textView如果想要强制换行的话,必须先把TextView显示方式修改为多行(android:singleLine="false"),然后才能换行。方法一般用两种:1、在字符串里加入“\n”,如"abc\nrc";2、把TextView设置为固定宽度,然后让系统自动换行。如android:layout_width="100dp";扩展资料Class Overview向用户显示文本,并可选择允许他们编辑文本。TextView是一个完整的文本编辑器,但是基类为不允许编辑;其子类EditText允许文本编辑。允许用户复制部分或全部内容,将其粘贴到别的地方,设置XML属性Android:textisselectable :“真” 或设置相关方法 settextisselectable 为“真”。textisselectable flag 允许用户在TextView选择手势,从而触发系统内置的复制/粘贴控件。Displays text to the user and optionally allows them to edit it. A TextView is a complete text editor, however the basic class is configured to not allow editing; seeEditTextfor a subclass that configures the text view for editing.To allow users to copy some or all of the TextView's value and paste it somewhere else, set the XML attributeandroid:textIsSelectableto "true" or callsetTextIsSelectable(true). ThetextIsSelectableflag allows users to make selection gestures in the TextView, which in turn triggers the system's built-in copy/paste controls.
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