在Apache Commons库中,org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple 包中提供Pair抽象类,它有两个子类,分别代表可变与不可变配对:ImmutablePair 和 MutablePair。两者都实现了访问key/value以及setter和getter方法。
Pair<String, String> pair = Pair.of("aku", "female");
总结:Pair的key是可以一样的,本质上 key 和 value 之间是没有任何区别的;
package com.modules.common.config; import org.neo4j.driver.v1.AuthTokens; import org.neo4j.driver.v1.Driver; import org.neo4j.driver.v1.GraphDatabase; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration; /** * neo4j图数据库配置 * * @author li'chao */ @Configuration public class Neo4jConfig { @Value("${spring.data.neo4j.uri}") private String url; @Value("${spring.data.neo4j.username}") private String username; @Value("${spring.data.neo4j.password}") private String password; /** * neo4j图数据库驱动模式 * * @return */ @Bean public Driver neo4jDriver() { return GraphDatabase.driver(url, AuthTokens.basic(username, password)); } }
package com.modules.common.utils; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.neo4j.driver.v1.*; import org.neo4j.driver.v1.types.Node; import org.neo4j.driver.v1.types.Path; import org.neo4j.driver.v1.types.Relationship; import org.neo4j.driver.v1.util.Pair; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; @Slf4j @Component public class Neo4jUtil { @Autowired private Driver neo4jDriver; public boolean isNeo4jOpen() { try (Session session = neo4jDriver.session()) { log.info("连接成功:" + session.isOpen()); return session.isOpen(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("连接异常:" + e.getMessage()); return false; } } //1.执行sql得到数据result public StatementResult excuteCypherSql(String cypherSql) { StatementResult result = null; try (Session session = neo4jDriver.session()) { log.info("cypher语句:" + cypherSql); result = session.run(cypherSql); session.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } return result; } public HashMap<String, Object> getEntityMap(String cypherSql) { HashMap<String, Object> rss = new HashMap<String, Object>(); try { StatementResult result = excuteCypherSql(cypherSql); if (result.hasNext()) { List<Record> records = result.list(); for (Record recordItem : records) { for (Value value : recordItem.values()) { if (value.type().name().equals("NODE")) {// 结果里面只要类型为节点的值 Node noe4jNode = value.asNode(); Map<String, Object> map = noe4jNode.asMap(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); if (rss.containsKey(key)) { String oldValue = rss.get(key).toString(); String newValue = oldValue + "," + entry.getValue(); rss.replace(key, newValue); } else { rss.put(key, entry.getValue()); } } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return rss; } public List<HashMap<String, Object>> getGraphNode(String cypherSql) { List<HashMap<String, Object>> ents = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>(); try { StatementResult result = excuteCypherSql(cypherSql); if (result.hasNext()) { List<Record> records = result.list(); for (Record recordItem : records) { List<Pair<String, Value>> f = recordItem.fields(); for (Pair<String, Value> pair : f) { HashMap<String, Object> rss = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String typeName = pair.value().type().name(); if (typeName.equals("NODE")) { Node noe4jNode = pair.value().asNode(); String uuid = String.valueOf(noe4jNode.id()); Map<String, Object> map = noe4jNode.asMap(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); rss.put(key, entry.getValue()); } rss.put("uuid", uuid); ents.add(rss); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ents; } //2.图谱关系 public List<HashMap<String, Object>> getGraphRelationShip(String cypherSql) { List<HashMap<String, Object>> ents = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>(); try { StatementResult result = excuteCypherSql(cypherSql); if (result.hasNext()) { List<Record> records = result.list(); for (Record recordItem : records) { List<Pair<String, Value>> f = recordItem.fields(); for (Pair<String, Value> pair : f) { HashMap<String, Object> rss = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String typeName = pair.value().type().name(); if (typeName.equals("RELATIONSHIP")) { Relationship rship = pair.value().asRelationship(); String uuid = String.valueOf(rship.id()); String sourceid = String.valueOf(rship.startNodeId()); String targetid = String.valueOf(rship.endNodeId()); Map<String, Object> map = rship.asMap(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); rss.put(key, entry.getValue()); } rss.put("uuid", uuid); rss.put("sourceid", sourceid); rss.put("targetid", targetid); ents.add(rss); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ents; } public List<HashMap<String, Object>> getGraphItem(String cypherSql) { List<HashMap<String, Object>> ents = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>(); List<String> nodeids = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> shipids = new ArrayList<String>(); try { StatementResult result = excuteCypherSql(cypherSql); if (result.hasNext()) { List<Record> records = result.list(); for (Record recordItem : records) { List<Pair<String, Value>> f = recordItem.fields(); HashMap<String, Object> rss = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (Pair<String, Value> pair : f) { String typeName = pair.value().type().name(); if (typeName.equals("NODE")) { Node noe4jNode = pair.value().asNode(); String uuid = String.valueOf(noe4jNode.id()); if(!nodeids.contains(uuid)) { Map<String, Object> map = noe4jNode.asMap(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); rss.put(key, entry.getValue()); } rss.put("uuid", uuid); } }else if (typeName.equals("RELATIONSHIP")) { Relationship rship = pair.value().asRelationship(); String uuid = String.valueOf(rship.id()); if (!shipids.contains(uuid)) { String sourceid = String.valueOf(rship.startNodeId()); String targetid = String.valueOf(rship.endNodeId()); Map<String, Object> map = rship.asMap(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); rss.put(key, entry.getValue()); } rss.put("uuid", uuid); rss.put("sourceid", sourceid); rss.put("targetid", targetid); } }else { rss.put(pair.key(),pair.value().toString()); } } ents.add(rss); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ents; } /* * 获取值类型的结果,如count,uuid * @return 1 2 3 等数字类型 */ public long getGraphValue(String cypherSql) { long val=0; try { StatementResult cypherResult = excuteCypherSql(cypherSql); if (cypherResult.hasNext()) { Record record = cypherResult.next(); for (Value value : record.values()) { val = value.asLong(); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return val; } public HashMap<String, Object> getGraphNodeAndShip(String cypherSql) { HashMap<String, Object> mo = new HashMap<String, Object>(); try { //1.得到所有的节点 StatementResult result = excuteCypherSql(cypherSql); if (result.hasNext()) { List<Record> records = result.list(); List<HashMap<String, Object>> ents = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>(); List<HashMap<String, Object>> ships = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>(); List<String> uuids = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> shipids = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Record recordItem : records) { List<Pair<String, Value>> f = recordItem.fields(); for (Pair<String, Value> pair : f) { HashMap<String, Object> rships = new HashMap<String, Object>(); HashMap<String, Object> rss = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String typeName = pair.value().type().name(); if (typeName.equals("NULL")) { continue; } else if (typeName.equals("NODE")) { Node noe4jNode = pair.value().asNode(); Map<String, Object> map = noe4jNode.asMap(); String uuid = String.valueOf(noe4jNode.id()); if (!uuids.contains(uuid)) { for (Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); rss.put(key, entry.getValue()); } rss.put("uuid", uuid); uuids.add(uuid); } if (rss != null && !rss.isEmpty()) { ents.add(rss); } } else if (typeName.equals("RELATIONSHIP")) { Relationship rship = pair.value().asRelationship(); String uuid = String.valueOf(rship.id()); if (!shipids.contains(uuid)) { String sourceid = String.valueOf(rship.startNodeId()); String targetid = String.valueOf(rship.endNodeId()); Map<String, Object> map = rship.asMap(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); rships.put(key, entry.getValue()); } rships.put("uuid", uuid); rships.put("sourceid", sourceid); rships.put("targetid", targetid); shipids.add(uuid); if (rships != null && !rships.isEmpty()) { ships.add(rships); } } } else if (typeName.equals("PATH")) { Path path = pair.value().asPath(); Map<String, Object> startNodemap = path.start().asMap(); String startNodeuuid = String.valueOf(path.start().id()); if (!uuids.contains(startNodeuuid)) { rss=new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : startNodemap.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); rss.put(key, entry.getValue()); } rss.put("uuid", startNodeuuid); uuids.add(startNodeuuid); if (rss != null && !rss.isEmpty()) { ents.add(rss); } } Map<String, Object> endNodemap = path.end().asMap(); String endNodeuuid = String.valueOf(path.end().id()); if (!uuids.contains(endNodeuuid)) { rss=new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : endNodemap.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); rss.put(key, entry.getValue()); } rss.put("uuid", endNodeuuid); uuids.add(endNodeuuid); if (rss != null && !rss.isEmpty()) { ents.add(rss); } } Iterator<Node> allNodes = path.nodes().iterator(); while (allNodes.hasNext()) { Node next = allNodes.next(); String uuid = String.valueOf(next.id()); if (!uuids.contains(uuid)) { rss=new HashMap<String, Object>(); Map<String, Object> map = next.asMap(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); rss.put(key, entry.getValue()); } rss.put("uuid", uuid); uuids.add(uuid); if (rss != null && !rss.isEmpty()) { ents.add(rss); } } } Iterator<Relationship> reships = path.relationships().iterator(); while (reships.hasNext()) { Relationship next = reships.next(); String uuid = String.valueOf(next.id()); if (!shipids.contains(uuid)) { rships=new HashMap<String, Object>(); String sourceid = String.valueOf(next.startNodeId()); String targetid = String.valueOf(next.endNodeId()); Map<String, Object> map = next.asMap(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); rships.put(key, entry.getValue()); } rships.put("uuid", uuid); rships.put("sourceid", sourceid); rships.put("targetid", targetid); shipids.add(uuid); if (rships != null && !rships.isEmpty()) { ships.add(rships); } } } } else if (typeName.contains("LIST")) { Iterable<Value> val=pair.value().values(); Value next = val.iterator().next(); String type=next.type().name(); if (type.equals("RELATIONSHIP")) { Relationship rship = next.asRelationship(); String uuid = String.valueOf(rship.id()); if (!shipids.contains(uuid)) { String sourceid = String.valueOf(rship.startNodeId()); String targetid = String.valueOf(rship.endNodeId()); Map<String, Object> map = rship.asMap(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); rships.put(key, entry.getValue()); } rships.put("uuid", uuid); rships.put("sourceid", sourceid); rships.put("targetid", targetid); shipids.add(uuid); if (rships != null && !rships.isEmpty()) { ships.add(rships); } } } } else if (typeName.contains("MAP")) { rss.put(pair.key(), pair.value().asMap()); } else { rss.put(pair.key(), pair.value().toString()); if (rss != null && !rss.isEmpty()) { ents.add(rss); } } } } mo.put("node", ents); mo.put("relationship", ships); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("执行Cypher查询异常"); } return mo; } /** * 匹配所有类型的节点,可以是节点,关系,数值,路径 * @param cypherSql * @return */ public List<HashMap<String, Object>> getEntityList(String cypherSql) { List<HashMap<String, Object>> ents = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>(); try { StatementResult result = excuteCypherSql(cypherSql); if (result.hasNext()) { List<Record> records = result.list(); for (Record recordItem : records) { HashMap<String, Object> rss = new HashMap<String, Object>(); List<Pair<String, Value>> f = recordItem.fields(); for (Pair<String, Value> pair : f) { String typeName = pair.value().type().name(); if (typeName.equals("NULL")) { continue; } else if (typeName.equals("NODE")) { Node noe4jNode = pair.value().asNode(); Map<String, Object> map = noe4jNode.asMap(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); rss.put(key, entry.getValue()); } } else if (typeName.equals("RELATIONSHIP")) { Relationship rship = pair.value().asRelationship(); Map<String, Object> map = rship.asMap(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); rss.put(key, entry.getValue()); } } else if (typeName.equals("PATH")) { } else if (typeName.contains("LIST")) { rss.put(pair.key(), pair.value().asList()); } else if (typeName.contains("MAP")) { rss.put(pair.key(), pair.value().asMap()); } else { rss.put(pair.key(), pair.value().toString()); } } ents.add(rss); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ents; } public <T> List<T> getEntityItemList(String cypherSql, Class<T> type) { List<HashMap<String, Object>> ents = getGraphNode(cypherSql); List<T> model = hashMapToObject(ents, type); return model; } public <T> T getEntityItem(String cypherSql, Class<T> type) { HashMap<String, Object> rss = new HashMap<String, Object>(); try { StatementResult result = excuteCypherSql(cypherSql); if (result.hasNext()) { Record record = result.next(); for (Value value : record.values()) { if (value.type().name().equals("NODE")) {// 结果里面只要类型为节点的值 Node noe4jNode = value.asNode(); Map<String, Object> map = noe4jNode.asMap(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); if (rss.containsKey(key)) { String oldValue = rss.get(key).toString(); String newValue = oldValue + "," + entry.getValue(); rss.replace(key, newValue); } else { rss.put(key, entry.getValue()); } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } T model = hashMapToObjectItem(rss, type); return model; } public HashMap<String, Object> getEntity(String cypherSql) { HashMap<String, Object> rss = new HashMap<String, Object>(); try { StatementResult result = excuteCypherSql(cypherSql); if (result.hasNext()) { Record record = result.next(); for (Value value : record.values()) { String t = value.type().name(); if (value.type().name().equals("NODE")) {// 结果里面只要类型为节点的值 Node noe4jNode = value.asNode(); Map<String, Object> map = noe4jNode.asMap(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); if (rss.containsKey(key)) { String oldValue = rss.get(key).toString(); String newValue = oldValue + "," + entry.getValue(); rss.replace(key, newValue); } else { rss.put(key, entry.getValue()); } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return rss; } public Integer executeScalar(String cypherSql) { Integer count = 0; try { StatementResult result = excuteCypherSql(cypherSql); if (result.hasNext()) { Record record = result.next(); for (Value value : record.values()) { String t = value.type().name(); if (t.equals("INTEGER")) { count = Integer.valueOf(value.toString()); break; } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return count; } public HashMap<String, Object> getRelevantEntity(String cypherSql) { HashMap<String, Object> rss = new HashMap<String, Object>(); try { StatementResult resultNode = excuteCypherSql(cypherSql); if (resultNode.hasNext()) { List<Record> records = resultNode.list(); for (Record recordItem : records) { Map<String, Object> r = recordItem.asMap(); String key = r.get("key").toString(); if (rss.containsKey(key)) { String oldValue = rss.get(key).toString(); String newValue = oldValue + "," + r.get("value"); rss.replace(key, newValue); } else { rss.put(key, r.get("value")); } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return rss; } public String getFilterPropertiesJson(String jsonStr) { String propertiesString = jsonStr.replaceAll("\"(\\w+)\"(\\s*:\\s*)", "$1$2"); // 去掉key的引号 return propertiesString; } public <T>String getkeyvalCyphersql(T obj) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); List<String> sqlList=new ArrayList<String>(); // 得到类对象 Class userCla = obj.getClass(); /* 得到类中的所有属性集合 */ Field[] fs = userCla.getDeclaredFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fs.length; i++) { Field f = fs[i]; Class type = f.getType(); f.setAccessible(true); // 设置些属性是可以访问的 Object val = new Object(); try { val = f.get(obj); if(val==null) { val=""; } String sql=""; String key=f.getName(); log.info("key:"+key+"type:"+type); if ( val instanceof Integer ){ // 得到此属性的值 map.put(key, val);// 设置键值 sql="n."+key+"="+val; } else if ( val instanceof String[] ){ //如果为true则强转成String数组 String [] arr = ( String[] ) val ; String v=""; for ( int j = 0 ; j < arr.length ; j++ ){ arr[j]="'"+ arr[j]+"'"; } v=String.join(",", arr); sql="n."+key+"=["+val+"]"; } else if (val instanceof List){ //如果为true则强转成String数组 List<String> arr = ( ArrayList<String> ) val ; List<String> aa=new ArrayList<String>(); String v=""; for (String s : arr) { s="'"+ s+"'"; aa.add(s); } v=String.join(",", aa); sql="n."+key+"=["+v+"]"; } else { // 得到此属性的值 map.put(key, val);// 设置键值 sql="n."+key+"='"+val+"'"; } sqlList.add(sql); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } String finasql=String.join(",",sqlList); log.info("单个对象的所有键值==反射==" + map.toString()); return finasql; } public <T> List<T> hashMapToObject(List<HashMap<String, Object>> maps, Class<T> type) { try { List<T> list = new ArrayList<T>(); for (HashMap<String, Object> r : maps) { T t = type.newInstance(); Iterator iter = r.entrySet().iterator();// 该方法获取列名.获取一系列字段名称.例如name,age... while (iter.hasNext()) { Entry entry = (Entry) iter.next();// 把hashmap转成Iterator再迭代到entry String key = entry.getKey().toString(); // 从iterator遍历获取key Object value = entry.getValue(); // 从hashmap遍历获取value if("serialVersionUID".toLowerCase().equals(key.toLowerCase()))continue; Field field = type.getDeclaredField(key);// 获取field对象 if (field != null) { field.setAccessible(true); if (field.getType() == int.class || field.getType() == Integer.class) { if (value==null||StringUtils.isBlank(value.toString())) { field.set(t, 0);// 设置值 } else { field.set(t, Integer.parseInt(value.toString()));// 设置值 } } else if (field.getType() == long.class||field.getType() == Long.class ) { if (value==null||StringUtils.isBlank(value.toString())) { field.set(t, 0);// 设置值 } else { field.set(t, Long.parseLong(value.toString()));// 设置值 } } else { field.set(t, value);// 设置值 } } } list.add(t); } return list; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public <T> T hashMapToObjectItem(HashMap<String, Object> map, Class<T> type) { try { T t = type.newInstance(); Iterator iter = map.entrySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Entry entry = (Entry) iter.next();// 把hashmap转成Iterator再迭代到entry String key = entry.getKey().toString(); // 从iterator遍历获取key Object value = entry.getValue(); // 从hashmap遍历获取value if("serialVersionUID".toLowerCase().equals(key.toLowerCase()))continue; Field field = type.getDeclaredField(key);// 获取field对象 if (field != null) { field.setAccessible(true); if (field.getType() == int.class || field.getType() == Integer.class) { if (value==null||StringUtils.isBlank(value.toString())) { field.set(t, 0);// 设置值 } else { field.set(t, Integer.parseInt(value.toString()));// 设置值 } } else if (field.getType() == long.class||field.getType() == Long.class ) { if (value==null||StringUtils.isBlank(value.toString())) { field.set(t, 0);// 设置值 } else { field.set(t, Long.parseLong(value.toString()));// 设置值 } } else { field.set(t, value);// 设置值 } } } return t; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public List<String> getNodesLabelsEntityList(String cypherSql) { List<String> rss = new ArrayList<>(); try { StatementResult resultNode = excuteCypherSql(cypherSql); if (resultNode.hasNext()) { List<Record> records = resultNode.list(); for (Record recordItem : records) { Map<String, Object> r = recordItem.asMap(); rss.add(r.get("label").toString()); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return rss; } public List<String> getRelationshipTypeEntityList(String cypherSql) { List<String> rss = new ArrayList<>(); try { StatementResult resultNode = excuteCypherSql(cypherSql); if (resultNode.hasNext()) { List<Record> records = resultNode.list(); for (Record recordItem : records) { Map<String, Object> r = recordItem.asMap(); rss.add(r.get("relationshipType").toString()); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return rss; } }
package com.modules.project.controller; import com.modules.common.utils.Neo4jUtil; import com.modules.common.web.BaseController; import com.modules.common.web.Result; import com.modules.project.entity.GraphQuery; import com.modules.project.service.GraphService; import io.swagger.annotations.Api; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; /** * neo4j图数据管理 * * @author li'chao */ @Api(tags = "neo4j图数据管理") @Slf4j @RestController @RequestMapping("/graph") public class GraphController extends BaseController { @Autowired private Neo4jUtil neo4jUtil; @Autowired private GraphService graphService; @ApiOperation(value = "执行Cypher查询", notes = "执行Cypher查询") @GetMapping(value = "/getCypherResult") public Result getCypherResult(String cypher) { try { HashMap<String, Object> graphData = neo4jUtil.getGraphNodeAndShip(cypher); return success(graphData); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("执行Cypher查询异常:" + e.getMessage()); return error("执行Cypher查询异常"); } } @ApiOperation(value = "查询图节点和关系", notes = "查询图节点和关系") @GetMapping(value = "/getDomainGraph") public Result getDomainGraph(@Validated GraphQuery query) { try { HashMap<String, Object> graphData = graphService.getDomainGraph(query); return success(graphData); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("查询图节点和关系异常:" + e.getMessage()); return error("查询图节点和关系异常"); } } @ApiOperation(value = "获取节点列表", notes = "获取节点列表") @GetMapping(value = "/getDomainNodes") public Result getDomainNodes(String domain, Integer pageIndex, Integer pageSize) { try { HashMap<String, Object> graphData = graphService.getDomainNodes(domain, pageIndex,pageSize); return success(graphData); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("获取节点列表异常:" + e.getMessage()); return error("获取节点列表异常"); } } @ApiOperation(value = "查询所有节点标签", notes = "查询所有的节点标签") @GetMapping(value = "/getNodesLabels") public Result getNodesLabels() { try { List<String> graphData = graphService.getNodesLabels(); return success(graphData); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("查询所有节点标签异常:" + e.getMessage()); return error("查询所有节点标签异常"); } } @ApiOperation(value = "查询所有关系类型", notes = "查询所有关系类型") @GetMapping(value = "/getRelationshipType") public Result getRelationshipType() { try { List<String> graphData = graphService.getRelationshipType(); return success(graphData); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("查询所有关系类型异常:" + e.getMessage()); return error("查询所有关系类型异常"); } } }
package com.modules.project.service; import com.modules.common.utils.StringUtils; import com.modules.project.entity.GraphQuery; import com.modules.project.repository.GraphRepository; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; /** * neo4j图库服务层 * * @author li'chao * */ @Service public class GraphService { @Autowired private GraphRepository graphRepository; /** * 查询图节点和关系 * * @param query * @return */ public HashMap<String, Object> getDomainGraph(GraphQuery query) { if(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(query.getDomain())){ return graphRepository.getDomainGraph(query); }else{ return graphRepository.getNodeNameGraph(query); } } /** * 获取节点列表 * @param domain * @param pageIndex * @param pageSize * @return */ public HashMap<String, Object> getDomainNodes(String domain, Integer pageIndex, Integer pageSize){ return graphRepository.getDomainNodes(domain, pageIndex, pageSize); } /** * 查询所有节点标签 * @return */ public List<String> getNodesLabels(){ return graphRepository.getNodesLabels(); } /** * 查询所有关系类型 * @return */ public List<String> getRelationshipType(){ return graphRepository.getRelationshipType(); } }
package com.modules.project.repository; import com.modules.project.entity.GraphPageRecord; import com.modules.project.entity.GraphQuery; import com.modules.project.entity.QAEntityItem; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public interface GraphRepository { /** * 领域标签分页 * @param queryItem * @return */ GraphPageRecord<HashMap<String, Object>> getPageDomain(GraphQuery queryItem); /** * 删除Neo4j 标签 * * @param domain */ void deleteKGdomain(String domain); /** * 查询图谱节点和关系 * * @param query * @return node relationship */ HashMap<String, Object> getDomainGraph(GraphQuery query); /** * 查询图谱节点和关系(条件无节点标签) * * @param query * @return node relationship */ HashMap<String, Object> getNodeNameGraph(GraphQuery query); /** * 获取节点列表 * * @param domain * @param pageIndex * @param pageSize * @return */ HashMap<String, Object> getDomainNodes(String domain, Integer pageIndex, Integer pageSize); /** * 获取某个领域指定节点拥有的上下级的节点数 * * @param domain * @param nodeid * @return long 数值 */ long getRelationNodeCount(String domain, long nodeid); /** * 创建领域,默认创建一个新的节点,给节点附上默认属性 * * @param domain */ void createDomain(String domain); /** * 获取/展开更多节点,找到和该节点有关系的节点 * * @param domain * @param nodeid * @return */ HashMap<String, Object> getMorerelationNode(String domain, String nodeid); /** * 更新节点名称 * * @param domain * @param nodeid * @param nodename * @return 修改后的节点 */ HashMap<String, Object> updateNodeName(String domain, String nodeid, String nodename); /** * 创建单个节点 * * @param domain * @param entity * @return */ HashMap<String, Object> createNode(String domain, QAEntityItem entity); /** * 批量创建节点和关系 * * @param domain * 领域 * @param sourcename * 源节点 * @param relation * 关系 * @param targetnames * 目标节点数组 * @return */ HashMap<String, Object> batchCreateNode(String domain, String sourcename, String relation, String[] targetnames); /** * 批量创建下级节点 * * @param domain * 领域 * @param sourceid * 源节点id * @param entitytype * 节点类型 * @param targetnames * 目标节点名称数组 * @param relation * 关系 * @return */ HashMap<String, Object> batchCreateChildCode(String domain, String sourceid, Integer entitytype, String[] targetnames, String relation); /** * 批量创建同级节点 * * @param domain * 领域 * @param entitytype * 节点类型 * @param sourcenames * 节点名称 * @return */ List<HashMap<String, Object>> batchCreateSameCode(String domain, Integer entitytype, String[] sourcenames); /** * 添加关系 * * @param domain * 领域 * @param sourceid * 源节点id * @param targetid * 目标节点id * @param ship * 关系 * @return */ HashMap<String, Object> createLink(String domain, long sourceid, long targetid, String ship); /** * 更新关系 * * @param domain * 领域 * @param shipid * 关系id * @param shipname * 关系名称 * @return */ HashMap<String, Object> updateLink(String domain, long shipid, String shipname); /** * 删除节点(先删除关系再删除节点) * * @param domain * @param nodeid * @return */ List<HashMap<String, Object>> deleteNode(String domain, long nodeid); /** * 删除关系 * * @param domain * @param shipid */ void deleteLink(String domain, long shipid); /** * 段落识别出的三元组生成图谱 * * @param domain * @param entitytype * @param operatetype * @param sourceid * @param rss * 关系三元组 * [[startname;ship;endname],[startname1;ship1;endname1],[startname2;ship2;endname2]] * @return node relationship */ HashMap<String, Object> createGraphByText(String domain, Integer entitytype, Integer operatetype, Integer sourceid, String[] rss); /** * 批量创建节点,关系 * @param domain * @param params 三元组 sourcenode,relationship,targetnode */ void batchCreateGraph(String domain, List<Map<String,Object>> params); /** * 更新节点有无附件 * @param domain * @param nodeId * @param status */ void updateNodeFileStatus(String domain,long nodeId, int status); /** * 导入csv * @param domain * @param csvUrl * @param status */ void batchInsertByCSV(String domain, String csvUrl, int status) ; void updateCorrdOfNode(String domain, String uuid, Double fx, Double fy); /** * 查询所有节点标签 * @return */ List<String> getNodesLabels(); /** * 查询所有关系类型 * @return */ public List<String> getRelationshipType(); /** * 查询节点关系种类 * @return */ public List<String> getNodesSchema(); }
package com.modules.project.repository.impl; import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON; import com.modules.common.utils.Neo4jUtil; import com.modules.common.utils.StringUtils; import com.modules.project.entity.GraphPageRecord; import com.modules.project.entity.GraphQuery; import com.modules.project.entity.QAEntityItem; import com.modules.project.repository.GraphRepository; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * neo4j图库 Repository * * @author li'chao * */ @Repository public class GraphImplRepository implements GraphRepository { @Autowired private Neo4jUtil neo4jUtil; /** * 领域标签分页 * * @param queryItem * @return */ public GraphPageRecord<HashMap<String, Object>> getPageDomain(GraphQuery queryItem) { GraphPageRecord<HashMap<String, Object>> resultRecord = new GraphPageRecord<HashMap<String, Object>>(); try { String totalCountquery = "MATCH (n) RETURN count(distinct labels(n)) as count"; int totalCount = 0; totalCount = neo4jUtil.executeScalar(totalCountquery); if (totalCount > 0) { int skipCount = (queryItem.getPageIndex() - 1) * queryItem.getPageSize(); int limitCount = queryItem.getPageSize(); String domainSql = String.format( "START n=node(*) RETURN distinct labels(n) as domain,count(n) as nodecount order by nodecount desc SKIP %s LIMIT %s", skipCount, limitCount); List<HashMap<String, Object>> pageList = neo4jUtil.getEntityList(domainSql); resultRecord.setPageIndex(queryItem.getPageIndex()); resultRecord.setPageSize(queryItem.getPageSize()); resultRecord.setTotalCount(totalCount); resultRecord.setNodeList(pageList); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return resultRecord; } /** * 删除Neo4j 标签 * * @param domain */ public void deleteKGdomain(String domain) { try { String rSql = String.format("MATCH (n:`%s`) -[r]-(m) delete r", domain); neo4jUtil.excuteCypherSql(rSql); String deleteNodeSql = String.format("MATCH (n:`%s`) delete n", domain); neo4jUtil.excuteCypherSql(deleteNodeSql); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * 查询图谱节点和关系 * * @param query * @return node relationship */ public HashMap<String, Object> getDomainGraph(GraphQuery query) { HashMap<String, Object> nr = new HashMap<String, Object>(); try { String domain = query.getDomain(); // MATCH (n:`症状`) -[r]-(m:症状) where r.name='治疗' or r.name='危险因素' return n,m if (!StringUtils.isBlank(domain)) { String cqr = ""; List<String> lis = new ArrayList<String>(); if (query.getRelation() != null && query.getRelation().length > 0) { for (String r : query.getRelation()) { String it = String.format("r.name='%s'", r); lis.add(it); } cqr = String.join(" or ", lis); } String cqWhere = ""; if (!StringUtils.isBlank(query.getNodename()) || !StringUtils.isBlank(cqr)) { if (!StringUtils.isBlank(query.getNodename())) { if (query.getMatchtype() == 1) { cqWhere = String.format("where n.name ='%s' ", query.getNodename()); } else { cqWhere = String.format("where n.name contains('%s')", query.getNodename()); } } String nodeOnly = cqWhere; if (!StringUtils.isBlank(cqr)) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(cqWhere)) { cqWhere = String.format(" where ( %s )", cqr); } else { cqWhere += String.format(" and ( %s )", cqr); } } // 下边的查询查不到单个没有关系的节点,考虑要不要左箭头 String nodeSql = String.format("MATCH (n:`%s`) <-[r]->(m) %s return * limit %s", domain, cqWhere, query.getPageSize()); HashMap<String, Object> graphNode = neo4jUtil.getGraphNodeAndShip(nodeSql); Object node = graphNode.get("node"); // 没有关系显示则显示节点 if (node != null) { nr.put("node", graphNode.get("node")); nr.put("relationship", graphNode.get("relationship")); } else { String nodecql = String.format("MATCH (n:`%s`) %s RETURN distinct(n) limit %s", domain, nodeOnly, query.getPageSize()); List<HashMap<String, Object>> nodeItem = neo4jUtil.getGraphNode(nodecql); nr.put("node", nodeItem); nr.put("relationship", new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>()); } } else { String nodeSql = String.format("MATCH (n:`%s`) %s RETURN distinct(n) limit %s", domain, cqWhere, query.getPageSize()); List<HashMap<String, Object>> graphNode = neo4jUtil.getGraphNode(nodeSql); nr.put("node", graphNode); String domainSql = String.format("MATCH (n:`%s`)<-[r]-> (m) %s RETURN distinct(r) limit %s", domain, cqWhere, query.getPageSize());// m是否加领域 List<HashMap<String, Object>> graphRelation = neo4jUtil.getGraphRelationShip(domainSql); nr.put("relationship", graphRelation); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return nr; } /** * 查询图谱节点和关系(条件无节点标签) * * @param query * @return node relationship */ public HashMap<String, Object> getNodeNameGraph(GraphQuery query) { HashMap<String, Object> nr = new HashMap<String, Object>(); try { // MATCH (n) -[r]-(m:症状) where r.name='治疗' or r.name='危险因素' return n,m String cqr = ""; List<String> lis = new ArrayList<String>(); if (query.getRelation() != null && query.getRelation().length > 0) { for (String r : query.getRelation()) { String it = String.format("r.name='%s'", r); lis.add(it); } cqr = String.join(" or ", lis); } String cqWhere = ""; if (!StringUtils.isBlank(query.getNodename()) || !StringUtils.isBlank(cqr)) { if (!StringUtils.isBlank(query.getNodename())) { if (query.getMatchtype() == 1) { cqWhere = String.format("where n.name ='%s' ", query.getNodename()); } else { cqWhere = String.format("where n.name contains('%s')", query.getNodename()); } } String nodeOnly = cqWhere; if (!StringUtils.isBlank(cqr)) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(cqWhere)) { cqWhere = String.format(" where ( %s )", cqr); } else { cqWhere += String.format(" and ( %s )", cqr); } } // 下边的查询查不到单个没有关系的节点,考虑要不要左箭头 String nodeSql = String.format("MATCH (n) <-[r]->(m) %s return * limit %s", cqWhere, query.getPageSize()); HashMap<String, Object> graphNode = neo4jUtil.getGraphNodeAndShip(nodeSql); Object node = graphNode.get("node"); // 没有关系显示则显示节点 if (node != null) { nr.put("node", graphNode.get("node")); nr.put("relationship", graphNode.get("relationship")); } else { String nodecql = String.format("MATCH (n) %s RETURN distinct(n) limit %s", nodeOnly, query.getPageSize()); List<HashMap<String, Object>> nodeItem = neo4jUtil.getGraphNode(nodecql); nr.put("node", nodeItem); nr.put("relationship", new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>()); } } else { String nodeSql = String.format("MATCH (n) %s RETURN distinct(n) limit %s", cqWhere, query.getPageSize()); List<HashMap<String, Object>> graphNode = neo4jUtil.getGraphNode(nodeSql); nr.put("node", graphNode); String domainSql = String.format("MATCH (n)<-[r]-> (m) %s RETURN distinct(r) limit %s", cqWhere, query.getPageSize());// m是否加领域 List<HashMap<String, Object>> graphRelation = neo4jUtil.getGraphRelationShip(domainSql); nr.put("relationship", graphRelation); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return nr; } /** * 获取节点列表 * * @param domain * @param pageIndex * @param pageSize * @return */ public HashMap<String, Object> getDomainNodes(String domain, Integer pageIndex, Integer pageSize) { HashMap<String, Object> resultItem = new HashMap<String, Object>(); List<HashMap<String, Object>> ents = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>(); List<HashMap<String, Object>> concepts = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>(); List<HashMap<String, Object>> props = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>(); List<HashMap<String, Object>> methods = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>(); List<HashMap<String, Object>> entitys = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>(); try { int skipCount = (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize; int limitCount = pageSize; String domainSql = String.format("START n=node(*) MATCH (n:`%s`) RETURN n SKIP %s LIMIT %s", domain, skipCount, limitCount); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(domain)) { ents = neo4jUtil.getGraphNode(domainSql); for (HashMap<String, Object> hashMap : ents) { Object et = hashMap.get("entitytype"); if (et != null) { String typeStr = et.toString(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(typeStr)) { int type = Integer.parseInt(et.toString()); if (type == 0) { concepts.add(hashMap); } else if (type == 1) { entitys.add(hashMap); } else if (type == 2 || type == 3) { props.add(hashMap);// 属性和方法放在一起展示 } else { // methods.add(hashMap); } } } } resultItem.put("concepts", concepts); resultItem.put("props", props); resultItem.put("methods", methods); resultItem.put("entitys", entitys); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return resultItem; } /** * 获取某个领域指定节点拥有的上下级的节点数 * * @param domain * @param nodeid * @return long 数值 */ public long getRelationNodeCount(String domain, long nodeid) { long totalcount = 0; try { if (!StringUtils.isBlank(domain)) { String nodeSql = String.format("MATCH (n:`%s`) <-[r]->(m) where id(n)=%s return count(m)", domain, nodeid); totalcount = neo4jUtil.getGraphValue(nodeSql); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return totalcount; } /** * 创建领域,默认创建一个新的节点,给节点附上默认属性 * * @param domain */ public void createDomain(String domain) { try { String cypherSql = String.format( "create (n:`%s`{entitytype:0,name:''}) return id(n)", domain); neo4jUtil.excuteCypherSql(cypherSql); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * 获取/展开更多节点,找到和该节点有关系的节点 * * @param domain * @param nodeid * @return */ public HashMap<String, Object> getMorerelationNode(String domain, String nodeid) { HashMap<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); try { String cypherSql = String.format("MATCH (n:`%s`) -[r]-(m) where id(n)=%s return * limit 100", domain, nodeid); result = neo4jUtil.getGraphNodeAndShip(cypherSql); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result; } /** * 更新节点名称 * * @param domain * @param nodeid * @param nodename * @return 修改后的节点 */ public HashMap<String, Object> updateNodeName(String domain, String nodeid, String nodename) { HashMap<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); List<HashMap<String, Object>> graphNodeList = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>(); try { String cypherSql = String.format("MATCH (n:`%s`) where id(n)=%s set n.name='%s' return n", domain, nodeid, nodename); graphNodeList = neo4jUtil.getGraphNode(cypherSql); if (graphNodeList.size() > 0) { return graphNodeList.get(0); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result; } /** * 创建单个节点 * * @param domain * @param entity * @return */ public HashMap<String, Object> createNode(String domain, QAEntityItem entity) { HashMap<String, Object> rss = new HashMap<String, Object>(); List<HashMap<String, Object>> graphNodeList = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>(); try { if (entity.getUuid() != 0) { String sqlkeyval = neo4jUtil.getkeyvalCyphersql(entity); String cypherSql = String.format("match (n:`%s`) where id(n)=%s set %s return n", domain, entity.getUuid(), sqlkeyval); graphNodeList = neo4jUtil.getGraphNode(cypherSql); } else { entity.setColor("#ff4500");// 默认颜色 entity.setR(30);// 默认半径 String propertiesString = neo4jUtil.getFilterPropertiesJson(JSON.toJSONString(entity)); String cypherSql = String.format("create (n:`%s` %s) return n", domain, propertiesString); graphNodeList = neo4jUtil.getGraphNode(cypherSql); } if (graphNodeList.size() > 0) { rss = graphNodeList.get(0); return rss; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return rss; } /** * 批量创建节点和关系 * * @param domain * 领域 * @param sourcename * 源节点 * @param relation * 关系 * @param targetnames * 目标节点数组 * @return */ public HashMap<String, Object> batchCreateNode(String domain, String sourcename, String relation, String[] targetnames) { HashMap<String, Object> rss = new HashMap<String, Object>(); List<HashMap<String, Object>> nodes = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>(); List<HashMap<String, Object>> ships = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>(); try { String cypherSqlFmt = "create (n:`%s` {name:'%s',color:'#ff4500',r:30}) return n"; String cypherSql = String.format(cypherSqlFmt, domain, sourcename);// 概念实体 List<HashMap<String, Object>> graphNodeList = neo4jUtil.getGraphNode(cypherSql); if (graphNodeList.size() > 0) { HashMap<String, Object> sourceNode = graphNodeList.get(0); nodes.add(sourceNode); String sourceuuid = String.valueOf(sourceNode.get("uuid")); for (String tn : targetnames) { String targetnodeSql = String.format(cypherSqlFmt, domain, tn); List<HashMap<String, Object>> targetNodeList = neo4jUtil.getGraphNode(targetnodeSql); if (targetNodeList.size() > 0) { HashMap<String, Object> targetNode = targetNodeList.get(0); nodes.add(targetNode); String targetuuid = String.valueOf(targetNode.get("uuid")); String rSql = String.format( "match(n:`%s`),(m:`%s`) where id(n)=%s and id(m)=%s create (n)-[r:RE {name:'%s'}]->(m) return r", domain, domain, sourceuuid, targetuuid, relation); List<HashMap<String, Object>> rshipList = neo4jUtil.getGraphRelationShip(rSql); ships.addAll(rshipList); } } } rss.put("nodes", nodes); rss.put("ships", ships); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return rss; } /** * 批量创建下级节点 * * @param domain * 领域 * @param sourceid * 源节点id * @param entitytype * 节点类型 * @param targetnames * 目标节点名称数组 * @param relation * 关系 * @return */ public HashMap<String, Object> batchCreateChildCode(String domain, String sourceid, Integer entitytype, String[] targetnames, String relation) { HashMap<String, Object> rss = new HashMap<String, Object>(); List<HashMap<String, Object>> nodes = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>(); List<HashMap<String, Object>> ships = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>(); try { String cypherSqlFmt = "create (n:`%s`{name:'%s',color:'#ff4500',r:30}) return n"; String cypherSql = String.format("match (n:`%s`) where id(n)=%s return n", domain, sourceid); List<HashMap<String, Object>> sourcenodeList = neo4jUtil.getGraphNode(cypherSql); if (sourcenodeList.size() > 0) { nodes.addAll(sourcenodeList); for (String tn : targetnames) { String targetnodeSql = String.format(cypherSqlFmt, domain, tn); List<HashMap<String, Object>> targetNodeList = neo4jUtil.getGraphNode(targetnodeSql); if (targetNodeList.size() > 0) { HashMap<String, Object> targetNode = targetNodeList.get(0); nodes.add(targetNode); String targetuuid = String.valueOf(targetNode.get("uuid")); // 创建关系 String rSql = String.format( "match(n:`%s`),(m:`%s`) where id(n)=%s and id(m)=%s create (n)-[r:RE {name:'%s'}]->(m) return r", domain, domain, sourceid, targetuuid, relation); List<HashMap<String, Object>> shipList = neo4jUtil.getGraphRelationShip(rSql); ships.addAll(shipList); } } } rss.put("nodes", nodes); rss.put("ships", ships); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return rss; } /** * 批量创建同级节点 * * @param domain * 领域 * @param entitytype * 节点类型 * @param sourcenames * 节点名称 * @return */ public List<HashMap<String, Object>> batchCreateSameCode(String domain, Integer entitytype, String[] sourcenames) { List<HashMap<String, Object>> rss = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>(); try { String cypherSqlFmt = "create (n:`%s`{name:'%s',color:'#ff4500',r:30}) return n"; for (String tn : sourcenames) { String sourcenodeSql = String.format(cypherSqlFmt, domain, tn, entitytype); List<HashMap<String, Object>> targetNodeList = neo4jUtil.getGraphNode(sourcenodeSql); rss.addAll(targetNodeList); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return rss; } /** * 添加关系 * * @param domain * 领域 * @param sourceid * 源节点id * @param targetid * 目标节点id * @param ship * 关系 * @return */ public HashMap<String, Object> createLink(String domain, long sourceid, long targetid, String ship) { HashMap<String, Object> rss = new HashMap<String, Object>(); try { String cypherSql = String.format("MATCH (n:`%s`),(m:`%s`) WHERE id(n)=%s AND id(m) = %s " + "CREATE (n)-[r:RE{name:'%s'}]->(m)" + "RETURN r", domain, domain, sourceid, targetid, ship); List<HashMap<String, Object>> cypherResult = neo4jUtil.getGraphRelationShip(cypherSql); if (cypherResult.size() > 0) { rss = cypherResult.get(0); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return rss; } /** * 更新关系 * * @param domain * 领域 * @param shipid * 关系id * @param shipname * 关系名称 * @return */ public HashMap<String, Object> updateLink(String domain, long shipid, String shipname) { HashMap<String, Object> rss = new HashMap<String, Object>(); try { String cypherSql = String.format("MATCH (n:`%s`) -[r]->(m) where id(r)=%s set r.name='%s' return r", domain, shipid, shipname); List<HashMap<String, Object>> cypherResult = neo4jUtil.getGraphRelationShip(cypherSql); if (cypherResult.size() > 0) { rss = cypherResult.get(0); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return rss; } /** * 删除节点(先删除关系再删除节点) * * @param domain * @param nodeid * @return */ public List<HashMap<String, Object>> deleteNode(String domain, long nodeid) { List<HashMap<String, Object>> result = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>(); try { String nSql = String.format("MATCH (n:`%s`) where id(n)=%s return n", domain, nodeid); result = neo4jUtil.getGraphNode(nSql); String rSql = String.format("MATCH (n:`%s`) <-[r]->(m) where id(n)=%s return r", domain, nodeid); neo4jUtil.getGraphRelationShip(rSql); String deleteRelationSql = String.format("MATCH (n:`%s`) <-[r]->(m) where id(n)=%s delete r", domain, nodeid); neo4jUtil.excuteCypherSql(deleteRelationSql); String deleteNodeSql = String.format("MATCH (n:`%s`) where id(n)=%s delete n", domain, nodeid); neo4jUtil.excuteCypherSql(deleteNodeSql); return result; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result; } /** * 删除关系 * * @param domain * @param shipid */ public void deleteLink(String domain, long shipid) { try { String cypherSql = String.format("MATCH (n:`%s`) -[r]->(m) where id(r)=%s delete r", domain, shipid); neo4jUtil.excuteCypherSql(cypherSql); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * 段落识别出的三元组生成图谱 * * @param domain * @param entitytype * @param operatetype * @param sourceid * @param rss * 关系三元组 * [[startname;ship;endname],[startname1;ship1;endname1],[startname2;ship2;endname2]] * @return node relationship */ public HashMap<String, Object> createGraphByText(String domain, Integer entitytype, Integer operatetype, Integer sourceid, String[] rss) { HashMap<String, Object> rsList = new HashMap<String, Object>(); try { List<Object> nodeIds = new ArrayList<Object>(); List<HashMap<String, Object>> nodeList = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>(); List<HashMap<String, Object>> shipList = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>>(); if (rss != null && rss.length > 0) { for (String item : rss) { String[] ns = item.split(";"); String nodestart = ns[0]; String ship = ns[1]; String nodeend = ns[2]; String nodestartSql = String.format("MERGE (n:`%s`{name:'%s',entitytype:'%s'}) return n", domain, nodestart, entitytype); String nodeendSql = String.format("MERGE (n:`%s`{name:'%s',entitytype:'%s'}) return n", domain, nodeend, entitytype); // 创建初始节点 List<HashMap<String, Object>> startNode = neo4jUtil.getGraphNode(nodestartSql); // 创建结束节点 List<HashMap<String, Object>> endNode = neo4jUtil.getGraphNode(nodeendSql); Object startId = startNode.get(0).get("uuid"); if (!nodeIds.contains(startId)) { nodeIds.add(startId); nodeList.addAll(startNode); } Object endId = endNode.get(0).get("uuid"); if (!nodeIds.contains(endId)) { nodeIds.add(endId); nodeList.addAll(endNode); } if (sourceid != null && sourceid > 0 && operatetype == 2) {// 添加下级 String shipSql = String.format( "MATCH (n:`%s`),(m:`%s`) WHERE id(n)=%s AND id(m) = %s " + "CREATE (n)-[r:RE{name:'%s'}]->(m)" + "RETURN r", domain, domain, sourceid, startId, ""); List<HashMap<String, Object>> shipResult = neo4jUtil.getGraphRelationShip(shipSql); shipList.add(shipResult.get(0)); } String shipSql = String.format("MATCH (n:`%s`),(m:`%s`) WHERE id(n)=%s AND id(m) = %s " + "CREATE (n)-[r:RE{name:'%s'}]->(m)" + "RETURN r", domain, domain, startId, endId, ship); List<HashMap<String, Object>> shipResult = neo4jUtil.getGraphRelationShip(shipSql); shipList.addAll(shipResult); } rsList.put("node", nodeList); rsList.put("relationship", shipList); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return rsList; } public void batchCreateGraph(String domain, List<Map<String, Object>> params) { try { if (params != null && params.size() > 0) { String nodeStr = neo4jUtil.getFilterPropertiesJson(JSON.toJSONString(params)); String nodeCypher = String .format("UNWIND %s as row " + " MERGE (n:`%s` {name:row.SourceNode,source:row.Source})" + " MERGE (m:`%s` {name:row.TargetNode,source:row.Source})", nodeStr, domain, domain); neo4jUtil.excuteCypherSql(nodeCypher); String relationShipCypher = String.format("UNWIND %s as row " + " MATCH (n:`%s` {name:row.SourceNode})" + " MATCH (m:`%s` {name:row.TargetNode})" + " MERGE (n)-[:RE{name:row.RelationShip}]->(m)", nodeStr, domain, domain); neo4jUtil.excuteCypherSql(relationShipCypher); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * 批量导入csv * * @param domain * @param csvUrl * @param status */ public void batchInsertByCSV(String domain, String csvUrl, int status) { String loadNodeCypher1 = null; String loadNodeCypher2 = null; String addIndexCypher = null; addIndexCypher = " CREATE INDEX ON :" + domain + "(name);"; loadNodeCypher1 = " USING PERIODIC COMMIT 500 LOAD CSV FROM '" + csvUrl + "' AS line " + " MERGE (:`" + domain + "` {name:line[0]});"; loadNodeCypher2 = " USING PERIODIC COMMIT 500 LOAD CSV FROM '" + csvUrl + "' AS line " + " MERGE (:`" + domain + "` {name:line[1]});"; // 拼接生产关系导入cypher String loadRelCypher = null; String type = "RE"; loadRelCypher = " USING PERIODIC COMMIT 500 LOAD CSV FROM '" + csvUrl + "' AS line " + " MATCH (m:`" + domain + "`),(n:`" + domain + "`) WHERE m.name=line[0] AND n.name=line[1] " + " MERGE (m)-[r:" + type + "]->(n) " + " SET r.name=line[2];"; neo4jUtil.excuteCypherSql(addIndexCypher); neo4jUtil.excuteCypherSql(loadNodeCypher1); neo4jUtil.excuteCypherSql(loadNodeCypher2); neo4jUtil.excuteCypherSql(loadRelCypher); } public void updateNodeFileStatus(String domain, long nodeId, int status) { try { String nodeCypher = String.format("match (n:`%s`) where id(n)=%s set n.hasfile=%s ", domain,nodeId, status); neo4jUtil.excuteCypherSql(nodeCypher); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void updateCorrdOfNode(String domain, String uuid, Double fx, Double fy) { String cypher = null; if (fx == null && fy==null) { cypher = " MATCH (n:" + domain +") where ID(n)=" + uuid + " set n.fx=null, n.fy=null; "; } else { if ("0.0".equals(fx.toString()) && "0.0".equals(fy.toString())) { cypher = " MATCH (n:" + domain +") where ID(n)=" + uuid + " set n.fx=null, n.fy=null; "; } else { cypher = " MATCH (n:" + domain +") where ID(n)=" + uuid + " set n.fx=" + fx + ", n.fy=" + fy + ";"; } } neo4jUtil.excuteCypherSql(cypher); } @Override public List<String> getNodesLabels() { String cypherSql = " CALL db.labels(); "; return neo4jUtil.getNodesLabelsEntityList(cypherSql); } @Override public List<String> getRelationshipType() { String cypherSql = " CALL db.relationshipTypes(); "; return neo4jUtil.getRelationshipTypeEntityList(cypherSql); } @Override public List<String> getNodesSchema() { String cypherSql = " CALL db.schema(); "; return neo4jUtil.getRelationshipTypeEntityList(cypherSql); } }
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