- TypeORM is an [ORM](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-relational_mapping)
- that can run in NodeJS, Browser, Cordova, PhoneGap, Ionic, React Native, NativeScript, Expo, and Electron platforms
- and can be used with TypeScript and JavaScript (ES5, ES6, ES7, ES8).
- Its goal is to always support the latest JavaScript features and provide additional features
- that help you to develop any kind of application that uses databases - from
- small applications with a few tables to large scale enterprise applications
- with multiple databases.
- TypeORM supports both [Active Record](./docs/active-record-data-mapper.md#what-is-the-active-record-pattern) and [Data Mapper](./docs/active-record-data-mapper.md#what-is-the-data-mapper-pattern) patterns,
- unlike all other JavaScript ORMs currently in existence,
- which means you can write high quality, loosely coupled, scalable,
- maintainable applications the most productive way.
- TypeORM is highly influenced by other ORMs, such as [Hibernate](http://hibernate.org/orm/),
- [Doctrine](http://www.doctrine-project.org/) and [Entity Framework](https://www.asp.net/entity-framework).
- ## Features
- - Supports both [DataMapper](./docs/active-record-data-mapper.md#what-is-the-data-mapper-pattern) and [ActiveRecord](./docs/active-record-data-mapper.md#what-is-the-active-record-pattern) (your choice).
- - Entities and columns.
- - Database-specific column types.
- - Entity manager.
- - Repositories and custom repositories.
- - Clean object relational model.
- - Associations (relations).
- - Eager and lazy relations.
- - Uni-directional, bi-directional and self-referenced relations.
- - Supports multiple inheritance patterns.
- - Cascades.
- - Indices.
- - Transactions.
- - Migrations and automatic migrations generation.
- - Connection pooling.
- - Replication.
- - Using multiple database instances.
- - Working with multiple databases types.
- - Cross-database and cross-schema queries.
- - Elegant-syntax, flexible and powerful QueryBuilder.
- - Left and inner joins.
- - Proper pagination for queries using joins.
- - Query caching.
- - Streaming raw results.
- - Logging.
- - Listeners and subscribers (hooks).
- - Supports closure table pattern.
- - Schema declaration in models or separate configuration files.
- - Connection configuration in json / xml / yml / env formats.
- - Supports MySQL / MariaDB / Postgres / CockroachDB / SQLite / Microsoft SQL Server / Oracle / SAP Hana / sql.js.
- - Supports MongoDB NoSQL database.
- - Works in NodeJS / Browser / Ionic / Cordova / React Native / NativeScript / Expo / Electron platforms.
- - TypeScript and JavaScript support.
- - ESM and CommonJS support.
- - Produced code is performant, flexible, clean and maintainable.
- - Follows all possible best practices.
- - CLI.
- And more...
- With TypeORM your models look like this:
- ```typescript
- import { Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, Column } from "typeorm"
- @Entity()
- export class User {
- @PrimaryGeneratedColumn()
- id: number
- @Column()
- firstName: string
- @Column()
- lastName: string
- @Column()
- age: number
- }
- ```
- And your domain logic looks like this:
- ```typescript
- const userRepository = MyDataSource.getRepository(User)
- const user = new User()
- user.firstName = "Timber"
- user.lastName = "Saw"
- user.age = 25
- await userRepository.save(user)
- const allUsers = await userRepository.find()
- const firstUser = await userRepository.findOneBy({
- id: 1,
- }) // find by id
- const timber = await userRepository.findOneBy({
- firstName: "Timber",
- lastName: "Saw",
- }) // find by firstName and lastName
- await userRepository.remove(timber)
- ```
- Alternatively, if you prefer to use the `ActiveRecord` implementation, you can use it as well:
- ```typescript
- import { Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, Column, BaseEntity } from "typeorm"
- @Entity()
- export class User extends BaseEntity {
- @PrimaryGeneratedColumn()
- id: number
- @Column()
- firstName: string
- @Column()
- lastName: string
- @Column()
- age: number
- }
- ```
- And your domain logic will look this way:
- ```typescript
- const user = new User()
- user.firstName = "Timber"
- user.lastName = "Saw"
- user.age = 25
- await user.save()
- const allUsers = await User.find()
- const firstUser = await User.findOneBy({
- id: 1,
- })
- const timber = await User.findOneBy({
- firstName: "Timber",
- lastName: "Saw"
- })
- await timber.remove()
- ```
- ## Installation
- 1. Install the npm package:
- `npm install typeorm --save`
- 2. You need to install `reflect-metadata` shim:
- `npm install reflect-metadata --save`
- and import it somewhere in the global place of your app (for example in `app.ts`):
- `import "reflect-metadata"`
- 3. You may need to install node typings:
- `npm install @types/node --save-dev`
- 4. Install a database driver:
- - for **MySQL** or **MariaDB**
- `npm install mysql --save` (you can install `mysql2` instead as well)
- - for **PostgreSQL** or **CockroachDB**
- `npm install pg --save`
- - for **SQLite**
- `npm install sqlite3 --save`
- - for **Microsoft SQL Server**
- `npm install mssql --save`
- - for **sql.js**
- `npm install sql.js --save`
- - for **Oracle**
- `npm install oracledb --save`
- To make the Oracle driver work, you need to follow the installation instructions from
- [their](https://github.com/oracle/node-oracledb) site.
- - for **SAP Hana**
- ```
- npm install @sap/hana-client
- npm install hdb-pool
- ```
- _SAP Hana support made possible by the sponsorship of [Neptune Software](https://www.neptune-software.com/)._
- - for **Google Cloud Spanner**
- ```
- npm install @google-cloud/spanner --save
- ```
- Provide authentication credentials to your application code
- by setting the environment variable `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS`:
- ```shell
- # Linux/macOS
- # Windows
- # Replace KEY_PATH with the path of the JSON file that contains your service account key.
- ```
- To use Spanner with the emulator you should set `SPANNER_EMULATOR_HOST` environment variable:
- ```shell
- # Linux/macOS
- export SPANNER_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:9010
- # Windows
- set SPANNER_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:9010
- ```
- - for **MongoDB** (experimental)
- `npm install mongodb@^3.6.0 --save`
- - for **NativeScript**, **react-native** and **Cordova**
- Check [documentation of supported platforms](./docs/supported-platforms.md)
- Install only _one_ of them, depending on which database you use.
- ##### TypeScript configuration
- Also, make sure you are using TypeScript version **4.5** or higher,
- and you have enabled the following settings in `tsconfig.json`:
- ```json
- "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
- "experimentalDecorators": true,
- ```
- You may also need to enable `es6` in the `lib` section of compiler options, or install `es6-shim` from `@types`.
- ## Quick Start
- The quickest way to get started with TypeORM is to use its CLI commands to generate a starter project.
- Quick start works only if you are using TypeORM in a NodeJS application.
- If you are using other platforms, proceed to the [step-by-step guide](#step-by-step-guide).
- To create a new project using CLI, run the following command:
- ```shell
- npx typeorm init --name MyProject --database postgres
- ```
- Where `name` is the name of your project and `database` is the database you'll use.
- Database can be one of the following values: `mysql`, `mariadb`, `postgres`, `cockroachdb`, `sqlite`, `mssql`, `sap`, `spanner`, `oracle`, `mongodb`,
- `cordova`, `react-native`, `expo`, `nativescript`.
- This command will generate a new project in the `MyProject` directory with the following files:
- ```
- MyProject
- ├── src // place of your TypeScript code
- │ ├── entity // place where your entities (database models) are stored
- │ │ └── User.ts // sample entity
- │ ├── migration // place where your migrations are stored
- │ ├── data-source.ts // data source and all connection configuration
- │ └── index.ts // start point of your application
- ├── .gitignore // standard gitignore file
- ├── package.json // node module dependencies
- ├── README.md // simple readme file
- └── tsconfig.json // TypeScript compiler options
- ```
- > You can also run `typeorm init` on an existing node project, but be careful - it may override some files you already have.
- The next step is to install new project dependencies:
- ```shell
- cd MyProject
- npm install
- ```
- After you have all dependencies installed, edit the `data-source.ts` file and put your own database connection configuration options in there:
- ```ts
- export const AppDataSource = new DataSource({
- type: "postgres",
- host: "localhost",
- port: 5432,
- username: "test",
- password: "test",
- database: "test",
- synchronize: true,
- logging: true,
- entities: [Post, Category],
- subscribers: [],
- migrations: [],
- })
- ```
- Particularly, most of the time you'll only need to configure
- `host`, `username`, `password`, `database` and maybe `port` options.
- Once you finish with configuration and all node modules are installed, you can run your application:
- ```shell
- npm start
- ```
- That's it, your application should successfully run and insert a new user into the database.
- You can continue to work with this project and integrate other modules you need and start
- creating more entities.
- > You can generate an ESM project by running
- > `npx typeorm init --name MyProject --database postgres --module esm` command.
- > You can generate an even more advanced project with express installed by running
- > `npx typeorm init --name MyProject --database mysql --express` command.
- > You can generate a docker-compose file by running
- > `npx typeorm init --name MyProject --database postgres --docker` command.
- ## Step-by-Step Guide
- What are you expecting from ORM?
- First of all, you are expecting it will create database tables for you
- and find / insert / update / delete your data without the pain of
- having to write lots of hardly maintainable SQL queries.
- This guide will show you how to set up TypeORM from scratch and make it do what you are expecting from an ORM.
- ### Create a model
- Working with a database starts from creating tables.
- How do you tell TypeORM to create a database table?
- The answer is - through the models.
- Your models in your app are your database tables.
- For example, you have a `Photo` model:
- ```typescript
- export class Photo {
- id: number
- name: string
- description: string
- filename: string
- views: number
- isPublished: boolean
- }
- ```
- And you want to store photos in your database.
- To store things in the database, first, you need a database table,
- and database tables are created from your models.
- Not all models, but only those you define as _entities_.
- ### Create an entity
- _Entity_ is your model decorated by an `@Entity` decorator.
- A database table will be created for such models.
- You work with entities everywhere in TypeORM.
- You can load/insert/update/remove and perform other operations with them.
- Let's make our `Photo` model an entity:
- ```typescript
- import { Entity } from "typeorm"
- @Entity()
- export class Photo {
- id: number
- name: string
- description: string
- filename: string
- views: number
- isPublished: boolean
- }
- ```
- Now, a database table will be created for the `Photo` entity and we'll be able to work with it anywhere in our app.
- We have created a database table, however, what table can exist without columns?
- Let's create few columns in our database table.
- ### Adding table columns
- To add database columns, you simply need to decorate an entity's properties you want to make into a column
- with a `@Column` decorator.
- ```typescript
- import { Entity, Column } from "typeorm"
- @Entity()
- export class Photo {
- @Column()
- id: number
- @Column()
- name: string
- @Column()
- description: string
- @Column()
- filename: string
- @Column()
- views: number
- @Column()
- isPublished: boolean
- }
- ```
- Now `id`, `name`, `description`, `filename`, `views` and `isPublished` columns will be added to the `photo` table.
- Column types in the database are inferred from the property types you used, e.g.
- `number` will be converted into `integer`, `string` into `varchar`, `boolean` into `bool`, etc.
- But you can use any column type your database supports by explicitly specifying a column type into the `@Column` decorator.
- We generated a database table with columns, but there is one thing left.
- Each database table must have a column with a primary key.
- ### Creating a primary column
- Each entity **must** have at least one primary key column.
- This is a requirement and you can't avoid it.
- To make a column a primary key, you need to use the `@PrimaryColumn` decorator.
- ```typescript
- import { Entity, Column, PrimaryColumn } from "typeorm"
- @Entity()
- export class Photo {
- @PrimaryColumn()
- id: number
- @Column()
- name: string
- @Column()
- description: string
- @Column()
- filename: string
- @Column()
- views: number
- @Column()
- isPublished: boolean
- }
- ```
- ### Creating an auto-generated column
- Now, let's say you want your id column to be auto-generated (this is known as auto-increment / sequence / serial / generated identity column).
- To do that, you need to change the `@PrimaryColumn` decorator to a `@PrimaryGeneratedColumn` decorator:
- ```typescript
- import { Entity, Column, PrimaryGeneratedColumn } from "typeorm"
- @Entity()
- export class Photo {
- @PrimaryGeneratedColumn()
- id: number
- @Column()
- name: string
- @Column()
- description: string
- @Column()
- filename: string
- @Column()
- views: number
- @Column()
- isPublished: boolean
- }
- ```
- ### Column data types
- Next, let's fix our data types. By default, the string is mapped to a varchar(255)-like type (depending on the database type).
- The number is mapped to an integer-like type (depending on the database type).
- We don't want all our columns to be limited varchars or integers.
- Let's setup correct data types:
- ```typescript
- import { Entity, Column, PrimaryGeneratedColumn } from "typeorm"
- @Entity()
- export class Photo {
- @PrimaryGeneratedColumn()
- id: number
- @Column({
- length: 100,
- })
- name: string
- @Column("text")
- description: string
- @Column()
- filename: string
- @Column("double")
- views: number
- @Column()
- isPublished: boolean
- }
- ```
- Column types are database-specific.
- You can set any column type your database supports.
- More information on supported column types can be found [here](./docs/entities.md#column-types).
- ### Creating a new `DataSource`
- Now, when our entity is created, let's create `index.ts` file and set up our `DataSource` there:
- ```typescript
- import "reflect-metadata"
- import { DataSource } from "typeorm"
- import { Photo } from "./entity/Photo"
- const AppDataSource = new DataSource({
- type: "postgres",
- host: "localhost",
- port: 5432,
- username: "root",
- password: "admin",
- database: "test",
- entities: [Photo],
- synchronize: true,
- logging: false,
- })
- // to initialize initial connection with the database, register all entities
- // and "synchronize" database schema, call "initialize()" method of a newly created database
- // once in your application bootstrap
- AppDataSource.initialize()
- .then(() => {
- // here you can start to work with your database
- })
- .catch((error) => console.log(error))
- ```
- We are using Postgres in this example, but you can use any other supported database.
- To use another database, simply change the `type` in the options to the database type you are using:
- `mysql`, `mariadb`, `postgres`, `cockroachdb`, `sqlite`, `mssql`, `oracle`, `sap`, `spanner`, `cordova`, `nativescript`, `react-native`,
- `expo`, or `mongodb`.
- Also make sure to use your own host, port, username, password and database settings.
- We added our Photo entity to the list of entities for this data source.
- Each entity you are using in your connection must be listed there.
- Setting `synchronize` makes sure your entities will be synced with the database, every time you run the application.
- ### Running the application
- Now if you run your `index.ts`, a connection with the database will be initialized and a database table for your photos will be created.
- ```shell
- +-------------+--------------+----------------------------+
- | photo |
- +-------------+--------------+----------------------------+
- | id | int(11) | PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT |
- | name | varchar(100) | |
- | description | text | |
- | filename | varchar(255) | |
- | views | int(11) | |
- | isPublished | boolean | |
- +-------------+--------------+----------------------------+
- ```
- ### Creating and inserting a photo into the database
- Now let's create a new photo to save it in the database:
- ```typescript
- import { Photo } from "./entity/Photo"
- import { AppDataSource } from "./index"
- const photo = new Photo()
- photo.name = "Me and Bears"
- photo.description = "I am near polar bears"
- photo.filename = "photo-with-bears.jpg"
- photo.views = 1
- photo.isPublished = true
- await AppDataSource.manager.save(photo)
- console.log("Photo has been saved. Photo id is", photo.id)
- ```
- Once your entity is saved it will get a newly generated id.
- `save` method returns an instance of the same object you pass to it.
- It's not a new copy of the object, it modifies its "id" and returns it.
- ### Using Entity Manager
- We just created a new photo and saved it in the database.
- We used `EntityManager` to save it.
- Using entity manager you can manipulate any entity in your app.
- For example, let's load our saved entity:
- ```typescript
- import { Photo } from "./entity/Photo"
- import { AppDataSource } from "./index"
- const savedPhotos = await AppDataSource.manager.find(Photo)
- console.log("All photos from the db: ", savedPhotos)
- ```
- `savedPhotos` will be an array of Photo objects with the data loaded from the database.
- Learn more about EntityManager [here](./docs/working-with-entity-manager.md).
- ### Using Repositories
- Now let's refactor our code and use `Repository` instead of `EntityManager`.
- Each entity has its own repository which handles all operations with its entity.
- When you deal with entities a lot, Repositories are more convenient to use than EntityManagers:
- ```typescript
- import { Photo } from "./entity/Photo"
- import { AppDataSource } from "./index"
- const photo = new Photo()
- photo.name = "Me and Bears"
- photo.description = "I am near polar bears"
- photo.filename = "photo-with-bears.jpg"
- photo.views = 1
- photo.isPublished = true
- const photoRepository = AppDataSource.getRepository(Photo)
- await photoRepository.save(photo)
- console.log("Photo has been saved")
- const savedPhotos = await photoRepository.find()
- console.log("All photos from the db: ", savedPhotos)
- ```
- Learn more about Repository [here](./docs/working-with-repository.md).
- ### Loading from the database
- Let's try more load operations using the Repository:
- ```typescript
- import { Photo } from "./entity/Photo"
- import { AppDataSource } from "./index"
- const photoRepository = AppDataSource.getRepository(Photo)
- const allPhotos = await photoRepository.find()
- console.log("All photos from the db: ", allPhotos)
- const firstPhoto = await photoRepository.findOneBy({
- id: 1,
- })
- console.log("First photo from the db: ", firstPhoto)
- const meAndBearsPhoto = await photoRepository.findOneBy({
- name: "Me and Bears",
- })
- console.log("Me and Bears photo from the db: ", meAndBearsPhoto)
- const allViewedPhotos = await photoRepository.findBy({ views: 1 })
- console.log("All viewed photos: ", allViewedPhotos)
- const allPublishedPhotos = await photoRepository.findBy({ isPublished: true })
- console.log("All published photos: ", allPublishedPhotos)
- const [photos, photosCount] = await photoRepository.findAndCount()
- console.log("All photos: ", photos)
- console.log("Photos count: ", photosCount)
- ```
- ### Updating in the database
- Now let's load a single photo from the database, update it and save it:
- ```typescript
- import { Photo } from "./entity/Photo"
- import { AppDataSource } from "./index"
- const photoRepository = AppDataSource.getRepository(Photo)
- const photoToUpdate = await photoRepository.findOneBy({
- id: 1,
- })
- photoToUpdate.name = "Me, my friends and polar bears"
- await photoRepository.save(photoToUpdate)
- ```
- Now photo with `id = 1` will be updated in the database.
- ### Removing from the database
- Now let's remove our photo from the database:
- ```typescript
- import { Photo } from "./entity/Photo"
- import { AppDataSource } from "./index"
- const photoRepository = AppDataSource.getRepository(Photo)
- const photoToRemove = await photoRepository.findOneBy({
- id: 1,
- })
- await photoRepository.remove(photoToRemove)
- ```
- Now photo with `id = 1` will be removed from the database.
- ### Creating a one-to-one relation
- Let's create a one-to-one relationship with another class.
- Let's create a new class in `PhotoMetadata.ts`. This PhotoMetadata class is supposed to contain our photo's additional meta-information:
- ```typescript
- import {
- Entity,
- Column,
- PrimaryGeneratedColumn,
- OneToOne,
- JoinColumn,
- } from "typeorm"
- import { Photo } from "./Photo"
- @Entity()
- export class PhotoMetadata {
- @PrimaryGeneratedColumn()
- id: number
- @Column("int")
- height: number
- @Column("int")
- width: number
- @Column()
- orientation: string
- @Column()
- compressed: boolean
- @Column()
- comment: string
- @OneToOne(() => Photo)
- @JoinColumn()
- photo: Photo
- }
- ```
- Here, we are using a new decorator called `@OneToOne`. It allows us to create a one-to-one relationship between two entities.
- `type => Photo` is a function that returns the class of the entity with which we want to make our relationship.
- We are forced to use a function that returns a class, instead of using the class directly, because of the language specifics.
- We can also write it as `() => Photo`, but we use `type => Photo` as a convention to increase code readability.
- The type variable itself does not contain anything.
- We also add a `@JoinColumn` decorator, which indicates that this side of the relationship will own the relationship.
- Relations can be unidirectional or bidirectional.
- Only one side of relational can be owning.
- Using `@JoinColumn` decorator is required on the owner side of the relationship.
- If you run the app, you'll see a newly generated table, and it will contain a column with a foreign key for the photo relation:
- ```shell
- +-------------+--------------+----------------------------+
- | photo_metadata |
- +-------------+--------------+----------------------------+
- | id | int(11) | PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT |
- | height | int(11) | |
- | width | int(11) | |
- | comment | varchar(255) | |
- | compressed | boolean | |
- | orientation | varchar(255) | |
- | photoId | int(11) | FOREIGN KEY |
- +-------------+--------------+----------------------------+
- ```
- ### Save a one-to-one relation
- Now let's save a photo, its metadata and attach them to each other.
- ```typescript
- import { Photo } from "./entity/Photo"
- import { PhotoMetadata } from "./entity/PhotoMetadata"
- // create a photo
- const photo = new Photo()
- photo.name = "Me and Bears"
- photo.description = "I am near polar bears"
- photo.filename = "photo-with-bears.jpg"
- photo.views = 1
- photo.isPublished = true
- // create a photo metadata
- const metadata = new PhotoMetadata()
- metadata.height = 640
- metadata.width = 480
- metadata.compressed = true
- metadata.comment = "cybershoot"
- metadata.orientation = "portrait"
- metadata.photo = photo // this way we connect them
- // get entity repositories
- const photoRepository = AppDataSource.getRepository(Photo)
- const metadataRepository = AppDataSource.getRepository(PhotoMetadata)
- // first we should save a photo
- await photoRepository.save(photo)
- // photo is saved. Now we need to save a photo metadata
- await metadataRepository.save(metadata)
- // done
- console.log(
- "Metadata is saved, and the relation between metadata and photo is created in the database too",
- )
- ```
- ### Inverse side of the relationship
- Relations can be unidirectional or bidirectional.
- Currently, our relation between PhotoMetadata and Photo is unidirectional.
- The owner of the relation is PhotoMetadata, and Photo doesn't know anything about PhotoMetadata.
- This makes it complicated to access PhotoMetadata from the Photo side.
- To fix this issue we should add an inverse relation, and make relations between PhotoMetadata and Photo bidirectional.
- Let's modify our entities:
- ```typescript
- import {
- Entity,
- Column,
- PrimaryGeneratedColumn,
- OneToOne,
- JoinColumn,
- } from "typeorm"
- import { Photo } from "./Photo"
- @Entity()
- export class PhotoMetadata {
- /* ... other columns */
- @OneToOne(() => Photo, (photo) => photo.metadata)
- @JoinColumn()
- photo: Photo
- }
- ```
- ```typescript
- import { Entity, Column, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, OneToOne } from "typeorm"
- import { PhotoMetadata } from "./PhotoMetadata"
- @Entity()
- export class Photo {
- /* ... other columns */
- @OneToOne(() => PhotoMetadata, (photoMetadata) => photoMetadata.photo)
- metadata: PhotoMetadata
- }
- ```
- `photo => photo.metadata` is a function that returns the name of the inverse side of the relation.
- Here we show that the metadata property of the Photo class is where we store PhotoMetadata in the Photo class.
- Instead of passing a function that returns a property of the photo, you could alternatively simply pass a string to `@OneToOne` decorator, like `"metadata"`.
- But we used this function-typed approach to make our refactoring easier.
- Note that we should use the `@JoinColumn` decorator only on one side of a relation.
- Whichever side you put this decorator on will be the owning side of the relationship.
- The owning side of a relationship contains a column with a foreign key in the database.
- ### Relations in ESM projects
- If you use ESM in your TypeScript project, you should use the `Relation` wrapper type in relation properties to avoid circular dependency issues.
- Let's modify our entities:
- ```typescript
- import {
- Entity,
- Column,
- PrimaryGeneratedColumn,
- OneToOne,
- JoinColumn,
- Relation,
- } from "typeorm"
- import { Photo } from "./Photo"
- @Entity()
- export class PhotoMetadata {
- /* ... other columns */
- @OneToOne(() => Photo, (photo) => photo.metadata)
- @JoinColumn()
- photo: Relation<Photo>
- }
- ```
- ```typescript
- import {
- Entity,
- Column,
- PrimaryGeneratedColumn,
- OneToOne,
- Relation,
- } from "typeorm"
- import { PhotoMetadata } from "./PhotoMetadata"
- @Entity()
- export class Photo {
- /* ... other columns */
- @OneToOne(() => PhotoMetadata, (photoMetadata) => photoMetadata.photo)
- metadata: Relation<PhotoMetadata>
- }
- ```
- ### Loading objects with their relations
- Now let's load our photo and its photo metadata in a single query.
- There are two ways to do it - using `find*` methods or using `QueryBuilder` functionality.
- Let's use `find*` methods first.
- `find*` methods allow you to specify an object with the `FindOneOptions` / `FindManyOptions` interface.
- ```typescript
- import { Photo } from "./entity/Photo"
- import { PhotoMetadata } from "./entity/PhotoMetadata"
- import { AppDataSource } from "./index"
- const photoRepository = AppDataSource.getRepository(Photo)
- const photos = await photoRepository.find({
- relations: {
- metadata: true,
- },
- })
- ```
- Here, photos will contain an array of photos from the database, and each photo will contain its photo metadata.
- Learn more about Find Options in [this documentation](./docs/find-options.md).
- Using find options is good and dead simple, but if you need a more complex query, you should use `QueryBuilder` instead.
- `QueryBuilder` allows more complex queries to be used in an elegant way:
- ```typescript
- import { Photo } from "./entity/Photo"
- import { PhotoMetadata } from "./entity/PhotoMetadata"
- import { AppDataSource } from "./index"
- const photos = await AppDataSource.getRepository(Photo)
- .createQueryBuilder("photo")
- .innerJoinAndSelect("photo.metadata", "metadata")
- .getMany()
- ```
- `QueryBuilder` allows the creation and execution of SQL queries of almost any complexity.
- When you work with `QueryBuilder`, think like you are creating an SQL query.
- In this example, "photo" and "metadata" are aliases applied to selected photos.
- You use aliases to access columns and properties of the selected data.
- ### Using cascades to automatically save related objects
- We can set up cascade options in our relations, in the cases when we want our related object to be saved whenever the other object is saved.
- Let's change our photo's `@OneToOne` decorator a bit:
- ```typescript
- export class Photo {
- // ... other columns
- @OneToOne(() => PhotoMetadata, (metadata) => metadata.photo, {
- cascade: true,
- })
- metadata: PhotoMetadata
- }
- ```
- Using `cascade` allows us not to separately save photo and separately save metadata objects now.
- Now we can simply save a photo object, and the metadata object will be saved automatically because of cascade options.
- ```typescript
- import { AppDataSource } from "./index"
- // create photo object
- const photo = new Photo()
- photo.name = "Me and Bears"
- photo.description = "I am near polar bears"
- photo.filename = "photo-with-bears.jpg"
- photo.isPublished = true
- // create photo metadata object
- const metadata = new PhotoMetadata()
- metadata.height = 640
- metadata.width = 480
- metadata.compressed = true
- metadata.comment = "cybershoot"
- metadata.orientation = "portrait"
- photo.metadata = metadata // this way we connect them
- // get repository
- const photoRepository = AppDataSource.getRepository(Photo)
- // saving a photo also save the metadata
- await photoRepository.save(photo)
- console.log("Photo is saved, photo metadata is saved too.")
- ```
- Notice that we now set the photo's `metadata` property, instead of the metadata's `photo` property as before. The `cascade` feature only works if you connect the photo to its metadata from the photo's side. If you set the metadata's side, the metadata would not be saved automatically.
- ### Creating a many-to-one / one-to-many relation
- Let's create a many-to-one/one-to-many relation.
- Let's say a photo has one author, and each author can have many photos.
- First, let's create an `Author` class:
- ```typescript
- import {
- Entity,
- Column,
- PrimaryGeneratedColumn,
- OneToMany,
- JoinColumn,
- } from "typeorm"
- import { Photo } from "./Photo"
- @Entity()
- export class Author {
- @PrimaryGeneratedColumn()
- id: number
- @Column()
- name: string
- @OneToMany(() => Photo, (photo) => photo.author) // note: we will create author property in the Photo class below
- photos: Photo[]
- }
- ```
- `Author` contains an inverse side of a relation.
- `OneToMany` is always an inverse side of the relation, and it can't exist without `ManyToOne` on the other side of the relation.
- Now let's add the owner side of the relation into the Photo entity:
- ```typescript
- import { Entity, Column, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, ManyToOne } from "typeorm"
- import { PhotoMetadata } from "./PhotoMetadata"
- import { Author } from "./Author"
- @Entity()
- export class Photo {
- /* ... other columns */
- @ManyToOne(() => Author, (author) => author.photos)
- author: Author
- }
- ```
- In many-to-one / one-to-many relation, the owner side is always many-to-one.
- It means that the class that uses `@ManyToOne` will store the id of the related object.
- After you run the application, the ORM will create the `author` table:
- ```shell
- +-------------+--------------+----------------------------+
- | author |
- +-------------+--------------+----------------------------+
- | id | int(11) | PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT |
- | name | varchar(255) | |
- +-------------+--------------+----------------------------+
- ```
- It will also modify the `photo` table, adding a new `author` column and creating a foreign key for it:
- ```shell
- +-------------+--------------+----------------------------+
- | photo |
- +-------------+--------------+----------------------------+
- | id | int(11) | PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT |
- | name | varchar(255) | |
- | description | varchar(255) | |
- | filename | varchar(255) | |
- | isPublished | boolean | |
- | authorId | int(11) | FOREIGN KEY |
- +-------------+--------------+----------------------------+
- ```
- ### Creating a many-to-many relation
- Let's create a many-to-many relation.
- Let's say a photo can be in many albums, and each album can contain many photos.
- Let's create an `Album` class:
- ```typescript
- import {
- Entity,
- PrimaryGeneratedColumn,
- Column,
- ManyToMany,
- JoinTable,
- } from "typeorm"
- @Entity()
- export class Album {
- @PrimaryGeneratedColumn()
- id: number
- @Column()
- name: string
- @ManyToMany(() => Photo, (photo) => photo.albums)
- @JoinTable()
- photos: Photo[]
- }
- ```
- `@JoinTable` is required to specify that this is the owner side of the relationship.
- Now let's add the inverse side of our relation to the `Photo` class:
- ```typescript
- export class Photo {
- // ... other columns
- @ManyToMany(() => Album, (album) => album.photos)
- albums: Album[]
- }
- ```
- After you run the application, the ORM will create a **album_photos_photo_albums** _junction table_:
- ```shell
- +-------------+--------------+----------------------------+
- | album_photos_photo_albums |
- +-------------+--------------+----------------------------+
- | album_id | int(11) | PRIMARY KEY FOREIGN KEY |
- | photo_id | int(11) | PRIMARY KEY FOREIGN KEY |
- +-------------+--------------+----------------------------+
- ```
- Don't forget to register the `Album` class with your connection in the ORM:
- ```typescript
- const options: DataSourceOptions = {
- // ... other options
- entities: [Photo, PhotoMetadata, Author, Album],
- }
- ```
- Now let's insert albums and photos to our database:
- ```typescript
- import { AppDataSource } from "./index"
- // create a few albums
- const album1 = new Album()
- album1.name = "Bears"
- await AppDataSource.manager.save(album1)
- const album2 = new Album()
- album2.name = "Me"
- await AppDataSource.manager.save(album2)
- // create a few photos
- const photo = new Photo()
- photo.name = "Me and Bears"
- photo.description = "I am near polar bears"
- photo.filename = "photo-with-bears.jpg"
- photo.views = 1
- photo.isPublished = true
- photo.albums = [album1, album2]
- await AppDataSource.manager.save(photo)
- // now our photo is saved and albums are attached to it
- // now lets load them:
- const loadedPhoto = await AppDataSource.getRepository(Photo).findOne({
- where: {
- id: 1,
- },
- relations: {
- albums: true,
- },
- })
- ```
- `loadedPhoto` will be equal to:
- ```typescript
- {
- id: 1,
- name: "Me and Bears",
- description: "I am near polar bears",
- filename: "photo-with-bears.jpg",
- albums: [{
- id: 1,
- name: "Bears"
- }, {
- id: 2,
- name: "Me"
- }]
- }
- ```
- ### Using QueryBuilder
- You can use QueryBuilder to build SQL queries of almost any complexity. For example, you can do this:
- ```typescript
- const photos = await AppDataSource.getRepository(Photo)
- .createQueryBuilder("photo") // first argument is an alias. Alias is what you are selecting - photos. You must specify it.
- .innerJoinAndSelect("photo.metadata", "metadata")
- .leftJoinAndSelect("photo.albums", "album")
- .where("photo.isPublished = true")
- .andWhere("(photo.name = :photoName OR photo.name = :bearName)")
- .orderBy("photo.id", "DESC")
- .skip(5)
- .take(10)
- .setParameters({ photoName: "My", bearName: "Mishka" })
- .getMany()
- ```
- This query selects all published photos with "My" or "Mishka" names.
- It will select results from position 5 (pagination offset)
- and will select only 10 results (pagination limit).
- The selection result will be ordered by id in descending order.
- The photo's albums will be left joined and their metadata will be inner joined.
- You'll use the query builder in your application a lot.
- Learn more about QueryBuilder [here](./docs/select-query-builder.md).
- ## Samples
- Take a look at the samples in [sample](https://github.com/typeorm/typeorm/tree/master/sample) for examples of usage.
- There are a few repositories which you can clone and start with:
- - [Example how to use TypeORM with TypeScript](https://github.com/typeorm/typescript-example)
- - [Example how to use TypeORM with JavaScript](https://github.com/typeorm/javascript-example)
- - [Example how to use TypeORM with JavaScript and Babel](https://github.com/typeorm/babel-example)
- - [Example how to use TypeORM with TypeScript and SystemJS in Browser](https://github.com/typeorm/browser-example)
- - [Example how to use TypeORM with TypeScript and React in Browser](https://github.com/ItayGarin/typeorm-react-swc)
- - [Example how to use Express and TypeORM](https://github.com/typeorm/typescript-express-example)
- - [Example how to use Koa and TypeORM](https://github.com/typeorm/typescript-koa-example)
- - [Example how to use TypeORM with MongoDB](https://github.com/typeorm/mongo-typescript-example)
- - [Example how to use TypeORM in a Cordova/PhoneGap app](https://github.com/typeorm/cordova-example)
- - [Example how to use TypeORM with an Ionic app](https://github.com/typeorm/ionic-example)
- - [Example how to use TypeORM with React Native](https://github.com/typeorm/react-native-example)
- - [Example how to use TypeORM with Nativescript-Vue](https://github.com/typeorm/nativescript-vue-typeorm-sample)
- - [Example how to use TypeORM with Nativescript-Angular](https://github.com/betov18x/nativescript-angular-typeorm-example)
- - [Example how to use TypeORM with Electron using JavaScript](https://github.com/typeorm/electron-javascript-example)
- - [Example how to use TypeORM with Electron using TypeScript](https://github.com/typeorm/electron-typescript-example)
- ## Extensions
- There are several extensions that simplify working with TypeORM and integrating it with other modules:
- - [TypeORM + GraphQL framework](https://github.com/vesper-framework/vesper)
- - [TypeORM integration](https://github.com/typeorm/typeorm-typedi-extensions) with [TypeDI](https://github.com/pleerock/typedi)
- - [TypeORM integration](https://github.com/typeorm/typeorm-routing-controllers-extensions) with [routing-controllers](https://github.com/pleerock/routing-controllers)
- - Models generation from existing database - [typeorm-model-generator](https://github.com/Kononnable/typeorm-model-generator)
- - Fixtures loader - [typeorm-fixtures-cli](https://github.com/RobinCK/typeorm-fixtures)
- - ER Diagram generator - [typeorm-uml](https://github.com/eugene-manuilov/typeorm-uml/)
- - another ER Diagram generator - [erdia](https://www.npmjs.com/package/erdia/)
- - Create, drop & seed database - [typeorm-extension](https://github.com/tada5hi/typeorm-extension)
- - Automatically update `data-source.ts` after generating migrations/entities - [typeorm-codebase-sync](https://www.npmjs.com/package/typeorm-codebase-sync)
- - Easy manipulation of `relations` objects - [typeorm-relations](https://npmjs.com/package/typeorm-relations)
- - Automatically generate `relations` based on a GraphQL query - [typeorm-relations-graphql](https://npmjs.com/package/typeorm-relations-graphql)
- ## Contributing
- Learn about contribution [here](https://github.com/typeorm/typeorm/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) and how to setup your development environment [here](https://github.com/typeorm/typeorm/blob/master/DEVELOPER.md).
- This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute:
- <a href="https://github.com/typeorm/typeorm/graphs/contributors"><img src="https://opencollective.com/typeorm/contributors.svg?width=890&showBtn=false" /></a>
- ## Sponsors
- Open source is hard and time-consuming. If you want to invest in TypeORM's future you can become a sponsor and allow our core team to spend more time on TypeORM's improvements and new features. [Become a sponsor](https://opencollective.com/typeorm)
- <a href="https://opencollective.com/typeorm" target="_blank"><img src="https://opencollective.com/typeorm/tiers/sponsor.svg?width=890"></a>
- ## Gold Sponsors
- Become a gold sponsor and get premium technical support from our core contributors. [Become a gold sponsor](https://opencollective.com/typeorm)
- <a href="https://opencollective.com/typeorm" target="_blank"><img src="https://opencollective.com/typeorm/tiers/gold-sponsor.svg?width=890"></a>

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