关于 AI 的 107 个人,61 个工具和 28 个通讯。
107 个值得关注的 Twitter
107 People to Follow on Twitter
为什么是 Twitter?
想到 AI,我脑海中第一时间跳出的社交平台是 Reddit、LinkedIn 和 Twitter。一直以来,这三个平台都以三种完全不同的方式参与着「关于 AI 的对话」,今天让我们从 Twitter 开始。
Twitter 为什么重要?
AI 领域的许多书籍作者、企业决策者和工具开发者经常使用 Twitter 并在此发表言论
Twitter 聚集了大量的天使投资人、风险投资人和记者,他们源源不断地提供着有价值的背景信息
因此,在 AI 的一波波浪潮中,Twitter 始终拥有着自己的「寓教于乐的小世界」。但 2022 年,ChatGPT 的诞生让 Twitter 在这场 AI 热潮中显得尤为重要 —— 人们在 Twitter 上大量分享他们使用这个工具的过程,关于 Generative AI 和 GPT-3 /3.5 的看法及围绕它们而产生的行为 —— 无论炒作与否。
在我看来,如果对 AI 充满热情,我们首先需要一个包含本领域记者、作家、决策者和公司的组合
本名单包括 - The list includes:
研究人员 - Researchers
新闻工作者 - Journalists
创始人 & 决策者 - Founders, Executives
选择性的投资人 - Selective VC folk
作家 - Authors
AI 领域创作者 - A.I. Newsletter Niche Creators
Foundetr of OpenAI
Former president of Y Combinator
Professor at NYU
Chief AI Scientist at Meta
Co-Founder of Coursera
Stanford CS adjunct faculty
Former head of Baidu AI Group/Google Brain
Deep learning at Google
Creator of Keras
Author of ‘Deep Learning with Python’
A.I. Journalist at WSJ
National magazine award winner
YouTuber, Blogger, Influencer
Previously Director of AI at Tesla, OpenAI
Co-director of the Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence Research
He has been referred to as “father of modern AI” and “father of deep learning”
Head of AI at Cohere
Formerly Research at Google Brain
Founder of Conviction A.I., Starup Investor
Former partner at Greylock
Head of Prompt Engineering at Stability AI
Former Research Scientist at Google Brain
Research Director & Deep Learning Lead at DeepMind
Led AlphaStar, AlphaFold, AlphaCode, WaveNet, seq2seq, etc
Former research scientist at Google Brain
Director at Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Chief Scientist at Meshcapade
Senior Fellow & SVP, Google Research and AI
Co-designer/implementor of software systems like TensorFlow, MapReduce, Bigtable, Spanner, etc
Research Scientist at DeepMind
Inventor of GANs
Lead author of http://deeplearningbook.org
Founder of Singularity University, Xprize, Fountainlife
Entrepreneur, Investor and Author
Author of Rebooting.AI & Guitar Zero
Founder of Geometric Intelligence (acq. by Uber) & RobustAI
Author of Ahead of AI
Machine learning & AI researcher
Independent Journalist
Formerly Protocol)
Co-Director at Stanford Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence
Co-Founder and Chair of AI4Allorg
Builder of DAIR AI
Former Scientist at Meta AI and Elastic
Researcher at Google Brain
Machine learning professor
Ex-Twitter Cortex
AI and ML Reporter, Ars Technica
Tech Historian
Formerly Building 8
Former Engineer at Google
Professor at Berkeley
Founder of Covariant & Gradescope
The Robot Brains Podcast Host
Investment Partner at AIX Ventures
Professor at University of Toronto
Co-Founder and Chief Scientific Advisor of the Vector Institute
Associate Professor at University British Columbia
Faculty Member of Vector Institute
Co-Founder of Neeva & NXYZ Data
Venture Partner at Greylock
Former SVP at Google
Author of AK’s Substack
Founder of Gradio, acquired by HuggingFace
Founder of Anthropic AI
Co-Chair at Indexing AI
Formerly at OpenAI
Founder of Midjourney and Leap Motion
Formerly at NASA and Max Planck Institute
Machine Learning Scientist at Hugging Face
Democratizing Automation
Co-Founder & CEO of InflectionAI
Co-Founder of DeepMind
Venture Partner at Greylock
Former VP of AI at Google
VP of Research at Google Brain
Professor at University of Cambridge
Founder of Anthropic AI
Formerly at OpenAI Clarity Team, Google Brain and Distill Pub
Advancing Medical AI at Google AI
Former Researcher at Meta AI
Professor at CalTech
Senior Director of AI Research at NVIDIA
Former Principal Scientist at AWS Cloud
Author of The Algorithmic Bridge
Analyst at CambrianAI
Co-Founder & CEO of MosaicML
Former Nervana/IntelAI
Director of Machine Learning at IsomorphicLabs
Former research scientist at DeepMind
Co-founder Vision Factory (acquired by Google)
PhD Student at CMU
Author of Last Week in AI
Co-Founder & CEO of Hugging Face
Founder of MoodStocks, acquired by Google
Angel Investor
Founder BleedingEdge
Formerly at Stripe
Chief Scientist at Scale AI
Former Data Scientist at OkCupid and Grindr
AI Research Scientist at MetaAI
Co-created Libratus/Pluribus, the first superhuman no-limit poker AIs
Co-created CICERO
在编写这份名单的过程中,我曾尝试用「通了网的 ChatGPT」查找以上人员的基本信息,不出意外,错误率达无法使用的程度以上 —— 不禁感慨,在当下,人作为信息的搜集者、创意的生成者、内容的生产者,其存在依旧是有不可替代的意义的,相信未来亦是如此。
61 个 AI 工具
61 AI Tools Neither Named ChatGPT Nor Midjourney
如果代码有什么问题,AI 知道,如果你有任何问题,也可以直接问 AI
AI reviews your code. If there is something wrong with your code, AI will let you know. If you have any questions, you can also ask the AI directly.
A text-based adventure-story game you direct (and star in) while the AI brings it to life. As a gamer I find this intriguing. The game features AI technology that uses an adapting to situations interface offering an immersive experience of the story. The potential for Mods is high.
What about real life? We all need to eat. Recipe Generator offers a fast and easy way to create custom recipes. All you need to do is create an account, enter the ingredients you have at home, and the website will send you a unique recipe to your email.
AIVA 是 Artificial Intelligence Virtual Artist(人工智能虚拟艺术家)的缩写,如果你对音乐十分感兴趣,想创造自己的音乐,或者只是想尝试创造音乐,你都需要这个工具,它可以帮助你创造音乐,即便你的作曲知识为零
An acronym for Artificial Intelligence Virtual Artist, This is a different type of Ai if you have a lot of interest in Music and if you want to create your own music or just want to try creating music, all you need is this AI because it helps you to create music even if you have zero knowledge of creating music . This AI is a great help for Music Creators and Music Lovers.
谁不喜欢动漫呢?基于个人照片,用 AI 一次生成 100 种风格的动漫头像
Because, who doesn’t like Anime (great for kids). Anime AI is an AI-based photo generator that allows you to create your perfect anime avatar with AI. It has a selection of styles to choose from, including One Piece, Naruto, Webtoon, and more. It will generate 100 personalized photos based on your initial photo and the chosen styles. It uses powerful GPUs to generate the photos and the original photo is stored in France, in compliance with GDPR laws. The generated photos are stored for an unlimited time and the size of the generated photos is currently 512px by 512px.
构建由 AI 驱动的一系列功能,如文字转录、说话人检测、总结等,让开发者和产品团队通过简单的 API 使用开箱即用的、最先进的模型
Start building AI-powered features like AI Transcription, Speaker Detection, Summarization, and more. AssemblyAI gives developers and product teams access to production-ready, state-of-the-art models through our simple API.
The AutoDraw here is something for Kids and Creators because it lets you draw anything in a pad and if you have written something closer to some object the AI will automatically make your drawing look like a real object . For example, you draw an oval shaped ball but the AI will convert it into a round ball, Ai AutoDraw is a new web-based tool that pairs machine learning with drawings created by talented artists to help you draw. Google AutoDraw works on your phone, computer, or tablet and the good thing is that it is free, so go and try it today. Turn your creepy drawing into a good one
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