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命令:de4dot.exe "D:\xxx.exe"
命令:de4dot.exe file1 -f "D:\xxx.exe" -o "D:\output\xxx_cleaned.exe"
解释:-f : 指定.NET 程序集文件,-o : 指定输出 文件
命令:de4dot -r "D:\input" -ru -ro "D:\output"
解释:反混淆整个文件夹其中-r  xxx : 指定输入文件夹,包括子文件夹,-ru : 跳过不支持的混淆工具混淆过的文件,-ro : 指定输出文件夹
命令:de4dot.exe -f "D:\a\xxx.exe" -d
命令:de4dot file1.dll -p sa
解释:指定混淆工具名称,de4dot可能检测不准确混淆工具的名称,可以通过 -p 参数指定


  1. de4dot <options> <file options>
  2. Options:
  3. -r DIR Scan for .NET files in all subdirs
  4. -ro DIR Output base dir for recursively found files
  5. -ru Skip recursively found files with unsupported obfuscator
  6. -d Detect obfuscators and exit
  7. --asm-path PATH Add an assembly search path
  8. --dont-rename Don't rename classes, methods, etc.
  9. --keep-names FLAGS
  10. Don't rename n(amespaces), t(ypes), p(rops), e(vents), f(ields), m(ethods), a(rgs), g(enericparams), d(elegate fields). Can be combined, eg. efm
  11. --dont-create-params
  12. Don't create method params when renaming
  13. --dont-restore-props
  14. Don't restore properties/events
  15. --default-strtyp TYPE
  16. Default string decrypter type
  17. --default-strtok METHOD
  18. Default string decrypter method token or [type::][name][(args,...)]
  19. --no-cflow-deob No control flow deobfuscation (NOT recommended)
  20. --only-cflow-deob
  21. Only control flow deobfuscation
  22. --load-new-process
  23. Load executed assemblies into a new process
  24. --keep-types Keep obfuscator types, fields, methods
  25. --preserve-tokens
  26. Preserve important tokens, #US, #Blob, extra sig data
  27. --preserve-table FLAGS
  28. Preserve rids in table: tr (TypeRef), td (TypeDef), fd (Field), md (Method), pd (Param), mr (MemberRef), s (StandAloneSig), ed (Event), pr (Property), ts (TypeSpec), ms (MethodSpec), all (all previous tables). Use - to disable (eg. all,-pd). Can be combined: ed,fd,md
  29. --preserve-all Preserve all tokens
  30. --preserve-strings
  31. Preserve #Strings heap offsets
  32. --preserve-us Preserve #US heap offsets
  33. --preserve-blob Preserve #Blob heap offsets
  34. --preserve-sig-data
  35. Preserve extra data at the end of signatures
  36. --one-file Deobfuscate one file at a time
  37. -v Verbose
  38. -vv Very verbose
  39. -h Show this help message
  40. --help Same as -h
  41. File options:
  42. -f FILE Name of .NET file
  43. -o FILE Name of output file
  44. -p TYPE Obfuscator type (see below)
  45. --strtyp TYPE String decrypter type
  46. --strtok METHOD String decrypter method token or [type::][name][(args,...)]
  47. Deobfuscator options:
  48. Type un (Unknown)
  49. --un-name REGEX Valid name regex pattern (^[a-zA-Z_<{$][a-zA-Z_0-9<>{}$.`-]*$)
  50. Type dr4 (.NET Reactor)
  51. --dr4-name REGEX Valid name regex pattern (^[\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_<{$][\u2E80-\u9FFFa-zA-Z_0-9<>{}$.`-]*$)
  52. --dr4-methods BOOL
  53. Decrypt methods (True)
  54. --dr4-bools BOOL Decrypt booleans (True)
  55. --dr4-types BOOL Restore types (object -> real type) (True)
  56. --dr4-inline BOOL
  57. Inline short methods (True)
  58. --dr4-remove-inlined BOOL
  59. Remove inlined methods (True)
  60. --dr4-embedded BOOL
  61. Dump embedded assemblies (True)
  62. --dr4-rsrc BOOL Decrypt resources (True)
  63. --dr4-ns1 BOOL Clear namespace if there's only one class in it (True)
  64. --dr4-sn BOOL Remove anti strong name code (True)
  65. --dr4-sname BOOL Rename short names (False)
  66. String decrypter types
  67. none Don't decrypt strings
  68. default Use default string decrypter type (usually static)
  69. static Use static string decrypter if available
  70. delegate Use a delegate to call the real string decrypter
  71. emulate Call real string decrypter and emulate certain instructions
  72. Multiple regexes can be used if separated by '&'.
  73. Use '!' if you want to invert the regex. Example: !^[a-z\d]{1,2}$&!^[A-Z]_\d+$&^[\w.]+$
  74. Examples:
  75. de4dot -r c:\my\files -ro c:\my\output
  76. de4dot file1 file2 file3
  77. de4dot file1 -f file2 -o file2.out -f file3 -o file3.out
  78. de4dot file1 --strtyp delegate --strtok 06000123

