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oracle自带sql server,使用 SSMA 项目 (OracleToSQL) - SQL Server | Microsoft Docs


处理 SSMA 项目 (OracleToSQL)Working with SSMA Projects (OracleToSQL)



若要将 Oracle 数据库迁移到 SQL ServerSQL Server ,请先创建一个 SSMA 项目。To migrate Oracle databases to SQL ServerSQL Server, you first create an SSMA project. 项目是包含以下信息的文件:The project is a file that contains the following information:

要迁移到的 Oracle 数据库的相关元数据 SQL ServerSQL Server 。Metadata about the Oracle databases you want to migrate to SQL ServerSQL Server.

SQL ServerSQL Server将接收已迁移对象和数据的的目标实例的元数据。Metadata about the target instance of SQL ServerSQL Server that will receive the migrated objects and data.

SQL ServerSQL Server 连接信息。connection information.

项目设置。Project settings.

当你打开项目时,它会与 Oracle and 断开连接 SQL ServerSQL Server 。When you open a project, it is disconnected from Oracle and SQL ServerSQL Server. 这使你可以脱机工作。That lets you work offline. 有关重新连接到的信息 SQL ServerSQL Server ,请参阅 连接到 SQL Server (OracleToSQL)。For information about reconnecting to SQL ServerSQL Server, see Connecting to SQL Server (OracleToSQL).

查看默认项目设置Reviewing Default Project Settings

SSMA 包含一些设置,用于转换和加载数据库对象、迁移数据以及将 SSMA 与 Oracle and 同步 SQL ServerSQL Server 。SSMA contains several settings for converting and loading database objects, migrating data, and synchronizing SSMA with Oracle and SQL ServerSQL Server. 默认设置适用于许多用户。The default settings are appropriate for many users. 但是,在创建新的 SSMA 项目之前,应该检查设置。However, before you create a new SSMA project, you should review the settings. 如果需要,你可以更改将用于所有新项目的默认设置。If you want to, you can change the default settings that will be used for all your new projects.

查看默认项目设置To review default project settings

在 " 工具 " 菜单上,单击 " 默认项目设置"。On the Tools menu, click Default Project Settings.

在 " 迁移目标版本 " 下拉顺序中选择需要查看或更改其设置的项目类型,然后单击 " 常规 " 选项卡。Select the project type in Migration Target Version drop down for which settings are required to be viewed or changed and then Click General tab.

在左窗格中,单击 " 转换"。In the left pane, click Conversion.

在右侧窗格中,根据需要查看和更改设置。In the right pane, review and change the settings as necessary. For more information about these settings, see Project Settings (Conversion) (OracleToSQL).

对于迁移、同步、加载系统对象、GUI 和类型映射页,重复步骤1-3。Repeat Steps 1-3 for the Migration, Synchronization, Loading System Objects, GUI, and Type Mapping pages.

有关同步的设置的信息 SQL ServerSQL Server ,请参阅 项目设置(同步) (OracleToSQL)。For information about settings for synchronization to SQL ServerSQL Server, see Project Settings(Synchronization) (OracleToSQL).

For information about data type mapping settings, see Project Settings (Type Mapping) (OracleToSQL).

创建新项目Creating New Projects

若要将数据从 Oracle 数据库迁移到 SQL ServerSQL Server ,你必须先创建一个项目。To migrate data from Oracle databases to SQL ServerSQL Server, you must first create a project.

创建项目To create a project

在“文件”菜单上,单击“新建项目”。On the File menu, click New Project.

将显示“新建项目”对话框。The New Project dialog box appears.

在 " 名称 " 框中,输入项目的名称。In the Name box, enter a name for your project.

在 " 位置 " 框中,输入或选择项目的文件夹,然后单击 "确定"。In the Location box, enter or select a folder for the project, and then click OK.

在 " 迁移到 " 下拉菜单中,选择用于迁移的目标版本 SQL ServerSQL Server 。In the Migration To drop down, select the version of target SQL ServerSQL Server used for migration. 可用选项包括:The options available are:

SQL ServerSQL Server 20052005

SQL ServerSQL Server 20082008

SQL ServerSQL Server 20142014

SQL ServerSQL Server 20162016

Azure SQL 数据库Azure SQL Database

自定义项目设置Customizing Project Settings

除了定义适用于所有新 SSMA 项目的默认项目设置,你还可以自定义每个项目的设置。In addition to defining default project settings that apply to all new SSMA projects, you can customize the settings for each project.

在源数据库和目标数据库之间自定义数据类型映射时,可以在项目、数据库或对象级别定义映射。When you customize data type mappings between source and target databases, you can define mappings at the project, database, or object level.

保存项目Saving Projects

保存项目时,SSMA 会将项目设置和数据库元数据保留到项目文件中。When you save a project, SSMA retains the project settings, and optionally the database metadata, to the project file.

保存项目的步骤To save a project

在 " 文件 " 菜单上,单击 " 保存项目"。On the File menu, click Save Project.

如果项目中的架构已更改或尚未转换,SSMA 会提示你加载并保存元数据。If schemas in the project have changed or have not been converted, SSMA will prompt you to load and save metadata. 加载和保存元数据将允许脱机工作。Loading and saving metadata will let you work offline. 它还允许你向其他人(如技术支持人员)发送完整的项目文件。It also lets you send a complete project file to other people, such as technical support personnel. 如果系统提示你保存元数据,请执行以下操作:If you are prompted to save metadata, do the following:

对于显示 " 缺少元数据" 状态的每个架构,请选中数据库名称旁边的复选框。For each schema that shows a status of Metadata missing, select the check box next to the database name.

保存元数据可能需要几分钟时间。Saving metadata might take several minutes. 如果你不想保存元数据,请不要选中任何复选框。If you do not want to save metadata yet, do not select any check boxes.

单击“保存”按钮 。Click the Save button.

SSMA 将分析 Oracle 架构,并将元数据保存到项目文件。SSMA will parse the Oracle schemas and save the metadata to the project file.

打开项目Opening Projects

打开某个项目时,该项目将从 Oracle 和中断开连接 SQL ServerSQL Server 。When you open a project, it is disconnected from Oracle and from SQL ServerSQL Server. 这使你可以脱机工作。That lets you work offline. 若要更新元数据,请将数据库对象加载到中 SQL ServerSQL Server 。To update metadata, load database objects into SQL ServerSQL Server. 若要迁移数据,必须重新连接到 Oracle 和 SQL ServerSQL Server 。To migrate data, you must reconnect to Oracle and SQL ServerSQL Server.

打开项目的步骤To open a project

可使用下列过程之一:Use one of the following procedures:

在 " 文件 " 菜单上,指向 " 最近使用的项目",然后单击要打开的项目。On the File menu, point to Recent Projects, and then click the project you want to open.

在 " 文件 " 菜单上,选择 " 打开项目",找到 "o2ssproj" 项目文件,选择该文件,然后单击 " 打开"。On the File menu, select Open Project, locate the .o2ssproj project file, select the file, and then click Open.

若要重新连接到 Oracle,请在 " 文件 " 菜单上单击 " 重新连接到 oracle"。To reconnect to Oracle, on the File menu, click Reconnect to Oracle.

若要重新连接到 SQL ServerSQL Server ,请在 " 文件 " 菜单上单击 " 重新连接" SQL Server。To reconnect to SQL ServerSQL Server, on the File menu, click Reconnect to SQL Server.

下一步Next Step

另请参阅See Also

