1.Theme【Elementary-Difficult Customer】
pharse/vacabulary | explain |
still working on | not yet completed,need more time |
would recommed | suggest |
complimentary | free |
go with | to choose,pick |
grab | get quickly |
fancy | nice,expensive,upscale |
casual | relaxed,not dressy |
2.Theme【Elementary-Calling In Sick】
pharse/vacabulary | explain |
was hoping | to kindly expect |
calling in sick | report that you will not go to work because you are sick |
coming back | getting,acquiring |
quite ill | very sick |
how may I help you | Polite offer to help |
make it into work | go to work |
sick day | day off because you’re sick |
symptom | a sign,indication |
3.Theme【Daily Life-Hotle Upgrade】
pharse/vacabulary | explain |
check in | register at a hotel or airport |
under the name | name used for the reservation |
reservation | booking |
confirmation | an approval,verification |
mix-up | confusion |
complimentary upgrade | free improvement of quality |
overbooked | full |
checkout | pay and leave a hotel |
concierge | hotel employee that helps guests |
deluxe room | hotel room,better than standard |
receipt | paper showing payment details |
4.Theme【The Office-I need an assistant】
pharse/vacabulary | explain |
understaffed | not enough people to do the job |
the timing is jut not right | it is not a good time now |
weight off my shoulders | remove pressure or stress |
give me a hand | help |
recruit | hire |
overworked | working too much |
short staffed | not enough people to do the job |
overstaffed | having too many employees |
5.Theme【Daily Life-Cut In Line】
pharse/vacabulary | explain |
unbelievable | incredible,amazing |
be a mile long | is very long |
traffic jam | many cars not moving on the road |
a few hours from now | soon,in a couple of hourse |
from a queue | to get in line |
jump the queue | cut in line |
stand in line | wait in line |
line up | from a line |
6.Theme【The Weekend-Road Trip】
pharse/vacabulary | explain |
packed | full,everything is inside |
munchines | snackes,food |
fill up the tank | put gas in the car |
got all the bases covered | have everything ready |
get going | start,leave,depart |
road trip | long car trip |
trunk | the luggage area of a car |
rental car | a car you rent,a car you pay to borrow |
highway toll | fee paid for using the highway |
7.Theme【The Office-Virus】
pharse/vacabulary | explain |
freeze | to stop working properly |
take a look | see,revise |
act up | not working propelry |
be right up | go upstairs soon |
browse | look,search |
up to date | having all the most recent information |
monitor | computer screen |
corrupt file | damaged or broken computer file that can’t be opened |
surf the net | look for information on the internet |
web browser | computer program that allows you to go on the internet |
8.Theme【Daily Life-What’s your name again?】
pharse/vacabulary | explain |
around here | close to here |
around the corner | on the next street |
in bit of a hurry | moving quickly,having no time |
contact details | information required to contact someone, i.e. telephone number,email address |
slip my mind | been forgoteen |
terrible with | bad at |
acquaintance | someone you know,but who is not close friend |
in a rush | move quickly,not have much time |
9.Theme【The Weekend-Silence please!】
pharse/vacabulary | explain |
inconsiderate | not thinking of the feelings of other people;not thoughtful |
not such a big deal | not a big problem |
keep it dowm | be quit |
to disturb | to interrupt,bother,or upset |
to interrupt | to speak or make noise when someone esle is speaking |
to whisper | to speak very softly |
10.Theme【The Office-Driving Sales】
pharse/vacabulary | explain |
drive sales | increase sales |
promotion | something done to make people aware of a product |
concrete solutions | a real or specific solution to a problem |
will never fly | will not work,will not approved |
be here any mintue | will arrive very soon |
brilliant | excellent |
win sales | make sales sucessfully |
sales cycle | the process a customer goes though when deciding to buy a product |
to outsell | to sell more than others |
customer loyalty | when a customer buys the same brand over and over |
11.Theme【Daily Life-New Guy in Town】
pharse/vacabulary | explain |
fill me in | tell me about it |
weird/bizarre | strange,unusual |
kick out | make or force someone leave when they don’t want to |
creep me out | make me feel uncomfortable and a bit scared |
you’ll never guess | phrase used to introduce a piece of news |
scare the heck out of me | cause someone to feel a lot of fear |
creepy | strange or scary, causeing people to feel nervous and afraid |
vampire | a dead person who drinks the blood of living people |
have you heard | phrase used to introduce a piece of gossip |
guess what | phrase used to introduce an interesting or surprising piece of information |
12.Theme【Daily Life-Cleaning the House】
pharse/vacabulary | explain |
such a mess | very dirty,disordered |
tidy up | put things in place,organize |
spotless | perfectly clean |
in the middle of something | busy doing something at the moment |
chores | common house tasks |
groceries | food that you buy at a store |
immaculate | perfectly clean,having no dirty at all |
do the laundry | wash the dirty clothes |
dish detergent | soap used to wash the plates,knives,forks,bowls,etc. |
tranch(AmE)/rubbish(BrE) | garbage |
13.Theme【The office-Out Of Control Spending】
pharse/vacabulary | explain |
through the roof | suddenly very high |
off the charts | very high |
expenditures | amount of money spent on something |
look into | investigate,try to get information about something |
revenue | amount of money paid to a business |
the botton line | the net profit;the amount of money a business makes after expenses |
14.Theme【Elementary-I’m in Debt】
pharse/vacabulary | explain |
recession | a period of time when the ecomomy of a country is bad |
hit me pretty hard | had a strong ,negative affect on me |
broke | not have any money |
pay back | return the money you borrowed |
take out a lone | borrow money |
15.Theme【Daily Life-I’m sorry,I Love you】
pharse/vacabulary | explain |
explode | suddenly break apart |
familiar | probably know,but not clearly remembered |
coincidence | situation when two or more things happen at the same time in an unplanned way |
knock over | make something fall over |
love at first sight | falling in love the first time you see someone |
16.Theme【Elementary-Turn left here!】
pharse/vacabulary | explain |
step on it | drive a lot faster |
nuts | crazy |
have a fit | get very angry |
cut though | quickly go past or though something that blocks you |
road rage | be very angury at other drivers while driving |
back street | small street that is away from the main streets |
u-turn | a 180 degree turn in the car |
to park | to stop the care and turn off the engine |
17.Theme【Elementary-Here Comes the Bride】
pharse/vacabulary | explain |
it’s about time | finally |
bridesmaid | female friends or relatives who helps the bride at a wedding |
aisle | a passage between sections of seats |
groom | a man who is about to be married |
goomsman | male friend or relative who helps the groom on the wedding day |
maid of honor | female fiend or relative who acts as a witness at the wedding |
best man | male friend or relative who acts as a witness at the wedding |
ushers | man who help guest find their seats |
pharse/vacabulary | explain |
protest | an event where people gather together to show disapproval of something |
break out | start suddently |
bailout | the act of saving a company from moeny problems |
injustice | an unfair situation |
outrage | something thate morally wrong |
mismanage | manage badly |
have the nerve | dare to |
placard | sign people hold at protests,usually a piece of cardboard on a stick |
rally | public meeting in support or opposition of something |
demonstration | event where people gather together to show that they support or oppose something |
demonstrators | people who go to a demonstration or protest |
opponent | a person who opposes something or someone |
proponent | person who supports someone or something |
19.Theme【The Weekend-Christmas Chronicles I】
pharse/vacabulary | explain |
get a load of | look ata(informal) |
license | official document that shows you have permission to drive a car |
eggnog | traditional Christmas drink containing eggs,cream,sugar and rum |
vehicle | machine use to carry people, i.e. a car or truck |
step out | briefly go out of a place |
take that tone | speak in that tone of voice |
invoice | official document that shows you have paid for something you bought |
arrest | that act of legally taking someone to jail |
pout | push out your lips to show that you are unhappy |
sleigh | large,open vehicle that is pulled by horses over snow or ice |
handcuffs | a set of two metal rings that are used to join a persons hands together,esp. by police |
prison | a building where criminals are kept as punishment |
read someone’s rights | tell someone their legal rights, usually when they are arrested |
DUI | driving under the infulence of alcohol or drugs |
speeding ticket | a piece of paper the police give if you are diving too fast |
20.Theme【Elementary - I Can See Clearly Now】
pharse/vacabulary | explain |
seem to be | appears or is |
struggle | try very hard |
20/20 vision | perfect eyesight |
far sighted | see fay-away things more clearyly than things nearby |
as blind as a bat | have really poor vesion |
vision | ability to see thins |
blurry | not clear |
prescription | a message written by a doctor that tells people what medicine to take |
short sighted | unable to see things far awar(AmE) |
nearsighted | unable to see things far awar(BrE) |
optometrist | eye doctor |
prescribe | officially tell someone to use a medicine or treatment |
lenses | clear,curved piece of glass that helps people see better |
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