来源:B站《Verilog零基础入门——边看边练》——北京交通大学 李金城
//2021-1-10,gyf //反相器 `timescale 1ns/10ps //`timescale 时间单位/精度 module inv(A,Y);//module 名称(端口列表); input A;//输入端口,此处位宽为1,input[7:0] A;表示位宽为8 output Y;//输出端口 assign Y=~A;//assign组合逻辑赋值语句,定义Y与A的关系 endmodule //-----testbench of inv---------- module inv_tb;//testbench模块,没有端口 reg aa; wire yy; //异名例化,A端口接aa,Y端口接yy inv inv( .A(aa), .Y(yy)); //initial——end语句按时间为变量赋值,#10表示经过10个时间单位 initial begin aa<=0;//位宽为8时赋值:aa<=4'b00000000; #10 aa<=1; #10 aa<=0; #10 aa<=1; #10 $stop; //仿真停止,$stop语句为verilog系统任务 end endmodule
1.切换工作目录:File-Change Director
cd e://my_verilog
vlib work
vmap work work
3.编译:Compile选择inv.v,编译完成后可以看到work下两个module:inv与inv_tb,后者是top level module
vlog -reportprogress 300 -work work E:/my_verilog/inv.v
添加波形:Object窗口右击需要添加的波形-Add to-Wave-Signal in region
vsim -voptargs=+acc work.inv_tb
add wave sim:/inv_tb/*
run -all
quit -sim
//2022-1-11,gyf //二选一逻辑 `timescale 1ns/10ps module fn_sw(a,b,sel,y); input a,b,sel; output y; //使用assign语句实现组合逻辑 //assign y=sel?(a^b):(a&b); //使用always语句块实现组合逻辑 reg y;//always语句块里赋值的变量需要是reg型 always @(a or b or sel) begin //敏感变量,组合逻辑输入 //if-else语句二选一 if(sel==1)begin y<=a^b;//reg型变量赋值用带箭头的等号! end else begin y=a&b; end end endmodule //-----testbench of fn_sw----- module fn_sw_tb; reg a,b,sel;//对应输出定义为reg型,输出定义为wire型 wire y; fn_sw fn_sw( .a(a), .b(b), .sel(sel), .y(y)) ; initial begin a<=0;b<=0;sel<=0; #10 a<=0;b<=0;sel<=1; #10 a<=0;b<=1;sel<=0; #10 a<=0;b<=1;sel<=1; #10 a<=1;b<=0;sel<=0; #10 a<=1;b<=0;sel<=1; #10 a<=1;b<=1;sel<=0; #10 a<=1;b<=1;sel<=1; #10 $stop; end endmodule
//2022-1-11,gyf //四选一逻辑 `timescale 1ns/10ps module fn_sw_4(a,b,sel,y); input a,b; input[1:0] sel; output y; reg y; always @(a or b or sel) begin //case语句多路选择 case(sel) 2'b00: begin y<=a&b; end 2'b01: begin y<=a|b; end 2'b10: begin y<=a^b; end 2'b11: begin y<=~(a^b); end endcase end endmodule //-----testbench of fn_sw_4----- module fn_sw_4_tb; reg[3:0] absel; wire y; fn_sw_4 fn_sw_4( .a(absel[0]), .b(absel[1]), .sel(absel[3:2]), .y(y)); initial begin absel<=4'b000; #200 $stop; end always #10 absel<=absel+1;//always #语句遍历逻辑值,每10个时间单位absle+1 endmodule
//2022-1-11,gyf //补码转换逻辑 `timescale 1ns/10ps module comp_conv(a,a_comp); input[7:0] a; output[7:0] a_comp; //位拼接与二选一结合,简化逻辑 a_comp=a[7]?{a[7],~a[6:0]+1},a; endmodule //-----testbench of comp_conv----- module comp_conv_tb; reg[7:0] a_in; wire[7:0] y_out; comp_conv comp_conv( .a(a_in), .a_comp(y_out)); initial begin a_in<=0; #3000 $stop;//2^8*10=2560 end always #10 a_in<=a_in+1; endmodule
//2022-1-11,gyf //七段数码管译码器 `timescale 1ns/10ps module seg_dec(num,a_g); input[3:0] num;//0~9,四位 output[6:0] a_g; reg[6:0] a_g;//a_g[6:0]-->{a,b,c,d,e,d,g} always @(num) begin case(num) 4'd0:begin a_g<=7'b111_1110; end 4'd1:begin a_g<=7'b011_0000; end 4'd2:begin a_g<=7'b110_1101; end 4'd3:begin a_g<=7'b111_1100; end 4'd4:begin a_g<=7'b011_0011; end 4'd5:begin a_g<=7'b101_1011; end 4'd6:begin a_g<=7'b101_1111; end 4'd7:begin a_g<=7'b111_0000; end 4'd8:begin a_g<=7'b111_1111; end 4'd9:begin a_g<=7'b111_1011; end default:begin a_g<=7'b000_0001;end//case的default部分,输入超出预期 endcase end endmodule //-----testbench of seg_dec----- module seg_dec_tb; reg[3:0] num; wire[6:0] a_g; seg_dec seg_dec( .num(num), .a_g(a_g)); initial begin num<=0; #120 $stop; end always #10 num<=num+1; endmodule
//2022-1-11,gyf //计数器 `timescale 1ns/10ps module counter(clk,res,y); input clk,res; output[7:0] y; reg[7:0] y;//!!!触发器定义为reg变量 always @(posedge clk or negedge res) begin if(~res)begin//res下降为0时复位,因此正常计数时应为1 y<=0;//触发器复位时的动作 end else begin y<=y+1;//触发器正常工作时的状态 end end endmodule //-----testbench of counter------- module counter_tb; reg clk,res; wire[7:0] y; counter counter( .clk(clk), .res(res), .y(y)); initial begin clk<=0;res<=0; #17 res<=1;//17个时间单位时开始计数 #6000 $stop; end always #5 clk=~clk;//时钟周期为10个时间单位 endmodule
//2022-1-11,gyf //四级伪随机码发生器 `timescale 1ns/10ps module m_gen(clk,res,y); input clk,res; output y; reg[3:0] d; assign y=d[0]; always @(posedge clk or negedge res) begin if(~res)begin d=4'b1111; end else begin d[2:0]=d[3:1];//右移一位 d[3]<=d[3]+d[0];//模2加 end end endmodule //-----testbench of m_gen----- module m_gen_tb; reg clk,res; wire y; m_gen m_gen( .clk(clk), .res(res), .y(y)); initial begin clk<=0;res<=0; #17 res<=1;//17个时间单位时开始生成伪随机序列 #600 $stop; end always #5 clk=~clk;//时钟周期为10个时间单位 endmodule
//2022-1-13,gyf //秒计数器 `timescale 1ns/10ps module s_counter(clk,res,s_num); input clk,res; output[3:0] s_num; parameter frequency_clk=24;//设置参数表示24MHz reg[24:0] con_t;//秒脉冲分频计数器 reg s_pulse;//秒脉冲尖 reg[3:0] s_num;//虽然是输出端口,但若在always块里赋值仍需要定义为reg always@(posedge clk or negedge res) begin if(~res)begin con_t<=0; s_pulse<=0;//!!触发器记得写复位清零 s_num=0;//!!同样触发器记得写复位 end else begin //if(con_t==frequency_clk*1000000-1)begin//如果计数满,则重新计数 if(con_t==frequency_clk*1000-1)begin//修改后变为24KHz con_t<=0; end else begin con_t<=con_t+1;//对时钟上升沿计数 end if(con_t==0)begin//con_t每秒产生一个脉冲 s_pulse<=1; end else begin s_pulse<=0; end if(s_pulse==1)begin//对脉冲计数,0~9循环计数 if(s_num==9)begin//满9置0 s_num<=0; end else begin s_num<=s_num+1; end end end end endmodule //-----testbench of s_counter------ module s_counter_tb; reg clk,res; wire[3:0] s_num; s_counter s_counter( .clk(clk), .res(res), .s_num(s_num)); initial begin clk<=0;res<=0; #17 res<=1;//时钟复位解除 #1000 $stop; end always #5 clk=~clk; endmodule
//2022-1-13,gyf //数码管0-9循环显示 `timescale 1ns/10ps module top(clk,res,a_g); input clk,res; output[6:0] a_g; wire[3:0] s_num;//顶层模块内部信号,如果指示为了连接,定义为wire即可 s_counter U1(//模块名 例化名 .clk(clk), .res(res), .s_num(s_num)); seg_dec U2( .num(s_num),//括号中为顶层信号名称,不是端口需定义为wire连接 .a_g(a_g)); endmodule //秒计数器 module s_counter(clk,res,s_num); input clk,res; output[3:0] s_num; parameter frequency_clk=24;//设置参数表示24MHz reg[24:0] con_t;//秒脉冲分频计数器 reg s_pulse;//秒脉冲尖 reg[3:0] s_num;//虽然是输出端口,但若在always块里赋值仍需要定义为reg always@(posedge clk or negedge res) begin if(~res)begin con_t<=0; s_pulse<=0;//!!触发器记得写复位清零 s_num=0;//!!同样触发器记得写复位 end else begin //if(con_t==frequency_clk*1000000-1)begin//如果计数满,则重新计数 if(con_t==frequency_clk*1000-1)begin//修改后变为24KHz con_t<=0; end else begin con_t<=con_t+1;//对时钟上升沿计数 end if(con_t==0)begin//con_t每秒产生一个脉冲 s_pulse<=1; end else begin s_pulse<=0; end if(s_pulse==1)begin//对脉冲计数,0~9循环计数 if(s_num==9)begin//满9置0 s_num<=0; end else begin s_num<=s_num+1; end end end end endmodule //七段数码管译码器 module seg_dec(num,a_g); input[3:0] num;//0~9,四位 output[6:0] a_g; reg[6:0] a_g;//a_g[6:0]-->{a,b,c,d,e,d,g} always @(num) begin case(num) 4'd0:begin a_g<=7'b111_1110; end 4'd1:begin a_g<=7'b011_0000; end 4'd2:begin a_g<=7'b110_1101; end 4'd3:begin a_g<=7'b111_1100; end 4'd4:begin a_g<=7'b011_0011; end 4'd5:begin a_g<=7'b101_1011; end 4'd6:begin a_g<=7'b101_1111; end 4'd7:begin a_g<=7'b111_0000; end 4'd8:begin a_g<=7'b111_1111; end 4'd9:begin a_g<=7'b111_1011; end default:begin a_g<=7'b000_0001;end//default部分,输入超出预期 endcase end endmodule //-----testbench of top-------- module top_tb; reg clk,res; wire[6:0] a_g; top top( .clk(clk), .res(res), .a_g(a_g)); initial begin clk<=0;res<=0; #17 res<=1; #30000 $stop; end always #5 clk=~clk; endmodule
//2022-1-13,gyf //相邻16点相加 `timescale 1ns/10ps module sigma_16p(clk,res,data_in,syn_in,data_out,syn_out); input clk,res; input[7:0] data_in;//采样信号 input syn_in;//采样时钟 output[11:0] data_out;//累加结果输出 output syn_out;//累加结果同步脉冲 reg syn_in_n1;//syn_in的反向延时,一旦定义了触发器就需要对其复位 wire syn_pulse;//采样时钟上升沿识别脉冲,组合逻辑产生定义为wire assign syn_pulse=syn_in&syn_in_n1; reg[3:0] con_syn;//采样时钟循环计数器 wire[7:0] comp_8;//补码 wire[11:0] d_12;//升为12位 assign comp_8=data_in[7]?{data_in[7],~data_in[6:0]+1}:data_in;//补码运算 assign d_12={comp_8[7],comp_8[7],comp_8[7],comp_8[7],comp_8};//升位有符号扩展 reg[11:0] sigma;//累加计算 reg[11:0] data_out;//参与运算需要设置为reg reg syn_out; always@(posedge clk or negedge res) begin if(~res)begin syn_in_n1<=0; con_syn<=0; sigma<=0; syn_out<=0; end else begin syn_in_n1<=~syn_in;//输入时钟的反向延时 if(syn_pulse)begin con_syn<=con_syn+1;//定义4位,满16自动溢出为1 end if(syn_pulse)begin if(con_syn==15)begin sigma<=d_12;//计数满15时,d_12的结果已经送到,需要将其赋给sigma data_out<=sigma; //同时将sigma的结果送出到data_out syn_out=1;//还需要将syn_out置1,但syn_pulse很长时间才来一次,需要在其他时间置0 end else begin sigma=sigma+d_12; end end else begin syn_out<=0; end end end endmodule //-----testbench of sigma_16p------- module sigma_16p_tb; reg clk,res; reg[7:0] data_in; reg syn_in; wire[11:0] data_out; wire syn_out; sigma_16p sigma_16p( .clk(clk), .res(res), .data_in(data_in), .syn_in(syn_in), .data_out(data_out), .syn_out(syn_out)); initial begin clk<=0;res<=0;data_in=1;syn_in=0; #17 res<=1; #5000 $stop; end always #5 clk<=~clk; always #100 syn_in<=~syn_in;//采样时钟 endmodule
//2022-1-13,gyf //最简单的状态机:三角波发生器 `timescale 1ns/10ps module tri_gen(clk,res,d_out); input clk,res; output[8:0] d_out;//累加到299,需要9位 reg state;//定义主状态机寄存器,由于只有2个状态,1 bit即可 reg[8:0] d_out; always@(posedge clk or negedge res)begin if(~res)begin state<=0; d_out<=0; end else begin case(state) 0://上升 begin //!!!当d_out=299时,+1与判断语句可理解为同步进行,即跳转到state 1时d_out=300 d_out<=d_out+1; if(d_out==299)begin state<=1; end end 1://下降 begin //!!!同样当d_out=1时,-1与判断语句可理解为同步进行,即跳转到state 0时d_out=0 d_out<=d_out-1; if(d_out==1)begin state<=0; end end endcase end end endmodule //----testbench of tri_gen------ module tri_gen_tb; reg clk,res; wire[8:0] d_out; tri_gen U1( .clk(clk), .res(res), .d_out(d_out)); initial begin clk<=0;res<=0; #17 res<=1; #8000 $stop; end always #5 clk<=~clk; endmodule
可以看到state 0上升,state 1下降。
存在3个状态:上升、平顶(200个周期)、下降,state需要2 bit,同时需要default
//2022-1-13,gyf //最简单的状态机:三角波发生器 `timescale 1ns/10ps module tri_gen(clk,res,d_out); input clk,res; output[8:0] d_out;//累加到299,需要9位 reg[1:0] state;//定义主状态机寄存器,由于有3个状态,需要2 bit reg[8:0] d_out; reg[7:0] con;//计数器,记录平顶周期个数 always@(posedge clk or negedge res)begin if(~res)begin state<=0; d_out<=0; con<=0; end else begin case(state) 0://上升 begin //!!!当d_out=299时,+1与判断语句可理解为同步进行,即跳转到state 1时d_out=300 d_out<=d_out+1; if(d_out==299)begin state<=1; end end 1://不变 begin //当con=200时,跳转到2状态,同时con清0 if(con==200)begin state<=2; con<=0; end else begin con<=con+1; end end 2://下降 begin //!!!同样当d_out=1时,-1与判断语句可理解为同步进行,即跳转到state 0时d_out=0 d_out<=d_out-1; if(d_out==1)begin state<=0; end end default:// begin state<=0; con<=0; d_out<=0; end endcase end end endmodule //----testbench of tri_gen------ module tri_gen_tb; reg clk,res; wire[8:0] d_out; tri_gen U1( .clk(clk), .res(res), .d_out(d_out)); initial begin clk<=0;res<=0; #17 res<=1; #20000 $stop; end always #5 clk<=~clk; endmodule
可以看到state 0上升,state1持平,state 2下降。
//2022-1-13,gyf //最简单的状态机:三角波发生器 `timescale 1ns/10ps module tri_gen(clk,res,d_out); input clk,res; output[8:0] d_out;//累加到299,需要9位 reg[1:0] state;//定义主状态机寄存器,由于有3个状态,需要2 bit reg[8:0] d_out; reg[7:0] con;//计数器,记录平顶周期个数 always@(posedge clk or negedge res)begin if(~res)begin state<=0; d_out<=0; con<=0; end else begin case(state) 0://上升 begin //!!!当d_out=299时,+1与判断语句可理解为同步进行,即跳转到state 1时d_out=300 d_out<=d_out+1; if(d_out==299)begin state<=1; end end 1://不变 begin //当con=200时,跳转到2状态,同时con清0 if(con==200)begin state<=2; con<=0; end else begin con<=con+1; end end 2://下降 begin //!!!同样当d_out=1时,-1与判断语句可理解为同步进行,即跳转到state 0时d_out=0 d_out<=d_out-1; if(d_out==1)begin state<=3; end end 3://不变 begin //当con=200时,跳转到2状态,同时con清0 if(con==200)begin state<=0; con<=0; end else begin con<=con+1; end end endcase end end endmodule //----testbench of tri_gen------ module tri_gen_tb; reg clk,res; wire[8:0] d_out; tri_gen U1( .clk(clk), .res(res), .d_out(d_out)); initial begin clk<=0;res<=0; #17 res<=1; #40000 $stop; end always #5 clk<=~clk; endmodule
串口:指数据在有限的几个 IO 上按照顺序,一位一位的进行传输。串口是一个泛称,UART,TTL,RS232,RS485都遵循类似的通信时序协议,因此都被通称为串口,嵌入式里面说的串口,一般是指UART口。
//2022-2-15,gyf //串口数据接收 `timescale 1ns/10ps module UART_RXer(clk,res,RX,data_out,en_data_out); input clk,res,RX; output[7:0] data_out;//接收字节输出 output en_data_out;//输出使能 reg[7:0] data_out;//接收字节输出 reg en_data_out; reg[3:0] state;//定义主状态机寄存器,10个状态,需4位 reg[12:0] con;//计数器,用于计算比特宽度,5000周期/码元,con需要13位。1.5Tbit=7500,仍为13位。 reg[3:0] con_bits;//用于计算比特数 reg RX_delay;//RX的延时 always@(posedge clk or negedge res)begin if(~res)begin state<=0; con<=0; con_bits<=0; RX_delay<=0; data_out<=0; en_data_out<=0; end else begin RX_delay<=RX;//RX延时 case(state) 0://等空闲 begin if(con==4999)begin con<=0; end else begin con<=con+1;//5000个时钟周期接收一位 end if(con==0)begin if(RX)begin con_bits<=con_bits+1;//空闲识别,RX=1时,连续接收12个1,con_bits计数 end else begin con_bits<=0; end end if(con_bits==12)begin state<=1;//连续接收12个1,空闲状态0进入状态1 end end 1://等起始位 begin en_data_out<=0; if(~RX&RX_delay)begin state<=2;//找起始位,RX下降沿 end end 2://收最低位b0,等1.5Tbits接收 begin if(con==7499)begin con<=0; data_out[0]<=RX; state<=3; end else begin con<=con+1; end end 3://收b1,等1Tbits接收 begin if(con==4999)begin con<=0; data_out[1]<=RX; state<=4; end else begin con<=con+1; end end 4://收b2 begin if(con==4999)begin con<=0; data_out[2]<=RX; state<=5; end else begin con<=con+1; end end 5://收3 begin if(con==4999)begin con<=0; data_out[3]<=RX; state<=6; end else begin con<=con+1; end end 6://收b4 begin if(con==4999)begin con<=0; data_out[4]<=RX; state<=7; end else begin con<=con+1; end end 7://收b5 begin if(con==4999)begin con<=0; data_out[5]<=RX; state<=8; end else begin con<=con+1; end end 8://收b6 begin if(con==4999)begin con<=0; data_out[6]<=RX; state<=9; end else begin con<=con+1; end end 9://收b7 begin if(con==4999)begin con<=0; data_out[7]<=RX; state<=10; end else begin con<=con+1; end end 10://产生使能脉冲后立即回到1状态 begin en_data_out<=1; state<=1; end default:// begin state<=0; con<=0; con_bits<=0; en_data_out<=0; end endcase end end endmodule //----testbench of UART_RXer----- module UART_RXer_tb; reg clk,res,RX; wire[7:0] data_out;//接收字节输出 wire en_data_out;//输出使能 reg[25:0] RX_send;//人为设置的串口字节发送数据 always @* begin RX=RX_send[0];//连接RX!!! end reg[12:0] con; UART_RXer UART_RXer(//同名例化,名称完全一致,无需.(aa)AA结构 clk,res,RX,data_out,en_data_out); initial begin clk<=0; res<=0; RX_send<={1'b1,8'haa,1'b0,16'hffff};//设置右移发送,依次为:16个1、起始位0、01010101 1 con<=0; #17 res<=1; #1000 $stop; end always #5 clk<=~clk; always@(posedge clk)begin if(con==4999)begin con<=0; end else begin con<=con+1; end if(con==0)begin RX_send<={RX_send[0],RX_send[25:1]}; end end endmodule
//2022-2-15,gyf //串口数据发送 `timescale 1ns/10ps module UART_TXer(clk,res,data_in,en_data_in,TX,rdy); input clk,res; input[7:0] data_in;//准备发送的数据 input en_data_in;//发送使能 output TX; output rdy;//空闲标志,0表示空闲 reg state;//主状态机寄存器 reg[9:0] send_buf;//发送寄存器 assign TX=send_buf[0];//连接TX reg[12:0] con;//用于计算波特周期 reg[9:0] send_flag;//用于判断右移结束 reg rdy;//空闲标志,0空闲 always @(posedge clk or negedge res) begin if(~res)begin state<=0; send_buf<=1; con<=0; send_flag<=10'b10_0000_0000;//值为1时右移结束 rdy<=0; end else begin case(state) 0://等待使能信号,填充发送寄存器 begin if(en_data_in)begin send_buf<={1'b1,data_in,1'b0}; send_flag<=10'b10_0000_0000; rdy<=1; state<=1; end end 1://串口发送寄存器右移 begin if(con==4999)begin con<=0; end else begin con<=con+1; end if(con==4999)begin send_buf<={send_buf[0],send_buf[9:1]}; send_flag<={send_flag[0],send_flag[9:1]}; end if(send_flag[0])begin rdy<=0; state<=0;//发送结束 end end endcase end end endmodule //----testbench of UART_TXer---- module UART_TXer_tb; reg clk,res; reg[7:0] data_in; reg en_data_in; wire TX; wire rdy; UART_TXer UART_TXer(clk,res,data_in,en_data_in,TX,rdy);//同名例化 initial begin clk<=0; res<=0; data_in<=8'h7f; en_data_in<=0; #17 res<=1; #30 en_data_in<=1; #10 en_data_in<=0; #1000 $stop; end always #5 clk<=~clk; endmodule
en_data_in冒尖,发送使能,填充send_buf={1’b1,data_in,1’b0},rdy<=1,同时进入state 1。
state 1中con计数,每5000周期send_buf左移一位。send_buf发生结束后,rdy<=0;
状态转化:state 0 - state 1 - state 2 - state 0 - state 1 - state 2 - …
//2022-2-15,gyf //指令处理器 module cmd_pro(clk,res,din_pro,en_din_pro,dout_pro,en_dout_pro,rdy); input clk,res; input[7:0] din_pro;//指令和数据输入端口 input en_din_pro;//输入使能 output[7:0] dout_pro;//指令执行结果 output en_dout_pro;//指令输出使能 output rdy;//串口发送模块空闲,0空闲 parameter add_ab=8'h0a; parameter sub_ab=8'h0b; parameter and_ab=8'h0c; parameter or_ab=8'h0d; reg[2:0] state;//主状态机寄存器 reg[7:0] cmd_reg,A_reg,B_reg;//存放指令、A、B; reg[7:0] dout_pro; reg en_dout_pro; always@(posedge clk or negedge res)begin if(~res)begin state<=0; cmd_reg<=0; A_reg<=0; B_reg<=0; dout_pro<=0; en_dout_pro<=0; end else begin case(state) 0://等指令 begin en_dout_pro<=0; if(en_din_pro)begin cmd_reg<=din_pro; state<=1; end end 1://收操作数A begin if(en_din_pro)begin A_reg<=din_pro; state<=2; end end 2://收操作数B begin if(en_din_pro)begin B_reg<=din_pro; state<=3; end end 3://指令译码和运算执行 begin state<=4; case(cmd_reg) add_ab:begin dout_pro<=A_reg+B_reg;end sub_ab:begin dout_pro<=A_reg-B_reg;end and_ab:begin dout_pro<=A_reg&B_reg;end or_ab:begin dout_pro<=A_reg|B_reg;end endcase end 4://发送指令执行的结果 begin if(~rdy)begin//rdy低,接收器空闲 en_dout_pro<=1; state<=0; end end default:// begin state<=0; en_dout_pro<=0; end endcase end end endmodule
//2022-2-15,gyf //串口指令处理器 `timescale 1ns/10ps module UART_top(clk,res,RX,TX); input clk,res,RX; output TX; wire[7:0] din_pro; wire en_din_pro; wire[7:0] dout_pro; wire en_dout_pro; wire rdy; UART_RXer UART_RXer( .clk(clk), .res(res), .RX(RX), .data_out(din_pro), .en_data_out(en_din_pro)); UART_TXer UART_TXer( .clk(clk), .res(res), .data_in(dout_pro), .en_data_in(en_dout_pro), .TX(TX), .rdy(rdy)); cmd_pro cmd_pro(//也可以直接同名例化 .clk(clk), .res(res), .din_pro(din_pro), .en_din_pro(en_din_pro), .dout_pro(dout_pro), .en_dout_pro(en_dout_pro), .rdy(rdy)); endmodule //----testbench of UART_top---- module UART_top_tb; reg clk,res; wire RX; wire TX; reg[45:0] RX_send;//里面装有串口字节发送数据 assign RX=RX_send[0]; reg[12:0] con; UART_top UART_top(clk,res,RX,TX);//同名例化 initial begin clk<=0; res<=0; RX_send<={1'b1,8'h09,1'b0,1'b1,8'h06,1'b0,1'b1,8'h0a,1'b0,16'hffff}; con<=0; #17 res<=1; #4000000 $stop; end always #5 clk=~clk; always@(posedge clk or negedge res)begin if(~res)begin end if(con==4999)begin con<=0; end else begin con<=con+1; end if(con==0)begin RX_send<={RX_send[0],RX_send[45:1]}; end end endmodule
RX_send:ffff 0-0101-0000-1 0-0110-0000-1 0-1001-0000-1
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