|  | engine = create\_engine("mysql+pymysql://{username}:{password}@{host}/{database}".format(**DATABASE\_CONFIG), |
|  |  echo=True, future=True) |
|  |  |
|  | with engine.connect() as conn: |
|  | # 执行 |
|  |  result = conn.execute(text("select 'hello world'")) # text 可以使用SQL语句 |
|  |  print(result.all()) |
|  | # conn.commit() |
|  | # [('hello world',)] |
|  |  |
|  | # 最后会ROLLBACK |

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上面的代码中, 相当于开启了事务, 由于最后没有调用commit方法, 所以会回滚.


engine.begin方法也符合python的上下文管理协议, 只要执行时不报错就会自动提交, 报错时会回滚.

|  | from sqlalchemy import create\_engine |
|  | from sqlalchemy import text |
|  |  |
|  | # 数据库配置 |
|  | "username": "root", |
|  | "password": "123456", |
|  | "host": "localhost", |
|  | "database": "test" |
|  | } |
|  | # 连接mysql |
|  | engine = create\_engine("mysql+pymysql://{username}:{password}@{host}/{database}".format(**DATABASE\_CONFIG), |
|  |  echo=True, future=True) |
|  |  |
|  | with engine.begin() as conn: |
|  |  result = conn.execute(text("select 'hello world'")) |
|  |  print(result.all()) |
|  | # [('hello world',)] |
|  |  |
|  | # COMMIT |

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上面在事务中执行SQL语句时, 我们用到了sqlalchemy.text, 可以直接定义文本SQL字符串
为了避免被SQL注入, 故在需要传入参数的场景中需要根据sqlalchemy的方式传入, 而不是直接拼接成字符串.
使用:y的格式定义参数, 且将值以字典的形式传给execute

|  | from sqlalchemy import create\_engine |
|  | from sqlalchemy import text |
|  |  |
|  | # 数据库配置 |
|  | "username": "root", |
|  | "password": "123456", |
|  | "host": "localhost", |
|  | "database": "test" |
|  | } |
|  | # 连接mysql |
|  | engine = create\_engine("mysql+pymysql://{username}:{password}@{host}/{database}".format(**DATABASE\_CONFIG), |
|  |  echo=True, future=True) |
|  |  |
|  | with engine.begin() as conn: |
|  |  result = conn.execute(text("select name from userinfo where name like :y"), {"y": "lcz%"}) |
|  |  print(result.all()) |
|  | # [('lczmx',)] |
|  |  |
|  | # COMMIT |
|  |  |

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多个参数时, 可以这样

|  | with engine.connect() as conn: |
|  |  conn.execute( |
|  |  text("INSERT INTO userinfo (id, name) VALUES (:x, :y)"), |
|  |  [{"x": 1, "y": "lcmx"}, {"x": 2, "y": "xxx"}]) |
|  |  conn.commit() |

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|  | stmt = text("SELECT x, y FROM some\_table WHERE y > :y ORDER BY x, y").bindparams(y=6) |
|  |  |
|  | with engine.connect() as conn: |
|  |  conn.execute(stmt) |
|  |  conn.commit() |

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处理使用text直接执行SQL外, 你还可以使用其他语法增删改查数据

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|  | $ |
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|  |`[fast →](https://blog.csdn.net/biggbang)show create table address; +---------+-----------------------------------------+ | | Table | Create Table | | +---------+-----------------------------------------+ | | address | CREATE TABLE `address` ( |  `id` int NOT NULL AUTO\_INCREMENT, |  `uid` int NOT NULL, |  `email\_address` varchar(32) NOT NULL, |  PRIMARY KEY (`id`), |  KEY `uid` (`uid`), |  CONSTRAINT `address\_ibfk\_1` FOREIGN KEY (`uid`) REFERENCES `user\_account` (`id`) | ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO\_INCREMENT=2 DEFAULT CHARSET=gbk | | +---------+------------------------------------------+ |  | +--------------+------------------------------------+ | | Table | Create Table | | +--------------+------------------------------------+ | | user\_account | CREATE TABLE `user\_account` ( |  `id` int NOT NULL AUTO\_INCREMENT, |  `username` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL, |  PRIMARY KEY (`id`) | ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO\_INCREMENT=6 DEFAULT CHARSET=gbk | | +--------------+-------------------------------------+ | 1 row in set (0.00 sec) |  |  |[restart ↻](https://blog.csdn.net/biggbang)
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|  | from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Table, Column, Integer, String, ForeignKey |
|  | from sqlalchemy import create\_engine, insert |
|  |  |
|  | # 数据库配置 |
|  | "username": "root", |
|  | "password": "123456", |
|  | "host": "localhost", |
|  | "database": "test" |
|  | } |
|  | # 连接mysql |
|  | engine = create\_engine("mysql+pymysql://{username}:{password}@{host}/{database}?charset=utf8".format(**DATABASE\_CONFIG), |
|  |  echo=True, future=True) |
|  | metadata\_obj = MetaData() |
|  |  |
|  | user\_table = Table( |
|  | "user\_account", |
|  |  metadata\_obj, |
|  |  Column('id', Integer, primary\_key=True), |
|  |  Column("username", String(30))) # String也可以不实例化 |
|  |  |
|  | # 第二个表 |
|  | address\_table = Table( |
|  | "address", |
|  |  metadata\_obj, |
|  |  Column("id", Integer, primary\_key=True), |
|  |  Column("uid", ForeignKey("user\_account.id"), nullable=False), |
|  |  Column('email\_address', String(32), nullable=False) |
|  | ) |
|  |  |
|  | metadata\_obj.create\_all(bind=engine) |
|  |  |
|  | with engine.connect() as conn: |
|  | # 插入一条普通数据 |
|  |  conn.execute(insert(user\_table).values(id=1, username="lczmx")) |
|  | # 插入外键等数据 |
|  |  conn.execute(insert(address\_table).values(uid=1, email\_address="lczmx@foxmail.com")) |
|  |  |
|  | # 自动生成value, 不需要我们手动指定 |
|  |  |
|  |  conn.execute(insert(user\_table), |
|  |  [{"username": "张三"}, |
|  |  {"username": "李四"}, |
|  |  {"username": "王五"}, |
|  |  {"username": "赵六"}, |
|  |  ]) |
|  |  |
|  |  conn.commit() |
|  |  |

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SQLAlchemy还提供了更复杂的用法, 见: Inserting Rows with Core

注意: 插入数据没有返回值




|  | select u.id as uid, u.username, a.id as aid, a.email\_address as email\_address  |
|  | from user\_account as u  |
|  | left join address as a on u.id=a.uid; |

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|  | +-----+----------+------+-------------------+ |
|  | | uid | username | aid | email\_address | |
|  | +-----+----------+------+-------------------+ |
|  | | 1 | lczmx | 1 | lczmx@foxmail.com | |
|  | | 2 | 张三 | NULL | NULL | |
|  | | 3 | 李四 | NULL | NULL | |
|  | | 4 | 王五 | NULL | NULL | |
|  | | 5 | 赵六 | NULL | NULL | |
|  | +-----+----------+------+-------------------+ |
|  |  |

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|  | from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Table, Column, Integer, String, ForeignKey |
|  | from sqlalchemy import create\_engine, delete |
|  |  |
|  | # 数据库配置 |
|  | "username": "root", |
|  | "password": "123456", |
|  | "host": "localhost", |
|  | "database": "test" |
|  | } |
|  | # 连接mysql |
|  | engine = create\_engine("mysql+pymysql://{username}:{password}@{host}/{database}?charset=utf8".format(**DATABASE\_CONFIG), |
|  |  echo=True, future=True) |
|  | metadata\_obj = MetaData() |
|  |  |
|  | user\_table = Table( |
|  | "user\_account", |
|  |  metadata\_obj, |
|  |  Column('id', Integer, primary\_key=True), |
|  |  Column("username", String(30))) # String也可以不实例化 |
|  |  |
|  | # 第二个表 |
|  | address\_table = Table( |
|  | "address", |
|  |  metadata\_obj, |
|  |  Column("id", Integer, primary\_key=True), |
|  |  Column("uid", ForeignKey("user\_account.id"), nullable=False), |
|  |  Column('email\_address', String(32), nullable=False) |
|  | ) |
|  |  |
|  | metadata\_obj.create\_all(bind=engine) |
|  |  |
|  | with engine.connect() as conn: |
|  | # 一般删除 |
|  | # user\_table.c 获取的是 列数据 |
|  |  result1 = conn.execute(delete(user\_table).where(user\_table.c.id == 3)) |
|  |  print(f"受影响行数: {result1.rowcount}") # 受影响行数: 1 |
|  |  |
|  | # and 删除 |
|  |  result2 = conn.execute(delete(user\_table).where(user\_table.c.username == "张三", user\_table.c.id == 2)) |
|  |  print(f"受影响行数: {result2.rowcount}") # 受影响行数: 1 |
|  |  |
|  |  conn.commit() |
|  |  |

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更多见: The delete() SQL Expression Construct



|  | select u.id as uid, u.username, a.id as aid, a.email\_address as email\_address  |
|  | from user\_account as u  |
|  | left join address as a on u.id=a.uid; |
|  |  |

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|  | +-----+----------+------+-------------------+ |
|  | | uid | username | aid | email\_address | |
|  | +-----+----------+------+-------------------+ |
|  | | 1 | lczmx | 1 | lczmx@foxmail.com | |
|  | | 2 | 张三 | NULL | NULL | |
|  | | 3 | 李四 | NULL | NULL | |
|  | | 4 | 王五 | NULL | NULL | |
|  | | 5 | 赵六 | NULL | NULL | |
|  | +-----+----------+------+-------------------+ |
|  |  |

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|  | from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Table, Column, Integer, String, ForeignKey |
|  | from sqlalchemy import create\_engine, update, bindparam, select |
|  |  |
|  | # 数据库配置 |
|  | "username": "root", |
|  | "password": "123456", |
|  | "host": "localhost", |
|  | "database": "test" |
|  | } |
|  | # 连接mysql |
|  | engine = create\_engine("mysql+pymysql://{username}:{password}@{host}/{database}?charset=utf8". |
|  | format(**DATABASE\_CONFIG), echo=True, future=True) |
|  | metadata\_obj = MetaData() |
|  |  |
|  | user\_table = Table( |
|  | "user\_account", |
|  |  metadata\_obj, |
|  |  Column('id', Integer, primary\_key=True), |
|  |  Column("username", String(30))) # String也可以不实例化 |
|  |  |
|  | # 第二个表 |
|  | address\_table = Table( |
|  | "address", |
|  |  metadata\_obj, |
|  |  Column("id", Integer, primary\_key=True), |
|  |  Column("uid", ForeignKey("user\_account.id"), nullable=False), |
|  |  Column('email\_address', String(32), nullable=False) |
|  | ) |
|  |  |
|  | metadata\_obj.create\_all(bind=engine) |
|  |  |
|  | with engine.connect() as conn: |
|  | # 一般更新 |
|  |  result1 = conn.execute(update(user\_table).where( |
|  |  user\_table.c.username == "王五").values(username="王老五")) |
|  |  print(f"受影响行数: {result1.rowcount}") # 受影响行数: 1 |
|  |  |
|  | # 更新数据 加上 原来的数据 |
|  |  result2 = conn.execute( |
|  |  update(user\_table).where(user\_table.c.username == "赵六").values( |
|  |  username=user\_table.c.username + "一号")) |
|  |  print(f"受影响行数: {result2.rowcount}") # 受影响行数: 1 |
|  |  |
|  | # 以字典的形式, 替换更新多个值 |
|  |  result3 = conn.execute( |
|  |  update(user\_table).where(user\_table.c.username == bindparam('old\_name')).values( |
|  |  username=bindparam('new\_name')), |
|  |  [ |
|  |  {"old\_name": "张三", "new\_name": "新张三"}, |
|  |  {"old\_name": "李四", "new\_name": "新李四"}, |
|  |  ] |
|  |  ) |
|  |  |
|  |  print(f"受影响行数: {result3.rowcount}") # 受影响行数: 2 |
|  |  |
|  | # 以 子查询 的方式 更新数据 |
|  |  scalar\_subq = ( |
|  |  select(address\_table.c.email\_address). |
|  |  where(address\_table.c.uid == user\_table.c.id). |
|  |  order\_by(address\_table.c.id). |
|  |  limit(1). |
|  |  scalar\_subquery() |
|  |  ) |
|  | # 将email\_address的值 赋给 username |
|  |  update(user\_table).values(username=scalar\_subq) |
|  |  |
|  | """ |
|  |  -- 以上查询, 相当于: |
|  |  UPDATE user\_account SET username=(SELECT address.email\_address |
|  |  FROM address |
|  |  WHERE address.uid = user\_account.id ORDER BY address.id |
|  |  LIMIT :param\_1) |
|  |  """ |
|  |  conn.commit() |
|  |  |

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|  | +-----+----------+------+-------------------+ |
|  | | uid | username | aid | email\_address | |
|  | +-----+----------+------+-------------------+ |
|  | | 1 | lczmx | 1 | lczmx@foxmail.com | |
|  | | 2 | 新张三 | NULL | NULL | |
|  | | 3 | 新李四 | NULL | NULL | |
|  | | 4 | 王老五 | NULL | NULL | |
|  | | 5 | 赵六一号 | NULL | NULL | |
|  | +-----+----------+------+-------------------+ |
|  |  |

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更多见: Updating and Deleting Rows with Core


由于2.0的查询方式, Core和ORM都可以使用, 所以放在一起, 见下文: 查询数据详解


我们执行conn.execute方法的结果为: CursorResult对象
其本质上是继承与Result对象, 其使用方式见: Result


|  | mysql> select * from user\_account; |
|  | +----+----------+ |
|  | | id | username | |
|  | +----+----------+ |
|  | | 9 | lczmx | |
|  | | 10 | jack | |
|  | | 11 | tom | |
|  | | 12 | mike | |
|  | +----+----------+ |
|  | 4 rows in set (0.00 sec) |
|  |  |
|  | mysql> |
|  |  |

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|  | from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Table, Column, Integer, String, ForeignKey |
|  | from sqlalchemy import create\_engine, text |
|  |  |
|  | # 数据库配置 |
|  | "username": "root", |
|  | "password": "123456", |
|  | "host": "localhost", |
|  | "database": "test" |
|  | } |
|  | # 连接mysql |
|  | engine = create\_engine("mysql+pymysql://{username}:{password}@{host}/{database}".format(**DATABASE\_CONFIG), |
|  |  echo=True, future=True) |
|  |  |
|  | with engine.connect() as conn: |
|  | # 执行 |
|  |  result = conn.execute(text("select * from user\_account;")) |
|  |  |
|  | for row in result.all(): |
|  | # 使用f-strings 格式化字符串 |
|  |  print(f"id: {row.id:3}, username: {row.username:20}") |
|  | # 打印的结果: |
|  | """ |
|  |  id: 9, username: lczmx  |
|  |  id: 10, username: jack  |
|  |  id: 11, username: tom  |
|  |  id: 12, username: mike  |
|  |  """ |
|  |  conn.commit() |
|  |  |

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和Core一样, ORM也有一定的使用步骤:

  1. 配置数据库连接, 见上文: 数据库的连接的格式
  2. 创建会话
  3. 创建表
  4. 使用接口, 增删改查数据
  5. 拿到返回数据, 执行其他代码

在学习SQLAlcehmy的ORM之前, 建议先了解一些概念, 以免后面会混淆

  1. 会话 Session
    会话是SQLAlchemy ORM与数据库的交互对象
    它可以管理建立连接engine, 并为通过会话加载或与会话关联的对象提供标识映射 (identity map)
    在使用时与Connection非常相似, 你可以对比着使用
  2. Base
    作为定义表的基类, 内部有包含MetaData对象

SQLAlchemy中, session是一个连接池, 的由其管理, 因此, 假如我们需要操作数据库的话, 需要在session中拿到Connection(连接)



  1. sqlalchemy.orm.Session

|  | from sqlalchemy import create\_engine |
|  | from sqlalchemy.orm import Session |
|  |  |
|  | # 创建引擎 |
|  | engine = create\_engine('postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/') |
|  |  |
|  | # 创建会话 |
|  | # 以下with可以简写成 with Session(engine) as session, session.begin(): |
|  | with Session(engine) as session: |
|  | # 开启自动提交 |
|  | with session.begin(): |
|  | # add方法 会将some\_object 保存到数据库 |
|  | # session.add(some\_object) |
|  | # session.add(some\_other\_object) |
|  | pass |
|  |  |

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  1. sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker

|  | from sqlalchemy import create\_engine |
|  | from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker |
|  |  |
|  | # 创建引擎 |
|  | engine = create\_engine('postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/') |
|  |  |
|  | # 创建session |
|  | Session = sessionmaker(engine) |
|  |  |
|  | # 一般使用 |
|  | with Session() as session: |
|  | # session.add(some\_object) |
|  | # session.add(some\_other\_object) |
|  | # 提交 |
|  |  session.commit() |
|  |  |
|  | # 自动提交 |
|  | with Session.begin() as session: |
|  | # session.add(some\_object) |
|  | # session.add(some\_other\_object) |
|  | pass |
|  |  |

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虽然有两种方法创建会话, 但我们一般使用sessionmaker创建会话


|  | from sqlalchemy import create\_engine |
|  | from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker |
|  |  |
|  | engine = create\_engine('postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/') |
|  |  |
|  | Session = sessionmaker(engine) |
|  |  |
|  | # 从连接指定到session |
|  | with engine.connect() as connection: |
|  | with Session(bind=connection) as session: |
|  | # 一些操作 |
|  | pass |

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下面列出session的一些常用方法, 增删改查数据时要用到

方法 参数 描述
add instance 下次刷新操作时, 将 instance 保留到数据库中
delete instance 下次刷新操作时, 将instance从数据库中删除
begin subtransactions nested _subtrans 开始事务
rollback 回滚当前事务
commit 提交当前事务
close 关闭此Session
execute statement params execution_option bind_arguments 执行SQL表达式构造
query *entities **kwargs 返回Query对象, 可用于查询数据
refresh instance attribute_names with_for_update instance执行刷新操作


|  | from sqlalchemy import create\_engine, text |
|  | from sqlalchemy.orm import Session |
|  |  |
|  | # 数据库配置 |
|  | "username": "root", |
|  | "password": "123456", |
|  | "host": "localhost", |
|  | "database": "test" |
|  | } |
|  | # 连接mysql |
|  | engine = create\_engine("mysql+pymysql://{username}:{password}@{host}/{database}".format(**DATABASE\_CONFIG), |
|  |  echo=True, future=True) |
|  |  |
|  | stmt = text("SELECT id, name FROM userinfo WHERE id > :y").bindparams(y=1) |
|  | with Session(engine) as session: |
|  |  result = session.execute(stmt) |
|  |  print(result.all()) |
|  | # [(2, 'name2'), (3, 'name2')] |
|  |  |
|  | # ROLLBACK |
|  |  |

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使用ORM时, 我们也需要MetaData, 不同的是, 我们是通过sqlalchemy.orm.registry构造的. 而且, 我们不需要像Core那样直接声明Table, 而是继承某个公共基类 (Base), 添加属性即可. 有两种方式定义基类.

|  | from sqlalchemy.orm import registry |
|  | mapper\_registry = registry() |
|  | print(mapper\_registry.metadata) # MetaData对象 |
|  | # 公共基类 |
|  | Base = mapper\_registry.generate\_base() |

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|  | from sqlalchemy.orm import declarative\_base |
|  |  |
|  | # 内部 return registry(...).generate\_base(...) |
|  | Base = declarative\_base() |
|  |  |

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现在你可以像在Django ORM中一样, 定义表并在数据库中创建表, 每一个Column表示一列数据, 关于Column的写法, 见: Column定义

|  | from sqlalchemy import Column, String, Integer, create\_engine, SMALLINT, Boolean, ForeignKey |
|  | from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, declarative\_base, sessionmaker |
|  |  |
|  | # 导入公共基类 |
|  | Base = declarative\_base() |
|  | # 数据库配置 |
|  | "username": "root", |
|  | "password": "123456", |
|  | "host": "localhost", |
|  | "database": "test" |
|  | } |
|  | # 连接mysql |
|  | engine = create\_engine("mysql+pymysql://{username}:{password}@{host}/{database}".format(**DATABASE\_CONFIG), |
|  |  echo=True, future=True) |
|  |  |
|  |  |
|  | class Student(Base): |
|  |  \_\_tablename\_\_ = "student" |
|  |  sid = Column("sid", Integer, primary\_key=True) |
|  |  name = Column("name", String(32), nullable=False, index=True, comment="姓名") |
|  |  age = Column("age", SMALLINT, nullable=False, comment="年龄") |
|  |  gender = Column("gender", Boolean, nullable=False, comment="性别, True: 男, False: 女") |
|  |  |
|  |  |
|  | class Course(Base): |
|  |  \_\_tablename\_\_ = "course" |
|  |  cid = Column("cid", Integer, primary\_key=True) |
|  |  name = Column("name", String(10), nullable=False, comment="科目名") |
|  |  tid = Column("tid", ForeignKey("teacher.tid"), comment="课程教师") |
|  |  |
|  |  |
|  | class Teacher(Base): |
|  |  \_\_tablename\_\_ = "teacher" |
|  |  tid = Column("tid", Integer, primary\_key=True) |
|  |  name = Column("name", String(10), nullable=False, comment="教师名") |
|  |  |
|  |  |
|  | class Score(Base): |
|  |  \_\_tablename\_\_ = "score" |
|  |  sid = Column("sid", Integer, primary\_key=True) |
|  |  score = Column("score", SMALLINT, nullable=False, comment="成绩") |
|  |  student\_id = Column("student\_id", ForeignKey("student.sid"), comment="成绩所属学生") |
|  |  course\_id = Column("course\_id", ForeignKey("course.cid"), comment="成绩所属科目") |
|  |  |
|  |  |
|  | Base.metadata.create\_all(bind=engine) |
|  |  |
|  | """ |
|  | -- 对于sql |
|  | CREATE TABLE student ( |
|  |  name VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL COMMENT '姓名',  |
|  |  age SMALLINT NOT NULL COMMENT '年龄',  |
|  |  gender BOOL NOT NULL COMMENT '性别, True: 男, False: 女',  |
|  |  PRIMARY KEY (sid) |
|  | ) |
|  | CREATE TABLE teacher ( |
|  |  name VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL COMMENT '教师名',  |
|  |  PRIMARY KEY (tid) |
|  | ) |
|  | CREATE TABLE course ( |
|  |  name VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL COMMENT '科目名',  |
|  |  tid INTEGER COMMENT '课程教师',  |
|  |  PRIMARY KEY (cid),  |
|  |  FOREIGN KEY(tid) REFERENCES teacher (tid) |
|  | ) |
|  | CREATE TABLE score ( |
|  |  score SMALLINT NOT NULL COMMENT '成绩',  |
|  |  student\_id INTEGER COMMENT '成绩所属学生',  |
|  |  course\_id INTEGER COMMENT '成绩所属科目',  |
|  |  PRIMARY KEY (sid),  |
|  |  FOREIGN KEY(student\_id) REFERENCES student (sid),  |
|  |  FOREIGN KEY(course\_id) REFERENCES course (cid) |
|  | ) |
|  |   |
|  | """ |

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Base.metadataMetaData对象, 常用的MetaData方法见: MetaData

注: 你通过Student.__table__属性可以查看Table, 也可以通过Student.name访问某一列



接上文 “在ORM中创建表” 中的表

1.x的接口与2.0的接口一样, 都是调用session.add(instance)方法添加到数据库 (add方法下次刷新操作时, 将instance保存到数据库)
注意: 自动生成的数据, 在未插入到数据库之前, 都为None, 如: 自动生成的主键

你也可以调用add_all(instance1, instance2, ...)方法, 区别只是插入一条和多条数据而已

