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EnglishPod_englishpod 目录

englishpod 目录

1.Theme【Elementary-Difficult Customer】

still working onnot yet completed,need more time
would recommedsuggest
go withto choose,pick
grabget quickly
casualrelaxed,not dressy

2.Theme【Elementary-Calling In Sick】

was hopingto kindly expect
calling in sickreport that you will not go to work because you are sick
coming backgetting,acquiring
quite illvery sick
how may I help youPolite offer to help
make it into workgo to work
sick dayday off because you’re sick
symptoma sign,indication

3.Theme【Daily Life-Hotle Upgrade】

check inregister at a hotel or airport
under the namename used for the reservation
confirmationan approval,verification
complimentary upgradefree improvement of quality
checkoutpay and leave a hotel
conciergehotel employee that helps guests
deluxe roomhotel room,better than standard
receiptpaper showing payment details

4.Theme【The Office-I need an assistant】

understaffednot enough people to do the job
the timing is jut not rightit is not a good time now
weight off my shouldersremove pressure or stress
give me a handhelp
overworkedworking too much
short staffednot enough people to do the job
overstaffedhaving too many employees

5.Theme【Daily Life-Cut In Line】

be a mile longis very long
traffic jammany cars not moving on the road
a few hours from nowsoon,in a couple of hourse
from a queueto get in line
jump the queuecut in line
stand in linewait in line
line upfrom a line

6.Theme【The Weekend-Road Trip】

packedfull,everything is inside
fill up the tankput gas in the car
got all the bases coveredhave everything ready
get goingstart,leave,depart
road triplong car trip
trunkthe luggage area of a car
rental cara car you rent,a car you pay to borrow
highway tollfee paid for using the highway

7.Theme【The Office-Virus】

freezeto stop working properly
take a looksee,revise
act upnot working propelry
be right upgo upstairs soon
up to datehaving all the most recent information
monitorcomputer screen
corrupt filedamaged or broken computer file that can’t be opened
surf the netlook for information on the internet
web browsercomputer program that allows you to go on the internet

8.Theme【Daily Life-What’s your name again?】

around hereclose to here
around the corneron the next street
in bit of a hurrymoving quickly,having no time
contact detailsinformation required to contact someone, i.e. telephone number,email address
slip my mindbeen forgoteen
terrible withbad at
acquaintancesomeone you know,but who is not close friend
in a rushmove quickly,not have much time

9.Theme【The Weekend-Silence please!】

inconsideratenot thinking of the feelings of other people;not thoughtful
not such a big dealnot a big problem
keep it dowmbe quit
to disturbto interrupt,bother,or upset
to interruptto speak or make noise when someone esle is speaking
to whisperto speak very softly

10.Theme【The Office-Driving Sales】

drive salesincrease sales
promotionsomething done to make people aware of a product
concrete solutionsa real or specific solution to a problem
will never flywill not work,will not approved
be here any mintuewill arrive very soon
win salesmake sales sucessfully
sales cyclethe process a customer goes though when deciding to buy a product
to outsellto sell more than others
customer loyaltywhen a customer buys the same brand over and over

11.Theme【Daily Life-New Guy in Town】

fill me intell me about it
kick outmake or force someone leave when they don’t want to
creep me outmake me feel uncomfortable and a bit scared
you’ll never guessphrase used to introduce a piece of news
scare the heck out of mecause someone to feel a lot of fear
creepystrange or scary, causeing people to feel nervous and afraid
vampirea dead person who drinks the blood of living people
have you heardphrase used to introduce a piece of gossip
guess whatphrase used to introduce an interesting or surprising piece of information

12.Theme【Daily Life-Cleaning the House】

such a messvery dirty,disordered
tidy upput things in place,organize
spotlessperfectly clean
in the middle of somethingbusy doing something at the moment
chorescommon house tasks
groceriesfood that you buy at a store
immaculateperfectly clean,having no dirty at all
do the laundrywash the dirty clothes
dish detergentsoap used to wash the plates,knives,forks,bowls,etc.

13.Theme【The office-Out Of Control Spending】

through the roofsuddenly very high
off the chartsvery high
expendituresamount of money spent on something
look intoinvestigate,try to get information about something
revenueamount of money paid to a business
the botton linethe net profit;the amount of money a business makes after expenses

14.Theme【Elementary-I’m in Debt】

recessiona period of time when the ecomomy of a country is bad
hit me pretty hardhad a strong ,negative affect on me
brokenot have any money
pay backreturn the money you borrowed
take out a loneborrow money

15.Theme【Daily Life-I’m sorry,I Love you】

explodesuddenly break apart
familiarprobably know,but not clearly remembered
coincidencesituation when two or more things happen at the same time in an unplanned way
knock overmake something fall over
love at first sightfalling in love the first time you see someone

16.Theme【Elementary-Turn left here!】

step on itdrive a lot faster
have a fitget very angry
cut thoughquickly go past or though something that blocks you
road ragebe very angury at other drivers while driving
back streetsmall street that is away from the main streets
u-turna 180 degree turn in the car
to parkto stop the care and turn off the engine

17.Theme【Elementary-Here Comes the Bride】

it’s about timefinally
bridesmaidfemale friends or relatives who helps the bride at a wedding
aislea passage between sections of seats
grooma man who is about to be married
goomsmanmale friend or relative who helps the groom on the wedding day
maid of honorfemale fiend or relative who acts as a witness at the wedding
best manmale friend or relative who acts as a witness at the wedding
ushersman who help guest find their seats


protestan event where people gather together to show disapproval of something
break outstart suddently
bailoutthe act of saving a company from moeny problems
injusticean unfair situation
outragesomething thate morally wrong
mismanagemanage badly
have the nervedare to
placardsign people hold at protests,usually a piece of cardboard on a stick
rallypublic meeting in support or opposition of something
demonstrationevent where people gather together to show that they support or oppose something
demonstratorspeople who go to a demonstration or protest
opponenta person who opposes something or someone
proponentperson who supports someone or something

19.Theme【The Weekend-Christmas Chronicles I】

get a load oflook ata(informal)
licenseofficial document that shows you have permission to drive a car
eggnogtraditional Christmas drink containing eggs,cream,sugar and rum
vehiclemachine use to carry people, i.e. a car or truck
step outbriefly go out of a place
take that tonespeak in that tone of voice
invoiceofficial document that shows you have paid for something you bought
arrestthat act of legally taking someone to jail
poutpush out your lips to show that you are unhappy
sleighlarge,open vehicle that is pulled by horses over snow or ice
handcuffsa set of two metal rings that are used to join a persons hands together,esp. by police
prisona building where criminals are kept as punishment
read someone’s rightstell someone their legal rights, usually when they are arrested
DUIdriving under the infulence of alcohol or drugs
speeding ticketa piece of paper the police give if you are diving too fast

20.Theme【Elementary - I Can See Clearly Now】

seem to beappears or is
struggletry very hard
20/20 visionperfect eyesight
far sightedsee fay-away things more clearyly than things nearby
as blind as a bathave really poor vesion
visionability to see thins
blurrynot clear
prescriptiona message written by a doctor that tells people what medicine to take
short sightedunable to see things far awar(AmE)
nearsightedunable to see things far awar(BrE)
optometristeye doctor
prescribeofficially tell someone to use a medicine or treatment
lensesclear,curved piece of glass that helps people see better
