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  1. x(1)=1;x(2)=10;
  2. hold on
  3. for t=3:10
  4. x(t)=0.8*x(t-1)+1.5*x(t-2); %递推关系式,注意MATLAB里向量的下标不能从零开始。
  5. end
  6. plot(2:10,x(2:10))


  1. %只是这种近似算法结果很差
  2. %首先输入关联矩阵F及节点个数n
  3. F=[0 1 0 0 0 0 0;
  4. 1 0 1 0 0 0 0;
  5. 0 1 0 1 1 1 0;
  6. 0 0 1 0 0 1 0;
  7. 0 0 1 0 0 1 0;
  8. 0 0 1 1 1 0 1;
  9. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0];
  10. n=7;
  11. C=[];
  12. l=0;
  13. for i=1:n
  14. for j=1:n
  15. if F(i,j)~=0
  16. if l==0
  17. C=[i j];l=2;
  18. else
  19. p=0;q=0;
  20. for a=1:l
  21. if C(a)==i
  22. p=1;
  23. end
  24. if C(a)==j
  25. q=1;
  26. end
  27. end
  28. if p==0
  29. l=l+1;C(l)=i;
  30. end
  31. if q==0
  32. l=l+1;C(l)=j;
  33. end
  34. F(i,:)=zeros(1,n);
  35. F(:,j)=zeros(n,1);
  36. end
  37. end
  38. end
  39. end
  40. disp(C);


  1. % 方程求根
  2. % inv - 逆矩阵
  3. % roots - 多项式的根
  4. % fzero - 一元函数零点
  5. % fsolve - 非线性方程组
  6. % solve - 符号方程解
  7. % *newton - 牛顿迭代法解非线性方程


  1. %求逆矩阵
  2. %用法 B=inv(A) 其中A为数值或符号方阵,B返回A的逆
  3. %例如
  4. % inv([1 2;3 4]) %数值
  5. % syms a b c d;inv([[a,b;c,d]) %符号
  6. %
  7. %INV Matrix inverse.
  8. % INV(X) is the inverse of the square matrix X.
  9. % A warning message is printed if X is badly scaled or
  10. % nearly singular.
  11. %
  13. % Copyright (c) 1984-98 by The MathWorks, Inc.
  14. % $Revision: 5.5 $ $Date: 1997/11/21 23:38:31 $
  15. % Built-in function.


  1. function r = roots(c)
  2. %roots(p)可求得多项式p的所有复根.
  3. %例 x^3+2x^2-3=0
  4. % 求解
  5. % roots([1 2 0 -3])
  6. %
  7. %ROOTS Find polynomial roots.
  8. % ROOTS(C) computes the roots of the polynomial whose coefficients
  9. % are the elements of the vector C. If C has N+1 components,
  10. % the polynomial is C(1)*X^N + ... + C(N)*X + C(N+1).
  11. %
  12. % See also POLY, RESIDUE, FZERO.
  13. % J.N. Little 3-17-86
  14. % Copyright (c) 1984-98 by The MathWorks, Inc.
  15. % $Revision: 5.6 $ $Date: 1997/11/21 23:41:05 $
  16. % ROOTS finds the eigenvalues of the associated companion matrix.
  17. if size(c,1)>1 & size(c,2)>1
  18. error('Must be a vector.')
  19. end
  20. c = c(:).';
  21. n = size(c,2);
  22. r = zeros(0,1);
  23. inz = find(c);
  24. if isempty(inz),
  25. % All elements are zero
  26. return
  27. end
  28. % Strip leading zeros and throw away.
  29. % Strip trailing zeros, but remember them as roots at zero.
  30. nnz = length(inz);
  31. c = c(inz(1):inz(nnz));
  32. r = zeros(n-inz(nnz),1);
  33. % Polynomial roots via a companion matrix
  34. n = length(c);
  35. if n > 1
  36. a = diag(ones(1,n-2),-1);
  37. a(1,:) = -c(2:n) ./ c(1);
  38. r = [r;eig(a)];
  39. end


  1. function [x,FVAL,EXITFLAG,OUTPUT,JACOB] = fsolve(FUN,x,options,varargin)
  2. %优化工具箱函数,可求多元非线性方程组的实根. 用法与fzero类似。
  3. %例 先写一个M函数rooteg4fun.m
  4. % function y=rooteg4fun(x)
  5. % y(1)=4*x(1)-x(2)+exp(x(1))/10-1;
  6. % y(2)=-x(1)+4*x(2)+x(1).^2/8;
  7. % 使用
  8. % [x,f,h]=fsolve('rooteg4fun',[0,0]) %初值x(1)=0,x(2)=0
  9. % x返回解向量,f返回误差向量,h>0表明算法收敛
  10. % 注意:方程变量必须拼成一个向量变量,即用x(1),x(2),...
  11. %
  12. %FSOLVE Solves nonlinear equations by a least squares method.
  13. %
  14. % FSOLVE solves equations of the form:
  15. %
  16. % F(X)=0 where F and X may be vectors or matrices.
  17. %
  18. % X=FSOLVE(FUN,X0) starts at the matrix X0 and tries to solve the
  19. % equations described in FUN. FUN is usually an M-file which returns
  20. % an evaluation of the equations for a particular value of X: F=FUN(X).
  21. %
  22. % X=FSOLVE(FUN,X0,OPTIONS) minimizes with the default optimization
  23. % parameters replaced by values in the structure OPTIONS, an argument
  24. % created with the OPTIMSET function. See OPTIMSET for details. Used
  25. % options are Display, TolX, TolFun, DerivativeCheck, Diagnostics, Jacobian,
  26. % JacobPattern, LineSearchType, LevenbergMarquardt, MaxFunEvals, MaxIter,
  27. % DiffMinChange and DiffMaxChange, LargeScale, MaxPCGIter, PrecondBandWidth,
  28. % TolPCG, TypicalX. Use the Jacobian option to specify that FUN may be called
  29. % with two output arguments where the second, J, is the Jacobian matrix:
  30. % [F,J] = feval(FUN,X). If FUN returns a vector (matrix) of m components when
  31. % X has length n, then J is an m-by-n matrix where J(i,j) is the partial
  32. % derivative of F(i) with respect to x(j). (Note that the Jacobian J is the
  33. % transpose of the gradient of F.)
  34. %
  35. % X=FSOLVE(FUN,X0,OPTIONS,P1,P2,...) passes the problem-dependent
  36. % parameters P1,P2,... directly to the function FUN: FUN(X,P1,P2,...).
  37. % Pass an empty matrix for OPTIONS to use the default values.
  38. %
  39. % [X,FVAL]=FSOLVE(FUN,X0,...) returns the value of the objective function
  40. % at X.
  41. %
  42. % [X,FVAL,EXITFLAG]=FSOLVE(FUN,X0,...) returns a string EXITFLAG that
  43. % describes the exit condition of FSOLVE.
  44. % If EXITFLAG is:
  45. % > 0 then FSOLVE converged to a solution X.
  46. % 0 then the maximum number of function evaluations was reached.
  47. % < 0 then FSOLVE did not converge to a solution.
  48. %
  49. % [X,FVAL,EXITFLAG,OUTPUT]=FSOLVE(FUN,X0,...) returns a structure OUTPUT
  50. % with the number of iterations taken in OUTPUT.iterations, the number of
  51. % function evaluations in OUTPUT.funcCount, the algorithm used in OUTPUT.algorithm,
  52. % the number of CG iterations (if used) in OUTPUT.cgiterations, and the first-order
  53. % optimality (if used) in OUTPUT.firstorderopt.
  54. %
  55. % [X,FVAL,EXITFLAG,OUTPUT,JACOB]=FSOLVE(FUN,X0,...) returns the
  56. % Jacobian of FUN at X.
  57. % Copyright (c) 1990-98 by The MathWorks, Inc.
  58. % $Revision: 1.26 $ $Date: 1998/10/22 19:28:31 $
  59. % Andy Grace 7-9-90.
  60. % Grandfathered FSOLVE call for Optimization Toolbox versions prior to 2.0:
  62. %
  63. % ------------Initialization----------------
  64. defaultopt = optimset('display','final','LargeScale','on', ...
  65. 'TolX',1e-6,'TolFun',1e-6,'DerivativeCheck','off',...
  66. 'Jacobian','off','MaxFunEvals','100*numberOfVariables',...
  67. 'Diagnostics','off',...
  68. 'DiffMaxChange',1e-1,'DiffMinChange',1e-8,...
  69. 'PrecondBandWidth',0,'TypicalX','ones(numberOfVariables,1)','MaxPCGIter','max(1,floor(numberOfVariables/2))', ...
  70. 'TolPCG',0.1,'MaxIter',400,'JacobPattern',[], ...
  71. 'LineSearchType','quadcubic','LevenbergMarq','off');
  72. % If just 'defaults' passed in, return the default options in X
  73. if nargin==1 & nargout <= 1 & isequal(FUN,'defaults')
  74. x = defaultopt;
  75. return
  76. end
  77. if nargin < 2, error('FSOLVE requires two input arguments');end
  78. if nargin < 3, options=[]; end
  79. % These are added so that we can have the same code as in lsqnonlin which
  80. % actually has upper and lower bounds.
  81. LB = []; UB = [];
  82. %[x,FVAL,EXITFLAG,OUTPUT,JACOB] = fsolve(FUNin,x,options,varargin)
  83. % Note: don't send varargin in as a comma separated list!!
  84. numargin = nargin; numargout = nargout;
  85. [calltype, GRADFUN, varargin] = parse_call(FUN,options,numargin,numargout,varargin);
  86. if isequal(calltype,'new') % fsolve version 2.*
  87. xstart=x(:);
  88. numberOfVariables=length(xstart);
  89. large = 'large-scale';
  90. medium = 'medium-scale';
  91. l = []; u = [];
  92. options = optimset(defaultopt,options);
  93. switch optimget(options,'display')
  94. case {'off','none'}
  95. verbosity = 0;
  96. case 'iter'
  97. verbosity = 2;
  98. case 'final'
  99. verbosity = 1;
  100. case 'testing'
  101. verbosity = Inf;
  102. otherwise
  103. verbosity = 1;
  104. end
  105. diagnostics = isequal(optimget(options,'diagnostics','off'),'on');
  106. gradflag = strcmp(optimget(options,'Jacobian'),'on');
  107. line_search = strcmp(optimget(options,'largescale','off'),'off'); % 0 means trust-region, 1 means line-search
  108. % Convert to inline function as needed
  109. if ~isempty(FUN) % will detect empty string, empty matrix, empty cell array
  110. [funfcn, msg] = fprefcnchk(FUN,'fsolve',length(varargin),gradflag);
  111. else
  112. errmsg = sprintf('%s\n%s', ...
  113. 'FUN must be a function name, valid string expression, or inline object;', ...
  114. ' or, FUN may be a cell array that contains these type of objects.');
  115. error(errmsg)
  116. end
  117. x(:) = xstart;
  118. switch funfcn{1}
  119. case 'fun'
  120. fuser = feval(funfcn{3},x,varargin{:});
  121. f = fuser(:);
  122. nfun=length(f);
  123. JAC = zeros(nfun,numberOfVariables);
  124. case 'fungrad'
  125. [fuser,JAC] = feval(funfcn{3},x,varargin{:});
  126. f = fuser(:);
  127. nfun=length(f);
  128. case 'fun_then_grad'
  129. fuser = feval(funfcn{3},x,varargin{:});
  130. f = fuser(:);
  131. JAC = feval(funfcn{4},x,varargin{:});
  132. nfun=length(f);
  133. otherwise
  134. error('Undefined calltype in FSOLVE');
  135. end
  136. % check size of JAC
  137. [Jrows, Jcols]=size(JAC);
  138. if Jrows~=nfun | Jcols ~=numberOfVariables
  139. errstr = sprintf('%s\n%s%d%s%d\n',...
  140. 'User-defined Jacobian is not the correct size:',...
  141. ' the Jacobian matrix should be ',nfun,'-by-',numberOfVariables);
  142. error(errstr);
  143. end
  144. YDATA = []; caller = 'fsolve';
  145. % trustregion and enough equations (as many as variables)
  146. if ~line_search & nfun >= numberOfVariables
  147. OUTPUT.algorithm = large;
  148. % trust region and not enough equations -- switch to line_search
  149. elseif ~line_search & nfun < numberOfVariables
  150. warnstr = sprintf('%s\n%s\n', ...
  151. 'Large-scale method requires at least as many equations as variables; ',...
  152. ' switching to line-search method instead.');
  153. warning(warnstr);
  154. OUTPUT.algorithm = medium;
  155. % line search and no bounds
  156. elseif line_search & isempty(l) & isempty(u)
  157. OUTPUT.algorithm = medium;
  158. % line search and bounds and enough equations, switch to trust region
  159. elseif line_search & (~isempty(LB) | ~isempty(UB)) & nfun >= numberOfVariables
  160. warnstr = sprintf('%s\n%s\n', ...
  161. 'Line-search method does not handle bound constraints; ',...
  162. ' switching to trust-region method instead.');
  163. warning(warnstr);
  164. OUTPUT.algorithm = large;
  165. % can't handle this one:
  166. elseif line_search & (~isempty(LB) | ~isempty(UB)) & nfun < numberOfVariables
  167. errstr = sprintf('%s\n%s\n%s\n', ...
  168. 'Line-search method does not handle bound constraints ',...
  169. ' and trust-region method requires at least as many equations as variables; ',...
  170. ' aborting.');
  171. error(errstr);
  172. end
  173. if diagnostics > 0
  174. % Do diagnostics on information so far
  175. constflag = 0; gradconstflag = 0; non_eq=0;non_ineq=0;lin_eq=0;lin_ineq=0;
  176. confcn{1}=[];c=[];ceq=[];cGRAD=[];ceqGRAD=[];
  177. hessflag = 0; HESS=[];
  178. msg = diagnose('fsolve',OUTPUT,gradflag,hessflag,constflag,gradconstflag,...
  179. line_search,options,xstart,non_eq,...
  180. non_ineq,lin_eq,lin_ineq,LB,UB,funfcn,confcn,f,JAC,HESS,c,ceq,cGRAD,ceqGRAD);
  181. end
  182. % Execute algorithm
  183. if isequal(OUTPUT.algorithm, large)
  184. if ~gradflag
  185. Jstr = optimget(options,'JacobPattern',[]);
  186. if isempty(Jstr)
  187. % Put this code separate as it might generate OUT OF MEMORY error
  188. Jstr = sparse(ones(Jrows,Jcols));
  189. end
  190. else
  191. Jstr = [];
  192. end
  193. l = []; u = []; computeLambda = 0;
  195. snls(funfcn,x,l,u,verbosity,options,f,JAC,YDATA,caller,Jstr,computeLambda,varargin{:});
  196. else
  198. nlsq(funfcn,x,verbosity,options,f,JAC,YDATA,caller,varargin{:});
  199. end
  200. Resnorm = FVAL'*FVAL; % assumes FVAL still a vector
  201. if Resnorm > 10*optimget(options,'TolFun',1e-4) & verbosity>0
  202. if verbosity > 0
  203. disp('Optimizer is stuck at a minimum that is not a root')
  204. disp('Try again with a new starting guess')
  205. end
  206. EXITFLAG = -1;
  207. end
  208. % Reset FVAL to shape of the user-function output, fuser
  209. FVAL = reshape(FVAL,size(fuser));
  210. % end FSOLVE 2.*
  211. else % version 1.5 FSOLVE
  212. if length(options)<5;
  213. options(5)=0;
  214. end
  215. % Switch methods making Gauss Newton the default method.
  216. if options(5)==0; options(5)=1; else options(5)=0; end
  217. % Convert to inline function as needed.
  218. if ~isempty(FUN)
  219. [funfcn, msg] = fcnchk(FUN,length(varargin));
  220. if ~isempty(msg)
  221. error(msg);
  222. end
  223. else
  224. error('FUN must be a function name or valid expression.')
  225. end
  226. if ~isempty(GRADFUN)
  227. [gradfcn, msg] = fcnchk(GRADFUN,length(varargin));
  228. if ~isempty(msg)
  229. error(msg);
  230. end
  231. else
  232. gradfcn = [];
  233. end
  234. [x,options] = nlsqold(funfcn,x,options,gradfcn,varargin{:});
  235. if options(8)>10*options(3) & options(1)>0
  236. disp('Optimizer is stuck at a minimum that is not a root')
  237. disp('Try again with a new starting guess')
  238. end
  239. % Set the second output argument FVAL to be options as in old calling syntax
  240. FVAL = options;
  241. % end fsolve version 1.5.*
  242. end
  243. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  244. function [calltype, GRADFUN, otherargs] = parse_call(FUN,options,numargin,numargout,otherargs)
  245. % PARSE_CALL Determine which calling syntax is being used: the FSOLVE prior to 2.0, or
  246. % in version 2.0 or later of the Toolbox.
  247. % old call: [X,OPTIONS]=FSOLVE(FUN,X0,OPTIONS,GRADFUN,varargin)
  249. if numargout > 2 % [X,FVAL,EXITFLAG,...]=FSOLVE (...)
  250. calltype = 'new';
  251. GRADFUN = [];
  252. elseif isa(FUN,'cell') % FUN == {...}
  253. calltype = 'new';
  254. GRADFUN = [];
  255. elseif ~isempty(options) & isa(options,'double') % OPTIONS == scalar or and array
  256. calltype = 'old';
  257. if length(otherargs) > 0
  258. GRADFUN = otherargs{1};
  259. otherargs = otherargs(2:end);
  260. else
  261. GRADFUN = [];
  262. end
  263. elseif isa(options,'struct') % OPTIONS has fields
  264. calltype = 'new';
  265. GRADFUN = [];
  266. else % Ambiguous
  267. warnstr = sprintf('%s\n%s\n%s\n',...
  268. 'Cannot determine from calling sequence whether to use new (2.0 or later) FSOLVE ', ...
  269. 'function or grandfathered FSOLVE function. Assuming new syntax; if call was grandfathered', ...
  270. 'FSOLVE syntax, this may give unexpected results.');
  271. warning(warnstr)
  272. calltype = 'new';
  273. GRADFUN = [];
  274. end
  275. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  276. function [allfcns,msg] = fprefcnchk(funstr,caller,lenVarIn,gradflag)
  277. %PREFCNCHK Pre- and post-process function expression for FUNCHK.
  279. % the (nonempty) expression FUNSTR from CALLER with LenVarIn extra arguments,
  280. % parses it according to what CALLER is, then returns a string or inline
  281. % object in ALLFCNS. If an error occurs, this message is put in MSG.
  282. %
  283. % ALLFCNS is a cell array:
  284. % ALLFCNS{1} contains a flag
  285. % that says if the objective and gradients are together in one function
  286. % (calltype=='fungrad') or in two functions (calltype='fun_then_grad')
  287. % or there is no gradient (calltype=='fun'), etc.
  288. % ALLFCNS{2} contains the string CALLER.
  289. % ALLFCNS{3} contains the objective function
  290. % ALLFCNS{4} contains the gradient function (transpose of Jacobian).
  291. %
  292. % NOTE: we assume FUNSTR is nonempty.
  293. % Initialize
  294. msg='';
  295. allfcns = {};
  296. funfcn = [];
  297. gradfcn = [];
  298. if gradflag
  299. calltype = 'fungrad';
  300. else
  301. calltype = 'fun';
  302. end
  303. % {fun}
  304. if isa(funstr, 'cell') & length(funstr)==1
  305. % take the cellarray apart: we know it is nonempty
  306. if gradflag
  307. calltype = 'fungrad';0
  308. end
  309. [funfcn, msg] = fcnchk(funstr{1},lenVarIn);
  310. if ~isempty(msg)
  311. error(msg);
  312. end
  313. % {fun,[]}
  314. elseif isa(funstr, 'cell') & length(funstr)==2 & isempty(funstr{2})
  315. if gradflag
  316. calltype = 'fungrad';
  317. end
  318. [funfcn, msg] = fcnchk(funstr{1},lenVarIn);
  319. if ~isempty(msg)
  320. error(msg);
  321. end
  322. % {fun, grad}
  323. elseif isa(funstr, 'cell') & length(funstr)==2 % and ~isempty(funstr{2})
  324. [funfcn, msg] = fcnchk(funstr{1},lenVarIn);
  325. if ~isempty(msg)
  326. error(msg);
  327. end
  328. [gradfcn, msg] = fcnchk(funstr{2},lenVarIn);
  329. if ~isempty(msg)
  330. error(msg);
  331. end
  332. calltype = 'fun_then_grad';
  333. if ~gradflag
  334. warnstr = ...
  335. sprintf('%s\n%s\n%s\n','Jacobian function provided but OPTIONS.Jacobian=''off'';', ...
  336. ' ignoring Jacobian function and using finite-differencing.', ...
  337. ' Rerun with OPTIONS.Jacobian=''on'' to use Jacobian function.');
  338. warning(warnstr);
  339. calltype = 'fun';
  340. end
  341. elseif ~isa(funstr, 'cell') %Not a cell; is a string expression, function name string or inline object
  342. [funfcn, msg] = fcnchk(funstr,lenVarIn);
  343. if ~isempty(msg)
  344. error(msg);
  345. end
  346. if gradflag % gradient and function in one function/M-file
  347. gradfcn = funfcn; % Do this so graderr will print the correct name
  348. end
  349. else
  350. errmsg = sprintf('%s\n%s', ...
  351. 'FUN must be a function name, valid string expression, or inline object;', ...
  352. ' or, FUN may be a cell array that contains these type of objects.');
  353. error(errmsg)
  354. end
  355. allfcns{1} = calltype;
  356. allfcns{2} = caller;
  357. allfcns{3} = funfcn;
  358. allfcns{4} = gradfcn;
  359. allfcns{5}=[];


  1. function varargout = solve(varargin)
  2. %求各种类型方程组的解析解,
  3. %当找不到解析解时,将自动寻求原点附近的一个近似解, 并可达任意精度.
  4. %用法
  5. % solve('方程1','方程2',...,'方程N','变量1','变量2',...,'变量M')
  6. %SOLVE Symbolic solution of algebraic equations.
  7. % SOLVE('eqn1','eqn2',...,'eqnN')
  8. % SOLVE('eqn1','eqn2',...,'eqnN','var1,var2,...,varN')
  9. % SOLVE('eqn1','eqn2',...,'eqnN','var1','var2',...'varN')
  10. %
  11. % The eqns are symbolic expressions or strings specifying equations. The
  12. % vars are symbolic variables or strings specifying the unknown variables.
  13. % SOLVE seeks zeros of the expressions or solutions of the equations.
  14. % If not specified, the unknowns in the system are determined by FINDSYM.
  15. % If no analytical solution is found and the number of equations equals
  16. % the number of dependent variables, a numeric solution is attempted.
  17. %
  18. % Three different types of output are possible. For one equation and one
  19. % output, the resulting solution is returned, with multiple solutions to
  20. % a nonlinear equation in a symbolic vector. For several equations and
  21. % an equal number of outputs, the results are sorted in lexicographic
  22. % order and assigned to the outputs. For several equations and a single
  23. % output, a structure containing the solutions is returned.
  24. %
  25. % Examples:
  26. %
  27. % solve('p*sin(x) = r') chooses 'x' as the unknown and returns
  28. %
  29. % ans =
  30. % asin(r/p)
  31. %
  32. % [x,y] = solve('x^2 + x*y + y = 3','x^2 - 4*x + 3 = 0') returns
  33. %
  34. % x =
  35. % [ 1]
  36. % [ 3]
  37. %
  38. % y =
  39. % [ 1]
  40. % [ -3/2]
  41. %
  42. % S = solve('x^2*y^2 - 2*x - 1 = 0','x^2 - y^2 - 1 = 0') returns
  43. % the solutions in a structure.
  44. %
  45. % S =
  46. % x: [8x1 sym]
  47. % y: [8x1 sym]
  48. %
  49. % [u,v] = solve('a*u^2 + v^2 = 0','u - v = 1') regards 'a' as a
  50. % parameter and solves the two equations for u and v.
  51. %
  52. % S = solve('a*u^2 + v^2','u - v = 1','a,u') regards 'v' as a
  53. % parameter, solves the two equations, and returns S.a and S.u.
  54. %
  55. % [a,u,v] = solve('a*u^2 + v^2','u - v = 1','a^2 - 5*a + 6') solves
  56. % the three equations for a, u and v.
  57. %
  58. % [x,y] = solve('sin(x+y)-exp(x)*y = 0','x^2-y = 2') cannot find
  59. % an analytic solution, so returns a numeric solution.
  60. %
  61. % See also DSOLVE.
  62. % Copyright (c) 1993-98 by The MathWorks, Inc.
  63. % $Revision: 1.13 $ $Date: 1997/11/29 01:06:35 $
  64. % Set the Explicit solution (for equations of order 4 or less)
  65. % option on in the Maple Workspace.
  66. maple('_EnvExplicit := true;');
  67. % Collect input arguments together in either equation or variable lists.
  68. eqns = [];
  69. vars = [];
  70. for k = 1:nargin
  71. v = varargin{k};
  72. if all(isletter(v) | ('0'<=v & v<='9') | v == '_' | v == ',')
  73. vars = [vars ',' v];
  74. else
  75. [t,stat] = maple(v);
  76. if stat
  77. error(['''' v ''' is not a valid expression or equation.'])
  78. end
  79. eqns = [eqns ',' v];
  80. end
  81. end
  82. if isempty(eqns)
  83. warning('List of equations is empty.')
  84. varargout = cell(1,nargout);
  85. varargout{1} = sym([]);
  86. return
  87. else
  88. eqns(1) = '{'; eqns(end+1) = '}';
  89. end
  90. neqns = sum(commas(eqns)) + 1;
  91. % Determine default variables and sort variable list.
  92. if isempty(vars)
  93. vars = ['[' findsym(sym(eqns),neqns) ']'];
  94. else
  95. vars(1) = '['; vars(end+1) = ']';
  96. end
  97. v = vars;
  98. [vars,stat] = maple('sort',v);
  99. if stat
  100. error(['''' v ''' is not a valid variable list.'])
  101. end
  102. vars(1) = '{'; vars(end) = '}';
  103. nvars = sum(commas(vars)) + 1;
  104. if neqns ~= nvars
  105. warning([int2str(neqns) ' equations in ' int2str(nvars) ' variables.'])
  106. end
  107. % Seek analytic solution.
  108. [R,stat] = maple('solve',eqns,vars);
  109. % If no analytic solution, seek numerical solution.
  110. if (isempty(R) & (nvars == neqns))
  111. [R,stat] = maple('fsolve',eqns,vars);
  112. end
  113. if stat
  114. error(R)
  115. end
  116. % If still no solution, give up.
  117. if isempty(R) | findstr(R,'fsolve')
  118. warning('Explicit solution could not be found.');
  119. varargout = cell(1,nargout);
  120. varargout{1} = sym([]);
  121. return
  122. end
  123. % Expand any RootOf.
  124. while ~isempty(findstr(R,'RootOf'))
  125. k = min(findstr(R,'RootOf'));
  126. p = findstr(R,'{'); p = max(p(p<k));
  127. q = findstr(R,'}'); q = min(q(q>k));
  128. s = R(p:q);
  129. t = s(min(findstr(s,'RootOf'))+6:end);
  130. e = min(find(cumsum((t=='(')-(t==')'))==0));
  131. if isempty(find(commas(t(2:e-1))))
  132. % RootOf with one argument, possibly an imbedded RootOf.
  133. [s,stat] = maple('allvalues',s,'dependent');
  134. if stat
  135. error(s)
  136. end
  137. else
  138. % RootOf with a good estimate as the second argument.
  139. s = maple('evalf',s);
  140. end
  141. R = [R(1:p-1) s R(q+1:end)];
  142. end
  143. % Parse the result.
  144. if nvars == 1 & nargout <= 1
  145. % One variable and at most one output.
  146. % Return a single scalar or vector sym.
  147. S = sym([]);
  148. c = find(commas(R) | R == '}');
  149. for p = find(R == '=')
  150. q = min(c(c>p));
  151. t = trim(R(p+1:q-1)); % The solution (xk)
  152. S = [S; sym(t)];
  153. end
  154. varargout{1} = S;
  155. else
  156. % Several variables.
  157. % Create a skeleton structure.
  158. c = [1 find(commas(vars)) length(vars)];
  159. S = [];
  160. for j = 1:nvars
  161. v = trim(vars(c(j)+1:c(j+1)-1));
  162. S = setfield(S,v,[]);
  163. end
  164. % Complete the structure.
  165. c = [1 find(commas(R) | R == '{' | R == '}') length(R)];
  166. for p = find(R == '=')
  167. q = max(c(c<p));
  168. v = trim(R(q+1:p-1)); % The variable (x)
  169. q = min(c(c>p));
  170. t = trim(R(p+1:q-1)); % The solution (xk)
  171. S = setfield(S,v,[getfield(S,v); sym(t)]);
  172. end
  173. if nargout <= 1
  174. % At most one output, return the structure.
  175. varargout{1} = S;
  176. elseif nargout == nvars
  177. % Same number of outputs as variables.
  178. % Match results in lexicographic order to outputs.
  179. v = fieldnames(S);
  180. for j = 1:nvars
  181. varargout{j} = getfield(S,v{j});
  182. end
  183. else
  184. error([int2str(nvars) ' variables does not match ' ...
  185. int2str(nargout) ' outputs.'])
  186. end
  187. end
  188. %-------------------------
  189. function s = trim(s);
  190. %TRIM TRIM(s) deletes any leading or trailing blanks.
  191. while s(1) == ' ', s(1) = []; end
  192. while s(end) == ' ', s(end) = []; end
  193. %-------------------------
  194. function c = commas(s)
  195. %COMMAS COMMAS(s) is true for commas not inside parentheses.
  196. p = cumsum((s == '(') - (s == ')'));
  197. c = (s == ',') & (p == 0);


  1. function x=newton(f_name,x0,tol)
  2. % Purpose: Solve a nonlinear equation by Newton iteration
  3. % Synopsis: x=newton('f_name',x0)
  4. % x=newton('f_name',x0,tol)
  5. %
  6. % x: return a root of f(x)=0 near x0
  7. % f_name:name of the function f(x) that defines the equation
  8. % x0: initial guess
  9. % tol: tolerence(Default:1e-6)
  10. % L.J.Hu 1-8-1998
  11. h=0.0001;M=500;
  12. if nargin<3, tol=1e-6;end
  13. x=x0;xb=x-999;
  14. n=0;
  15. while abs(x-xb)>tol
  16. xb=x;
  17. if n>M break;end
  18. y=feval(f_name, x);
  19. fprintf(' n=%3.0f, x=%12.5e, y=%12.5e, \n',n,x,y)
  20. y_driv=(feval(f_name,x+h)-y)/h;
  21. x=xb-y/y_driv;
  22. n=n+1;
  23. end
  24. fprintf(' n=%3.0f, x=%12.5e, y=%12.5e, ',n,x,y)
  25. if n>500,
  26. fprintf('\n');disp('Warning: iterations exceeds the limitation, probable devergent');
  27. end




  1. function y=accept(t,df)
  2. y=(df<0)|(((df/t)<88)&(exp(-df/t)>rand(1,1)));


  1. %function R=annealing(N,L,s,t,dt,C,R)
  2. %N为问题规模,即节点个数;L可取较大值,如500、1000;
  3. %s取1、2等;t为初始温度,参考范围为0.5--2;
  4. %dt为衰减因子,一般不小于0.9;
  5. %C为边权矩阵,应是一个强连通图的边权矩阵
  6. %R为初始路径,结果路径也存放在R中
  7. %L、s、t、dt应通过多次试验来确定,以获得优化的结果
  8. %参考《非数值并行算法--模拟退火算法》科学出版社
  9. function R=annealing(N,L,s,t,dt,C,R)
  10. s0=0;
  11. while 1
  12. a=0;
  13. for k=1:L
  14. [r,df]=calculate(R,C,N);
  15. if accept(t,df)
  16. R=r;a=1;
  17. disp(cost_sum(R,C,N));
  18. end
  19. end
  20. t=t*dt
  21. if a==0
  22. s0=s0+1;
  23. else
  24. s0=0;
  25. end
  26. if s0==s
  27. break;
  28. end
  29. end


  1. function [r,df]=calculate(R,C,N)
  2. judge=rand(1,1);
  3. if judge<0.5
  4. r=exchange2(R);
  5. df=cost_sum(r,C,N)-cost_sum(R,C,N);
  6. else
  7. r=exchange3(R);
  8. df=cost_sum(r,C,N)-cost_sum(R,C,N);
  9. end


  1. function y=cost_sum(x,C,N)
  2. y=0;
  3. for i=1:(N-1)
  4. y=y+C(x(i),x(i+1));
  5. end
  6. y=y+C(x(N),x(1));


  1. function r=exchange2(R)
  2. N=length(R);
  3. I=1+fix(unifrnd(0,N));
  4. J=1+fix(unifrnd(0,N-1));
  5. if I==J
  6. J=J+1;
  7. end
  8. if J<I
  9. I=I+J;
  10. J=I-J;
  11. I=I-J;
  12. end
  13. r=R;
  14. if J-I~=1&J-I~=N-1
  15. for p=1:(J-I)
  16. r(I+p)=R(J-p+1);
  17. end
  18. end
  19. if J-I==1
  20. r(I)=R(J);
  21. r(J)=R(I);
  22. end
  23. if J-I==N-1
  24. for p=1:(N-2)
  25. r(p+2)=R(N+1-p)
  26. end
  27. end


  1. function r=exchange3(R)
  2. N=length(R);
  3. K=fix(unifrnd(0,N));
  4. J=fix(unifrnd(0,N-1));
  5. I=fix(unifrnd(0,N-2));
  6. if I==J
  7. J=J+1;
  8. end
  9. if I==K
  10. K=K+2;
  11. end
  12. if J==K
  13. K=K+1;
  14. end
  15. if I>J
  16. I=I+J;
  17. J=I-J;
  18. I=I-J;
  19. end
  20. if I>K
  21. I=I+K;
  22. K=I-K;
  23. I=I-K;
  24. end
  25. if J>K
  26. J=J+K;
  27. K=J-K;
  28. J=J-K;
  29. end
  30. r=R;
  31. if J-I~=1&K-J~=1&K-I~=N-1
  32. for q=1:(J-I)
  33. r(I+q)=R(J+1-q);
  34. end
  35. for q=1:(K-J)
  36. r(J+q)=R(K+1-q);
  37. end
  38. end
  39. if J-I==1&K-J==1
  40. r(K)=R(J);r(J)=R(K);
  41. end
  42. if J-I==1&K-J~=1&K-I~=N-1
  43. for q=1:(K-J)
  44. r(I+q)=R(I+1+q);
  45. end
  46. r(K)=R(J);
  47. end
  48. if K-J==1&J-I~=1&K~=N
  49. for q=1:(J-I)
  50. r(I+1+q)=R(I+q);
  51. end
  52. r(I+1)=R(K);
  53. end
  54. if I==1&J==2&K==N
  55. for q=1:(N-2)
  56. r(1+q)=R(2+q);
  57. end
  58. r(N)=R(2);
  59. end
  60. if I==1&J==(N-1)&K==N
  61. for q=1:(N-2)
  62. r(q)=R(1+q);
  63. end
  64. r(N-1)=R(1);
  65. end
  66. if J-I~=1&K-I==N-1
  67. for q=1:(J-1)
  68. r(q)=R(1+q);
  69. end
  70. r(J)=R(1);
  71. end
  72. if J==(N-1)&K==N&J-I~=1
  73. r(J+1)=R(N);
  74. for q=1:(N-J-1)
  75. r(J+1+q)=R(J+q);
  76. end
  77. end




  1. N=13;
  2. for i=1:N
  3. for j=1:N
  4. C(i,j)=inf;
  5. end
  6. end
  7. for i=1:N
  8. C(i,i)=0;
  9. end
  10. C(1,2)=6.0;C(1,13)=12.9;
  11. C(2,3)=5.9;C(2,4)=10.3;
  12. C(3,4)=12.2;C(3,5)=17.6;
  13. C(4,13)=8.8;C(4,7)=7.4;
  14. C(4,5)=11.5;
  15. C(5,2)=17.6;C(5,6)=8.2;
  16. C(6,9)=14.9;C(6,7)=20.3;
  17. C(7,9)=19.0;C(7,8)=7.3;
  18. C(8,9)=8.1;C(8,13)=9.2;
  19. C(9,10)=10.3;
  20. C(10,11)=7.7;
  21. C(11,12)=7.2;
  22. C(12,13)=7.9;
  23. for i=1:N
  24. for j=1:N
  25. if C(i,j) < inf
  26. C(j,i)=C(i,j);
  27. end
  28. end
  29. end
  30. for i=1:N
  31. C(i,i)=0;
  32. end
  33. R=[4 7 6 5 3 2 1 13 12 11 10 9 8];


  1. function y=cost_sum(x,C,N)
  2. y=0;
  3. for i=1:(N-1)
  4. y=y+C(x(i),x(i+1));
  5. end
  6. y=y+C(x(N),x(1));


  1. R=1:N;
  2. n=0;
  3. for I=1:(N-2)
  4. for J=(I+1):(N-1)
  5. for K=(J+1):N
  6. n=n+1;
  7. Z(n,:)=[I J K];
  8. end
  9. end
  10. end
  11. for m=1:(N*(N-1)*(N-2)/6)
  12. I=Z(m,1);J=Z(m,2);K=Z(m,3);
  13. r=R;
  14. if J-I~=1&K-J~=1&K-I~=N-1
  15. for q=1:(J-I)
  16. r(I+q)=R(J+1-q);
  17. end
  18. for q=1:(K-J)
  19. r(J+q)=R(K+1-q);
  20. end
  21. end
  22. if J-I==1&K-J==1
  23. r(K)=R(J);r(J)=R(K);
  24. end
  25. if J-I==1&K-J~=1&K-I~=N-1
  26. for q=1:(K-J)
  27. r(I+q)=R(I+1+q);
  28. end
  29. r(K)=R(J);
  30. end
  31. if K-J==1&J-I~=1&K~=N
  32. for q=1:(J-I)
  33. r(I+1+q)=R(I+q);
  34. end
  35. r(I+1)=R(K);
  36. end
  37. if I==1&J==2&K==N
  38. for q=1:(N-2)
  39. r(1+q)=R(2+q);
  40. end
  41. r(N)=R(2);
  42. end
  43. if I==1&J==(N-1)&K==N
  44. for q=1:(N-2)
  45. r(q)=R(1+q);
  46. end
  47. r(N-1)=R(1);
  48. end
  49. if J-I~=1&K-I==N-1
  50. for q=1:(J-1)
  51. r(q)=R(1+q);
  52. end
  53. r(J)=R(1);
  54. end
  55. if J==(N-1)&K==N&J-I~=1
  56. r(J+1)=R(N);
  57. for q=1:(N-J-1)
  58. r(J+1+q)=R(J+q);
  59. end
  60. end
  61. if cost_sum(r,C,N)<cost_sum(R,C,N)
  62. R=r
  63. end
  64. end
  65. fprintf('总长为%f\n',cost_sum(R,C,N))




  1. clear;close all;
  2. fphn=fopen('hunan.txt','r');
  3. hnb=fgetl(fphn);
  4. hnmap=fscanf(fphn,'%f %f',[2,59]); % It has 59 rows now.湖南省界经纬度
  5. fclose(fphn);
  6. hnmap=hnmap';
  7. xa=hnmap(:,[1]);
  8. ya=hnmap(:,[2]);
  9. fp=fopen('LATLON57.txt','r');
  10. LL57=fscanf(fp,'%d %f %f',[3,97]); % It has 97 rows now.湖南省97县名称号码,经纬度
  11. fclose(fp);
  12. LL57=LL57';
  13. x=LL57(:,[3])/10;
  14. y=LL57(:,[2])/10;
  15. fpy=fopen('etw00100.txt','r');
  16. ymd57=fscanf(fpy,'%d',[3,1]);%实在不懂这句是什么意思,并且后面也没有用到这个变量
  17. yu97=fscanf(fpy,'%d %f %f',[3,97]); % It has 97 rows now.湖南省97县温度
  18. fclose(fpy);
  19. yu97=yu97';
  20. z=yu97(:,[2]);%湖南省97县温度
  21. hold on;
  22. plot(xa,ya,'.','markersize',5,'color','red');%湖南省界
  23. plot(x,y,'.','markersize',6);%湖南省97县位置
  24. [xi,yi]=meshgrid(linspace(min(x),max(x),25),linspace(min(y),max(y),25));
  25. zi=griddata(x,y,z,xi,yi,'cubic');%湖南省97县温度立方插值
  26. hold on;[c,h]=contour(xi,yi,zi,'b-');%温度等值线,注意是平面的等值线
  27. clabel(c,h);hold off;
  1. %三个txt数据文件的意义及其数据格式举例
  2. %97县名称号码、纬度、经度
  3. %LATLON57.txt:
  4. 57554 294 1101
  5. 57562 296 1114
  6. 57574 294 1124
  7. 57584 294 1130
  8. 57682 287 1136
  9. 57662 289 1116
  10. 57671 289 1124
  11. 57687 282 1128
  12. 57649 283 1097
  13. 57669 284 1112
  14. 57655 258 1104
  15. 57745 275 1096
  16. 57774 275 1122
  17. 57766 273 1114
  18. 57776 273 1128
  19. 57872 269 1126
  20. 57853 267 1106
  21. 57845 262 1098
  22. 57866 262 1116
  23. 57972 258 1130
  24. 57965 255 1116
  25. 57544 295 1095
  26. 57643 290 1098
  27. 57642 287 1096
  28. 57640 286 1095
  29. 57646 286 1100
  30. 57657 283 1102
  31. 57740 280 1096
  32. 57558 291 1105
  33. 57564 294 1111
  34. 57565 297 1118
  35. 57566 295 1117
  36. 57577 294 1122
  37. 57661 289 1115
  38. 57663 289 1120
  39. 57674 286 1124
  40. 57666 285 1121
  41. 57575 295 1126
  42. 57680 288 1131
  43. 57585 295 1135
  44. 57673 287 1129
  45. 57679 282 1130
  46. 57678 283 1126
  47. 57688 282 1126
  48. 57773 279 1128
  49. 57771 279 1125
  50. 57772 278 1125
  51. 57780 279 1132
  52. 57781 277 1135
  53. 57779 270 1134
  54. 57882 268 1136
  55. 57886 265 1138
  56. 57746 276 1100
  57. 57658 280 1102
  58. 57743 279 1098
  59. 57752 279 1106
  60. 57744 274 1092
  61. 57754 274 1102
  62. 57842 269 1097
  63. 57841 266 1097
  64. 57763 277 1120
  65. 57761 278 1113
  66. 57760 277 1114
  67. 57762 277 1117
  68. 57860 270 1113
  69. 57768 273 1115
  70. 57769 272 1117
  71. 57758 271 1116
  72. 57767 271 1120
  73. 57846 266 1102
  74. 57857 264 1103
  75. 57851 265 1109
  76. 57871 270 1124
  77. 57777 272 1129
  78. 57778 271 1130
  79. 57875 269 1125
  80. 57870 268 1121
  81. 57874 264 1124
  82. 57876 264 1129
  83. 57868 266 1119
  84. 57867 264 1113
  85. 57962 260 1117
  86. 57971 259 1122
  87. 57966 256 1120
  88. 57975 254 1122
  89. 57969 253 1113
  90. 59063 252 1115
  91. 57881 267 1133
  92. 57887 261 1131
  93. 57889 261 1140
  94. 57981 260 1134
  95. 57973 258 1127
  96. 57974 256 1124
  97. 57978 253 1126
  98. 57976 254 1129
  99. 57985 256 1137
  100. 57865 264 1116
  101. %边界经纬度
  102. %hunan.txt:
  103. 59
  104. 113.5 29.8
  105. 113.7 29.5
  106. 113.7 29.1
  107. 113.8 29.1
  108. 114.1 28.8
  109. 114.1 28.5
  110. 114.3 28.3
  111. 113.6 27.5
  112. 113.7 27.3
  113. 113.9 27.3
  114. 113.9 26.7
  115. 114.1 26.6
  116. 113.9 26.2
  117. 114.2 26.2
  118. 114.2 26.1
  119. 114.0 26.0
  120. 114.0 25.6
  121. 113.8 25.4
  122. 113.3 25.5
  123. 112.9 25.4
  124. 112.9 25.3
  125. 113.0 25.3
  126. 113.0 25.0
  127. 112.8 25.0
  128. 112.7 25.2
  129. 112.2 25.3
  130. 112.2 24.8
  131. 111.5 24.6
  132. 111.4 25.2
  133. 111.3 25.2
  134. 111.2 25.0
  135. 111.1 25.0
  136. 111.1 25.2
  137. 111.4 25.6
  138. 111.3 26.3
  139. 110.8 26.3
  140. 110.4 26.0
  141. 110.2 26.1
  142. 110.2 26.3
  143. 110.0 25.9
  144. 109.8 25.9
  145. 109.8 26.0
  146. 109.4 26.3
  147. 109.6 27.1
  148. 109.0 27.0
  149. 108.9 27.1
  150. 109.4 27.6
  151. 109.3 27.8
  152. 109.2 29.1
  153. 109.2 29.5
  154. 109.9 29.8
  155. 110.3 29.8
  156. 110.5 29.7
  157. 110.7 29.8
  158. 110.6 30.1
  159. 111.2 30.0
  160. 111.9 29.8
  161. 112.3 29.5
  162. 112.8 29.8
  163. %97县温度最高值、最低值
  164. %etw00100.txt:
  165. 2001 8 1
  166. 57554 22.6 12.0
  167. 57562 24.3 10.6
  168. 57574 24.7 10.0
  169. 57584 26.2 19.2
  170. 57682 25.2 4.2
  171. 57662 24.7 9.8
  172. 57671 24.4 0.4
  173. 57687 25.0 16.5
  174. 57649 22.2 46.2
  175. 57669 21.7 2.7
  176. 57655 22.7 23.8
  177. 57745 23.3 2.8
  178. 57774 24.9 0.0
  179. 57766 25.5 0
  180. 57776 17.8 0.2
  181. 57872 25.7 0.1
  182. 57853 24.7 1.1
  183. 57845 23.5 1.1
  184. 57866 25.0 5.1
  185. 57972 24.3 37.7
  186. 57965 24.6 22.0
  187. 57544 22.1 59.5
  188. 57643 22.5 43.6
  189. 57642 23.6 49.8
  190. 57640 23.2 33.4
  191. 57646 23.7 27.9
  192. 57657 23.1 13.7
  193. 57740 22.0 13.5
  194. 57558 22.7 20.5
  195. 57564 24.0 22.0
  196. 57565 24.8 4.2
  197. 57566 0 16.1
  198. 57577 0 0.9
  199. 57661 23.3 6.7
  200. 57663 23.9 0.9
  201. 57674 25.3 0.0
  202. 57666 23.9 0.0
  203. 57575 0 8.4
  204. 57680 0 0.2
  205. 57585 23.6 13.7
  206. 57673 25.0 0.3
  207. 57679 0 0
  208. 57678 24.4 0.1
  209. 57688 26.8 0.0
  210. 57773 25.2 2.1
  211. 57771 24.8 2.9
  212. 57772 25.4 1.3
  213. 57780 25.1 1.3
  214. 57781 25.8 0.0
  215. 57779 25.4 0.0
  216. 57882 25.8 0.1
  217. 57886 23.2 53.6
  218. 57746 23.4 6.5
  219. 57658 23.1 14.5
  220. 57743 0 8.2
  221. 57752 22.3 21.6
  222. 57744 24.0 0.8
  223. 57754 24.0 0.9
  224. 57842 25.1 0.2
  225. 57841 24.2 2.1
  226. 57763 25.2 0.0
  227. 57761 0 0.0
  228. 57760 23.6 0.0
  229. 57762 24.3 0.6
  230. 57860 24.5 5.0
  231. 57768 0 0.0
  232. 57769 24.7 0.0
  233. 57758 25.2 0.2
  234. 57767 25.4 0.3
  235. 57846 24.4 0.0
  236. 57857 23.8 0.1
  237. 57851 24.6 9.3
  238. 57871 25.5 0.9
  239. 57777 25.4 0.0
  240. 57778 0 0.0
  241. 57875 0 0.0
  242. 57870 25.0 15.5
  243. 57874 25.2 0.4
  244. 57876 24.4 74.2
  245. 57868 26.5 7.0
  246. 57867 25.0 42.4
  247. 57962 25.1 56.0
  248. 57971 24.3 16.1
  249. 57966 24.2 57.6
  250. 57975 24.0 9.2
  251. 57969 23.4 39.0
  252. 59063 23.6 18.2
  253. 57881 25.1 9.4
  254. 57887 23.9 44.2
  255. 57889 22.0 17.4
  256. 57981 23.9 0
  257. 57973 23.6 84.6
  258. 57974 24.2 37.0
  259. 57978 23.9 0
  260. 57976 23.7 23.2
  261. 57985 22.0 21.0
  262. 57865 0 57.4



