在命令提示符下进到先前创制的hello目录下,执行 jar cvf hello.war * ,我们便得到hello.war。将它拷贝至webapps目录下,ok,来看最后一步,打开tomcat的目录conf中的server.xml,加入: reloadable="true"/> 大功告成!运行它,启动tomcat,后在浏览器中输入http://localhost:8080/hello/HelloWorld,有了吗?
1. 创建jar文件 jar cf jar-file input-file(s) c---want to Create a JAR file. f---want the output to go to a file rather than to stdout. eg: 1)jar cf myjar.jar query_maintain_insert.htm 2)jar cvf myjar.jar query_maintain_insert.htm v---Produces verbose(详细的) output. 3)jar cvf myjar.jar query_maintain_insert.htm mydirectory 4)jar cv0f myjar.jar query_maintain_insert.htm mydirectory 0---don't want the JAR file to be compressed. 5)jar cmf MANIFEST.MF myjar.jar yahh.txt m---Used to include manifest information from an existing manifest file. 6)jar cMf MANIFEST.MF myjar.jar yahh.txt M---the default manifest file should not be produced. 7)jar cvf myjar.jar * *---create all contents in current directory. 2. 察看jar文件 jar tf jar-file t---want to view the Table of contents of the JAR file. eg: 1)jar vft yahh.jar v---Produces verbose(详细的) output. 3. 提取jar文件 jar xf jar-file [archived-file(s)] x---want to extract files from the JAR archive. eg: 1)jar xf yahh.jar yahh.txt(仅提取文件yahh.txt) 2)jar xf yahh.jar alex/yahhalex.txt(仅提取目录alex下的文件yahhalex.txt) 3)jar xf yahh.jar(提取该jar包中的所有文件或目录) 4. 修改Manifest文件 jar cmf manifest-addition jar-file input-file(s) m---Used to include manifest information from an existing manifest file. 5. 更新jar文件 jar uf jar-file input-file(s) u---want to update an existing JAR file.
第一種:在jbuilder中: 首先你要保证Run菜单-->Run Project能顺利运行 然后Wizards菜单-->Native Executable Builder 选中Compress the contents of the archive(产生jar文件的话) Next-->Next-->选中Always include all classes and resources再Next-->Next-->Next 选中Windows GUI"exe"(产生EXE文件的话)-->Finish 再在项目的文件列表中的Native Executable右击-->Make就可以了 第二種:在cmd 下生成jar文件 abc.txt内容如下: Manifest-Version: 1.0 Main-Class: main-class-name(回車) 在cmd下: javac *.java jar cvfm abc.jar abc.txt *.class