import React from ‘react’; import ReactDOM from ‘react-dom’; //中国地图
import App from ‘./App’; ReactDOM.render(,
/* eslint-disable no-dupe-keys */ /* eslint-disable no-undef */ /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/class-name-casing */ /* eslint-disable class-methods-use-this */ /* eslint-disable no-plusplus */ /* eslint-disable no-console */ /* eslint-disable no-restricted-syntax */ import React, { Component } from 'react'; import './index.css'; import echarts from 'echarts'; import 'echarts/map/js/china'; import geoJson from 'echarts/map/json/china.json'; import { routerRedux } from 'dva/router'; import { geoCoordMap, provienceData } from './geo'; class Map extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { } } componentDidMount() { this.initalECharts(); } initalECharts() { const data = [ { name: '黑龙江', area: '东北大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '吉林', area: '东北大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '辽宁', area: '东北大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '内蒙古', area: '其他', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '北京', area: '华北大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '天津', area: '华北大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '河北', area: '华北大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '山东', area: '华北大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '山西', area: '华北大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '江苏', area: '华东大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '上海', area: '华东大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '浙江', area: '华东大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '福建', area: '华南大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '广东', area: '华南大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '海南', area: '华南大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '台湾', area: '其他', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '香港', area: '其他', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '澳门', area: '其他', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '河南', area: '华北大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '安徽', area: '华中大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '江西', area: '华中大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '广东', area: '华南大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '陕西', area: '华西大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '湖北', area: '华中大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '湖南', area: '华中大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '广西', area: '华南大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '宁夏', area: '华西大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '重庆', area: '华西大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '贵州', area: '华西大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '四川', area: '华西大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '云南', area: '华西大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '甘肃', area: '华西大区', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '青海', area: '其他', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '西藏', area: '其他', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' }, { name: '新疆', area: '其他', type: 'areaCenterCity', InValue: '0' } ]; echarts.registerMap('china', geoJson); for (const item of provienceData) { if (item.area === '东北大区') { item.itemStyle = { normal: { areaColor: '#3CA2FC', }, emphasis: { areaColor: '#3CA2FC', } } } else if (item.area === '华北大区') { item.itemStyle = { normal: { areaColor: '#6CAFBE', }, emphasis: { areaColor: '#6CAFBE', } } } else if (item.area === '华中大区') { item.itemStyle = { normal: { areaColor: '#ADD03C', }, emphasis: { areaColor: '#ADD03C', } } } else if (item.area === '华东大区') { item.itemStyle = { normal: { areaColor: '#A13614', }, emphasis: { areaColor: '#A13614', } } } else if (item.area === '华西大区') { item.itemStyle = { normal: { areaColor: '#FFBA00', }, emphasis: { areaColor: '#FFBA00', } } } else if (item.area === '华南大区') { item.itemStyle = { normal: { areaColor: '#FFD300', }, emphasis: { areaColor: '#FFD300', } } } else if (item.area === '南海诸岛') { item.itemStyle = { normal: { borderColor: '#fff', // 区域边框颜色 areaColor: '#fff', // 区域颜色 }, emphasis: { show: false, // borderColor: '#fff', // areaColor:"#fff", } } } else { item.itemStyle = { normal: { areaColor: '#D9D9D9', }, emphasis: { areaColor: '#D9D9D9', } } } } const myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('mainMap')); myChart.setOption({ tooltip: { show: false, // 不显示提示标签 // formatter: '{b}', // 提示标签格式 //鼠标放地图的某一块,显示的提示框 formatter(params, ticket, callback) { console.log(params) return `'批复投资额(亿元)'<br />${params.name}:${params.data.InValue}` }, backgroundColor: '#ff7f50', // 提示标签背景颜色 textStyle: { color: '#fff' } // 提示标签字体颜色 }, grid: { left: '10%', right: '10%', top: '10%', bottom: '10%', containLabel: true }, geo: { map: 'china', roam: false, zoom: 1.2, tooltip: { show: false, // 不显示提示标签 }, label: { normal: { show: false, // 显示省份标签 textStyle: { color: '#c71585' }// 省份标签字体颜色 }, emphasis: {// 对应的鼠标悬浮效果 show: false, textStyle: { color: '#800080' } } }, itemStyle: { normal: { borderWidth: 0.5, // 区域边框宽度 borderColor: '#000', // 区域边框颜色 areaColor: '#ffefd5', // 区域颜色 label: { show: false } }, emphasis: { show: false, borderWidth: 0.5, borderColor: '#4b0082', areaColor: '#ffdead', } }, }, series: [ { type: 'scatter', coordinateSystem: 'geo', data: this.convertData(data), symbolSize: 1, symbolRotate: 40, label: { normal: { formatter: '{b}', position: 'top', show: true }, emphasis: { show: false } }, tooltip: { show: false, // 不显示提示标签 // 显示提示的标签 formatter(name) { return `Legend ${name}`; }, // 提示标签格式 backgroundColor: '#fff', // 提示标签背景颜色 borderColor: '#ccc', borderWidth: 5, textStyle: { color: '#000' } // 提示标签字体颜色 }, itemStyle: { normal: { color: 'black' } } }, { type: 'map', mapType: 'china', roam: false, zoom: 1.2, tooltip: { show: false, // 不显示提示标签 }, label: { normal: { show: false // 显示省份标签 }, emphasis: { show: false, } }, itemStyle: { normal: { borderWidth: 0.5, // 区域边框宽度 borderColor: '#fff', // 区域边框颜色 label: { show: false } }, emphasis: { show: false, } }, // geoIndex: 0, //鼠标放入地图显示提示框 tooltip: { show: true }, data: provienceData } ], }) // 鼠标放上颜色变红 // myChart.on('mouseover', params => { // params.color = '#d50000' // params.event.target.style.fill = '#d50000' // }); myChart.on('click', params => { if (params.name === '海南') { this.props.history.push('/Dashboard/map2') } }); } convertData(data) { const res = []; for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { const geoCoord = geoCoordMap[data[i].name]; if (geoCoord) { res.push({ name: data[i].name, value: geoCoord.concat(data[i].area), area: data[i].area, type: data[i].type, InValue: data[i].InValue }); } } return res; } convert() { return '1'; } render() { return ( <div> <h2 style={{ fontSize: 30, color: 'orange', textAlign : 'center', backgroundColor: '#f8f8f8', paddingTop: 20, paddingBottom: 20 }}>投中项目分布图</h2> <div className="App"> <div id="mainMap" style={{ width: '100vm', height: '100vh' }}></div> </div> </div> ); } } export default Map;
import ‘echarts/map/js/china’;
import geoJson from ‘echarts/map/json/china.json’;
如果import geoJson from ‘echarts/map/json/world.json’;为世界地图
App { text-align: center; } .App-logo { animation: App-logo-spin infinite 20s linear; height: 80px; } .App-header { background-color: #222; height: 150px; padding: 20px; color: white; } .App-title { font-size: 1.5em; } .App-intro { font-size: large; } @keyframes App-logo-spin { from { transform: rotate(0deg); } to { transform: rotate(360deg); } }
const provienceData = [ { name: '海南', area: '华南大区', InValue: '1923.32' }, { name: '新疆', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '西藏', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '内蒙古', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '青海', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '四川', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '黑龙江', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '甘肃', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '云南', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '广西', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '湖南', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '陕西', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '广东', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '吉林', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '河北', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '湖北', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '贵州', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '山东', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '江西', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '河南', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '辽宁', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '山西', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '安徽', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '福建', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '浙江', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '江苏', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '重庆', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '宁夏', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '台湾', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '北京', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '天津', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '上海', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '香港', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '澳门', area: '其他', InValue: '0' }, { name: '其他', area: '其他', InValue: '0' } ]; const geoCoordMap = { 黑龙江: [126.6433411, 45.74149323], 吉林: [125.3154297, 43.89256287], 辽宁: [123.4116821, 41.7966156], 内蒙古: [111.6632996, 40.82094193], 北京: [116.3809433, 39.9236145], 天津: [117.2034988, 39.13111877], 河北: [114.4897766, 38.04512787], 山东: [117.0056, 36.6670723], 山西: [112.5693512, 37.87111282], 江苏: [118.7727814, 32.04761505], 上海: [121.4692688, 31.23817635], 浙江: [120.1592484, 30.26599503], 福建: [119.2978134, 26.07859039], 广东: [113.2614288, 23.11891174], 海南: [110.3465118, 19.03179359], 台湾: [120.960515, 23.69781], 香港: [114.109497, 22.396428], 澳门: [110.5440083, 21.20167546], 河南: [113.6500473, 34.7570343], 安徽: [117.2757034, 31.86325455], 江西: [115.8999176, 28.67599106], 陕西: [108.949028, 34.26168442], 湖北: [114.2919388, 30.56751442], 湖南: [112.9812698, 28.20082474], 广西: [108.3117676, 22.80654335], 宁夏: [106.2719421, 38.46800995], 重庆: [106.5103378, 29.55817604], 贵州: [106.7113724, 26.57687378], 四川: [104.0817566, 30.66105652], 云南: [102.704567, 25.04384422], 甘肃: [95.832762, 40.067241], 青海: [95.786324, 36.629144], 西藏: [91.11445308, 29.64411352], 新疆: [89.1895474, 42.95130195], 五指山市: [110.72, 19.61], 文昌市: [110.72, 19.61], 琼海市: [110.46, 19.25], 万宁市: [110.39, 18.8], 东方市: [108.64, 19.09], 定安县: [110.31, 19.68], 临高县: [109.69, 19.91], 澄迈县: [110, 19.75], 白沙黎族自治县: [109.44, 19.23], 江黎族自治县: [102.188043, 38.520089], 乐东黎族自治县: [109.17, 18.73], 保亭黎族苗族自治县: [109.7, 18.64], 中苗族黎族自治县: [119.46, 35.42], 海门: [121.15, 31.89], 鄂尔多斯: [109.781327, 39.608266], 招远: [120.38, 37.35], 舟山: [122.207216, 29.985295], 齐齐哈尔: [123.97, 47.33], 盐城: [120.13, 33.38], 赤峰: [118.87, 42.28], 青岛: [120.33, 36.07], 乳山: [121.52, 36.89], 金昌: [102.188043, 38.520089], 泉州: [118.58, 24.93], 莱西: [120.53, 36.86], 日照: [119.46, 35.42], 胶南: [119.97, 35.88], 南通: [121.05, 32.08], 拉萨: [91.11, 29.97], 云浮: [112.02, 22.93], 梅州: [116.1, 24.55], 文登: [122.05, 37.2], 攀枝花: [101.718637, 26.582347], 威海: [122.1, 37.5], 承德: [117.93, 40.97], 厦门: [118.1, 24.46], 汕尾: [115.375279, 22.786211], 潮州: [116.63, 23.68], 丹东: [124.37, 40.13], 太仓: [121.1, 31.45], 曲靖: [103.79, 25.51], 烟台: [121.39, 37.52], 福州: [119.3, 26.08], 瓦房店: [121.979603, 39.627114], 即墨: [120.45, 36.38], 抚顺: [123.97, 41.97], 玉溪: [102.52, 24.35], 张家口: [114.87, 40.82], 阳泉: [113.57, 37.85], 莱州: [119.942327, 37.177017], 湖州: [120.1, 30.86], 汕头: [116.69, 23.39], 昆山: [120.95, 31.39], 宁波: [121.56, 29.86], 湛江: [110.359377, 21.270708], 揭阳: [116.35, 23.55], 荣成: [122.41, 37.16], 连云港: [119.16, 34.59], 葫芦岛: [120.836932, 40.711052], 常熟: [120.74, 31.64], 东莞: [113.75, 23.04], 河源: [114.68, 23.73], 淮安: [119.15, 33.5], 泰州: [119.9, 32.49], 南宁: [108.33, 22.84], 营口: [122.18, 40.65], 惠州: [114.4, 23.09], 江阴: [120.26, 31.91], 蓬莱: [120.75, 37.8], 韶关: [113.62, 24.84], 嘉峪关: [98.289152, 39.77313], 广州: [113.23, 23.16], 延安: [109.47, 36.6], 太原: [112.53, 37.87], 清远: [113.01, 23.7], 中山: [113.38, 22.52], 昆明: [102.73, 25.04], 寿光: [118.73, 36.86], 盘锦: [122.070714, 41.119997], 长治: [113.08, 36.18], 深圳: [114.07, 22.62], 珠海: [113.52, 22.3], 宿迁: [118.3, 33.96], 咸阳: [108.72, 34.36], 铜川: [109.11, 35.09], 平度: [119.97, 36.77], 佛山: [113.11, 23.05], 海口: [110.35, 20.02], 江门: [113.06, 22.61], 章丘: [117.53, 36.72], 肇庆: [112.44, 23.05], 大连: [121.62, 38.92], 临汾: [111.5, 36.08], 吴江: [120.63, 31.16], 石嘴山: [106.39, 39.04], 沈阳: [123.38, 41.8], 苏州: [120.62, 31.32], 茂名: [110.88, 21.68], 嘉兴: [120.76, 30.77], 长春: [125.35, 43.88], 胶州: [120.03336, 36.264622], 银川: [106.27, 38.47], 张家港: [120.555821, 31.875428], 三门峡: [111.19, 34.76], 锦州: [121.15, 41.13], 南昌: [115.89, 28.68], 柳州: [109.4, 24.33], 三亚: [109.511909, 18.252847], 自贡: [104.778442, 29.33903], 阳江: [111.95, 21.85], 泸州: [105.39, 28.91], 西宁: [101.74, 36.56], 宜宾: [104.56, 29.77], 呼和浩特: [111.65, 40.82], 成都: [104.06, 30.67], 大同: [113.3, 40.12], 镇江: [119.44, 32.2], 桂林: [110.28, 25.29], 张家界: [110.479191, 29.117096], 宜兴: [119.82, 31.36], 北海: [109.12, 21.49], 西安: [108.95, 34.27], 金坛: [119.56, 31.74], 东营: [118.49, 37.46], 牡丹江: [129.58, 44.6], 遵义: [106.9, 27.7], 绍兴: [120.58, 30.01], 扬州: [119.42, 32.39], 常州: [119.95, 31.79], 潍坊: [119.1, 36.62], 台州: [121.420757, 28.656386], 南京: [118.78, 32.04], 滨州: [118.03, 37.36], 贵阳: [106.71, 26.57], 无锡: [120.29, 31.59], 本溪: [123.73, 41.3], 克拉玛依: [84.77, 45.59], 渭南: [109.5, 34.52], 马鞍山: [118.48, 31.56], 宝鸡: [107.15, 34.38], 焦作: [113.21, 35.24], 句容: [119.16, 31.95], 徐州: [117.2, 34.26], 衡水: [115.72, 37.72], 包头: [110, 40.58], 绵阳: [104.73, 31.48], 乌鲁木齐: [87.68, 43.77], 枣庄: [117.57, 34.86], 杭州: [120.19, 30.26], 淄博: [118.05, 36.78], 鞍山: [122.85, 41.12], 溧阳: [119.48, 31.43], 库尔勒: [86.06, 41.68], 安阳: [114.35, 36.1], 开封: [114.35, 34.79], 济南: [117, 36.65], 德阳: [104.37, 31.13], 温州: [120.65, 28.01], 九江: [115.97, 29.71], 邯郸: [114.47, 36.6], 临安: [119.72, 30.23], 兰州: [103.73, 36.03], 沧州: [116.83, 38.33], 临沂: [118.35, 35.05], 南充: [106.110698, 30.837793], 富阳: [119.95, 30.07], 泰安: [117.13, 36.18], 诸暨: [120.23, 29.71], 郑州: [113.65, 34.76], 哈尔滨: [126.63, 45.75], 聊城: [115.97, 36.45], 芜湖: [118.38, 31.33], 唐山: [118.02, 39.63], 平顶山: [113.29, 33.75], 邢台: [114.48, 37.05], 德州: [116.29, 37.45], 济宁: [116.59, 35.38], 荆州: [112.239741, 30.335165], 宜昌: [111.3, 30.7], 义乌: [120.06, 29.32], 丽水: [119.92, 28.45], 洛阳: [112.44, 34.7], 秦皇岛: [119.57, 39.95], 株洲: [113.16, 27.83], 石家庄: [114.48, 38.03], 莱芜: [117.67, 36.19], 常德: [111.69, 29.05], 保定: [115.48, 38.85], 湘潭: [112.91, 27.87], 金华: [119.64, 29.12], 岳阳: [113.09, 29.37], 长沙: [113, 28.21], 衢州: [118.88, 28.97], 廊坊: [116.7, 39.53], 菏泽: [115.480656, 35.23375], 合肥: [117.27, 31.86], 武汉: [114.31, 30.52], 大庆: [125.03, 46.58] }; export { provienceData, geoCoordMap }
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