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nginx 官方文档摘要



Default nginx.conf
Add before location
upstream myapp1 {
        server localhost:8081;
        server localhost:8082;
location / {
           root   html;
           index  index.html index.htm;

Change to
location / {
        proxy_pass http://myapp1;
        #    root   html;
        #   index  index.html index.htm;


自 Nginx 发布四年来,Nginx 已经因它的稳定性、丰富的功能集、示例配置文件和低系统资源的消耗而闻名了。Nginx 超越Apache的高性能和稳定性,使得国内使用 Nginx 作为 Web 服务器的网站也越来越多。

目前国内各大门户网站已经部署了Nginx,如新浪、网易、腾讯等;新近发现 Nginx 技术在国内日趋火热,越来越多的网站开始应用部署Nginx。

Installing nginx

nginx can be installed differently, depending on the operating system.

Installation on Linux

For Linux, nginx packages from nginx.org can be used.

Installation on FreeBSD

On FreeBSD, nginx can be installed either from the packages or through the ports system. The ports system provides greater flexibility, allowing selection among a wide range of options. The port will compile nginx with the specified options and install it.

Building from Sources

If some special functionality is required, not available with packages and ports, nginx can also be compiled from source files. While more flexible, this approach may be complex for a beginner. For more information, see Building nginx from Sources.


nginx.exe 双击运行 后台进程中即有 nginx.exe进程.此时访问: http://localhost/ 可看到nginx欢迎页面.
cd nginx
start nginx
这样,nginx 服务就启动了。打开任务管理器,查看 nginx.exe 进程,有二个进程会显示,占用系统资源,那是相当的少。然后再打开浏览器,输入  就可以看到nginx的欢迎页面了
nginx -s stop          // 停止nginx
nginx -s reload       // 重新加载配置文件
nginx -s quit          // 退出nginx

Beginner’s Guide

This guide gives a basic introduction to nginx and describes some simple tasks that can be done with it. It is supposed that nginx is already installed on the reader’s machine. If it is not, see the Installing nginx page. This guide describes how to start and stop nginx, and reload its configuration, explains the structure of the configuration file and describes how to set up nginx to serve out static content, how to configure nginx as a proxy server, and how to connect it with a FastCGI application.


    nginx has one master process and several worker processes. The main purpose of the master process is to read and evaluate configuration, and maintain worker processes. Worker processes do actual processing of requests. nginx employs event-based model and OS-dependent mechanisms to efficiently distribute requests among worker processes. The number of worker processes is defined in the configuration file and may be fixed for a given configuration or automatically adjusted to the number of available CPU cores (see worker_processes).

    The way nginx and its modules work is determined in the configuration file. By default, the configuration file is named nginx.conf and placed in the directory /usr/local/nginx/conf, /etc/nginx, or /usr/local/etc/nginx.

Starting, Stopping, and Reloading Configuration

To start nginx, run the executable file. Once nginx is started, it can be controlled by invoking the executable with the -s parameter. Use the following syntax:

    nginx -s signal
Where signal may be one of the following:
    stop — fast shutdown
    quit — graceful shutdown
    reload — reloading the configuration file
    reopen — reopening the log files
For example, to stop nginx processes with waiting for the worker processes to finish serving current requests, the following command can be executed:
    nginx -s quit
    This command should be executed under the same user that started nginx.

Changes made in the configuration file will not be applied until the command to reload configuration is sent to nginx or it is restarted. To reload configuration, execute:
    nginx -s reload

Once the master process receives the signal to reload configuration, it checks the syntax validity of the new configuration file and tries to apply the configuration provided in it. If this is a success, the master process starts new worker processes and sends messages to old worker processes, requesting them to shut down. Otherwise, the master process rolls back the changes and continues to work with the old configuration. Old worker processes, receiving a command to shut down, stop accepting new connections and continue to service current requests until all such requests are serviced. After that, the old worker processes exit.

A signal may also be sent to nginx processes with the help of Unix tools such as the kill utility. In this case a signal is sent directly to a process with a given process ID. The process ID of the nginx master process is written, by default, to the nginx.pid in the directory /usr/local/nginx/logs or /var/run. For example, if the master process ID is 1628, to send the QUIT signal resulting in nginx’s graceful shutdown, execute:
    kill -s QUIT 1628

For getting the list of all running nginx processes, the ps utility may be used, for example, in the following way:
    ps -ax | grep nginx
For more information on sending signals to nginx, see Controlling nginx.

Configuration File’s Structure

nginx consists of modules which are controlled by directives specified in the configuration file. Directives are divided into simple directives and block directives. A simple directive consists of the name and parameters separated by spaces and ends with a semicolon (;). A block directive has the same structure as a simple directive, but instead of the semicolon it ends with a set of additional instructions surrounded by braces ({ and }). If a block directive can have other directives inside braces, it is called a context (examples: events, http, server, and location).

Directives placed in the configuration file outside of any contexts are considered to be in the main context. The events and http directives reside in the main context, server in http, and location in server.

The rest of a line after the # sign is considered a comment.

Serving Static Content

An important web server task is serving out files (such as images or static HTML pages). You will implement an example where, depending on the request, files will be served from different local directories: /data/www (which may contain HTML files) and /data/images (containing images). This will require editing of the configuration file and setting up of a server block inside the http block with two location blocks.

First, create the /data/www directory and put an index.html file with any text content into it and create the /data/images directory and place some images in it.

Next, open the configuration file. The default configuration file already includes several examples of the server block, mostly commented out. For now comment out all such blocks and start a new server block:

    http {
        server {
Generally, the configuration file may include several server blocks distinguished by ports on which they listen to and by server names. Once nginx decides which server processes a request, it tests the URI specified in the request’s header against the parameters of the location directives defined inside the server block.
Add the following location block to the server block:
    location / {
        root /data/www;
This location block specifies the “/” prefix compared with the URI from the request. For matching requests, the URI will be added to the path specified in the root directive, that is, to /data/www, to form the path to the requested file on the local file system. If there are several matching location blocks nginx selects the one with the longest prefix. The location block above provides the shortest prefix, of length one, and so only if all other location blocks fail to provide a match, this block will be used.
Next, add the second location block:
    location /images/ {
        root /data;
It will be a match for requests starting with /images/ (location / also matches such requests, but has shorter prefix).
The resulting configuration of the server block should look like this:
    server {
        location / {
            root /data/www;
        location /images/ {
            root /data;
        location /images/ {
            root   img;
This is already a working configuration of a server that listens on the standard port 80 and is accessible on the local machine at http://localhost/. In response to requests with URIs starting with /images/, the server will send files from the /data/images directory. For example, in response to the http://localhost/images/example.png request nginx will send the /data/images/example.png file. If such file does not exist, nginx will send a response indicating the 404 error. Requests with URIs not starting with /images/ will be mapped onto the /data/www directory. For example, in response to the http://localhost/some/example.html request nginx will send the /data/www/some/example.html file.
To apply the new configuration, start nginx if it is not yet started or send the reload signal to the nginx’s master process, by executing:
    nginx -s reload
    In case something does not work as expected, you may try to find out the reason in access.log and error.log files in the directory /usr/local/nginx/logs or /var/log/nginx.


Setting Up a Simple Proxy Server

One of the frequent uses of nginx is setting it up as a proxy server, which means a server that receives requests, passes them to the proxied servers, retrieves responses from them, and sends them to the clients.
We will configure a basic proxy server, which serves requests of images with files from the local directory and sends all other requests to a proxied server. In this example, both servers will be defined on a single nginx instance.
First, define the proxied server by adding one more server block to the nginx’s configuration file with the following contents:
    server {
        listen 8080;
        root /data/up1;
        location / {
This will be a simple server that listens on the port 8080 (previously, the listen directive has not been specified since the standard port 80 was used) and maps all requests to the /data/up1 directory on the local file system. Create this directory and put the index.html file into it. Note that the root directive is placed in the server context. Such root directive is used when the location block selected for serving a request does not include own root directive.
Next, use the server configuration from the previous section and modify it to make it a proxy server configuration. In the first location block, put the proxy_pass directive with the protocol, name and port of the proxied server specified in the parameter (in our case, it is http://localhost:8080):
    server {
        location / {
            proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;
        location /images/ {
           root /data;
We will modify the second location block, which currently maps requests with the /images/ prefix to the files under the /data/images directory, to make it match the requests of images with typical file extensions. The modified location block looks like this:
    location ~ \.(gif|jpg|png)$ {
        root /data/images;
The parameter is a regular expression matching all URIs ending with .gif, .jpg, or .png. A regular expression should be preceded with ~. The corresponding requests will be mapped to the /data/images directory.
When nginx selects a location block to serve a request it first checks location directives that specify prefixes, remembering location with the longest prefix, and then checks regular expressions. If there is a match with a regular expression, nginx picks this location or, otherwise, it picks the one remembered earlier.
The resulting configuration of a proxy server will look like this:
    server {
        location / {
            proxy_pass http://localhost:8080/;
        location ~ \.(gif|jpg|png)$ {
            root /data/images;

This server will filter requests ending with .gif, .jpg, or .png and map them to the /data/images directory (by adding URI to the root directive’s parameter) and pass all other requests to the proxied server configured above.
To apply new configuration, send the reload signal to nginx as described in the previous sections.
There are many more directives that may be used to further configure a proxy connection.

Setting Up FastCGI Proxying

nginx can be used to route requests to FastCGI servers which run applications built with various frameworks and programming languages such as PHP.

The most basic nginx configuration to work with a FastCGI server includes using the fastcgi_pass directive instead of the proxy_pass directive, and fastcgi_param directives to set parameters passed to a FastCGI server. Suppose the FastCGI server is accessible on localhost:9000. Taking the proxy configuration from the previous section as a basis, replace the proxy_pass directive with the fastcgi_pass directive and change the parameter to localhost:9000. In PHP, the SCRIPT_FILENAME parameter is used for determining the script name, and the QUERY_STRING parameter is used to pass request parameters. The resulting configuration would be:
    server {
        location / {
            fastcgi_pass  localhost:9000;
            fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
            fastcgi_param QUERY_STRING    $query_string;

        location ~ \.(gif|jpg|png)$ {
            root /data/images;

This will set up a server that will route all requests except for requests for static images to the proxied server operating on localhost:9000 through the FastCGI protocol.

Admin’s Guide


NGINX Plus is the commercially-supported version of NGINX, offering:

·         High-performance Load Balancing

·         Intelligent Session Persistence

·         Application-aware Health Checks

·         Massively-scalable Content Caching

·         Sophisticated Streaming Media Delivery

·         Advanced Activity Monitoring

·         DevOps On-the-Fly Reconfiguration

… backed by Nginx, Inc. dedicated support.


Controlling nginx

nginx can be controlled with signals. The process ID of the master process is written to the file /usr/local/nginx/logs/nginx.pid by default. This name may be changed at configuration time, or in nginx.conf using the pid directive. The master process supports the following signals:


fast shutdown


graceful shutdown


changing configuration, keeping up with a changed time zone (only for FreeBSD and Linux), starting new worker processes with a new configuration, graceful shutdown of old worker processes


re-opening log files


upgrading an executable file


graceful shutdown of worker processes

Individual worker processes can be controlled with signals as well, though it is not required. The supported signals are:


fast shutdown


graceful shutdown


re-opening log files


abnormal termination for debugging (requires debug_points to be enabled)

Changing Configuration

In order for nginx to re-read the configuration file, a HUP signal should be sent to the master process. The master process first checks the syntax validity, then tries to apply new configuration, that is, to open log files and new listen sockets. If this fails, it rolls back changes and continues to work with old configuration. If this succeeds, it starts new worker processes, and sends messages to old worker processes requesting them to shut down gracefully. Old worker processes close listen sockets and continue to service old clients. After all clients are serviced, old worker processes are shut down.

Let’s illustrate this by example. Imagine that nginx is run on FreeBSD 4.x and the command
ps axw -o pid,ppid,user,%cpu,vsz,wchan,command | egrep '(nginx|PID)'
produces the following output:
33126     1 root     0.0  1148 pause  nginx: master process /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx
33127 33126 nobody   0.0  1380 kqread nginx: worker process (nginx)
33128 33126 nobody   0.0  1364 kqread nginx: worker process (nginx)
33129 33126 nobody   0.0  1364 kqread nginx: worker process (nginx)
If HUP is sent to the master process, the output becomes:
33126     1 root     0.0  1164 pause  nginx: master process /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx
33129 33126 nobody   0.0  1380 kqread nginx: worker process is shutting down (nginx)
33134 33126 nobody   0.0  1368 kqread nginx: worker process (nginx)
33135 33126 nobody   0.0  1368 kqread nginx: worker process (nginx)
33136 33126 nobody   0.0  1368 kqread nginx: worker process (nginx)
One of the old worker processes with PID 33129 still continues to work. After some time it exits:
33126     1 root     0.0  1164 pause  nginx: master process /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx
33134 33126 nobody   0.0  1368 kqread nginx: worker process (nginx)
33135 33126 nobody   0.0  1368 kqread nginx: worker process (nginx)
33136 33126 nobody   0.0  1368 kqread nginx: worker process (nginx)

Rotating Log-files


In order to rotate log files, they need to be renamed first. After that USR1 signal should be sent to the master process. The master process will then re-open all currently open log files and assign them an unprivileged user under which the worker processes are running, as an owner. After successful re-opening, the master process closes all open files and sends the message to worker process to ask them to re-open files. Worker processes also open new files and close old files right away. As a result, old files are almost immediately available for post processing, such as compression.

Upgrading Executable on the Fly

In order to upgrade the server executable, the new executable file should be put in place of an old file first. After that USR2 signal should be sent to the master process. The master process first renames its file with the process ID to a new file with the .oldbin suffix, e.g. /usr/local/nginx/logs/nginx.pid.oldbin, then starts a new executable file that in turn starts new worker processes:

33126     1 root     0.0  1164 pause  nginx: master process /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx
33134 33126 nobody   0.0  1368 kqread nginx: worker process (nginx)
33135 33126 nobody   0.0  1380 kqread nginx: worker process (nginx)
33136 33126 nobody   0.0  1368 kqread nginx: worker process (nginx)
36264 33126 root     0.0  1148 pause  nginx: master process /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx
36265 36264 nobody   0.0  1364 kqread nginx: worker process (nginx)
36266 36264 nobody   0.0  1364 kqread nginx: worker process (nginx)
36267 36264 nobody   0.0  1364 kqread nginx: worker process (nginx)
After that all worker processes (old and new ones) continue to accept requests. If the WINCH signal is sent to the first master process, it will send messages to its worker processes, requesting them to shut down gracefully, and they will start to exit:
33126     1 root     0.0  1164 pause  nginx: master process /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx
33135 33126 nobody   0.0  1380 kqread nginx: worker process is shutting down (nginx)
36264 33126 root     0.0  1148 pause  nginx: master process /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx
36265 36264 nobody   0.0  1364 kqread nginx: worker process (nginx)
36266 36264 nobody   0.0  1364 kqread nginx: worker process (nginx)
36267 36264 nobody   0.0  1364 kqread nginx: worker process (nginx)
When using the “rtsig” method on Linux, the new processes may not accept connections even after the old master process was sent the WINCH signal. If that is the case, the USR1 signal should be sent to the new master process continuously, until the new processes start to accept connections.
After some time, only the new worker processes will process requests:
33126     1 root     0.0  1164 pause  nginx: master process /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx
36264 33126 root     0.0  1148 pause  nginx: master process /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx
36265 36264 nobody   0.0  1364 kqread nginx: worker process (nginx)
36266 36264 nobody   0.0  1364 kqread nginx: worker process (nginx)
36267 36264 nobody   0.0  1364 kqread nginx: worker process (nginx)

It should be noted that the old master process does not close its listen sockets, and it can be managed to start its worker processes again if needed. If for some reason the new executable file works unacceptably, one of the following can be done:

·         Send the HUP signal to the old master process. The old master process will start new worker processes without re-reading the configuration. After that, all new processes can be shut down gracefully, by sending the QUIT signal to the new master process.

·         Send the TERM signal to the new master process. It will then send a message to its worker processes requesting them to exit immediately, and they will all exit almost immediately. (If new processes do not exit for some reason, the KILL signal should be sent to them to force them to exit.) When the new master process exits, the old master process will start new worker processes automatically.

If the new master process exits then the old master process discards the .oldbin suffix from the file name with the process ID.

If upgrade was successful, then the old master process should be sent the QUIT signal, and only new processes will stay:

36264     1 root     0.0  1148 pause  nginx: master process /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx
36265 36264 nobody   0.0  1364 kqread nginx: worker process (nginx)
36266 36264 nobody   0.0  1364 kqread nginx: worker process (nginx)
36267 36264 nobody   0.0  1364 kqread nginx: worker process (nginx)

Connection processing methods

nginx supports a variety of connection processing methods. The availability of a particular method depends on the platform used. On platforms that support several methods nginx will normally select the most efficient method automatically. However, if needed, a connection processing method can be selected explicitly with the use directive.

The following connection processing methods are supported:

·         select — standard method. The supporting module is built automatically on platforms that lack more efficient methods. The --with-select_module and --without-select_module configuration parameters can be used to forcibly enable or disable the build of this module.

·         poll — standard method. The supporting module is built automatically on platforms that lack more efficient methods. The --with-poll_module and --without-poll_module configuration parameters can be used to forcibly enable or disable the build of this module.

·         kqueue — efficient method used on FreeBSD 4.1+, OpenBSD 2.9+, NetBSD 2.0, and Mac OS X.

·         epoll — efficient method used on Linux 2.6+.

Some older distributions like SuSE 8.2 provide patches that add epoll support to 2.4 kernels.

·         rtsig — real time signals, efficient method used on Linux 2.2.19+. By default, the system-wide event queue is limited by 1024 signals. On loaded servers it may become necessary to increase this limit by changing the /proc/sys/kernel/rtsig-max kernel parameter. However, in Linux 2.6.6-mm2 this parameter is gone, and each process now has its own event queue. The size of each queue is limited by RLIMIT_SIGPENDING and can be changed with worker_rlimit_sigpending.

On queue overflow, nginx discards the queue and falls back to poll connection processing method until the situation gets back to normal.

·         /dev/poll — efficient method used on Solaris 7 11/99+, HP/UX 11.22+ (eventport), IRIX 6.5.15+, and Tru64 UNIX 5.1A+.

·         eventport — event ports, efficient method used on Solaris 10.

Setting up hashes

To quickly process static sets of data such as server names, map directive’s values, MIME types, names of request header strings, nginx uses hash tables. During the start and each re-configuration nginx selects the minimum possible sizes of hash tables such that the bucket size that stores keys with identical hash values does not exceed the configured parameter (hash bucket size). The size of a table is expressed in buckets. The adjustment is continued until the table size exceeds the hash max size parameter. Most hashes have the corresponding directives that allow changing these parameters, for example, for the server names hash they are server_names_hash_max_size and server_names_hash_bucket_size.


The hash bucket size parameter is aligned to the size that is a multiple of the processor’s cache line size. This speeds up key search in a hash on modern processors by reducing the number of memory accesses. If hash bucket size is equal to one processor’s cache line size then the number of memory accesses during the key search will be two in the worst case — first to compute the bucket address, and second during the key search inside the bucket. Therefore, if nginx emits the message requesting to increase either hash max size or hash bucket size then the first parameter should first be increased.

A debugging log

To enable a debugging log, nginx needs to be configured to support debugging during the build:
./configure --with-debug ...
Then the debug level should be set with the error_log directive:
error_log /path/to/log debug;
The nginx binary version for Windows is always built with the debugging log support, so only setting the debug level will suffice.
Note that redefining the log without also specifying the debug level will disable the debugging log. In the example below, redefining the log on the server level disables the debugging log for this server:
error_log /path/to/log debug;
http {
    server {
        error_log /path/to/log;
To avoid this, either the line redefining the log should be commented out, or the debug level specification should also be added:
error_log /path/to/log debug;
http {
    server {
        error_log /path/to/log debug;
It is also possible to enable the debugging log for selected client addresses only:
error_log /path/to/log;
events {

Logging to syslog

The error_log and access_log directives support logging to syslog. The following parameters configure logging to syslog:


Defines the address of a syslog server. The address can be specified as a domain name, IP address, or a UNIX-domain socket path (specified after the “unix:” prefix). With a domain name or IP address, the port can be specified. If port is not specified, the port 514 is used. If a domain name resolves to several IP addresses, the first resolved address is used.


Sets facility of syslog messages, as defined in RFC 3164. Facility can be one of “kern”, “user”, “mail”, “daemon”, “auth”, “intern”, “lpr”, “news”, “uucp”, “clock”, “authpriv”, “ftp”, “ntp”, “audit”, “alert”, “cron”, “local0”..“local7”. Default is “local7”.


Sets severity of syslog messages for access_log, as defined in RFC 3164. Possible values are the same as for the second parameter (level) of the error_log directive. Default is “info”.


Sets the tag of syslog messages. Default is “nginx”.

Example syslog configuration:

error_log syslog:server= debug;

access_log syslog:server=unix:/var/log/nginx.sock;

access_log syslog:server=[2001:db8::1]:12345,facility=local7,tag=nginx,severity=info combined;

Logging to syslog is available since version 1.7.1. As part of our commercial subscription logging to syslog is available since version 1.5.3.

Configuration file measurement units

Sizes can be specified in bytes, kilobytes (suffixes k and K) or megabytes (suffixes m and M), for example, “1024”, “8k”, “1m”.
Time intervals can be specified in milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days and so on, using the following suffixes:
ms   milliseconds
s      seconds
m    minutes
h     hours
d     days
w     weeks
M    months, 30 days
y     years, 365 days
Multiple units can be combined in a single value by specifying them in the order from the most to the least significant, and optionally separated by whitespace. For example, “1h 30m” specifies the same time as “90m” or “5400s”. A value without a suffix means seconds. It is recommended to always specify a suffix.
Some of the time intervals can be specified only with a seconds resolution.

Command-line parameters

nginx supports the following command-line parameters:
    -? | -h — print help for command-line parameters.
    -c file — use an alternative configuration file instead of a default file.
    -g directives — set global configuration directives, for example,
        nginx -g "pid /var/run/nginx.pid; worker_processes `sysctl -n hw.ncpu`;"
    -p prefix — set nginx path prefix, i.e. a directory that will keep server files (default value is /usr/local/nginx).
    -q — suppress non-error messages during configuration testing.
    -s signal — send a signal to the master process. The argument signal can be one of:
        stop — shut down quickly
        quit — shut down gracefully
        reload — reload configuration, start the new worker process with a new configuration, gracefully shut down old worker processes.
        reopen — reopen log files
    -t — test the configuration file: nginx checks the configuration for correct syntax, and then tries to open files referred in the configuration.
    -v — print nginx version.
    -V — print nginx version, compiler version, and configurе parameters.

nginx for Windows

Version of nginx for Windows uses the native Win32 API (not the Cygwin emulation layer). Only the select() connection processing method is currently used, so high performance and scalability should not be expected. Due to this and some other known issues version of nginx for Windows is considered to be a beta version. At this time, it provides almost the same functionality as a UNIX version of nginx except for XSLT filter, image filter, GeoIP module, and embedded Perl language.To install nginx/Windows, download the latest mainline version distribution (1.7.9), since the mainline branch of nginx contains all known fixes. Then unpack the distribution, go to the

nginx-1.7.9 directory, and run nginx. Here is an example for the drive C: root directory:
cd c:\
unzip nginx-1.7.9.zip
cd nginx-1.7.9
start nginx
Run the tasklist command-line utility to see nginx processes:
C:\nginx-1.7.9>tasklist /fi "imagename eq nginx.exe"
Image Name           PID Session Name     Session#    Mem Usage
=============== ======== ============== ========== ============
nginx.exe            652 Console                 0      2 780 K
nginx.exe           1332 Console                 0      3 112 K
One of the processes is the master process and another is the worker process. If nginx does not start, look for the reason in the error log file logs\error.log. If the log file has not been created, the reason for this should be reported in the Windows Event Log. If an error page is displayed instead of the expected page, also look for the reason in the logs\error.log file.
nginx/Windows uses the directory where it has been run as the prefix for relative paths in the configuration. In the example above, the prefix is C:\nginx-1.7.9\. Paths in a configuration file must be specified in UNIX-style using forward slashes:
access_log   logs/site.log;
root         C:/web/html;
nginx/Windows runs as a standard console application (not a service), and it can be managed using the following commands:

nginx -s stop

fast shutdown

nginx -s quit

graceful shutdown

nginx -s reload

changing configuration, starting new worker processes with a new configuration, graceful shutdown of old worker processes

nginx -s reopen

re-opening log files

Known issues

·         Although several workers can be started, only one of them actually does any work.

·         A worker can handle no more than 1024 simultaneous connections.

·         The cache and other modules which require shared memory support do not work on Windows Vista and later versions due to address space layout randomization being enabled in these Windows versions.

Possible future enhancements

·         Running as a service.

·         Using the I/O completion ports as a connection processing method.

·         Using multiple worker threads inside a single worker process.

How nginx processes a request

Name-based virtual servers

nginx first decides which server should process the request. Let’s start with a simple configuration where all three virtual servers listen on port *:80:

server {

    listen      80;

    server_name example.org www.example.org;




server {

    listen      80;

    server_name example.net www.example.net;




server {

    listen      80;

    server_name example.com www.example.com;



In this configuration nginx tests only the request’s header field “Host” to determine which server the request should be routed to. If its value does not match any server name, or the request does not contain this header field at all, then nginx will route the request to the default server for this port. In the configuration above, the default server is the first one — which is nginx’s standard default behaviour. It can also be set explicitly which server should be default, with the default_server parameter in the listen directive:

server {

    listen      80 default_server;

    server_name example.net www.example.net;



The default_server parameter has been available since version 0.8.21. In earlier versions the default parameter should be used instead.

Note that the default server is a property of the listen port and not of the server name. More about this later.

How to prevent processing requests with undefined server names

If requests without the “Host” header field should not be allowed, a server that just drops the requests can be defined:

server {

    listen      80;

    server_name "";

    return      444;


Here, the server name is set to an empty string that will match requests without the “Host” header field, and a special nginx’s non-standard code 444 is returned that closes the connection.

Since version 0.8.48, this is the default setting for the server name, so the server_name "" can be omitted. In earlier versions, the machine’s hostname was used as a default server name.

Mixed name-based and IP-based virtual servers

Let’s look at a more complex configuration where some virtual servers listen on different addresses:

server {


    server_name example.org www.example.org;




server {


    server_name example.net www.example.net;




server {


    server_name example.com www.example.com;



In this configuration, nginx first tests the IP address and port of the request against the listen directives of the server blocks. It then tests the “Host” header field of the request against the server_name entries of the server blocks that matched the IP address and port. If the server name is not found, the request will be processed by the default server. For example, a request for www.example.com received on the port will be handled by the default server of the port, i.e., by the first server, since there is no www.example.com defined for this port.

As already stated, a default server is a property of the listen port, and different default servers may be defined for different ports:

server {


    server_name example.org www.example.org;




server {

    listen default_server;

    server_name example.net www.example.net;




server {

    listen default_server;

    server_name example.com www.example.com;



A simple PHP site configuration

Now let’s look at how nginx chooses a location to process a request for a typical, simple PHP site:

server {

    listen      80;

    server_name example.org www.example.org;

    root        /data/www;


    location / {

        index   index.html index.php;



    location ~* \.(gif|jpg|png)$ {

        expires 30d;



    location ~ \.php$ {

        fastcgi_pass  localhost:9000;

        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME


        include       fastcgi_params;



nginx first searches for the most specific prefix location given by literal strings regardless of the listed order. In the configuration above the only prefix location is “/” and since it matches any request it will be used as a last resort. Then nginx checks locations given by regular expression in the order listed in the configuration file. The first matching expression stops the search and nginx will use this location. If no regular expression matches a request, then nginx uses the most specific prefix location found earlier.

Note that locations of all types test only a URI part of request line without arguments. This is done because arguments in the query string may be given in several ways, for example:



Besides, anyone may request anything in the query string:


Now let’s look at how requests would be processed in the configuration above:

·         A request “/logo.gif” is matched by the prefix location “/” first and then by the regular expression “\.(gif|jpg|png)$”, therefore, it is handled by the latter location. Using the directive “root /data/www” the request is mapped to the file /data/www/logo.gif, and the file is sent to the client.

·         A request “/index.php” is also matched by the prefix location “/” first and then by the regular expression “\.(php)$”. Therefore, it is handled by the latter location and the request is passed to a FastCGI server listening on localhost:9000. The fastcgi_param directive sets the FastCGI parameter SCRIPT_FILENAME to “/data/www/index.php”, and the FastCGI server executes the file. The variable $document_root is equal to the value of the root directive and the variable $fastcgi_script_name is equal to the request URI, i.e. “/index.php”.

·         A request “/about.html” is matched by the prefix location “/” only, therefore, it is handled in this location. Using the directive “root /data/www” the request is mapped to the file /data/www/about.html, and the file is sent to the client.

·         Handling a request “/” is more complex. It is matched by the prefix location “/” only, therefore, it is handled by this location. Then the index directive tests for the existence of index files according to its parameters and the “root /data/www” directive. If the file /data/www/index.html does not exist, and the file /data/www/index.php exists, then the directive does an internal redirect to “/index.php”, and nginx searches the locations again as if the request had been sent by a client. As we saw before, the redirected request will eventually be handled by the FastCGI server.


Server names

Server names are defined using the server_name directive and determine which server block is used for a given request. See also “How nginx processes a request”. They may be defined using exact names, wildcard names, or regular expressions:

server {

    listen       80;

    server_name  example.org  www.example.org;




server {

    listen       80;

    server_name  *.example.org;




server {

    listen       80;

    server_name  mail.*;




server {

    listen       80;

    server_name  ~^(?<user>.+)\.example\.net$;



When searching for a virtual server by name, if name matches more than one of the specified variants, e.g. both wildcard name and regular expression match, the first matching variant will be chosen, in the following order of precedence:

1.       exact name

2.       longest wildcard name starting with an asterisk, e.g. “*.example.org”

3.       longest wildcard name ending with an asterisk, e.g. “mail.*”

4.       first matching regular expression (in order of appearance in a configuration file)

Wildcard names

A wildcard name may contain an asterisk only on the name’s start or end, and only on a dot border. The names “www.*.example.org” and “w*.example.org” are invalid. However, these names can be specified using regular expressions, for example, “~^www\..+\.example\.org$” and “~^w.*\.example\.org$”. An asterisk can match several name parts. The name “*.example.org” matches not only www.example.org but www.sub.example.org as well.

A special wildcard name in the form “.example.org” can be used to match both the exact name “example.org” and the wildcard name “*.example.org”.

Regular expressions names

The regular expressions used by nginx are compatible with those used by the Perl programming language (PCRE). To use a regular expression, the server name must start with the tilde character:

server_name  ~^www\d+\.example\.net$;

otherwise it will be treated as an exact name, or if the expression contains an asterisk, as a wildcard name (and most likely as an invalid one). Do not forget to set “^” and “$” anchors. They are not required syntactically, but logically. Also note that domain name dots should be escaped with a backslash. A regular expression containing the characters “{” and “}” should be quoted:

server_name  "~^(?<name>\w\d{1,3}+)\.example\.net$";

otherwise nginx will fail to start and display the error message:

directive "server_name" is not terminated by ";" in ...

A named regular expression capture can be used later as a variable:

server {

    server_name   ~^(www\.)?(?<domain>.+)$;


    location / {

        root   /sites/$domain;



The PCRE library supports named captures using the following syntax:


Perl 5.10 compatible syntax, supported since PCRE-7.0


Perl 5.10 compatible syntax, supported since PCRE-7.0


Python compatible syntax, supported since PCRE-4.0

If nginx fails to start and displays the error message:

pcre_compile() failed: unrecognized character after (?< in ...

this means that the PCRE library is old and the syntax “?P<name>” should be tried instead. The captures can also be used in digital form:

server {

    server_name   ~^(www\.)?(.+)$;


    location / {

        root   /sites/$2;



However, such usage should be limited to simple cases (like the above), since the digital references can easily be overwritten.

Miscellaneous names

There are some server names that are treated specially.

If it is required to process requests without the “Host” header field in a server block which is not the default, an empty name should be specified:

server {

    listen       80;

    server_name  example.org  www.example.org  "";



If no server_name is defined in a server block then nginx uses the empty name as the server name.

nginx versions up to 0.8.48 used the machine’s hostname as the server name in this case.

If a server name is defined as “$hostname” (0.9.4), the machine’s hostname is used.

If someone makes a request using an IP address instead of a server name, the “Host” request header field will contain the IP address and the request can be handled using the IP address as the server name:

server {

    listen       80;

    server_name  example.org







In catch-all server examples the strange name “_” can be seen:

server {

    listen       80  default_server;

    server_name  _;

    return       444;


There is nothing special about this name, it is just one of a myriad of invalid domain names which never intersect with any real name. Other invalid names like “--” and “!@#” may equally be used.

nginx versions up to 0.6.25 supported the special name “*” which was erroneously interpreted to be a catch-all name. It never functioned as a catch-all or wildcard server name. Instead, it supplied the functionality that is now provided by the server_name_in_redirect directive. The special name “*” is now deprecated and the server_name_in_redirect directive should be used. Note that there is no way to specify the catch-all name or the default server using the server_name directive. This is a property of the listen directive and not of the server_name directive. See also “How nginx processes a request”. It is possible to define servers listening on ports *:80 and *:8080, and direct that one will be the default server for port *:8080, while the other will be the default for port *:80:

server {

    listen       80;

    listen       8080  default_server;

    server_name  example.net;




server {

    listen       80  default_server;

    listen       8080;

    server_name  example.org;




Exact names, wildcard names starting with an asterisk, and wildcard names ending with an asterisk are stored in three hash tables bound to the listen ports. The sizes of hash tables are optimized at the configuration phase so that a name can be found with the fewest CPU cache misses. The details of setting up hash tables are provided in a separate document.

The exact names hash table is searched first. If a name is not found, the hash table with wildcard names starting with an asterisk is searched. If the name is not found there, the hash table with wildcard names ending with an asterisk is searched.

Searching wildcard names hash table is slower than searching exact names hash table because names are searched by domain parts. Note that the special wildcard form “.example.org” is stored in a wildcard names hash table and not in an exact names hash table.

Regular expressions are tested sequentially and therefore are the slowest method and are non-scalable.

For these reasons, it is better to use exact names where possible. For example, if the most frequently requested names of a server are example.org and www.example.org, it is more efficient to define them explicitly:

server {

    listen       80;

    server_name  example.org  www.example.org  *.example.org;



than to use the simplified form:

server {

    listen       80;

    server_name  .example.org;



If a large number of server names are defined, or unusually long server names are defined, tuning the server_names_hash_max_size and server_names_hash_bucket_size directives at the http level may become necessary. The default value of the server_names_hash_bucket_size directive may be equal to 32, or 64, or another value, depending on CPU cache line size. If the default value is 32 and server name is defined as “too.long.server.name.example.org” then nginx will fail to start and display the error message:

could not build the server_names_hash,

you should increase server_names_hash_bucket_size: 32

In this case, the directive value should be increased to the next power of two:

http {

    server_names_hash_bucket_size  64;


If a large number of server names are defined, another error message will appear:

could not build the server_names_hash,

you should increase either server_names_hash_max_size: 512

or server_names_hash_bucket_size: 32

In such a case, first try to set server_names_hash_max_size to a number close to the number of server names. Only if this does not help, or if nginx’s start time is unacceptably long, try to increase server_names_hash_bucket_size.

If a server is the only server for a listen port, then nginx will not test server names at all (and will not build the hash tables for the listen port). However, there is one exception. If a server name is a regular expression with captures, then nginx has to execute the expression to get the captures.


·         The special server name “$hostname” has been supported since 0.9.4.

·         A default server name value is an empty name “” since 0.8.48.

·         Named regular expression server name captures have been supported since 0.8.25.

·         Regular expression server name captures have been supported since 0.7.40.

·         An empty server name “” has been supported since 0.7.12.

·         A wildcard server name or regular expression has been supported for use as the first server name since 0.6.25.

·         Regular expression server names have been supported since 0.6.7.

·         Wildcard form example.* has been supported since 0.6.0.

·         The special form .example.org has been supported since 0.3.18.

·         Wildcard form *.example.org has been supported since 0.1.13.


Using nginx as HTTP load balancer


Load balancing across multiple application instances is a commonly used technique for optimizing resource utilization, maximizing throughput, reducing latency, and ensuring fault-tolerant configurations.

It is possible to use nginx as a very efficient HTTP load balancer to distribute traffic to several application servers and to improve performance, scalability and reliability of web applications with nginx.

Load balancing methods

The following load balancing mechanisms (or methods) are supported in nginx:

·         round-robin — requests to the application servers are distributed in a round-robin fashion,

·         least-connected — next request is assigned to the server with the least number of active connections,

·         ip-hash — a hash-function is used to determine what server should be selected for the next request (based on the client’s IP address).

Default load balancing configuration

The simplest configuration for load balancing with nginx may look like the following:

http {

    upstream myapp1 {

        server srv1.example.com;

        server srv2.example.com;

        server srv3.example.com;



    server {

        listen 80;


        location / {

            proxy_pass http://myapp1;




In the example above, there are 3 instances of the same application running on srv1-srv3. When the load balancing method is not specifically configured, it defaults to round-robin. All requests are proxied to the server group myapp1, and nginx applies HTTP load balancing to distribute the requests.

Reverse proxy implementation in nginx includes load balancing for HTTP, HTTPS, FastCGI, uwsgi, SCGI, and memcached.

To configure load balancing for HTTPS instead of HTTP, just use “https” as the protocol.

When setting up load balancing for FastCGI, uwsgi, SCGI, or memcached, use fastcgi_pass, uwsgi_pass, scgi_pass, and memcached_pass directives respectively.

Least connected load balancing

Another load balancing discipline is least-connected. Least-connected allows controlling the load on application instances more fairly in a situation when some of the requests take longer to complete.

With the least-connected load balancing, nginx will try not to overload a busy application server with excessive requests, distributing the new requests to a less busy server instead.

Least-connected load balancing in nginx is activated when the least_conn directive is used as part of the server group configuration:

    upstream myapp1 {


        server srv1.example.com;

        server srv2.example.com;

        server srv3.example.com;


Session persistence

Please note that with round-robin or least-connected load balancing, each subsequent client’s request can be potentially distributed to a different server. There is no guarantee that the same client will be always directed to the same server.

If there is the need to tie a client to a particular application server — in other words, make the client’s session “sticky” or “persistent” in terms of always trying to select a particular server — the ip-hash load balancing mechanism can be used.

With ip-hash, the client’s IP address is used as a hashing key to determine what server in a server group should be selected for the client’s requests. This method ensures that the requests from the same client will always be directed to the same server except when this server is unavailable.

To configure ip-hash load balancing, just add the ip_hash directive to the server (upstream) group configuration:

upstream myapp1 {


    server srv1.example.com;

    server srv2.example.com;

    server srv3.example.com;


Weighted load balancing

It is also possible to influence nginx load balancing algorithms even further by using server weights.

In the examples above, the server weights are not configured which means that all specified servers are treated as equally qualified for a particular load balancing method.

With the round-robin in particular it also means a more or less equal distribution of requests across the servers — provided there are enough requests, and when the requests are processed in a uniform manner and completed fast enough.

When the weight parameter is specified for a server, the weight is accounted as part of the load balancing decision.

    upstream myapp1 {

        server srv1.example.com weight=3;

        server srv2.example.com;

        server srv3.example.com;


With this configuration, every 5 new requests will be distributed across the application instances as the following: 3 requests will be directed to srv1, one request will go to srv2, and another one — to srv3.

It is similarly possible to use weights with the least-connected and ip-hash load balancing in the recent versions of nginx.

Health checks

Reverse proxy implementation in nginx includes in-band (or passive) server health checks. If the response from a particular server fails with an error, nginx will mark this server as failed, and will try to avoid selecting this server for subsequent inbound requests for a while.

The max_fails directive sets the number of consecutive unsuccessful attempts to communicate with the server that should happen during fail_timeout. By default, max_fails is set to 1. When it is set to 0, health checks are disabled for this server. The fail_timeout parameter also defines how long the server will be marked as failed. After fail_timeout interval following the server failure, nginx will start to gracefully probe the server with the live client’s requests. If the probes have been successful, the server is marked as a live one.

Further reading

In addition, there are more directives and parameters that control server load balancing in nginx, e.g. proxy_next_upstream, backup, down, and keepalive. For more information please check our reference documentation.

Last but not least, application load balancing, application health checks, activity monitoring and on-the-fly reconfiguration of server groups are available as part of our paid NGINX Plus subscriptions.

The following articles describe load balancing with NGINX Plus in more detail:

·         Load Balancing with NGINX and NGINX Plus

·         Load Balancing with NGINX and NGINX Plus part 2


Configuring HTTPS servers

To configure an HTTPS server, the ssl parameter must be enabled on listening sockets in the server block, and the locations of the server certificate and private key files should be specified:

server {

    listen              443 ssl;

    server_name         www.example.com;

    ssl_certificate     www.example.com.crt;

    ssl_certificate_key www.example.com.key;

    ssl_protocols       SSLv3 TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;

    ssl_ciphers         HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5;



The server certificate is a public entity. It is sent to every client that connects to the server. The private key is a secure entity and should be stored in a file with restricted access, however, it must be readable by nginx’s master process. The private key may alternately be stored in the same file as the certificate:

    ssl_certificate     www.example.com.cert;

    ssl_certificate_key www.example.com.cert;

in which case the file access rights should also be restricted. Although the certificate and the key are stored in one file, only the certificate is sent to a client.

The directives ssl_protocols and ssl_ciphers can be used to limit connections to include only the strong versions and ciphers of SSL/TLS. Since version 1.0.5, nginx uses “ssl_protocols SSLv3 TLSv1” and “ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5” by default, so configuring them explicitly only makes sense for the earlier nginx versions. Since versions 1.1.13 and 1.0.12, nginx uses “ssl_protocols SSLv3 TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2” by default.

CBC-mode ciphers might be vulnerable to a number of attacks and to the BEAST attack in particular (see CVE-2011-3389). Configuration of ciphers can be adjusted to prefer RC4-SHA as the following:

    ssl_ciphers RC4:HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5;

    ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;

HTTPS server optimization

SSL operations consume extra CPU resources. On multi-processor systems several worker processes should be run, no less than the number of available CPU cores. The most CPU-intensive operation is the SSL handshake. There are two ways to minimize the number of these operations per client: the first is by enabling keepalive connections to send several requests via one connection and the second is to reuse SSL session parameters to avoid SSL handshakes for parallel and subsequent connections. The sessions are stored in an SSL session cache shared between workers and configured by the ssl_session_cache directive. One megabyte of the cache contains about 4000 sessions. The default cache timeout is 5 minutes. It can be increased by using the ssl_session_timeout directive. Here is a sample configuration optimized for a multi-core system with 10 megabyte shared session cache:

worker_processes auto;


http {

    ssl_session_cache   shared:SSL:10m;

    ssl_session_timeout 10m;


    server {

        listen              443 ssl;

        server_name         www.example.com;

        keepalive_timeout   70;


        ssl_certificate     www.example.com.crt;

        ssl_certificate_key www.example.com.key;

        ssl_protocols       SSLv3 TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;

        ssl_ciphers         HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5;


SSL certificate chains

Some browsers may complain about a certificate signed by a well-known certificate authority, while other browsers may accept the certificate without issues. This occurs because the issuing authority has signed the server certificate using an intermediate certificate that is not present in the certificate base of well-known trusted certificate authorities which is distributed with a particular browser. In this case the authority provides a bundle of chained certificates which should be concatenated to the signed server certificate. The server certificate must appear before the chained certificates in the combined file:

$ cat www.example.com.crt bundle.crt > www.example.com.chained.crt

The resulting file should be used in the ssl_certificate directive:

server {

    listen              443 ssl;

    server_name         www.example.com;

    ssl_certificate     www.example.com.chained.crt;

    ssl_certificate_key www.example.com.key;



If the server certificate and the bundle have been concatenated in the wrong order, nginx will fail to start and will display the error message:

SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(" ... /www.example.com.key") failed

   (SSL: error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:

    X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch)

because nginx has tried to use the private key with the bundle’s first certificate instead of the server certificate.

Browsers usually store intermediate certificates which they receive and which are signed by trusted authorities, so actively used browsers may already have the required intermediate certificates and may not complain about a certificate sent without a chained bundle. To ensure the server sends the complete certificate chain, the openssl command-line utility may be used, for example:

$ openssl s_client -connect www.godaddy.com:443


Certificate chain

 0 s:/C=US/ST=Arizona/L=Scottsdale/

     /, Inc

     /OU=MIS Department/CN=www.GoDaddy.com

     /serialNumber=0796928-7/, Clause 5.(b)

   i:/C=US/ST=Arizona/L=Scottsdale/O=GoDaddy.com, Inc.


     /CN=Go Daddy Secure Certification Authority


 1 s:/C=US/ST=Arizona/L=Scottsdale/O=GoDaddy.com, Inc.


     /CN=Go Daddy Secure Certification Authority


   i:/C=US/O=The Go Daddy Group, Inc.

     /OU=Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority

 2 s:/C=US/O=The Go Daddy Group, Inc.

     /OU=Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority

   i:/L=ValiCert Validation Network/O=ValiCert, Inc.

     /OU=ValiCert Class 2 Policy Validation Authority



In this example the subject (“s”) of the www.GoDaddy.com server certificate #0 is signed by an issuer (“i”) which itself is the subject of the certificate #1, which is signed by an issuer which itself is the subject of the certificate #2, which signed by the well-known issuer ValiCert, Inc. whose certificate is stored in the browsers’ built-in certificate base (that lay in the house that Jack built).

If a certificate bundle has not been added, only the server certificate #0 will be shown.

A single HTTP/HTTPS server

It is possible to configure a single server that handles both HTTP and HTTPS requests:

server {

    listen              80;

    listen              443 ssl;

    server_name         www.example.com;

    ssl_certificate     www.example.com.crt;

    ssl_certificate_key www.example.com.key;



Prior to 0.7.14 SSL could not be enabled selectively for individual listening sockets, as shown above. SSL could only be enabled for the entire server using the ssl directive, making it impossible to set up a single HTTP/HTTPS server. The ssl parameter of the listen directive was added to solve this issue. The use of the ssl directive in modern versions is thus discouraged.

Name-based HTTPS servers

A common issue arises when configuring two or more HTTPS servers listening on a single IP address:

server {

    listen          443 ssl;

    server_name     www.example.com;

    ssl_certificate www.example.com.crt;




server {

    listen          443 ssl;

    server_name     www.example.org;

    ssl_certificate www.example.org.crt;



With this configuration a browser receives the default server’s certificate, i.e. www.example.com regardless of the requested server name. This is caused by SSL protocol behaviour. The SSL connection is established before the browser sends an HTTP request and nginx does not know the name of the requested server. Therefore, it may only offer the default server’s certificate.

The oldest and most robust method to resolve the issue is to assign a separate IP address for every HTTPS server:

server {

    listen ssl;

    server_name     www.example.com;

    ssl_certificate www.example.com.crt;




server {

    listen ssl;

    server_name     www.example.org;

    ssl_certificate www.example.org.crt;



An SSL certificate with several names

There are other ways that allow sharing a single IP address between several HTTPS servers. However, all of them have their drawbacks. One way is to use a certificate with several names in the SubjectAltName certificate field, for example, www.example.com and www.example.org. However, the SubjectAltName field length is limited.

Another way is to use a certificate with a wildcard name, for example, *.example.org. A wildcard certificate secures all subdomains of the specified domain, but only on one level. This certificate matches www.example.org, but does not match example.org and www.sub.example.org. These two methods can also be combined. A certificate may contain exact and wildcard names in the SubjectAltName field, for example, example.org and *.example.org.

It is better to place a certificate file with several names and its private key file at the http level of configuration to inherit their single memory copy in all servers:

ssl_certificate     common.crt;

ssl_certificate_key common.key;


server {

    listen          443 ssl;

    server_name     www.example.com;




server {

    listen          443 ssl;

    server_name     www.example.org;



Server Name Indication

A more generic solution for running several HTTPS servers on a single IP address is TLS Server Name Indication extension (SNI, RFC 6066), which allows a browser to pass a requested server name during the SSL handshake and, therefore, the server will know which certificate it should use for the connection. However, SNI has limited browser support. Currently it is supported starting with the following browsers versions:

·         Opera 8.0;

·         MSIE 7.0 (but only on Windows Vista or higher);

·         Firefox 2.0 and other browsers using Mozilla Platform rv:1.8.1;

·         Safari 3.2.1 (Windows version supports SNI on Vista or higher);

·         and Chrome (Windows version supports SNI on Vista or higher, too).

Only domain names can be passed in SNI, however some browsers may erroneously pass an IP address of the server as its name if a request includes literal IP address. One should not rely on this.

In order to use SNI in nginx, it must be supported in both the OpenSSL library with which the nginx binary has been built as well as the library to which it is being dynamically linked at run time. OpenSSL supports SNI since 0.9.8f version if it was built with config option “--enable-tlsext”. Since OpenSSL 0.9.8j this option is enabled by default. If nginx was built with SNI support, then nginx will show this when run with the “-V” switch:

$ nginx -V


TLS SNI support enabled


However, if the SNI-enabled nginx is linked dynamically to an OpenSSL library without SNI support, nginx displays the warning:

nginx was built with SNI support, however, now it is linked

dynamically to an OpenSSL library which has no tlsext support,

therefore SNI is not available


·         The SNI support status has been shown by the “-V” switch since 0.8.21 and 0.7.62.

·         The ssl parameter of the listen directive has been supported since 0.7.14. Prior to 0.8.21 it could only be specified along with the default parameter.

·         SNI has been supported since 0.5.32.

·         The shared SSL session cache has been supported since 0.5.6.

·         Version 0.7.65, 0.8.19 and later: the default SSL protocols are SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, and TLSv1.2 (if supported by the OpenSSL library).

·         Version 0.7.64, 0.8.18 and earlier: the default SSL protocols are SSLv2, SSLv3, and TLSv1.

·         Version 1.0.5 and later: the default SSL ciphers are “HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5”.

·         Version 0.7.65, 0.8.20 and later: the default SSL ciphers are “HIGH:!ADH:!MD5”.

·         Version 0.8.19: the default SSL ciphers are “ALL:!ADH:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM”.

·         Version 0.7.64, 0.8.18 and earlier: the default SSL ciphers are



Why Is High Concurrency Important?

nginx (pronounced "engine x") is a free open source web server written by Igor Sysoev, a Russian software engineer. Since its public launch in 2004, nginx has focused on high performance, high concurrency and low memory usage. Additional features on top of the web server functionality, like load balancing, caching, access and bandwidth control, and the ability to integrate efficiently with a variety of applications, have helped to make nginx a good choice for modern website architectures. Currently nginx is the second most popular open source web server on the Internet.

14.1. Why Is High Concurrency Important?

These days the Internet is so widespread and ubiquitous it's hard to imagine it wasn't exactly there, as we know it, a decade ago. It has greatly evolved, from simple HTML producing clickable text, based on NCSA and then on Apache web servers, to an always-on communication medium used by more than 2 billion users worldwide. With the proliferation of permanently connected PCs, mobile devices and recently tablets, the Internet landscape is rapidly changing and entire economies have become digitally wired. Online services have become much more elaborate with a clear bias towards instantly available live information and entertainment. Security aspects of running online business have also significantly changed. Accordingly, websites are now much more complex than before, and generally require a lot more engineering efforts to be robust and scalable.

One of the biggest challenges for a website architect has always been concurrency. Since the beginning of web services, the level of concurrency has been continuously growing. It's not uncommon for a popular website to serve hundreds of thousands and even millions of simultaneous users. A decade ago, the major cause of concurrency was slow clients—users with ADSL or dial-up connections. Nowadays, concurrency is caused by a combination of mobile clients and newer application architectures which are typically based on maintaining a persistent connection that allows the client to be updated with news, tweets, friend feeds, and so on. Another important factor contributing to increased concurrency is the changed behavior of modern browsers, which open four to six simultaneous connections to a website to improve page load speed.

To illustrate the problem with slow clients, imagine a simple Apache-based web server which produces a relatively short 100 KB response—a web page with text or an image. It can be merely a fraction of a second to generate or retrieve this page, but it takes 10 seconds to transmit it to a client with a bandwidth of 80 kbps (10 KB/s). Essentially, the web server would relatively quickly pull 100 KB of content, and then it would be busy for 10 seconds slowly sending this content to the client before freeing its connection. Now imagine that you have 1,000 simultaneously connected clients who have requested similar content. If only 1 MB of additional memory is allocated per client, it would result in 1000 MB (about 1 GB) of extra memory devoted to serving just 1000 clients 100 KB of content. In reality, a typical web server based on Apache commonly allocates more than 1 MB of additional memory per connection, and regrettably tens of kbps is still often the effective speed of mobile communications. Although the situation with sending content to a slow client might be, to some extent, improved by increasing the size of operating system kernel socket buffers, it's not a general solution to the problem and can have undesirable side effects.

With persistent connections the problem of handling concurrency is even more pronounced, because to avoid latency associated with establishing new HTTP connections, clients would stay connected, and for each connected client there's a certain amount of memory allocated by the web server.

Consequently, to handle the increased workloads associated with growing audiences and hence higher levels of concurrency—and to be able to continuously do so—a website should be based on a number of very efficient building blocks. While the other parts of the equation such as hardware (CPU, memory, disks), network capacity, application and data storage architectures are obviously important, it is in the web server software that client connections are accepted and processed. Thus, the web server should be able to scale nonlinearly with the growing number of simultaneous connections and requests per second.

Isn't Apache Suitable?

Apache, the web server software that still largely dominates the Internet today, has its roots in the beginning of the 1990s. Originally, its architecture matched the then-existing operating systems and hardware, but also the state of the Internet, where a website was typically a standalone physical server running a single instance of Apache. By the beginning of the 2000s it was obvious that the standalone web server model could not be easily replicated to satisfy the needs of growing web services. Although Apache provided a solid foundation for future development, it was architected to spawn a copy of itself for each new connection, which was not suitable for nonlinear scalability of a website. Eventually Apache became a general purpose web server focusing on having many different features, a variety of third-party extensions, and universal applicability to practically any kind of web application development. However, nothing comes without a price and the downside to having such a rich and universal combination of tools in a single piece of software is less scalability because of increased CPU and memory usage per connection.

Thus, when server hardware, operating systems and network resources ceased to be major constraints for website growth, web developers worldwide started to look around for a more efficient means of running web servers. Around ten years ago, Daniel Kegel, a prominent software engineer, proclaimed that "it's time for web servers to handle ten thousand clients simultaneously" and predicted what we now call Internet cloud services. Kegel's C10K manifest spurred a number of attempts to solve the problem of web server optimization to handle a large number of clients at the same time, and nginx turned out to be one of the most successful ones.

Aimed at solving the C10K problem of 10,000 simultaneous connections, nginx was written with a different architecture in mind—one which is much more suitable for nonlinear scalability in both the number of simultaneous connections and requests per second. nginx is event-based, so it does not follow Apache's style of spawning new processes or threads for each web page request. The end result is that even as load increases, memory and CPU usage remain manageable. nginx can now deliver tens of thousands of concurrent connections on a server with typical hardware.

When the first version of nginx was released, it was meant to be deployed alongside Apache such that static content like HTML, CSS, JavaScript and images were handled by nginx to offload concurrency and latency processing from Apache-based application servers. Over the course of its development, nginx has added integration with applications through the use of FastCGI, uswgi or SCGI protocols, and with distributed memory object caching systems like memcached. Other useful functionality like reverse proxy with load balancing and caching was added as well. These additional features have shaped nginx into an efficient combination of tools to build a scalable web infrastructure upon.

In February 2012, the Apache 2.4.x branch was released to the public. Although this latest release of Apache has added new multi-processing core modules and new proxy modules aimed at enhancing scalability and performance, it's too soon to tell if its performance, concurrency and resource utilization are now on par with, or better than, pure event-driven web servers. It would be very nice to see Apache application servers scale better with the new version, though, as it could potentially alleviate bottlenecks on the backend side which still often remain unsolved in typical nginx-plus-Apache web configurations.

Are There More Advantages to Using nginx?

Handling high concurrency with high performance and efficiency has always been the key benefit of deploying nginx. However, there are now even more interesting benefits.

In the last few years, web architects have embraced the idea of decoupling and separating their application infrastructure from the web server. However, what would previously exist in the form of a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, Python or Perl)-based website, might now become not merely a LEMP-based one (`E' standing for `Engine x'), but more and more often an exercise in pushing the web server to the edge of the infrastructure and integrating the same or a revamped set of applications and database tools around it in a different way.

nginx is very well suited for this, as it provides the key features necessary to conveniently offload concurrency, latency processing, SSL (secure sockets layer), static content, compression and caching, connections and requests throttling, and even HTTP media streaming from the application layer to a much more efficient edge web server layer. It also allows integrating directly with memcached/Redis or other "NoSQL" solutions, to boost performance when serving a large number of concurrent users.

With recent flavors of development kits and programming languages gaining wide use, more and more companies are changing their application development and deployment habits. nginx has become one of the most important components of these changing paradigms, and it has already helped many companies start and develop their web services quickly and within their budgets.

The first lines of nginx were written in 2002. In 2004 it was released to the public under the two-clause BSD license. The number of nginx users has been growing ever since, contributing ideas, and submitting bug reports, suggestions and observations that have been immensely helpful and beneficial for the entire community.

The nginx codebase is original and was written entirely from scratch in the C programming language. nginx has been ported to many architectures and operating systems, including Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, Mac OS X, AIX and Microsoft Windows. nginx has its own libraries and with its standard modules does not use much beyond the system's C library, except for zlib, PCRE and OpenSSL which can be optionally excluded from a build if not needed or because of potential license conflicts.

A few words about the Windows version of nginx. While nginx works in a Windows environment, the Windows version of nginx is more like a proof-of-concept rather than a fully functional port. There are certain limitations of the nginx and Windows kernel architectures that do not interact well at this time. The known issues of the nginx version for Windows include a much lower number of concurrent connections, decreased performance, no caching and no bandwidth policing. Future versions of nginx for Windows will match the mainstream functionality more closely.

14.2. Overview of nginx Architecture

Traditional process- or thread-based models of handling concurrent connections involve handling each connection with a separate process or thread, and blocking on network or input/output operations. Depending on the application, it can be very inefficient in terms of memory and CPU consumption. Spawning a separate process or thread requires preparation of a new runtime environment, including allocation of heap and stack memory, and the creation of a new execution context. Additional CPU time is also spent creating these items, which can eventually lead to poor performance due to thread thrashing on excessive context switching. All of these complications manifest themselves in older web server architectures like Apache's. This is a tradeoff between offering a rich set of generally applicable features and optimized usage of server resources.

From the very beginning, nginx was meant to be a specialized tool to achieve more performance, density and economical use of server resources while enabling dynamic growth of a website, so it has followed a different model. It was actually inspired by the ongoing development of advanced event-based mechanisms in a variety of operating systems. What resulted is a modular, event-driven, asynchronous, single-threaded, non-blocking architecture which became the foundation of nginx code.

nginx uses multiplexing and event notifications heavily, and dedicates specific tasks to separate processes. Connections are processed in a highly efficient run-loop in a limited number of single-threaded processes called workers. Within each worker nginx can handle many thousands of concurrent connections and requests per second.

Code Structure

The nginx worker code includes the core and the functional modules. The core of nginx is responsible for maintaining a tight run-loop and executing appropriate sections of modules' code on each stage of request processing. Modules constitute most of the presentation and application layer functionality. Modules read from and write to the network and storage, transform content, do outbound filtering, apply server-side include actions and pass the requests to the upstream servers when proxying is activated.

nginx's modular architecture generally allows developers to extend the set of web server features without modifying the nginx core. nginx modules come in slightly different incarnations, namely core modules, event modules, phase handlers, protocols, variable handlers, filters, upstreams and load balancers. At this time, nginx doesn't support dynamically loaded modules; i.e., modules are compiled along with the core at build stage. However, support for loadable modules and ABI is planned for the future major releases. More detailed information about the roles of different modules can be found in Section 14.4.

While handling a variety of actions associated with accepting, processing and managing network connections and content retrieval, nginx uses event notification mechanisms and a number of disk I/O performance enhancements in Linux, Solaris and BSD-based operating systems, like kqueue, epoll, and event ports. The goal is to provide as many hints to the operating system as possible, in regards to obtaining timely asynchronous feedback for inbound and outbound traffic, disk operations, reading from or writing to sockets, timeouts and so on. The usage of different methods for multiplexing and advanced I/O operations is heavily optimized for every Unix-based operating system nginx runs on.

A high-level overview of nginx architecture is presented in Figure 14.1.

Figure 14.1: Diagram of nginx's architecture

Workers Model

As previously mentioned, nginx doesn't spawn a process or thread for every connection. Instead, worker processes accept new requests from a shared "listen" socket and execute a highly efficient run-loop inside each worker to process thousands of connections per worker. There's no specialized arbitration or distribution of connections to the workers in nginx; this work is done by the OS kernel mechanisms. Upon startup, an initial set of listening sockets is created. workers then continuously accept, read from and write to the sockets while processing HTTP requests and responses.

The run-loop is the most complicated part of the nginx worker code. It includes comprehensive inner calls and relies heavily on the idea of asynchronous task handling. Asynchronous operations are implemented through modularity, event notifications, extensive use of callback functions and fine-tuned timers. Overall, the key principle is to be as non-blocking as possible. The only situation where nginx can still block is when there's not enough disk storage performance for a worker process.

Because nginx does not fork a process or thread per connection, memory usage is very conservative and extremely efficient in the vast majority of cases. nginx conserves CPU cycles as well because there's no ongoing create-destroy pattern for processes or threads. What nginx does is check the state of the network and storage, initialize new connections, add them to the run-loop, and process asynchronously until completion, at which point the connection is deallocated and removed from the run-loop. Combined with the careful use of syscalls and an accurate implementation of supporting interfaces like pool and slab memory allocators, nginx typically achieves moderate-to-low CPU usage even under extreme workloads.

Because nginx spawns several workers to handle connections, it scales well across multiple cores. Generally, a separate worker per core allows full utilization of multicore architectures, and prevents thread thrashing and lock-ups. There's no resource starvation and the resource controlling mechanisms are isolated within single-threaded worker processes. This model also allows more scalability across physical storage devices, facilitates more disk utilization and avoids blocking on disk I/O. As a result, server resources are utilized more efficiently with the workload shared across several workers.

With some disk use and CPU load patterns, the number of nginx workers should be adjusted. The rules are somewhat basic here, and system administrators should try a couple of configurations for their workloads. General recommendations might be the following: if the load pattern is CPU intensive—for instance, handling a lot of TCP/IP, doing SSL, or compression—the number of nginx workers should match the number of CPU cores; if the load is mostly disk I/O bound—for instance, serving different sets of content from storage, or heavy proxying—the number of workers might be one and a half to two times the number of cores. Some engineers choose the number of workers based on the number of individual storage units instead, though efficiency of this approach depends on the type and configuration of disk storage.

One major problem that the developers of nginx will be solving in upcoming versions is how to avoid most of the blocking on disk I/O. At the moment, if there's not enough storage performance to serve disk operations generated by a particular worker, that worker may still block on reading/writing from disk. A number of mechanisms and configuration file directives exist to mitigate such disk I/O blocking scenarios. Most notably, combinations of options like sendfile and AIO typically produce a lot of headroom for disk performance. An nginx installation should be planned based on the data set, the amount of memory available for nginx, and the underlying storage architecture.

Another problem with the existing worker model is related to limited support for embedded scripting. For one, with the standard nginx distribution, only embedding Perl scripts is supported. There is a simple explanation for that: the key problem is the possibility of an embedded script to block on any operation or exit unexpectedly. Both types of behavior would immediately lead to a situation where the worker is hung, affecting many thousands of connections at once. More work is planned to make embedded scripting with nginx simpler, more reliable and suitable for a broader range of applications.

nginx Process Roles

nginx runs several processes in memory; there is a single master process and several worker processes. There are also a couple of special purpose processes, specifically a cache loader and cache manager. All processes are single-threaded in version 1.x of nginx. All processes primarily use shared-memory mechanisms for inter-process communication. The master process is run as the root user. The cache loader, cache manager and workers run as an unprivileged user.

The master process is responsible for the following tasks:

·         reading and validating configuration

·         creating, binding and closing sockets

·         starting, terminating and maintaining the configured number of worker processes

·         reconfiguring without service interruption

·         controlling non-stop binary upgrades (starting new binary and rolling back if necessary)

·         re-opening log files

·         compiling embedded Perl scripts

The worker processes accept, handle and process connections from clients, provide reverse proxying and filtering functionality and do almost everything else that nginx is capable of. In regards to monitoring the behavior of an nginx instance, a system administrator should keep an eye on workers as they are the processes reflecting the actual day-to-day operations of a web server.

The cache loader process is responsible for checking the on-disk cache items and populating nginx's in-memory database with cache metadata. Essentially, the cache loader prepares nginx instances to work with files already stored on disk in a specially allocated directory structure. It traverses the directories, checks cache content metadata, updates the relevant entries in shared memory and then exits when everything is clean and ready for use.

The cache manager is mostly responsible for cache expiration and invalidation. It stays in memory during normal nginx operation and it is restarted by the master process in the case of failure.

Brief Overview of nginx Caching

Caching in nginx is implemented in the form of hierarchical data storage on a filesystem. Cache keys are configurable, and different request-specific parameters can be used to control what gets into the cache. Cache keys and cache metadata are stored in the shared memory segments, which the cache loader, cache manager and workers can access. Currently there is not any in-memory caching of files, other than optimizations implied by the operating system's virtual filesystem mechanisms. Each cached response is placed in a different file on the filesystem. The hierarchy (levels and naming details) are controlled through nginx configuration directives. When a response is written to the cache directory structure, the path and the name of the file are derived from an MD5 hash of the proxy URL.

The process for placing content in the cache is as follows: When nginx reads the response from an upstream server, the content is first written to a temporary file outside of the cache directory structure. When nginx finishes processing the request it renames the temporary file and moves it to the cache directory. If the temporary files directory for proxying is on another file system, the file will be copied, thus it's recommended to keep both temporary and cache directories on the same file system. It is also quite safe to delete files from the cache directory structure when they need to be explicitly purged. There are third-party extensions for nginx which make it possible to control cached content remotely, and more work is planned to integrate this functionality in the main distribution.

14.3. nginx Configuration

nginx's configuration system was inspired by Igor Sysoev's experiences with Apache. His main insight was that a scalable configuration system is essential for a web server. The main scaling problem was encountered when maintaining large complicated configurations with lots of virtual servers, directories, locations and datasets. In a relatively big web setup it can be a nightmare if not done properly both at the application level and by the system engineer himself.

As a result, nginx configuration was designed to simplify day-to-day operations and to provide an easy means for further expansion of web server configuration.

nginx configuration is kept in a number of plain text files which typically reside in /usr/local/etc/nginx or /etc/nginx. The main configuration file is usually called nginx.conf. To keep it uncluttered, parts of the configuration can be put in separate files which can be automatically included in the main one. However, it should be noted here that nginx does not currently support Apache-style distributed configurations (i.e., .htaccess files). All of the configuration relevant to nginx web server behavior should reside in a centralized set of configuration files.

The configuration files are initially read and verified by the master process. A compiled read-only form of the nginx configuration is available to the worker processes as they are forked from the master process. Configuration structures are automatically shared by the usual virtual memory management mechanisms.

nginx configuration has several different contexts for main, http, server, upstream, location (and also mail for mail proxy) blocks of directives. Contexts never overlap. For instance, there is no such thing as putting a location block in the main block of directives. Also, to avoid unnecessary ambiguity there isn't anything like a "global web server" configuration. nginx configuration is meant to be clean and logical, allowing users to maintain complicated configuration files that comprise thousands of directives. In a private conversation, Sysoev said, "Locations, directories, and other blocks in the global server configuration are the features I never liked in Apache, so this is the reason why they were never implemented in nginx."

Configuration syntax, formatting and definitions follow a so-called C-style convention. This particular approach to making configuration files is already being used by a variety of open source and commercial software applications. By design, C-style configuration is well-suited for nested descriptions, being logical and easy to create, read and maintain, and liked by many engineers. C-style configuration of nginx can also be easily automated.

While some of the nginx directives resemble certain parts of Apache configuration, setting up an nginx instance is quite a different experience. For instance, rewrite rules are supported by nginx, though it would require an administrator to manually adapt a legacy Apache rewrite configuration to match nginx style. The implementation of the rewrite engine differs too.

In general, nginx settings also provide support for several original mechanisms that can be very useful as part of a lean web server configuration. It makes sense to briefly mention variables and the try_files directive, which are somewhat unique to nginx. Variables in nginx were developed to provide an additional even-more-powerful mechanism to control run-time configuration of a web server. Variables are optimized for quick evaluation and are internally pre-compiled to indices. Evaluation is done on demand; i.e., the value of a variable is typically calculated only once and cached for the lifetime of a particular request. Variables can be used with different configuration directives, providing additional flexibility for describing conditional request processing behavior.

The try_files directive was initially meant to gradually replace conditional if configuration statements in a more proper way, and it was designed to quickly and efficiently try/match against different URI-to-content mappings. Overall, the try_files directive works well and can be extremely efficient and useful. It is recommended that the reader thoroughly check the try_files directive and adopt its use whenever applicable.

14.4. nginx Internals

As was mentioned before, the nginx codebase consists of a core and a number of modules. The core of nginx is responsible for providing the foundation of the web server, web and mail reverse proxy functionalities; it enables the use of underlying network protocols, builds the necessary run-time environment, and ensures seamless interaction between different modules. However, most of the protocol- and application-specific features are done by nginx modules, not the core.

Internally, nginx processes connections through a pipeline, or chain, of modules. In other words, for every operation there's a module which is doing the relevant work; e.g., compression, modifying content, executing server-side includes, communicating to the upstream application servers through FastCGI or uwsgi protocols, or talking to memcached.

There are a couple of nginx modules that sit somewhere between the core and the real "functional" modules. These modules are http and mail. These two modules provide an additional level of abstraction between the core and lower-level components. In these modules, the handling of the sequence of events associated with a respective application layer protocol like HTTP, SMTP or IMAP is implemented. In combination with the nginx core, these upper-level modules are responsible for maintaining the right order of calls to the respective functional modules. While the HTTP protocol is currently implemented as part of the http module, there are plans to separate it into a functional module in the future, due to the need to support other protocols like SPDY (see "SPDY: An experimental protocol for a faster web").

The functional modules can be divided into event modules, phase handlers, output filters, variable handlers, protocols, upstreams and load balancers. Most of these modules complement the HTTP functionality of nginx, though event modules and protocols are also used for mail. Event modules provide a particular OS-dependent event notification mechanism like kqueue or epoll. The event module that nginx uses depends on the operating system capabilities and build configuration. Protocol modules allow nginx to communicate through HTTPS, TLS/SSL, SMTP, POP3 and IMAP.

A typical HTTP request processing cycle looks like the following.

1.       Client sends HTTP request.

2.       nginx core chooses the appropriate phase handler based on the configured location matching the request.

3.       If configured to do so, a load balancer picks an upstream server for proxying.

4.       Phase handler does its job and passes each output buffer to the first filter.

5.       First filter passes the output to the second filter.

6.       Second filter passes the output to third (and so on).

7.       Final response is sent to the client.

nginx module invocation is extremely customizable. It is performed through a series of callbacks using pointers to the executable functions. However, the downside of this is that it may place a big burden on programmers who would like to write their own modules, because they must define exactly how and when the module should run. Both the nginx API and developers' documentation are being improved and made more available to alleviate this.

Some examples of where a module can attach are:

·         Before the configuration file is read and processed

·         For each configuration directive for the location and the server where it appears

·         When the main configuration is initialized

·         When the server (i.e., host/port) is initialized

·         When the server configuration is merged with the main configuration

·         When the location configuration is initialized or merged with its parent server configuration

·         When the master process starts or exits

·         When a new worker process starts or exits

·         When handling a request

·         When filtering the response header and the body

·         When picking, initiating and re-initiating a request to an upstream server

·         When processing the response from an upstream server

·         When finishing an interaction with an upstream server

Inside a worker, the sequence of actions leading to the run-loop where the response is generated looks like the following:

1.       Begin ngx_worker_process_cycle().

2.       Process events with OS specific mechanisms (such as epoll or kqueue).

3.       Accept events and dispatch the relevant actions.

4.       Process/proxy request header and body.

5.       Generate response content (header, body) and stream it to the client.

6.       Finalize request.

7.       Re-initialize timers and events.

The run-loop itself (steps 5 and 6) ensures incremental generation of a response and streaming it to the client.

A more detailed view of processing an HTTP request might look like this:

1.       Initialize request processing.

2.       Process header.

3.       Process body.

4.       Call the associated handler.

5.       Run through the processing phases.

Which brings us to the phases. When nginx handles an HTTP request, it passes it through a number of processing phases. At each phase there are handlers to call. In general, phase handlers process a request and produce the relevant output. Phase handlers are attached to the locations defined in the configuration file.

Phase handlers typically do four things: get the location configuration, generate an appropriate response, send the header, and send the body. A handler has one argument: a specific structure describing the request. A request structure has a lot of useful information about the client request, such as the request method, URI, and header.

When the HTTP request header is read, nginx does a lookup of the associated virtual server configuration. If the virtual server is found, the request goes through six phases:

1.       server rewrite phase

2.       location phase

3.       location rewrite phase (which can bring the request back to the previous phase)

4.       access control phase

5.       try_files phase

6.       log phase

In an attempt to generate the necessary content in response to the request, nginx passes the request to a suitable content handler. Depending on the exact location configuration, nginx may try so-called unconditional handlers first, like perl, proxy_pass, flv, mp4, etc. If the request does not match any of the above content handlers, it is picked by one of the following handlers, in this exact order: random index, index, autoindex, gzip_static, static.

Indexing module details can be found in the nginx documentation, but these are the modules which handle requests with a trailing slash. If a specialized module like mp4 or autoindex isn't appropriate, the content is considered to be just a file or directory on disk (that is, static) and is served by the static content handler. For a directory it would automatically rewrite the URI so that the trailing slash is always there (and then issue an HTTP redirect).

The content handlers' content is then passed to the filters. Filters are also attached to locations, and there can be several filters configured for a location. Filters do the task of manipulating the output produced by a handler. The order of filter execution is determined at compile time. For the out-of-the-box filters it's predefined, and for a third-party filter it can be configured at the build stage. In the existing nginx implementation, filters can only do outbound changes and there is currently no mechanism to write and attach filters to do input content transformation. Input filtering will appear in future versions of nginx.

Filters follow a particular design pattern. A filter gets called, starts working, and calls the next filter until the final filter in the chain is called. After that, nginx finalizes the response. Filters don't have to wait for the previous filter to finish. The next filter in a chain can start its own work as soon as the input from the previous one is available (functionally much like the Unix pipeline). In turn, the output response being generated can be passed to the client before the entire response from the upstream server is received.

There are header filters and body filters; nginx feeds the header and the body of the response to the associated filters separately.

A header filter consists of three basic steps:

1.       Decide whether to operate on this response.

2.       Operate on the response.

3.       Call the next filter.

Body filters transform the generated content. Examples of body filters include:

·         server-side includes

·         XSLT filtering

·         image filtering (for instance, resizing images on the fly)

·         charset modification

·         gzip compression

·         chunked encoding

After the filter chain, the response is passed to the writer. Along with the writer there are a couple of additional special purpose filters, namely the copy filter, and the postpone filter. The copy filter is responsible for filling memory buffers with the relevant response content which might be stored in a proxy temporary directory. The postpone filter is used for subrequests.

Subrequests are a very important mechanism for request/response processing. Subrequests are also one of the most powerful aspects of nginx. With subrequests nginx can return the results from a different URL than the one the client originally requested. Some web frameworks call this an internal redirect. However, nginx goes further—not only can filters perform multiple subrequests and combine the outputs into a single response, but subrequests can also be nested and hierarchical. A subrequest can perform its own sub-subrequest, and a sub-subrequest can initiate sub-sub-subrequests. Subrequests can map to files on the hard disk, other handlers, or upstream servers. Subrequests are most useful for inserting additional content based on data from the original response. For example, the SSI (server-side include) module uses a filter to parse the contents of the returned document, and then replaces include directives with the contents of specified URLs. Or, it can be an example of making a filter that treats the entire contents of a document as a URL to be retrieved, and then appends the new document to the URL itself.

Upstream and load balancers are also worth describing briefly. Upstreams are used to implement what can be identified as a content handler which is a reverse proxy (proxy_pass handler). Upstream modules mostly prepare the request to be sent to an upstream server (or "backend") and receive the response from the upstream server. There are no calls to output filters here. What an upstream module does exactly is set callbacks to be invoked when the upstream server is ready to be written to and read from. Callbacks implementing the following functionality exist:

·         Crafting a request buffer (or a chain of them) to be sent to the upstream server

·         Re-initializing/resetting the connection to the upstream server (which happens right before creating the request again)

·         Processing the first bits of an upstream response and saving pointers to the payload received from the upstream server

·         Aborting requests (which happens when the client terminates prematurely)

·         Finalizing the request when nginx finishes reading from the upstream server

·         Trimming the response body (e.g. removing a trailer)

Load balancer modules attach to the proxy_pass handler to provide the ability to choose an upstream server when more than one upstream server is eligible. A load balancer registers an enabling configuration file directive, provides additional upstream initialization functions (to resolve upstream names in DNS, etc.), initializes the connection structures, decides where to route the requests, and updates stats information. Currently nginx supports two standard disciplines for load balancing to upstream servers: round-robin and ip-hash.

Upstream and load balancing handling mechanisms include algorithms to detect failed upstream servers and to re-route new requests to the remaining ones—though a lot of additional work is planned to enhance this functionality. In general, more work on load balancers is planned, and in the next versions of nginx the mechanisms for distributing the load across different upstream servers as well as health checks will be greatly improved.

There are also a couple of other interesting modules which provide an additional set of variables for use in the configuration file. While the variables in nginx are created and updated across different modules, there are two modules that are entirely dedicated to variables: geo and map. The geo module is used to facilitate tracking of clients based on their IP addresses. This module can create arbitrary variables that depend on the client's IP address. The other module, map, allows for the creation of variables from other variables, essentially providing the ability to do flexible mappings of hostnames and other run-time variables. This kind of module may be called the variable handler.

Memory allocation mechanisms implemented inside a single nginx worker were, to some extent, inspired by Apache. A high-level description of nginx memory management would be the following: For each connection, the necessary memory buffers are dynamically allocated, linked, used for storing and manipulating the header and body of the request and the response, and then freed upon connection release. It is very important to note that nginx tries to avoid copying data in memory as much as possible and most of the data is passed along by pointer values, not by calling memcpy.

Going a bit deeper, when the response is generated by a module, the retrieved content is put in a memory buffer which is then added to a buffer chain link. Subsequent processing works with this buffer chain link as well. Buffer chains are quite complicated in nginx because there are several processing scenarios which differ depending on the module type. For instance, it can be quite tricky to manage the buffers precisely while implementing a body filter module. Such a module can only operate on one buffer (chain link) at a time and it must decide whether to overwrite the input buffer, replace the buffer with a newly allocated buffer, or insert a new buffer before or after the buffer in question. To complicate things, sometimes a module will receive several buffers so that it has an incomplete buffer chain that it must operate on. However, at this time nginx provides only a low-level API for manipulating buffer chains, so before doing any actual implementation a third-party module developer should become really fluent with this arcane part of nginx.

A note on the above approach is that there are memory buffers allocated for the entire life of a connection, thus for long-lived connections some extra memory is kept. At the same time, on an idle keepalive connection, nginx spends just 550 bytes of memory. A possible optimization for future releases of nginx would be to reuse and share memory buffers for long-lived connections.

The task of managing memory allocation is done by the nginx pool allocator. Shared memory areas are used to accept mutex, cache metadata, the SSL session cache and the information associated with bandwidth policing and management (limits). There is a slab allocator implemented in nginx to manage shared memory allocation. To allow simultaneous safe use of shared memory, a number of locking mechanisms are available (mutexes and semaphores). In order to organize complex data structures, nginx also provides a red-black tree implementation. Red-black trees are used to keep cache metadata in shared memory, track non-regex location definitions and for a couple of other tasks.

Unfortunately, all of the above was never described in a consistent and simple manner, making the job of developing third-party extensions for nginx quite complicated. Although some good documents on nginx internals exist—for instance, those produced by Evan Miller—such documents required a huge reverse engineering effort, and the implementation of nginx modules is still a black art for many.

Despite certain difficulties associated with third-party module development, the nginx user community recently saw a lot of useful third-party modules. There is, for instance, an embedded Lua interpreter module for nginx, additional modules for load balancing, full WebDAV support, advanced cache control and other interesting third-party work that the authors of this chapter encourage and will support in the future.

14.5. Lessons Learned

When Igor Sysoev started to write nginx, most of the software enabling the Internet already existed, and the architecture of such software typically followed definitions of legacy server and network hardware, operating systems, and old Internet architecture in general. However, this didn't prevent Igor from thinking he might be able to improve things in the web servers area. So, while the first lesson might seem obvious, it is this: there is always room for improvement.

With the idea of better web software in mind, Igor spent a lot of time developing the initial code structure and studying different ways of optimizing the code for a variety of operating systems. Ten years later he is developing a prototype of nginx version 2.0, taking into account the years of active development on version 1. It is clear that the initial prototype of a new architecture, and the initial code structure, are vitally important for the future of a software product.

Another point worth mentioning is that development should be focused. The Windows version of nginx is probably a good example of how it is worth avoiding the dilution of development efforts on something that is neither the developer's core competence or the target application. It is equally applicable to the rewrite engine that appeared during several attempts to enhance nginx with more features for backward compatibility with the existing legacy setups.

Last but not least, it is worth mentioning that despite the fact that the nginx developer community is not very large, third-party modules and extensions for nginx have always been a very important part of its popularity. The work done by Evan Miller, Piotr Sikora, Valery Kholodkov, Zhang Yichun (agentzh) and other talented software engineers has been much appreciated by the nginx user community and its original developers.

This work is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. Please see the full description of the license for details.


Nginx conf

#user  nobody;
worker_processes  1;
#error_log  logs/error.log;
#error_log  logs/error.log  notice;
#error_log  logs/error.log  info;

#pid        logs/nginx.pid;

events {
    worker_connections  1024;

http {
    include       mime.types;
    default_type  application/octet-stream;
    log_format  main  '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
                      '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
                      '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';
    access_log  logs/access.log  main;
    sendfile        on;
    #tcp_nopush     on;
    #keepalive_timeout  0;
    keepalive_timeout  65;
    #gzip  on;

    server {
        listen       80;
        server_name  localhost;
        #charset koi8-r;
        #access_log  logs/host.access.log  main;
        location ~* software/(.*).*\.(jpg|rar)
            expires 21d;
            root d:/temp/;
            access_log d:/temp/soft.3g.cn_nginx_s3gd-205.log;
            proxy_store on;
            proxy_store_access user:rw group:rw all:rw;
            proxy_temp_path            d:/temp/;
            proxy_redirect          off;
            proxy_set_header        Host;
            proxy_set_header        X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
            proxy_set_header        X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
            client_max_body_size    10m;
            client_body_buffer_size 1280k;
            proxy_connect_timeout   900;
            proxy_send_timeout      900;
            proxy_read_timeout      900;
            proxy_buffer_size       40k;
            proxy_buffers           40 320k;
            proxy_busy_buffers_size 640k;
            proxy_temp_file_write_size 640k;
            if ( !-e $request_filename)
        location / {
            root   html;
            index  index.html index.htm;
        #error_page  404              /404.html;
        # redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html
        error_page   500 502 503 504  /50x.html;

        location = /50x.html {
            root   html;
        # proxy the PHP scripts to Apache listening on
        #location ~ \.php$ {
        #    proxy_pass;
        # pass the PHP scripts to FastCGI server listening on
        #location ~ \.php$ {
        #    root           html;
        #    fastcgi_pass;
        #    fastcgi_index  index.php;
        #    fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_FILENAME  /scripts$fastcgi_script_name;
        #    include        fastcgi_params;

        # deny access to .htaccess files, if Apache's document root
        # concurs with nginx's one
        #location ~ /\.ht {
        #    deny  all;

    # another virtual host using mix of IP-, name-, and port-based configuration
    #server {
    #    listen       8000;
    #    listen       somename:8080;
    #    server_name  somename  alias  another.alias;
    #    location / {
    #        root   html;
    #        index  index.html index.htm;
    #    }
    # HTTPS server
    #server {
    #    listen       443;
    #    server_name  localhost;
    #    ssl                  on;
    #    ssl_certificate      cert.pem;
    #    ssl_certificate_key  cert.key;
    #    ssl_session_timeout  5m;
    #    ssl_protocols  SSLv2 SSLv3 TLSv1;
    #    ssl_ciphers  HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5;
    #    ssl_prefer_server_ciphers   on;
    #    location / {
    #        root   html;
    #        index  index.html index.htm;
    #    }





