该楼层疑似违规已被系统折叠 隐藏此楼查看此楼
from random import randint
black = 1994
white = 1993
n = 1
a = 0
b = 0
c = 0
① = 双白: white -= 2 ,
black += 1
② = 双黑: black -= 1
③ = 一黑一白: black -= 1
over = False
while over != True:
if white >= 2 and black >= 2:
choice = randint(0, 2)
if choice == 0:
# ~ print(0)
a += 1
white -= 2
black += 1
elif choice == 1:
# ~ print(1)
b += 1
black -= 1
elif choice == 2:
# ~ print(2)
c += 1
black -= 1
n += 1
elif white == 1 and black >= 2:
choice = randint(1, 2)
if choice == 1:
# ~ print(1)
b += 1
black -= 1
elif choice == 2:
# ~ print(2)
c += 1
black -= 1
n += 1
elif white == 1 and black == 0:
print('black :' + str(black))
print('white :' + str(white))
elif white == 1 and black == 0:
print('black :' + str(black))
print('white :' + str(white))
elif white == 1 and black == 0:
print('black :' + str(black))
print('white :' + str(white))
elif white == 1 and black == 1:
c += 1
black -= 1
n += 1
elif white >= 2 and black == 0:
a += 1
white -= 2
black += 1
n += 1
elif white >= 2 and black == 1:
a += 1
white -= 2
black += 1
n += 1
print('0 : ' + str(a))
print('1 : ' + str(b))
print('2 : ' + str(c))
print(a + b + c)
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