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【esp8266】【Node.js】【Websocket】esp8266和Node.js通过websocket进行通信,实验记录及踩坑记录_emitted 'error' event on websocket instance at:

emitted 'error' event on websocket instance at:


最近做了一个小实验,在esp8266上连接了一些外设,构建了一个websocket server,用的是micropython编写程序;在pc上写了原生js,构建了一个websocket client。




  1. from ws_connection import ClientClosedError
  2. from ws_server import WebSocketServer, WebSocketClient
  3. class TestClient(WebSocketClient):
  4. def __init__(self, conn):
  5. super().__init__(conn)
  6. def process(self):
  7. try:
  8. msg = self.connection.read()
  9. if not msg:
  10. return
  11. msg = msg.decode("utf-8")
  12. items = msg.split(" ")
  13. cmd = items[0]
  14. if cmd == "Hello":
  15. self.connection.write(cmd + " World")
  16. print("Hello World")
  17. except ClientClosedError:
  18. self.connection.close()
  19. class TestServer(WebSocketServer):
  20. def __init__(self):
  21. super().__init__("test.html", 2)
  22. def _make_client(self, conn):
  23. return TestClient(conn)
  24. server = TestServer()
  25. server.start()
  26. try:
  27. while True:
  28. server.process_all()
  29. except KeyboardInterrupt:
  30. pass
  31. server.stop()


npm install -g ws



  1. import WebSocket from 'ws';
  2. try {
  3. const ws = new WebSocket("ws://");
  4. ws.on('open', function open() {
  5. console.log("open");
  6. ws.send('Hello');
  7. }); //在连接创建完成后发送一条信息
  8. ws.on('message', function incoming(data) {
  9. console.log(data);
  10. }); //当收到消息时,在控制台打印出来
  11. } catch (e) {
  12. console.log(e.name + ": " + e.message);
  13. console.log(e);
  14. }

然后分别运行它们。esp8266我使用ide是Thonny,编写好程序后,启动运行,使得websocket server运行起来,并在Thonny的控制台打印出esp8266的局域网中的ip地址,例如打印出:

Server run on ws://

那么这个 ws://就是websocket server的ip地址,client去连接这个地址就能建立连接。


node websocket_client.js

如果连接成功,esp8266会在Thonny的终端打印出:Hello World!



这个很简单的实验,让我搞了两天,为什么呢?因为出现了一个bug,那就是js编写的client的申请连接的socket可以被esp8266 listen到,但是在websocket handshake阶段却会发生错误,然后终止。


  1. node test.js
  2. events.js:291
  3. throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
  4. ^
  5. Error: Unexpected server response: 200
  6. at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (D:\Personal Data\ProjectXXX\node_modules\ws\lib\websocket.js:604:7)
  7. at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:314:20)
  8. at ClientRequest.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:483:12)
  9. at HTTPParser.parserOnIncomingClient [as onIncoming] (_http_client.js:602:27)
  10. at HTTPParser.parserOnHeadersComplete (_http_common.js:122:17)
  11. at Socket.socketOnData (_http_client.js:475:22)
  12. at Socket.emit (events.js:314:20)
  13. at Socket.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:483:12)
  14. at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:298:12)
  15. at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:273:9)
  16. Emitted 'error' event on WebSocket instance at:
  17. at abortHandshake (D:\Personal Data\ProjectXXX\node_modules\ws\lib\websocket.js:731:15)
  18. at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (D:\Personal Data\ProjectXXX\node_modules\ws\lib\websocket.js:604:7)
  19. [... lines matching original stack trace ...]
  20. at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:298:12)

这个错误让我百思不解,在网上找了一下,遇到这个问题的人很少,有人说可能是端口问题,80端口有可能被限制访问,把esp8266 server开放的端口从默认的80端口改为8080,90等等其他端口进行尝试。







WebSocket协议:5分钟从入门到精通 - 程序猿小卡 - 博客园 (cnblogs.com)




  1. boot.py
  2. main.py
  3. ws_server.py
  4. ws_multiserver.py
  5. ws_connection.py


所以我们去看ws_server.py中的Class WebSocketServer,它长这样:

  1. import os
  2. import socket
  3. import network
  4. import websocket_helper
  5. from time import sleep
  6. from ws_connection import WebSocketConnection, ClientClosedError
  7. # 省略WebSocketClient代码,只看WebSocketServer类的实现
  8. class WebSocketServer:
  9. def __init__(self, page, max_connections=1):
  10. self._listen_s = None
  11. self._clients = []
  12. self._max_connections = max_connections
  13. self._page = page
  14. def _setup_conn(self, port, accept_handler):
  15. self._listen_s = socket.socket()
  16. self._listen_s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
  17. ai = socket.getaddrinfo("", port)
  18. addr = ai[0][4]
  19. self._listen_s.bind(addr)
  20. self._listen_s.listen(1)
  21. if accept_handler:
  22. self._listen_s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, 20, accept_handler)
  23. for i in (network.AP_IF, network.STA_IF):
  24. iface = network.WLAN(i)
  25. if iface.active():
  26. print("WebSocket started on ws://%s:%d" % (iface.ifconfig()[0], port))
  27. def _accept_conn(self, listen_sock):
  28. cl, remote_addr = listen_sock.accept()
  29. print("Client connection from:", remote_addr)
  30. if len(self._clients) >= self._max_connections:
  31. # Maximum connections limit reached
  32. cl.setblocking(True)
  33. cl.sendall("HTTP/1.1 503 Too many connections\n\n")
  34. cl.sendall("\n")
  35. #TODO: Make sure the data is sent before closing
  36. sleep(0.1)
  37. cl.close()
  38. return
  39. try:
  40. websocket_helper.server_handshake(cl)
  41. except OSError:
  42. # Not a websocket connection, serve webpage
  43. self._serve_page(cl)
  44. return
  45. self._clients.append(self._make_client(WebSocketConnection(remote_addr, cl, self.remove_connection)))
  46. def _make_client(self, conn):
  47. return WebSocketClient(conn)
  48. def _serve_page(self, sock):
  49. try:
  50. sock.sendall('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nConnection: close\nServer: WebSocket Server\nContent-Type: text/html\n')
  51. length = os.stat(self._page)[6]
  52. sock.sendall('Content-Length: {}\n\n'.format(length))
  53. # Process page by lines to avoid large strings
  54. with open(self._page, 'r') as f:
  55. for line in f:
  56. sock.sendall(line)
  57. except OSError:
  58. # Error while serving webpage
  59. pass
  60. sock.close()
  61. def stop(self):
  62. if self._listen_s:
  63. self._listen_s.close()
  64. self._listen_s = None
  65. for client in self._clients:
  66. client.connection.close()
  67. print("Stopped WebSocket server.")
  68. def start(self, port=80):
  69. if self._listen_s:
  70. self.stop()
  71. self._setup_conn(port, self._accept_conn)
  72. print("Started WebSocket server.")
  73. def process_all(self):
  74. for client in self._clients:
  75. client.process()
  76. def remove_connection(self, conn):
  77. for client in self._clients:
  78. if client.connection is conn:
  79. self._clients.remove(client)
  80. return

握手的代码在_accept_conn(self, listen_sock)函数中:websocket_helper.server_handshake(cl)这一句。它调用了websocket_helper的握手函数。这个websocket_helper模块来自Micropython原生封装好的库



  1. try:
  2. import usys as sys
  3. except ImportError:
  4. import sys
  5. try:
  6. import ubinascii as binascii
  7. except:
  8. import binascii
  9. try:
  10. import uhashlib as hashlib
  11. except:
  12. import hashlib
  13. DEBUG = 0
  14. def server_handshake(sock):
  15. clr = sock.makefile("rwb", 0)
  16. l = clr.readline()
  17. # sys.stdout.write(repr(l))
  18. webkey = None
  19. while 1:
  20. l = clr.readline()
  21. if not l:
  22. raise OSError("EOF in headers")
  23. if l == b"\r\n":
  24. break
  25. # sys.stdout.write(l)
  26. h, v = [x.strip() for x in l.split(b":", 1)]
  27. if DEBUG:
  28. print((h, v))
  29. if h == b"Sec-WebSocket-Key":
  30. webkey = v
  31. if not webkey:
  32. raise OSError("Not a websocket request")
  33. if DEBUG:
  34. print("Sec-WebSocket-Key:", webkey, len(webkey))
  35. d = hashlib.sha1(webkey)
  36. d.update(b"258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11")
  37. respkey = d.digest()
  38. respkey = binascii.b2a_base64(respkey)[:-1]
  39. if DEBUG:
  40. print("respkey:", respkey)
  41. sock.send(
  42. b"""\
  43. HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r
  44. Upgrade: websocket\r
  45. Connection: Upgrade\r
  46. Sec-WebSocket-Accept: """
  47. )
  48. sock.send(respkey)
  49. sock.send("\r\n\r\n")
  50. # Very simplified client handshake, works for MicroPython's
  51. # websocket server implementation, but probably not for other
  52. # servers.
  53. def client_handshake(sock):
  54. cl = sock.makefile("rwb", 0)
  55. cl.write(
  56. b"""\
  57. GET / HTTP/1.1\r
  58. Host: echo.websocket.org\r
  59. Connection: Upgrade\r
  60. Upgrade: websocket\r
  61. Sec-WebSocket-Key: foo\r
  62. \r
  63. """
  64. )
  65. l = cl.readline()
  66. # print(l)
  67. while 1:
  68. l = cl.readline()
  69. if l == b"\r\n":
  70. break
  71. # sys.stdout.write(l)
  72. © 2021 GitHub, Inc.


import websocket_helper_new as websocket_helper



  1. GET / HTTP/1.1
  2. Host: localhost:8080
  3. Origin:
  4. Connection: Upgrade
  5. Upgrade: websocket



dst net

它的意思是,只捕捉destination ip为192.168.1.111(即ws server)的数据包。抓包后发现,client发送的协议升级请求包是完整的,然而8266接收到的socket是不完整的。




在做这个小实验的同时,我还在做一个vue的项目。在安装那个dev依赖包的时候,其中一个包提示我我的node engine版本太低,必须要13.0以上的node才可以使用那个包。我突然想到,既然浏览器可以跑js,node不可以,会不会也是我的node引擎版本问题,和当前esp8266上烧的固件不匹配?

于是我去官网下载了最新的14.17.1,然后重新运行原来的js client代码,发现!成功了!所以其实卡了我两天的问题,是node版本的问题。

经常搞板子的朋友可能会遇到过一些库在某些版本的固件上没法运行的情况,这就说明了可能不同版本的固件能够支持的库有一些细微的差别。同时,在客户端这边,为什么我一开始没有想到是node的问题,是因为我跑两个node,一个server一个client,能够成功;跑一个node server,一个浏览器client,能够成功;一个浏览器client,一个8266 server,能够成功;唯独跑一个node client,一个8266 server失败了,所以我没想过是我本地node和板子固件不匹配的原因。



