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// scheduleOne does the entire scheduling workflow for a single pod. It is serialized on the scheduling algorithm's host fitting.
func (sched *Scheduler) scheduleOne(ctx context.Context) {
    // 获取调度队列中的下一个 Pod 信息
    podInfo := sched.NextPod()
    // 如果 podInfo 或者其包含的 Pod 为 nil,说明调度队列关闭或者没有 Pod 需要调度,直接返回
    if podInfo == nil || podInfo.Pod == nil {
    // 获取 Pod 对象
    pod := podInfo.Pod
    // 为当前 Pod 选择一个调度框架(scheduler framework)
    fwk, err := sched.frameworkForPod(pod)
    if err != nil {
        // 这种情况不应该发生,因为我们只接受那些指定了匹配调度器名称的 Pod 进行调度
        klog.ErrorS(err, "Error occurred")
    // 如果跳过调度,则直接返回
    if sched.skipPodSchedule(fwk, pod) {

    // 记录尝试调度 Pod 的日志
    klog.V(3).InfoS("Attempting to schedule pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))

    // 开始计时,尝试为 Pod 找到合适的宿主机
    start := time.Now()
    // 初始化调度周期状态
    state := framework.NewCycleState()
    // 设置是否记录插件指标的随机概率
    state.SetRecordPluginMetrics(rand.Intn(100) < pluginMetricsSamplePercent)

    // 初始化一个空的 podsToActivate 结构,这个结构将由插件填充或者保持为空
    podsToActivate := framework.NewPodsToActivate()
    // 将 podsToActivate 写入状态中
    state.Write(framework.PodsToActivateKey, podsToActivate)

    // 创建一个新的带有取消功能的上下文,用于调度周期
    schedulingCycleCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
    defer cancel()

    // 执行调度周期,尝试为 Pod 找到合适的宿主机
    scheduleResult, assumedPodInfo, status := sched.schedulingCycle(schedulingCycleCtx, state, fwk, podInfo, start, podsToActivate)
    // 如果调度失败,则调用失败处理器
    if !status.IsSuccess() {
        sched.FailureHandler(schedulingCycleCtx, fwk, assumedPodInfo, status, scheduleResult.nominatingInfo, start)

    // 异步绑定 Pod 到其宿主机(可以这样做是因为上面的假设步骤)
    go func() {
        // 创建一个新的带有取消功能的上下文,用于绑定周期
        bindingCycleCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
        defer cancel()

        // 增加绑定阶段的 goroutine 指标
        defer metrics.SchedulerGoroutines.WithLabelValues(metrics.Binding).Dec()
        defer metrics.Goroutines.WithLabelValues(metrics.Binding).Dec()

        // 执行绑定周期,尝试将 Pod 绑定到宿主机
        status := sched.bindingCycle(bindingCycleCtx, state, fwk, scheduleResult, assumedPodInfo, start, podsToActivate)
        // 如果绑定失败,则处理绑定周期错误
        if !status.IsSuccess() {
            sched.handleBindingCycleError(bindingCycleCtx, state, fwk, assumedPodInfo, start, scheduleResult, status)
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  1. 从调度队列中获取下一个要调度的 Pod。
  2. 为 Pod 选择一个调度框架。
  3. 如果配置允许,跳过调度。
  4. 记录日志并开始调度周期。
  5. 如果调度成功,异步地尝试将 Pod 绑定到选定的宿主机。
  6. 如果调度或绑定失败,执行相应的错误处理逻辑。



// schedulingCycle tries to schedule a single Pod.
func (sched *Scheduler) schedulingCycle(
    ctx context.Context, // 调度上下文
    state *framework.CycleState, // 调度周期状态
    fwk framework.Framework, // 调度框架
    podInfo *framework.QueuedPodInfo, // 待调度的 Pod 信息
    start time.Time, // 调度开始时间
    podsToActivate *framework.PodsToActivate, // 待激活的 Pods
) (ScheduleResult, *framework.QueuedPodInfo, *framework.Status) {
    // 获取待调度的 Pod
    pod := podInfo.Pod
    // 调用调度器的 SchedulePod 方法尝试调度 Pod
    scheduleResult, err := sched.SchedulePod(ctx, fwk, state, pod)
    if err != nil {
        // 如果没有可用节点,则返回错误状态
        if err == ErrNoNodesAvailable {
            status := framework.NewStatus(framework.UnschedulableAndUnresolvable).WithError(err)
            return ScheduleResult{nominatingInfo: clearNominatedNode}, podInfo, status

        // 如果错误是 FitError 类型,则说明 Pod 无法适应任何节点
        fitError, ok := err.(*framework.FitError)
        if !ok {
            klog.ErrorS(err, "Error selecting node for pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
            return ScheduleResult{nominatingInfo: clearNominatedNode}, podInfo, framework.AsStatus(err)

        // 如果没有 PostFilter 插件,则不执行抢占
        if !fwk.HasPostFilterPlugins() {
            klog.V(3).InfoS("No PostFilter plugins are registered, so no preemption will be performed")
            return ScheduleResult{}, podInfo, framework.NewStatus(framework.Unschedulable).WithError(err)

        // 运行 PostFilter 插件,尝试使 Pod 在未来的调度周期中可调度
        result, status := fwk.RunPostFilterPlugins(ctx, state, pod, fitError.Diagnosis.NodeToStatusMap)
        msg := status.Message()
        fitError.Diagnosis.PostFilterMsg = msg
        if status.Code() == framework.Error {
            klog.ErrorS(nil, "Status after running PostFilter plugins for pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "status", msg)
        } else {
            klog.V(5).InfoS("Status after running PostFilter plugins for pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "status", msg)

        // 获取 PostFilter 插件返回的 NominatingInfo
        var nominatingInfo *framework.NominatingInfo
        if result != nil {
            nominatingInfo = result.NominatingInfo
        return ScheduleResult{nominatingInfo: nominatingInfo}, podInfo, framework.NewStatus(framework.Unschedulable).WithError(err)

    // 计算并记录调度算法的延迟
    // 假设 Pod 已经在给定节点上运行,这样子就不用等它实际绑定就可以执行后续的操作了
    assumedPodInfo := podInfo.DeepCopy()
    assumedPod := assumedPodInfo.Pod
    // 假设操作,设置 Pod 的 NodeName 为调度结果推荐的宿主机
    err = sched.assume(assumedPod, scheduleResult.SuggestedHost)
    if err != nil {
        // 如果假设操作失败,这可能是重试逻辑中的一个 BUG
        // 报告错误以便重新调度 Pod
        return ScheduleResult{nominatingInfo: clearNominatedNode},

    // 运行预留插件的 Reserve 方法
    if sts := fwk.RunReservePluginsReserve(ctx, state, assumedPod, scheduleResult.SuggestedHost); !sts.IsSuccess() {
        // 如果预留失败,触发取消预留以清理与预留 Pod 相关的资源
        fwk.RunReservePluginsUnreserve(ctx, state, assumedPod, scheduleResult.SuggestedHost)
        if forgetErr := sched.Cache.ForgetPod(assumedPod); forgetErr != nil {
            klog.ErrorS(forgetErr, "Scheduler cache ForgetPod failed")

        return ScheduleResult{nominatingInfo: clearNominatedNode},

    // 运行 "permit" 插件
    runPermitStatus := fwk.RunPermitPlugins(ctx, state, assumedPod, scheduleResult.SuggestedHost)
    if !runPermitStatus.IsWait() && !runPermitStatus.IsSuccess() {
        // 如果许可检查失败,触发取消预留以清理与预留 Pod 相关的资源
        fwk.RunReservePluginsUnreserve(ctx, state, assumedPod, scheduleResult.SuggestedHost)
        if forgetErr := sched.Cache.ForgetPod(assumedPod); forgetErr != nil {
            klog.ErrorS(forgetErr, "Scheduler cache ForgetPod failed")

        return ScheduleResult{nominatingInfo: clearNominatedNode},

    // 成功调度周期结束后,查看是否有必要设置一些pod为可调度的状态
    if len(podsToActivate.Map) != 0 {
        // 激活后清空条目
        podsToActivate.Map = make(map[string]*v1.Pod)

    // 返回调度结果
    return scheduleResult, assumedPodInfo, nil
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  1. 尝试调度 Pod,并处理可能出现的错误。
  2. 如果调度失败,根据错误类型执行不同的逻辑,如处理节点不可用或 Pod 不适应任何节点的情况。
  3. 如果调度成功,记录调度算法的延迟,并提前假设 Pod 已经在推荐的节点上运行。
  4. 运行预留插件的 Reserve 方法,并处理预留成功或失败的情况。
  5. 运行抢占插件,并根据结果进行相应的处理。
  6. 如果有待转为active的 Pods,执行激活操作。
  7. 返回调度结果。



// schedulePod tries to schedule the given pod to one of the nodes in the node list.
// If it succeeds, it will return the name of the node.
// If it fails, it will return a FitError with reasons.
func (sched *Scheduler) schedulePod(ctx context.Context, fwk framework.Framework, state *framework.CycleState, pod *v1.Pod) (result ScheduleResult, err error) {
	trace := utiltrace.New("Scheduling", utiltrace.Field{Key: "namespace", Value: pod.Namespace}, utiltrace.Field{Key: "name", Value: pod.Name})
	defer trace.LogIfLong(100 * time.Millisecond)

	if err := sched.Cache.UpdateSnapshot(sched.nodeInfoSnapshot); err != nil {
		return result, err
	trace.Step("Snapshotting scheduler cache and node infos done")

	if sched.nodeInfoSnapshot.NumNodes() == 0 {
		return result, ErrNoNodesAvailable

	feasibleNodes, diagnosis, err := sched.findNodesThatFitPod(ctx, fwk, state, pod)
	if err != nil {
		return result, err
	trace.Step("Computing predicates done")

	if len(feasibleNodes) == 0 {
		return result, &framework.FitError{
			Pod:         pod,
			NumAllNodes: sched.nodeInfoSnapshot.NumNodes(),
			Diagnosis:   diagnosis,

	// When only one node after predicate, just use it.
	if len(feasibleNodes) == 1 {
		return ScheduleResult{
			SuggestedHost:  feasibleNodes[0].Name,
			EvaluatedNodes: 1 + len(diagnosis.NodeToStatusMap),
			FeasibleNodes:  1,
		}, nil

	priorityList, err := prioritizeNodes(ctx, sched.Extenders, fwk, state, pod, feasibleNodes)
	if err != nil {
		return result, err

	host, err := selectHost(priorityList)
	trace.Step("Prioritizing done")

	return ScheduleResult{
		SuggestedHost:  host,
		EvaluatedNodes: len(feasibleNodes) + len(diagnosis.NodeToStatusMap),
		FeasibleNodes:  len(feasibleNodes),
	}, err
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// Filters the nodes to find the ones that fit the pod based on the framework
// filter plugins and filter extenders.
func (sched *Scheduler) findNodesThatFitPod(ctx context.Context, fwk framework.Framework, state *framework.CycleState, pod *v1.Pod) ([]*v1.Node, framework.Diagnosis, error) {
    // 初始化诊断信息,用于记录调度过程中的详细信息
    diagnosis := framework.Diagnosis{
        NodeToStatusMap:      make(framework.NodeToStatusMap),
        UnschedulablePlugins: sets.NewString(),

    // 获取所有节点的信息
    allNodes, err := sched.nodeInfoSnapshot.NodeInfos().List()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, diagnosis, err
    // 运行 "prefilter" 插件
    preRes, s := fwk.RunPreFilterPlugins(ctx, state, pod)
    if !s.IsSuccess() {
        if !s.IsUnschedulable() {
            return nil, diagnosis, s.AsError()
        // 如果 PreFilter 插件返回的状态是不可调度的,记录相关信息
        msg := s.Message()
        diagnosis.PreFilterMsg = msg
        klog.V(5).InfoS("Status after running PreFilter plugins for pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "status", msg)
        // 如果有插件失败,记录失败的插件名称
        if s.FailedPlugin() != "" {
        return nil, diagnosis, nil

    // 如果 Pod 已经被提名到一个节点上(可能由于之前的抢占操作),
    // 这个节点很可能是唯一一个合适的节点,所以首先评估这个节点
    if len(pod.Status.NominatedNodeName) > 0 {
        feasibleNodes, err := sched.evaluateNominatedNode(ctx, pod, fwk, state, diagnosis)
        if err != nil {
            klog.ErrorS(err, "Evaluation failed on nominated node", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "node", pod.Status.NominatedNodeName)
        // 如果提名的节点通过了所有的过滤,调度器可以决定将这个节点分配给 Pod
        if len(feasibleNodes) != 0 {
            return feasibleNodes, diagnosis, nil

    // 根据 PreFilter 插件的结果,可能需要过滤掉一些节点
    nodes := allNodes
    if !preRes.AllNodes() {
        nodes = make([]*framework.NodeInfo, 0, len(preRes.NodeNames))
        for n := range preRes.NodeNames {
            nInfo, err := sched.nodeInfoSnapshot.NodeInfos().Get(n)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, diagnosis, err
            nodes = append(nodes, nInfo)
    // 寻找通过过滤的节点
    feasibleNodes, err := sched.findNodesThatPassFilters(ctx, fwk, state, pod, diagnosis, nodes)
    // 无论是否发生错误,都尝试更新下一次开始搜索节点的索引
    processedNodes := len(feasibleNodes) + len(diagnosis.NodeToStatusMap)
    sched.nextStartNodeIndex = (sched.nextStartNodeIndex + processedNodes) % len(nodes)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, diagnosis, err

    // 检查过滤扩展器以找到更多通过过滤的节点
    feasibleNodes, err = findNodesThatPassExtenders(sched.Extenders, pod, feasibleNodes, diagnosis.NodeToStatusMap)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, diagnosis, err
    // 返回所有通过过滤的节点
    return feasibleNodes, diagnosis, nil
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// findNodesThatPassFilters finds the nodes that fit the filter plugins.
func (sched *Scheduler) findNodesThatPassFilters(
    ctx context.Context, // 调度上下文
    fwk framework.Framework, // 调度框架
    state *framework.CycleState, // 调度周期状态
    pod *v1.Pod, // 待调度的 Pod
    diagnosis framework.Diagnosis, // 调度诊断信息
    nodes []*framework.NodeInfo) ([]*v1.Node, error) { // 所有节点信息
    numAllNodes := len(nodes) // 所有节点的数量
    // 计算应该找到的可行节点数量
    numNodesToFind := sched.numFeasibleNodesToFind(fwk.PercentageOfNodesToScore(), int32(numAllNodes))

    // 创建一个足够大的列表来存储通过过滤的节点,以避免在运行时增长该列表
    feasibleNodes := make([]*v1.Node, numNodesToFind)

    // 如果框架没有过滤插件,直接使用所有节点
    if !fwk.HasFilterPlugins() {
        for i := range feasibleNodes {
            // 从上一个调度周期停止的地方开始检查节点
            feasibleNodes[i] = nodes[(sched.nextStartNodeIndex+i)%numAllNodes].Node()
        return feasibleNodes, nil

    // 用于并行处理时的错误通道
    errCh := parallelize.NewErrorChannel()
    var statusesLock sync.Mutex // 用于保护对诊断信息的并发访问
    var feasibleNodesLen int32 // 通过过滤的节点数量
    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx) // 创建一个可取消的上下文
    defer cancel()

    // 检查每个节点是否通过过滤
    checkNode := func(i int) {
        nodeInfo := nodes[(sched.nextStartNodeIndex+i)%numAllNodes] // 获取节点信息
        status := fwk.RunFilterPluginsWithNominatedPods(ctx, state, pod, nodeInfo) // 运行过滤插件
        if status.Code() == framework.Error {
            errCh.SendErrorWithCancel(status.AsError(), cancel) // 发送错误并可能取消整个操作
        if status.IsSuccess() {
            // 如果节点通过过滤,将其添加到可行节点列表中
            length := atomic.AddInt32(&feasibleNodesLen, 1)
            if length > numNodesToFind {
                cancel() // 如果找到的节点超过了预定数量,取消剩余的检查
                atomic.AddInt32(&feasibleNodesLen, -1)
            } else {
                feasibleNodes[length-1] = nodeInfo.Node()
        } else {
            // 如果节点没有通过过滤,记录其状态
            diagnosis.NodeToStatusMap[nodeInfo.Node().Name] = status

    // 记录开始检查节点的时间
    beginCheckNode := time.Now()
    statusCode := framework.Success
    defer func() {
        // 记录 Filter 扩展点的延迟
        metrics.FrameworkExtensionPointDuration.WithLabelValues(metrics.Filter, statusCode.String(), fwk.ProfileName()).Observe(metrics.SinceInSeconds(beginCheckNode))

    // 并行检查所有节点,直到找到预定数量的可行节点或检查完所有节点
    fwk.Parallelizer().Until(ctx, numAllNodes, checkNode, metrics.Filter)

    // 截断可行节点列表到实际找到的节点数量
    feasibleNodes = feasibleNodes[:feasibleNodesLen]
    if err := errCh.ReceiveError(); err != nil {
        statusCode = framework.Error
        return feasibleNodes, err
    return feasibleNodes, nil
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// numFeasibleNodesToFind returns the number of feasible nodes that once found, the scheduler stops
// its search for more feasible nodes.
func (sched *Scheduler) numFeasibleNodesToFind(percentageOfNodesToScore *int32, numAllNodes int32) (numNodes int32) {
    if numAllNodes < minFeasibleNodesToFind {
        // 如果所有节点的数量小于预设的最小可行节点数,则返回所有节点的数量
        return numAllNodes

    // 使用框架(profile)中设置的百分比,如果没有设置,则使用全局的百分比
    var percentage int32
    if percentageOfNodesToScore != nil {
        percentage = *percentageOfNodesToScore
    } else {
        percentage = sched.percentageOfNodesToScore

    if percentage == 0 {
        // 如果没有提供百分比,则使用默认的计算方式
        percentage = int32(50) - numAllNodes/125
        if percentage < minFeasibleNodesPercentageToFind {
            // 确保百分比不低于预设的最小值
            percentage = minFeasibleNodesPercentageToFind

    // 计算基于总节点数和百分比的节点数
    numNodes = numAllNodes * percentage / 100
    if numNodes < minFeasibleNodesToFind {
        // 如果计算出的节点数小于最小可行节点数,则返回最小值
        return minFeasibleNodesToFind

    // 返回计算出的可行节点数
    return numNodes
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然后定义了内部的checkNode函数,其输入是要检查的node 的id相对于sched.nextStartNodeIndex的偏移。注意这里使用了k8s内部定义的并行函数fwk.Parallelizer().Until,其定义如下,在pkg/scheduler/framework/parallelize/parallelism.go:56staging/src/k8s.io/client-go/util/workqueue/parallelizer.go:46中:

// Until is a wrapper around workqueue.ParallelizeUntil to use in scheduling algorithms.
// A given operation will be a label that is recorded in the goroutine metric.
func (p Parallelizer) Until(ctx context.Context, pieces int, doWorkPiece workqueue.DoWorkPieceFunc, operation string) {
	goroutinesMetric := metrics.Goroutines.WithLabelValues(operation)
	withMetrics := func(piece int) {

	workqueue.ParallelizeUntil(ctx, p.parallelism, pieces, withMetrics, workqueue.WithChunkSize(chunkSizeFor(pieces, p.parallelism)))
// ParallelizeUntil is a framework that allows for parallelizing N
// independent pieces of work until done or the context is canceled.
func ParallelizeUntil(ctx context.Context, workers, pieces int, doWorkPiece DoWorkPieceFunc, opts ...Options) {
	if pieces == 0 {
	o := options{}
	for _, opt := range opts {
	chunkSize := o.chunkSize
	if chunkSize < 1 {
		chunkSize = 1

	chunks := ceilDiv(pieces, chunkSize)
	toProcess := make(chan int, chunks)
	for i := 0; i < chunks; i++ {
		toProcess <- i

	var stop <-chan struct{}
	if ctx != nil {
		stop = ctx.Done()
	if chunks < workers {
		workers = chunks
	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
	for i := 0; i < workers; i++ {
		go func() {
			defer utilruntime.HandleCrash()
			defer wg.Done()
			for chunk := range toProcess {
				start := chunk * chunkSize
				end := start + chunkSize
				if end > pieces {
					end = pieces
				for p := start; p < end; p++ {
					select {
					case <-stop:
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func (f *frameworkImpl) RunFilterPluginsWithNominatedPods(
    ctx context.Context, // 调度上下文
    state *framework.CycleState, // 当前周期状态
    pod *v1.Pod, // 待调度的 Pod
    info *framework.NodeInfo, // 节点信息
) *framework.Status {
    var status *framework.Status

    podsAdded := false
  // We run filters twice in some cases. If the node has greater or equal priority
	// nominated pods, we run them when those pods are added to PreFilter state and nodeInfo.
	// If all filters succeed in this pass, we run them again when these
	// nominated pods are not added. This second pass is necessary because some
	// filters such as inter-pod affinity may not pass without the nominated pods.
	// If there are no nominated pods for the node or if the first run of the
	// filters fail, we don't run the second pass.
	// We consider only equal or higher priority pods in the first pass, because
	// those are the current "pod" must yield to them and not take a space opened
	// for running them. It is ok if the current "pod" take resources freed for
	// lower priority pods.
	// Requiring that the new pod is schedulable in both circumstances ensures that
	// we are making a conservative decision: filters like resources and inter-pod
	// anti-affinity are more likely to fail when the nominated pods are treated
	// as running, while filters like pod affinity are more likely to fail when
	// the nominated pods are treated as not running. We can't just assume the
	// nominated pods are running because they are not running right now and in fact,
	// they may end up getting scheduled to a different node.
    // 我们可能需要两次运行过滤插件。如果节点上有优先级更高或相等的被提名的 Pods,
    // 我们会在这些 Pods 被添加到 PreFilter 状态和 nodeInfo 时运行它们。
    // 如果所有过滤插件在这一轮通过,我们会在这些被提名的 Pods 没有被添加的情况下再次运行它们。
    // 第二轮运行是必要的,因为一些过滤插件(如 Pod 亲和性)可能在没有被提名的 Pods 的情况下无法通过。
    // 如果节点没有被提名的 Pods 或者第一轮过滤插件失败,我们不会进行第二轮。
    // 我们只考虑第一轮中优先级相等或更高的 Pods,因为当前的 "pod" 必须为它们让路,而不是占用为它们运行而开放的空间。
    // 如果当前的 "pod" 占用了为低优先级 Pods 释放的资源,这是可以的。
    // 要求新的 Pod 在这两种情况下都是可调度的,确保我们做出的是保守的决定:
    // 像资源和 Pod 反亲和性这样的过滤器在将被提名的 Pods 视为运行时更有可能失败,
    // 而像 Pod 亲和性这样的过滤器在将被提名的 Pods 视为未运行时更有可能失败。
    // 我们不能仅仅假设被提名的 Pods 正在运行,因为它们现在并没有运行,事实上,
    // 它们最终可能会被调度到一个不同的节点上。
    for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
        stateToUse := state
        nodeInfoToUse := info
        if i == 0 {
            // 第一轮:添加被提名的 Pods 到周期状态和节点信息
            var err error
            podsAdded, stateToUse, nodeInfoToUse, err = addNominatedPods(ctx, f, pod, state, info)
            if err != nil {
                return framework.AsStatus(err)
        } else if !podsAdded || !status.IsSuccess() {

        // 运行过滤插件
        status = f.RunFilterPlugins(ctx, stateToUse, pod, nodeInfoToUse)
        if !status.IsSuccess() && !status.IsUnschedulable() {
            return status

    return status
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// RunFilterPlugins runs the set of configured Filter plugins for pod on
// the given node. If any of these plugins doesn't return "Success", the
// given node is not suitable for running pod.
// Meanwhile, the failure message and status are set for the given node.
func (f *frameworkImpl) RunFilterPlugins(
	ctx context.Context,
	state *framework.CycleState,
	pod *v1.Pod,
	nodeInfo *framework.NodeInfo,
) *framework.Status {
	for _, pl := range f.filterPlugins {
		if state.SkipFilterPlugins.Has(pl.Name()) {
		metrics.PluginEvaluationTotal.WithLabelValues(pl.Name(), metrics.Filter, f.profileName).Inc()
		if status := f.runFilterPlugin(ctx, pl, state, pod, nodeInfo); !status.IsSuccess() {
			if !status.IsUnschedulable() {
				// Filter plugins are not supposed to return any status other than
				// Success or Unschedulable.
				status = framework.AsStatus(fmt.Errorf("running %q filter plugin: %w", pl.Name(), status.AsError()))
			return status

	return nil
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func (f *frameworkImpl) runFilterPlugin(ctx context.Context, pl framework.FilterPlugin, state *framework.CycleState, pod *v1.Pod, nodeInfo *framework.NodeInfo) *framework.Status {
	if !state.ShouldRecordPluginMetrics() {
		return pl.Filter(ctx, state, pod, nodeInfo)
	startTime := time.Now()
	status := pl.Filter(ctx, state, pod, nodeInfo)
	f.metricsRecorder.ObservePluginDurationAsync(metrics.Filter, pl.Name(), status.Code().String(), metrics.SinceInSeconds(startTime))
	return status
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打分的函数prioritizeNodespkg/scheduler/schedule_one.go 中,如下,补充了部分注释

func prioritizeNodes(
    ctx context.Context,
    extenders []framework.Extender,
    fwk framework.Framework,
    state *framework.CycleState,
    pod *v1.Pod,
    nodes []*v1.Node,
) ([]framework.NodePluginScores, error) {
    // 如果没有提供优先级配置,则所有节点的分数都设为 1。
    // 这是为了在所需的格式中生成优先级列表
    if len(extenders) == 0 && !fwk.HasScorePlugins() {
        result := make([]framework.NodePluginScores, 0, len(nodes))
        for i := range nodes {
            result = append(result, framework.NodePluginScores{
                Name:       nodes[i].Name,
                TotalScore: 1,
        return result, nil

    // 运行 PreScore 插件。
    preScoreStatus := fwk.RunPreScorePlugins(ctx, state, pod, nodes)
    if !preScoreStatus.IsSuccess() {
        return nil, preScoreStatus.AsError()

    // 运行 Score 插件。
    nodesScores, scoreStatus := fwk.RunScorePlugins(ctx, state, pod, nodes)
    if !scoreStatus.IsSuccess() {
        return nil, scoreStatus.AsError()

    // 如果启用了详细日志记录,记录每个插件对每个节点的打分
    klogV := klog.V(10)
    if klogV.Enabled() {
        for _, nodeScore := range nodesScores {
            for _, pluginScore := range nodeScore.Scores {
                klogV.InfoS("Plugin scored node for pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "plugin", pluginScore.Name, "node", nodeScore.Name, "score", pluginScore.Score)

    // 如果有扩展器并且有节点,运行扩展器
    if len(extenders) != 0 && nodes != nil {
        allNodeExtendersScores := make(map[string]*framework.NodePluginScores, len(nodes))
        var mu sync.Mutex
        var wg sync.WaitGroup
        // 并发运行每个扩展器的优先级函数
        for i := range extenders {
            if !extenders[i].IsInterested(pod) {
            go func(extIndex int) {
                defer wg.Done()
                defer func() {
                prioritizedList, weight, err := extenders[extIndex].Prioritize(pod, nodes)
                if err != nil {
                    klog.V(5).InfoS("Failed to run extender's priority function. No score given by this extender.", "error", err, "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "extender", extenders[extIndex].Name())
                defer mu.Unlock()
                for i := range *prioritizedList {
                    nodename := (*prioritizedList)[i].Host
                    score := (*prioritizedList)[i].Score
                    klogV.InfoS("Extender scored node for pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "extender", extenders[extIndex].Name(), "node", nodename, "score", score)
                    // 将扩展器的分数转换为调度器使用的分数范围
                    finalscore := score * weight * (framework.MaxNodeScore / extenderv1.MaxExtenderPriority)
                    if allNodeExtendersScores[nodename] == nil {
                        allNodeExtendersScores[nodename] = &framework.NodePluginScores{
                            Name:   nodename,
                            Scores: make([]framework.PluginScore, 0, len(extenders)),
                    allNodeExtendersScores[nodename].Scores = append(allNodeExtendersScores[nodename].Scores, framework.PluginScore{
                        Name:  extenders[extIndex].Name(),
                        Score: finalscore,
                    allNodeExtendersScores[nodename].TotalScore += finalscore
        wg.Wait() // 等待所有扩展器完成
        // 将扩展器的分数添加到节点分数中
        for i := range nodesScores {
            if score, ok := allNodeExtendersScores[nodes[i].Name]; ok {
                nodesScores[i].Scores = append(nodesScores[i].Scores, score.Scores...)
                nodesScores[i].TotalScore += score.TotalScore

    // 记录每个节点的最终分数
    if klogV.Enabled() {
        for i := range nodesScores {
            klogV.InfoS("Calculated node's final score for pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "node", nodesScores[i].Name, "score", nodesScores[i].TotalScore)
    return nodesScores, nil
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  1. 如果没有提供任何扩展器或打分插件,则为所有节点设置默认分数,并返回。
  2. 运行 PreScore 插件,为打分阶段做准备。
  3. 运行 Score 插件,获取每个节点的分数。
  4. 如果有扩展器并且有节点,则并发运行每个扩展器的优先级函数,获取扩展器为节点分配的分数。
  5. 将扩展器的分数转换为调度器使用的分数范围,并添加到节点分数中。
  6. 记录每个节点的最终分数。


// NodePluginScores is a struct with node name and scores for that node.
type NodePluginScores struct {
	// Name is node name.
	Name string
	// Scores is scores from plugins and extenders.
	Scores []PluginScore
	// TotalScore is the total score in Scores.
	TotalScore int64

// PluginScore is a struct with plugin/extender name and score.
type PluginScore struct {
	// Name is the name of plugin or extender.
	Name  string
	Score int64
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再回到插件打分,这里我们主要关注关键的打分插件RunScorePlugins ,在pkg/scheduler/framework/runtime/framework.go:931中,如下,补充了部分注释

func (f *frameworkImpl) RunScorePlugins(ctx context.Context, state *framework.CycleState, pod *v1.Pod, nodes []*v1.Node) (ns []framework.NodePluginScores, status *framework.Status) {
    startTime := time.Now()
    defer func() {
        // 记录打分扩展点的持续时间
        metrics.FrameworkExtensionPointDuration.WithLabelValues(metrics.Score, status.Code().String(), f.profileName).Observe(metrics.SinceInSeconds(startTime))
    allNodePluginScores := make([]framework.NodePluginScores, len(nodes))
    numPlugins := len(f.scorePlugins) - state.SkipScorePlugins.Len()
    plugins := make([]framework.ScorePlugin, 0, numPlugins)
    pluginToNodeScores := make(map[string]framework.NodeScoreList, numPlugins)
    // 为每个插件创建一个节点分数列表
    for _, pl := range f.scorePlugins {
        if state.SkipScorePlugins.Has(pl.Name()) {
        plugins = append(plugins, pl)
        pluginToNodeScores[pl.Name()] = make(framework.NodeScoreList, len(nodes))
    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
    defer cancel()
    errCh := parallelize.NewErrorChannel()

    if len(plugins) > 0 {
        // 并行地为每个节点运行每个插件的 Score 方法
        f.Parallelizer().Until(ctx, len(nodes), func(index int) {
            nodeName := nodes[index].Name
            for _, pl := range plugins {
                s, status := f.runScorePlugin(ctx, pl, state, pod, nodeName)
                if !status.IsSuccess() {
                    err := fmt.Errorf("plugin %q failed with: %w", pl.Name(), status.AsError())
                    errCh.SendErrorWithCancel(err, cancel)
                pluginToNodeScores[pl.Name()][index] = framework.NodeScore{
                    Name:  nodeName,
                    Score: s,
        }, metrics.Score)
        if err := errCh.ReceiveError(); err != nil {
            return nil, framework.AsStatus(fmt.Errorf("running Score plugins: %w", err))

    // 并行地为每个打分插件运行 NormalizeScore 方法
    f.Parallelizer().Until(ctx, len(plugins), func(index int) {
        pl := plugins[index]
        if pl.ScoreExtensions() == nil {
        nodeScoreList := pluginToNodeScores[pl.Name()]
        status := f.runScoreExtension(ctx, pl, state, pod, nodeScoreList)
        if !status.IsSuccess() {
            err := fmt.Errorf("plugin %q failed with: %w", pl.Name(), status.AsError())
            errCh.SendErrorWithCancel(err, cancel)
    }, metrics.Score)
    if err := errCh.ReceiveError(); err != nil {
        return nil, framework.AsStatus(fmt.Errorf("running Normalize on Score plugins: %w", err))

    // 并行地为每个打分插件应用分数权重,并构建 allNodePluginScores
    f.Parallelizer().Until(ctx, len(nodes), func(index int) {
        nodePluginScores := framework.NodePluginScores{
            Name:   nodes[index].Name,
            Scores: make([]framework.PluginScore, len(plugins)),

        for i, pl := range plugins {
            weight := f.scorePluginWeight[pl.Name()]
            nodeScoreList := pluginToNodeScores[pl.Name()]
            score := nodeScoreList[index].Score

            if score > framework.MaxNodeScore || score < framework.MinNodeScore {
                err := fmt.Errorf("plugin %q returns an invalid score %v, it should in the range of [%v, %v] after normalizing", pl.Name(), score, framework.MinNodeScore, framework.MaxNodeScore)
                errCh.SendErrorWithCancel(err, cancel)
            weightedScore := score * int64(weight)
            nodePluginScores.Scores[i] = framework.PluginScore{
                Name:  pl.Name(),
                Score: weightedScore,
            nodePluginScores.TotalScore += weightedScore
        allNodePluginScores[index] = nodePluginScores
    }, metrics.Score)
    if err := errCh.ReceiveError(); err != nil {
        return nil, framework.AsStatus(fmt.Errorf("applying score defaultWeights on Score plugins: %w", err))

    // 返回所有节点的插件分数
    return allNodePluginScores, nil
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  1. 为每个插件创建一个节点分数列表。
  2. 使用并行处理为每个节点运行每个插件的 Score 方法。
  3. 为每个插件运行 NormalizeScore 方法,以标准化分数。
  4. 应用每个插件的分数权重,构建最终的节点分数。
  5. 返回各个节点的分数

查看插件打分的函数runScorePlugin,在pkg/scheduler/framework/runtime/framework.go:1025 中,如下。

func (f *frameworkImpl) runScorePlugin(ctx context.Context, pl framework.ScorePlugin, state *framework.CycleState, pod *v1.Pod, nodeName string) (int64, *framework.Status) {
	if !state.ShouldRecordPluginMetrics() {
		return pl.Score(ctx, state, pod, nodeName)
	startTime := time.Now()
	s, status := pl.Score(ctx, state, pod, nodeName)
	f.metricsRecorder.ObservePluginDurationAsync(metrics.Score, pl.Name(), status.Code().String(), metrics.SinceInSeconds(startTime))
	return s, status
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schedulingCycle中可以看到如果上述的一般调度没有为Pod找到合适的node,并且错误不是没有合适的node,即ErrNoNodesAvailable 的话,就会检查是否存在有PostFilterPlugins,如果有就运行,即运行RunPostFilterPlugins函数,来进行相关的处理,例如释放一些资源,从而希望使得该pod在下一次调度时有机会成功调度,当然这被释放的资源也可能被其他不同的pod给占用了,但是这对系统是无害的,所以也不管。


// RunPostFilterPlugins runs the set of configured PostFilter plugins until the first
// Success, Error or UnschedulableAndUnresolvable is met; otherwise continues to execute all plugins.
func (f *frameworkImpl) RunPostFilterPlugins(ctx context.Context, state *framework.CycleState, pod *v1.Pod, filteredNodeStatusMap framework.NodeToStatusMap) (_ *framework.PostFilterResult, status *framework.Status) {
	startTime := time.Now()
	defer func() {
		metrics.FrameworkExtensionPointDuration.WithLabelValues(metrics.PostFilter, status.Code().String(), f.profileName).Observe(metrics.SinceInSeconds(startTime))

	// `result` records the last meaningful(non-noop) PostFilterResult.
	var result *framework.PostFilterResult
	var reasons []string
	var failedPlugin string
	for _, pl := range f.postFilterPlugins {
		r, s := f.runPostFilterPlugin(ctx, pl, state, pod, filteredNodeStatusMap)
		if s.IsSuccess() {
			return r, s
		} else if s.Code() == framework.UnschedulableAndUnresolvable {
			return r, s.WithFailedPlugin(pl.Name())
		} else if !s.IsUnschedulable() {
			// Any status other than Success, Unschedulable or UnschedulableAndUnresolvable is Error.
			return nil, framework.AsStatus(s.AsError()).WithFailedPlugin(pl.Name())
		} else if r != nil && r.Mode() != framework.ModeNoop {
			result = r

		reasons = append(reasons, s.Reasons()...)
		// Record the first failed plugin unless we proved that
		// the latter is more relevant.
		if len(failedPlugin) == 0 {
			failedPlugin = pl.Name()

	return result, framework.NewStatus(framework.Unschedulable, reasons...).WithFailedPlugin(failedPlugin)
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func (f *frameworkImpl) runPostFilterPlugin(ctx context.Context, pl framework.PostFilterPlugin, state *framework.CycleState, pod *v1.Pod, filteredNodeStatusMap framework.NodeToStatusMap) (*framework.PostFilterResult, *framework.Status) {
	if !state.ShouldRecordPluginMetrics() {
		return pl.PostFilter(ctx, state, pod, filteredNodeStatusMap)
	startTime := time.Now()
	r, s := pl.PostFilter(ctx, state, pod, filteredNodeStatusMap)
	f.metricsRecorder.ObservePluginDurationAsync(metrics.PostFilter, pl.Name(), s.Code().String(), metrics.SinceInSeconds(startTime))
	return r, s
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// RunReservePluginsReserve runs the Reserve method in the set of configured
// reserve plugins. If any of these plugins returns an error, it does not
// continue running the remaining ones and returns the error. In such a case,
// the pod will not be scheduled and the caller will be expected to call
// RunReservePluginsUnreserve.
func (f *frameworkImpl) RunReservePluginsReserve(ctx context.Context, state *framework.CycleState, pod *v1.Pod, nodeName string) (status *framework.Status) {
	startTime := time.Now()
	defer func() {
		metrics.FrameworkExtensionPointDuration.WithLabelValues(metrics.Reserve, status.Code().String(), f.profileName).Observe(metrics.SinceInSeconds(startTime))
	for _, pl := range f.reservePlugins {
		status = f.runReservePluginReserve(ctx, pl, state, pod, nodeName)
		if !status.IsSuccess() {
			err := status.AsError()
			klog.ErrorS(err, "Failed running Reserve plugin", "plugin", pl.Name(), "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
			return framework.AsStatus(fmt.Errorf("running Reserve plugin %q: %w", pl.Name(), err))
	return nil
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func (f *frameworkImpl) runReservePluginReserve(ctx context.Context, pl framework.ReservePlugin, state *framework.CycleState, pod *v1.Pod, nodeName string) *framework.Status {
	if !state.ShouldRecordPluginMetrics() {
		return pl.Reserve(ctx, state, pod, nodeName)
	startTime := time.Now()
	status := pl.Reserve(ctx, state, pod, nodeName)
	f.metricsRecorder.ObservePluginDurationAsync(metrics.Reserve, pl.Name(), status.Code().String(), metrics.SinceInSeconds(startTime))
	return status
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// RunPermitPlugins runs the set of configured permit plugins. If any of these
// plugins returns a status other than "Success" or "Wait", it does not continue
// running the remaining plugins and returns an error. Otherwise, if any of the
// plugins returns "Wait", then this function will create and add waiting pod
// to a map of currently waiting pods and return status with "Wait" code.
// Pod will remain waiting pod for the minimum duration returned by the permit plugins.
func (f *frameworkImpl) RunPermitPlugins(ctx context.Context, state *framework.CycleState, pod *v1.Pod, nodeName string) (status *framework.Status) {
    startTime := time.Now() // 记录permit插件开始运行的时间
    defer func() {
        // 记录permit插件的运行时间和最终状态
        metrics.FrameworkExtensionPointDuration.WithLabelValues(metrics.Permit, status.Code().String(), f.profileName).Observe(metrics.SinceInSeconds(startTime))
    pluginsWaitTime := make(map[string]time.Duration) // 存储每个插件的等待时间
    statusCode := framework.Success // 初始化状态码为成功
    for _, pl := range f.permitPlugins {
        // 运行当前permit插件
        status, timeout := f.runPermitPlugin(ctx, pl, state, pod, nodeName)
        if !status.IsSuccess() {
            if status.IsUnschedulable() {
                // 如果插件返回不可调度的状态,则记录日志并返回该状态
                klog.V(4).InfoS("Pod rejected by permit plugin", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "plugin", pl.Name(), "status", status.Message())
                status.SetFailedPlugin(pl.Name()) // 设置失败的插件名称
                return status
            if status.IsWait() {
                // 如果插件返回等待的状态,则记录等待时间,但不立即返回
                // 允许的最长等待时间由 maxTimeout 限制
                if timeout > maxTimeout {
                    timeout = maxTimeout
                pluginsWaitTime[pl.Name()] = timeout
                statusCode = framework.Wait // 更新状态码为等待
            } else {
                // 如果插件返回错误状态,则记录错误日志并返回错误状态
                err := status.AsError()
                klog.ErrorS(err, "Failed running Permit plugin", "plugin", pl.Name(), "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
                return framework.AsStatus(fmt.Errorf("running Permit plugin %q: %w", pl.Name(), err)).WithFailedPlugin(pl.Name())
    if statusCode == framework.Wait {
        // 如果任何插件返回等待状态,则创建并添加等待中的 Pod 到映射中,并返回等待状态
        waitingPod := newWaitingPod(pod, pluginsWaitTime)
        msg := fmt.Sprintf("one or more plugins asked to wait and no plugin rejected pod %q", pod.Name)
        klog.V(4).InfoS("One or more plugins asked to wait and no plugin rejected pod", "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
        return framework.NewStatus(framework.Wait, msg)
    // 如果所有插件都成功或返回等待,且没有插件拒绝 Pod,则返回 nil 表示没有错误
    return nil
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  1. 记录开始运行许可插件的时间。
  2. 使用 defer 语句确保无论函数如何结束,都记录许可插件的运行时间和状态。
  3. 遍历所有的permit插件。
  4. 运行当前插件,并将结果状态保存到 status
  5. 检查状态:
    • 如果状态是成功的,则继续运行下一个插件。
    • 如果状态是不可调度的,则记录日志并返回该状态。
    • 如果状态是等待的,则记录等待时间,并更新状态码为等待,然后继续运行下一个插件。
    • 如果状态是错误,则记录错误日志,并返回错误状态。
  6. 如果任何插件返回等待状态,则创建等待中的 Pod 并添加到映射中,然后返回等待状态。
  7. 如果所有插件都成功或返回等待,且没有插件拒绝 Pod,则返回 nil
