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使用灰度共生矩阵实现指纹分割_灰度共生矩阵 掌纹

灰度共生矩阵 掌纹

     灰度共生矩阵,Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix,简写为GLCM


     取图像(N×N)中任意一点 (x,y)及偏离它的另一点 (x+a,y+b),设该点对的灰度值为 (g1,g2)。令点(x,y) 在整个画面上移动,则会得到各种 (g1,g2)值,设灰度值的级数为 k,则(g1,g2) 的组合共有 k 的平方种。对于整个画面,统计出每一种 (g1,g2)值出现的次数,然后排列成一个方阵,再用(g1,g2) 出现的总次数将它们归一化为出现的概率P(g1,g2) ,这样的方阵称为灰度共生矩阵。




  1. #include <iostream>
  2. #include "highgui.h"
  3. #include "cv.h"
  4. #define GLCM_DIS 2 //灰度共生矩阵的统计距离
  5. #define GLCM_CLASS 8 //计算灰度共生矩阵的图像灰度值等级化
  6. #define GLCM_ANGLE_HORIZATION 0 //水平
  7. #define GLCM_ANGLE_VERTICAL 1 //垂直
  8. #define GLCM_ANGLE_DIGONAL_45 2 //45度对角
  9. #define GLCM_ANGLE_DIGONAL_135 3 //135度对角
  10. int threshold = 15;
  11. #pragma region calGLCM
  12. int GetMax(CvMat* bWavelet,int& max_value,int& min_value)
  13. {
  14. int i,j;
  15. int width,height;
  16. int max = 0;
  17. int min = 0;
  18. width = bWavelet->width;
  19. height = bWavelet->height;
  20. for (i = 0;i<height;i++ )
  21. {
  22. for(j = 0;j<width;j++)
  23. {
  24. if (CV_MAT_ELEM(*bWavelet,float,i,j)> max)
  25. max = CV_MAT_ELEM(*bWavelet,float,i,j);
  26. if(CV_MAT_ELEM(*bWavelet,float,i,j) < min)
  27. min = CV_MAT_ELEM(*bWavelet,float,i,j);
  28. }
  29. }
  30. max_value = max;
  31. min_value = min;
  32. return 1;
  33. }
  34. int calGLCM(CvMat* bWavelet,int angleDirection,double* featureVector)
  35. {
  36. int i,j;
  37. int width,height;
  38. int min,max;
  39. if(NULL == bWavelet)
  40. return 1;
  41. width = bWavelet->width;
  42. height = bWavelet->height;
  43. int * glcm = new int[GLCM_CLASS * GLCM_CLASS];
  44. int * histImage = new int[width * height];
  45. if(NULL == glcm || NULL == histImage)
  46. return 2;
  47. //灰度等级化---分GLCM_CLASS个等级
  48. //uchar *data =(uchar*) bWavelet->imageData;
  49. //GetMax(bWavelet,max,min);
  50. //printf("max = %d,min = %d ",max,min);
  51. //system("pause");
  52. int relative_value = 0;
  53. for(i = 0;i < height;i++){
  54. for(j = 0;j < width;j++){
  55. histImage[i * width + j] = (int)(CV_MAT_ELEM(*bWavelet,float,i,j) * GLCM_CLASS / 256);
  56. //relative_value = CV_MAT_ELEM(*bWavelet,float,i,j) - min;
  57. //histImage[i * width + j] = (int)(relative_value * GLCM_CLASS / (max-min+1));
  58. //printf("%d ",histImage[i * width + j]);
  59. }
  60. }
  61. //初始化共生矩阵
  62. for (i = 0;i < GLCM_CLASS;i++)
  63. for (j = 0;j < GLCM_CLASS;j++)
  64. glcm[i * GLCM_CLASS + j] = 0;
  65. //计算灰度共生矩阵
  66. int w,k,l;
  67. //水平方向
  68. if(angleDirection == GLCM_ANGLE_HORIZATION)
  69. {
  70. for (i = 0;i < height;i++)
  71. {
  72. for (j = 0;j < width;j++)
  73. {
  74. l = histImage[i * width + j];
  75. if(j + GLCM_DIS >= 0 && j + GLCM_DIS < width)
  76. {
  77. k = histImage[i * width + j + GLCM_DIS];
  78. glcm[l * GLCM_CLASS + k]++;
  79. }
  80. if(j - GLCM_DIS >= 0 && j - GLCM_DIS < width)
  81. {
  82. k = histImage[i * width + j - GLCM_DIS];
  83. glcm[l * GLCM_CLASS + k]++;
  84. }
  85. }
  86. }
  87. }
  88. //垂直方向
  89. else if(angleDirection == GLCM_ANGLE_VERTICAL)
  90. {
  91. for (i = 0;i < height;i++)
  92. {
  93. for (j = 0;j < width;j++)
  94. {
  95. l = histImage[i * width + j];
  96. if(i + GLCM_DIS >= 0 && i + GLCM_DIS < height)
  97. {
  98. k = histImage[(i + GLCM_DIS) * width + j];
  99. glcm[l * GLCM_CLASS + k]++;
  100. }
  101. if(i - GLCM_DIS >= 0 && i - GLCM_DIS < height)
  102. {
  103. k = histImage[(i - GLCM_DIS) * width + j];
  104. glcm[l * GLCM_CLASS + k]++;
  105. }
  106. }
  107. }
  108. }
  109. //135度对角方向
  110. else if(angleDirection == GLCM_ANGLE_DIGONAL_135)
  111. {
  112. for (i = 0;i < height;i++)
  113. {
  114. for (j = 0;j < width;j++)
  115. {
  116. l = histImage[i * width + j];
  117. if(j + GLCM_DIS >= 0 && j + GLCM_DIS < width && i + GLCM_DIS >= 0 && i + GLCM_DIS < height)
  118. {
  119. k = histImage[(i + GLCM_DIS) * width + j + GLCM_DIS];
  120. glcm[l * GLCM_CLASS + k]++;
  121. }
  122. if(j - GLCM_DIS >= 0 && j - GLCM_DIS < width && i - GLCM_DIS >= 0 && i - GLCM_DIS < height)
  123. {
  124. k = histImage[(i - GLCM_DIS) * width + j - GLCM_DIS];
  125. glcm[l * GLCM_CLASS + k]++;
  126. }
  127. }
  128. }
  129. }
  130. //45度对角方向
  131. else if(angleDirection == GLCM_ANGLE_DIGONAL_45)
  132. {
  133. for (i = 0;i < height;i++)
  134. {
  135. for (j = 0;j < width;j++)
  136. {
  137. l = histImage[i * width + j];
  138. if(j + GLCM_DIS >= 0 && j + GLCM_DIS < width && i - GLCM_DIS >= 0 && i - GLCM_DIS < height)
  139. {
  140. k = histImage[(i - GLCM_DIS) * width + j + GLCM_DIS];
  141. glcm[l * GLCM_CLASS + k]++;
  142. }
  143. if(j - GLCM_DIS >= 0 && j - GLCM_DIS < width && i + GLCM_DIS >= 0 && i + GLCM_DIS < height)
  144. {
  145. k = histImage[(i + GLCM_DIS) * width + j - GLCM_DIS];
  146. glcm[l * GLCM_CLASS + k]++;
  147. }
  148. }
  149. }
  150. }
  151. //计算特征值
  152. double entropy = 0,energy = 0,contrast = 0,homogenity = 0;
  153. for (i = 0;i < GLCM_CLASS;i++)
  154. {
  155. for (j = 0;j < GLCM_CLASS;j++)
  156. {
  157. //熵
  158. if(glcm[i * GLCM_CLASS + j] > 0)
  159. entropy -= glcm[i * GLCM_CLASS + j] * log10(double(glcm[i * GLCM_CLASS + j]));
  160. //能量
  161. energy += glcm[i * GLCM_CLASS + j] * glcm[i * GLCM_CLASS + j];
  162. //对比度
  163. contrast += (i - j) * (i - j) * glcm[i * GLCM_CLASS + j];
  164. //一致性
  165. homogenity += 1.0 / (1 + (i - j) * (i - j)) * glcm[i * GLCM_CLASS + j];
  166. }
  167. }
  168. //返回特征值
  169. i = 0;
  170. featureVector[i++] = entropy;
  171. featureVector[i++] = energy;
  172. featureVector[i++] = contrast;
  173. featureVector[i++] = homogenity;
  174. delete[] glcm;
  175. delete[] histImage;
  176. return 0;
  177. }
  178. #pragma endregion calcGLCM
  179. double calc_variance(double a[4])
  180. {
  181. double sum;
  182. double mean;
  183. double variance;
  184. sum = a[0]+a[1]+a[2]+a[3];
  185. mean = sum/4.0;
  186. variance = (a[0]-mean)*(a[0]-mean) + (a[1]-mean)*(a[1]-mean) + (a[2]-mean)*(a[2]-mean)+(a[3]-mean)*(a[3]-mean);
  187. variance = variance/4.0;
  188. return sqrt(variance);
  189. }
  190. void main()
  191. {
  192. clock_t start,finish;
  193. int WIDTH,HEIGHT;
  194. threshold = 8.5;
  195. IplImage* src_img = cvLoadImage("8.bmp",0); //load the picture
  196. WIDTH = src_img->width;
  197. HEIGHT = src_img->height;
  198. int step = src_img->widthStep; //the width of each row
  199. printf("width: %d step: %d depth: %d channels: %d",WIDTH,step,src_img->depth,src_img->nChannels);
  200. IplImage* msk_img = cvCreateImage(cvSize(WIDTH,HEIGHT),8,1);
  201. cvZero(msk_img);
  202. IplImage* dst_img = cvCreateImage(cvSize(WIDTH,HEIGHT),8,1);
  203. cvZero(dst_img);
  204. cvNot(dst_img,dst_img);
  205. start = clock();
  206. //cvSmooth(src_img,src_img,CV_GAUSSIAN);
  207. //cvSmooth(src_img,src_img,CV_MEDIAN,2);
  208. float sum;
  209. cvNamedWindow("src");
  210. cvShowImage("src",src_img);
  211. CvMat* cwindow = cvCreateMat(5,4,CV_32FC1); //store the temperate 3*3 matrix
  212. //CvMat* cwindow = cvCreateMat(5,5,CV_32FC1); //store the temperate 3*3 matrix
  213. double features[10];
  214. double entropy[4] = {0};
  215. double energy[4] = {0};
  216. double contrast[4] = {0};
  217. double homogenity[4] = {0};
  218. double variance;
  219. uchar* gray_ptr = NULL;
  220. uchar* msk_ptr = NULL;
  221. gray_ptr = (uchar*) (src_img->imageData);
  222. msk_ptr = (uchar*) (msk_img->imageData);
  223. int x,y;
  224. for(y = 2; y<src_img->height-2; y = y+2)
  225. {
  226. for ( x = 2; x<src_img->width-2; x = x+2)
  227. {
  228. /*CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,0,0) = gray_ptr[(y-2)*step+(x-2)];
  229. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,0,1) = gray_ptr[(y-2)*step+x-1];
  230. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,0,2) = gray_ptr[(y-2)*step+x];
  231. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,0,3) = gray_ptr[(y-2)*step+(x+1)];
  232. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,0,4) = gray_ptr[(y-2)*step+(x+2)];
  233. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,1,0) = gray_ptr[(y-1)*step+(x-2)];
  234. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,1,1) = gray_ptr[(y-1)*step+x-1];
  235. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,1,2) = gray_ptr[(y-1)*step+ x];
  236. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,1,3) = gray_ptr[(y-1)*step+(x+1)];
  237. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,1,4) = gray_ptr[(y-1)*step+x+2];
  238. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,2,0) = gray_ptr[y*step+(x-2)];
  239. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,2,1) = gray_ptr[y*step+(x-1)];
  240. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,2,2) = gray_ptr[y*step+x];
  241. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,2,3) = gray_ptr[y*step+(x+1)];
  242. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,2,4) = gray_ptr[y*step+(x+2)];
  243. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,3,0) = gray_ptr[(y+1)*step+(x-2)];
  244. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,3,1) = gray_ptr[(y+1)*step+x-1];
  245. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,3,2) = gray_ptr[(y+1)*step+x];
  246. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,3,3) = gray_ptr[(y+1)*step+(x+1)];
  247. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,3,4) = gray_ptr[(y+1)*step+(x+2)];
  248. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,4,0) = gray_ptr[(y+2)*step+(x-2)];
  249. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,4,1) = gray_ptr[(y+2)*step+x-1];
  250. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,4,2) = gray_ptr[(y+2)*step+x];
  251. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,4,3) = gray_ptr[(y+2)*step+(x+1)];
  252. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,4,4) = gray_ptr[(y+2)*step+x+2];*/
  253. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,0,0) = gray_ptr[(y-2)*step+(x-2)];
  254. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,0,1) = gray_ptr[(y-2)*step+x-1];
  255. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,0,2) = gray_ptr[(y-2)*step+x];
  256. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,0,3) = gray_ptr[(y-2)*step+(x+1)];
  257. //CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,0,4) = gray_ptr[(y-2)*step+(x+2)];
  258. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,1,0) = gray_ptr[(y-1)*step+(x-2)];
  259. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,1,1) = gray_ptr[(y-1)*step+x-1];
  260. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,1,2) = gray_ptr[(y-1)*step+ x];
  261. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,1,3) = gray_ptr[(y-1)*step+(x+1)];
  262. //CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,1,4) = gray_ptr[(y-1)*step+x+2];
  263. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,2,0) = gray_ptr[y*step+(x-2)];
  264. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,2,1) = gray_ptr[y*step+(x-1)];
  265. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,2,2) = gray_ptr[y*step+x];
  266. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,2,3) = gray_ptr[y*step+(x+1)];
  267. //CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,2,4) = gray_ptr[y*step+(x+2)];
  268. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,3,0) = gray_ptr[(y+1)*step+(x-2)];
  269. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,3,1) = gray_ptr[(y+1)*step+x-1];
  270. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,3,2) = gray_ptr[(y+1)*step+x];
  271. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,3,3) = gray_ptr[(y+1)*step+(x+1)];
  272. //CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,3,4) = gray_ptr[(y+1)*step+(x+2)];
  273. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,4,0) = gray_ptr[(y+2)*step+(x-2)];
  274. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,4,1) = gray_ptr[(y+2)*step+x-1];
  275. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,4,2) = gray_ptr[(y+2)*step+x];
  276. CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,4,3) = gray_ptr[(y+2)*step+(x+1)];
  277. //CV_MAT_ELEM(*cwindow,float,4,4) = gray_ptr[(y+2)*step+x+2];
  278. calGLCM(cwindow,0,features);
  279. contrast[0] = features[2];
  280. //entropy[0] = features[0];
  281. //energy[0] = features[1];
  282. //homogenity[0] = features[3];
  283. calGLCM(cwindow,1,features);
  284. contrast[1] = features[2];
  285. //entropy[1] = features[0];
  286. //energy[1] = features[1];
  287. //homogenity[1] = features[3];
  288. calGLCM(cwindow,2,features);
  289. contrast[2] = features[2];
  290. //entropy[2] = features[0];
  291. //energy[2] = features[1];
  292. //homogenity[2] = features[3];
  293. calGLCM(cwindow,3,features);
  294. contrast[3] = features[2];
  295. variance = calc_variance(contrast);
  296. //printf("%f\n",contrast[3]);
  297. //entropy[3] = features[0];
  298. //energy[3] = features[1];
  299. //homogenity[3] = features[3];
  300. //if (variance >30)
  301. // dst_ptr[y*step+x] = 0;
  302. //else dst_ptr[y*step+x] = 255;
  303. if (variance >threshold)
  304. {
  305. msk_ptr[(y-2)*step+(x-2)] = 255;
  306. msk_ptr[(y-2)*step+x-1] = 255;
  307. msk_ptr[(y-2)*step+x]=255;
  308. msk_ptr[(y-2)*step+(x+1)]= 255;
  309. //dst_ptr[(y-2)*step+(x+2)]= 255;
  310. msk_ptr[(y-1)*step+(x-2)]= 255;
  311. msk_ptr[(y-1)*step+x-1]= 255;
  312. msk_ptr[(y-1)*step+ x]= 255;
  313. msk_ptr[(y-1)*step+(x+1)]= 255;
  314. //dst_ptr[(y-1)*step+x+2]= 255;
  315. msk_ptr[y*step+(x-2)]= 255;
  316. msk_ptr[y*step+(x-1)]= 255;
  317. msk_ptr[y*step+x]= 255;
  318. msk_ptr[y*step+(x+1)]= 255;
  319. //dst_ptr[y*step+(x+2)]= 255;
  320. msk_ptr[(y+1)*step+(x-2)]= 255;
  321. msk_ptr[(y+1)*step+x-1]= 255;
  322. msk_ptr[(y+1)*step+x]= 0;
  323. msk_ptr[(y+1)*step+(x+1)]= 255;
  324. //dst_ptr[(y+1)*step+(x+2)]= 255;
  325. msk_ptr[(y+2)*step+(x-2)]= 255;
  326. msk_ptr[(y+2)*step+x-1]= 255;
  327. msk_ptr[(y+2)*step+x]= 255;
  328. msk_ptr[(y+2)*step+(x+1)]= 255;
  329. //dst_ptr[(y+2)*step+x+2]= 255;
  330. //dst_ptr[(y+2)*step+x+2]= 0;
  331. }
  332. //dst_ptr[y*step+x] = 0;
  333. else
  334. {
  335. msk_ptr[(y-2)*step+(x-2)] = 0;
  336. msk_ptr[(y-2)*step+x-1] = 0;
  337. msk_ptr[(y-2)*step+x]=0;
  338. msk_ptr[(y-2)*step+(x+1)]= 0;
  339. //dst_ptr[(y-2)*step+(x+2)]= 0;
  340. msk_ptr[(y-1)*step+(x-2)]= 0;
  341. msk_ptr[(y-1)*step+x-1]= 0;
  342. msk_ptr[(y-1)*step+ x]= 0;
  343. msk_ptr[(y-1)*step+(x+1)]= 0;
  344. //dst_ptr[(y-1)*step+x+2]= 0;
  345. msk_ptr[y*step+(x-2)]= 0;
  346. msk_ptr[y*step+(x-1)]= 0;
  347. msk_ptr[y*step+x]= 0;
  348. msk_ptr[y*step+(x+1)]= 0;
  349. //dst_ptr[y*step+(x+2)]= 0;
  350. msk_ptr[(y+1)*step+(x-2)]= 0;
  351. msk_ptr[(y+1)*step+x-1]= 0;
  352. msk_ptr[(y+1)*step+x]= 0;
  353. msk_ptr[(y+1)*step+(x+1)]= 0;
  354. //dst_ptr[(y+1)*step+(x+2)]= 0;
  355. msk_ptr[(y+2)*step+(x-2)]= 0;
  356. msk_ptr[(y+2)*step+x-1]= 0;
  357. msk_ptr[(y+2)*step+x]= 0;
  358. msk_ptr[(y+2)*step+(x+1)]= 0;
  359. }
  360. }
  361. }
  362. cvNamedWindow("mask_before");
  363. cvShowImage("mask_before",msk_img);
  364. cvSmooth(msk_img,msk_img,CV_MEDIAN,19);
  365. cvMorphologyEx( msk_img, msk_img, NULL, NULL, CV_MOP_OPEN, 3 );
  366. // 开运算先腐蚀在膨胀,腐蚀可以清除噪点,膨胀可以修复裂缝
  367. cvMorphologyEx( msk_img, msk_img, NULL, NULL, CV_MOP_CLOSE, 3 );
  368. // 闭运算先膨胀后腐蚀,之所以在开运算之后,因为噪点膨胀后再腐蚀,是不可能去除的
  369. cvNamedWindow("mask");
  370. cvShowImage("mask",msk_img);
  371. cvCopy(src_img,dst_img,msk_img);
  372. cvNamedWindow("dst",CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
  373. cvShowImage("dst",dst_img);
  374. finish = clock();
  375. printf(" 计算时间%.2fms \n", (double) (finish - start));
  376. cvWaitKey(0);
  377. }





灰度共生矩阵在指纹图像分割中的应用.  李慧娜,郭超峰,平源,2012

