- #pragma once
- #include "config.h"
- #include <vector>
- enum PoolingMethod
- {
- max,
- avg
- };
- class CPoolingLayer
- {
- public:
- CPoolingLayer(std::vector<int>pooling_shape,PoolingMethod pooling_method, int padding = 0) {
- m_hksize = pooling_shape[0];
- m_wksize = pooling_shape[1];
- m_hstride = pooling_shape[2];
- m_wstride = pooling_shape[3];
- m_padding = padding;
- m_pooling_method = pooling_method;
- };
- ~CPoolingLayer() {
- };
- //返回(bottom[0],bottom[1]/hstride*bottom[2]/wstride,hsize,wsize,bottom[3])
- void CPoolingLayer::extract_image_patches(const Tensor4xf &bottom, Tensor5xf &patches) {
- //这个Eigen tensor类的extract_image_patches函数,由于有数据存储列排列、行排列两种不同的模式。
- //在下面函数中,如果是采用rowmajor,下面的调用方式才是正确的
- //不能采用bottom.extract_image_patches( m_hksize,m_wksize, m_hstride,m_wstride, 1, 1);
- //switch (m_padding_method)
- //{
- //case valid:
- patches = bottom.extract_image_patches(m_hksize, m_wksize, m_hstride, m_wstride, 1, 1,
- //break;
- //case same:
- //patches = bottom.extract_image_patches(m_hksize, m_wksize, m_hstride, m_wstride, 1, 1,
- //Eigen::PADDING_SAME );
- //break;
- //default:
- //break;
- //}
- }
- //根据stride、size等计算输出数据的维度形状
- Eigen::DSizes<int, 4> CPoolingLayer::get_top_shape(const Tensor4xf&bottom) {
- Eigen::DSizes<int, 4>top_shape;
- top_shape[0] = bottom.dimension(0);
- //switch (m_padding_method)
- //{
- //case valid:
- top_shape[1] = Eigen::divup(float(bottom.dimension(1) - m_hksize + 1), float(m_hstride));
- top_shape[2] = Eigen::divup(float(bottom.dimension(2) - m_wksize + 1), float(m_wstride));
- //break;
- //case same:
- //top_shape[1] = Eigen::divup(float(bottom.dimension(1)), float(m_hstride));
- //top_shape[2] = Eigen::divup(float(bottom.dimension(2)), float(m_wstride));
- //break;
- //default:
- //break;
- //}
- top_shape[3] = bottom.dimension(3);
- return top_shape;
- }
- //需要特别注意这边的均值池化,与tesorflow,在same模式下处理方式不同,tensorflow的在计算池化的时候,
- //不管有没有padding,padding值在计算池化操作都被忽略
- // bottom(batch_size, input_height, input_width, input_channel);
- void CPoolingLayer::forward(const Tensor4xf&bottom,Tensor4xf&top, const Eigen::ThreadPoolDevice &device) {
- Tensor4xf pad_bottom;
- CBaseFunction::padding_forward(bottom, m_padding, m_padding, pad_bottom);
- Eigen::array<int, 2> reduction_dims{1,2};//第二维、第三维的大小等于(hksize、wksize)
- Eigen::DSizes<int, 4>post_reduce_dims=get_top_shape(pad_bottom);
- Tensor5xf patches; //(bottom[0], hsize, wsize,bottom[1] / hstride*bottom[2] / wstride, bottom[3])
- extract_image_patches(pad_bottom, patches);
- Tensor3xf pooling(post_reduce_dims[0],post_reduce_dims[1]*post_reduce_dims[2],post_reduce_dims[3]);
- switch (m_pooling_method)
- {
- case avg:
- pooling.device(device) = patches.mean(reduction_dims);//对reduction_dims内对应的维度索引进行统计,比如统计第3、2
- break;
- case max:
- pooling.device(device) = patches.maximum(reduction_dims);//最大池化
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- top=pooling.reshape(post_reduce_dims);
- }
- //本函数主要用于索引解码,从一维索引到获取多维下标值。主要原因在于:max
- std::vector<int> CPoolingLayer::decode_index(std::vector<int>dim,int index) {
- std::vector<int>result;
- for (int i=0;i<5;i++)
- {
- int accu = 1;
- for (int j=5-1;j>i;j--)
- {
- accu *= dim[j];
- }
- result.push_back(std::floor(index / accu));
- index = index%accu;
- }
- return result;
- }
- //主要是重叠池化的时候,反向求导的时候是微分值累加。
- void CPoolingLayer::maxpooling_backward(const Tensor4xf&bottom,const Tensor4xf&dtop,Tensor4xf&dbottom) {
- Tensor4xf pad_bottom;
- CBaseFunction::padding_forward(bottom, m_padding, m_padding, pad_bottom);
- Tensor5xf patches;
- extract_image_patches(pad_bottom, patches);
- Tensor4xf dpad_bottom(pad_bottom.dimension(0), pad_bottom.dimension(1), pad_bottom.dimension(2), pad_bottom.dimension(3));
- dpad_bottom.setZero();
- Eigen::DSizes<int, 4>post_reduce_dims = get_top_shape(pad_bottom);
- Eigen::array<Eigen::DenseIndex, 2> reduce_dims{ 1,2 };
- auto index_tuples = patches.index_tuples();
- Eigen::Tensor<Eigen::Tuple<Eigen::DenseIndex, float>, 3, Eigen::internal::traits<Tensor5xf>::Layout> reduced_by_dims;
- reduced_by_dims = index_tuples.reduce(reduce_dims, Eigen::internal::ArgMaxTupleReducer<Eigen::Tuple<Eigen::DenseIndex, float> >());
- int batch = dtop.dimension(0);
- int height = dtop.dimension(1);
- int widht = dtop.dimension(2);
- int channel = dtop.dimension(3);
- bool isColMajor = (Eigen::internal::traits<Tensor4xf>::Layout ==Eigen::ColMajor);
- for (int b= 0; b < batch; b++)
- {
- for (int h = 0; h< height; h++)
- {
- for (int w = 0; w < widht; w++)
- {
- for (int c = 0; c <channel ; c++)
- {
- const auto &dmax_element = dtop(b, h, w, c);
- int max_inpatch_height;
- int max_inpatch_width;
- if (isColMajor) {//如果是列主元存储,那么维度的序号刚好相反,由(b,h,w,c)变成(c,w,h,b)
- const Eigen::Tuple<Eigen::DenseIndex, float>&v = reduced_by_dims(c*widht*height*batch + w*height*batch + h*batch + b);
- int index_in_patch = v.first % (m_wksize*m_hksize);//最大值在每个块中的索引
- max_inpatch_height = index_in_patch%m_hksize;
- max_inpatch_width = index_in_patch / m_hksize;
- }
- else{
- const Eigen::Tuple<Eigen::DenseIndex, float>&v = reduced_by_dims(b*height*widht*channel + h*widht*channel + w*channel + c);
- int index_in_patch = v.first % (m_wksize*m_hksize);//最大值在每个块中的索引
- max_inpatch_height = index_in_patch/m_wksize;
- max_inpatch_width = index_in_patch % m_wksize;
- }
- int patch_height = h*m_hstride + max_inpatch_height;
- int patch_width = w*m_wstride + max_inpatch_width;
- dpad_bottom(b, patch_height, patch_width, c) += dmax_element;
- /*if (patch_height < dbottom.dimension(1) && patch_width < dbottom.dimension(2))
- {
- dbottom(b, patch_height, patch_width, c) += dmax_element;
- }
- else
- {
- std::cout << "out of range" << std::endl;
- }*/
- }
- }
- }
- }
- CBaseFunction::padding_backward(dpad_bottom, m_padding, m_padding, dbottom);
- }
- //均值池化,也可以看成是卷积
- void CPoolingLayer::avgpooling_backward(const Tensor4xf&dtop, Tensor4xf&dbottom) {
- Tensor4xf mean_coffe = dtop*(1.f / (m_wksize*m_hksize));//均值池化反向求导要除以均值系数
- for (int b=0;b<mean_coffe.dimension(0);b++)
- {
- for (int h=0;h<mean_coffe.dimension(1);h++)
- {
- for (int w=0;w<mean_coffe.dimension(2);w++)
- {
- for (int c=0;c<mean_coffe.dimension(3);c++)
- {
- const auto &mean_element= mean_coffe(b, h, w, c);
- for (int kh=0;kh<m_hksize;kh++)
- {
- for (int kw=0;kw<m_wksize;kw++)
- {
- int patch_height = h*m_hstride + kh - m_padding;
- int patch_width = w*m_wstride + kw - m_padding;
- if (patch_height>=0 &&patch_width>=0&&patch_width<dbottom.dimension(2)&&patch_height<dbottom.dimension(1))
- {
- dbottom(b, patch_height, patch_width,c) += mean_element;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //CBaseFunction::padding_backward(dpad_bottom, m_padding_method, m_padding_method, dbottom);
- }
- void CPoolingLayer::backward(const Tensor4xf&bottom,const Tensor4xf&dtop, Tensor4xf&dbottom, const Eigen::ThreadPoolDevice &device) {
- dbottom.setZero();
- //计算第2、3维的降维
- switch (m_pooling_method)
- {
- case max:
- maxpooling_backward(bottom, dtop, dbottom);
- break;
- case avg:
- avgpooling_backward(dtop, dbottom);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- private:
- int m_hksize;//池化块的长宽
- int m_wksize;
- int m_hstride;//池化步长
- int m_wstride;
- int m_padding;//边界处理方法
- PoolingMethod m_pooling_method;//池化方法:均值池化、最大池化等
- };
- class CPoolingLayer_test
- {
- public:
- static void CPoolingLayer_test::test() {
- Eigen::ThreadPool *tp = new Eigen::ThreadPool(8);
- Eigen::ThreadPoolDevice device(tp, 8);
- int batch_size = 1;
- int input_channel =1;
- int input_height =5;
- int input_width =5;
- int kenel_height = 3;
- int kenel_widht = 2;
- int khstride =2;
- int kwstride = 3;
- int pad = 0;
- Tensor4xf bottom(batch_size, input_height, input_width, input_channel);
- int count = 0;
- for (int i=0;i<batch_size;i++)
- {
- for (int j=0;j<input_height;j++)
- {
- for (int k=0;k<input_width;k++)
- {
- for (int h=0;h<input_channel;h++)
- {
- bottom(i, j, k, h) = 0.1f*count;
- count++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Tensor1xf label_1d(batch_size);
- for (int i = 0; i < batch_size; i++)
- {
- label_1d(i) = i;
- }
- //第一层:pooling层
- CPoolingLayer layer({kenel_height,kenel_widht,khstride,kwstride },PoolingMethod::max,pad);
- Tensor4xf top;
- layer.forward(bottom, top,device);
- Tensor2xf top_flatten;
- CBaseFunction::flatten(top, top_flatten);
- //第二层:sotfmax网络层
- Tensor2xf one_hot;
- CBaseFunction::onehot(label_1d, top_flatten.dimension(1), one_hot);
- Tensor2xf dtop_flatten(top_flatten);
- float loss = CBaseFunction::softmax_with_loss(top_flatten, one_hot, dtop_flatten, device);
- Tensor4xf dtop;
- CBaseFunction::reshape_like(dtop_flatten, top, dtop);
- Tensor4xf dbottom(bottom);
- layer.backward(bottom, dtop,dbottom,device);
- //Tensor4rf dbottom_swap = dbottom.swap_layout();
- std::cout << "***************forward************" << std::endl;
- //CBaseFunction::print_shape(one_hot);
- CBaseFunction::print_shape(dbottom);
- CBaseFunction::print_element(dbottom);
- //std::cout << "bottom" << bottom<< std::endl;
- //std::cout << "top" << top << std::endl;
- //std::cout << "dbottom" << dbottom << std::endl;
- std::cout << "loss" << loss << std::endl;
- //std::cout << "dbottom" << dbottom << std::endl;
- //std::cout << "dtop" << top << std::endl;
- }
- };

二、tensorflow 验证结果:
- import tensorflow as tf
- batch_size = 1
- input_channel = 1
- input_height =5
- input_width = 5
- kenel_height =3
- kenel_widht =2
- khstride =2
- kwstride=3
- pad=0
- bottom=tf.constant([i*0.1 for i in range(batch_size*input_channel*input_height*input_width)],shape=(batch_size,input_height,input_width,input_channel),dtype=tf.float32)
- pool1=tf.nn.max_pool(tf.pad(bottom,[[0,0],[pad,pad],[pad,pad],[0,0]]),[1,kenel_height,kenel_widht,1],strides=[1,khstride,kwstride,1],padding='VALID')
- pool_flatten=tf.reshape(pool1,[batch_size,-1])
- label=tf.constant([i for i in range(batch_size)])
- one_hot=tf.one_hot(label,pool_flatten.get_shape().as_list()[1])
- predicts=tf.nn.softmax(pool_flatten)
- loss =-tf.reduce_mean(one_hot * tf.log(predicts))
- #打印相关变量,梯度等,验证是否与c++结果相同
- dbottom,dpool1=tf.gradients(loss,[bottom,pool1])
- with tf.Session() as sess:
- sess.run(tf.global_variables_initializer())
- print (sess.run([dbottom]))
- print (sess.run(loss))
- #print ('dbottom_data',dbottom_data)

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