- def favorite_book(title):
- """"喜欢的图书"""
- print("One of my favorite book is " + title.title() + ".")
- favorite_book("Harry Potter")
One of my favorite book is Harry Potter.
8-4 大号T恤:
- def make_shirt(size, word = "I love Python"):
- print("\nSize: " + size )
- print("Words: " + word)
- make_shirt("L")
- make_shirt("M")
- make_shirt("S",word = "I love C++")
- Size: L
- Words: I love Python
- Size: M
- Words: I love Python
- Size: S
- Words: I love C++
8-7 专辑:
- def make_album(singer_name, ablum_name, numebr = ""):
- """返回专辑的信息"""
- ablum = {'singer': singer_name, 'ablum': ablum_name}
- if numebr:
- ablum['number'] = numebr;
- return ablum
- ablum = make_album("Taylor Swift","Reputation",15)
- print(ablum)
- ablum2 = make_album("Taylor Swift", "Fearless")
- print(ablum2)
- {'singer': 'Taylor Swift', 'ablum': 'Reputation', 'number': 15}
- {'singer': 'Taylor Swift', 'ablum': 'Fearless'}
8-8 用户的专辑
- def make_album(singer_name, ablum_name, numebr = ""):
- """返回专辑的信息"""
- ablum = {'singer': singer_name, 'ablum': ablum_name}
- if numebr:
- ablum['number'] = numebr;
- return ablum
- while True:
- print("\nPlease enter the name of singer: ")
- singer_name = input("Singer Name:")
- if singer_name == 'q':
- break;
- print("Please enter the name of ablum: ")
- ablum_name = input("Ablum Name: ")
- if ablum_name == 'q':
- break;
- ablum = make_album(singer_name,ablum_name)
- print(ablum)
- Please enter the name of singer:
- Singer Name:Taylor Swift
- Please enter the name of ablum:
- Ablum Name: Reputation
- {'singer': 'Taylor Swift', 'ablum': 'Reputation'}
- Please enter the name of singer:
- Singer Name:q
8-9 魔术师:
- def show_magicians(names):
- for name in names:
- msg = "Hello, " + name.title() + "!"
- print(msg)
- names = ['Alex', 'Leo', 'Mike']
- show_magicians(names)
- Hello, Alex!
- Hello, Leo!
- Hello, Mike!
8-10 了不起的魔术师:
- def show_magicians(names):
- for name in names:
- msg = "Hello, " + name.title() + "!"
- print(msg)
- def make_great(names,new_names):
- while names:
- current_name = names.pop()
- current_name = "the Great " + current_name
- new_names.append(current_name)
- names = ['Alex', 'Leo', 'Mike']
- new_names = []
- print("The Original magician: ")
- show_magicians(names)
- make_great(names,new_names)
- print("\nThe present magicians: ")
- show_magicians(new_names)
- The Original magician:
- Hello, Alex!
- Hello, Leo!
- Hello, Mike!
- The present magicians:
- Hello, The Great Mike!
- Hello, The Great Leo!
- Hello, The Great Alex!
8-14 汽车:
- def make_car(factory, type, **car_info):
- car = {}
- car['factory'] = factory
- car['type'] = type
- for key, value in car_info.items():
- car[key] = value
- return car
- car_info = make_car('subaru', 'outback', color = 'blue', tow_packet = True)
- print(car_info)
{'factory': 'subaru', 'type': 'outback', 'color': 'blue', 'tow_packet': True}
8-15 打印模型
- #print_funtions.py
- def print_fun(name):
- print("Hello, " + name)
- #print_models.py
- import print_funtions as p_fun
- p_fun.print_fun("Alex")
Hello, Alex
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