the actual layout of the code could be different.
The reason is that compiler writers are far more interested in generating correctly functioning code and generating it quickly than ensuring that whatever is generated is laid out identically on your hard drive. Due to the numerous and varied methods and implementations for optimizing code, it is always possible that one build ended up with a little more time to do something extra or different than another build did. Thus, the final result could be a different set of bits for what is the same functionality.
原因是这样的, 相比较于保证每次在你的硬盘上生成相同的功能性代码, 编译器的开发者对如何更准确、更快速的生成代码感兴趣。面对数量庞大的、各种各样的和需要优化的代码,总有可能某个版本是以花些时间去做些额外的或者不同于其他版本做的事情而完结,所以对相同的功能而言,会产生不用集合的比特位.
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