今天在程序库里面发现一个程序 可复制直接运行
- *&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
- *& Report ZDOWNLOAD
- *&
- *&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
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- *&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
- program zdownload.
- *======================================================================================================================
- * Direct Download Enterprise version 1.3.
- *
- *
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Allows a user to download programs, Functions, DD definitions, etc to the presentation server. This version searches
- * recursively for nested includes and function modules, and allows you to download the resulting code as standard text
- * or HTML web pages within a suitable directory structure.
- *
- * You can either search by object name, using wildcards if you wish, or a combination of Author and object name. If
- * you want all objects returned for a particular author then select the author name and choose the most suitable
- * radiobutton. All objects will be returned if the fields to the right hand side of the radiobutton are left completely
- * blank.
- *
- * Compatible with R/3 Enterprise only, for older versions of SAP you will need Direct Download version 5.xx.
- * This version removes the programming limitations imposed by developing across SAP releases 3 to 4.6.
- *
- * In order to be able to download files to the SAP server you must first set up a logical filepath within transaction
- * 'FILE', or use an existing one. You must also create a external operating system command in SM69 called ZMKDIR. This
- * will then be used to create any directories needed on the SAP server
- * This program is intended to allow a person to keep a visual representation of a program for backup purposes only as
- * has not been designed to allow programs to be uploaded to SAP systems.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * author : E.G.Mellodew
- *
- *
- * program contact : direct@dalestech.com
- * www.dalestech.com
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * SAP Tables
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- tables: trdir, seoclass, tfdir, enlfdir, dd02l.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Types
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * text element structure
- types: ttexttable like textpool.
- * GUI titles
- types: tguititle like d347t.
- * Message classes
- types: begin of tmessage,
- arbgb like t100-arbgb,
- stext like t100a-stext,
- msgnr like t100-msgnr,
- text like t100-text,
- end of tmessage.
- * Screen flow.
- types: begin of tscreenflow,
- screen like d020s-dnum,
- code like d022s-line,
- end of tscreenflow.
- * Holds a table\structure definition
- types: begin of tdicttablestructure,
- fieldname like dd03l-fieldname,
- position like dd03l-position,
- keyflag like dd03l-keyflag,
- rollname like dd03l-rollname,
- domname like dd03l-domname,
- datatype like dd03l-datatype,
- leng like dd03l-leng,
- ddtext like dd04t-ddtext,
- end of tdicttablestructure.
- * Holds a tables attributes + its definition
- types: begin of tdicttable,
- tablename like dd03l-tabname,
- tabletitle like dd02t-ddtext,
- istructure type tdicttablestructure occurs 0,
- end of tdicttable.
- * Include program names
- types: begin of tinclude,
- includename like trdir-name,
- includetitle like tftit-stext,
- end of tinclude.
- * Exception class texts
- types: begin of tconcept,
- constname type string,
- concept type sotr_conc,
- end of tconcept.
- * Method
- types: begin of tmethod,
- cmpname like vseomethod-cmpname,
- descript like vseomethod-descript,
- exposure like vseomethod-exposure,
- methodkey type string,
- end of tmethod.
- * Class
- types: begin of tclass,
- scanned(1),
- clsname like vseoclass-clsname,
- descript like vseoclass-descript,
- msg_id like vseoclass-msg_id,
- exposure like vseoclass-exposure,
- state like vseoclass-state,
- clsfinal like vseoclass-clsfinal,
- r3release like vseoclass-r3release,
- imethods type tmethod occurs 0,
- idictstruct type tdicttable occurs 0,
- itextelements type ttexttable occurs 0,
- imessages type tmessage occurs 0,
- iconcepts type tconcept occurs 0,
- textelementkey type string,
- publicclasskey type string,
- privateclasskey type string,
- protectedclasskey type string,
- typesclasskey type string,
- exceptionclass type i,
- end of tclass.
- * function modules
- types: begin of tfunction,
- functionname like tfdir-funcname,
- functiongroup like enlfdir-area,
- includenumber like tfdir-include,
- functionmaininclude like tfdir-funcname,
- functiontitle like tftit-stext,
- topincludename like tfdir-funcname,
- progname like tfdir-pname,
- programlinkname like tfdir-pname,
- messageclass like t100-arbgb,
- itextelements type ttexttable occurs 0,
- iselectiontexts type ttexttable occurs 0,
- imessages type tmessage occurs 0,
- iincludes type tinclude occurs 0,
- idictstruct type tdicttable occurs 0,
- iguititle type tguititle occurs 0,
- iscreenflow type tscreenflow occurs 0,
- end of tfunction.
- types: begin of tprogram,
- progname like trdir-name,
- programtitle like tftit-stext,
- subc like trdir-subc,
- messageclass like t100-arbgb,
- imessages type tmessage occurs 0,
- itextelements type ttexttable occurs 0,
- iselectiontexts type ttexttable occurs 0,
- iguititle type tguititle occurs 0,
- iscreenflow type tscreenflow occurs 0,
- iincludes type tinclude occurs 0,
- idictstruct type tdicttable occurs 0,
- end of tprogram.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Internal tables
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Dictionary object
- data: idictionary type standard table of tdicttable with header line.
- * Function modules.
- data: ifunctions type standard table of tfunction with header line.
- * Tree display structure.
- data: itreedisplay type standard table of snodetext with header line.
- * Message class data
- data: imessages type standard table of tmessage with header line.
- * Holds a single message class an all of its messages
- data: isinglemessageclass type standard table of tmessage with header line.
- * Holds program related data
- data: iprograms type standard table of tprogram with header line.
- * Classes
- data: iclasses type standard table of tclass with header line.
- * Table of paths created on the SAP server
- data: iserverpaths type standard table of string with header line.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Table prototypes
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- data: dumidictstructure type standard table of tdicttablestructure.
- data: dumitexttab type standard table of ttexttable.
- data: dumiincludes type standard table of tinclude.
- data: dumihtml type standard table of string.
- data: dumiheader type standard table of string .
- data: dumiscreen type standard table of tscreenflow .
- data: dumiguititle type standard table of tguititle.
- data: dumimethods type standard table of tmethod.
- data: dumiconcepts type standard table of tconcept.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Global objects
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- data: objfile type ref to cl_gui_frontend_services.
- data: objruntimeerror type ref to cx_root.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Constants
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- constants: versionno type string value '1.3'.
- constants: tables type string value 'TABLES'.
- constants: table type string value 'TABLE'.
- constants: like type string value 'LIKE'.
- constants: type type string value 'TYPE'.
- constants: typerefto type string value 'TYPE REF TO'.
- constants: structure type string value 'STRUCTURE'.
- constants: lowstructure type string value 'structure'.
- constants: occurs type string value 'OCCURS'.
- constants: function type string value 'FUNCTION'.
- constants: callfunction type string value ' CALL FUNCTION'.
- constants: message type string value 'MESSAGE'.
- constants: include type string value 'INCLUDE'.
- constants: lowinclude type string value 'include'.
- constants: destination type string value 'DESTINATION'.
- constants: is_table type string value 'T'.
- constants: is_program type string value 'P'.
- constants: is_screen type string value 'S'.
- constants: is_guititle type string value 'G'.
- constants: is_documentation type string value 'D'.
- constants: is_messageclass type string value 'MC'.
- constants: is_function type string value 'F'.
- constants: is_class type string value 'C'.
- constants: is_method type string value 'M'.
- constants: asterix type string value '*'.
- constants: comma type string value ','.
- constants: period type string value '.'.
- constants: dash type string value '-'.
- constants: true type i value 1.
- constants: false type i value 0.
- constants: lt type string value '<'.
- constants: gt type string value '>'.
- constants: unix type string value 'UNIX'.
- constants: non_unix type string value 'not UNIX'.
- constants: background_colour type string value '#FFFFE0'.
- constants: colour_white type string value '#FFFFFF'.
- constants: colour_black type string value '#000000'.
- constants: colour_yellow type string value '#FFFF00'.
- constants: comment_colour type string value '#0000FF'.
- constants: htmlextension type string value 'html'.
- constants: textextension type string value 'txt'.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Global variables
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- data: statusbarmessage(100).
- data: forcedexit type i value 0.
- data: starttime like sy-uzeit.
- data: runtime like sy-uzeit.
- data: downloadfileextension type string.
- data: downloadfolder type string.
- data: serverslashseparator type string.
- data: frontendslashseparator type string.
- data: slashseparatortouse type string.
- data: serverfilesystem type filesys_d.
- data: serverfolder type string.
- data: frontendopsystem type string.
- data: serveropsystem type string.
- data: customernamespace type string.
- ranges: soprogramname for trdir-name.
- ranges: soauthor for usr02-bname.
- ranges: sotablenames for dd02l-tabname.
- ranges: sofunctionname for tfdir-funcname.
- ranges: soclassname for vseoclass-clsname.
- ranges: sofunctiongroup for enlfdir-area.
- field-symbols: <wadictstruct> type tdicttable.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Selection screen declaration
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Author
- selection-screen: begin of block b1 with frame title tblock1.
- selection-screen begin of line.
- selection-screen comment 5(23) tauth.
- parameters: pauth like usr02-bname memory id mauth.
- selection-screen end of line.
- selection-screen begin of line.
- selection-screen comment 5(36) tpmod.
- parameters: pmod as checkbox.
- selection-screen end of line.
- * Local objects
- selection-screen begin of line.
- selection-screen comment 5(36) t$tmp.
- parameters: p$tmp as checkbox default ''.
- selection-screen end of line.
- selection-screen: end of block b1.
- selection-screen begin of block b2 with frame title tblock2.
- * Tables
- selection-screen begin of line.
- parameters: rtable radiobutton group r1.
- selection-screen comment 5(15) trtable.
- selection-screen end of line.
- selection-screen begin of line.
- selection-screen comment 10(15) tptable.
- select-options: sotable for dd02l-tabname.
- selection-screen end of line.
- selection-screen begin of line.
- selection-screen comment 10(79) ttnote.
- selection-screen end of line.
- * Message classes
- selection-screen begin of line.
- parameters: rmess radiobutton group r1.
- selection-screen comment 5(18) tpmes.
- selection-screen end of line.
- selection-screen begin of line.
- selection-screen comment 10(18) tmname.
- parameters: pmname like t100-arbgb memory id mmname.
- selection-screen end of line.
- * Function modules
- selection-screen begin of line.
- parameters: rfunc radiobutton group r1.
- selection-screen comment 5(30) trfunc.
- selection-screen end of line.
- selection-screen begin of line.
- selection-screen comment 10(15) tpfname.
- select-options: sofname for tfdir-funcname.
- selection-screen end of line.
- selection-screen begin of line.
- selection-screen comment 10(15) tfgroup.
- select-options: sofgroup for enlfdir-area.
- selection-screen end of line.
- * Classes
- selection-screen begin of line.
- parameters: rclass radiobutton group r1.
- selection-screen comment 5(30) trclass.
- selection-screen end of line.
- selection-screen begin of line.
- selection-screen comment 10(15) tpcname.
- select-options: soclass for seoclass-clsname.
- selection-screen end of line.
- * Programs / includes
- selection-screen begin of line.
- parameters: rprog radiobutton group r1 default 'X'.
- selection-screen comment 5(18) tprog.
- selection-screen end of line.
- selection-screen begin of line.
- selection-screen comment 10(15) trpname.
- select-options: soprog for trdir-name.
- selection-screen end of line.
- selection-screen skip.
- * Language
- selection-screen begin of line.
- selection-screen comment 1(18) tmlang.
- parameters: pmlang like t100-sprsl default 'EN'.
- selection-screen end of line.
- * Package
- selection-screen begin of line.
- selection-screen comment 1(18) tpack.
- parameters: ppack like tadiv-devclass memory id mpack.
- selection-screen end of line.
- * Customer objects
- selection-screen begin of line.
- selection-screen comment 1(27) tcust.
- parameters: pcust as checkbox default 'X'.
- selection-screen comment 32(25) tnrange.
- parameters: pcname type namespace memory id mnamespace.
- selection-screen end of line.
- selection-screen: end of block b2.
- * Additional things to download.
- selection-screen: begin of block b3 with frame title tblock3.
- selection-screen begin of line.
- selection-screen comment 1(33) tptext.
- parameters: ptext as checkbox default 'X' memory id mtext.
- selection-screen end of line.
- selection-screen begin of line.
- selection-screen comment 1(33) tmess.
- parameters: pmess as checkbox default 'X' memory id mmess.
- selection-screen end of line.
- selection-screen begin of line.
- selection-screen comment 1(33) tpinc.
- parameters: pinc as checkbox default 'X' memory id minc.
- selection-screen comment 40(20) trecc.
- parameters: preci as checkbox default 'X' memory id mreci.
- selection-screen end of line.
- selection-screen begin of line.
- selection-screen comment 1(33) tpfunc.
- parameters: pfunc as checkbox default 'X' memory id mfunc.
- selection-screen comment 40(20) trecf.
- parameters: precf as checkbox default 'X' memory id mrecf.
- selection-screen end of line.
- selection-screen begin of line.
- selection-screen comment 1(33) tdoc.
- parameters: pdoc as checkbox default 'X' memory id mdoc.
- selection-screen end of line.
- selection-screen begin of line.
- selection-screen comment 1(33) tpscr.
- parameters: pscr as checkbox default 'X' memory id mscr.
- selection-screen end of line.
- selection-screen begin of line.
- selection-screen comment 1(33) tpdict.
- parameters: pdict as checkbox default 'X' memory id mdict.
- selection-screen end of line.
- selection-screen begin of line.
- selection-screen comment 1(33) tsortt.
- parameters: psortt as checkbox default ' ' memory id msortt.
- selection-screen end of line.
- selection-screen: end of block b3.
- * File details
- selection-screen: begin of block b4 with frame title tblock4.
- selection-screen begin of line.
- selection-screen comment 1(20) tphtml.
- parameters: phtml radiobutton group g1 default 'X'.
- selection-screen end of line.
- selection-screen begin of line.
- selection-screen comment 5(29) tcomm.
- parameters: pcomm as checkbox default 'X'.
- selection-screen end of line.
- selection-screen begin of line.
- selection-screen comment 5(29) tback.
- parameters: pback as checkbox default 'X'.
- selection-screen end of line.
- selection-screen begin of line.
- selection-screen comment 1(20) tptxt.
- parameters: ptxt radiobutton group g1.
- selection-screen end of line.
- selection-screen skip.
- * Download to SAP server
- selection-screen begin of line.
- selection-screen comment 1(25) tserv.
- parameters: pserv radiobutton group g2.
- selection-screen end of line.
- selection-screen begin of line.
- selection-screen comment 8(20) tspath.
- parameters: plogical like filename-fileintern memory id mlogical.
- selection-screen end of line.
- selection-screen comment /28(60) tsdpath.
- * Download to PC
- selection-screen begin of line.
- selection-screen comment 1(25) tpc.
- parameters: ppc radiobutton group g2 default 'X'.
- selection-screen end of line.
- selection-screen begin of line.
- selection-screen comment 8(20) tppath.
- parameters: pfolder like rlgrap-filename memory id mfolder.
- selection-screen end of line.
- selection-screen: end of block b4.
- * Display options
- selection-screen: begin of block b5 with frame title tblock5.
- * Display final report
- selection-screen begin of line.
- selection-screen comment 1(33) trep.
- parameters: prep as checkbox default 'X'.
- selection-screen end of line.
- * Display progress messages
- selection-screen begin of line.
- selection-screen comment 1(33) tpromess.
- parameters: ppromess as checkbox default 'X'.
- selection-screen end of line.
- selection-screen: end of block b5.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Display a directory picker window
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- at selection-screen on value-request for pfolder.
- data: objfile type ref to cl_gui_frontend_services.
- data: pickedfolder type string.
- data: initialfolder type string.
- if sy-batch is initial.
- create object objfile.
- if not pfolder is initial.
- initialfolder = pfolder.
- else.
- objfile->get_temp_directory( changing temp_dir = initialfolder
- exceptions cntl_error = 1
- error_no_gui = 2
- not_supported_by_gui = 3 ).
- endif.
- objfile->directory_browse( exporting initial_folder = initialfolder
- changing selected_folder = pickedfolder
- exceptions cntl_error = 1
- error_no_gui = 2
- not_supported_by_gui = 3 ).
- if sy-subrc = 0.
- pfolder = pickedfolder.
- else.
- write: / 'An error has occured picking a folder'.
- endif.
- endif.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- at selection-screen.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- case 'X'.
- when ppc.
- if pfolder is initial.
- * User must enter a path to save to
- message e000(oo) with 'You must enter a file path'.
- endif.
- when pserv.
- if plogical is initial.
- * User must enter a logical path to save to
- message e000(oo) with 'You must enter a logical file name'.
- endif.
- endcase.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- at selection-screen on plogical.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if not pserv is initial.
- call function 'FILE_GET_NAME' exporting logical_filename = plogical
- importing file_name = serverfolder
- exceptions file_not_found = 1
- others = 2.
- if sy-subrc = 0.
- if serverfolder is initial.
- message e000(oo) with 'No file path returned from logical filename'.
- else.
- * Path to display on the selection screen
- tsdpath = serverfolder.
- * Remove the trailing slash off the path as the subroutine buildFilename will add an extra one
- shift serverfolder right deleting trailing serverslashseparator.
- shift serverfolder left deleting leading space.
- endif.
- else.
- message e000(oo) with 'Logical filename does not exist'.
- endif.
- endif.
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- at selection-screen on value-request for soprog-low.
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- call function 'REPOSITORY_INFO_SYSTEM_F4' exporting object_type = 'PROG'
- object_name = soprog-low
- suppress_selection = 'X'
- use_alv_grid = ''
- without_personal_list = ''
- importing object_name_selected = soprog-low
- exceptions cancel = 1.
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- at selection-screen on value-request for soprog-high.
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- call function 'REPOSITORY_INFO_SYSTEM_F4' exporting object_type = 'PROG'
- object_name = soprog-high
- suppress_selection = 'X'
- use_alv_grid = ''
- without_personal_list = ''
- importing object_name_selected = soprog-high
- exceptions cancel = 1.
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- at selection-screen on value-request for soclass-low.
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- call function 'F4_DD_ALLTYPES' exporting object = soclass-low
- suppress_selection = 'X'
- display_only = ''
- only_types_for_clifs = 'X'
- importing result = soclass-low.
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- at selection-screen on value-request for soclass-high.
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- call function 'F4_DD_ALLTYPES' exporting object = soclass-high
- suppress_selection = 'X'
- display_only = ''
- only_types_for_clifs = 'X'
- importing result = soclass-high.
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- at selection-screen on value-request for sofname-low.
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- call function 'REPOSITORY_INFO_SYSTEM_F4' exporting object_type = 'FUNC'
- object_name = sofname-low
- suppress_selection = 'X'
- use_alv_grid = ''
- without_personal_list = ''
- importing object_name_selected = sofname-low
- exceptions cancel = 1.
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- at selection-screen on value-request for sofname-high.
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- call function 'REPOSITORY_INFO_SYSTEM_F4' exporting object_type = 'FUNC'
- object_name = sofname-high
- suppress_selection = 'X'
- use_alv_grid = ''
- without_personal_list = ''
- importing object_name_selected = sofname-high
- exceptions cancel = 1.
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- at selection-screen on value-request for sofgroup-low.
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- call function 'REPOSITORY_INFO_SYSTEM_F4' exporting object_type = 'FUGR'
- object_name = sofgroup-low
- suppress_selection = 'X'
- use_alv_grid = ''
- without_personal_list = ''
- importing object_name_selected = sofgroup-low
- exceptions cancel = 1.
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- at selection-screen on value-request for sofgroup-high.
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- call function 'REPOSITORY_INFO_SYSTEM_F4' exporting object_type = 'FUGR'
- object_name = sofgroup-high
- suppress_selection = 'X'
- use_alv_grid = ''
- without_personal_list = ''
- importing object_name_selected = sofgroup-high
- exceptions cancel = 1.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * initialisation
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- initialization.
- * Parameter screen texts.
- tblock1 = 'Author (Optional)'.
- t$tmp = 'Programs only: include local objects'.
- tblock2 = 'Objects to download'.
- tblock3 = 'Additional downloads for programs, function modules and classes'.
- tblock4 = 'Download parameters'.
- tblock5 = 'Display options'.
- tauth = 'Author name'.
- tpmod = 'Include programs modified by author'.
- tcust = 'Only customer objects'.
- tnrange = 'Alt customer name range'.
- trtable = 'Tables / Structures'.
- tptable = 'Table name'.
- ttnote = 'Note: tables are stored under the username of the last person who modified them'.
- trfunc = 'Function modules'.
- tpfname = 'Function name'.
- tfgroup = 'Function group'.
- trclass = 'Classes'.
- tpcname = 'Class name'.
- tmess = 'Message class'.
- tmname = 'Class name'.
- tmlang = 'Language'.
- tprog = 'Programs'.
- trpname = 'Program name'.
- tpack = 'Package'.
- tptxt = 'Text document'.
- tphtml = 'HTML document'.
- tcomm = 'Highlight comments'.
- tback = 'Include background colour'.
- tptext = 'Text elements'.
- tpinc = 'Include programs'.
- trecc = 'Recursive search'.
- tppath = 'File path'.
- tspath = 'Logical file name'.
- tpmes = 'Message classes'.
- tpfunc = 'Function modules'.
- tdoc = 'Function module documentation'.
- trecf = 'Recursive search'.
- tpscr = 'Screens'.
- tpdict = 'Dictionary structures'.
- tsortt = 'Sort table fields alphabetically'.
- tserv = 'Download to server'.
- tpc = 'Download to PC'.
- trep = 'Display download report'.
- tpromess = 'Display progress messages'.
- * Determine the frontend operating system type.
- if sy-batch is initial.
- perform determinefrontendopsystem using frontendslashseparator frontendopsystem.
- endif.
- perform determineserveropsystem using serverslashseparator serverfilesystem serveropsystem.
- * Determine if the external command exists. If it doesn't then disable the server input field
- perform findexternalcommand.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * start-of-selection.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- start-of-selection.
- perform checkcomboboxes.
- perform fillselectionranges.
- starttime = sy-uzeit.
- * Don't display status messages if we are running in the background
- if not sy-batch is initial.
- ppromess = ''.
- endif.
- * Fool the HTML routines to stop them hyperlinking anything with a space in them
- if pcname is initial.
- customernamespace = '^'.
- else.
- customernamespace = pcname.
- endif.
- * Determine which operating slash and download directory to use
- case 'X'.
- when ppc.
- slashseparatortouse = frontendslashseparator.
- downloadfolder = pfolder.
- when pserv.
- slashseparatortouse = serverslashseparator.
- downloadfolder = serverfolder.
- endcase.
- * Main program flow.
- case 'X'.
- * Select tables
- when rtable.
- perform retrievetables using idictionary[]
- sotablenames[]
- soauthor[].
- * Select message classes tables
- when rmess.
- perform retrievemessageclass using imessages[]
- soauthor[] "Author
- pmname "Message class name
- pmlang "Message class language
- pmod. "Modified by author
- * Select function modules
- when rfunc.
- perform retrievefunctions using sofunctionname[] "Function name
- sofunctiongroup[] "Function group
- ifunctions[] "Found functions
- pauth "Author
- ptext "Get text elements
- pscr "Get screens
- pcust "Customer data only
- customernamespace. "Customer name range
- loop at ifunctions.
- * Find Dict structures, messages, functions, includes etc.
- perform scanforadditionalfuncstuff using ifunctions[]
- preci "Search for includes recursively
- precf "Search for functions recursively
- pinc "Search for includes
- pfunc "Search for functions
- pdict "search for dictionary objects
- pmess "Search for messages
- pcust "Customer data only
- customernamespace. "Customer name range
- endloop.
- * Select Classes
- when rclass.
- perform retrieveclasses using iclasses[]
- ifunctions[]
- soclassname[] "Class name
- soauthor[] "Author
- customernamespace "Customer name range
- pmod "Also modified by author
- pcust "Customer object only
- pmess "Find messages
- ptext "Text Elements
- pdict "Dictionary structures
- pfunc "Get functions
- pinc "Get includes
- precf "Search recursively for functions
- preci "Search recursively for includes
- 'X' "Search recursively for classes
- pmlang. "Language
- loop at ifunctions.
- * Find Dict structures, messages, functions, includes etc.
- perform scanforadditionalfuncstuff using ifunctions[]
- preci "Search for includes recursively
- precf "Search for functions recursively
- pinc "Search for includes
- pfunc "Search for functions
- pdict "search for dictionary objects
- pmess "Search for messages
- pcust "Customer data only
- customernamespace. "Customer name range
- endloop.
- * Select programs
- when rprog.
- perform retrieveprograms using iprograms[]
- ifunctions[]
- soprogramname[] "Program name
- soauthor[] "Author
- customernamespace "Customer name range
- pmod "Also modified by author
- pcust "Customer object only
- pmess "Find messages
- ptext "Text Elements
- pdict "Dictionay structures
- pfunc "Get functions
- pinc "Get includes
- pscr "Get screens
- precf "Search recursively for functions
- preci "Search recursively for includes
- p$tmp "local objects
- ppack. "Package
- endcase.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * end-of-selection
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- end-of-selection.
- if forcedexit = 0.
- * Set the file extension and output type of the file
- if ptxt is initial.
- downloadfileextension = htmlextension.
- else.
- downloadfileextension = textextension.
- endif.
- * Decide what to download
- case 'X'.
- * Download tables
- when rtable.
- if not ( idictionary[] is initial ).
- perform downloadddstructures using idictionary[]
- downloadfolder
- htmlextension
- space
- psortt
- slashseparatortouse
- pserv
- ppromess.
- * Free up any memory used for caching HTML versions of tables
- loop at idictionary.
- free memory id idictionary-tablename.
- endloop.
- * Display donwload report
- if not prep is initial.
- get time.
- runtime = sy-uzeit - starttime.
- perform filltreenodetables using idictionary[]
- itreedisplay[]
- runtime.
- endif.
- clear idictionary[].
- endif.
- * Download message class
- when rmess.
- if not ( imessages[] is initial ).
- sort imessages ascending by arbgb msgnr.
- loop at imessages.
- append imessages to isinglemessageclass.
- at end of arbgb.
- perform downloadmessageclass using isinglemessageclass[]
- imessages-arbgb
- downloadfolder
- downloadfileextension
- phtml
- space
- pcomm
- customernamespace
- pinc
- pdict
- pmess
- slashseparatortouse
- pserv
- ppromess.
- clear isinglemessageclass[].
- endat.
- endloop.
- * Display download report
- if not prep is initial.
- get time.
- runtime = sy-uzeit - starttime.
- perform filltreenodemessages using imessages[]
- itreedisplay[]
- runtime.
- endif.
- clear imessages[].
- endif.
- * Download functions
- when rfunc.
- if not ( ifunctions[] is initial ).
- perform downloadfunctions using ifunctions[]
- downloadfolder
- downloadfileextension
- space
- pdoc
- phtml
- pcomm
- customernamespace
- pinc
- pdict
- textextension
- htmlextension
- psortt
- slashseparatortouse
- pserv
- ppromess.
- * Free up any memory used for caching HTML versions of tables
- loop at ifunctions.
- loop at ifunctions-idictstruct assigning <wadictstruct>.
- free memory id <wadictstruct>-tablename.
- endloop.
- endloop.
- * Display donwload report
- if not prep is initial.
- get time.
- runtime = sy-uzeit - starttime.
- perform filltreenodefunctions using ifunctions[]
- itreedisplay[]
- runtime.
- endif.
- clear ifunctions[].
- endif.
- * Download Classes
- when rclass.
- if not ( iclasses[] is initial ).
- perform downloadclasses using iclasses[]
- ifunctions[]
- downloadfolder
- downloadfileextension
- htmlextension
- textextension
- phtml
- pcomm
- customernamespace
- pinc
- pdict
- pdoc
- psortt
- slashseparatortouse
- pserv
- ppromess.
- * Free up any memory used for caching HTML versions of tables
- loop at ifunctions.
- loop at ifunctions-idictstruct assigning <wadictstruct>.
- free memory id <wadictstruct>-tablename.
- endloop.
- endloop.
- * Free up any memory used for caching HTML versions of tables
- loop at iprograms.
- loop at iprograms-idictstruct assigning <wadictstruct>.
- free memory id <wadictstruct>-tablename.
- endloop.
- endloop.
- * Display donwload report
- if not prep is initial.
- get time.
- runtime = sy-uzeit - starttime.
- perform filltreenodeclasses using iclasses[]
- ifunctions[]
- itreedisplay[]
- runtime.
- endif.
- clear iclasses[].
- clear ifunctions[].
- endif.
- * Download programs
- when rprog.
- if not ( iprograms[] is initial ).
- perform downloadprograms using iprograms[]
- ifunctions[]
- downloadfolder
- downloadfileextension
- htmlextension
- textextension
- phtml
- pcomm
- customernamespace
- pinc
- pdict
- pdoc
- psortt
- slashseparatortouse
- pserv
- ppromess.
- * Free up any memory used for caching HTML versions of tables
- loop at ifunctions.
- loop at ifunctions-idictstruct assigning <wadictstruct>.
- free memory id <wadictstruct>-tablename.
- endloop.
- endloop.
- * Free up any memory used for caching HTML versions of tables
- loop at iprograms.
- loop at iprograms-idictstruct assigning <wadictstruct>.
- free memory id <wadictstruct>-tablename.
- endloop.
- endloop.
- * Display donwload report
- if not prep is initial.
- get time.
- runtime = sy-uzeit - starttime.
- perform filltreenodeprograms using iprograms[]
- ifunctions[]
- itreedisplay[]
- runtime.
- endif.
- clear iprograms[].
- clear ifunctions[].
- endif.
- endcase.
- if not prep is initial.
- if not ( itreedisplay[] is initial ).
- perform displaytree using itreedisplay[].
- else.
- statusbarmessage = 'No items found matching selection criteria'.
- perform displaystatus using statusbarmessage 2.
- endif.
- endif.
- endif.
- *--- Memory IDs
- * User name
- set parameter id 'MAUTH' field pauth.
- * Message class
- set parameter id 'MMNAME' field pmname.
- * Customer namespace
- set parameter id 'MNAMESPACE' field pcname.
- * Folder
- set parameter id 'MFOLDER' field pfolder.
- * Logical filepath
- set parameter id 'MLOGICAL' field plogical.
- * Package
- set parameter id 'MPACK' field ppack.
- * Text element checkbox
- set parameter id 'MTEXT' field ptext.
- * Messages checkbox
- set parameter id 'MMESS' field pmess.
- * Includes checkbox
- set parameter id 'MINC' field pinc.
- * Recursive includes checkbox.
- set parameter id 'MRECI' field preci.
- * Functions checkbox
- set parameter id 'MFUNC' field pfunc.
- * Recursive functions checkbox
- set parameter id 'MRECF' field precf.
- * Function module documntation checkbox
- set parameter id 'MDOC' field pdoc.
- * Screens checkbox
- set parameter id 'MSCR' field pscr.
- * Dictionary checkbox
- set parameter id 'MDICT' field pdict.
- * Sort table ascending checkBox
- set parameter id 'MSORTT' field psortt.
- ***********************************************************************************************************************
- ***************************************************SUBROUTINES*********************************************************
- ***********************************************************************************************************************
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * checkComboBoxes... Check input parameters
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form checkcomboboxes.
- if pauth is initial.
- case 'X'.
- when rtable.
- if sotable[] is initial.
- statusbarmessage = 'You must enter either a table name or author.'.
- endif.
- when rfunc.
- if ( sofname[] is initial ) and ( sofgroup[] is initial ).
- if sofname[] is initial.
- statusbarmessage = 'You must enter either a function name or author.'.
- else.
- if sofgroup[] is initial.
- statusbarmessage = 'You must enter either a function group, or an author name.'.
- endif.
- endif.
- endif.
- when rprog.
- if soprog[] is initial.
- statusbarmessage = 'You must enter either a program name or author name.'.
- endif.
- endcase.
- * Check the user name of the person objects are to be downloaded for
- else.
- if pauth = 'SAP*' or pauth = 'SAP'.
- statusbarmessage = 'Sorry cannot download all objects for SAP standard user'.
- endif.
- endif.
- if not statusbarmessage is initial.
- perform displaystatus using statusbarmessage 3.
- forcedexit = 1.
- stop.
- endif.
- endform. "checkComboBoxes
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * fillSelectionRanges... for selection routines
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form fillselectionranges.
- data: strlength type i.
- strlength = strlen( pcname ).
- if not pauth is initial.
- soauthor-sign = 'I'.
- soauthor-option = 'EQ'.
- soauthor-low = pauth.
- append soauthor.
- endif.
- * Tables
- if not sotable is initial.
- sotablenames[] = sotable[].
- * Add in the customer namespace if we need to
- if not pcname is initial.
- loop at sotablenames.
- if sotablenames-low+0(strlength) <> pcname.
- concatenate pcname sotablenames-low into sotablenames-low.
- endif.
- if sotablenames-high+0(strlength) <> pcname.
- concatenate pcname sotablenames-high into sotablenames-high.
- endif.
- modify sotablenames.
- endloop.
- endif.
- endif.
- * Function names
- if not sofname is initial.
- sofunctionname[] = sofname[].
- * Add in the customer namespace if we need to
- if not pcname is initial.
- loop at sofunctionname.
- if sofunctionname-low+0(strlength) <> pcname.
- concatenate pcname sofunctionname-low into sofunctionname-low.
- endif.
- if sofunctionname-high+0(strlength) <> pcname.
- concatenate pcname sofunctionname-high into sofunctionname-high.
- endif.
- modify sofunctionname.
- endloop.
- endif.
- endif.
- * Function group
- if not sofgroup is initial.
- sofunctiongroup[] = sofgroup[].
- * Add in the customer namespace if we need to
- if not pcname is initial.
- loop at sofunctionname.
- if sofunctiongroup-low+0(strlength) <> pcname.
- concatenate pcname sofunctiongroup-low into sofunctiongroup-low.
- endif.
- if sofunctiongroup-high+0(strlength) <> pcname.
- concatenate pcname sofunctiongroup-high into sofunctiongroup-high.
- endif.
- modify sofunctiongroup.
- endloop.
- endif.
- endif.
- * Class names
- if not soclass is initial.
- soclassname[] = soclass[].
- * Add in the customer namespace if we need to
- if not pcname is initial.
- loop at soclassname.
- if soclassname-low+0(strlength) <> pcname.
- concatenate pcname soclassname-low into soclassname-low.
- endif.
- if soclassname-high+0(strlength) <> pcname.
- concatenate pcname soclassname-high into soclassname-high.
- endif.
- modify soclassname.
- endloop.
- endif.
- endif.
- * Program names
- if not soprog is initial.
- soprogramname[] = soprog[].
- * Add in the customer namespace if we need to
- if not pcname is initial.
- loop at soprogramname.
- if soprogramname-low+0(strlength) <> pcname.
- concatenate pcname soprogramname-low into soprogramname-low.
- endif.
- if soprogramname-high+0(strlength) <> pcname.
- concatenate pcname soprogramname-high into soprogramname-high.
- endif.
- modify soprogramname.
- endloop.
- endif.
- endif.
- endform. " fillSelectionRanges
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * retrieveTables... Search for tables in dictionary
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form retrievetables using ilocdictstructure like idictionary[]
- sotable like sotable[]
- soauthor like soauthor[].
- data: wadictstructure type tdicttable.
- select tabname from dd02l into wadictstructure-tablename
- where tabname in sotable
- and tabclass <> 'CLUSTER'
- and tabclass <> 'POOL'
- and tabclass <> 'VIEW'
- and as4user in soauthor
- and as4local = 'A'.
- perform findtabledescription using wadictstructure-tablename
- wadictstructure-tabletitle.
- perform findtabledefinition using wadictstructure-tablename
- wadictstructure-istructure[].
- append wadictstructure to ilocdictstructure.
- clear wadictstructure.
- endselect.
- endform. "retrieveTables
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * findTableDescription... Search for table description in dictionary
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form findtabledescription using value(tablename)
- tabledescription.
- select single ddtext from dd02t into tabledescription
- where tabname = tablename
- and ddlanguage = sy-langu.
- endform. "findTableDescription
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * findTableDefinition... Find the structure of a table from the SAP database.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form findtabledefinition using value(tablename)
- idictstruct like dumidictstructure[].
- data gotstate like dcobjif-gotstate.
- data: definition type standard table of dd03p with header line.
- data: wadictstruct type tdicttablestructure.
- call function 'DDIF_TABL_GET'
- exporting
- name = tablename
- state = 'A'
- langu = sy-langu
- importing
- gotstate = gotstate
- tables
- dd03p_tab = definition
- exceptions
- illegal_input = 1
- others = 2.
- if sy-subrc = 0 and gotstate = 'A'.
- loop at definition.
- move-corresponding definition to wadictstruct.
- perform removeleadingzeros changing wadictstruct-position.
- perform removeleadingzeros changing wadictstruct-leng.
- append wadictstruct to idictstruct.
- endloop.
- endif.
- endform. "findTableDefinition
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * retrieveMessageClass... Retrieve a message class from the SAP database
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form retrievemessageclass using ilocmessages like imessages[]
- rangeauthor like soauthor[]
- value(messageclassname)
- value(messageclasslang)
- value(modifiedby).
- data: wamessage type tmessage.
- if not messageclassname is initial.
- select * from t100
- appending corresponding fields of table ilocmessages
- where sprsl = messageclasslang
- and arbgb = messageclassname.
- loop at ilocmessages into wamessage.
- select single stext from t100a "#EC CI_BUFFJOIN
- into wamessage-stext where arbgb = wamessage-arbgb.
- modify ilocmessages from wamessage index sy-tabix.
- endloop.
- else.
- if modifiedby is initial.
- * Select by author
- select t100~arbgb "#EC CI_BUFFJOIN
- t100~msgnr
- t100~text
- t100a~stext
- appending corresponding fields of table ilocmessages
- from t100
- inner join t100a on t100a~arbgb = t100~arbgb
- where t100a~masterlang = messageclasslang and t100a~respuser in rangeauthor[].
- else.
- * Select also by the last person who modified the message class
- select t100~arbgb "#EC CI_BUFFJOIN
- t100~msgnr
- t100~text
- t100a~stext
- appending corresponding fields of table ilocmessages
- from t100
- inner join t100a on t100a~arbgb = t100~arbgb
- where t100a~masterlang = messageclasslang
- and t100a~respuser in rangeauthor[]
- and t100a~lastuser in rangeauthor[].
- endif.
- endif.
- endform. "retrieveMessageClass
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * retrieveFunctions... Retrieve function modules from SAP DB. May be called in one of two ways
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form retrievefunctions using sofname like sofunctionname[]
- sofgroup like sofunctiongroup[]
- ifunctionnames like ifunctions[]
- value(author)
- value(gettextelements)
- value(getscreens)
- value(customeronly)
- value(customernamerange).
- ranges: rangefuncname for tfdir-funcname.
- ranges: rangefuncgroup for enlfdir-area.
- data: wafunctionname type tfunction.
- data: previousfg type v_fdir-area.
- rangefuncname[] = sofname[].
- rangefuncgroup[] = sofgroup[].
- if not pauth is initial and ( sofname[] is initial and sofgroup is initial ).
- *-- Need to select all function groups by author
- select area from tlibv into rangefuncgroup-low where uname = author.
- rangefuncgroup-sign = 'I'.
- rangefuncgroup-option = 'EQ'.
- append rangefuncgroup.
- endselect.
- endif.
- *--- select by function name and/or function group.
- select funcname area from v_fdir
- into (wafunctionname-functionname, wafunctionname-functiongroup)
- where funcname in rangefuncname
- and area in rangefuncgroup
- and generated = ''
- order by area.
- perform retrievefunctiondetail using wafunctionname-functionname
- wafunctionname-progname
- wafunctionname-includenumber
- wafunctionname-functiontitle.
- perform findmainfunctioninclude using wafunctionname-progname
- wafunctionname-includenumber
- wafunctionname-functionmaininclude.
- perform findfunctiontopinclude using wafunctionname-progname
- wafunctionname-topincludename.
- * Find all user defined includes within the function group
- perform scanforfunctionincludes using wafunctionname-progname
- customeronly
- customernamerange
- wafunctionname-iincludes[].
- * Find main message class
- perform findmainmessageclass using wafunctionname-progname
- wafunctionname-messageclass.
- * Find any screens declared within the main include
- if not getscreens is initial.
- if previousfg is initial or previousfg <> wafunctionname-functiongroup.
- perform findfunctionscreenflow using wafunctionname.
- * Search for any GUI texts
- perform retrieveguititles using wafunctionname-iguititle[]
- wafunctionname-progname.
- endif.
- endif.
- if not gettextelements is initial.
- * Find the program texts from out of the database.
- perform retrieveprogramtexts using wafunctionname-iselectiontexts[]
- wafunctionname-itextelements[]
- wafunctionname-progname.
- endif.
- append wafunctionname to ifunctionnames.
- previousfg = wafunctionname-functiongroup.
- clear wafunctionname.
- endselect.
- endform. "retrieveFunctions
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * retrieveFunctionDetail... Retrieve function module details from SAP DB.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form retrievefunctiondetail using value(functionname)
- progname
- includename
- titletext.
- select single pname include
- from tfdir
- into (progname, includename)
- where funcname = functionname.
- if sy-subrc = 0.
- select single stext from tftit
- into titletext
- where spras = sy-langu
- and funcname = functionname.
- endif.
- endform. "retrieveFunctionDetail
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * findMainFunctionInclude... Find the main include that contains the source code
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form findmainfunctioninclude using value(programname)
- value(includeno)
- internalincludename.
- data: newincludenumber type string.
- concatenate '%U' includeno into newincludenumber.
- select single include from d010inc
- into internalincludename
- where master = programname
- and include like newincludenumber.
- endform. "findMainFunctionInclude
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * findFunctionTopInclude... Find the top include for the function group
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form findfunctiontopinclude using value(programname)
- topincludename.
- select single include from d010inc
- into topincludename
- where master = programname
- and include like '%TOP'.
- endform. "findFunctionTopInclude
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * scanForAdditionalFuncStuff... Search for additional things relating to functions
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form scanforadditionalfuncstuff using ilocfunctions like ifunctions[]
- value(recursiveincludes)
- value(recursivefunctions)
- value(searchforincludes)
- value(searchforfunctions)
- value(searchfordictionary)
- value(searchformessages)
- value(customeronly)
- value(customernamerange).
- data: wafunction type tfunction.
- data: wainclude type tinclude.
- loop at ilocfunctions into wafunction.
- if not searchforincludes is initial.
- * Search in the main include
- perform scanforincludeprograms using wafunction-functionmaininclude
- recursiveincludes
- customeronly
- customernamerange
- wafunction-iincludes[].
- * Search in the top include
- perform scanforincludeprograms using wafunction-topincludename
- recursiveincludes
- customeronly
- customernamerange
- wafunction-iincludes[].
- endif.
- if not searchforfunctions is initial.
- perform scanforfunctions using wafunction-functionmaininclude
- wafunction-programlinkname
- recursiveincludes
- recursivefunctions
- customeronly
- customernamerange
- ilocfunctions[].
- endif.
- modify ilocfunctions from wafunction.
- endloop.
- * Now we have everthing perhaps we had better find all the dictionary structures
- if not searchfordictionary is initial.
- loop at ilocfunctions into wafunction.
- perform scanfortables using wafunction-progname
- customeronly
- customernamerange
- wafunction-idictstruct[].
- perform scanforlikeortype using wafunction-progname
- customeronly
- customernamerange
- wafunction-idictstruct[].
- loop at wafunction-iincludes into wainclude.
- perform scanfortables using wainclude-includename
- customeronly
- customernamerange
- wafunction-idictstruct[].
- perform scanforlikeortype using wainclude-includename
- customeronly
- customernamerange
- wafunction-idictstruct[].
- endloop.
- modify ilocfunctions from wafunction.
- endloop.
- endif.
- * Now search for all messages
- if not searchformessages is initial.
- loop at ilocfunctions into wafunction.
- perform scanformessages using wafunction-progname
- wafunction-messageclass
- wafunction-imessages[].
- modify ilocfunctions from wafunction.
- endloop.
- endif.
- endform. "scanForAdditionalFuncStuff
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * scanForClasses... Search each class or method for other classes
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form scanforclasses using value(classname)
- value(classlinkname)
- value(customeronly)
- value(customernamerange)
- ilocclasses like iclasses[].
- data ilines type standard table of string with header line.
- data: head type string.
- data: tail type string.
- data: linelength type i value 0.
- data: waline type string.
- data: waclass type tclass.
- data: castclassname type program.
- data: exceptioncustomernamerange type string.
- * Build the name of the possible cusotmer exception classes
- concatenate customernamerange 'CX_' into exceptioncustomernamerange.
- * Read the program code from the textpool.
- castclassname = classname.
- read report castclassname into ilines.
- loop at ilines into waline.
- * Find custom tables.
- linelength = strlen( waline ).
- if linelength > 0.
- if waline(1) = asterix.
- continue.
- endif.
- translate waline to upper case.
- find typerefto in waline ignoring case.
- if sy-subrc = 0.
- * Have found a reference to another class
- split waline at type into head tail.
- shift tail left deleting leading space.
- split tail at 'REF' into head tail.
- shift tail left deleting leading space.
- split tail at 'TO' into head tail.
- shift tail left deleting leading space.
- if tail cs period.
- split tail at period into head tail.
- else.
- if tail cs comma.
- split tail at comma into head tail.
- endif.
- endif.
- else.
- * Try and find classes which are only referenced through static mehods
- find '=>' in waline match offset sy-fdpos.
- if sy-subrc = 0.
- head = waline+0(sy-fdpos).
- shift head left deleting leading space.
- condense head.
- find 'call method' in head ignoring case.
- if sy-subrc = 0.
- shift head left deleting leading space.
- split head at space into head tail.
- split tail at space into head tail.
- * Should have the class name here
- head = tail.
- else.
- * Still have a class name even though it does not have the words call method in front
- if waline cs '='.
- split waline at '=' into tail head.
- shift head left deleting leading space.
- split head at '=' into head tail.
- endif.
- sy-subrc = 0.
- endif.
- endif.
- endif.
- if sy-subrc = 0.
- try.
- if head+0(1) = 'Y' or head+0(1) = 'Z' or head cs customernamerange.
- * We have found a class best append it to our class table if we do not already have it.
- read table ilocclasses into waclass with key clsname = head.
- if sy-subrc <> 0.
- if head+0(3) = 'CX_'
- or head+0(4) = 'ZCX_'
- or head+0(4) = 'YCX_'
- or head cs exceptioncustomernamerange.
- waclass-exceptionclass = true.
- endif.
- waclass-clsname = head.
- append waclass to ilocclasses.
- endif.
- endif.
- catch cx_sy_range_out_of_bounds.
- endtry.
- endif.
- endif.
- endloop.
- endform. "scanForClasses
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * scanForIncludePrograms... Search each program for include programs
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form scanforincludeprograms using value(programname)
- value(recursiveincludes)
- value(customeronly)
- value(customernamerange)
- ilocincludes like dumiincludes[].
- data: iincludelines type standard table of string with header line.
- data: itokens type standard table of stokes with header line.
- data: ikeywords type standard table of text20 with header line.
- data: istatements type standard table of sstmnt with header line.
- data: watokens type stokes.
- data: wainclude type tinclude.
- data: waincludeexists type tinclude.
- data: maxlines type i.
- data: nextline type i.
- data: castprogramname type program.
- * Read the program code from the textpool.
- castprogramname = programname.
- read report castprogramname into iincludelines.
- append include to ikeywords.
- scan abap-source iincludelines tokens into itokens with includes statements into istatements keywords from ikeywords.
- clear iincludelines[].
- maxlines = lines( itokens ).
- loop at itokens where str = include and type = 'I'.
- nextline = sy-tabix + 1.
- if nextline <= maxlines.
- read table itokens index nextline into watokens.
- * Are we only to find customer includes?
- if not customeronly is initial.
- try.
- if watokens-str+0(1) = 'Y' or watokens-str+0(1) = 'Z' or watokens-str cs customernamerange
- or watokens-str+0(2) = 'MZ' or watokens-str+0(2) = 'MY'.
- else.
- continue.
- endif.
- catch cx_sy_range_out_of_bounds into objruntimeerror.
- endtry.
- endif.
- wainclude-includename = watokens-str.
- * Best find the program title text as well.
- perform findprogramorincludetitle using wainclude-includename
- wainclude-includetitle.
- * Don't append the include if we already have it listed
- read table ilocincludes into waincludeexists with key includename = wainclude-includename.
- if sy-subrc <> 0.
- append wainclude to ilocincludes.
- if not recursiveincludes is initial.
- * Do a recursive search for other includes
- perform scanforincludeprograms using wainclude-includename
- recursiveincludes
- customeronly
- customernamerange
- ilocincludes[].
- endif.
- endif.
- endif.
- endloop.
- endform. "scanForIncludePrograms
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * scanForFunctions... Search each program for function modules
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form scanforfunctions using value(programname)
- value(programlinkname)
- value(recursiveincludes)
- value(recursivefunctions)
- value(customeronly)
- value(customernamerange)
- ilocfunctions like ifunctions[].
- data: iincludelines type standard table of string with header line.
- data: itokens type standard table of stokes with header line.
- data: istatements type standard table of sstmnt with header line.
- data: watokens type stokes.
- data: wafunction type tfunction.
- data: wafunctioncomparison type tfunction.
- data: maxlines type i.
- data: nextline type i.
- data: castprogramname type program.
- data: skipthisloop type i.
- * Read the program code from the textpool.
- castprogramname = programname.
- read report castprogramname into iincludelines.
- scan abap-source iincludelines tokens into itokens with includes statements into istatements.
- clear iincludelines[].
- maxlines = lines( itokens ).
- loop at itokens where str = function and type = 'I'.
- nextline = sy-tabix + 1.
- if nextline <= maxlines.
- read table itokens index nextline into watokens.
- * Are we only to find customer functions
- skipthisloop = false.
- if not customeronly is initial.
- try.
- if watokens-str+1(1) = 'Y' or watokens-str+1(1) = 'Z' or watokens-str cs customernamerange.
- else.
- skipthisloop = true.
- endif.
- catch cx_sy_range_out_of_bounds into objruntimeerror.
- cleanup.
- skipthisloop = true.
- endtry.
- endif.
- if skipthisloop = false.
- wafunction-functionname = watokens-str.
- replace all occurrences of '''' in wafunction-functionname with ' '.
- condense wafunction-functionname.
- * Don't add a function if we alread have it listed.
- read table ilocfunctions with key functionname = wafunction-functionname into wafunctioncomparison.
- if sy-subrc <> 0.
- * Add in the link name if the function is linked to a program
- wafunction-programlinkname = programlinkname.
- * Don't download functions which are called through an RFC destination
- nextline = sy-tabix + 2.
- read table itokens index nextline into watokens.
- if watokens-str <> destination.
- * Find the function group
- select single area from v_fdir into wafunction-functiongroup where funcname = wafunction-functionname.
- if sy-subrc = 0.
- * Best find the function number as well.
- perform retrievefunctiondetail using wafunction-functionname
- wafunction-progname
- wafunction-includenumber
- wafunction-functiontitle.
- perform findmainfunctioninclude using wafunction-progname
- wafunction-includenumber
- wafunction-functionmaininclude.
- perform findfunctiontopinclude using wafunction-progname
- wafunction-topincludename.
- * Find main message class
- perform findmainmessageclass using wafunction-progname
- wafunction-messageclass.
- append wafunction to ilocfunctions.
- * Now lets search a little bit deeper and do a recursive search for other includes
- if not recursiveincludes is initial.
- perform scanforincludeprograms using wafunction-functionmaininclude
- recursiveincludes
- customeronly
- customernamerange
- wafunction-iincludes[].
- endif.
- * Now lets search a little bit deeper and do a recursive search for other functions
- if not recursivefunctions is initial.
- perform scanforfunctions using wafunction-functionmaininclude
- space
- recursiveincludes
- recursivefunctions
- customeronly
- customernamerange
- ilocfunctions[].
- endif.
- clear wafunction.
- endif.
- endif.
- endif.
- clear wafunction.
- endif.
- endif.
- endloop.
- endform. "scanForFunctions
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * scanForFunctionIncludes... Find all user defined includes within the function group
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form scanforfunctionincludes using poolname
- value(customeronly)
- value(customernamerange)
- ilocincludes like dumiincludes[].
- data: iincludelines type standard table of string with header line.
- data: itokens type standard table of stokes with header line.
- data: ikeywords type standard table of text20 with header line.
- data: istatements type standard table of sstmnt with header line.
- data: watokens type stokes.
- data: wainclude type tinclude.
- data: waincludeexists type tinclude.
- data: maxlines type i.
- data: nextline type i.
- data: castprogramname type program.
- * Read the program code from the textpool.
- castprogramname = poolname.
- read report castprogramname into iincludelines.
- append include to ikeywords.
- scan abap-source iincludelines tokens into itokens with includes statements into istatements keywords from ikeywords.
- clear iincludelines[].
- maxlines = lines( itokens ).
- loop at itokens where str = include and type = 'I'.
- nextline = sy-tabix + 1.
- if nextline <= maxlines.
- read table itokens index nextline into watokens.
- if watokens-str cp '*F++'.
- * Are we only to find customer includes?
- if not customeronly is initial.
- try.
- if watokens-str+0(2) = 'LY' or watokens-str+0(2) = 'LZ' or watokens-str cs customernamerange.
- else.
- continue.
- endif.
- catch cx_sy_range_out_of_bounds into objruntimeerror.
- endtry.
- endif.
- wainclude-includename = watokens-str.
- * Best find the program title text as well.
- perform findprogramorincludetitle using wainclude-includename
- wainclude-includetitle.
- * Don't append the include if we already have it listed
- read table ilocincludes into waincludeexists with key includename = wainclude-includename.
- if sy-subrc <> 0.
- append wainclude to ilocincludes.
- endif.
- endif.
- endif.
- endloop.
- endform. "scanForFunctionIncludes
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * findProgramOrIncludeTitle... Finds the title text of a program.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form findprogramorincludetitle using value(programname)
- titletext.
- select single text from trdirt
- into titletext
- where name = programname
- and sprsl = sy-langu.
- endform. "findProgramOrIncludeTitle
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * retrievePrograms... find programs and sub objects from SAP DB
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form retrieveprograms using ilocprogram like iprograms[]
- ilocfunctions like ifunctions[]
- rangeprogram like soprogramname[]
- rangeauthor like soauthor[]
- value(custnamerange)
- value(alsomodifiedbyauthor)
- value(customerprogsonly)
- value(getmessages)
- value(gettextelements)
- value(getcustdictstructures)
- value(getfunctions)
- value(getincludes)
- value(getscreens)
- value(recursivefuncsearch)
- value(recursiveincludesearch)
- value(getlocalobjects)
- value(package).
- data: warangeprogram like line of rangeprogram.
- if rangeprogram[] is initial.
- * We are finding all programs by an author
- perform findallprogramsforauthor using ilocprogram[]
- rangeprogram[]
- rangeauthor[]
- custnamerange
- alsomodifiedbyauthor
- customerprogsonly
- getlocalobjects
- package.
- else.
- read table rangeprogram index 1 into warangeprogram.
- if warangeprogram-low cs asterix.
- perform findprogramsbywildcard using ilocprogram[]
- rangeprogram[]
- rangeauthor[]
- custnamerange
- customerprogsonly
- getlocalobjects
- package.
- else.
- perform checkprogramdoesexist using ilocprogram[]
- rangeprogram[].
- endif.
- endif.
- * Find extra items
- perform scanforadditionalprogstuff using ilocprogram[]
- ilocfunctions[]
- gettextelements
- getmessages
- getscreens
- getcustdictstructures
- getfunctions
- getincludes
- customerprogsonly
- custnamerange
- recursiveincludesearch
- recursivefuncsearch.
- endform. "retrievePrograms
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * scanForAdditionalProgStuff...
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form scanforadditionalprogstuff using ilocprogram like iprograms[]
- ilocfunctions like ifunctions[]
- value(gettextelements)
- value(getmessages)
- value(getscreens)
- value(getcustdictstructures)
- value(getfunctions)
- value(getincludes)
- value(customeronly)
- value(customernamerange)
- value(recursiveincludesearch)
- value(recursivefuncsearch).
- data: waprogram type tprogram.
- data: wainclude type tinclude.
- data: mytabix type sytabix.
- * Best to find all the includes used in a program first
- if not getincludes is initial.
- loop at ilocprogram into waprogram.
- mytabix = sy-tabix.
- perform scanforincludeprograms using waprogram-progname
- recursiveincludesearch
- customeronly
- customernamerange
- waprogram-iincludes[].
- modify ilocprogram from waprogram index mytabix.
- endloop.
- endif.
- * Once we have a list of all the includes we need to loop round them an select all the other objects
- loop at ilocprogram into waprogram.
- mytabix = sy-tabix.
- perform findprogramdetails using waprogram-progname
- waprogram-subc
- waprogram-programtitle
- waprogram
- gettextelements
- getmessages
- getscreens
- getcustdictstructures
- customeronly
- customernamerange.
- * Find any screens
- if not getscreens is initial.
- perform findprogramscreenflow using waprogram.
- endif.
- loop at waprogram-iincludes into wainclude.
- perform findprogramdetails using wainclude-includename
- 'I'
- wainclude-includetitle
- waprogram
- gettextelements
- getmessages
- getscreens
- getcustdictstructures
- customeronly
- customernamerange.
- endloop.
- modify ilocprogram from waprogram index mytabix.
- endloop.
- * Now we have all the program includes and details we need to find extra functions
- if not getfunctions is initial.
- loop at ilocprogram into waprogram.
- * Find any functions defined in the code
- perform scanforfunctions using waprogram-progname
- waprogram-progname
- space
- space
- customeronly
- customernamerange
- ilocfunctions[].
- endloop.
- endif.
- * We have a list of all the functions so lets go and find details and other function calls
- perform scanforadditionalfuncstuff using ilocfunctions[]
- recursiveincludesearch
- recursivefuncsearch
- getincludes
- getfunctions
- getcustdictstructures
- getmessages
- customeronly
- customernamerange.
- endform. "scanForAdditionalProgStuff
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * findProgramDetails...
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form findprogramdetails using value(programname)
- value(programtype)
- programtitle
- waprogram type tprogram
- value(gettextelements)
- value(getmessages)
- value(getscreens)
- value(getcustdictstructures)
- value(customeronly)
- value(customernamerange).
- perform findprogramorincludetitle using programname
- programtitle.
- if not gettextelements is initial.
- * Find the program texts from out of the database.
- perform retrieveprogramtexts using waprogram-iselectiontexts[]
- waprogram-itextelements[]
- programname.
- endif.
- * Search for any GUI texts
- if not getscreens is initial and ( programtype = 'M' or programtype = '1' ).
- perform retrieveguititles using waprogram-iguititle[]
- programname.
- endif.
- * Find individual messages
- if not getmessages is initial.
- if programtype = 'M' or programtype = '1'.
- perform findmainmessageclass using programname
- waprogram-messageclass.
- endif.
- perform scanformessages using programname
- waprogram-messageclass
- waprogram-imessages[].
- endif.
- if not getcustdictstructures is initial.
- perform scanfortables using programname
- customeronly
- customernamerange
- waprogram-idictstruct[].
- perform scanforlikeortype using programname
- customeronly
- customernamerange
- waprogram-idictstruct[].
- endif.
- endform. "findProgramDetails
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * findAllProgramsForAuthor...
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form findallprogramsforauthor using ilocprogram like iprograms[]
- rangeprogram like soprogramname[]
- rangeauthor like soauthor[]
- value(custnamerange)
- value(alsomodifiedbyauthor)
- value(customerprogsonly)
- value(getlocalobjects)
- value(package).
- data: altcustomernamerange type string.
- field-symbols: <waprogram> type tprogram.
- data: genflag type genflag.
- * build up the customer name range used for select statements
- concatenate custnamerange '%' into altcustomernamerange.
- * select by name and author
- if not alsomodifiedbyauthor is initial.
- * Programs modified by author
- * Program to search for is an executable program
- if customerprogsonly is initial.
- * Select all programs
- select progname subc from reposrc appending corresponding fields of table ilocprogram
- where progname in rangeprogram
- and cnam in rangeauthor
- and ( subc = '1' or subc = 'M' or subc = 'S' ).
- else.
- * Select only customer specific programs
- select progname subc from reposrc appending corresponding fields of table ilocprogram
- where progname in rangeprogram
- and ( progname like altcustomernamerange
- or progname like 'Z%' or progname like 'Y%'
- or progname like 'SAPMZ%' or progname like 'SAPMY%')
- and cnam in rangeauthor
- and ( subc = '1' or subc = 'M' or subc = 'S' ).
- endif.
- else.
- * Programs created by author
- if customerprogsonly is initial.
- * Select all programs
- select progname subc from reposrc appending corresponding fields of table ilocprogram
- where progname in rangeprogram
- and ( subc = '1' or subc = 'M' or subc = 'S' )
- and ( cnam in rangeauthor or unam in rangeauthor ).
- else.
- * Select only customer specific programs
- select progname subc from reposrc appending corresponding fields of table ilocprogram
- where progname in rangeprogram
- and ( progname like altcustomernamerange
- or progname like 'Z%' or progname like 'Y%'
- or progname like 'SAPMZ%' or progname like 'SAPMY%')
- and ( subc = '1' or subc = 'M' or subc = 'S' )
- and ( cnam in rangeauthor or unam in rangeauthor ).
- endif.
- endif.
- * Delete any programs which are local objects
- if getlocalobjects is initial.
- loop at ilocprogram assigning <waprogram>.
- select single genflag from tadiv
- into genflag
- where pgmid = 'R3TR'
- and object = 'PROG'
- and obj_name = <waprogram>-progname
- and devclass = '$TMP'.
- if sy-subrc = 0.
- delete ilocprogram.
- endif.
- endloop.
- endif.
- * Delete any programs which are not in the specified package
- if not package is initial.
- loop at ilocprogram assigning <waprogram>.
- select single genflag from tadiv
- into genflag
- where pgmid = 'R3TR'
- and object = 'PROG'
- and obj_name = <waprogram>-progname
- and devclass <> package.
- if sy-subrc = 0.
- delete ilocprogram.
- endif.
- endloop.
- endif.
- endform. "findAllProgramsForAuthor
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * checkProgramDoesExist...
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form checkprogramdoesexist using ilocprogram like iprograms[]
- rangeprogram like soprogramname[].
- data: waprogram type tprogram.
- * Check to see if the program is an executable program
- * select single progname subc
- select progname subc
- into (waprogram-progname, waprogram-subc)
- from reposrc
- where progname in rangeprogram
- and ( subc = '1' or
- subc = 'I' or
- subc = 'M' or
- subc = 'S' ).
- if not waprogram-progname is initial.
- append waprogram to ilocprogram.
- endif.
- endselect.
- endform. "checkProgramDoesExist
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * findProgramsByWildcard.. Search in the system for programs
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form findprogramsbywildcard using ilocprogram like iprograms[]
- value(rangeprogram) like soprogramname[]
- value(rangeauthor) like soauthor[]
- value(custnamerange)
- value(customerprogsonly)
- value(getlocalobjects)
- value(package).
- data: altcustomernamerange type string.
- field-symbols: <waprogram> type tprogram.
- data: genflag type genflag.
- if customerprogsonly is initial.
- * build up the customer name range used for select statements
- if custnamerange <> '^'.
- concatenate custnamerange '%' into altcustomernamerange.
- select progname subc from reposrc appending corresponding fields of table ilocprogram
- where progname in rangeprogram
- and progname like altcustomernamerange
- and ( subc = '1' or subc = 'M' or subc = 'S' )
- and ( cnam in rangeauthor or unam in rangeauthor ).
- else.
- select progname subc from reposrc appending corresponding fields of table ilocprogram
- where progname in rangeprogram
- and ( subc = '1' or subc = 'M' or subc = 'S' )
- and ( cnam in rangeauthor or unam in rangeauthor ).
- endif.
- else.
- * Only customer programs
- if custnamerange <> '^'.
- concatenate custnamerange '%' into altcustomernamerange.
- select progname subc from reposrc appending corresponding fields of table ilocprogram
- where progname in rangeprogram
- and ( progname like altcustomernamerange
- or progname like 'Z%' or progname like 'Y%'
- or progname like 'SAPMZ%' or progname like 'SAPMY%')
- and ( subc = '1' or subc = 'M' or subc = 'S' )
- and ( cnam in rangeauthor or unam in rangeauthor ).
- else.
- select progname subc from reposrc appending corresponding fields of table ilocprogram
- where progname in rangeprogram
- and ( progname like 'Z%' or progname like 'Y%' or progname like 'SAPMZ%' or progname like 'SAPMY%')
- and ( subc = '1' or subc = 'M' or subc = 'S' )
- and ( cnam in rangeauthor or unam in rangeauthor ).
- endif.
- endif.
- * Delete any programs which are local objects
- if getlocalobjects is initial.
- loop at ilocprogram assigning <waprogram>.
- select single genflag from tadiv
- into genflag
- where pgmid = 'R3TR'
- and object = 'PROG'
- and obj_name = <waprogram>-progname
- and devclass = '$TMP'.
- if sy-subrc = 0.
- delete ilocprogram.
- endif.
- endloop.
- endif.
- * Delete any programs which are not in the specified package
- if not package is initial.
- loop at ilocprogram assigning <waprogram>.
- select single genflag from tadiv
- into genflag
- where pgmid = 'R3TR'
- and object = 'PROG'
- and obj_name = <waprogram>-progname
- and devclass <> package.
- if sy-subrc = 0.
- delete ilocprogram.
- endif.
- endloop.
- endif.
- endform. "findProgramsByWildcard
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * retrieveProgramTexts... Find the text elements and selection texts for a program
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form retrieveprogramtexts using ilocselectiontexts like dumitexttab[]
- iloctextelements like dumitexttab[]
- value(programname).
- data: itexttable type standard table of ttexttable with header line.
- data: watexts type ttexttable.
- data: castprogramname(50).
- move programname to castprogramname.
- read textpool castprogramname into itexttable language sy-langu.
- delete itexttable where key = 'R'.
- * Selection texts.
- loop at itexttable where id = 'S'.
- move itexttable-key to watexts-key.
- move itexttable-entry to watexts-entry.
- append watexts to ilocselectiontexts.
- clear watexts.
- endloop.
- * Text elements.
- delete itexttable where key = 'S'.
- loop at itexttable where id = 'I'.
- move itexttable-key to watexts-key.
- move itexttable-entry to watexts-entry.
- append watexts to iloctextelements.
- endloop.
- endform. "retrieveProgramTexts
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * retrieveGUITitles... Search for any GUI texts
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form retrieveguititles using ilocguititle like dumiguititle[]
- value(programname).
- select obj_code
- text
- from d347t
- appending corresponding fields of table ilocguititle
- where progname = programname.
- endform. "retrieveGUITitles
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * findMainMessageClass... find the message class stated at the top of program.
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form findmainmessageclass using value(programname)
- messageclass.
- select single msgid
- from trdire into messageclass
- where report = programname.
- endform. "findMainMessageClass
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * retrieveClasses... find classes and sub objects from SAP DB
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form retrieveclasses using ilocclasses like iclasses[]
- ilocfunctions like ifunctions[]
- rangeclass like soclassname[]
- rangeauthor like soauthor[]
- value(custnamerange)
- value(alsomodifiedbyauthor)
- value(customerprogsonly)
- value(getmessages)
- value(gettextelements)
- value(getcustdictstructures)
- value(getfunctions)
- value(getincludes)
- value(recursivefuncsearch)
- value(recursiveincludesearch)
- value(recursiveclasssearch)
- value(language).
- data: warangeclass like line of rangeclass.
- if rangeclass[] is initial.
- * We are finding all programs by an author
- perform findallclassesforauthor using ilocclasses[]
- rangeclass[]
- rangeauthor[]
- custnamerange
- alsomodifiedbyauthor
- customerprogsonly
- language.
- else.
- read table rangeclass index 1 into warangeclass.
- if warangeclass-low cs asterix.
- perform findclassesbywildcard using ilocclasses[]
- rangeclass[]
- rangeauthor[]
- custnamerange
- customerprogsonly
- language.
- else.
- perform checkclassdoesexist using ilocclasses[]
- rangeclass[].
- endif.
- endif.
- * Find extra items
- if not ilocclasses[] is initial.
- perform scanforadditionalclassstuff using ilocclasses[]
- ilocfunctions[]
- gettextelements
- getmessages
- getcustdictstructures
- getfunctions
- getincludes
- customerprogsonly
- custnamerange
- recursiveincludesearch
- recursivefuncsearch
- recursiveclasssearch.
- endif.
- endform. "retrieveClasses
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * findAllClassesForAuthor...
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form findallclassesforauthor using ilocclass like iclasses[]
- rangeclass like soclassname[]
- rangeauthor like soauthor[]
- value(custnamerange)
- value(alsomodifiedbyauthor)
- value(customerclassesonly)
- value(language).
- data: altcustomernamerange(2).
- * build up the customer name range used for select statements
- concatenate custnamerange '%' into altcustomernamerange.
- * select by name and author
- if not alsomodifiedbyauthor is initial.
- * Classes modified by author
- if customerclassesonly is initial.
- * Select all classes
- select clsname descript msg_id
- from vseoclass appending corresponding fields of table ilocclass
- where clsname in rangeclass
- and langu = language
- and ( author in rangeauthor or changedby in rangeauthor )
- and version = '1'
- and ( state = '0' or state = '1' ).
- if sy-subrc <> 0.
- select clsname descript msg_id
- from vseoclass appending corresponding fields of table ilocclass
- where clsname in rangeclass
- and langu = language
- and ( author in rangeauthor or changedby in rangeauthor )
- and version = '0'
- and ( state = '0' or state = '1' ).
- endif.
- else.
- * Select only customer specific classes
- select clsname descript msg_id
- from vseoclass appending corresponding fields of table ilocclass
- where clsname in rangeclass
- and ( clsname like altcustomernamerange or clsname like 'Z%' or clsname like 'Y%')
- and langu = language
- and ( author in rangeauthor or changedby in rangeauthor )
- and version = '1'
- and ( state = '0' or state = '1' ).
- if sy-subrc <> 0.
- select clsname descript msg_id
- from vseoclass appending corresponding fields of table ilocclass
- where clsname in rangeclass
- and ( clsname like altcustomernamerange or clsname like 'Z%' or clsname like 'Y%')
- and langu = language
- and ( author in rangeauthor or changedby in rangeauthor )
- and version = '0'
- and ( state = '0' or state = '1' ).
- endif.
- endif.
- else.
- * Programs created by author
- if customerclassesonly is initial.
- * Select all classes
- select clsname descript msg_id
- from vseoclass appending corresponding fields of table ilocclass
- where clsname in rangeclass
- and langu = language
- and author in rangeauthor
- and version = '1'
- and ( state = '0' or state = '1' ).
- if sy-subrc <> 0.
- select clsname descript msg_id
- from vseoclass appending corresponding fields of table ilocclass
- where clsname in rangeclass
- and langu = language
- and author in rangeauthor
- and version = '0'
- and ( state = '0' or state = '1' ).
- endif.
- else.
- * Select only customer specific classes
- select clsname descript msg_id
- from vseoclass appending corresponding fields of table ilocclass
- where clsname in rangeclass
- and ( clsname like altcustomernamerange or clsname like 'Z%' or clsname like 'Y%')
- and langu = language
- and author in rangeauthor
- and version = '1'
- and ( state = '0' or state = '1' ).
- if sy-subrc <> 0.
- select clsname descript msg_id
- from vseoclass appending corresponding fields of table ilocclass
- where clsname in rangeclass
- and ( clsname like altcustomernamerange or clsname like 'Z%' or clsname like 'Y%')
- and langu = language
- and author in rangeauthor
- and version = '0'
- and ( state = '0' or state = '1' ).
- endif.
- endif.
- endif.
- endform. "findAllClassesForAuthor
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * findClassesByWildcard... Find classes using a wildcard search
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form findclassesbywildcard using ilocclass like iclasses[]
- rangeclass like soclassname[]
- value(rangeauthor) like soauthor[]
- value(custnamerange)
- value(customerclassesonly)
- value(language).
- data: altcustomernamerange(2).
- if customerclassesonly is initial.
- * Searching for customer and SAP classes
- if custnamerange <> '^'.
- * build up the customer name range used for select statements
- concatenate custnamerange '%' into altcustomernamerange.
- select clsname descript msg_id
- from vseoclass appending corresponding fields of table ilocclass
- where clsname in rangeclass
- and clsname like custnamerange
- and langu = language
- and ( author in rangeauthor or changedby in rangeauthor )
- and version = '1'
- and ( state = '0' or state = '1' ).
- if sy-subrc <> 0.
- select clsname descript msg_id
- from vseoclass appending corresponding fields of table ilocclass
- where clsname in rangeclass
- and clsname like custnamerange
- and langu = language
- and ( author in rangeauthor or changedby in rangeauthor )
- and version = '0'
- and ( state = '0' or state = '1' ).
- endif.
- else.
- * Searching using normal name ranges
- select clsname descript msg_id
- from vseoclass appending corresponding fields of table ilocclass
- where clsname in rangeclass
- and langu = language
- and ( author in rangeauthor or changedby in rangeauthor )
- and version = '1'
- and ( state = '0' or state = '1' ).
- if sy-subrc <> 0.
- select clsname descript msg_id
- from vseoclass appending corresponding fields of table ilocclass
- where clsname in rangeclass
- and langu = language
- and ( author in rangeauthor or changedby in rangeauthor )
- and version = '0'
- and ( state = '0' or state = '1' ).
- endif.
- endif.
- else.
- * searching for only customer classes
- if custnamerange <> '^'.
- * build up the customer name range used for select statements
- concatenate custnamerange '%' into altcustomernamerange.
- select clsname descript msg_id
- from vseoclass appending corresponding fields of table ilocclass
- where clsname in rangeclass
- and clsname like custnamerange
- and langu = language
- and ( clsname like 'ZC%' or clsname like 'YC%' )
- and ( author in rangeauthor or changedby in rangeauthor )
- and version = '1'
- and ( state = '0' or state = '1' ).
- if sy-subrc <> 0.
- select clsname descript msg_id
- from vseoclass appending corresponding fields of table ilocclass
- where clsname in rangeclass
- and langu = language
- and ( clsname like 'ZC%' or clsname like 'YC%' )
- and ( author in rangeauthor or changedby in rangeauthor )
- and version = '0'
- and ( state = '0' or state = '1' ).
- endif.
- else.
- * Searching using normal name ranges
- select clsname descript msg_id
- from vseoclass appending corresponding fields of table ilocclass
- where clsname in rangeclass
- and ( clsname like 'ZC%' or clsname like 'YC%' )
- and ( author in rangeauthor or changedby in rangeauthor )
- and version = '1'
- and ( state = '0' or state = '1' ).
- if sy-subrc <> 0.
- select clsname descript msg_id
- from vseoclass appending corresponding fields of table ilocclass
- where clsname in rangeclass
- and ( clsname like 'ZC%' or clsname like 'YC%' )
- and ( author in rangeauthor or changedby in rangeauthor )
- and version = '0'
- and ( state = '0' or state = '1' ).
- endif.
- endif.
- endif.
- endform. "findClassesByWildcard
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * checkClassDoesExist...
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form checkclassdoesexist using ilocclass like iclasses[]
- rangeclass like soclassname[].
- data: waclass type tclass.
- select single clsname descript msg_id
- from vseoclass into corresponding fields of waclass
- where clsname in rangeclass
- and version = '1'
- and ( state = '0' or state = '1' ).
- if sy-subrc <> 0.
- select single clsname descript msg_id
- from vseoclass into corresponding fields of waclass
- where clsname in rangeclass
- and version = '0'
- and ( state = '0' or state = '1' ).
- endif.
- if not waclass-clsname is initial.
- append waclass to ilocclass.
- endif.
- endform. "checkClassDoesExist
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * scanForAdditionalClassStuff...
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form scanforadditionalclassstuff using ilocclasses like iclasses[]
- ilocfunctions like ifunctions[]
- value(gettextelements)
- value(getmessages)
- value(getcustdictstructures)
- value(getfunctions)
- value(getincludes)
- value(customeronly)
- value(customernamerange)
- value(recursiveincludesearch)
- value(recursivefuncsearch)
- value(recursiveclasssearch).
- data: waclass type tclass.
- data: wamethod type tmethod.
- data: mytabix type sytabix.
- data: scanningforclasses type i value false.
- data: classnewlines type i value 0.
- data: classcurrentlines type i value 0.
- loop at ilocclasses into waclass where scanned is initial.
- * Once we have a list of all the classes we need to loop round them an select all the other objects
- mytabix = sy-tabix.
- perform findclassdetails using waclass-clsname
- waclass
- ilocfunctions[]
- gettextelements
- getmessages
- getfunctions
- getcustdictstructures
- customeronly
- customernamerange.
- * Set the scanned class so we do not check them again when running recursively.
- waclass-scanned = 'X'.
- modify ilocclasses from waclass index mytabix.
- endloop.
- * Now we have all the classes and details we need to find extra classes
- if not recursiveclasssearch is initial.
- classcurrentlines = lines( ilocclasses ).
- loop at ilocclasses into waclass.
- * Don't try and find any other details for an exception class
- if ( waclass-clsname ns 'ZCX_' or waclass-clsname ns 'CX_' ).
- * Find any classes defined in the main class definition
- perform scanforclasses using waclass-privateclasskey
- waclass-clsname
- customeronly
- customernamerange
- ilocclasses[].
- perform scanforclasses using waclass-publicclasskey
- waclass-clsname
- customeronly
- customernamerange
- ilocclasses[].
- perform scanforclasses using waclass-protectedclasskey
- waclass-clsname
- customeronly
- customernamerange
- ilocclasses[].
- loop at waclass-imethods into wamethod.
- * Find any classes defined in any of the methods
- perform scanforclasses using wamethod-methodkey
- waclass-clsname
- customeronly
- customernamerange
- ilocclasses[].
- endloop.
- endif.
- endloop.
- * We have a list of all the classes so lets go and find their details
- classnewlines = lines( ilocclasses ).
- if classnewlines > classcurrentlines.
- perform scanforadditionalclassstuff using ilocclasses[]
- ilocfunctions[]
- gettextelements
- getmessages
- getcustdictstructures
- getfunctions
- getincludes
- customeronly
- customernamerange
- recursiveincludesearch
- recursivefuncsearch
- recursiveclasssearch.
- endif.
- endif.
- endform. "scanForAdditionalClassStuff
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * findClassDetails...
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form findclassdetails using value(classname)
- waclass type tclass
- ilocfunctions like ifunctions[]
- value(gettextelements)
- value(getmessages)
- value(getfunctions)
- value(getcustdictstructures)
- value(customeronly)
- value(customernamerange).
- data: iemptyselectiontexts type standard table of ttexttable.
- data: mytabix type sytabix.
- data: wamethod type tmethod.
- * Build up the keys we will use for finding data
- perform buildclasskeys using waclass.
- if waclass-descript is initial.
- perform findclassdescription using classname
- waclass-descript.
- endif.
- * Find the class attributes.
- select single exposure msg_id state clsfinal r3release
- from vseoclass
- into (waclass-exposure, waclass-msg_id, waclass-state, waclass-clsfinal, waclass-r3release)
- where clsname = waclass-clsname.
- * Don't try and find any other details for an exception class
- if ( waclass-clsname cs 'ZCX_' or waclass-clsname cs 'CX_' ).
- * Exception texts
- perform findexceptiontexts using waclass-publicclasskey
- waclass-iconcepts[].
- waclass-scanned = 'X'.
- else.
- if not gettextelements is initial.
- * Find the class texts from out of the database.
- perform retrieveprogramtexts using iemptyselectiontexts[]
- waclass-itextelements[]
- waclass-textelementkey.
- endif.
- * Find any declared dictionary structures
- if not getcustdictstructures is initial.
- perform scanfortables using waclass-privateclasskey
- customeronly
- customernamerange
- waclass-idictstruct[].
- perform scanfortables using waclass-publicclasskey
- customeronly
- customernamerange
- waclass-idictstruct[].
- perform scanfortables using waclass-protectedclasskey
- customeronly
- customernamerange
- waclass-idictstruct[].
- perform scanfortables using waclass-typesclasskey
- customeronly
- customernamerange
- waclass-idictstruct[].
- perform scanforlikeortype using waclass-privateclasskey
- customeronly
- customernamerange
- waclass-idictstruct[].
- perform scanforlikeortype using waclass-publicclasskey
- customeronly
- customernamerange
- waclass-idictstruct[].
- perform scanforlikeortype using waclass-protectedclasskey
- customeronly
- customernamerange
- waclass-idictstruct[].
- perform scanforlikeortype using waclass-typesclasskey
- customeronly
- customernamerange
- waclass-idictstruct[].
- endif.
- * Methods
- * Find all the methods for this class
- perform findclassmethods using classname
- waclass-imethods[].
- loop at waclass-imethods[] into wamethod.
- mytabix = sy-tabix.
- * Find individual messages
- if not getmessages is initial.
- perform scanformessages using wamethod-methodkey
- waclass-msg_id
- waclass-imessages[].
- endif.
- if not getcustdictstructures is initial.
- * Find any declared dictionary structures
- perform scanfortables using wamethod-methodkey
- customeronly
- customernamerange
- waclass-idictstruct[].
- perform scanforlikeortype using wamethod-methodkey
- customeronly
- customernamerange
- waclass-idictstruct[].
- endif.
- if not getfunctions is initial.
- perform scanforfunctions using wamethod-methodkey
- waclass-clsname
- space
- space
- customeronly
- customernamerange
- ilocfunctions[].
- endif.
- modify waclass-imethods from wamethod index mytabix.
- endloop.
- endif.
- endform. "findClassDetails
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * buildClassKeys... Finds the title text of a class.
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form buildclasskeys using waclass type tclass.
- data: classnamelength type i.
- data: loops type i.
- classnamelength = strlen( waclass-clsname ).
- cl_oo_classname_service=>get_pubsec_name( exporting clsname = waclass-clsname
- receiving result = waclass-publicclasskey ).
- cl_oo_classname_service=>get_prisec_name( exporting clsname = waclass-clsname
- receiving result = waclass-privateclasskey ).
- cl_oo_classname_service=>get_prosec_name( exporting clsname = waclass-clsname
- receiving result = waclass-protectedclasskey ).
- * Text element key - length of text element key has to be 32 characters.
- loops = 30 - classnamelength.
- waclass-textelementkey = waclass-clsname.
- do loops times.
- concatenate waclass-textelementkey '=' into waclass-textelementkey.
- enddo.
- * Save this for later.
- concatenate waclass-textelementkey 'CP' into waclass-textelementkey.
- * Types Class key - length of class name has to be 32 characters.
- loops = 30 - classnamelength.
- waclass-typesclasskey = waclass-clsname.
- do loops times.
- concatenate waclass-typesclasskey '=' into waclass-typesclasskey.
- enddo.
- * Save this for later
- concatenate waclass-typesclasskey 'CT' into waclass-typesclasskey.
- endform. "buildClassKeys
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * findClassDescription... Finds the title text of a class.
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form findclassdescription using value(classname)
- titletext.
- select single descript from vseoclass
- into titletext
- where clsname = classname
- and langu = sy-langu.
- if sy-subrc <> 0.
- select single descript from vseoclass
- into titletext
- where clsname = classname.
- endif.
- endform. "findClassDescription
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * findExceptionTexts... Fiond the texts of an exception class.
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form findexceptiontexts using publicclasskey
- iconcepts like dumiconcepts[].
- data: castclassname type program.
- data: itemplines type standard table of string with header line.
- data: itokens type standard table of stokes with header line.
- data: ikeywords type standard table of text20 with header line.
- data: istatements type standard table of sstmnt with header line.
- data: watokens type stokes.
- data: wacurrenttoken type stokes.
- data: waconcept like line of iconcepts.
- data: tokenlength type i.
- data: myrow type i.
- castclassname = publicclasskey.
- read report castclassname into itemplines.
- append 'CONSTANTS' to ikeywords.
- scan abap-source itemplines tokens into itokens statements into istatements keywords from ikeywords.
- delete itokens where str = 'CONSTANTS'.
- delete itokens where str = 'VALUE'.
- delete itokens where str = 'TYPE'.
- loop at itokens into watokens where str = 'SOTR_CONC'.
- * The loop before holds the constant name
- myrow = sy-tabix - 1.
- read table itokens index myrow into wacurrenttoken.
- waconcept-constname = wacurrenttoken-str.
- * The loop after holds the constant name
- myrow = myrow + 2.
- read table itokens index myrow into wacurrenttoken.
- tokenlength = strlen( wacurrenttoken-str ).
- if tokenlength = 34.
- * Most likely an exception text.
- replace all occurrences of '''' in wacurrenttoken-str with ' ' .
- waconcept-concept = wacurrenttoken-str.
- append waconcept to iconcepts.
- endif.
- endloop.
- endform.
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * findClassMethods... Finds the methods of a class.
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form findclassmethods using value(classname)
- ilocmethods like dumimethods[].
- data: imethods type standard table of tmethod with header line.
- select cmpname descript exposure
- from vseomethod
- into corresponding fields of table imethods
- where clsname = classname
- and version = '1'
- and langu = sy-langu
- and ( state = '0' or state = '1' ).
- if sy-subrc <> 0.
- select cmpname descript exposure
- from vseomethod
- into corresponding fields of table imethods
- where clsname = classname
- and version = '0'
- and langu = sy-langu
- and ( state = '0' or state = '1' ).
- endif.
- * Find the method key so that we can acces the source code later
- loop at imethods.
- perform findmethodkey using classname
- imethods-cmpname
- imethods-methodkey.
- modify imethods.
- endloop.
- ilocmethods[] = imethods[].
- endform. "findClassMethods
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * findMethodKey... find the unique key which identifes this method
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form findmethodkey using value(classname)
- value(methodname)
- methodkey.
- data: methodid type seocpdkey.
- data: locmethodkey type program.
- methodid-clsname = classname.
- methodid-cpdname = methodname.
- cl_oo_classname_service=>get_method_include( exporting mtdkey = methodid
- receiving result = locmethodkey
- exceptions class_not_existing = 1
- method_not_existing = 2 ).
- methodkey = locmethodkey.
- endform. "findMethodKey
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * scanForMessages... Search each program for messages
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form scanformessages using value(programname)
- value(mainmessageclass)
- ilocmessages like imessages[].
- data: iincludelines type standard table of string with header line.
- data: itokens type standard table of stokes with header line.
- data: istatements type standard table of sstmnt with header line.
- data: ikeywords type standard table of text20 with header line.
- data: wamessage type tmessage.
- data: wamessagecomparison type tmessage.
- data: watokens type stokes.
- data: nextline type i.
- data: stringlength type i value 0.
- data: workingonmessage type i value false.
- data: castprogramname type program.
- * Read the program code from the textpool.
- castprogramname = programname.
- read report castprogramname into iincludelines.
- append message to ikeywords.
- scan abap-source iincludelines tokens into itokens with includes statements into istatements keywords from ikeywords.
- clear iincludelines[].
- loop at itokens.
- if itokens-str = message.
- workingonmessage = true.
- continue.
- endif.
- if workingonmessage = true.
- stringlength = strlen( itokens-str ).
- * Message declaration 1
- if stringlength = 4 and itokens-str+0(1) ca sy-abcde.
- wamessage-msgnr = itokens-str+1(3).
- wamessage-arbgb = mainmessageclass.
- else.
- if itokens-str cs '''' or itokens-str cs '`'.
- * Message declaration 2
- translate itokens-str using ''' '.
- translate itokens-str using '` '.
- condense itokens-str.
- shift itokens-str left deleting leading space.
- wamessage-text = itokens-str.
- wamessage-arbgb = 'Hard coded'.
- else.
- if itokens-str = 'ID'.
- * Message declaration 3
- nextline = sy-tabix + 1.
- read table itokens index nextline into watokens.
- translate watokens-str using ''' '.
- condense itokens-str.
- shift watokens-str left deleting leading space.
- if not watokens-str = 'SY-MSGID'.
- wamessage-arbgb = watokens-str.
- nextline = nextline + 4.
- read table itokens index nextline into watokens.
- translate watokens-str using ''' '.
- condense watokens-str.
- shift watokens-str left deleting leading space.
- wamessage-msgnr = watokens-str.
- else.
- workingonmessage = false.
- endif.
- else.
- if stringlength >= 5 and itokens-str+4(1) = '('.
- * Message declaration 4
- wamessage-msgnr = itokens-str+1(3).
- shift itokens-str left up to '('.
- replace '(' into itokens-str with space.
- replace ')' into itokens-str with space.
- condense itokens-str.
- wamessage-arbgb = itokens-str.
- endif.
- endif.
- endif.
- endif.
- * find the message text
- if not wamessage-arbgb is initial and not wamessage-msgnr is initial and wamessage-text is initial.
- select single text from t100 into wamessage-text
- where sprsl = sy-langu
- and arbgb = wamessage-arbgb
- and msgnr = wamessage-msgnr.
- endif.
- * Append the message
- if not wamessage is initial.
- * Don't append the message if we already have it listed
- read table ilocmessages with key arbgb = wamessage-arbgb
- msgnr = wamessage-msgnr
- into wamessagecomparison.
- if sy-subrc <> 0.
- append wamessage to ilocmessages.
- endif.
- clear wamessage.
- workingonmessage = false.
- endif.
- endif.
- endloop.
- endform. "scanForMessages
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * scanForTables... Search each program for dictionary tables
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form scanfortables using value(programname)
- value(customeronly)
- value(customernamerange)
- ilocdictionary like idictionary[].
- data: iincludelines type standard table of string with header line.
- data: itokens type standard table of stokes with header line.
- data: istatements type standard table of sstmnt with header line.
- data: ikeywords type standard table of text20 with header line.
- data: wadictionary type tdicttable.
- data: wadictionarycomparison type tdicttable.
- data: castprogramname type program.
- * Read the program code from the textpool.
- castprogramname = programname.
- read report castprogramname into iincludelines.
- append tables to ikeywords.
- scan abap-source iincludelines tokens into itokens with includes statements into istatements keywords from ikeywords.
- clear iincludelines[].
- sort itokens ascending by str.
- delete itokens where str = tables.
- loop at itokens.
- if not customeronly is initial.
- try.
- if ( itokens-str+0(1) <> 'Y' or itokens-str+0(1) <> 'Z' or itokens-str ns customernamerange ).
- continue.
- endif.
- catch cx_sy_range_out_of_bounds into objruntimeerror.
- endtry.
- endif.
- wadictionary-tablename = itokens-str.
- * Don't append the object if we already have it listed
- read table ilocdictionary into wadictionarycomparison with key tablename = wadictionary-tablename.
- if sy-subrc <> 0.
- perform findtabledescription using wadictionary-tablename
- wadictionary-tabletitle.
- perform findtabledefinition using wadictionary-tablename
- wadictionary-istructure[].
- append wadictionary to ilocdictionary.
- endif.
- endloop.
- endform. "scanForTables
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * findProgramScreenFlow...
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form findprogramscreenflow using waprogram type tprogram.
- data: iflow type standard table of tscreenflow with header line.
- exporting
- rep_name = waprogram-progname
- tables
- scr_logic = iflow.
- sort iflow ascending by screen.
- delete adjacent duplicates from iflow comparing screen.
- if waprogram-subc <> 'M'.
- delete iflow where screen >= '1000' and screen <= '1099'.
- endif.
- loop at iflow.
- append iflow to waprogram-iscreenflow.
- endloop.
- endform. "findProgramScreenFlow
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * findFunctionScreenFlow...
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form findfunctionscreenflow using wafunction type tfunction.
- data: iflow type standard table of tscreenflow with header line.
- exporting
- rep_name = wafunction-progname
- tables
- scr_logic = iflow.
- sort iflow ascending by screen.
- delete adjacent duplicates from iflow comparing screen.
- loop at iflow.
- append iflow to wafunction-iscreenflow.
- endloop.
- endform. "findFunctionScreenFlow
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * scanForLikeOrType... Look for any dictionary objects referenced by a like or type statement
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form scanforlikeortype using value(programname)
- value(customeronly)
- value(customernamerange)
- ilocdictionary like idictionary[].
- data ilines type standard table of string with header line.
- data: head type string.
- data: tail type string.
- data: junk type string.
- data: linetype type string.
- data: linelength type i value 0.
- data: endofline type i value true.
- data: wadictionary type tdicttable.
- data: wadictionarycomparison type tdicttable.
- data: waline type string.
- data: castprogramname type program.
- * Read the program code from the textpool.
- castprogramname = programname.
- read report castprogramname into ilines.
- loop at ilines into waline.
- * Find custom tables.
- linelength = strlen( waline ).
- if linelength > 0.
- if waline(1) = asterix.
- continue.
- endif.
- translate waline to upper case.
- * Determine the lineType.
- if endofline = true.
- shift waline up to like.
- if sy-subrc = 0.
- linetype = like.
- else.
- shift waline up to type.
- if sy-subrc = 0.
- find 'BEGIN OF' in waline.
- if sy-subrc <> 0.
- find 'END OF' in waline.
- if sy-subrc <> 0.
- find 'VALUE' in waline.
- if sy-subrc <> 0.
- linetype = type.
- endif.
- endif.
- endif.
- else.
- shift waline up to include.
- if sy-subrc = 0.
- split waline at space into junk ilines.
- endif.
- shift waline up to structure.
- if sy-subrc = 0.
- linetype = structure.
- else.
- continue.
- endif.
- endif.
- endif.
- else.
- linetype = comma.
- endif.
- case linetype.
- when like or type or structure.
- * Work on the appropriate lineType
- shift waline up to space.
- shift waline left deleting leading space.
- if waline cs table.
- split waline at table into head tail.
- split tail at 'OF' into head tail.
- waline = tail.
- shift waline left deleting leading space.
- endif.
- * Are we only to download SAP dictionary structures.
- if not customeronly is initial.
- try.
- if waline+0(1) = 'Y' or waline+0(1) = 'Z' or waline cs customernamerange.
- else.
- linetype = ''.
- continue.
- endif.
- catch cx_sy_range_out_of_bounds into objruntimeerror.
- endtry.
- endif.
- if waline cs comma.
- split waline at comma into head tail.
- if waline cs dash.
- split head at dash into head tail.
- endif.
- if waline cs occurs.
- split waline at space into head tail.
- endif.
- else.
- if waline cs period.
- split waline at period into head tail.
- if waline cs dash.
- split head at dash into head tail.
- endif.
- if waline cs occurs.
- split waline at space into head tail.
- endif.
- else.
- split waline at space into head tail.
- if waline cs dash.
- split head at dash into head tail.
- endif.
- endif.
- endif.
- if not head is initial.
- wadictionary-tablename = head.
- * Don't append the object if we already have it listed
- read table ilocdictionary into wadictionarycomparison
- with key tablename = wadictionary-tablename.
- if sy-subrc <> 0.
- perform findtabledescription using wadictionary-tablename
- wadictionary-tabletitle.
- perform findtabledefinition using wadictionary-tablename
- wadictionary-istructure[].
- * Only append if the item is a table and not a structure or data element
- if not wadictionary-istructure[] is initial.
- append wadictionary to ilocdictionary.
- endif.
- endif.
- clear wadictionary.
- endif.
- linetype = ''.
- endcase.
- endif.
- endloop.
- endform. "scanForLikeOrType
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * displayStatus...
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form displaystatus using value(message)
- value(delay).
- exporting
- percentage = 0
- text = message
- exceptions
- others = 1.
- if delay > 0.
- wait up to delay seconds.
- endif.
- endform. "displayStatus
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * removeLeadingZeros...
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form removeleadingzeros changing myvalue.
- exporting
- input = myvalue
- importing
- output = myvalue
- exceptions
- others = 1.
- endform. "removeLeadingZeros
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * determineFrontendOPSystem.... Determine the frontend operating system type.
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form determinefrontendopsystem using separator
- operatingsystem.
- data: platformid type i value 0.
- create object objfile.
- call method objfile->get_platform receiving platform = platformid
- exceptions cntl_error = 1
- error_no_gui = 2
- not_supported_by_gui = 3.
- case platformid.
- when objfile->platform_windows95
- or objfile->platform_windows98
- or objfile->platform_nt351
- or objfile->platform_nt40
- or objfile->platform_nt50
- or objfile->platform_mac
- or objfile->platform_os2
- or 14. "XP
- separator = '\'.
- operatingsystem = non_unix.
- when others.
- separator = '/'.
- operatingsystem = unix.
- endcase.
- endform. "determineFrontendOpSystem
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * determineServerOPSystem.... Determine the server operating system type.
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form determineserveropsystem using separator
- serverfilesystem
- serveropsystem.
- * Find the file system
- select single filesys
- from opsystem
- into serverfilesystem
- where opsys = sy-opsys.
- find 'WINDOWS' in serverfilesystem ignoring case.
- if sy-subrc = 0.
- separator = '\'.
- serveropsystem = non_unix.
- else.
- find 'DOS' in serverfilesystem ignoring case.
- if sy-subrc = 0.
- separator = '\'.
- serveropsystem = non_unix.
- else.
- separator = '/'.
- serveropsystem = unix.
- endif.
- endif.
- endform. "determineServerOpSystem
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * findExternalCommand.... Determine if the external command exists. If it doesn't then disable the
- * server input field
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form findexternalcommand.
- call function 'SXPG_COMMAND_CHECK'
- exporting
- commandname = 'ZMKDIR'
- operatingsystem = sy-opsys
- exceptions
- command_not_found = 1
- others = 0.
- if sy-subrc <> 0.
- loop at screen.
- if screen-name = 'PLOGICAL'.
- screen-input = 0.
- modify screen.
- endif.
- if screen-name = 'PSERV'.
- screen-input = 0.
- modify screen.
- endif.
- if screen-name = 'PPC'.
- screen-input = 0.
- modify screen.
- endif.
- endloop.
- message s000(oo) with 'Download to server disabled,' 'external command ZMKDIR not defined.'.
- endif.
- endform.
- ********************************************************************************************************
- *****************************************DOWNLOAD ROUTINES**********************************************
- ********************************************************************************************************
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * downloadDDStructures... download database objects to file
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form downloadddstructures using ilocdictionary like idictionary[]
- value(pathname)
- value(htmlfileextension)
- value(subdir)
- value(sorttablesasc)
- value(slashseparator)
- value(savetoserver)
- value(displayprogressmessage).
- field-symbols: <wadictionary> type tdicttable.
- data: tablefilename type string.
- data: tablefilenamewithpath type string.
- data: ihtmltable type standard table of string with header line.
- data: newsubdirectory type string.
- data: completesavepath type string.
- loop at ilocdictionary assigning <wadictionary>.
- perform buildfilename using pathname
- subdir
- <wadictionary>-tablename
- space
- space
- htmlfileextension
- is_table
- savetoserver
- slashseparator
- tablefilenamewithpath
- tablefilename
- newsubdirectory
- completesavepath.
- * Try and import a converted table to memory as it will be much quicker than converting it again
- import ihtmltable from memory id <wadictionary>-tablename.
- if sy-subrc <> 0.
- concatenate 'Converting table' <wadictionary>-tablename 'to html' into statusbarmessage separated by space.
- perform displaystatus using statusbarmessage 0.
- perform convertddtohtml using <wadictionary>-istructure[]
- ihtmltable[]
- <wadictionary>-tablename
- <wadictionary>-tabletitle
- sorttablesasc.
- export ihtmltable to memory id <wadictionary>-tablename.
- endif.
- if savetoserver is initial.
- perform savefiletopc using ihtmltable[]
- tablefilenamewithpath
- tablefilename
- space
- space
- displayprogressmessage.
- else.
- perform savefiletoserver using ihtmltable[]
- tablefilenamewithpath
- tablefilename
- completesavepath
- displayprogressmessage.
- endif.
- clear ihtmltable[].
- endloop.
- endform. "downloadDDStructures
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * downloadMessageClass...
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form downloadmessageclass using ilocmessages like imessages[]
- value(messageclassname)
- value(userfilepath)
- value(fileextension)
- value(htmlfileflag)
- subdir
- value(syntaxhighlightcomments)
- value(customernamerange)
- value(getincludes)
- value(getdictstructures)
- value(userhasselectedmessageclasses)
- value(slashseparator)
- value(savetoserver)
- value(displayprogressmessage).
- data: htmlpagename type string.
- data: newfilenameonly type string.
- data: newfilenamewithpath type string.
- data: ihtmltable type standard table of string with header line.
- data: newsubdirectory type string.
- data: completesavepath type string.
- perform appendmessagestofile using ilocmessages[]
- ihtmltable[]
- userhasselectedmessageclasses.
- concatenate `message class ` messageclassname into htmlpagename.
- if htmlfileflag is initial.
- append '' to ihtmltable.
- append '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------' to ihtmltable.
- perform buildfootermessage using 'TEXT'
- ihtmltable.
- append ihtmltable.
- else.
- perform convertcodetohtml using ihtmltable[]
- htmlpagename
- space
- is_messageclass
- ''
- false
- syntaxhighlightcomments
- fileextension
- customernamerange
- getincludes
- getdictstructures.
- endif.
- perform buildfilename using userfilepath
- subdir
- messageclassname
- space
- space
- fileextension
- is_messageclass
- savetoserver
- slashseparator
- newfilenamewithpath
- newfilenameonly
- newsubdirectory
- completesavepath.
- if savetoserver is initial.
- perform savefiletopc using ihtmltable[]
- newfilenamewithpath
- newfilenameonly
- space
- space
- displayprogressmessage.
- else.
- * Save the file to the SAP server
- perform savefiletoserver using ihtmltable[]
- newfilenamewithpath
- newfilenameonly
- completesavepath
- displayprogressmessage.
- endif.
- endform. "downloadMessageClass
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * appendMessagesToFile
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form appendmessagestofile using ilocmessages like imessages[]
- ilochtml like dumihtml[]
- value(userhasselectedmessageclasses).
- data: previousmessageid like imessages-arbgb.
- field-symbols: <wamessage> type tmessage.
- data: wahtml type string.
- sort ilocmessages ascending by arbgb msgnr.
- if not ilocmessages[] is initial.
- if userhasselectedmessageclasses is initial.
- * Only add these extra lines if we are actually appending them to the end of some program code
- append wahtml to ilochtml.
- append wahtml to ilochtml.
- append '*Messages' to ilochtml.
- append '*----------------------------------------------------------' to ilochtml.
- endif.
- loop at ilocmessages assigning <wamessage>.
- if ( <wamessage>-arbgb <> previousmessageid ).
- if userhasselectedmessageclasses is initial.
- * Only add this extra lines if we are actually appending them to the end of some program code
- append '*' to ilochtml.
- concatenate `* Message class: ` <wamessage>-arbgb into wahtml.
- append wahtml to ilochtml.
- endif.
- previousmessageid = <wamessage>-arbgb.
- clear wahtml.
- endif.
- if userhasselectedmessageclasses is initial.
- * Only add this extra lines if we are actually appending them to the end of some program code
- concatenate '*' <wamessage>-msgnr ` ` <wamessage>-text into wahtml.
- else.
- concatenate <wamessage>-msgnr ` ` <wamessage>-text into wahtml.
- endif.
- append wahtml to ilochtml.
- endloop.
- endif.
- endform. "appendMessagesToFile
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * downloadFunctions... Download function modules to file.
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form downloadfunctions using ilocfunctions like ifunctions[]
- value(userfilepath)
- value(fileextension)
- value(subdir)
- value(downloaddocumentation)
- value(converttohtml)
- value(syntaxhighlightcomments)
- value(customernamerange)
- value(getincludes)
- value(getdictstruct)
- value(textfileextension)
- value(htmlfileextension)
- value(sorttablesasc)
- value(slashseparator)
- value(savetoserver)
- value(displayprogressmessage).
- data: mainsubdir type string.
- data: incsubdir type string.
- field-symbols: <wafunction> type tfunction.
- field-symbols: <wainclude> type tinclude.
- data: iemptytextelements type standard table of ttexttable.
- data: iemptyselectiontexts type standard table of ttexttable.
- data: iemptymessages type standard table of tmessage.
- data: iemptyguititles type standard table of tguititle.
- data: functiondocumentationexists type i value false.
- loop at ilocfunctions assigning <wafunction>.
- if subdir is initial.
- incsubdir = <wafunction>-functionname.
- mainsubdir = ''.
- else.
- concatenate subdir <wafunction>-functionname into incsubdir separated by slashseparator.
- mainsubdir = subdir.
- endif.
- if not downloaddocumentation is initial.
- perform downloadfunctiondocs using <wafunction>-functionname
- <wafunction>-functiontitle
- userfilepath
- fileextension
- converttohtml
- slashseparator
- savetoserver
- displayprogressmessage
- mainsubdir
- functiondocumentationexists.
- endif.
- * Download main source code
- perform readfunctionanddownload using <wafunction>-itextelements[]
- <wafunction>-iselectiontexts[]
- <wafunction>-imessages[]
- <wafunction>-functionname
- <wafunction>-functionmaininclude
- <wafunction>-functiontitle
- userfilepath
- fileextension
- mainsubdir
- converttohtml
- functiondocumentationexists
- syntaxhighlightcomments
- customernamerange
- getincludes
- getdictstruct
- slashseparator
- savetoserver
- displayprogressmessage.
- * Download top include
- perform readincludeanddownload using iemptytextelements[]
- iemptyselectiontexts[]
- iemptymessages[]
- iemptyguititles[]
- <wafunction>-topincludename
- <wafunction>-functionname
- <wafunction>-functiontitle
- is_function
- userfilepath
- fileextension
- mainsubdir
- converttohtml
- syntaxhighlightcomments
- customernamerange
- getincludes
- getdictstruct
- slashseparator
- savetoserver
- displayprogressmessage.
- * Download screens.
- if not <wafunction>-iscreenflow[] is initial.
- perform downloadscreens using <wafunction>-iscreenflow[]
- <wafunction>-progname
- userfilepath
- textfileextension
- mainsubdir
- slashseparator
- savetoserver
- displayprogressmessage.
- endif.
- * Download GUI titles
- if not <wafunction>-iguititle[] is initial.
- perform downloadguititles using <wafunction>-iguititle
- userfilepath
- textfileextension
- mainsubdir
- slashseparator
- savetoserver
- displayprogressmessage.
- endif.
- * Download all other includes
- loop at <wafunction>-iincludes assigning <wainclude>.
- perform readincludeanddownload using iemptytextelements[]
- iemptyselectiontexts[]
- iemptymessages[]
- iemptyguititles[]
- <wainclude>-includename
- space
- <wainclude>-includetitle
- is_program
- userfilepath
- fileextension
- incsubdir
- converttohtml
- syntaxhighlightcomments
- customernamerange
- getincludes
- getdictstruct
- slashseparator
- savetoserver
- displayprogressmessage.
- endloop.
- * Download all dictionary structures
- if not <wafunction>-idictstruct[] is initial.
- perform downloadddstructures using <wafunction>-idictstruct[]
- userfilepath
- htmlfileextension
- incsubdir
- sorttablesasc
- slashseparator
- savetoserver
- displayprogressmessage.
- endif.
- endloop.
- endform. "downloadFunctions
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * readIcludeAndDownload...
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form readincludeanddownload using iloctextelements like dumitexttab[]
- ilocselectiontexts like dumitexttab[]
- ilocmessages like imessages[]
- ilocguititles like dumiguititle[]
- value(programname)
- value(functionname)
- value(shorttext)
- value(overideprogtype)
- value(userfilepath)
- value(fileextension)
- value(additionalsubdir)
- value(converttohtml)
- value(syntaxhighlightcomments)
- value(customernamerange)
- value(getincludes)
- value(getdictstructures)
- value(slashseparator)
- value(savetoserver)
- value(displayprogressmessage).
- data: ilines type standard table of string with header line.
- data: localfilenamewithpath type string.
- data: localfilenameonly type string.
- data: newsubdirectory type string.
- data: objectname type string.
- data: completesavepath type string.
- read report programname into ilines.
- * Download GUI titles for main program
- if not ilocguititles[] is initial.
- perform appendguititles using ilocguititles[]
- ilines[].
- endif.
- * Download text elements for main program
- if not iloctextelements[] is initial.
- perform appendtextelements using iloctextelements[]
- ilines[].
- endif.
- * Download selection texts for main program
- if not ilocselectiontexts[] is initial.
- perform appendselectiontexts using ilocselectiontexts[]
- ilines[].
- endif.
- * Download messages classes for main program.
- if not ilocmessages[] is initial.
- perform appendmessagestofile using ilocmessages[]
- ilines[]
- space.
- endif.
- if converttohtml is initial.
- append '' to ilines.
- append '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------' to ilines.
- perform buildfootermessage using 'TEXT'
- ilines.
- append ilines.
- else.
- perform convertcodetohtml using ilines[]
- programname
- shorttext
- overideprogtype
- space
- space
- syntaxhighlightcomments
- fileextension
- customernamerange
- getincludes
- getdictstructures.
- endif.
- if functionname is initial.
- objectname = programname.
- else.
- objectname = functionname.
- endif.
- perform buildfilename using userfilepath
- additionalsubdir
- objectname
- space
- programname
- fileextension
- overideprogtype
- savetoserver
- slashseparator
- localfilenamewithpath
- localfilenameonly
- newsubdirectory
- completesavepath.
- if savetoserver is initial.
- perform savefiletopc using ilines[]
- localfilenamewithpath
- localfilenameonly
- space
- space
- displayprogressmessage.
- else.
- perform savefiletoserver using ilines[]
- localfilenamewithpath
- localfilenameonly
- completesavepath
- displayprogressmessage.
- endif.
- endform. "readIncludeAndDownload
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * readClassAndDownload...
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form readclassanddownload using walocclass type tclass
- value(classname)
- value(functionname)
- value(overideprogtype)
- value(userfilepath)
- value(fileextension)
- value(additionalsubdir)
- value(converttohtml)
- value(syntaxhighlightcomments)
- value(customernamerange)
- value(getincludes)
- value(getdictstructures)
- value(slashseparator)
- value(savetoserver)
- value(displayprogressmessage).
- data: itemplines type standard table of string with header line.
- data: ilines type standard table of string with header line.
- data: localfilenamewithpath type string.
- data: localfilenameonly type string.
- data: newsubdirectory type string.
- data: objectname type string.
- data: castclassname type program.
- data: completesavepath type string.
- * Build up attribute comments
- append '**************************************************************************' to ilines.
- append '* Class attributes. *' to ilines.
- append '**************************************************************************' to ilines.
- case walocclass-exposure.
- when 0.
- append `Instantiation: Private` to ilines.
- when 1.
- append `Instantiation: Protected` to ilines.
- when 2.
- append `Instantiation: Public` to ilines.
- endcase.
- concatenate `Message class: ` walocclass-msg_id into ilines.
- append ilines.
- case walocclass-state.
- when 0.
- append `State: Only Modelled` to ilines.
- when 1.
- append `State: Implemented` to ilines.
- endcase.
- concatenate `Final Indicator: ` walocclass-clsfinal into ilines.
- append ilines.
- concatenate `R/3 Release: ` walocclass-r3release into ilines.
- append ilines.
- clear ilines.
- append ilines.
- castclassname = walocclass-publicclasskey.
- read report castclassname into itemplines.
- if sy-subrc = 0.
- perform reformatclasscode using itemplines[].
- append '**************************************************************************' to ilines.
- append '* Public section of class. *' to ilines.
- append '**************************************************************************' to ilines.
- loop at itemplines.
- append itemplines to ilines.
- endloop.
- endif.
- castclassname = walocclass-privateclasskey.
- read report castclassname into itemplines.
- if sy-subrc = 0.
- perform reformatclasscode using itemplines[].
- append ilines.
- append '**************************************************************************' to ilines.
- append '* Private section of class. *' to ilines.
- append '**************************************************************************' to ilines.
- loop at itemplines.
- append itemplines to ilines.
- endloop.
- endif.
- castclassname = walocclass-protectedclasskey.
- read report castclassname into itemplines.
- if sy-subrc = 0.
- perform reformatclasscode using itemplines[].
- append ilines.
- append '**************************************************************************' to ilines.
- append '* Protected section of class. *' to ilines.
- append '**************************************************************************' to ilines.
- loop at itemplines.
- append itemplines to ilines.
- endloop.
- endif.
- castclassname = walocclass-typesclasskey.
- read report castclassname into itemplines.
- if sy-subrc = 0.
- append ilines.
- append '**************************************************************************' to ilines.
- append '* Types section of class. *' to ilines.
- append '**************************************************************************' to ilines.
- loop at itemplines.
- append itemplines to ilines.
- endloop.
- endif.
- * Download text elements for this class
- if not walocclass-itextelements[] is initial.
- perform appendtextelements using walocclass-itextelements[]
- ilines[].
- endif.
- * Download messages classes for this class.
- if not walocclass-imessages[] is initial.
- perform appendmessagestofile using walocclass-imessages[]
- ilines[]
- space.
- endif.
- * Download exception texts for this class
- if not walocclass-iconcepts[] is initial.
- perform appendexceptiontexts using walocclass-iconcepts[]
- ilines[].
- endif.
- if converttohtml is initial.
- append '' to ilines.
- append '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------' to ilines.
- perform buildfootermessage using 'TEXT'
- ilines.
- append ilines.
- else.
- perform convertclasstohtml using ilines[]
- classname
- walocclass-descript
- overideprogtype
- syntaxhighlightcomments
- fileextension
- customernamerange
- getdictstructures.
- endif.
- if functionname is initial.
- objectname = classname.
- else.
- objectname = functionname.
- endif.
- perform buildfilename using userfilepath
- additionalsubdir
- objectname
- space
- classname
- fileextension
- overideprogtype
- savetoserver
- slashseparator
- localfilenamewithpath
- localfilenameonly
- newsubdirectory
- completesavepath.
- if savetoserver is initial.
- perform savefiletopc using ilines[]
- localfilenamewithpath
- localfilenameonly
- space
- space
- displayprogressmessage.
- else.
- perform savefiletoserver using ilines[]
- localfilenamewithpath
- localfilenameonly
- completesavepath
- displayprogressmessage.
- endif.
- endform. "readClassAndDownload
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * readMethodAndDownload...
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form readmethodanddownload using walocmethod type tmethod
- value(methodname)
- value(methodkey)
- value(functionname)
- value(overideprogtype)
- value(userfilepath)
- value(fileextension)
- value(additionalsubdir)
- value(converttohtml)
- value(syntaxhighlightcomments)
- value(customernamerange)
- value(getincludes)
- value(getdictstructures)
- value(slashseparator)
- value(savetoserver)
- value(displayprogressmessage).
- data: ilines type standard table of string with header line.
- data: itemplines type standard table of string with header line.
- data: localfilenamewithpath type string.
- data: localfilenameonly type string.
- data: newsubdirectory type string.
- data: objectname type string.
- data: castmethodkey type program.
- data: completesavepath type string.
- * Add the method scope to the downloaded file
- append '**************************************************************************' to ilines.
- append '* Method attributes. *' to ilines.
- append '**************************************************************************' to ilines.
- case walocmethod-exposure.
- when 0.
- append `Instantiation: Private` to ilines.
- when 1.
- append `Instantiation: Protected` to ilines.
- when 2.
- append `Instantiation: Public` to ilines.
- endcase.
- append '**************************************************************************' to ilines.
- append '' to ilines.
- castmethodkey = walocmethod-methodkey.
- read report castmethodkey into itemplines.
- loop at itemplines.
- append itemplines to ilines.
- endloop.
- if converttohtml is initial.
- append '' to ilines.
- append '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------' to ilines.
- perform buildfootermessage using 'TEXT'
- ilines.
- append ilines.
- else.
- perform convertcodetohtml using ilines[]
- methodname
- walocmethod-descript
- overideprogtype
- space
- space
- syntaxhighlightcomments
- fileextension
- customernamerange
- getincludes
- getdictstructures.
- endif.
- if functionname is initial.
- objectname = methodname.
- else.
- objectname = functionname.
- endif.
- perform buildfilename using userfilepath
- additionalsubdir
- objectname
- space
- methodname
- fileextension
- overideprogtype
- savetoserver
- slashseparator
- localfilenamewithpath
- localfilenameonly
- newsubdirectory
- completesavepath.
- if savetoserver is initial.
- perform savefiletopc using ilines[]
- localfilenamewithpath
- localfilenameonly
- space
- space
- displayprogressmessage.
- else.
- perform savefiletoserver using ilines[]
- localfilenamewithpath
- localfilenameonly
- completesavepath
- displayprogressmessage.
- endif.
- endform. "readMethodAndDownload
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * readFunctionAndDownload...
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form readfunctionanddownload using iloctextelements like dumitexttab[]
- ilocselectiontexts like dumitexttab[]
- ilocmessages like imessages[]
- value(functionname)
- value(functioninternalname)
- value(shorttext)
- value(userfilepath)
- value(fileextension)
- value(subdir)
- value(converttohtml)
- value(functiondocumentationexists)
- value(syntaxhighlightcomments)
- value(customernamerange)
- value(getincludes)
- value(getdictstructures)
- value(slashseparator)
- value(savetoserver)
- value(displayprogressmessage).
- data: ilines type standard table of string with header line.
- data: localfilenamewithpath type string.
- data: localfilenameonly type string.
- data: newsubdirectory type string.
- data: completesavepath type string.
- read report functioninternalname into ilines.
- * If we found any text elements for this function then we ought to append them to the main include.
- if not iloctextelements[] is initial.
- perform appendtextelements using iloctextelements[]
- ilines[].
- endif.
- * If we found any message classes for this function then we ought to append them to the main include.
- if not ilocmessages[] is initial.
- perform appendmessagestofile using ilocmessages[]
- ilines[]
- space.
- endif.
- if converttohtml is initial.
- append '' to ilines.
- append '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------' to ilines.
- perform buildfootermessage using 'TEXT'
- ilines.
- append ilines.
- else.
- perform convertfunctiontohtml using ilines[]
- functionname
- shorttext
- is_function
- functiondocumentationexists
- true
- syntaxhighlightcomments
- fileextension
- customernamerange
- getincludes
- getdictstructures.
- endif.
- perform buildfilename using userfilepath
- subdir
- functionname
- space
- space
- fileextension
- is_function
- savetoserver
- slashseparator
- localfilenamewithpath
- localfilenameonly
- newsubdirectory
- completesavepath.
- if savetoserver is initial.
- perform savefiletopc using ilines[]
- localfilenamewithpath
- localfilenameonly
- space
- space
- displayprogressmessage.
- else.
- perform savefiletoserver using ilines[]
- localfilenamewithpath
- localfilenameonly
- completesavepath
- displayprogressmessage.
- endif.
- endform. "readFunctionAndDownload
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * buildFilename...
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form buildfilename using value(userpath)
- value(additionalsubdirectory)
- value(objectname)
- value(mainfunctionno)
- value(includename)
- value(fileextension)
- value(downloadtype)
- value(downloadtoserver)
- value(slashseparator)
- newfilenamewithpath
- newfilenameonly
- newsubdirectory
- completepath.
- * If we are running on a non UNIX environment we will need to remove forward slashes from the additional path.
- if downloadtoserver is initial.
- if frontendopsystem = non_unix.
- if not additionalsubdirectory is initial.
- translate additionalsubdirectory using '/_'.
- if additionalsubdirectory+0(1) = '_'.
- shift additionalsubdirectory left by 1 places.
- endif.
- endif.
- endif.
- else.
- if serveropsystem = non_unix.
- if not additionalsubdirectory is initial.
- translate additionalsubdirectory using '/_'.
- if additionalsubdirectory+0(1) = '_'.
- shift additionalsubdirectory left by 1 places.
- endif.
- endif.
- endif.
- endif.
- case downloadtype.
- * Programs
- when is_program.
- if additionalsubdirectory is initial.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator objectname period fileextension into newfilenamewithpath.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator into completepath.
- else.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator additionalsubdirectory
- slashseparator objectname period fileextension into newfilenamewithpath.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator additionalsubdirectory into completepath.
- endif.
- * Function Modules
- when is_function.
- if additionalsubdirectory is initial.
- find 'top' in includename ignoring case.
- if sy-subrc = 0.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator objectname
- slashseparator 'Global-' objectname
- period fileextension
- into newfilenamewithpath.
- else.
- if includename cs mainfunctionno and not mainfunctionno is initial.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator objectname
- slashseparator objectname
- period fileextension
- into newfilenamewithpath.
- else.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator objectname
- slashseparator objectname
- period fileextension
- into newfilenamewithpath.
- endif.
- endif.
- newsubdirectory = objectname.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator into completepath.
- else.
- find 'top' in includename ignoring case.
- if sy-subrc = 0.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator additionalsubdirectory
- slashseparator objectname
- slashseparator 'Global-' objectname
- period fileextension
- into newfilenamewithpath.
- else.
- if includename cs mainfunctionno and not mainfunctionno is initial.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator additionalsubdirectory
- slashseparator objectname
- slashseparator objectname
- period fileextension
- into newfilenamewithpath.
- else.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator additionalsubdirectory
- slashseparator objectname
- slashseparator objectname
- period fileextension
- into newfilenamewithpath.
- endif.
- endif.
- concatenate additionalsubdirectory slashseparator objectname into newsubdirectory.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator additionalsubdirectory slashseparator objectname into completepath.
- endif.
- * Table definition
- when is_table.
- if additionalsubdirectory is initial.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator objectname
- slashseparator 'Dictionary-'
- objectname period fileextension
- into newfilenamewithpath.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator objectname into newsubdirectory.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator objectname into completepath.
- else.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator additionalsubdirectory
- slashseparator objectname
- slashseparator 'Dictionary-'
- objectname period fileextension
- into newfilenamewithpath.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator additionalsubdirectory slashseparator objectname into newsubdirectory.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator additionalsubdirectory slashseparator objectname into completepath.
- endif.
- * Program & Function documentation
- when is_documentation.
- if additionalsubdirectory is initial.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator objectname
- slashseparator 'Docs-'
- objectname period
- fileextension
- into newfilenamewithpath.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator objectname into newsubdirectory.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator objectname into completepath.
- else.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator additionalsubdirectory
- slashseparator objectname
- slashseparator 'Docs-'
- objectname period fileextension
- into newfilenamewithpath.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator additionalsubdirectory slashseparator objectname into newsubdirectory.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator additionalsubdirectory slashseparator objectname into completepath.
- endif.
- * Screens
- when is_screen.
- if additionalsubdirectory is initial.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator 'Screens'
- slashseparator 'screen_'
- objectname period
- fileextension into newfilenamewithpath.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator 'screens' into newsubdirectory.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator 'screens' into completepath.
- else.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator additionalsubdirectory
- slashseparator 'Screens'
- slashseparator 'screen_'
- objectname period
- fileextension into newfilenamewithpath.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator additionalsubdirectory slashseparator 'screens' into newsubdirectory.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator additionalsubdirectory slashseparator 'screens' into completepath.
- endif.
- * GUI title
- when is_guititle.
- if additionalsubdirectory is initial.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator 'Screens'
- slashseparator 'gui_title_'
- objectname period
- fileextension into newfilenamewithpath.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator 'screens' into newsubdirectory.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator 'screens' into completepath.
- else.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator additionalsubdirectory
- slashseparator 'Screens'
- slashseparator 'gui_title_'
- objectname period
- fileextension into newfilenamewithpath.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator additionalsubdirectory slashseparator 'Screens' into newsubdirectory.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator additionalsubdirectory slashseparator 'Screens' into completepath.
- endif.
- * Message Class
- when is_messageclass.
- if additionalsubdirectory is initial.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator objectname
- slashseparator 'Message class-'
- objectname period
- fileextension
- into newfilenamewithpath.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator objectname into newsubdirectory.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator objectname into completepath.
- else.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator additionalsubdirectory
- slashseparator objectname
- slashseparator 'Message class-'
- objectname period fileextension
- into newfilenamewithpath.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator additionalsubdirectory slashseparator objectname into newsubdirectory.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator additionalsubdirectory slashseparator objectname into completepath.
- endif.
- * Class definition
- when is_class.
- if additionalsubdirectory is initial.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator objectname
- slashseparator 'Class-'
- objectname period fileextension
- into newfilenamewithpath.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator objectname into newsubdirectory.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator objectname into completepath.
- else.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator additionalsubdirectory
- slashseparator objectname
- slashseparator 'Class-'
- objectname period fileextension
- into newfilenamewithpath.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator additionalsubdirectory slashseparator objectname into newsubdirectory.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator additionalsubdirectory slashseparator objectname into completepath.
- endif.
- * Class definition
- when is_method.
- if additionalsubdirectory is initial.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator 'Method-'
- objectname period fileextension
- into newfilenamewithpath.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator objectname into newsubdirectory.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator objectname into completepath.
- else.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator additionalsubdirectory
- slashseparator 'Method-'
- objectname period fileextension
- into newfilenamewithpath.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator additionalsubdirectory slashseparator objectname into newsubdirectory.
- concatenate userpath slashseparator additionalsubdirectory slashseparator objectname into completepath.
- endif.
- endcase.
- translate completepath to lower case.
- concatenate objectname period fileextension into newfilenameonly.
- translate newfilenameonly to lower case.
- translate newfilenamewithpath to lower case.
- translate newsubdirectory to lower case.
- * If we are running on a non UNIX environment we will need to remove incorrect characters from the filename.
- if downloadtoserver is initial.
- if frontendopsystem = non_unix.
- translate newfilenameonly using '/_'.
- translate newfilenamewithpath using '/_'.
- translate newfilenameonly using '< '.
- translate newfilenamewithpath using '< '.
- translate newfilenameonly using '> '.
- translate newfilenamewithpath using '> '.
- translate newfilenameonly using '? '.
- translate newfilenamewithpath using '? '.
- translate newfilenameonly using '| '.
- translate newfilenamewithpath using '| '.
- condense newfilenameonly no-gaps.
- condense newfilenamewithpath no-gaps.
- endif.
- else.
- if serveropsystem = non_unix.
- translate newfilenameonly using '/_'.
- translate newfilenamewithpath using '/_'.
- translate newfilenameonly using '< '.
- translate newfilenamewithpath using '< '.
- translate newfilenameonly using '> '.
- translate newfilenamewithpath using '> '.
- translate newfilenameonly using '? '.
- translate newfilenamewithpath using '? '.
- translate newfilenameonly using '| '.
- translate newfilenamewithpath using '| '.
- condense newfilenameonly no-gaps.
- condense newfilenamewithpath no-gaps.
- endif.
- endif.
- endform. "buildFilename
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * saveFileToPc... write an internal table to a file on the local PC
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form savefiletopc using idownload type standard table
- value(filenamewithpath)
- value(filename)
- value(writefieldseparator)
- value(truncatetrailingblanks)
- value(displayprogressmessage).
- data: statusmessage type string.
- data: objfile type ref to cl_gui_frontend_services.
- data: strsubrc type string.
- if not displayprogressmessage is initial.
- concatenate `Downloading: ` filename into statusmessage.
- perform displaystatus using statusmessage 0.
- endif.
- create object objfile.
- call method objfile->gui_download exporting filename = filenamewithpath
- filetype = 'ASC'
- write_field_separator = writefieldseparator
- trunc_trailing_blanks = truncatetrailingblanks
- changing data_tab = idownload[]
- exceptions file_write_error = 1
- no_batch = 2
- gui_refuse_filetransfer = 3
- invalid_type = 4
- no_authority = 5
- unknown_error = 6
- header_not_allowed = 7
- separator_not_allowed = 8
- filesize_not_allowed = 9
- header_too_long = 10
- dp_error_create = 11
- dp_error_send = 12
- dp_error_write = 13
- unknown_dp_error = 14
- access_denied = 15
- dp_out_of_memory = 16
- disk_full = 17
- dp_timeout = 18
- file_not_found = 19
- dataprovider_exception = 20
- control_flush_error = 21
- not_supported_by_gui = 22
- error_no_gui = 23.
- if sy-subrc <> 0.
- strsubrc = sy-subrc.
- concatenate `File save error: ` filename ` sy-subrc: ` strsubrc into statusmessage.
- perform displaystatus using statusmessage 3.
- endif.
- endform. "saveFileToPc
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * saveFileToServer... write an internal table to a file on the SAP server
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form savefiletoserver using idownload type standard table
- value(filenamewithpath)
- value(filename)
- value(path)
- value(displayprogressmessage).
- data: wadownload type string.
- data: statusmessage type string.
- if not displayprogressmessage is initial.
- concatenate `Downloading: ` filename into statusmessage.
- perform displaystatus using statusmessage 0.
- endif.
- read table iserverpaths with key table_line = path.
- if sy-subrc <> 0.
- perform createserverdirectory using path.
- append path to iserverpaths.
- endif.
- open dataset filenamewithpath for output in text mode encoding default.
- if sy-subrc = 0.
- loop at idownload into wadownload.
- transfer wadownload to filenamewithpath.
- if sy-subrc <> 0.
- message e000(oo) with 'Error transferring data to file'.
- endif.
- endloop.
- close dataset filenamewithpath.
- if sy-subrc <> 0.
- message e000(oo) with 'Error closing file'.
- endif.
- else.
- * Unable to create a file
- message e000(oo) with 'Error creating file on SAP server' 'check permissions'.
- endif.
- endform. "saveFileToServer
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * createServerDirectory...
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form createserverdirectory using value(path).
- * Parameters for remove command.
- data: param1 type sxpgcolist-parameters.
- * Return status
- data: funcstatus type extcmdexex-status.
- * Command line listing returned by the function
- data: iserveroutput type standard table of btcxpm.
- data: waserveroutput type btcxpm.
- * Targetsystem type conversion variable.
- data: target type rfcdisplay-rfchost.
- * Operating system
- data: operatingsystem type sxpgcolist-opsystem.
- * Head for split command.
- data: head type string..
- data: tail type string.
- param1 = path.
- target = sy-host.
- operatingsystem = sy-opsys.
- call function 'SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE'
- exporting
- commandname = 'ZMKDIR'
- additional_parameters = param1
- operatingsystem = operatingsystem
- targetsystem = target
- stdout = 'X'
- stderr = 'X'
- terminationwait = 'X'
- importing
- status = funcstatus
- tables
- exec_protocol = iserveroutput[]
- exceptions
- no_permission = 1
- command_not_found = 2
- parameters_too_long = 3
- security_risk = 4
- wrong_check_call_interface = 5
- program_start_error = 6
- program_termination_error = 7
- x_error = 8
- parameter_expected = 9
- too_many_parameters = 10
- illegal_command = 11
- wrong_asynchronous_parameters = 12
- cant_enq_tbtco_entry = 13
- jobcount_generation_error = 14
- others = 15.
- if sy-subrc = 0.
- * Although the function succeded did the external command actually work
- if funcstatus = 'E'.
- * External command returned with an error
- if sy-opsys cs 'Windows NT'.
- read table iserveroutput index 1 into waserveroutput.
- if waserveroutput-message ns 'already exists'.
- * An error occurred creating the directory on the server
- message e000(oo) with 'An error occurred creating a directory'.
- endif.
- else.
- read table iserveroutput index 2 into waserveroutput.
- split waserveroutput-message at space into head tail.
- shift tail left deleting leading space.
- if tail <> 'Do not specify an existing file.'.
- * An error occurred creating the directory on the server
- message e000(oo) with 'An error occurred creating a directory'.
- endif.
- endif.
- endif.
- else.
- case sy-subrc.
- when 1.
- * No permissions to run the command
- message e000(oo) with 'No permissions to run external command ZMKDIR'.
- when 2.
- * External command not found
- message e000(oo) with 'External comand ZMKDIR not found'.
- when others.
- * Unable to create the directory
- message e000(oo) with 'An error occurred creating a directory'
- ', subrc:'
- sy-subrc.
- endcase.
- endif.
- endform. "createServerDirectory
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * appendTextElements...
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form appendtextelements using iloctextelements like dumitexttab[]
- iloclines like dumihtml[].
- field-symbols: <watextelement> type ttexttable.
- data: waline type string.
- if lines( iloctextelements ) > 0.
- append '' to iloclines.
- append '*Text elements' to iloclines.
- append '*----------------------------------------------------------' to iloclines.
- loop at iloctextelements assigning <watextelement>.
- concatenate '* ' <watextelement>-key <watextelement>-entry into waline separated by space.
- append waline to iloclines.
- endloop.
- endif.
- endform. "appendTextElements
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * appendGUITitles...
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form appendguititles using ilocguititles like dumiguititle[]
- iloclines like dumihtml[].
- field-symbols: <waguititle> type tguititle.
- data: waline type string.
- if lines( ilocguititles ) > 0.
- append '' to iloclines.
- append '*GUI Texts' to iloclines.
- append '*----------------------------------------------------------' to iloclines.
- loop at ilocguititles assigning <waguititle>.
- concatenate '* ' <waguititle>-obj_code '-->' <waguititle>-text into waline separated by space.
- append waline to iloclines.
- endloop.
- endif.
- endform. "appendGUITitles
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * appendSelectionTexts...
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form appendselectiontexts using ilocselectiontexts like dumitexttab[]
- iloclines like dumihtml[].
- field-symbols: <waselectiontext> type ttexttable.
- data: waline type string.
- if lines( ilocselectiontexts ) > 0.
- append '' to iloclines.
- append '' to iloclines.
- append '*Selection texts' to iloclines.
- append '*----------------------------------------------------------' to iloclines.
- loop at ilocselectiontexts assigning <waselectiontext>.
- concatenate '* ' <waselectiontext>-key <waselectiontext>-entry into waline separated by space.
- append waline to iloclines.
- endloop.
- endif.
- endform. "appendSelectionTexts
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * appendExceptionTexts...
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form appendexceptiontexts using iconcepts like dumiconcepts[]
- iloclines like dumihtml[].
- field-symbols: <waconcept> type tconcept.
- data: waline type string.
- data: concepttext type sotr_txt.
- if lines( iconcepts ) > 0.
- append '' to iloclines.
- append '*Exception texts' to iloclines.
- append '*----------------------------------------------------------' to iloclines.
- loop at iconcepts assigning <waconcept>.
- * Find the text for this concept
- call function 'SOTR_GET_TEXT_KEY' exporting concept = <waconcept>-concept
- langu = sy-langu
- search_in_second_langu = 'X'
- * second_langu = 'DE'
- importing e_text = concepttext
- exceptions no_entry_found = 1
- parameter_error = 2
- others = 3.
- if sy-subrc = 0.
- concatenate '* ' <waconcept>-constname '-' concepttext into waline separated by space.
- append waline to iloclines.
- endif.
- endloop.
- endif.
- endform. "appendExceptionTexts
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * downloadFunctionDocs...
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form downloadfunctiondocs using value(functionname)
- value(functiondescription)
- value(userfilepath)
- value(fileextension)
- value(converttohtml)
- value(slashseparator)
- value(savetoserver)
- value(displayprogressmessage)
- subdir
- documentationdownloaded.
- data: ilines type standard table of string with header line.
- data: idocumentation type standard table of funct with header line.
- data: iexceptions type standard table of rsexc with header line.
- data: iexport type standard table of rsexp with header line.
- data: iparameter type standard table of rsimp with header line.
- data: itables type standard table of rstbl with header line.
- data: iscriptlines type standard table of tline with header line.
- data: htmlpagename type string.
- data: newfilenamewithpath type string.
- data: newfilenameonly type string.
- data: object like dokhl-object.
- data: stringlength type i value 0.
- data: newsubdirectory type string.
- data: waline(255).
- data: completesavepath type string.
- documentationdownloaded = false.
- object = functionname.
- call function 'FUNCTION_IMPORT_DOKU'
- exporting
- funcname = functionname
- tables
- dokumentation = idocumentation
- exception_list = iexceptions
- export_parameter = iexport
- import_parameter = iparameter
- tables_parameter = itables
- exceptions
- error_message = 1
- function_not_found = 2
- invalid_name = 3
- others = 4.
- call function 'DOCU_GET'
- exporting
- id = 'FU'
- langu = sy-langu
- object = object
- typ = 'T'
- version_active_or_last = 'L'
- tables
- line = iscriptlines
- exceptions
- no_docu_on_screen = 1
- no_docu_self_def = 2
- no_docu_temp = 3
- ret_code = 4
- others = 5.
- if sy-subrc = 0 and not ( iscriptlines[] is initial ).
- append 'SHORT TEXT' to ilines.
- concatenate space functiondescription into functiondescription separated by space.
- append functiondescription to ilines.
- append space to ilines.
- loop at iscriptlines.
- move iscriptlines-tdline to ilines.
- concatenate space ilines into ilines separated by space.
- while ilines cp '&*' or ilines cp '*&'.
- replace '&' into ilines with space.
- shift ilines left deleting leading space.
- endwhile.
- append ilines.
- endloop.
- clear ilines.
- if not ( idocumentation[] is initial ).
- append ilines.
- append 'PARAMETER DOCUMENTATION' to ilines.
- append '-----------------------' to ilines.
- append ilines.
- describe field idocumentation-parameter length stringlength in character mode.
- stringlength = stringlength + 3.
- loop at idocumentation.
- move idocumentation-parameter to waline.
- move idocumentation-stext to waline+stringlength.
- append waline to ilines.
- endloop.
- endif.
- concatenate `Documentation - ` functionname into htmlpagename.
- if converttohtml is initial.
- append ilines.
- append '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------' to ilines.
- append ilines.
- perform buildfootermessage using 'TEXT'
- ilines.
- append ilines.
- else.
- perform convertcodetohtml using ilines[]
- htmlpagename
- space
- is_documentation
- true
- space
- space
- space
- space
- space
- space.
- endif.
- perform buildfilename using userfilepath
- subdir
- functionname
- space
- space
- fileextension
- is_documentation
- savetoserver
- slashseparator
- newfilenamewithpath
- newfilenameonly
- newsubdirectory
- completesavepath.
- if savetoserver is initial.
- perform savefiletopc using ilines[]
- newfilenamewithpath
- newfilenameonly
- space
- space
- displayprogressmessage.
- else.
- perform savefiletoserver using ilines[]
- newfilenamewithpath
- newfilenameonly
- completesavepath
- displayprogressmessage.
- endif.
- documentationdownloaded = true.
- endif.
- endform. "downloadFunctionDocs
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * downloadScreens...
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form downloadscreens using ilocscreenflow like dumiscreen[]
- value(programname)
- value(userfilepath)
- value(textfileextension)
- value(subdir)
- value(slashseparator)
- value(savetoserver)
- value(displayprogressmessage).
- tables: d020t.
- data: header like d020s.
- data: ifields type standard table of d021s with header line.
- data: iflowlogic type standard table of d022s with header line.
- field-symbols <wascreen> type tscreenflow.
- data: wacharheader type scr_chhead.
- data: iscreenchar type standard table of scr_chfld with header line.
- data: ifieldschar type standard table of scr_chfld with header line.
- data: stars type string value '****************************************************************'.
- data: comment1 type string value '* This file was generated by Direct Download Enterprise. *'.
- data: comment2 type string value '* Please do not change it manually. *'.
- data: dynprotext type string value '%_DYNPRO'.
- data: headertext type string value '%_HEADER'.
- data: paramstext type string value '%_PARAMS'.
- data: descriptiontext type string value '%_DESCRIPTION'.
- data: fieldstext type string value '%_FIELDS'.
- data: flowlogictext type string value '%_FLOWLOGIC'.
- data: programlength type string.
- data: newsubdirectory type string.
- data: newfilenamewithpath type string.
- data: newfilenameonly type string.
- data: completesavepath type string.
- loop at ilocscreenflow assigning <wascreen>.
- call function 'RS_IMPORT_DYNPRO'
- exporting
- dylang = sy-langu
- dyname = programname
- dynumb = <wascreen>-screen
- importing
- header = header
- tables
- ftab = ifields
- pltab = iflowlogic.
- call function 'RS_SCRP_HEADER_RAW_TO_CHAR'
- exporting
- header_int = header
- importing
- header_char = wacharheader
- exceptions
- others = 1.
- * Add in the top comments for the file
- append stars to iscreenchar .
- append comment1 to iscreenchar.
- append comment2 to iscreenchar.
- append stars to iscreenchar.
- * Screen identification
- append dynprotext to iscreenchar.
- append wacharheader-prog to iscreenchar.
- append wacharheader-dnum to iscreenchar.
- append sy-saprl to iscreenchar.
- describe field d020t-prog length programlength in character mode.
- concatenate ` ` programlength into iscreenchar.
- append iscreenchar.
- * Header
- append headertext to iscreenchar.
- append wacharheader to iscreenchar.
- * Description text
- append descriptiontext to iscreenchar.
- select single dtxt from d020t into iscreenchar
- where prog = programname
- and dynr = <wascreen>-screen
- and lang = sy-langu.
- append iscreenchar.
- * Fieldlist text
- append fieldstext to iscreenchar.
- call function 'RS_SCRP_FIELDS_RAW_TO_CHAR'
- tables
- fields_int = ifields[]
- fields_char = ifieldschar[]
- exceptions
- others = 1.
- loop at ifieldschar.
- move-corresponding ifieldschar to iscreenchar.
- append iscreenchar.
- endloop.
- * Flowlogic text
- append flowlogictext to iscreenchar.
- * Flow logic.
- loop at iflowlogic.
- append iflowlogic to iscreenchar.
- endloop.
- perform buildfilename using userfilepath
- subdir
- wacharheader-dnum
- space
- space
- textfileextension
- is_screen
- savetoserver
- slashseparator
- newfilenamewithpath
- newfilenameonly
- newsubdirectory
- completesavepath.
- if savetoserver is initial.
- * Save the screen to the local computer
- perform savefiletopc using iscreenchar[]
- newfilenamewithpath
- newfilenameonly
- 'X'
- 'X'
- displayprogressmessage.
- else.
- * Save the screen to the SAP server
- perform savefiletoserver using iscreenchar[]
- newfilenamewithpath
- newfilenameonly
- completesavepath
- displayprogressmessage.
- endif.
- clear header. clear wacharheader.
- clear iscreenchar[].
- clear ifieldschar[].
- clear ifields[].
- clear iflowlogic[].
- endloop.
- endform. "downloadScreens
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * downloadGUITitles..
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form downloadguititles using ilocguititles like dumiguititle[]
- value(userfilepath)
- value(textfileextension)
- value(subdir)
- value(slashseparator)
- value(savetoserver)
- value(displayprogressmessage).
- data: ilines type standard table of string with header line.
- field-symbols: <waguititle> type tguititle.
- data: newsubdirectory type string.
- data: newfilenamewithpath type string.
- data: newfilenameonly type string.
- data: completesavepath type string.
- loop at ilocguititles assigning <waguititle>.
- append <waguititle>-text to ilines.
- perform buildfilename using userfilepath
- subdir
- <waguititle>-obj_code
- space
- space
- textfileextension
- is_guititle
- savetoserver
- slashseparator
- newfilenamewithpath
- newfilenameonly
- newsubdirectory
- completesavepath.
- if savetoserver is initial.
- perform savefiletopc using ilines[]
- newfilenamewithpath
- newfilenameonly
- space
- space
- displayprogressmessage.
- else.
- perform savefiletoserver using ilines[]
- newfilenamewithpath
- newfilenameonly
- completesavepath
- displayprogressmessage.
- endif.
- clear ilines[].
- endloop.
- endform. "downloadGUITitles
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * downloadPrograms..
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form downloadprograms using ilocprogram like iprograms[]
- ilocfunctions like ifunctions[]
- value(userfilepath)
- value(fileextension)
- value(htmlfileextension)
- value(textfileextension)
- value(converttohtml)
- value(syntaxhighlightcomments)
- value(customernamerange)
- value(getincludes)
- value(getdictstruct)
- value(downloaddocumentation)
- value(sorttablesasc)
- value(slashseparator)
- value(savetoserver)
- value(displayprogressmessage).
- data: iprogfunctions type standard table of tfunction with header line.
- field-symbols: <waprogram> type tprogram.
- field-symbols: <wainclude> type tinclude.
- data: iemptytextelements type standard table of ttexttable.
- data: iemptyselectiontexts type standard table of ttexttable.
- data: iemptymessages type standard table of tmessage.
- data: iemptyguititles type standard table of tguititle.
- data: locconverttohtml(1).
- data: locfileextension type string.
- sort ilocprogram ascending by progname.
- loop at ilocprogram assigning <waprogram>.
- * if the program to download is this program then always download as text otherwise you will get a rubbish file
- if <waprogram>-progname = sy-cprog.
- locconverttohtml = ''.
- locfileextension = textextension.
- else.
- locconverttohtml = converttohtml.
- locfileextension = fileextension.
- endif.
- * Download the main program
- perform readincludeanddownload using <waprogram>-itextelements[]
- <waprogram>-iselectiontexts[]
- <waprogram>-imessages[]
- <waprogram>-iguititle[]
- <waprogram>-progname
- space
- <waprogram>-programtitle
- is_program
- userfilepath
- locfileextension
- <waprogram>-progname
- locconverttohtml
- syntaxhighlightcomments
- customernamerange
- getincludes
- getdictstruct
- slashseparator
- savetoserver
- displayprogressmessage.
- * Download screens.
- if not <waprogram>-iscreenflow[] is initial.
- perform downloadscreens using <waprogram>-iscreenflow[]
- <waprogram>-progname
- userfilepath
- textfileextension
- <waprogram>-progname
- slashseparator
- savetoserver
- displayprogressmessage.
- endif.
- * Download GUI titles
- if not <waprogram>-iguititle[] is initial.
- perform downloadguititles using <waprogram>-iguititle
- userfilepath
- textfileextension
- <waprogram>-progname
- slashseparator
- savetoserver
- displayprogressmessage.
- endif.
- * Download all other includes
- loop at <waprogram>-iincludes assigning <wainclude>.
- perform readincludeanddownload using iemptytextelements[]
- iemptyselectiontexts[]
- iemptymessages[]
- iemptyguititles[]
- <wainclude>-includename
- space
- <wainclude>-includetitle
- is_program
- userfilepath
- fileextension
- <waprogram>-progname
- converttohtml
- syntaxhighlightcomments
- customernamerange
- getincludes
- getdictstruct
- slashseparator
- savetoserver
- displayprogressmessage.
- endloop.
- * Download all dictionary structures
- if not <waprogram>-idictstruct[] is initial.
- perform downloadddstructures using <waprogram>-idictstruct[]
- userfilepath
- htmlfileextension
- <waprogram>-progname
- sorttablesasc
- slashseparator
- savetoserver
- displayprogressmessage.
- endif.
- * Download any functions used by these programs
- loop at ilocfunctions into iprogfunctions where programlinkname = <waprogram>-progname.
- append iprogfunctions.
- endloop.
- if not iprogfunctions[] is initial.
- perform downloadfunctions using iprogfunctions[]
- userfilepath
- fileextension
- <waprogram>-progname
- downloaddocumentation
- converttohtml
- syntaxhighlightcomments
- customernamerange
- getincludes
- getdictstruct
- textfileextension
- htmlfileextension
- sorttablesasc
- slashseparator
- savetoserver
- displayprogressmessage.
- clear iprogfunctions[].
- endif.
- endloop.
- endform. "downloadPrograms
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * downloadClasses..
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form downloadclasses using ilocclasses like iclasses[]
- ilocfunctions like ifunctions[]
- value(userfilepath)
- value(fileextension)
- value(htmlfileextension)
- value(textfileextension)
- value(converttohtml)
- value(syntaxhighlightcomments)
- value(customernamerange)
- value(getincludes)
- value(getdictstruct)
- value(downloaddocumentation)
- value(sorttablesasc)
- value(slashseparator)
- value(savetoserver)
- value(displayprogressmessage).
- data: iclassfunctions type standard table of tfunction with header line.
- field-symbols: <waclass> type tclass.
- field-symbols: <wamethod> type tmethod.
- sort ilocclasses ascending by clsname.
- loop at ilocclasses assigning <waclass>.
- * Download the class
- perform readclassanddownload using <waclass>
- <waclass>-clsname
- space
- is_class
- userfilepath
- fileextension
- space
- converttohtml
- syntaxhighlightcomments
- customernamerange
- getincludes
- getdictstruct
- slashseparator
- savetoserver
- displayprogressmessage.
- * Download all of the methods
- loop at <waclass>-imethods assigning <wamethod>.
- perform readmethodanddownload using <wamethod>
- <wamethod>-cmpname
- <wamethod>-methodkey
- space
- is_method
- userfilepath
- fileextension
- <waclass>-clsname
- converttohtml
- syntaxhighlightcomments
- customernamerange
- getincludes
- getdictstruct
- slashseparator
- savetoserver
- displayprogressmessage.
- endloop.
- * Download all dictionary structures
- if not <waclass>-idictstruct[] is initial.
- perform downloadddstructures using <waclass>-idictstruct[]
- userfilepath
- htmlfileextension
- <waclass>-clsname
- sorttablesasc
- slashseparator
- savetoserver
- displayprogressmessage.
- endif.
- * Download any functions used by these programs
- loop at ilocfunctions into iclassfunctions where programlinkname = <waclass>-clsname.
- append iclassfunctions.
- endloop.
- if not iclassfunctions[] is initial.
- perform downloadfunctions using iclassfunctions[]
- userfilepath
- fileextension
- <waclass>-clsname
- downloaddocumentation
- converttohtml
- syntaxhighlightcomments
- customernamerange
- getincludes
- getdictstruct
- textfileextension
- htmlfileextension
- sorttablesasc
- slashseparator
- savetoserver
- displayprogressmessage.
- clear iclassfunctions[].
- endif.
- endloop.
- endform. "downloadClasses
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * reFormatClassCode... Expand a classes public, private and protected section from the 72 characters that the class
- * builder sets it to back to the wide editor mode
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form reformatclasscode using itemplines like dumihtml[].
- field-symbols: <waline> type string.
- data: newline type string.
- data: inewtable type standard table of string.
- data: foundone type i value false.
- loop at itemplines assigning <waline>.
- if not <waline> is initial.
- if foundone = false.
- find 'data' in <waline> respecting case.
- if sy-subrc = 0.
- foundone = true.
- endif.
- find 'constants' in <waline> respecting case.
- if sy-subrc = 0.
- foundone = true.
- endif.
- if foundone = true.
- newline = <waline>.
- if ( newline cs '.' or newline cs '*' ).
- replace '!' in <waline> with ''.
- append newline to inewtable.
- clear newline.
- foundone = false.
- endif.
- else.
- replace '!' in <waline> with ''.
- append <waline> to inewtable.
- endif.
- else.
- concatenate newline <waline> into newline separated by space.
- if ( newline cs '.' or newline cs '*' ).
- append newline to inewtable.
- clear newline.
- foundone = false.
- endif.
- endif.
- else.
- replace '!' in <waline> with ''.
- append <waline> to inewtable[].
- endif.
- endloop.
- itemplines[] = inewtable[].
- endform. "reFormatClassCode
- ***********************************************************************************************************************
- **********************************************HTML ROUTINES************************************************************
- ***********************************************************************************************************************
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * convertDDToHTML... Convert text description to HTML
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form convertddtohtml using ilocdictstructure like dumidictstructure[]
- ilochtml like dumihtml[]
- value(tablename)
- value(tabletitle)
- value(sorttablesasc).
- data: icolumncaptions type standard table of string with header line.
- data: wadictionary type tdicttablestructure.
- data: wahtml type string.
- data: title type string.
- perform buildcolumnheaders using icolumncaptions[].
- * Add a html header to the table
- concatenate 'Dictionary object-' tablename into title separated by space.
- perform addhtmlheader using ilochtml[]
- title.
- concatenate '<h2>' tablename '</h2>' into wahtml.
- append wahtml to ilochtml.
- append '' to ilochtml.
- concatenate '<h3>' tabletitle '</h3>' into wahtml.
- append wahtml to ilochtml.
- append '' to ilochtml.
- * Do we need to sort the fields into alphabetical order
- if not sorttablesasc is initial.
- sort ilocdictstructure ascending by fieldname.
- endif.
- perform convertitabtohtml using icolumncaptions[]
- ilocdictstructure[]
- ilochtml
- 'X'
- colour_black
- ''
- colour_yellow
- ''
- background_colour
- 'Arial'
- 'green'
- '1'
- '1'.
- * Add a html footer to the table
- append '<br>' to ilochtml.
- perform addhtmlfooter using ilochtml[].
- endform. "convertDDToHTML
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * convertITABtoHtml... produces a html table from an internal table
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form convertitabtohtml using ilocheader like dumiheader[]
- ilocdictstructure like dumidictstructure[]
- ilochtml like dumihtml[]
- value(includerowcount)
- headingbackcolour
- headingfontname
- headingfontcolour
- headingfontsize
- bodybackcolour
- bodyfontname
- bodyfontcolour
- bodyfontsize
- bordersize.
- * Holds one cell from the internal table
- field-symbols: <fsfield>.
- * The value of one cell form the internal table
- data: wtextcell type string.
- * work area for putting the CSV value into
- data: wacsvtable type string.
- * Have we used any font tags in the html code
- data: usedafontattribute type i value 0.
- * Work area for HTML table
- data: wahtml type string.
- * Loop counter for adding row numbers onto the output table
- data: loopcounter type string.
- * Work area for header table
- field-symbols: <waheader> type string.
- field-symbols: <ilocdictstructure> type tdicttablestructure.
- concatenate '<table border="' bordersize '">' into wahtml.
- append wahtml to ilochtml.
- if not ilocheader[] is initial.
- append '<tr>' to ilochtml.
- endif.
- loop at ilocheader assigning <waheader>.
- if headingbackcolour is initial.
- wahtml = '<th>'.
- else.
- concatenate '<th bgcolor="' headingbackcolour '">' into wahtml.
- endif.
- if not headingfontname is initial or not headingfontcolour is initial or not headingfontsize is initial.
- concatenate wahtml '<font' into wahtml.
- * Add the font name
- if not headingfontname is initial.
- concatenate wahtml ' face ="' into wahtml.
- concatenate wahtml headingfontname '"' into wahtml.
- endif.
- * Add the font colour
- if not headingfontcolour is initial.
- concatenate wahtml ' color ="' into wahtml.
- concatenate wahtml headingfontcolour '"' into wahtml.
- endif.
- * Add the fontsize
- if not headingfontsize is initial.
- concatenate wahtml' size ="' into wahtml.
- concatenate wahtml headingfontsize '"' into wahtml.
- endif.
- concatenate wahtml '>' into wahtml.
- usedafontattribute = true.
- endif.
- * Add the caption name
- concatenate wahtml <waheader> into wahtml.
- if usedafontattribute = true.
- concatenate wahtml '</font>' into wahtml.
- usedafontattribute = false.
- endif.
- concatenate wahtml '</th>' into wahtml.
- append wahtml to ilochtml.
- endloop.
- append '</tr>' to ilochtml.
- free ilocheader.
- * Line item data
- loop at ilocdictstructure assigning <ilocdictstructure>.
- loopcounter = sy-tabix.
- append '' to ilochtml.
- append '<tr>' to ilochtml.
- * Add the row count
- if not includerowcount is initial.
- if bodybackcolour is initial.
- wahtml = '<td>'.
- else.
- concatenate '<td bgcolor="' bodybackcolour '">' into wahtml.
- endif.
- if not bodyfontname is initial or not bodyfontcolour is initial or not bodyfontsize is initial.
- concatenate wahtml '<font' into wahtml.
- * Add the font name
- if not bodyfontname is initial.
- concatenate wahtml ' face ="' into wahtml.
- concatenate wahtml bodyfontname '"' into wahtml.
- endif.
- * Add the font colour
- if not bodyfontcolour is initial.
- concatenate wahtml ' color ="' into wahtml.
- concatenate wahtml bodyfontcolour '"' into wahtml.
- endif.
- * Add the fontsize
- if not bodyfontsize is initial.
- concatenate wahtml ' size ="' into wahtml.
- concatenate wahtml bodyfontsize '"' into wahtml.
- endif.
- concatenate wahtml '>' into wahtml.
- usedafontattribute = true.
- endif.
- * Add the row number into the table
- concatenate wahtml loopcounter into wahtml.
- if usedafontattribute = true.
- concatenate wahtml '</font>' into wahtml.
- usedafontattribute = false.
- endif.
- concatenate wahtml '</td>' into wahtml.
- append wahtml to ilochtml.
- endif.
- do.
- * Assign each field in the table to the field symbol
- assign component sy-index of structure <ilocdictstructure> to <fsfield>.
- if sy-subrc = 0.
- move <fsfield> to wtextcell.
- * Cell data processing
- if bodybackcolour is initial.
- wahtml = '<td>'.
- else.
- concatenate '<td bgcolor="' bodybackcolour '">' into wahtml.
- endif.
- if not bodyfontname is initial or not bodyfontcolour is initial or not bodyfontsize is initial.
- concatenate wahtml '<font' into wahtml.
- * Add the font name
- if not bodyfontname is initial.
- concatenate wahtml ' face ="' into wahtml.
- concatenate wahtml bodyfontname '"' into wahtml.
- endif.
- * Add the font colour
- if not bodyfontcolour is initial.
- concatenate wahtml ' color ="' into wahtml.
- concatenate wahtml bodyfontcolour '"' into wahtml.
- endif.
- * Add the fontsize
- if not bodyfontsize is initial.
- concatenate wahtml ' size ="' into wahtml.
- concatenate wahtml bodyfontsize '"' into wahtml.
- endif.
- concatenate wahtml '>' into wahtml.
- usedafontattribute = true.
- endif.
- * Add the caption name
- if wtextcell is initial.
- concatenate wahtml ' ' into wahtml.
- else.
- concatenate wahtml wtextcell into wahtml.
- endif.
- if usedafontattribute = true.
- concatenate wahtml '</font>' into wahtml.
- usedafontattribute = false.
- endif.
- concatenate wahtml '</td>' into wahtml.
- append wahtml to ilochtml.
- else.
- exit.
- endif.
- enddo.
- append '</tr>' to ilochtml.
- endloop.
- append '</table>' to ilochtml.
- endform. "convertITABtoHtml
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * convertCodeToHtml... Builds an HTML table based upon a text table.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form convertcodetohtml using icontents like dumihtml[]
- value(programname)
- value(shortdescription)
- value(sourcecodetype)
- value(functiondocumentationexists)
- value(ismainfunctioninclude)
- value(syntaxhighlightcomments)
- value(htmlextension)
- value(customernamerange)
- value(getincludes)
- value(getdictstructures).
- data: htmltable type standard table of string with header line.
- data: listingname type string value 'Code listing for:'.
- data: descriptionname type string value `Description: `.
- data: head(255).
- data: tail(255).
- data: mytabix type sytabix.
- data: nextline type sytabix.
- data: hyperlinkname type string.
- data: copyofcurrentline type string.
- data: currentlinelength type i value 0.
- data: copylinelength type i value 0.
- data: ignorefuturelines type i value false.
- data: foundasterix type i value false.
- data: lowercaselink type string.
- data: wanextline type string.
- data: wacontent(255).
- * Add a html header to the table
- perform addhtmlheader using htmltable[]
- programname.
- concatenate listingname programname into listingname separated by space.
- concatenate '<font size="3" face = "Arial" color="' colour_black '"><b>' listingname '</b></font>' into htmltable.
- append htmltable.
- if not shortdescription is initial.
- append '<br>' to htmltable.
- concatenate descriptionname shortdescription into descriptionname separated by space.
- concatenate '<font size="3" face = "Arial" color="' colour_black '"><b>' descriptionname '</b></font>' into htmltable.
- append htmltable.
- endif.
- htmltable = '<hr>'.
- append htmltable.
- htmltable = '<pre width="150">'.
- append htmltable.
- loop at icontents into wacontent.
- mytabix = sy-tabix.
- if not ( icontents is initial ).
- while ( wacontent cs '<' or wacontent cs '>' ).
- replace '<' in wacontent with lt.
- replace '>' in wacontent with gt.
- endwhile.
- if wacontent+0(1) <> asterix.
- currentlinelength = strlen( wacontent ).
- copyofcurrentline = wacontent.
- * Don't hyperlink anything for files of type documentation
- if sourcecodetype <> is_documentation.
- * Check for any functions to highlight
- if ( wacontent cs callfunction ) and ( wacontent <> 'DESTINATION' ).
- nextline = mytabix + 1.
- read table icontents into wanextline index nextline.
- translate wanextline to upper case.
- if wanextline ns 'DESTINATION'.
- shift copyofcurrentline left deleting leading space.
- copylinelength = strlen( copyofcurrentline ).
- split copyofcurrentline at space into head tail.
- split tail at space into head tail.
- split tail at space into head tail.
- * Function name is now in head
- translate head using ''' '.
- shift head left deleting leading space.
- try.
- if head+0(1) = 'Y' or head+0(1) = 'Z' or head+0(1) = 'y' or head+0(1) = 'z' or head cs customernamerange.
- * Definately a customer function module
- hyperlinkname = head.
- if sourcecodetype = is_function.
- copyofcurrentline = 'call function <a href ="../'.
- else.
- copyofcurrentline = 'call function <a href ="'.
- endif.
- lowercaselink = hyperlinkname.
- translate lowercaselink to lower case.
- * If we are running on a non UNIX environment we will need to remove forward slashes
- if frontendopsystem = non_unix.
- translate lowercaselink using '/_'.
- endif.
- concatenate copyofcurrentline
- lowercaselink "hyperlinkName
- '/'
- lowercaselink "hyperlinkName
- period htmlextension '">'
- ''''
- hyperlinkname
- ''''
- '</a>'
- tail into copyofcurrentline.
- * Pad the string back out with spaces
- while copylinelength < currentlinelength.
- shift copyofcurrentline right by 1 places.
- copylinelength = copylinelength + 1.
- endwhile.
- wacontent = copyofcurrentline.
- endif.
- catch cx_sy_range_out_of_bounds into objruntimeerror.
- endtry.
- endif.
- endif.
- endif.
- * Check for any customer includes to hyperlink
- if wacontent cs include or wacontent cs lowinclude.
- shift copyofcurrentline left deleting leading space.
- copylinelength = strlen( copyofcurrentline ).
- split copyofcurrentline at space into head tail.
- shift tail left deleting leading space.
- try.
- if ( tail+0(1) = 'Y' or tail+0(1) = 'Z' or tail+0(1) = 'y' or tail+0(1) = 'z' or tail cs customernamerange or tail+0(2) = 'mz' or tail+0(2) = 'MZ' )
- and not getincludes is initial and tail ns structure and tail ns lowstructure.
- * Hyperlink for program includes
- clear wacontent.
- shift tail left deleting leading space.
- split tail at period into hyperlinkname tail.
- copyofcurrentline = 'include <a href ="'.
- lowercaselink = hyperlinkname.
- translate lowercaselink to lower case.
- * If we are running on a non UNIX environment we will need to remove forward slashes
- if frontendopsystem = non_unix.
- translate lowercaselink using '/_'.
- endif.
- concatenate copyofcurrentline
- lowercaselink "hyperlinkName
- period htmlextension '">'
- hyperlinkname
- '</a>'
- period tail into copyofcurrentline.
- * Pad the string back out with spaces
- while copylinelength < currentlinelength.
- shift copyofcurrentline right by 1 places.
- copylinelength = copylinelength + 1.
- endwhile.
- wacontent = copyofcurrentline.
- else.
- if not getdictstructures is initial.
- * Hyperlink for structure include e.g. "include structure zfred."
- copylinelength = strlen( copyofcurrentline ).
- split copyofcurrentline at space into head tail.
- shift tail left deleting leading space.
- split tail at space into head tail.
- try.
- if tail+0(1) = 'Y' or tail+0(1) = 'Z' or tail+0(1) = 'y' or tail+0(1) = 'z' or tail cs customernamerange.
- clear wacontent.
- shift tail left deleting leading space.
- split tail at period into hyperlinkname tail.
- copyofcurrentline = 'include structure <a href ='.
- lowercaselink = hyperlinkname.
- translate lowercaselink to lower case.
- * If we are running on a non UNIX environment we will need to remove forward slashes
- if frontendopsystem = non_unix.
- translate lowercaselink using '/_'.
- endif.
- concatenate copyofcurrentline
- '"'
- lowercaselink "hyperlinkName
- '/'
- 'dictionary-'
- lowercaselink "hyperlinkName
- period htmlextension
- '">'
- hyperlinkname
- '</a>'
- period tail into copyofcurrentline.
- * Pad the string back out with spaces
- while copylinelength < currentlinelength.
- shift copyofcurrentline right by 1 places.
- copylinelength = copylinelength + 1.
- endwhile.
- wacontent = copyofcurrentline.
- endif.
- catch cx_sy_range_out_of_bounds into objruntimeerror.
- endtry.
- endif.
- endif.
- catch cx_sy_range_out_of_bounds into objruntimeerror.
- endtry.
- endif.
- else.
- if not syntaxhighlightcomments is initial and wacontent+0(1) = asterix.
- concatenate '<font color ="' comment_colour '">' into head.
- concatenate head wacontent '</font>' into tail.
- wacontent = tail.
- endif.
- endif.
- htmltable = wacontent.
- else.
- htmltable = ''.
- endif.
- append htmltable.
- endloop.
- htmltable = '</pre>'.
- append htmltable.
- * Add a html footer to the table
- perform addhtmlfooter using htmltable[].
- icontents[] = htmltable[].
- endform. "convertCodeToHtml
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * convertClassToHtml... Builds an HTML table based upon a text table.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form convertclasstohtml using icontents like dumihtml[]
- value(classname)
- value(shortdescription)
- value(sourcecodetype)
- value(syntaxhighlightcomments)
- value(htmlextension)
- value(customernamerange)
- value(getdictstructures).
- data: htmltable type standard table of string with header line.
- data: listingname type string value 'Code listing for class:'.
- data: descriptionname type string value `Description: `.
- data: mytabix type sytabix.
- data: wacontent(255).
- data: head type string.
- data: tail type string.
- data: hyperlinkname type string.
- data: lowercaselink type string.
- data: copyofcurrentline type string.
- data: currentlinelength type i value 0.
- data: copylinelength type i value 0.
- * Add a html header to the table
- perform addhtmlheader using htmltable[]
- classname.
- concatenate listingname classname into listingname separated by space.
- concatenate '<font size="3" face = "Arial" color="' colour_black '"><b>' listingname '</b></font>' into htmltable.
- append htmltable.
- if not shortdescription is initial.
- append '<br>' to htmltable.
- concatenate descriptionname shortdescription into descriptionname separated by space.
- concatenate '<font size="3" face = "Arial" color="' colour_black '"><b>' descriptionname '</b></font>' into htmltable.
- append htmltable.
- endif.
- htmltable = '<hr>'.
- append htmltable.
- htmltable = '<pre width="150">'.
- append htmltable.
- loop at icontents into wacontent.
- mytabix = sy-tabix.
- * Comments
- if not syntaxhighlightcomments is initial and wacontent+0(1) = asterix.
- concatenate '<font color ="' comment_colour '">' into head.
- concatenate head wacontent '</font>' into wacontent.
- htmltable = wacontent.
- else.
- * Smaller than, greater than signs
- if not ( icontents is initial ).
- while ( wacontent cs '<' or wacontent cs '>' ).
- replace '<' in wacontent with lt.
- replace '>' in wacontent with gt.
- endwhile.
- * Dictionary structure
- if not getdictstructures is initial.
- find 'class' in wacontent ignoring case.
- if sy-subrc <> 0.
- find 'default' in wacontent ignoring case.
- if sy-subrc <> 0.
- * Hyperlink for dictionary/structure include
- copylinelength = strlen( wacontent ).
- copyofcurrentline = wacontent.
- split copyofcurrentline at space into head tail.
- shift tail left deleting leading space.
- split tail at space into head tail.
- try.
- if tail+0(1) = 'Y' or tail+0(1) = 'Z' or tail+0(1) = 'y' or tail+0(1) = 'z' or tail cs customernamerange.
- clear wacontent.
- shift tail left deleting leading space.
- split tail at period into hyperlinkname tail.
- copyofcurrentline = 'include structure <a href ='.
- lowercaselink = hyperlinkname.
- translate lowercaselink to lower case.
- * If we are running on a non UNIX environment we will need to remove forward slashes
- if frontendopsystem = non_unix.
- translate lowercaselink using '/_'.
- endif.
- concatenate copyofcurrentline
- '"'
- lowercaselink "hyperlinkName
- '/'
- 'dictionary-'
- lowercaselink "hyperlinkName
- period htmlextension
- '">'
- hyperlinkname
- '</a>'
- period tail into copyofcurrentline.
- * Pad the string back out with spaces
- while copylinelength < currentlinelength.
- shift copyofcurrentline right by 1 places.
- copylinelength = copylinelength + 1.
- endwhile.
- wacontent = copyofcurrentline.
- endif.
- catch cx_sy_range_out_of_bounds into objruntimeerror.
- endtry.
- endif.
- endif.
- endif.
- htmltable = wacontent.
- else.
- htmltable = ''.
- endif.
- endif.
- append htmltable.
- endloop.
- htmltable = '</pre>'.
- append htmltable.
- * Add a html footer to the table
- perform addhtmlfooter using htmltable[].
- icontents[] = htmltable[].
- endform. "convertClassToHtml
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * convertFunctionToHtml... Builds an HTML table based upon a text table.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form convertfunctiontohtml using icontents like dumihtml[]
- value(functionname)
- value(shortdescription)
- value(sourcecodetype)
- value(functiondocumentationexists)
- value(ismainfunctioninclude)
- value(syntaxhighlightcomments)
- value(htmlextension)
- value(customernamerange)
- value(getincludes)
- value(getdictstructures).
- data: htmltable type standard table of string with header line.
- data: listingname type string value 'Code listing for function:'.
- data: descriptionname type string value `Description: `.
- data: head(255).
- data: tail(255).
- data: mytabix type sytabix.
- data: nextline type sytabix.
- data: hyperlinkname type string.
- data: copyofcurrentline type string.
- data: currentlinelength type i value 0.
- data: copylinelength type i value 0.
- data: ignorefuturelines type i value false.
- data: foundasterix type i value false.
- data: lowercaselink type string.
- data: wanextline type string.
- data: wacontent(255).
- * Add a html header to the table
- perform addhtmlheader using htmltable[]
- functionname.
- concatenate listingname functionname into listingname separated by space.
- concatenate '<font size="3" face = "Arial" color="' colour_black '"><b>' listingname '</b></font>' into htmltable.
- append htmltable.
- if not shortdescription is initial.
- append '<br>' to htmltable.
- concatenate descriptionname shortdescription into descriptionname separated by space.
- concatenate '<font size="3" face = "Arial" color="' colour_black '"><b>' descriptionname '</b></font>' into htmltable.
- append htmltable.
- endif.
- htmltable = '<hr>'.
- append htmltable.
- htmltable = '<pre width="150">'.
- append htmltable.
- loop at icontents into wacontent.
- mytabix = sy-tabix.
- * Extra code for adding global and doc hyperlinks to functions
- if sourcecodetype = is_function and ismainfunctioninclude = true.
- if sy-tabix > 1.
- if wacontent+0(1) = asterix and ignorefuturelines = false.
- foundasterix = true.
- else.
- if foundasterix = true.
- * Lets add our extra HTML lines in here
- append '' to htmltable.
- * Global data hyperlink
- if not syntaxhighlightcomments is initial.
- concatenate '<font color ="' comment_colour '">' into copyofcurrentline.
- endif.
- concatenate copyofcurrentline '* <a href ="' into copyofcurrentline.
- lowercaselink = functionname.
- translate lowercaselink to lower case.
- * If we are running on a non UNIX environment we will need to remove forward slashes
- if frontendopsystem = non_unix.
- translate lowercaselink using '/_'.
- endif.
- concatenate copyofcurrentline 'global-' lowercaselink "functionName
- period htmlextension '">' 'Global data declarations' '</a>' into copyofcurrentline.
- if not syntaxhighlightcomments is initial.
- concatenate copyofcurrentline '</font>' into copyofcurrentline.
- endif.
- append copyofcurrentline to htmltable.
- * Documentation hyperlink.
- if functiondocumentationexists = true.
- if not syntaxhighlightcomments is initial.
- concatenate '<font color ="' comment_colour '">' into copyofcurrentline.
- endif.
- concatenate copyofcurrentline '* <a href ="' into copyofcurrentline.
- lowercaselink = functionname.
- translate lowercaselink to lower case.
- * If we are running on a non UNIX environment we will need to remove forward slashes
- if frontendopsystem = non_unix.
- translate lowercaselink using '/_'.
- endif.
- concatenate copyofcurrentline
- 'docs-'
- lowercaselink "functionName
- period htmlextension '">'
- 'Function module documentation'
- '</a>'
- into copyofcurrentline.
- if not pcomm is initial.
- concatenate copyofcurrentline '</font>' into copyofcurrentline.
- endif.
- append copyofcurrentline to htmltable.
- endif.
- foundasterix = false.
- ignorefuturelines = true.
- endif.
- endif.
- endif.
- endif.
- * Carry on as normal
- if not ( icontents is initial ).
- while ( wacontent cs '<' or wacontent cs '>' ).
- replace '<' in wacontent with lt.
- replace '>' in wacontent with gt.
- endwhile.
- if wacontent+0(1) <> asterix.
- currentlinelength = strlen( wacontent ).
- * Don't hyperlink anything for files of type documentation
- if sourcecodetype <> is_documentation.
- * Check for any functions to highlight
- if ( wacontent cs callfunction ) and ( wacontent <> 'DESTINATION' ).
- nextline = mytabix + 1.
- read table icontents into wanextline index nextline.
- translate wanextline to upper case.
- if wanextline ns 'DESTINATION'.
- copyofcurrentline = wacontent.
- shift copyofcurrentline left deleting leading space.
- copylinelength = strlen( copyofcurrentline ).
- split copyofcurrentline at space into head tail.
- split tail at space into head tail.
- split tail at space into head tail.
- * Function name is now in head
- translate head using ''' '.
- shift head left deleting leading space.
- try.
- if head+0(1) = 'Y' or head+0(1) = 'Z' or head+0(1) = 'y' or head+0(1) = 'z' or head cs customernamerange.
- * Definately a customer function module
- hyperlinkname = head.
- if sourcecodetype = is_function.
- copyofcurrentline = 'call function <a href ="../'.
- else.
- copyofcurrentline = 'call function <a href ="'.
- endif.
- lowercaselink = hyperlinkname.
- translate lowercaselink to lower case.
- * If we are running on a non UNIX environment we will need to remove forward slashes
- if frontendopsystem = non_unix.
- translate lowercaselink using '/_'.
- endif.
- concatenate copyofcurrentline
- lowercaselink "hyperlinkName
- '/'
- lowercaselink "hyperlinkName
- period htmlextension '">'
- ''''
- hyperlinkname
- ''''
- '</a>'
- tail into copyofcurrentline.
- * Pad the string back out with spaces
- while copylinelength < currentlinelength.
- shift copyofcurrentline right by 1 places.
- copylinelength = copylinelength + 1.
- endwhile.
- wacontent = copyofcurrentline.
- endif.
- catch cx_sy_range_out_of_bounds into objruntimeerror.
- endtry.
- endif.
- endif.
- endif.
- * Check for any customer includes to hyperlink
- if wacontent cs include or wacontent cs lowinclude.
- copyofcurrentline = wacontent.
- shift copyofcurrentline left deleting leading space.
- copylinelength = strlen( copyofcurrentline ).
- split copyofcurrentline at space into head tail.
- shift tail left deleting leading space.
- try.
- if ( tail+0(1) = 'Y' or tail+0(1) = 'Z' or tail+0(1) = 'y' or tail+0(1) = 'z'
- or tail cs customernamerange or tail+0(2) = 'mz' or tail+0(2) = 'MZ' ) and not getincludes is initial.
- * Hyperlink for program includes
- clear wacontent.
- shift tail left deleting leading space.
- split tail at period into hyperlinkname tail.
- copyofcurrentline = 'include <a href ="'.
- lowercaselink = hyperlinkname.
- translate lowercaselink to lower case.
- * If we are running on a non UNIX environment we will need to remove forward slashes
- if frontendopsystem = non_unix.
- translate lowercaselink using '/_'.
- endif.
- concatenate copyofcurrentline
- lowercaselink "hyperlinkName
- period htmlextension '">'
- hyperlinkname
- '</a>'
- period tail into copyofcurrentline.
- * Pad the string back out with spaces
- while copylinelength < currentlinelength.
- shift copyofcurrentline right by 1 places.
- copylinelength = copylinelength + 1.
- endwhile.
- wacontent = copyofcurrentline.
- else.
- if not getdictstructures is initial.
- * Hyperlink for structure include
- copylinelength = strlen( copyofcurrentline ).
- split copyofcurrentline at space into head tail.
- shift tail left deleting leading space.
- split tail at space into head tail.
- try.
- if tail+0(1) = 'Y' or tail+0(1) = 'Z' or tail+0(1) = 'y' or tail+0(1) = 'z' or tail cs customernamerange.
- clear wacontent.
- shift tail left deleting leading space.
- split tail at period into hyperlinkname tail.
- copyofcurrentline = 'include structure <a href ='.
- lowercaselink = hyperlinkname.
- translate lowercaselink to lower case.
- * If we are running on a non UNIX environment we will need to remove forward slashes
- if frontendopsystem = non_unix.
- translate lowercaselink using '/_'.
- endif.
- concatenate copyofcurrentline
- '"'
- lowercaselink "hyperlinkName
- '/'
- 'dictionary-'
- lowercaselink "hyperlinkName
- period htmlextension
- '">'
- hyperlinkname
- '</a>'
- period tail into copyofcurrentline.
- * Pad the string back out with spaces
- while copylinelength < currentlinelength.
- shift copyofcurrentline right by 1 places.
- copylinelength = copylinelength + 1.
- endwhile.
- wacontent = copyofcurrentline.
- endif.
- catch cx_sy_range_out_of_bounds into objruntimeerror.
- endtry.
- endif.
- endif.
- catch cx_sy_range_out_of_bounds into objruntimeerror.
- endtry.
- endif.
- else.
- if not syntaxhighlightcomments is initial and wacontent+0(1) = asterix.
- concatenate '<font color ="' comment_colour '">' into head.
- concatenate head wacontent '</font>' into tail.
- wacontent = tail.
- endif.
- endif.
- htmltable = wacontent.
- else.
- htmltable = ''.
- endif.
- append htmltable.
- endloop.
- htmltable = '</pre>'.
- append htmltable.
- * Add a html footer to the table
- perform addhtmlfooter using htmltable[].
- icontents[] = htmltable[].
- endform. "convertFunctionToHtml
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * buildColumnHeaders... build table column names
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form buildcolumnheaders using iloccolumncaptions like dumihtml[].
- append 'Row' to iloccolumncaptions.
- append 'Field name' to iloccolumncaptions.
- append 'Position' to iloccolumncaptions.
- append 'Key' to iloccolumncaptions.
- append 'Data element' to iloccolumncaptions.
- append 'Domain' to iloccolumncaptions.
- append 'Datatype' to iloccolumncaptions.
- append 'Length' to iloccolumncaptions.
- append 'Domain text' to iloccolumncaptions.
- endform. "buildColumnHeaders
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * addHTMLHeader... add a html formatted header to our output table
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form addhtmlheader using ilocheader like dumihtml[]
- value(title).
- data: waheader type string.
- append '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN">' to ilocheader.
- append '<html>' to ilocheader.
- append '<head>' to ilocheader.
- concatenate '<title>' title '</title>' into waheader.
- append waheader to ilocheader.
- append '</head>' to ilocheader.
- if not pback is initial.
- concatenate '<body bgcolor="' background_colour '">' into waheader.
- else.
- concatenate '<body bgcolor="' colour_white '">' into waheader.
- endif.
- append waheader to ilocheader.
- endform. "addHTMLHeader
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * addHTMLFooter... add a html formatted footer to our output table
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form addhtmlfooter using ilocfooter like dumihtml[].
- data: footermessage type string.
- data: wafooter type string.
- perform buildfootermessage using 'HTML'
- footermessage.
- append '<hr>' to ilocfooter.
- concatenate '<font size="2" face = "Sans Serif">' footermessage into wafooter.
- append wafooter to ilocfooter.
- append '</font>' to ilocfooter.
- append '</body>' to ilocfooter.
- append '</html>' to ilocfooter.
- endform. "addHTMLFooter
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * buildFooterMessage...Returns a footer message based on the output file type.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form buildfootermessage using filetype
- returnmessage.
- if filetype = 'HTML'.
- concatenate `Extracted by Direct Download Enterprise version `
- versionno ` - E.G.Mellodew. 1998-2004 UK. Sap Release ` sy-saprl
- into returnmessage.
- else.
- concatenate `Extracted by Direct Download Enterprise version `
- versionno ` - E.G.Mellodew. 1998-2004 UK. Sap Release ` sy-saprl
- into returnmessage.
- endif.
- endform. "buildFooterMessage
- ***********************************************************************************************************************
- ********************************************DISPLAY ROUTINES***********************************************************
- ***********************************************************************************************************************
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * fillTreeNodeTables...
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form filltreenodetables using ilocdictionary like idictionary[]
- iloctreedisplay like itreedisplay[]
- value(runtime).
- data: tablelines type i.
- data: watreedisplay like snodetext.
- field-symbols: <wadictionary> type tdicttable.
- data: tablelinesstring type string.
- data: runtimechar(10).
- data: sublevel type string.
- tablelines = lines( ilocdictionary ).
- tablelinesstring = tablelines.
- if tablelines = 1.
- concatenate tablelinesstring 'table downloaded' into watreedisplay-text2 separated by space.
- else.
- concatenate tablelinesstring 'tables downloaded' into watreedisplay-text2 separated by space.
- endif.
- write runtime to runtimechar.
- concatenate watreedisplay-text2 '- runtime' runtimechar into watreedisplay-text2 separated by space.
- * include header display record.
- watreedisplay-tlevel = '1'.
- watreedisplay-tlength2 = 60.
- watreedisplay-tcolor2 = 1.
- append watreedisplay to iloctreedisplay.
- loop at ilocdictionary assigning <wadictionary>.
- watreedisplay-tlevel = '2'.
- watreedisplay-text2 = <wadictionary>-tablename.
- watreedisplay-tcolor2 = 3.
- watreedisplay-tlength3 = 80.
- watreedisplay-tcolor3 = 3.
- watreedisplay-tpos3 = 60.
- concatenate 'Dictionary:' <wadictionary>-tabletitle into watreedisplay-text3 separated by space.
- append watreedisplay to iloctreedisplay.
- endloop.
- endform. "fillTreeNodeTables
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * fillTreeNodeMessages...
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form filltreenodemessages using ilocmessages like imessages[]
- iloctreedisplay like itreedisplay[]
- value(runtime).
- data: tablelines type i.
- data: watreedisplay like snodetext.
- field-symbols: <wamessage> type tmessage.
- data: tablelinesstring type string.
- data: runtimechar(10).
- sort ilocmessages ascending by arbgb.
- loop at ilocmessages assigning <wamessage>.
- at new arbgb.
- tablelines = tablelines + 1.
- endat.
- endloop.
- tablelinesstring = tablelines.
- if tablelines = 1.
- concatenate tablelinesstring 'message class downloaded' into watreedisplay-text2 separated by space.
- else.
- concatenate tablelinesstring 'message classes downloaded' into watreedisplay-text2 separated by space.
- endif.
- write runtime to runtimechar.
- concatenate watreedisplay-text2 '- runtime' runtimechar into watreedisplay-text2 separated by space.
- * include header display record.
- watreedisplay-tlevel = '1'.
- watreedisplay-tlength2 = 60.
- watreedisplay-tcolor2 = 1.
- append watreedisplay to iloctreedisplay.
- loop at ilocmessages assigning <wamessage>.
- at new arbgb.
- watreedisplay-tlevel = '2'.
- watreedisplay-text2 = <wamessage>-arbgb.
- watreedisplay-tcolor2 = 5.
- watreedisplay-tlength3 = 80.
- watreedisplay-tcolor3 = 5.
- watreedisplay-tpos3 = 60.
- watreedisplay-text3 = <wamessage>-stext.
- concatenate 'Message class:' watreedisplay-text3 into watreedisplay-text3 separated by space.
- append watreedisplay to iloctreedisplay.
- endat.
- endloop.
- endform. "fillTreeNodeMessages
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * fillTreeNodeFunctions...
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form filltreenodefunctions using ilocfunctions like ifunctions[]
- iloctreedisplay like itreedisplay[]
- value(runtime).
- data: tablelines type i.
- data: watreedisplay like snodetext.
- field-symbols: <wafunction> type tfunction.
- field-symbols: <wascreen> type tscreenflow.
- field-symbols: <waguititle> type tguititle.
- field-symbols: <wadictionary> type tdicttable.
- field-symbols: <wainclude> type tinclude.
- field-symbols: <wamessage> type tmessage.
- data: tablelinesstring type string.
- data: runtimechar(10).
- sort ilocfunctions ascending by functionname.
- tablelines = lines( ilocfunctions ).
- tablelinesstring = tablelines.
- if tablelines = 1.
- concatenate tablelinesstring ` function downloaded` into watreedisplay-text2.
- else.
- concatenate tablelinesstring ` functions downloaded` into watreedisplay-text2.
- endif.
- write runtime to runtimechar.
- concatenate watreedisplay-text2 ` - runtime ` runtimechar into watreedisplay-text2.
- * include header display record.
- watreedisplay-tlevel = '1'.
- watreedisplay-tlength2 = 60.
- watreedisplay-tcolor2 = 1.
- append watreedisplay to iloctreedisplay.
- * Lets fill the detail in
- loop at ilocfunctions assigning <wafunction>.
- watreedisplay-tlevel = 2.
- watreedisplay-text2 = <wafunction>-functionname.
- watreedisplay-tcolor2 = 7.
- watreedisplay-tlength3 = 80.
- watreedisplay-tcolor3 = 7.
- watreedisplay-tpos3 = 60.
- concatenate `Function: ` <wafunction>-functionname into watreedisplay-text3.
- append watreedisplay to iloctreedisplay.
- * Screens.
- loop at <wafunction>-iscreenflow assigning <wascreen>.
- watreedisplay-tlevel = '2'.
- watreedisplay-text2 = <wascreen>-screen.
- watreedisplay-tcolor2 = 6.
- watreedisplay-tlength3 = 80.
- watreedisplay-tcolor3 = 6.
- watreedisplay-tpos3 = 60.
- watreedisplay-text3 = 'Screen'.
- append watreedisplay to itreedisplay.
- endloop.
- * GUI Title.
- loop at <wafunction>-iguititle assigning <waguititle>.
- watreedisplay-tlevel = '2'.
- watreedisplay-text2 = <waguititle>-obj_code.
- watreedisplay-tcolor2 = 6.
- watreedisplay-tlength3 = 80.
- watreedisplay-tcolor3 = 6.
- watreedisplay-tpos3 = 60.
- watreedisplay-text3 = 'GUI Title'.
- append watreedisplay to itreedisplay.
- endloop.
- * Fill in the tree with include information
- loop at <wafunction>-iincludes assigning <wainclude>.
- watreedisplay-tlevel = 3.
- watreedisplay-text2 = <wainclude>-includename.
- watreedisplay-tcolor2 = 4.
- watreedisplay-tlength3 = 80.
- watreedisplay-tcolor3 = 4.
- watreedisplay-tpos3 = 60.
- concatenate `Include: ` <wainclude>-includetitle into watreedisplay-text3.
- append watreedisplay to iloctreedisplay.
- endloop.
- * fill in the tree with dictionary information
- loop at <wafunction>-idictstruct assigning <wadictionary>.
- watreedisplay-tlevel = 3.
- watreedisplay-text2 = <wadictionary>-tablename.
- watreedisplay-tcolor2 = 3.
- watreedisplay-tlength3 = 80.
- watreedisplay-tcolor3 = 3.
- watreedisplay-tpos3 = 60.
- concatenate `Dictionary:` <wadictionary>-tabletitle into watreedisplay-text3.
- append watreedisplay to iloctreedisplay.
- endloop.
- * fill in the tree with message information
- sort <wafunction>-imessages[] ascending by arbgb.
- loop at <wafunction>-imessages assigning <wamessage>.
- at new arbgb.
- watreedisplay-tlevel = 3.
- watreedisplay-text2 = <wamessage>-arbgb.
- watreedisplay-tcolor2 = 5.
- watreedisplay-tlength3 = 80.
- watreedisplay-tcolor3 = 5.
- watreedisplay-tpos3 = 60.
- * Select the message class text if we do not have it already
- if <wamessage>-stext is initial.
- select single stext from t100a
- into <wamessage>-stext
- where arbgb = <wamessage>-arbgb.
- endif.
- watreedisplay-text3 = <wamessage>-stext.
- concatenate `Message class: ` watreedisplay-text3 into watreedisplay-text3.
- append watreedisplay to iloctreedisplay.
- endat.
- endloop.
- endloop.
- endform. "fillTreeNodeFunctions
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * fillTreeNodePrograms
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form filltreenodeprograms using ilocprograms like iprograms[]
- ilocfunctions like ifunctions[]
- iloctreedisplay like itreedisplay[]
- value(runtime).
- data: tablelines type i.
- data: watreedisplay like snodetext.
- field-symbols: <waprogram> type tprogram.
- field-symbols: <wascreen> type tscreenflow.
- field-symbols: <wafunction> type tfunction.
- field-symbols: <wadictionary> type tdicttable.
- field-symbols: <wainclude> type tinclude.
- field-symbols: <wamessage> type tmessage.
- data: tablelinesstring type string.
- data: runtimechar(10).
- tablelines = lines( ilocprograms ).
- tablelinesstring = tablelines.
- if tablelines = 1.
- concatenate tablelinesstring ` program downloaded` into watreedisplay-text2.
- else.
- concatenate tablelinesstring ` programs downloaded` into watreedisplay-text2.
- endif.
- write runtime to runtimechar.
- concatenate watreedisplay-text2 ` - runtime ` runtimechar into watreedisplay-text2.
- * include header display record.
- watreedisplay-tlevel = '1'.
- watreedisplay-tlength2 = 60.
- watreedisplay-tcolor2 = 1.
- append watreedisplay to itreedisplay.
- loop at ilocprograms assigning <waprogram>.
- * Main programs.
- watreedisplay-tlevel = '2'.
- watreedisplay-text2 = <waprogram>-progname.
- watreedisplay-tcolor2 = 1.
- * Description
- watreedisplay-tlength3 = 80.
- watreedisplay-tcolor3 = 1.
- watreedisplay-tpos3 = 60.
- concatenate `Program: ` <waprogram>-programtitle into watreedisplay-text3.
- append watreedisplay to itreedisplay.
- * Screens.
- loop at <waprogram>-iscreenflow assigning <wascreen>.
- watreedisplay-tlevel = '3'.
- watreedisplay-text2 = <wascreen>-screen.
- watreedisplay-tcolor2 = 6.
- watreedisplay-tlength3 = 80.
- watreedisplay-tcolor3 = 6.
- watreedisplay-tpos3 = 60.
- watreedisplay-text3 = 'Screen'.
- append watreedisplay to itreedisplay.
- endloop.
- * fill in the tree with message information
- sort <waprogram>-imessages[] ascending by arbgb.
- loop at <waprogram>-imessages assigning <wamessage>.
- at new arbgb.
- watreedisplay-tlevel = 3.
- watreedisplay-text2 = <wamessage>-arbgb.
- watreedisplay-tcolor2 = 5.
- watreedisplay-tlength3 = 80.
- watreedisplay-tcolor3 = 5.
- watreedisplay-tpos3 = 60.
- * Select the message class text if we do not have it already
- if <wamessage>-stext is initial.
- select single stext from t100a
- into <wamessage>-stext
- where arbgb = <wamessage>-arbgb.
- endif.
- watreedisplay-text3 = <wamessage>-stext.
- concatenate `Message class: ` watreedisplay-text3 into watreedisplay-text3.
- append watreedisplay to iloctreedisplay.
- endat.
- endloop.
- * Fill in the tree with include information
- loop at <waprogram>-iincludes assigning <wainclude>.
- watreedisplay-tlevel = 3.
- watreedisplay-text2 = <wainclude>-includename.
- watreedisplay-tcolor2 = 4.
- watreedisplay-tlength3 = 80.
- watreedisplay-tcolor3 = 4.
- watreedisplay-tpos3 = 60.
- concatenate `Include: ` <wainclude>-includetitle into watreedisplay-text3.
- append watreedisplay to iloctreedisplay.
- endloop.
- * fill in the tree with dictionary information
- loop at <waprogram>-idictstruct assigning <wadictionary>.
- watreedisplay-tlevel = 3.
- watreedisplay-text2 = <wadictionary>-tablename.
- watreedisplay-tcolor2 = 3.
- watreedisplay-tlength3 = 80.
- watreedisplay-tcolor3 = 3.
- watreedisplay-tpos3 = 60.
- concatenate `Dictionary: ` <wadictionary>-tabletitle into watreedisplay-text3.
- append watreedisplay to iloctreedisplay.
- endloop.
- * Function Modules
- loop at ilocfunctions assigning <wafunction> where programlinkname = <waprogram>-progname.
- watreedisplay-tlevel = 3.
- watreedisplay-text2 = <wafunction>-functionname.
- watreedisplay-tcolor2 = 7.
- watreedisplay-tlength3 = 80.
- watreedisplay-tcolor3 = 7.
- watreedisplay-tpos3 = 60.
- concatenate `Function: ` <wafunction>-functionname into watreedisplay-text3.
- append watreedisplay to iloctreedisplay.
- * Fill in the tree with include information
- loop at <wafunction>-iincludes assigning <wainclude>.
- watreedisplay-tlevel = 4.
- watreedisplay-text2 = <wainclude>-includename.
- watreedisplay-tcolor2 = 4.
- watreedisplay-tlength3 = 80.
- watreedisplay-tcolor3 = 4.
- watreedisplay-tpos3 = 60.
- concatenate `Include: ` <wainclude>-includetitle into watreedisplay-text3.
- append watreedisplay to iloctreedisplay.
- endloop.
- * fill in the tree with dictionary information
- loop at <wafunction>-idictstruct assigning <wadictionary>.
- watreedisplay-tlevel = 4.
- watreedisplay-text2 = <wadictionary>-tablename.
- watreedisplay-tcolor2 = 3.
- watreedisplay-tlength3 = 80.
- watreedisplay-tcolor3 = 3.
- watreedisplay-tpos3 = 60.
- concatenate `Dictionary: ` <wadictionary>-tabletitle into watreedisplay-text3.
- append watreedisplay to iloctreedisplay.
- endloop.
- * fill in the tree with message information
- sort <wafunction>-imessages[] ascending by arbgb.
- loop at <wafunction>-imessages assigning <wamessage>.
- at new arbgb.
- watreedisplay-tlevel = 4.
- watreedisplay-text2 = <wamessage>-arbgb.
- watreedisplay-tcolor2 = 5.
- watreedisplay-tlength3 = 80.
- watreedisplay-tcolor3 = 5.
- watreedisplay-tpos3 = 60.
- * Select the message class text if we do not have it already
- if <wamessage>-stext is initial.
- select single stext from t100a
- into <wamessage>-stext
- where arbgb = <wamessage>-arbgb.
- endif.
- watreedisplay-text3 = <wamessage>-stext.
- concatenate `Message class: ` watreedisplay-text3 into watreedisplay-text3.
- append watreedisplay to iloctreedisplay.
- endat.
- endloop.
- endloop.
- endloop.
- endform. "fillTreeNodePrograms
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * fillTreeNodeClasses
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form filltreenodeclasses using ilocclasses like iclasses[]
- ilocfunctions like ifunctions[]
- iloctreedisplay like itreedisplay[]
- value(runtime).
- data: tablelines type i.
- data: watreedisplay like snodetext.
- field-symbols: <waclass> type tclass.
- field-symbols: <wamethod> type tmethod.
- field-symbols: <wafunction> type tfunction.
- field-symbols: <wadictionary> type tdicttable.
- field-symbols: <wainclude> type tinclude.
- field-symbols: <wamessage> type tmessage.
- data: tablelinesstring type string.
- data: runtimechar(10).
- tablelines = lines( ilocclasses ).
- tablelinesstring = tablelines.
- if tablelines = 1.
- concatenate tablelinesstring ` class downloaded` into watreedisplay-text2.
- else.
- concatenate tablelinesstring ` classes downloaded` into watreedisplay-text2.
- endif.
- write runtime to runtimechar.
- concatenate watreedisplay-text2 ` - runtime ` runtimechar into watreedisplay-text2.
- * include header display record.
- watreedisplay-tlevel = '1'.
- watreedisplay-tlength2 = 60.
- watreedisplay-tcolor2 = 1.
- append watreedisplay to itreedisplay.
- loop at ilocclasses assigning <waclass>.
- * Main Class.
- watreedisplay-tlevel = '2'.
- watreedisplay-text2 = <waclass>-clsname.
- watreedisplay-tcolor2 = 1.
- * Description
- watreedisplay-tlength3 = 80.
- watreedisplay-tcolor3 = 1.
- watreedisplay-tpos3 = 60.
- concatenate `Class: ` <waclass>-descript into watreedisplay-text3.
- append watreedisplay to itreedisplay.
- * fill in the tree with method information
- loop at <waclass>-imethods[] assigning <wamethod>.
- watreedisplay-tlevel = 3.
- watreedisplay-text2 = <wamethod>-cmpname.
- watreedisplay-tcolor2 = 2.
- watreedisplay-tlength3 = 80.
- watreedisplay-tcolor3 = 2.
- watreedisplay-tpos3 = 60.
- concatenate `Method: ` <wamethod>-descript into watreedisplay-text3.
- append watreedisplay to iloctreedisplay.
- endloop.
- * fill in the tree with message information
- sort <waclass>-imessages[] ascending by arbgb.
- loop at <waclass>-imessages assigning <wamessage>.
- at new arbgb.
- watreedisplay-tlevel = 3.
- watreedisplay-text2 = <wamessage>-arbgb.
- watreedisplay-tcolor2 = 5.
- watreedisplay-tlength3 = 80.
- watreedisplay-tcolor3 = 5.
- watreedisplay-tpos3 = 60.
- * Select the message class text if we do not have it already
- if <wamessage>-stext is initial.
- select single stext from t100a
- into <wamessage>-stext
- where arbgb = <wamessage>-arbgb.
- endif.
- watreedisplay-text3 = <wamessage>-stext.
- concatenate `Message class: ` watreedisplay-text3 into watreedisplay-text3.
- append watreedisplay to iloctreedisplay.
- endat.
- endloop.
- * fill in the tree with dictionary information
- loop at <waclass>-idictstruct assigning <wadictionary>.
- watreedisplay-tlevel = 3.
- watreedisplay-text2 = <wadictionary>-tablename.
- watreedisplay-tcolor2 = 3.
- watreedisplay-tlength3 = 80.
- watreedisplay-tcolor3 = 3.
- watreedisplay-tpos3 = 60.
- concatenate `Dictionary: ` <wadictionary>-tabletitle into watreedisplay-text3.
- append watreedisplay to iloctreedisplay.
- endloop.
- * Function Modules
- loop at ilocfunctions assigning <wafunction> where programlinkname = <waclass>-clsname.
- watreedisplay-tlevel = 3.
- watreedisplay-text2 = <wafunction>-functionname.
- watreedisplay-tcolor2 = 7.
- watreedisplay-tlength3 = 80.
- watreedisplay-tcolor3 = 7.
- watreedisplay-tpos3 = 60.
- concatenate `Function: ` <wafunction>-functionname into watreedisplay-text3.
- append watreedisplay to iloctreedisplay.
- * Fill in the tree with include information
- loop at <wafunction>-iincludes assigning <wainclude>.
- watreedisplay-tlevel = 4.
- watreedisplay-text2 = <wainclude>-includename.
- watreedisplay-tcolor2 = 4.
- watreedisplay-tlength3 = 80.
- watreedisplay-tcolor3 = 4.
- watreedisplay-tpos3 = 60.
- concatenate `Include: ` <wainclude>-includetitle into watreedisplay-text3.
- append watreedisplay to iloctreedisplay.
- endloop.
- * fill in the tree with dictionary information
- loop at <wafunction>-idictstruct assigning <wadictionary>.
- watreedisplay-tlevel = 4.
- watreedisplay-text2 = <wadictionary>-tablename.
- watreedisplay-tcolor2 = 3.
- watreedisplay-tlength3 = 80.
- watreedisplay-tcolor3 = 3.
- watreedisplay-tpos3 = 60.
- concatenate `Dictionary: ` <wadictionary>-tabletitle into watreedisplay-text3.
- append watreedisplay to iloctreedisplay.
- endloop.
- * fill in the tree with message information
- sort <wafunction>-imessages[] ascending by arbgb.
- loop at <wafunction>-imessages assigning <wamessage>.
- at new arbgb.
- watreedisplay-tlevel = 4.
- watreedisplay-text2 = <wamessage>-arbgb.
- watreedisplay-tcolor2 = 5.
- watreedisplay-tlength3 = 80.
- watreedisplay-tcolor3 = 5.
- watreedisplay-tpos3 = 60.
- * Select the message class text if we do not have it already
- if <wamessage>-stext is initial.
- select single stext from t100a
- into <wamessage>-stext
- where arbgb = <wamessage>-arbgb.
- endif.
- watreedisplay-text3 = <wamessage>-stext.
- concatenate `Message class: ` watreedisplay-text3 into watreedisplay-text3.
- append watreedisplay to iloctreedisplay.
- endat.
- endloop.
- endloop.
- endloop.
- endform. "fillTreeNodeClasses
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * displayTree...
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form displaytree using iloctreedisplay like itreedisplay[].
- data: watreedisplay type snodetext.
- * build up the tree from the internal table node
- call function 'RS_TREE_CONSTRUCT'
- tables
- nodetab = itreedisplay
- exceptions
- tree_failure = 1
- id_not_found = 2
- wrong_relationship = 3
- others = 4.
- * get the first index and expand the whole tree
- read table iloctreedisplay into watreedisplay index 1.
- call function 'RS_TREE_EXPAND'
- exporting
- node_id = watreedisplay-id
- all = 'X'
- exceptions
- not_found = 1
- others = 2.
- * now display the tree
- call function 'RS_TREE_LIST_DISPLAY'
- exporting
- callback_program = sy-cprog
- callback_user_command = 'CB_USER_COMMAND'
- callback_text_display = 'CB_text_DISPLAY'
- callback_top_of_page = 'TOP_OF_PAGE'
- exceptions
- others = 1.
- endform. "displayTree
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * topOfPage... for tree display routines.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- form topofpage.
- endform.
- *Messages
- *----------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * Message class: OO
- *000 & & & &
- **----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *Extracted by Direct Download Enterprise version 1.3 - E.G.Mellodew. 1998-2004 UK. Sap Release 700