How it's possible to insert pre-created objects into relation with an object using TypeORM?
As I know the non-efficient is this(many to many relations):
const tags = await Tag.findByIds(tagIds);
const todo = await Todo.findOne(todoId);
todo.tags = tags;
return await Todo.save(todo)
Also .add() property of RelationalQueryBuilder takes single object or Id as is mentioned in docs
await getConnection()
.relation(Post, "categories")
So what is the efficient way to bulk insert?
I had error while using @Arg imported from typeGraphql for passing an array of string so I resolved it so add() from typeOrm takes the Id array
so the fast and performant example of relational query is:
import { Resolver, Arg, Mutation } from "type-graphql";
import { Todo } from "../../entity/Todo";
import { createQueryBuilder } from "typeorm";
export class BulkAssignTagsResolver {
@Mutation(() => Todo)
async bulkAssignTodoTag(
@Arg("tagIds", () => [String]) tagIds: string[],
@Arg("todoId") todoId: string
): Promise {
await createQueryBuilder("todo")
.relation(Todo, "tags")
return Todo.findOne(todoId, { relations: ["tags"] });
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