SUBSYS(rgw, 1, 5) // log level for the Rados gateway
SUBSYS(civetweb, 1, 10)
SUBSYS(javaclient, 1, 5)
SUBSYS(asok, 1, 5)
SUBSYS(throttle, 1, 1)
SUBSYS(refs, 0, 0)
OPTION(key, OPT_STR, "")
OPTION(keyfile, OPT_STR, "")
OPTION(keyring, OPT_STR, "/etc/ceph/$cluster.$name.keyring,/etc/ceph/$cluster.keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring,/etc/ceph/keyring.bin") // default changed by common_preinit() for mds and osd
OPTION(heartbeat_interval, OPT_INT, 5)
OPTION(heartbeat_file, OPT_STR, "")
OPTION(heartbeat_inject_failure, OPT_INT, 0) // force an unhealthy heartbeat for N seconds
OPTION(ms_die_on_old_message, OPT_BOOL, false) // assert if we get a dup incoming message and shouldn't have (may be triggered by pre-541cd3c64be0dfa04e8a2df39422e0eb9541a428 code)
OPTION(ms_inject_delay_msg_type, OPT_STR, "") // the type of message to delay, as returned by Message::get_type_name(). This is an additional restriction on the general type filter ms_inject_delay_type.
OPTION(mon_accept_timeout, OPT_FLOAT, 10.0) // on leader, if paxos update isn't accepted
OPTION(mon_pg_create_interval, OPT_FLOAT, 30.0) // no more than every 30s
OPTION(mon_pg_stuck_threshold, OPT_INT, 300) // number of seconds after which pgs can be considered inactive, unclean, or stale (see doc/control.rst under dump_stuck for more info)
OPTION(mon_pg_warn_min_per_osd, OPT_INT, 20) // min # pgs per (in) osd before we warn the admin
OPTION(mon_pg_warn_max_object_skew, OPT_FLOAT, 10.0) // max skew few average in objects per pg
OPTION(mon_pg_warn_min_objects, OPT_INT, 10000) // do not warn below this object #
OPTION(mon_pg_warn_min_pool_objects, OPT_INT, 1000) // do not warn on pools below this object #
OPTION(mon_cache_target_full_warn_ratio, OPT_FLOAT, .66) // position between pool cache_target_full and max where we start warning
OPTION(mon_osd_full_ratio, OPT_FLOAT, .95) // what % full makes an OSD "full"
OPTION(mon_osd_nearfull_ratio, OPT_FLOAT, .85) // what % full makes an OSD near full
OPTION(mon_globalid_prealloc, OPT_INT, 100) // how many globalids to prealloc
OPTION(mon_osd_report_timeout, OPT_INT, 900) // grace period before declaring unresponsive OSDs dead
OPTION(mon_force_standby_active, OPT_BOOL, true) // should mons force standby-replay mds to be active
OPTION(mon_warn_on_old_mons, OPT_BOOL, true) // should mons set health to WARN if part of quorum is old?
OPTION(mon_warn_on_legacy_crush_tunables, OPT_BOOL, true) // warn if crush tunables are not optimal
OPTION(mon_warn_on_osd_down_out_interval_zero, OPT_BOOL, true) // warn if 'mon_osd_down_out_interval == 0'
OPTION(osd_pool_erasure_code_stripe_width, OPT_U32, OSD_POOL_ERASURE_CODE_STRIPE_WIDTH) // in bytes
OPTION(osd_pool_default_size, OPT_INT, 3)
OPTION(osd_pool_default_min_size, OPT_INT, 0) // 0 means no specific default; ceph will use size-size/2
OPTION(osd_pool_default_pg_num, OPT_INT, 8) // number of PGs for new pools. Configure in global or mon section of ceph.conf
OPTION(osd_pool_default_pgp_num, OPT_INT, 8) // number of PGs for placement purposes. Should be equal to pg_num
OPTION(osd_pool_default_erasure_code_directory, OPT_STR, CEPH_PKGLIBDIR"/erasure-code") // default for the erasure-code-directory=XXX property of osd pool create
"plugin=jerasure "
"technique=reed_sol_van "
"k=2 "
"m=1 "
) // default properties of osd pool create
OPTION(osd_erasure_code_plugins, OPT_STR,
" lrc"
" isa"
) // list of erasure code plugins
OPTION(osd_pool_default_flags, OPT_INT, 0) // default flags for new pools
OPTION(osd_pool_default_flag_hashpspool, OPT_BOOL, true) // use new pg hashing to prevent pool/pg overlap
OPTION(journal_ignore_corruption, OPT_BOOL, false) // assume journal is not corrupt
OPTION(rados_mon_op_timeout, OPT_DOUBLE, 0) // how many seconds to wait for a response from the monitor before returning an error from a rados operation. 0 means on limit.
OPTION(rados_osd_op_timeout, OPT_DOUBLE, 0) // how many seconds to wait for a response from osds before returning an error from a rados operation. 0 means no limit.
OPTION(rbd_cache, OPT_BOOL, true) // whether to enable caching (writeback unless rbd_cache_max_dirty is 0)
OPTION(rbd_cache_writethrough_until_flush, OPT_BOOL, true) // whether to make writeback caching writethrough until flush is called, to be sure the user of librbd will send flushs so that writeback is safe
OPTION(rbd_cache_size, OPT_LONGLONG, 32<<20) // cache size in bytes
OPTION(rbd_cache_max_dirty, OPT_LONGLONG, 24<<20) // dirty limit in bytes - set to 0 for write-through caching
OPTION(rbd_cache_target_dirty, OPT_LONGLONG, 16<<20) // target dirty limit in bytes
OPTION(rbd_cache_max_dirty_age, OPT_FLOAT, 1.0) // seconds in cache before writeback starts
OPTION(rbd_cache_max_dirty_object, OPT_INT, 0) // dirty limit for objects - set to 0 for auto calculate from rbd_cache_size
OPTION(rbd_cache_block_writes_upfront, OPT_BOOL, false) // whether to block writes to the cache before the aio_write call completes (true), or block before the aio completion is called (false)
OPTION(rbd_concurrent_management_ops, OPT_INT, 10) // how many operations can be in flight for a management operation like deleting or resizing an image
OPTION(rbd_balance_snap_reads, OPT_BOOL, false)
OPTION(rbd_localize_snap_reads, OPT_BOOL, false)
OPTION(rbd_balance_parent_reads, OPT_BOOL, false)
OPTION(rbd_localize_parent_reads, OPT_BOOL, true)
* The following options change the behavior for librbd's image creation methods that
* don't require all of the parameters. These are provided so that older programs
* can take advantage of newer features without being rewritten to use new versions
* of the image creation functions.
* rbd_create()/RBD::create() are affected by all of these options.
* rbd_create2()/RBD::create2() and rbd_clone()/RBD::clone() are affected by:
* - rbd_default_order
* - rbd_default_stripe_count
* - rbd_default_stripe_size
* rbd_create3()/RBD::create3() and rbd_clone2/RBD::clone2() are only