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NLP之Prompt:《Pre-train, Prompt, and Predict: A Systematic Survey of Prompting Methods in Natural Lang_attributeerror: module 'tensorflow' has no attribu

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NLP之Prompt:《Pre-train, Prompt, and Predict: A Systematic Survey of Prompting Methods in Natural Language Processing预训练、提示和预测:自然语言处理中提示方法的系统综述》翻译与解读


《Pre-train, Prompt, and Predict: A Systematic Survey of Prompting Methods in Natural Language Processing》翻译与解读


1 Two Sea Changes in NLP自然语言处理的两次巨变





Fig.1: A typology of important concepts for prompt-based learning提示式学习的重要概念类型

Table 1: NLP中的四种范式

2 A Formal Description of Prompting提示的正式描述

2.1 Supervised Learning in NLP监督学习

2.2 Prompting Basics提示基础


Table 2: Terminology and notation of prompting methods. z∗ represents answers that correspond to true output y∗.提示方法的术语和符号。Z *表示对应于真实输出y *的答案。

2.2.1 Prompt Addition提示添加

2.2.2 Answer Search搜索答案

2.2.3 Answer Mapping答案映射

Table 3: Examples of input, template, and answer for different tasks. In the Type column, “CLS” is an abbreviation for “classification”. In the Task column, “NLI” and “NER” are abbreviations for “natural language inference” (Bow-man et al., 2015) and “named entity recognition” (Tjong Kim Sang and De Meulder, 2003) respectively.表3:不同任务的输入、模板和答案示例。在“类型”一栏中,“CLS”是“分类”的缩写。在任务栏中,“NLI”和“NER”分别是“自然语言推理”(Bow-man et al., 2015)和“命名实体识别”(Tjong Kim Sang and De Meulder, 2003)的缩写。

2.3 Design Considerations for Prompting提示的设计注意事项

Figure 1: Typology of prompting methods.提示方法的类型。

3 Pre-trained Language Models预训练语言模型

3.1 Training Objectives目标

4 Prompt Engineering提示工程

4.1 Prompt Shape提示形状


4.2 Manual Template Engineering手动模板工程

4.3 Automated Template Learning模板自动学习


4.3.1 Discrete Prompts离散提示/硬提示:

D1: 提示挖掘:频繁出现的中间词或依赖路径

D2: 提示重述

D3: 基于梯度的搜索

D4: 提示生成

D5: 提示评分

4.3.2 Continuous Prompts连续提示/软提示:直接在模型的嵌入空间中进行提示

C1: Prefix Tunin前缀调优:在输入之前添加一系列连续的任务特定向量的方法+保持LM参数冻结

C2: Tuning Initialized with Discrete Prompts使用离散提示初始化调优

C3: Hard-Soft Prompt Hybrid Tuning硬-软提示混合调优:如P-tuning

6、Multi-Prompt Learning多提示学习

6.1 Prompt Ensembling提示合成器

12 Conclusion

《Pre-train, Prompt, and Predict: A Systematic Survey of Prompting Methods in Natural Language Processing》翻译与解读






Pengfei Liu, Weizhe Yuan, Jinlan Fu, Zhengbao Jiang, Hiroaki Hayashi, Graham Neubig






>> 提示式学习模式基于预训练好的语言模型,将原始输入x转换为包含槽位的提示性文本x',语言模型根据提示填充槽位信息得到最终文本,从中获得输出y。

>> 将原始输入通过模板修改成指导性文本提示,将预训练语言模型应用于概率填空得到预测结果。通过定义新的提示函数,语言模型可以基于很少或没有标注数据进行少量样本学习或零样本学习,适应新场景。


>> 允许语言模型在大量原始文字上进行预训练,通过定义新提示函数实现少量示例学习或零示例学习,适应新的场景需要少量或无标注数据。

>> 提供了统一的数学表示法来概括广泛工作,并根据预训练模型、提示选择和调优策略等多个维度对现有工作进行分类梳理。

>> 可以利用预训练模型学习到的丰富语言知识

>> 通过定义提示不需要额外标注数据就可以进行下游任务迁移,实现少样本或零样本学习。

>> 提示学习框架更加通用,可以统一许多现有工作。


>> 可以有效利用预训练模型带来的知识优势

>> 可以基于少量或无数据进行任务迁移,实现更广泛的应用。

>> 通过定义不同提示函数可以实现不同下游任务,提高模型可复用性。


This paper surveys and organizes research works in a new paradigm in natural language processing, which we dub "prompt-based learning". Unlike traditional supervised learning, which trains a model to take in an input x and predict an output y as P(y|x), prompt-based learning is based on language models that model the probability of text directly. To use these models to perform prediction tasks, the original input x is modified using a template into a textual string prompt x' that has some unfilled slots, and then the language model is used to probabilistically fill the unfilled information to obtain a final string x, from which the final output y can be derived. This framework is powerful and attractive for a number of reasons: it allows the language model to be pre-trained on massive amounts of raw text, and by defining a new prompting function the model is able to perform few-shot or even zero-shot learning, adapting to new scenarios with few or no labeled data. In this paper we introduce the basics of this promising paradigm, describe a unified set of mathematical notations that can cover a wide variety of existing work, and organize existing work along several dimensions, e.g.the choice of pre-trained models, prompts, and tuning strategies. To make the field more accessible to interested beginners, we not only make a systematic review of existing works and a highly structured typology of prompt-based concepts, but also release other resources, e.g., a website this http URL including constantly-updated survey, and paperlist.



为了让有兴趣的初学者更容易进入这个领域,我们不仅对现有的作品进行了系统的回顾,并对基于提示的概念进行了高度结构化的分类,而且还发布了其他资源,例如,一个网站这个http URL包含不断更新的调查和论文列表。

1 Two Sea Changes in NLP自然语言处理的两次巨变


Fully supervised learning, where a task-specific model is trained solely on a dataset of input-output examples for the target task, has long played a central role in many machine learning tasks (Kotsiantis et al., 2007), and natural language processing (NLP) was no exception. Because such fully supervised datasets are ever-insufficient for learning high-quality models, early NLP models relied heavily on feature engineering (Tab. 1 a.; e.g. Lafferty et al.(2001); Guyon et al. (2002); Och et al. (2004); Zhang and Nivre (2011)), where NLP researchers or engineers used their domain knowledge to define and extract salient features from raw data and provide models with the appropriate inductive bias to learn from this limited data. With the advent of neural network models for NLP, salient features were learned jointly with the training of the model itself (Collobert et al., 2011; Bengio et al., 2013), and hence focus shifted to architecture engineering, where inductive bias was rather provided through the design of a suitable network architecture conducive to learning such features (Tab. 1 b.; e.g. Hochreiter and Schmidhuber (1997); Kalchbrenner et al. (2014); Chung et al. (2014); Kim (2014); Bahdanau et al. (2014); Vaswani et al. (2017)).1



However, from 2017-2019 there was a sea change in the learning of NLP models, and this fully supervised paradigm is now playing an ever-shrinking role. Specifically, the standard shifted to the pre-train and fine-tune paradigm (Tab. 1 c.; e.g. Radford and Narasimhan (2018); Peters et al. (2018); Dong et al. (2019); Yang et al. (2019); Lewis et al. (2020a)). In this paradigm, a model with a fixed2 architecture is pre-trained as a language model (LM), predicting the probability of observed textual data. Because the raw textual data necessary to train LMs is available in abundance, these LMs can be trained on large datasets, in the process learning robust general-purpose features of the language it is modeling. The above pre-trained LM will be then adapted to different downstream tasks by introducing additional parameters and fine-tuning them using task-specific objective functions. Within this paradigm, the focus turned mainly to objective engineering, designing the training objectives used at both the pre-training and fine-tuning stages. For example, Zhang et al. (2020a) show that introducing a loss function of predicting salient sentences from a document will lead to a better pre-trained model for text summarization. Notably, the main body of the pre-trained LM is generally (but not always; Peters et al. (2019)) fine-tuned as well to make it more suitable for solving the downstream task.





Now, as of this writing in 2021, we are in the middle of a second sea change, in which the “pre-train, fine-tune” procedure is replaced by one in which we dub “pre-train, prompt, and predict”. In this paradigm, instead of adapting pre-trained LMs to downstream tasks via objective engineering, downstream tasks are reformulated to look more like those solved during the original LM training with the help of a textual prompt. For example, when recognizing the emotion of a social media post, “I missed the bus today.”, we may continue with a prompt “I felt so ”, and ask the LM to fill the blank with an emotion-bearing word. Or if we choose the prompt “English: I missed the bus today. French: ”), an LM may be able to fill in the blank with a French translation. In this way, by selecting the appropriate prompts we can manipulate the model behavior so that the pre-trained LM itself can be used to predict the desired output, sometimes even without any additional task-specific training (Tab. 1 d.; e.g. Radford et al. (2019); Petroni et al. (2019); Brown et al. (2020); Raffel et al. (2020); Schick and Sch¨utze (2021b); Gao et al. (2021)). The advantage of this method is that, given a suite of appropriate prompts, a single LM trained in an entirely unsupervised fashion can be used to solve a great number of tasks (Brown et al., 2020; Sun et al., 2021). However, as with most conceptually enticing prospects, there is a catch – this method introduces the necessity for prompt engineering, finding the most appropriate prompt to allow a LM to solve the task at hand.


例如,在识别社交媒体帖子的情感时,“我今天错过了公交车。”,我们可以继续使用提示“I felt so”,并要求LM用一个带有情感的词填空。或者,如果我们选择提示“English: I missed the bus today. French:”),LM可能能够用法语翻译填空。通过选择适当的提示,我们可以操纵模型行为,以便预训练的LM本身可以用于预测所需的输出,有时甚至无需任何额外的任务特定训练(表1d;例如Radford等人(2019);Petroni等人(2019);Brown等人(2020);Raffel等人(2020);Schick和Sch¨utze(2021b);Gao等人(2021))。

这种方法的优势在于,给定一套适当的提示,以完全无监督的方式训练的单个LM可用于解决大量任务(Brown等人,2020;Sun等人,2021)。然而,与大多数概念上引人入胜的前景一样,这种方法也有一个问题 - 这种方法引入了对提示工程的必要性,需要找到最合适的提示以使LM解决手头的任务。


This survey attempts to organize the current state of knowledge in this rapidly developing field by providing an overview and formal definition of prompting methods (§2), and an overview of the pre-trained language models that use these prompts (§3). This is followed by in-depth discussion of prompting methods, from basics such as prompt engineering (§4) and answer engineering (§5) to more advanced concepts such as multi-prompt learning methods (§6) and prompt-aware training methods (§7). We then organize the various applications to which prompt-based learning methods have been applied, and discuss how they interact with the choice of prompting method (§8). Finally, we attempt to situate the current state of prompting methods in the research ecosystem, making connections to other research fields (§9), suggesting some current challenging problems that may be ripe for further research (§10), and performing a meta-analysis of current research trends (§11).


Finally, in order to help beginners who are interested in this field learn more effectively, we highlight some systematic resources about prompt learning (as well as pre-training) provided both within this survey and on companion websites:


A website of prompt-based learning that contains: frequent updates to this survey, related slides, etc. 


Fig.1: A typology of important concepts for prompt-based learning提示式学习的重要概念类型

Table 1: NLP中的四种范式

Table 1: Four paradigms in NLP. The “engineering” column represents the type of engineering to be done to build strong systems. The “task relation” column, shows the relationship between language models (LM) and other NLP tasks (CLS: classification, TAG: sequence tagging, GEN: text generation).fully unsupervised training. fully supervised training.Supervised training combined with unsupervised training. indicates a textual prompt. Dashed lines suggest that different tasks can be connected by sharing parameters of pre-trained models. “LM!Task”represents adapting LMs (objectives) to downstream tasks while “Task!LM” denotes adapting downstream tasks (formulations) to LMs.

表格1:自然语言处理中的四种范式。 “工程”列代表构建强大系统所需进行的工程类型。 “任务关系”列显示语言模型(LM)与其他自然语言处理任务



GEN:文本生成)之间的关系。完全无监督训练。完全监督训练。监督训练结合无监督训练。表示文本提示。虚线表示可以通过共享预训练模型的参数连接不同任务。 “LM!Task”表示将LM(目标)调整到下游任务,而“Task!LM”表示将下游任务(表述)调整到LM

• Tab.7: A systematic and comprehensive comparison among different prompting methods.

• Tab.10: An organization of commonly-used prompts.

• Tab.12: A timeline of prompt-based research works.

• Tab.13: A systematic and comprehensive comparison among different pre-trained LMs.

• 表7:对不同提示方法进行系统和全面的比较。

• 表10:常用提示的组织形式。

• 表12:基于提示的研究工作的时间表。

• 表13:对不同预训练LM进行系统和全面的比较。

2 A Formal Description of Prompting提示的正式描述

2.1 Supervised Learning in NLP监督学习

In a traditional supervised learning system for NLP, we take an input x, usually text, and predict an output y based on a model P(yjx; _x0012_). y could be a label, text, or other variety of output. In order to learn the parameters _x0012_ of this model, we use a dataset containing pairs of inputs and outputs, and train a model to predict this conditional probability. We will illustrate this with two stereotypical examples.

First, text classification takes an input text x and predicts a label y from a fixed label set Y. To give an example, sentiment analysis (Pang et al., 2002; Socher et al., 2013) may take an input x =“I love this movie.” and predict a

label y = ++, out of a label set Y = f++; +; ~; -; --g.

Second, conditional text generation takes an input x and generates another text y. One example is machine translation (Koehn, 2009), where the input is text in one language such as the Finnish x = “Hyv¨a¨a huomenta.” and the output is the English y = “Good morning”..

在传统的自然语言处理监督学习系统中,我们以输入x(通常是文本)为基础,根据模型P(y|x; _x0012_)预测输出y。这里y可以是标签、文本或其他各种输出形式。为了学习这个模型的参数_x0012_,我们使用包含输入和输出配对的数据集,并训练一个模型来预测这个条件概率。我们将通过两个典型的例子来说明这一点。


其次,条件文本生成接受一个输入x并生成另一个文本y。一个例子是机器翻译(Koehn,2009),其中输入是一种语言的文本,如芬兰文x=“Hyv¨a¨a huomenta。”,输出是英文y=“Good morning”。

2.2 Prompting Basics提示基础


The main issue with supervised learning is that in order to train a model P (y|x; θ), it is necessary to have supervised data for the task, which for many tasks cannot be found in large amounts. Prompt-based learning methods for NLP attempt to circumvent this issue by instead learning an LM that models the probability P (x; θ) of text x itself (details in §3) and using this probability to predict y, reducing or obviating the need for large supervised datasets. In this section we lay out a mathematical description of the most fundamental form of prompting, which encompasses many works on prompting and can be expanded to cover others as well. Specifically, basic prompting predicts the highest-scoring yˆ in three steps.

监督学习的主要问题在于,为了训练模型P(y|x; θ),必须针对任务拥有大量的监督数据,而对于许多任务来说,这样的数据是难以找到的。用于自然语言处理的基于提示的学习方法试图通过学习一个LM,该LM对文本x本身的概率P(x; θ)建模(详见第3节),并使用这个概率来预测y,从而减少或消除对大量监督数据的需求。在本节中,我们提供了提示的最基本形式的数学描述,该形式包含了许多提示的工作,并且可以扩展到涵盖其他形式。具体而言,基本提示通过三个步骤预测得分最高的yˆ。

Table 2: Terminology and notation of prompting methods. z∗ represents answers that correspond to true output y∗.提示方法的术语和符号。Z *表示对应于真实输出y *的答案。

2.2.1 Prompt Addition提示添加

In this step a prompting function fprompt(·) is applied to modify the input text x into a prompt x = fprompt(x). In the majority of previous work (Kumar et al., 2016; McCann et al., 2018; Radford et al., 2019; Schick and Sch¨utze, 2021a), this function consists of a two step process:

>> Apply a template, which is a textual string that has two slots: an input slot [X] for input x and an answer slot [Z] for an intermediate generated answer text z that will later be mapped into y.

>> Fill slot [X] with the input text x.

In the case of sentiment analysis where x =“I love this movie.”, the template may take a form such as “[X] Overall, it was a [Z] movie.”. Then, x would become “I love this movie. Overall it was a [Z] movie.” given the previous example. In the case of machine translation, the template may take a form such as “Finnish: [X] English:[Z]”, where the text of the input and answer are connected together with headers indicating the language. We show more examples in Tab. 3

在此步骤中,使用提示函数fprompt(·)将输入文本x修改为提示符x <s:1> = fprompt(x)。在之前的大部分工作中(Kumar et al., 2016;McCann et al., 2018;Radford等人,2019;Schick and Sch¨utze, 2021a),该函数由两个步骤组成:



在情感分析中,x =“我喜欢这部电影。,模板可能会采取这样的形式:“总的来说,这是一部[Z]电影。”然后,x <s:1>会变成“我喜欢这部电影。总的来说,这是一部[Z]电影。的问题。在机器翻译的情况下,模板可以采用“芬兰语:[X]英语:[Z]”这样的形式,其中输入和回答的文本与指示语言的标题连接在一起。我们在表3中展示了更多示例

Notably, (1) the prompts above will have an empty slot to fill in for z, either in the middle of the prompt or at the end. In the following text, we will refer to the first variety of prompt with a slot to fill in the middle of the text as a cloze prompt, and the second variety of prompt where the input text comes entirely before z as a prefix prompt. (2) In many cases these template words are not necessarily composed of natural language tokens; they could be virtual words (e.g. represented by numeric ids) which would be embedded in a continuous space later, and some prompting methods even generate continuous vectors directly (more in §4.3.2). (3) The number of [X] slots and the number of [Z] slots can be flexibly changed for the need of tasks at hand.




(3) [X]槽数和[Z]槽数可根据手头任务的需要灵活调整

2.2.2 Answer Search搜索答案

Next, we search for the highest-scoring text zˆ that maximizes the score of the LM. We first define Z as a set of permissible values for z. Z could range from the entirety of the language in the case of generative tasks, or could be a small subset of the words in the language in the case of classification, such as defining Z = {“excellent”, “good”, f“OK”(,x,“bad”z) , “horrible”} to represent each of the xclasses in Y = {++, +, ~, -, --}.

We then define a function fill that fills in the location [Z] in prompt with the potential answer z. We will call any prompt that has gone through this process as a filled prompt. Particularly, if the prompt is filled with a true answer, we will refer to it as an answered prompt (Tab. 2 shows an example). Finally, we search over the set of potential answers z by calculating the probability of their corresponding filled prompts using a pre-trained LM P (·; θ)

接下来,我们搜索得分最高的文本z *,使LM的得分最大化。我们首先将Z定义为Z的允许值的集合。在生成任务的情况下,Z可以是整个语言,或者在分类的情况下,Z可以是语言中单词的一个小子集,例如定义Z = {" excellent ", " good ", f " OK " (,x <s:1>, " bad " Z), " terrible "}来表示每个xclasses Y ={++, +, ~, -, -}。

然后,我们定义一个函数fill,用可能的答案Z填充prompt中的位置[Z]。我们将调用任何经过此过程的prompt作为已填充的prompt。特别是,如果提示符中填满了真实答案,我们将把它称为已回答的提示符(表2显示了一个示例)。最后,我们通过使用预训练的LM P(·;θ)

This search function could be an argmax search that searches for the highest-scoring output, or sampling that randomly generates outputs following the probability distribution of the LM.


2.2.3 Answer Mapping答案映射

Finally, we would like to go from the highest-scoring answer zˆ to the highest-scoring output yˆ. This is trivial in some cases, where the answer itself is the output (as in language generation tasks such as translation), but there are also other cases where multiple answers could result in the same output. For example, one may use multiple different sentiment-bearing words (e.g. “excellent”, “fabulous”, “wonderful”) to represent a single class (e.g. “++”), in which case it is necessary to have a mapping between the searched answer and the output value.


Table 3: Examples of input, template, and answer for different tasks. In the Type column, “CLS” is an abbreviation for “classification”. In the Task column, “NLI” and “NER” are abbreviations for “natural language inference” (Bow-man et al., 2015) and “named entity recognition” (Tjong Kim Sang and De Meulder, 2003) respectively.表3:不同任务的输入、模板和答案示例。在“类型”一栏中,“CLS”是“分类”的缩写。在任务栏中,“NLI”和“NER”分别是“自然语言推理”(Bow-man et al., 2015)和“命名实体识别”(Tjong Kim Sang and De Meulder, 2003)的缩写。

2.3 Design Considerations for Prompting提示的设计注意事项

Now that we have our basic mathematical formulation, we elaborate a few of the basic design considerations that go into a prompting method, which we will elaborate in the following sections:

>> Pre-trained Model Choice: There are a wide variety of pre-trained LMs that could be used to calculate P (x; θ). In §3 we give a primer on pre-trained LMs, specifically from the dimensions that are important for interpreting their utility in prompting methods.

>> Prompt Engineering: Given that the prompt specifies the task, choosing a proper prompt has a large effect not only on the accuracy, but also on which task the model performs in the first place. In §4 we discuss methods to choose which prompt we should use as fprompt(x).

>> Answer Engineering: Depending on the task, we may want to design Z differently, possibly along with the mapping function. In §5 we discuss different ways to do so.

>> Expanding the Paradigm: As stated above, the above equations represent only the simplest of the various underlying frameworks that have been proposed to do this variety of prompting. In §6 we discuss ways to expand this underlying paradigm to further improve results or applicability.

>> Prompt-based Training Strategies: There are also methods to train parameters, either of the prompt, the LM, or both. In §7, we summarize different strategies and detail their relative advantages.


>>预训练模型选择:有各种各样的预训练LM可用于计算P(x; θ)。在第3节中,我们提供了有关预训练LM的入门知识,特别是从解释其在提示方法中的效用的重要维度。





Figure 1: Typology of prompting methods.提示方法的类型。

3 Pre-trained Language Models预训练语言模型

Given the large impact that pre-trained LMs have had on NLP in the pre-train and fine-tune paradigm, there are already a number of high-quality surveys that interested readers where interested readers can learn more (Raffel et al., 2020; Qiu et al., 2020; Xu et al., 2021; Doddapaneni et al., 2021). Nonetheless, in this chapter we present a systematic view of various pre-trained LMs which (i) organizes them along various axes in a more systematic way, (ii) particularly focuses on aspects salient to prompting methods. Below, we will detail them through the lens of main training objective, type of text noising, auxiliary training objective, attention mask, typical architecture, and preferred application scenarios. We describe each of these objectives below, and also summarize a number of pre-trained LMs along each of these axes in Tab. 13 in the appendix.

考虑到预训练的LMs在预训练和微调范式中对NLP产生的巨大影响,已经有许多高质量的调查,感兴趣的读者可以在其中了解更多(rafael等人,2020;邱等,2020;Xu et al., 2021;Doddapaneni et al., 2021)。尽管如此,在本章中,我们对各种预训练的LMs提出了一个系统的观点,即(i)以更系统的方式沿着不同的轴组织它们,(ii)特别关注提示方法的突出方面。下面,我们将从主要训练目标、文本降噪类型、辅助训练目标、注意掩模、典型架构、首选应用场景等方面进行详细介绍。我们在下面描述了这些目标,并在附录的表13中总结了沿着这些轴的一些预训练的lm。

3.1 Training Objectives目标

4 Prompt Engineering提示工程

Prompt engineering is the process of creating a prompting function fprompt(x) that results in the most effective performance on the downstream task. In many previous works, this has involved prompt template engineering, where a human engineer or algorithm searches for the best template for each task the model is expected to perform. As shown in the “Prompt Engineering” section of Fig.1, one must first consider the prompt shape, and then decide whether to take a manual or automated approach to create prompts of the desired shape, as detailed below.


4.1 Prompt Shape提示形状


As noted above, there are two main varieties of prompts: cloze prompts (Petroni et al., 2019; Cui et al., 2021), which fill in the blanks of a textual string, and prefix prompts (Li and Liang, 2021; Lester et al., 2021), which continue a string prefix. Which one is chosen will depend both on the task and the model that is being used to solve the task. In general, for tasks regarding generation, or tasks being solved using a standard auto-regressive LM, prefix prompts tend to be more conducive, as they mesh well with the left-to-right nature of the model. For tasks that are solved using masked LMs, cloze prompts are a good fit, as they very closely match the form of the pre-training task. Full text reconstruction models are more versatile, and can be used with either cloze or prefix prompts. Finally, for some tasks regarding multiple inputs such as text pair classification, prompt templates must contain space for two inputs,[X1] and [X2], or more.


完形填空提示(Petroni等,2019; Cui等,2021),用于填充文本字符串的空白,和

前缀提示(Li和Liang,2021; Lester等,2021),用于延续字符串前缀





4.2 Manual Template Engineering手动模板工程

Perhaps the most natural way to create prompts is to manually create intuitive templates based on human introspec-tion. For example, the seminal LAMA dataset (Petroni et al., 2019) provides manually created cloze templates to probe knowledge in LMs. Brown et al. (2020) create manually crafted prefix prompts to handle a wide variety of tasks, including question answering, translation, and probing tasks for common sense reasoning. Schick and Sch¨utze (2020, 2021a,b) use pre-defined templates in a few-shot learning setting on text classification and conditional text generation tasks.



Schick和Sch¨utze(2020, 2021a,b)在文本分类和条件文本生成任务的few-shot学习环境中使用预定义的模板

4.3 Automated Template Learning模板自动学习


While the strategy of manually crafting templates is intuitive and does allow solving various tasks with some degree of accuracy, there are also several issues with this approach: (1) creating and experimenting with these prompts is an art that takes time and experience, particularly for some complicated tasks such as semantic parsing (Shin et al., 2021); (2) even experienced prompt designers may fail to manually discover optimal prompts (Jiang et al., 2020c). To address these problems, a number of methods have been proposed to automate the template design process. In particular, the automatically induced prompts can be further separated into discrete prompts, where the prompt is an actual text string, and continuous prompts, where the prompt is instead described directly in the embedding space of the underlying LM.

One other orthogonal design consideration is whether the prompting function fprompt(x) is static, using essentially the same prompt template for each input, or dynamic, generating a custom template for each input. Both static and dynamic strategies have been used for different varieties of discrete and continuous prompts, as we will mention below.



(2)即使经验丰富的提示设计师也可能无法手动发现最佳提示(Jiang et al., 2020c)。



4.3.1 Discrete Prompts离散提示/硬提示

Works on discovering discrete prompts (a.k.a hard prompts) automatically search for templates described in a discrete space, usually corresponding to natural language phrases. We detail several methods that have been proposed for this below:


D1: 提示挖掘频繁出现的中间词依赖路径

D1: Prompt Mining Jiang et al. (2020c)’s MINE approach is a mining-based method to automatically find templates given a set of training inputs x and outputs y. This method scrapes a large text corpus (e.g. Wikipedia) for strings containing x and y, and finds either the middle words or dependency paths between the inputs and outputs. Frequent middle words or dependency paths can serve as a template as in “[X] middle words [Z]”.

D1: Jiang等人(2020c)的MINE方法是一种基于挖掘的方法,可以在给定一组训练输入x和输出y的情况下自动找到模板。该方法为包含x和y的字符串抓取大型文本语料库(例如Wikipedia),并找到中间单词或输入和输出之间的依赖路径。频繁出现的中间词依赖路径可以作为模板,如“[X]中间词[Z]”。

D2: 提示重述

D2: Prompt Paraphrasing Paraphrasing-based approaches take in an existing seed prompt (e.g. manually constructed or mined), and paraphrases it into a set of other candidate prompts, then selects the one that achieves the highest training accuracy on the target task. This paraphrasing can be done in a number of ways, including using round-trip translation of the prompt into another language then back (Jiang et al., 2020c), using replacement of phrases from a thesaurus (Yuan et al., 2021b), or using a neural prompt rewriter specifically optimized to improve accuracy of systems using the prompt (Haviv et al., 2021). Notably, Haviv et al. (2021) perform paraphrasing after the input x is input into the prompt template, allowing a different paraphrase to be generated for each individual input.

D2: 基于释义的方法采用现有的种子提示(例如手动构建或挖掘),并将其释义为一组其他候选提示,然后选择在目标任务上达到最高训练精度的提示。这种释义可以通过多种方式完成,包括将提示语往返翻译成另一种语言,然后再返回(Jiang等人,2020c),使用替换词库中的短语(Yuan等人,2021b),或者使用专门优化的神经提示重写器来提高使用提示的系统的准确性(Haviv等人,2021)。值得注意的是,Haviv等人(2021)在输入x输入到提示模板后执行释义,允许为每个单独的输入生成不同的释义

D3: 基于梯度的搜索

D3: Gradient-based Search Wallace et al. (2019a) applied a gradient-based search over actual tokens to find short sequences that can trigger the underlying pre-trained LM to generate the desired target prediction. This search is done in an iterative fashion, stepping through tokens in the prompt . Built upon this method, Shin et al. (2020) automatically search for template tokens using downstream application training samples and demonstrates strong performance in prompting scenarios.

D3: Wallace等人(2019a)对实际令牌应用了基于梯度的搜索,以找到可以触发底层预训练LM以生成所需目标预测的短序列。此搜索以迭代的方式完成,逐步遍历提示中的令牌。在此方法的基础上,Shin等人(2020)使用下游应用程序训练样本自动搜索模板令牌,并在提示场景中展示了强大的性能。

D4: 提示生成

D4: Prompt Generation Other works treat the generation of prompts as a text generation task and use standard natural language generation models to perform this task. For example, Gao et al. (2021) introduce the seq2seq pre-trained model T5 into the template search process. Since T5 has been pre-trained on a task of filling in missing spans, they use T5 to generate template tokens by (1) specifying the position to insert template tokens within a template4 (2) provide training samples for T5 to decode template tokens. Ben-David et al. (2021) propose a domain adaptation algorithm that trains T5 to generate unique domain relevant features (DRFs; a set of keywords that characterize domain information) for each input. Then those DRFs can be concatenated with the input to form a template and be further used by downstream tasks.





D5: 提示评分

D5: Prompt Scoring Davison et al. (2019) investigate the task of knowledge base completion and design a template for an input (head-relation-tail triple) using LMs. They first hand-craft a set of templates as potential candidates, and fill the input and answer slots to form a filled prompt. They then use a unidirectional LM to score those filled prompts, selecting the one with the highest LM probability. This will result in custom template for each individual input.


4.3.2 Continuous Prompts连续提示/软提示:直接在模型的嵌入空间中进行提示

Because the purpose of prompt construction is to find a method that allows an LM to effectively perform a task, rather than being for human consumption, it is not necessary to limit the prompt to human-interpretable natural language. Because of this, there are also methods that examine continuous prompts (a.k.a. soft prompts) that perform prompting directly in the embedding space of the model. Specifically, continuous prompts remove two constraints:(1) relax the constraint that the embeddings of template words be the embeddings of natural language (e.g., English) words. (2) Remove the restriction that the template is parameterized by the pre-trained LM’s parameters. Instead, templates have their own parameters that can be tuned based on training data from the downstream task. We highlight several representative methods below.






C1: Prefix Tunin前缀调优:在输入之前添加一系列连续的任务特定向量的方法+保持LM参数冻结

C1: Prefix Tuning Prefix Tuning (Li and Liang, 2021) is a method that prepends a sequence of continuous task-specific vectors to the input, while keeping the LM parameters frozen. Mathematically, this consists of optimizing over the following log-likelihood objective given a trainable prefix matrix Mφ and a fixed pre-trained LM parameterized by θ.

In Eq. 2, h<i = [h(1); · · · ; h(<in)] is the concatenation of all neural network layers at time step i. It is copied from <i Mφ directly if the corresponding time step is within the prefix (hi is Mφ[i]), otherwise it is computed using the pre-trained LM.

前缀调优(Li and Liang, 2021)是一种在输入之前添加一系列连续的任务特定向量的方法,同时保持LM参数冻结


式2中,h<i = [h(1)];···;h(<in)]是所有神经网络层在时间步长i处的连接。如果对应的时间步长在前缀内(hi为Mφ[i]),则直接从<i Mφ复制,否则使用预训练的LM计算。

Experimentally, Li and Liang (2021) observe that such continuous prefix-based learning is more sensitive to different initialization in low-data settings than the use of discrete prompts with real words. Similarly, Lester et al.(2021) prepend the input sequence with special tokens to form a template and tune the embeddings of these tokens directly. Compared to Li and Liang (2021)’s method, this adds fewer parameters as it doesn’t introduce additional tunable parameters within each network layer. Tsimpoukelli et al. (2021) train a vision encoder that encodes an image into a sequence of embeddings that can be used to prompt a frozen auto-regressive LM to generate the appropriate caption. They show that the resulting model can perform few-shot learning for vision-language tasks such as visual question answering etc. Different from the above two works, the prefix used in (Tsimpoukelli et al., 2021) is sample-dependent, namely a representation of input images, instead of a task embedding.






结果表明,该模型可以在视觉问答等视觉语言任务中进行少样本学习。与上述两部作品不同的是,(Tsimpoukelli et al., 2021)中使用的前缀是样本相关的,即输入图像的表示,而不是任务嵌入。

C2: Tuning Initialized with Discrete Prompts使用离散提示初始化调优

C2: Tuning Initialized with Discrete Prompts There are also methods that initialize the search for a continuous prompt using a prompt that has already been created or discovered using discrete prompt search methods. For example, Zhong et al. (2021b) first define a template using a discrete search method such as AUTOPROMPT (Shin et al., 2020)’s, initialize virtual tokens based on this discovered prompt, then fine-tune the embeddings to increase task accuracy. This work found that initializing with manual templates can provide a better starting point for the search process. Qin and Eisner (2021) propose to learn a mixture of soft templates for each input where the weights and parameters for each template are jointly learned using training samples. The initial set of templates they use are either manually crafted ones or those obtained using the “prompt mining” method. Similarly, Hambardzumyan et al.(2021) introduce the use of a continuous template whose shape follows a manual prompt template.



Zhong等人(2021b)首先使用AUTOPROMPT (Shin等人,2020)等离散搜索方法定义模板,根据发现的提示初始化虚拟令牌,然后对嵌入进行微调以提高任务准确性。这项工作发现,使用手动模板进行初始化可以为搜索过程提供更好的起点



C3: Hard-Soft Prompt Hybrid Tuning硬-软提示混合调优:如P-tuning

C3: Hard-Soft Prompt Hybrid Tuning Instead of using a purely learnable prompt template, these methods insert some tunable embeddings into a hard prompt template. Liu et al. (2021b) propose “P-tuning”, where continuous prompts are learned by inserting trainable variables into the embedded input. To account for interaction between prompt tokens, they represent prompt embeddings as the output of a BiLSTM (Graves et al., 2013). P-tuning also introduces the use of task-related anchor tokens (such as “capital” in relation extraction) within the template for further improvement. These anchor tokens are not tuned during training. Han et al. (2021) propose prompt tuning with rules (PTR), which uses manually crafted sub-templates to compose a complete template using logic rules. To enhance the representation ability of the resulting template, they also insert several virtual tokens whose embeddings can be tuned together with the pre-trained LMs parameters using training samples. The template tokens in PTR contain both actual tokens and virtual tokens. Experiment results demonstrate the effectiveness of this prompt design method in relation classification tasks.





6、Multi-Prompt Learning多提示学习

The prompt engineering methods we discussed so far focused mainly on constructing a single prompt for an input. However, a significant body of research has demonstrated that the[useX]of multiple oglprompts can furtherMASK]improve the efficacy of prompting methods, and we willubcall thesePmethods multi-prompt learning methods. In practice, there are several ways to extend the single prompt learning to the use multiple prompts, which have a variety of motivations. We summarize representative methods in the “Multi-prompt Learning” section of Fig.1 as well as Fig.4.

到目前为止,我们讨论的提示工程方法主要集中于为输入构造单个提示。然而,大量的研究表明,使用多个提示可以进一步改善提示方法的效果,,我们将这些方法称为多提示学习方法。在实践中,有几种方法可以将单提示学习扩展到使用多个提示,这些提示有各种各样的动机。我们在图1和图4的“Multi-prompt Learning”部分总结了具有代表性的方法。

6.1 Prompt Ensembling提示合成器

Prompt ensembling is the process of using multiple unanswered prompts for an input at inference time to make predictions. An example is shown in Fig. 4-(a). The multiple prompts can either be discrete prompts or continuous prompts.5 This sort ofX]prompt eensembling can (1) leverage the ogllcomplementary advantages of different prompts, (2)MASK]MASK] alleviate the cost of prompt engineering, since choosing one best-performing prompt is challenging, (3) stabilize performance on downstream tasks.

Prompt ensembling is connected to ensembling methods that are used to combine together multiple systems, which have a long history in machine learning (Ting and Witten, 1997; Zhou et al., 2002; Duh et al., 2011). Current research also borrows ideas from these works to derive effective ways for prompt ensembling, as described below.





提示集成与用于将多个系统组合在一起的集成方法有关,这在机器学习中具有悠久的历史(Ting和Witten, 1997;Zhou et al., 2002;Duh et al., 2011)。当前的研究还从这些工作中借鉴思想,以得出用于提示合奏的有效方法,如下所述。

12 Conclusion

In this paper, we have summarized and analyzed several paradigms in the development of statistical natural language processing techniques, and have argued that prompt-based learning is a promising new paradigm that may represent another major change in the way we look at NLP. First and foremost, we hope this survey will help researchers more effectively and comprehensively understand the paradigm of prompt-based learning, and grasp its core challenges so that more scientifically meaningful advances can be made in this field. In addition, looking all the way back to the summary of the four paradigms of NLP research presented in §1, we hope to highlight the commonalities and differences between them, making research on any of these paradigms more full-fledged, and potentially providing a catalyst to inspire work towards the next paradigm shift as well.


