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AAAI2019论文列表(中英对照)_simultaneous reconstruction and moving object dete

simultaneous reconstruction and moving object detection from compressive sam

9: CircConv: A Structured Convolution with Low Complexity9:CircConv:一种低复杂度的结构化卷积
40: Deep Single-View 3D Object Reconstruction with Visual Hull Embedding40:使用 Visual Hull Embedding 进行深度单视图 3D 对象重建
56: On the Optimal Efficiency of Cost-Algebraic A56:关于成本代数 A 的最优效率
61: Spatial-Temporal Person Re-identification61:时空人物重新识别
65: Look Across Elapse: Disentangled Representation Learning and Photorealistic Cross-Age Face Synthesis for Age-Invariant Face Recognition65: Look Across Elapse:用于年龄不变人脸识别的分离表示学习和逼真的跨年龄人脸合成
74: Transferable Curriculum for Weakly-Supervised Domain Adaptation74:弱监督领域适应的可转移课程
76: Differential Networks for Visual Question Answering76:用于视觉问答的差分网络
81: PhoneMD: Learning to Diagnose Parkinson’s Disease from Smartphone Data81:PhoneMD:学习从智能手机数据诊断帕金森病
83: Fairly Allocating Many Goods with Few Queries83:用很少的查询公平地分配许多商品
115: Disjunctive Normal Form for Multi-Agent Modal Logics Based on Logically Separability115:基于逻辑可分性的多智能体模态逻辑的析取范式
119: Weighted Channel Dropout for Regularization of Deep Convolutional Neural Network119:用于深度卷积神经网络正则化的加权通道丢失
134: Be Inaccurate but don’t be Indecisive: How Error Distribution Can Affect User Experience134:不准确但不要优柔寡断:错误分布如何影响用户体验
135: Evolving Action Abstractionsfor Real-Time Planning in Extensive-Form Games135:在广泛形式的游戏中用于实时规划的进化动作抽象
136: No-reference Image Quality Assessment with Reinforcement Recursive List-wise Ranking136:使用强化递归列表排序的无参考图像质量评估
141: Zero-Shot Object Detection with Textual Descriptions Using Convolutional Neural Networks141:使用卷积神经网络进行文本描述的零样本目标检测
142: Leveraging利用 Web Semantic语义 Knowledge in Word Representation Learning142:利用Web Semanticever Lows Knowledge in Word Representation Learning
143: Pareto Optimal Allocation under Compact Uncertain Preferences143:紧凑不确定偏好下的帕累托最优分配
149: FANDA: A Novel Approach to Perform Follow-up Query Analysis149:FANDA:一种执行后续查询分析的新方法
166: Mirroring Human Manipulation Actions to Robots with Functional Equivalence166:将人类操作动作镜像到具有功能等效性的机器人
176: Object Detection based on Region Decomposition and Assembly176:基于区域分解和组装的目标检测
180: Talking Face Generation by Adversarially Disentangled Audio-Visual Representation180:通过对抗性分离的视听表示生成说话人脸
183: Weighted abstract dialectical frameworks through the lens of approximation fixpoint183:通过近似固定点的镜头加权抽象辩证框架
188: Low-Distortion Social Welfare Functions188:低失真社会福利功能
189: MetaStyle: Three-Way Trade-Off Among Speed, Flexibility and Quality in Neural Style189:MetaStyle:神经风格中速度、灵活性和质量之间的三方面权衡
209: Word Embedding as Maximum A Posteriori Estimation209:词嵌入作为最大后验估计
231: Blameworthiness in Strategic Games231:战略游戏中的责备
233: Disentangled Variational Representation for Heterogeneous Face Recognition233:异构人脸识别的分离变分表示
234: Learning Resolution-Invariant Deep Representations for Person Re-Identification234:学习用于人员重新识别的分辨率不变深度表示
235: Sharper Generalization Bound for the Divide-and-Conquer Ridge Regression235:分治岭回归的更清晰的泛化界限
236: CAPNet: Continuous Approximation Projection for 3D Point Cloud Reconstruction Using 2D236:CAPNet:使用 2D 进行 3D 点云重建的连续近似投影
246: Single-Label Multi-Class Image Classification by Deep Logistic Regression246:通过深度逻辑回归进行单标签多类图像分类
272: Disjoint Label Space Transfer Learning with Common Factorised Space272:具有公共因子空间的不相交标签空间迁移学习
277: Revisiting Spatial-Temporal Similarity: A Deep Learning Framework for Traffic Prediction277:重新审视时空相似性:交通预测的深度学习框架
289: Improving Hypernymy Prediction via Taxonomy Enhanced Adversarial Learning289:通过分类增强对抗学习改进上位词预测
298: DeepChannel: Salience Estimation by Contrastive Learning for Extractive Document Summarization298:DeepChannel:通过对比学习对提取文档进行显着性估计
305: Deep Recurrent Survival Analysis305:深度复发生存分析
314: Safe Partial Diagnosis from Normal Observations314:从正常观察中进行安全的部分诊断
317: Augmenting Markov Decision Processes with Advising317:通过建议增强马尔可夫决策过程
322: Attention-based Multi-Context Guiding for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation322:基于注意力的多上下文引导,用于少镜头语义分割
323: Deep Video Frame Interpolation using Cyclic Frame Generation323:使用循环帧生成的深度视频帧插值
325: Multi-view Information-theoretic Co-clustering for Co-occurrence Data325:用于共现数据的多视图信息理论共聚类
328: How Does Knowledge of the AUC Constrain the Set of Possible Ground-truth Labelings?328:AUC 的知识如何限制可能的真实标签集?
330: Sensitivity Analysis of Deep Neural Networks330:深度神经网络的敏感性分析
332: Migration as Submodular Optimization332:迁移作为子模块优化
333: Scalable Distributed DL Training: Batching Communication and Computation333:可扩展分布式深度学习训练:批处理通信和计算
335: Non-Compensatory Psychological Models for Recommender Systems335:推荐系统的非补偿性心理模型
353: Deep Interest Evolution Network for Click-Through Rate Prediction353:用于点击率预测的深度兴趣演化网络
362: MFBO-SSM: Multi-Fidelity Bayesian Optimization for Fast Inference in State-Space Models362:MFBO-SSM:多保真贝叶斯优化在状态空间模型中的快速推理
372: FRAME Revisited: An Interpretation View Based on Particle Evolution372:重新审视框架:基于粒子演化的解释视图
395: RR-GAN: Single Image Rain Removal Without Paired Information395:RR-GAN:没有配对信息的单幅图像去雨
403: Unsupervised Meta-learning of Figure-Ground Segmentation via Imitating Visual Effects403:通过模仿视觉效果进行图形-地面分割的无监督元学习
410: MEAL: Multi-Model Ensemble via Adversarial Learning410:MEAL:通过对抗学习的多模型集成
428: TrafficPredict: Trajectory Prediction for Heterogeneous Traffic-Agents428:TrafficPredict:异构交通代理的轨迹预测
436: Optimal Surveillance of Covert Networks by Minimizing Inverse Geodesic Length436:通过最小化逆测地线长度对隐蔽网络进行最佳监视
444: Tracking Logical Difference in Large-Scale Ontologies: A Forgetting-Based Approach444:跟踪大规模本体中的逻辑差异:一种基于遗忘的方法
451: Solving Imperfect-Information Games with Discounted Counterfactual Regret Minimization451:用贴现反事实遗憾最小化解决不完美信息博弈
464: ScalMC: Engineering an Efficient Approximate Model Counter464:ScalMC:设计一个高效的近似模型计数器
466: Learning Neural Bag-of-Matrix-Summarization with Riemannian Network466:使用黎曼网络学习神经矩阵袋总结
482: Learning Diffusions without Timestamps482:学习没有时间戳的扩散
487: Adversarial Dropout for Recurrent Neural Networks487:循环神经网络的对抗性 Dropout
503: Convergence of Learning Dynamics in Information Retrieval Games503:信息检索游戏中学习动态的收敛
517: Polynomial-time probabilistic reasoning with partial observations via implicit learning in probability logics517:多项式时间概率推理,通过隐式学习进行部分观察
518: Adaptive Sparse Confidence-Weighted Learning for Online Feature Selection518:用于在线特征选择的自适应稀疏置信加权学习
530: Automated Verification of Social Laws for Continuous Time Multi-Robot Systems530:自动验证连续时间多机器人系统的社会规律
534: Read, Watch, and Move: Reinforcement Learning for Temporally Grounding Natural534:阅读、观看和移动:用于暂时接地的强化学习
541: A Novel Framework for Robustness Analysis of Visual QA Models541:视觉QA模型稳健性分析的新框架
568: Adversarial Learning for Weakly-Supervised Social Network Alignment568:弱监督社交网络对齐的对抗学习
591: Rotational Diversity in Multi-Cycle Assignment Problems591:多周期分配问题中的旋转多样性
595: TallyQA: Answering Complex Counting Questions595:TallyQA:回答复杂的计数问题
602: Distributionally Adversarial Attack602:分布式对抗攻击
606: ScisummNet: A Large Annotated Corpus and Content-Impact Models for Scientific Paper606:ScsummNet:科学论文的大型注释语料库和内容影响模型
607: Object Reachability via Swaps along a Line607:通过沿线交换的对象可达性
610: Recognizing Unseen Attribute-Object Pair with Generative Model610:使用生成模型识别看不见的属性-对象对
620: Deep Bayesian Trust : A Dominant and Fair Incentive Mechanism for Crowd620: 深贝叶斯信任:一种支配性和公平的人群激励机制
629: Knowledge-Driven Encode, Retrieve, Paraphrase for Medical Image Report Generation629:用于医学图像报告生成的知识驱动编码、检索、释义
644: Video Imprint Segmentation for Temporal Action Detection in Untrimmed Videos644:用于未修剪视频中时间动作检测的视频印记分割
648: Learning to Steer by Mimicking Features from Heterogeneous Auxiliary Networks648:通过模仿异构辅助网络的特征来学习转向
652: On Testing of Samplers652:关于采样器的测试
669: A^2-Net: Molecular Structure Estimation for Cryo-EM Density Volumes669:A^2-Net:低温电磁密度体积的分子结构估计
672: Template-Based Math Word Problem Solvers with Recursive Neural Networks672:具有递归神经网络的基于模板的数学单词问题求解器
674: Learning to Embed Sentences Using Attentive Recursive Trees674:学习使用注意力递归树嵌入句子
679: On the Hardness of Probabilistic Inference Relaxations679:关于概率推理松弛的硬度
697: Consensus Adversarial Domain Adaptation697:共识对抗域适应
700: Towards Optimal Discrete Online Hashing with Balanced Similarity700:迈向具有平衡相似性的最优离散在线哈希
702: Determinantal reinforcement learning702:确定性强化学习
717: Scene Text Recognition from Two-Dimensional Perspective717:二维视角的场景文本识别
721: 3D Face Synthesis Driven by Personality Impression721:个性印象驱动的3D人脸合成
723: Perceptual-Sensitive GAN for Generating Adversarial Patches723:用于生成对抗性补丁的感知敏感 GAN
736: DDFlow: Learning Optical Flow with Unlabeled Data Distillation736:DDFlow:使用未标记数据蒸馏学习光流
750: Incorporating Behavioral Constraints in Online AI Systems750:在在线人工智能系统中加入行为约束
753: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Rebalancing Dockless Bike Sharing Systems753:用于重新平衡无桩共享单车系统的深度强化学习框架
754: Data-to-Text Generation with Content Selection and Planning754:具有内容选择和规划的数据到文本生成
770: How many preference pairs suffice to rank a graph consistently?770:有多少偏好对足以一致地对图进行排名?
777: Allocating Search Effort When Actions Expire777:当操作过期时分配搜索工作量
778: Sentence-wise Smooth Regularization for Sequence to Sequence Learning778:序列到序列学习的句子平滑正则化
779: Sublinear Time Numerical Linear Algebra for Structured Matrices779:结构化矩阵的次线性时间数值线性代数
782: HSME: Hypersphere Manifold Embedding for Visible Thermal Person Re-identification782:HSME:用于可见热人员重新识别的超球面流形嵌入
786: Energy Confused Adversarial Metric Learning for Zero-Shot Image Retrieval and Clustering786:用于零样本图像检索和聚类的能量混淆对抗性度量学习
787: Spectral Clustering in Heterogeneous Information Networks787:异构信息网络中的谱聚类
793: Interaction-aware Factorization Machines793:交互感知因式分解机
817: Residual Attribute Attention Network for Face Image Super-Resolution817:人脸图像超分辨率的残差属性注意网络
844: Certifying the True Error: Machine Learning in Coq with Verified Generalization Guarantees844:证明真正的错误:Coq 中的机器学习和经过验证的泛化保证
846: Differentially Private Empirical Risk Minimization with Smooth Non-convex Loss Functions:846:具有平滑非凸损失函数的差分私人经验风险最小化:
851: Embedding Uncertain Knowledge Graphs851:嵌入不确定的知识图谱
867: Self-Paced Active Learning: Query the Right Thing at the Right Time867:自定进度的主动学习:在正确的时间查询正确的事情
880: Learning a Deep Convolutional Network for Colorization in Monochrome-Color Dual-Lens880:在单色双镜头中学习用于着色的深度卷积网络
881: Fully Convolutional Network with Multi-Step Reinforcement Learning for Image Processing881:用于图像处理的具有多步强化学习的全卷积网络
887: G2C: A Generator-to-Classifier Framework Integrating Multi-Stained Visual Cues for887:G2C:集成多染色视觉线索的生成器到分类器框架
895: Towards Optimal Fine Grained Retrieval via Decorrelated Centralized Loss with Normalize895:通过使用归一化的去相关集中损失实现最优细粒度检索
913: Robustness Can Be Cheap: A Highly Efficient Approach to Discover Outliers under High913:稳健性可能很便宜:一种发现高值异常值的高效方法
915: Hybrid Attention-based Prototypical Networks for Noisy Few-Shot Relation Classification915:基于混合注意力的原型网络,用于嘈杂的 Few-Shot 关系分类
930: TransGate: Knowledge Graph Embedding with Shared Gate Structure930:TransGate:知识图嵌入与共享门结构
939: Performance Guarantees for Homomorphisms beyond Markov Decision Processes939:马尔可夫决策过程之外的同态性能保证
941:Cross-view local structure preserved diversity and consensus learning for multi-view unsupervised feature selection941:跨视图局部结构保持多样性和多视图的共识学习
947: Enriching Non-parametric Bidirectional Search Algorithms947:丰富非参数双向搜索算法
956: Cost-Sensitive Learning to Rank956:成本敏感的学习排名
957: Primarily About Primaries957:主要是关于原色
971: Optimal Projection Guided Transfer Hashing for Image Retrieval971:用于图像检索的最优投影引导传输散列
972: Safeguarded Dynamic Label Regression for Noisy Supervision972:用于噪声监督的受保护的动态标签回归
974: Neural Attentive Model for Explainable Recommendation by Learning User Dynamic974:通过学习用户动态进行可解释推荐的神经注意力模型
985: Learning Basis Representation to Refine 3D Human Pose Estimations985:学习基础表示以改进 3D 人体姿势估计
994: Efficient and Effective Incomplete Multi-view Clustering994:高效有效的不完全多视图聚类
1004: Multi-Dimensional Classification via kNN Feature Augmentation1004:通过 kNN 特征增强进行多维分类
1006: Regular Boardgames1006:常规棋盘游戏
1010: Learning to Localize Objects with Noisy Labeled Instances1010:学习用嘈杂的标签实例定位对象
1020: To Find Where You Talk: Temporal Sentence Localization in Video with Attention Based1020:找到你说话的地方:基于注意力的视频中的时间句子定位
1030: One-network Adversarial Fairness1030:一网对抗性公平
1031: Spatiotemporal Multi-Graph Convolution Network for Ride-hailing Demand Forecasting1031:用于网约车需求预测的时空多图卷积网络
1036: Traffic Updates: Saying a Lot While Revealing a Little1036:交通更新:说很多,透露一点
1051: Revenue Enhancement Via Asymmetric Signaling in Interdependent-Value Auctions1051:在相互依赖的价值拍卖中通过不对称信号增加收入
1057: Safe Reinforcement Learning through Barrier Functions for Safety-Critical Continuous1057:通过屏障功能进行安全强化学习以实现安全关键连续
1068: Horizontal Pyramid Matching for Person Re-identification1068:用于人员重新识别的水平金字塔匹配
1070: STA: Spatial-Temporal Attention for Large-Scale Video-based Person Re-Identification1070: STA:用于大规模基于视频的人员重新识别的时空注意
1076: Multi-scale 3D Convolution Network for Video Based Person Re-Identification1076:用于基于视频的人员重新识别的多尺度 3D 卷积网络
1077:Weakly-Supervised Simultaneous Evidence Identification and Segmentation for Automated Glaucoma Diagnosis1077:用于青光眼自动诊断的弱监督同时证据识别和分割
1086: Pathological Evidence Exploration in Deep Retinal Image Diagnosis1086:视网膜深部影像诊断中的病理证据探索
1097: Cubic LSTMs for Video Prediction1097:用于视频预测的三次 LSTM
1105: A Deep Cascade Model for Multi-Document Reading Comprehension1105:多文档阅读理解的深度级联模型
1108: Amalgamating Knowledge towards Comprehensive Classification1108:合并知识以实现综合分类
1109: Bounded Suboptimal Search with Learned Heuristics for Multi-Agent Systems1109:多智能体系统的学习启发式有界次优搜索
1110: Similarity Learning via Kernel Preserving Embedding1110:通过内核保留嵌入进行相似性学习
1117: Cross-domain Visual Representations via Unsupervised Graph Alignment1117:通过无监督图对齐的跨域视觉表示
1121: A Bottom-Up Clustering Approach to Unsupervised Person Re-identification1121:无监督人员重新识别的自下而上聚类方法
1126: An Affect-Rich Neural Conversational Model with Biased Attention and Weighted Cross1126:具有偏向注意力和加权交叉的情感丰富的神经对话模型
1127: Tackling Sparse Rewards in Real-Time Games with Statistical Forward Planning Methods1127:使用统计前向规划方法处理实时游戏中的稀疏奖励
1128: 3D Object Detection Using Scale Invariant and Feature Reweighting Networks1128:使用尺度不变和特征重加权网络的 3D 对象检测
1147: Complexity of Abstract Argumentation Under a Claim-centric View1147:在以声明为中心的观点下抽象论证的复杂性
1150: Unified Embedding Alignment with Missing Views Inferring for Incomplete Multi-View1150:统一嵌入对齐与缺失视图推断不完整的多视图
1157: A Hierarchical Framework for Relation Extraction with Reinforcement Learning1157:使用强化学习进行关系提取的分层框架
1158: Modular Materialisation of Datalog Programs1158:数据记录程序的模块化实现
1169: TransNFCM: Translation-Based Neural Fashion Compatibility Modeling1169:TransNFCM:基于翻译的神经时尚兼容性建模
1176: Unsupervised Fake News Detection on Social Media: A Generative Approach1176:社交媒体上的无监督假新闻检测:一种生成方法
1177: Deep Bayesian Optimization on Attributed Graphs1177:属性图的深度贝叶斯优化
1181: Deep Latent Generative Models For Energy Disaggregation1181:能量分解的深层潜在生成模型
1183: Selective Refinement Network for High Performance Face Detection1183:用于高性能人脸检测的选择性细化网络
1194: GAMENet: Graph Augmented MEmory Networks for Recommending Medication1194:GAMENet:用于推荐药物的图增强记忆网络
1199: The Kelly Growth Optimal Portfolio with Ensemble Learning1199:具有集成学习的凯利增长最优组合
1200: Zero-Shot Adaptive Transfer for Conversational Language Understanding1200:会话语言理解的零样本自适应迁移
1207: ABox Abduction via Forgetting in ALC1207:在 ALC 中通过遗忘绑架 ABox
1226: Task Transfer by Preference-Based Cost Learning1226:基于偏好的成本学习的任务转移
1233: Free VQA Models from Knowledge Inertia by Pairwise Inconformity Learning1233:
1239: Mono3D++: Monocular 3D Vehicle Detection with Two-Scale 3D Hypotheses and Task1239:Mono3D++:具有两尺度 3D 假设和任务的单目 3D 车辆检测
1240: Video Inpainting by Jointly Learning Temporal Structure and Spatial Details1240:通过联合学习时间结构和空间细节进行视频修复
1245: End-to-End Knowledge-Routed Relational Dialogue System for Automatic Diagnosis1245:用于自动诊断的端到端知识路由关系对话系统
1248: Pareto-Optimal Allocation of Indivisible Goods with Connectivity Constraints1248:具有连通性约束的不可分割商品的帕累托最优分配
1250: Joint Semi-supervised Feature Selection and Classification Through Bayesian Approach1250:通过贝叶斯方法进行联合半监督特征选择和分类
1284: RGBD Based Gaze Estimation via Multi-task CNN1284:通过多任务 CNN 进行基于 RGBD 的注视估计
1292: GeniePath: Graph Neural Networks with Adaptive Receptive Paths1292:GeniePath:具有自适应接收路径的图神经网络
1296: Balanced Linear Contextual Bandits1296:平衡线性上下文强盗
1303: TopicEq: A Joint Topic and Mathematical Equation Model for Scientific Texts1303:TopicEq:科学文本的联合主题和数学方程模型
1304: Induction of Non-Monotonic Logic Programs to Explain Boosted Tree Models Using LIME1304:归纳非单调逻辑程序来解释使用 LIME 的增强树模型
1312: Balancing Relevance and Diversity in Online Bipartite Matching via Submodularity1312:通过子模块平衡在线二分匹配中的相关性和多样性
1317: Weakly Supervised Scene Parsing with Point-based Distance Metric Learning1317:基于点的距离度量学习的弱监督场景解析
1319: Combining Axiom Injection and Knowledge Base Completion for Efficient Natural Language Inference1319:结合公理注入和知识库完成以实现高效自然
1320: Tile2Vec: Unsupervised representation learning for spatially distributed data1320:Tile2Vec:空间分布数据的无监督表示学习
1321: Spell Once, Summon Anywhere: A Two-Level Open-Vocabulary Language Model1321:一次拼写,随处召唤:两级开放词汇语言模型
1332: The Pure Price of Anarchy of Pool Block Withholding Attacks in Bitcoin MiningColleen 1332:比特币挖矿Colleen 矿池区块扣留攻击无政府状态的纯价格
1335: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Syntactic Error Repair in Student Programs1335:用于学生程序句法错误修复的深度强化学习
1336: Switch-based Active Deep Dyna-Q: Efficient Adaptive Planning for Task-Completion1336:基于开关的Active Deep Dyna-Q:任务完成的高效自适应规划
1346: Recurrent Attention Model for Pedestrian Attribute Recognition1346:行人属性识别的循环注意模型
1354: Scaling-up Split-Merge MCMC with Locality Sensitive Sampling (LSS)1354:使用局部敏感采样 (LSS) 扩大拆分合并 MCMC
1362: Efficient Region Embedding with Multi-view Spatial Networks: A Perspective of Locality1362:使用多视图空间网络进行有效区域嵌入:局部性的观点
1365: Combo-Action: Training Agent For FPS Game with Auxiliary Tasks1365:组合动作:带有辅助任务的 FPS 游戏的训练代理
1369: Robust Metric Learning on Grassmann Manifolds with Generalization Guarantees1369:具有泛化保证的格拉斯曼流形上的鲁棒度量学习
1370: Functional Connectivity Network Analysis with Discriminative Hub Detection for Brain Disease Identification1370:功能连接网络分析与大脑判别集线器检测
1384: Exploiting Coarse-to-Fine Task Transfer for Aspect-level Sentiment Classification1384:利用粗到细的任务转移进行方面级别的情感分类
1386: Feature Sampling based Unsupervised Semantic Clustering for Real Web Multi-view1386:基于特征采样的真实Web多视图无监督语义聚类
1395: Virtual-Taobao: Virtualizing Real-world Online Retail Environment for Reinforcement1395:虚拟淘宝:虚拟化现实世界的在线零售环境进行强化
1396: Cycle-SUM: Cycle-consistent Adversarial LSTM Networks for Unsupervised Video1396:Cycle-SUM:用于无监督视频汇总的周期一致的对抗性 LSTM 网络
1399: A Dual Attention Network with Semantic Embedding for Few-shot Learning1399:用于少镜头学习的带有语义嵌入的双注意网络
“1405: Challenging the MDP Status Quo:
An Axiomatic Approach to Rationality for Reinforcement Learning Agents1405:强化学习代理的合理性公理方法”
1407: Heterogeneous Transfer Learning via Deep Matrix Completion with Adversarial Kernel1407:通过对抗核深度矩阵补全的异构迁移学习
1410: Hierarchical Attention Network for Image Captioning1410:用于图像描述的分层注意网络
1411: Bootstrap Estimated Uncertainty of the Environment Model for Model-based Reinforcement Learning1411: Bootstrap 估计的不确定性基于模型的强化学习环境模型
1437: Real-time Planning as Decision-making Under Uncertainty1437:实时规划作为不确定性下的决策
1449: Adversarial Label Learning1449:对抗性标签学习
1450: Temporal anomaly detection: calibrating the surprise1450:时间异常检测:校准惊喜
1456: RSA: Byzantine-Robust Stochastic Aggregation Methods for Distributed Learning from1456:RSA:用于分布式学习的拜占庭鲁棒随机聚合方法
1457: Predicting Hurricane Trajectories using a Recurrent Neural Network1457:使用循环神经网络预测飓风轨迹
1460: Diverse Exploration via Conjugate Policies for Policy Gradient Methods1460:通过策略梯度方法的共轭策略进行多样化探索
1468: The Goldilocks zone: Towards better understanding of neural network loss landscapes1468:金发姑娘区:更好地理解神经网络损失情况
1469: Learning to Compose Topic-Aware Mixture of Experts for Zero-Shot Video Captioning1469:学习为零镜头视频字幕编写具有主题意识的专家组合
1480: Bayesian posterior approximation via greedy particle optimization1480:通过贪心粒子优化的贝叶斯后验近似
1483: ActivityNet-QA: A Dataset for Understanding Complex Web Videos via Question1483:ActivityNet-QA:通过问题理解复杂网络视频的数据集
1484: Gaussian Transformer: a Lightweight Approach for Natural Language Inference1484:高斯变换器:一种用于自然语言推理的轻量级方法
1496: Knowledge Distillation with Adversarial Samples Supporting Decision Boundary1496:使用支持决策边界的对抗样本进行知识蒸馏
1497: Less but Better: Generalization Enhancement of Ordinal Embedding via Distributional1497:少而精:通过分布对序数嵌入的泛化增强
1498: TET-GAN: Text Effects Transfer via Stylization and Destylization1498:TET-GAN:通过程式化和去程式化的文本效果转移
1504: Randomized Wagering Mechanisms1504:随机投注机制
1506: Hypergraph Neural Networks1506:超图神经网络
1512: Knowledge Transfer via Distillation of Activation Boundaries Formed by Hidden Neurons1512:通过蒸馏隐藏神经元形成的激活边界进行知识转移
1534: Cognitive Deficit of Deep Learning in Numerosity1534: 数量级深度学习的认知缺陷
1538: Online Pandora’s Boxes and Bandits1538:在线潘多拉的盒子和土匪
1553: Fast Incremental SVDD Learning Algorithm with the Gaussian Kernel1553:使用高斯内核的快速增量 SVDD 学习算法
1557: Projection Convolutional Neural Networks1557: 投影卷积神经网络
1562: StNet: Local and Global Spatial-Temporal Modeling for Action Recognition1562:StNet:用于动作识别的局部和全局时空建模
1568: Mutigrid Backprojection Super-Resolution and Deep Filter Visualization1568: Mutigrid 反投影超分辨率和深度过滤器可视化
1575: Capacity Control of ReLU Neural Networks by Basis-path Norm1575:通过基路径范数控制 ReLU 神经网络的容量
1576: 3D Volumetric Modeling with Introspective Neural Networks1576:使用内省神经网络进行 3D 体积建模
1578: Point Cloud Processing via Recurrent Set Encoding1578:通过循环集编码处理点云
1604: When Do Envy-Free Allocations Exist?1604:什么时候存在无嫉妒分配?
1609: Stochastic Submodular Maximization with Performance-Dependent Item Costs1609:具有与性能相关的项目成本的随机子模最大化
1610: Learning Personalized End-to-End Goal-Oriented Dialog1610:学习个性化的端到端目标导向对话
1614: Adaptive Region Embedding for Text Classification1614:文本分类的自适应区域嵌入
1620: Soft Facial Landmark Detection by Label Distribution Learning1620:通过标签分布学习进行软面部地标检测
1627: Constrained Generation via Metropolis-Hastings Sampling1627:通过 Metropolis-Hastings 抽样进行约束生成
1636: LiveBot: Generating Live Video Comments Based on Visual and Textual Contexts1636:LiveBot:基于视觉和文本上下文生成实时视频评论
1646: Simulation-Based Approach to Efficient Commonsense Reasoning in Very Large1646:基于模拟的高效常识推理方法
1652: On Fair Cost Sharing Games in Machine Learning1652:关于机器学习中的公平成本分摊游戏
1679: DAN : Deep Attention Neural Network for News Recommendation1679:DAN:用于新闻推荐的深度注意神经网络
1680: Kernelized Hashcode Representations for Biomedical Relation Extraction1680:用于生物医学关系提取的核化哈希码表示
1681: TAPAS: Train-less Accuracy Predictor forArchitecture Search1681:TAPAS:用于架构搜索的无训练精度预测器
1707: Densely Supervised Grasp Detector (DSGD)1707:密集监督抓取检测器 (DSGD)
1715: Outlier Aware Network Embedding for Attributed Networks1715:用于属性网络的异常值感知网络嵌入
1717: Human Action Transfer Based on 3D Model Reconstruction1717:基于3D模型重建的人体动作转移
1722: Classification with Costly Features using Deep Reinforcement Learning1722:使用深度强化学习进行具有成本高昂特征的分类
1723: Scene Text Detection with Supervised Pyramid Context Network1723:使用监督金字塔上下文网络进行场景文本检测
1732: TDSNN:From Deep Neural Networks to Deep Spike Neural Networks with Temporal1732:TDSNN:从深度神经网络到具有时间的深度尖峰神经网络
1734: Verifying Robustness of Gradient Boosting Models1734:验证梯度提升模型的鲁棒性
1744: On Structural Causal Bandit with Non-manipulable Variables1744:关于具有不可操纵变量的结构因果强盗
1747: BLOCK: Bilinear Superdiagonal Fusion for Visual Question Answering and Visual Relationship Detection1747:块:用于视觉问答和视觉关系检测的双线性超对角融合
1748: Gradient Harmonized Single-stage Detector1748:梯度协调单级检测器
1750: Non-Local Context Encoder: Robust Biomedical Image Segmentation against Adversarial1750:非本地上下文编码器:针对对抗性的鲁棒生物医学图像分割
1754: A Two-Stream Mutual Attention Network for Semi-supervised Biomedical Segmentation1754:用于半监督生物医学分割的两流相互注意网络
1760: Block Belief Propagation for Parameter Learning in Markov Random Fields1760:马尔可夫随机场中参数学习的块信念传播
1769: Structured and Sparse Annotations for Image Emotion Distribution Learning1769:用于图像情感分布学习的结构化和稀疏注释
1790: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Green Security Games with Real-Time Information1790:具有实时信息的绿色安全游戏的深度强化学习
1799: Variance Reduction in Monte Carlo Regret Minimization for Extensive Games using1799:在蒙特卡洛遗憾最小化中使用方差减少广泛游戏
1802: Model-Free IRL using Maximum Likelihood Estimation1802:使用最大似然估计的无模型 IRL
1806: Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning with Space-Time Cubic Puzzles1806:使用时空立方拼图进行自我监督视频表示学习
1830: Partial Awareness1830:部分意识
1834: Memory Bounded Open-Loop Planning in Large POMDPs using Thompson Sampling1834:使用 Thompson 采样的大型 POMDP 中的内存有界开环规划
1838: Finding All Bayesian Network Structures within a Factor of Optimal1838 年:在最优因子内找到所有贝叶斯网络结构
1852: Verification of RNN-Based Neural Agent-Environment Systems1852:验证基于 RNN 的神经代理环境系统
1853: ColNet: Embedding the Semantics of Web Tables for Column Type Prediction1853 年:ColNet:嵌入 Web 表的语义以进行列类型预测
1855: Estimating the Causal Effect from Partially Observed Time Series1855 年:从部分观察到的时间序列估计因果效应
1858: Understanding Learned Models by Identifying Important Features at the Right Resolution1858:通过以正确的分辨率识别重要特征来理解学习模型
1863: Graph Convolutional Networks for Text Classification1863:用于文本分类的图卷积网络
1871: Distribution Consistency based Covariance Metric Networks for Few Shot Learning1871:基于分布一致性的协方差度量网络,用于少数镜头学习
1874: Group Decision Diagram (GDD): A Compact Representation for Permutations1874:群决策图(GDD):排列的紧凑表示
1882: DoPAMINE: Double-sided Masked CNN for Pixel Adaptive Multiplicative Noise1882:DoPAMINE:用于像素自适应乘性噪声的双面蒙版 CNN
1897: Modeling Coherence for Discourse Neural Machine Translation1897 年:为话语神经机器翻译建模连贯性
1902: MR-NET: Exploiting Mutual Relation for Visual Relationship Detection1902:MR-NET:利用相互关系进行视觉关系检测
1915: Deeply Fusing Reviews and Contents for Cold Start Users in Cross-Domain1915:为跨域冷启动用户深度融合评论和内容
1916: Transferable Attention for Domain Adaptation1916 年:用于域适应的可转移注意力
1919: Selecting Compliant Agents for Opt-in Micro-Tolling1919 年:为选择加入小额收费的合规代理选择
1924: Non-Autoregressive Neural Machine Translation with Enhanced Decoder Input1924:具有增强解码器输入的非自回归神经机器翻译
1925: Towards Sentence-Level Brain Decoding with Distributed Representations1925 年:使用分布式表示实现句子级大脑解码
1933: A Human-like Semantic Cognition Network for Aspect-level Sentiment Classification1933:Aspect-level Sentiment Classification 的类人语义认知网络
1935: Synergistic Image and Feature Adaptation: Towards Cross-Modality Domain Adaptation1935:协同图像和特征适应:迈向跨模态域适应
1939: A Unified Approach to Online Matching with Conflict-Aware Constraints1939:具有冲突感知约束的在线匹配统一方法
1946: A Generic Approach for Accelerating Belief Propagation based DCOP Algorithms via A1946 年:一种通过 A 加速基于信念传播的 DCOP 算法的通用方法
1951: Non-ergodic Convergence Analysis of Heavy-Ball Algorithms1951:重球算法的非遍历收敛性分析
1955: Joint Dynamic Pose Image and Space Time Reversal for Human Action Recognition from1955 年:用于人体动作识别的联合动态姿势图像和时空反转
1960: Training Deep Neural Networks in Generations: A More Tolerant Teacher Educates Better1960 年:世代训练深度神经网络:更宽容的老师教育得更好
1979: Read + Verify: Machine Reading Comprehension with Unanswerable Questions1979:阅读+验证:机器阅读理解与无法回答的问题
1984: Forming Probably Stable Communities with Limited Interactions1984 年:在有限的互动中形成可能稳定的社区
1990: From Zero-Shot Learning to Cold-Start Recommendation1990:从零样本学习到冷启动推荐
1991: Detect or Track: Towards Cost-Effective Video Object Detection/Tracking1991 年:检测或跟踪:迈向经济高效的视频对象检测/跟踪
1993: Segregated Temporal Assembly Recurrent Networks for Weakly Supervised Multiple1993 年:用于弱监督多重的隔离时间组装循环网络
2007: Response Generation by Context-aware Prototype Editing2007:通过上下文感知原型编辑生成响应
2012: Explicit Interaction Model towards Text Classification2012:针对文本分类的显式交互模型
2013: A Theoretically Guaranteed Deep Optimization Framework for Robust Compressive2013:一个理论上有保证的鲁棒压缩深度优化框架
2022: Dictionary-Guided Editing Networks for Paraphrase Generation2022:用于释义生成的字典引导编辑网络
2024: Unsupervised Transfer Learning for Spoken Language Understanding in Intelligent Agents2024:智能代理中口语理解的无监督迁移学习
2025: M2Det: A Single-Shot Object detector based on Multi-Level Feature Pyramid Network2025:M2Det:基于多级特征金字塔网络的单次目标检测器
2036: Leveraging observations in bandits: Between risks and benefits2036:利用强盗观察:风险与收益之间
2061: Two-Stage Label Embedding via Neural Factorization Machine for MultiLabel2061:通过多标签的神经分解机进行两阶段标签嵌入
2065: Towards Highly Accurate and Stable Face Alignment for High-Resolution Videos2065:实现高分辨率视频的高精度和稳定的人脸对齐
2070: Backbone Can Not be Trained at Once: Rolling Back to Pre-trained Network for Person Re-identification2070:无法立即训练骨干网:回滚到针对人员的预训练网络
2071: Super Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks2071:超稀疏卷积神经网络
2080: Discriminative Feature Learning for Unsupervised Video Summarization2080:无监督视频摘要的判别特征学习
2081: SVM-based Deep Stacking Networks2081:基于支持向量机的深度堆叠网络
2087: View Inter-Prediction GAN: Unsupervised Representation Learning for 3D Shapes by Learning Global Shape Memories to Support Local View Predictions2087: 帧间预测:通过学习全局形状记忆来支持局部视图预测的 3D 形状无监督表示学习
2101: MeshNet: Mesh Neural Network for 3D Shape Representation2101:MeshNet:用于 3D 形状表示的网格神经网络
2109: Clipped Matrix Completion: a Remedy for Ceiling Effects2109:裁剪矩阵完成:天花板效应的补救措施
2135: Cousin Network Guided Sketch Recognition via Latent Attribute Warehouse2135:通过潜在属性仓库的表亲网络引导草图识别
2144: The Complexity of Computing Fair Knapsack2144:
2145: Balanced Sparsity for Efficient DNN Inference on GPU2145:在 GPU 上实现高效 DNN 推理的平衡稀疏性
2158: A Two-Individual Based Evolutionary Algorithm for the Flexible Job Shop Scheduling2158:基于两个个体的灵活作业车间调度进化算法
2159: Re2EMA: Regularized and Reinitialized Exponential Moving Average for Target Model2159:Re2EMA:目标模型的正则化和重新初始化指数移动平均线
2170: On Rational Delegations in Liquid Democracy2170:论流动民主中的理性委派
2186: Probabilistic Model Checking of Robots Deployed in Extreme Environments2186:在极端环境中部署的机器人的概率模型检查
2189: Joint Representation Learning for Multi-Modal Transportation Recommendation2189:多式联运推荐的联合表示学习
2190: Active Preference Elicitation based on Generalized Gini Functions: Application to the2190:基于广义基尼函数的主动偏好获取:应用于
2192: Recurrent Stacking of Layers for Compact Neural Machine Translation Models2192:用于紧凑型神经机器翻译模型的层的循环堆叠
2198: Dynamic Compositionality in Recursive Neural Networks with Structure-aware Tag Representations2198:具有结构感知标签的递归神经网络中的动态组合性
2201: Memory-Augmented Temporal Dynamic Learning for Action Recognition2201:用于动作识别的记忆增强时间动态学习
2210: Calibrated Stochastic Gradient Descent for Convolutional Neural Networks2210:卷积神经网络的校准随机梯度下降
2230: Video Object Detection with Locally-Weighted Deformable Neighbors2230:具有局部加权可变形邻居的视频对象检测
2254: Fair Division with a Secretive Agent2254:与秘密特工的公平划分
2259: Play As You Like: Timbre-Enhanced Multi-modal Music Style Transfer2259:随心所欲地演奏:音色增强的多模态音乐风格转换
2277: Temporal Deformable Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Networks for Video Captioning2277:用于视频字幕的时间可变形卷积编码器-解码器网络
2278: Visual-semantic Graph Reasoning for Pedestrian Attribute Recognition2278:行人属性识别的视觉语义图推理
2291: Semantic relationships guided representation learning for facial action unit recognition2291:面部动作单元的语义关系引导表示学习
2297: Connecting the Digital and Physical World: Improving the Robustness of Adversarial2297:连接数字和物理世界:提高对抗性的鲁棒性
2298: Abstracting Causal Models2298:抽象因果模型
2303: Trainable Undersampling for Class-Imbalance Learning2303:用于类不平衡学习的可训练欠采样
2311: On Limited Conjunctions and Partial Features\ in Parameter-tractable Feature Logics2311:参数可处理特征逻辑中的有限连接和部分特征
2326: Scalable and Efficient Pairwise Learning to Achieve Statistical Accuracy2326:可扩展且高效的成对学习以实现统计准确性
2327: Large-scale Interactive Recommendation with Tree-structured Policy Gradient2327:具有树结构策略梯度的大规模交互式推荐
2329: Adversarial Learning of Semantic Relevance in Text to Image Synthesis2329:文本到图像合成中语义相关性的对抗学习
2331: Unsupervised Cross-spectral Stereo Matching by Learning to Synthesize2331:通过学习合成进行无监督交叉光谱立体匹配
2333: Goal-oriented Dialogue Policy Learning from Failures2333:从失败中学习面向目标的对话政策
2340: Incorporating Commonsense Knowledge for Story Completion2340:结合常识知识完成故事
2344: The SpectACl of Nonconvex Clustering: A Spectral Approach to Density-Based Clustering2344:非凸聚类的 SpectACl:基于密度的聚类的光谱方法
2345: CNN-Cert: An Efficient Framework for Certifying Robustness of Convolutional Neural2345:CNN-Cert:一个用于证明卷积神经网络鲁棒性的有效框架
2351: Anytime Recursive Best-First Search for Bounding Marginal MAP2351:任意时间递归最佳优先搜索边界边际 MAP
2359: Policy Optimization with Model-based Explorations2359:基于模型的探索策略优化
2360: AutoZOOM: Autoencoder-based Zeroth Order Optimization Method for Attacking Black2360:AutoZOOM:基于自动编码器的零阶优化方法,用于攻击黑色
2371: Unsupervised learning with contrastive latent variable models2371:具有对比潜变量模型的无监督学习
2372: Semi-Parametric Sampling for Stochasitc Bandits with Many Arms2372: 多臂随机强盗的半参数采样
2374: Predicting Urban Dispersal Events: A Two-Stage Framework through Deep Survival2374:预测城市分散事件:通过深度生存的两阶段框架
2375: Combining Deep Learning and Qualitative Spatial Reasoning to Learn Complex Structures2375:结合深度学习和定性空间推理来学习复杂结构
2389: Fully Convolutional Video Captioning with Coarse-to-Fine and Inherited Attention2389:具有从粗到细和继承注意力的全卷积视频字幕
2391: Optimal approximation of discrete random variables for estimation of probabilities for2391:用于估计概率的离散随机变量的最优近似
2399: CAFE: Adaptive VDI Workload Prediction with Multi-Grained Features2399:CAFE:具有多粒度特征的自适应 VDI 工作负载预测
2402: A Better Algorithm for Societal Tradeoffs2402:一种更好的社会权衡算法
2403: Optimization of Hierarchical Regression Model With Application to Optimizing Multi2403:层次回归模型的优化与优化多
2405: Very Hard Electoral Control Problems2405:非常困难的选举控制问题
2407: How to Combine Tree-Search Methods in Reinforcement Learning2407:如何在强化学习中结合树搜索方法
2409: What Should I Learn First: Introducing LectureBank for NLP Education and Prerequisite2409:我应该首先学习什么:介绍用于 NLP 教育的 LectureBank 和先决条件
2416: A Unified Framework for Planning in Adversarial and Cooperative Environments2416:对抗和合作环境中规划的统一框架
2433: State-Augmentation Transformations for Risk-Sensitive Reinforcement Learning2433:风险敏感强化学习的状态增强转换马帅(康考迪亚大学);贾元宇(康考迪亚大学)
2458: Eliminating Latent Discrimination: Train Then Mask2458:消除潜在歧视:先训练然后戴面具
2477: Number Sequence Prediction Problems for Evaluating Computational Powers of Neural2477:用于评估神经计算能力的数列预测问题
2483: Scalable Robust Kidney Exchange2483:可扩展的健壮肾脏交换
2485: SepNE: Bringing Separability to Network Embedding2485:SepNE:为网络嵌入带来可分离性
2498: Improving Natural Language Inference Using External Knowledge in the Science2498:利用科学中的外部知识改进自然语言推理
2508: Learning Anytime Predictions in Neural Networks via Adaptive Loss Balancing2508:通过自适应损失平衡学习神经网络中的随时预测
2511: Evolution of collective fairness in hybrid populations of humans and agents2511:人类和代理人混合群体中集体公平的演变
2522: Knowledge Refinement via Rule Selection2522:通过规则选择进行知识细化
2527: Defending Elections Against Malicious Spread of Misinformation2527:捍卫选举免受错误信息的恶意传播
2545: Learning to Teach in Cooperative Multiagent Reinforcement Learning2545:在合作多智能体强化学习中学习教学
2553: Image Block Augmentation for One-Shot Learning2553:用于一次性学习的图像块增强
2571: Online Embedding Compression for Text Classification using Low Rank Matrix2571:使用低秩矩阵进行文本分类的在线嵌入压缩
2579: Robust Anomaly Detection in Videos using Multilevel Representations2579:使用多级表示在视频中进行稳健的异常检测
2590: Adversarial Training for Community Question Answer Selection Based on Multi-scale2590:基于多尺度的社区问答选择对抗训练
2603: Y^2Seq2Seq: Cross-Modal Representation Learning for 3D Shape and Text by Joint2603:Y^2Seq2Seq:通过联合对 3D 形状和文本进行跨模态表示学习
2614: Tensorial Change Analysis using Probabilistic Tensor Regression2614:使用概率张量回归的张量变化分析
2638: Point2Sequence: Learning the Shape Representation of 3D Point Clouds with an2638:Point2Sequence:学习 3D 点云的形状表示
2645: Asynchronous Delay-Aware Accelerated Proximal Coordinate Descent for Nonconvex2645:非凸的异步延迟感知加速近端坐标下降
2649: Sparse Adversarial Perturbations for Videos2649:视频的稀疏对抗性扰动
2650: CISI-net: Explicit latent content inference and imitated style rendering for image2650:CISI-net:图像的显式潜在内容推断和模仿风格渲染
2651: EA Reader: Enhance Attentive Reader for Cloze-Style Question Answering via Multi-Space2651:EA 阅读器:通过多空间增强专注型阅读器的完形填空式问答
2665: Almost Unsupervised Learning for Dense Crowd Counting2665:用于密集人群计数的几乎无监督学习
2673: Subspace Selection via DR-Submodular Maximization on Lattices2673:通过格子上的 DR-Submodular 最大化进行子空间选择
2680: Distribution-based Semi-Supervised Learning for Activity Recognition2680:用于活动识别的基于分布的半监督学习
2683: A distillation approach to data efficient individual treatment effect estimation2683:一种数据有效的个体治疗效果估计的蒸馏方法
2685: Logic Attention Based Neighborhood Aggregation for Inductive Knowledge Graph2685:基于逻辑注意的归纳知识图邻域聚合
2686: An Efficient Compressive Convolutional Network for Unified Object Detection and Image compression2686:用于统一目标检测和图像的高效压缩卷积网络
2689: Multi-View Anomaly Detection: Neighborhood in Locality Matters2689:多视图异常检测:局部邻域很重要
2690: Attention Based Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Traffic Flow2690:用于交通流的基于注意力的时空图卷积网络
2698: A Natural Language Corpus of Common Grounding under Continuous and Partially-Observable Context2698:连续和部分下的共同基础自然语言语料库
2699: A SAT+CAS Approach to Finding Good Matrices: New Examples and Counterexamples2699:寻找好的矩阵的SAT+CAS方法:新的例子和反例
2706: Depthwise Convolution is All You Need for Learning Multiple Visual Domains2706:深度卷积是学习多个视觉领域所需的全部
2717: Deriving Subgoals Autonomously to Accelerate Learning in Sparse Reward Domains2717:自主派生子目标以加速稀疏奖励域中的学习
2721: Election with Bribed Voter Uncertainty: Hardness and Approximation Algorithm2721:贿赂选民不确定性的选举:硬度和近似算法
2722: Human motion prediction via learning local structure representations and temporal2722:通过学习局部结构表示和时间进行人体运动预测
2732: Motion Guided Spatial Attention for Video Captioning2732:用于视频字幕的运动引导空间注意
2735: Solving Large Extensive-Form Games with Strategy Constraints2735:解决具有策略约束的大型泛型博弈
2742: Orthogonality-Promoting Dictionary Learning via Bayesian Inference2742:通过贝叶斯推理促进正交字典学习
2744: Re-evaluating ADEM: A Deeper Look at Scoring Dialogue Responses2744:重新评估 ADEM:深入了解评分对话响应
2749: Learning Adaptive Random Features2749:学习自适应随机特征
2760: MVPNet: Multi-View Point Regression Networks for 3D Object Reconstruction from A Single Image2760:MVPNet:用于从 A 进行 3D 对象重建的多视点回归网络
2770: Melding the Data-Decisions Pipeline: Decision-Focused Learning for Combinatorial2770:融合数据决策管道:组合式决策集中学习
2772: Multi-Winner Contests for Strategic Diffusion in Social Networks2772:社交网络战略扩散的多赢竞赛
2784: Difficulty-Aware Attention Network with Confidence Learning for Medical Image2784:具有信心学习的医学图像难度感知注意网络
2786: B\´ezier Simplex Fitting: Describing Pareto Fronts of Simplicial Problems with Small2786:B\´ezier 单纯形拟合:用小描述单纯问题的帕累托前沿
2789: Show, attend and read: a simple and strong baseline for recognising irregular text2789:展示、参加和阅读:用于识别不规则文本的简单而强大的基线
2793: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation by Matching Distributions based on the Maximum2793:通过基于最大值匹配分布的无监督域自适应
2795: Discrete Social Recommendation2795:离散社会推荐
2804: Diversity-Driven Extensible Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning2804:多样性驱动的可扩展分层强化学习Yuhang Song(牛津大学)
2813: Joint Domain Alignment and Discriminative Feature Learning for Unsupervised Deep Domain Adaptation2813:无监督深度的联合域对齐和判别特征学习
2815: Spatial Mixture Models with Learnable Deep Priors for Perceptual Grouping2815:具有可学习深度先验的空间混合模型,用于感知分组
2831: Practical Approximate Second-Order Method for Training Fully-Connected Neural2831:用于训练全连接神经网络的实用近似二阶方法
2836: Fuzzy-Classification Assisted Solution Preselection in Evolutionary Optimization2836:进化优化中的模糊分类辅助解决方案预选
2841: Compressing Recurrent Neural Networks with Tensor Ring Decomposition for Action2841:使用张量环分解压缩递归神经网络以进行操作
2849: Dependency or Span, End-to-End Uniform Semantic Role Labeling2849:依赖或跨度,端到端统一语义角色标签
2855: Cross-relation Cross-bag Attention for Distantly-supervised Relation Extraction2855:用于远程监督关系提取的交叉关系跨袋注意
2858: Bias-Variance Trade-Off in Hierarchical Probabilistic Models Using Higher-Order Feature2858:使用高阶特征的分层概率模型中的偏差-方差权衡
2866: Semantic Adversarial Network with Multi-scale Pyramid Attention for Video Classification2866:
2870: Residual Invertible Spatio-Temporal Network For Video Super-Resolution2870:用于视频超分辨率的剩余可逆时空网络
2874: Partial Multi-Label Learning via Credible Label Elicitation2874:通过可信标签获取的部分多标签学习
2886: Extension Removal in Abstract Argumentation – An Axiomatic Approach2886:抽象论证中的扩展去除——一种公理化的方法
2901: Deep neural networks constrained by decision rules2901:受决策规则约束的深度神经网络
2924: Non-Autoregressive Machine Translation with Auxiliary Regularization2924:具有辅助正则化的非自回归机器翻译
2929: Self-Supervised Mixture-of-Experts by Uncertainty Estimation2929:通过不确定性估计进行自我监督的专家混合
2930: Addressing the Under-translation Problem from the Entropy Perspective2930:从熵的角度解决翻译不足的问题
2934: Cogra: Concept-drift-aware Stochastic Gradient Descent for Time-series Forecasting2934:Cogra:时间序列预测的概念漂移感知随机梯度下降
2939: MLVCNN: Multi-Loop-View Convolutional Neural Network for 3D Shape Retrieval2939:MLVCNN:用于 3D 形状检索的多环视图卷积神经网络
2943: SpHMC: Spectral Hamiltonian Monte Carlo2943:
2960: Hierarchical Attention Networks for Sentence Ordering2960:用于句子排序的分层注意网络
2972: Who Blames Whom in a Crisis? Detecting Blame Ties from News Articles Using Neural Networks2972:谁在危机中责备谁?使用神经网络从新闻文章中检测责任关系
2973: Improving Domain-Specific Classification by Collaborative Learning with Adaptation Networks2973:通过自适应协作学习改进特定领域的分类
2990: Learning to Align Question and Answer Utterances in Customer Service Conversation with Recurrent Pointer Networks2990:学习将客户服务对话中的问答话语与
2997: Popularity Prediction on Online Articles with Deep Fusion of Temporal Process and2997: 深度融合时间过程和在线文章的流行度预测
2998: An Abstraction-based Method for Verifying Strategic Properties in Multi-agent Systems2998:一种基于抽象的方法,用于验证多智能体系统中的战略属性
3002: Emergency Department Online Patient-Caregiver Scheduling3002:急诊科在线患者护理人员调度
3008: Safe Policy Improvement with Baseline Bootstrapping in Factored Environments3008:在因子环境中使用基线自举改进安全策略
3009: Residual Compensation Networks for Heterogeneous Face Recognition3009:用于异构人脸识别的残差补偿网络
3014: MonoGRNet: A Geometric Reasoning Network for Monocular 3D Object Localization3014:MonoGRNet:用于单目 3D 对象定位的几何推理网络
3018: General Robustness Evaluation of Incentive Mechanism Against Bounded Rationality3018:针对有限理性的激励机制的一般稳健性评估
3027: DeRPN: Taking a further step toward more general object detection3027:DeRPN:向更通用的对象检测迈出进一步的一步
3035: Deep Neural Network Quantization via Layer-Wise Optimization using Limited Training3035:深度神经网络量化通过使用有限训练的分层优化
3036: Dirichlet Multinomial Mixture with Variational Manifold Regularization: Topic Modeling3036:带变分流形正则化的狄利克雷多项式混合:主题建模
3040: AFS: An Attention-based mechanism for Supervised Feature Selection3040:AFS:一种基于注意力的监督特征选择机制
3045: Dual Semi-Supervised Learning for Facial Action Unit Recognition3045:用于面部动作单元识别的双半监督学习
3050: Do Not Vote If You Are Not Motivated3050:没有动力就不要投票
3052: Fine-grained search space classification for hard enumeration variants of subset problems3052:子集问题的硬枚举变体的细粒度搜索空间分类
3053: Learning Personalized Attribute Preference via Multi-task AUC Optimization3053:通过多任务AUC优化学习个性化属性偏好
3088: On-Line Learning of Linear Dynamical Systems: Exponential Forgetting in Kalman Filters3088:线性动力系统的在线学习:卡尔曼滤波器中的指数遗忘
3090: Reasoning over Assumption-Based Argumentation Frameworks via Direct Answer Set3090:通过直接答案集对基于假设的论证框架进行推理
3093: Data Augmentation for Spoken Language Understanding via Joint Variational Generation3093:通过联合变分生成增强口语理解的数据
3101: Hierarchical Photo-Scene Encoder for Album Storytelling3101:用于专辑故事讲述的分层照片场景编码器
3107: Computing the Yolk in Spatial Voting Games without Computing Median Lines3107:在不计算中线的空间投票游戏中计算蛋黄
3115: Granger-causal Attentive Mixtures of Experts: Learning Important Features with Neural Networks3115:专家的格兰杰因果注意力混合:学习神经的重要特征
3116: CAMO: A Collaborative Ranking Method for Content Based Recommendation3116:CAMO:基于内容推荐的协作排名方法
3123: Geometry-Aware Face Completion and Editing3123:几何感知人脸完成和编辑
3124: Neural Speech Synthesis with Transformer Network3124:使用 Transformer 网络进行神经语音合成
3125: Incorporating Network Embedding into Markov Random Field for Better Community3125:将网络嵌入融入马尔可夫随机场以获得更好的社区
3131: Turbo Learning Framework for Human-Object Interactions Recognition and Human Pose3131: 用于人机交互识别和人体姿态估计的 Turbo 学习框架
3133: Semantic Sentence Matching with Densely-connected Recurrent and Co-attentive Information3133:语义句子匹配与密集连接的循环和共同注意
3134: Abstractive Text Summarization by Incorporating Reader Comments3134:通过结合读者评论进行抽象文本摘要
3137: I Know the Relationships: Zero-Shot Action Recognition via Two-Stream Graph3137:我知道关系:基于双流图的零镜头动作识别
3139: Semantic Proposal for Activity Localization in Videos via Sentence Query3139:通过句子查询在视频中进行活动本地化的语义建议
3144: Qualitative Spatial Logic over 2D Euclidean Spaces is Not Finitely Axiomatisable3144:二维欧几里得空间上的定性空间逻辑不是有限公理化的
3154: SCFont: Structure-guided Chinese Font Generation via Deep Stacked Networks3154:SCFont:通过深度堆叠网络生成结构引导的中文字体
3156: On Resolving Ambiguous Anaphoric Expressions in Imperative Discourse3156:关于解决命令式话语中的模棱两可的照应表达
3157: Hyperprior Induced Unsupervised Disentanglement of Latent Representations3157:超先验诱导的潜在表示的无监督解开
3164: Holographic Factorization Machines for Recommendation3164:推荐的全息分解机
3173: Coreset Stochastic Variance-Reduced Gradient with Application to Optimal Margin3173:Coreset 随机方差减少梯度与最优边距的应用
3179: Long Short-Term Memory with Dynamic Skip Connections3179:具有动态跳过连接的长短期记忆
3183: Generating Distractors for Reading Comprehension Questions from Real Examinations3183:为真实考试中的阅读理解题产生干扰
3186: On Completing Sparse Knowledge Graph with Transitive Relation Embedding3186:关于使用传递关系嵌入完成稀疏知识图
3191: UGSD: User Generated Sentiment Dictionaries from Online Customer Reviews3191:UGSD:来自在线客户评论的用户生成情感词典
3193: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Based on Source-guided Discrepancy3193:基于源引导差异的无监督域自适应
3205: Hierarchical Encoder with Auxiliary Supervision for Table-to-text Generation: Learning Better Representation for Tables3205:用于神经表到文本生成的具有辅助监督的分层编码器:学习更好的表表示
3207: SAM-Net: Integrating Event-Level and Chain-Level Attentions to Predict What Happens3207:SAM-Net:整合事件级和链级注意力以预测会发生什么
3210: Title-Guided Encoding for Keyphrase Generation3210:用于关键字生成的标题引导编码
3218: Argumentation for Explainable Scheduling3218:可解释调度的论证
3228: Trust Region Evolution Strategies3228:信任区域演进策略
3231: Dialogue Generation: From Imitation Learning to Inverse Reinforcement Learning3231:对话生成:从模仿学习到逆强化学习
3233: Theoretical Analysis of Label Distribution Learning3233:标签分布学习的理论分析
3237: Human-in-the-Loop Feature Selection3237: Human-in-the-Loop 特征选择
3241: A Framework to Coordinate Segmentation and Recognition3241:协调分割和识别的框架
3243: Multi-labeled Relation Extraction with Attentive Capsule Network3243:用注意力胶囊网络提取多标记关系
3249: Efficient Gaussian Process Classification Using Polya-Gamma Data Augmentation3249:使用 Polya-Gamma 数据增强的高效高斯过程分类
3255: Hierarchical Classification based on Label Distribution Learning3255:基于标签分布学习的层次分类
3268: Reverse-Engineering Satire, or "Paper on Computational Humor Criticized for Making3268:逆向工程讽刺,或“计算幽默论文批评制作
3271: Refining Abstraction Heuristics During Real-Time Planning3271:在实时规划期间改进抽象启发式
3275: A Generalized Language Model in Tensor Space3275:张量空间中的广义语言模型
3278: Learning Disentangled Representation with Pairwise Independence3278:学习具有成对独立性的解耦表示
3283: Cooperative Multimodal Approach to Depression Detection in Twitter3283:Twitter 中抑郁症检测的合作多模式方法
3288: Greedy maximization of functions with bounded curvature under partition matroid3288:在分区拟阵下具有有界曲率的函数的贪心最大化
3295: Preference-aware Task Assignment in Spatial Crowdsourcing3295:空间众包中的偏好感知任务分配
3300: Tensor Ring Decomposition with Rank Minimization on Latent Space: An Efficient3300:在潜在空间上具有秩最小化的张量环分解:一种有效的
3315: EnsNet: Ensconce Text in the Wild3315:EnsNet:野外Ensconce文本
3316: A Framework for Approval-based Budgeting Methods3316:基于批准的预算方法的框架
3325: Data-Adaptive Metric Learning with Scale Alignment3325:具有比例对齐的数据自适应度量学习
3329: Solving Concurrent Multiagent Planning using Classical Planning3329:使用经典计划解决并发多代理计划
3343: Iterative Classroom Teaching3343:迭代课堂教学
3347: ReAl-LiFE: Accelerating the discovery of individualized brain connectomes on GPUs3347:真实生活:加速在 GPU 上发现个性化大脑连接组
3350: A Powerful Global Test Statistic for Functional Statistical Inference3350:功能统计推断的强大全局测试统计
3351: Approximation and Hardness of Shift-Bribery3351: 轮班贿赂的近似值和硬度
3362: Learning Attribute-Specific Representations for Visual Tracking3362:学习视觉跟踪的特定属性表示
3367: Multi-Interactive Memory Network for Aspect Based Multimodal Sentiment Analysis3367:用于基于方面的多模态情感分析的多交互记忆网络
3375: Learning Non-Uniform Hypergraph for Multi-Object Tracking3375:学习多目标跟踪的非均匀超图
3384: A Multi-Agent Communication Framework for Question-Worthy Phrase Extraction and Question Generation3384:用于值得提问的短语提取和问题生成
3393: Dependency Grammar Induction with a Neural Variational Transition-Based Parser3393:基于神经变分转换的解析器的依赖语法归纳
3395: How Similar Are Two Elections?3395:两次选举有多相似?
3401: Exploiting Sentence Embedding for Medical Question Answering3401:利用句子嵌入进行医学问答
3404: Temporal Bilinear Networks for Video Action Recognition3404:用于视频动作识别的时间双线性网络
3408: Exploring Lexical Knowledge in an Interpretable Composed Approach for Text Entailment3408:在文本蕴涵的可解释组合方法中探索词汇知识
3417: Learning the Optimal Strategy to Commit to3417:学习承诺的最佳策略
3441: Meta-descent for online, continual prediction3441:用于在线持续预测的元下降
3444: Recurrent Poisson Process Unit for Speech Recognition3444:用于语音识别的递归泊松处理单元
3447: Lifted Proximal Operator Machine3447:提升的近端操作机
3453: Hotels-50K: A Global Hotel Recognition Dataset3453:Hotels-50K:全球酒店识别数据集
3455: Submodular Optimization Over Streams with Inhomogeneous Decays3455:具有不均匀衰减的流上的子模优化
3463: Weisfeiler and Leman Go Neural: Higher-order Graph Neural Networks3463: Weisfeiler 和 Leman Go Neural:高阶图神经网络
3467: Bayesian Deep Collaborative Matrix Factorization3467:贝叶斯深度协作矩阵分解
3468: Learning Object Context for Dense Captioning3468:学习密集字幕的对象上下文
3483: Preference-Aware Task Assignment in On-demand Taxi Dispatching: An Online Stable3483:按需出租车调度中的偏好感知任务分配:在线马厩
3489: Deep Cascade Multi-task Learning for Slot Filling in Online Shopping Assistant3489:在线购物助手中槽位填充的深度级联多任务学习
3490: A Grammar-Based Structural CNN Decoder for Code Generation3490:用于代码生成的基于语法的结构化 CNN 解码器
3497: Building Causal Graphs from Medical Literature and Electronic Medical Records3497:从医学文献和电子病历建立因果图
3507: Generating Live Soccer-Match Commentary from Play Data3507:从播放数据生成实时足球比赛评论
3515: Communication Efficient Stochastic Gradient MCMC for Neural Networks3515:用于神经网络的高效通信随机梯度 MCMC
3526: Multi-order Attentive Ranking Model for Sequential Recommendation3526:用于顺序推荐的多阶注意排序模型
3529: Training Complex Models with Multi-Task Weak Supervision3529:使用多任务弱监督训练复杂模型
3538: Learning a Visual Tracker from a Single Movie without Annotation3538:从没有注释的单部电影中学习视觉跟踪器
3540: Attentive Temporal Pyramid Network for Dynamic Scene Classification3540:用于动态场景分类的注意力时间金字塔网络
3542: Learning Resource Allocation and Pricing for Cloud Profit Maximization3542:学习资源分配和定价以实现云利润最大化
3543: SDRL: Interpretable and Data-efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning Leveraging Symbolic3543:SDRL:利用符号的可解释和数据高效的深度强化学习
3549: Exploring Human Reading Cognition for Abstractive Text Summarization3549:探索抽象文本摘要的人类阅读认知
3561: Block-Dropout: Efficient Training Method for Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning3561:Block-Dropout:多智能体深度强化学习的高效训练方法
3574: Image Saliency Prediction in Transformed Domain: A Deep Complex Neural Network3574:变换域中的图像显着性预测:深度复杂神经网络
3580: Detecting Incongruity Between News Headline and Body Text via a Deep Hierarchical3580:通过深度分层检测新闻标题和正文之间的不一致
3583: Multi-Matching Network for Multiple Choice Reading Comprehension3583:用于多项选择阅读理解的多匹配网络
3586: Blameworthiness in Multi-Agent Settings3586:多代理设置中的责任
3606: A Comparative Analysis of Expected and Distributional Reinforcement Learning3606:预期和分布强化学习的比较分析
3610: Dynamic Capsule Attention for Visual Question Answering3610:用于视觉问答的动态胶囊注意
3612: State Abstraction as Compression in Apprenticeship Learning3612:状态抽象作为学徒学习中的压缩
3616: Model-Based Diagnosis for Cyber-Physical Production Systems based on Machine3616:基于机器的信息物理生产系统的基于模型的诊断
3619: Depth prediction without the sensors: Leveraging structure for unsupervised learning3619:没有传感器的深度预测:利用结构进行无监督学习
3622: Deep Convolutional Sum-Product Networks3622:深度卷积和积网络
3625: Deep Metric Learning by Online Soft Mining and Class-Aware Attention3625:通过在线软挖掘和类感知注意力进行深度度量学习
3626: Learning Competitive and Discriminative Reconstructions for Anomaly Detection3626:学习用于异常检测的竞争性和判别性重建
3627: Adversarial Unsupervised Representation Learning for Activity Time-Series3627:活动时间序列的对抗性无监督表示学习
3632: Deep Transformation Method for Discriminant Feature Extraction from Multi-Channel3632:多通道判别特征提取的深度变换方法
3633: Generalized Batch Normalization3633:广义批量标准化
3637: Efficient Concept Induction for Description Logics3637:描述逻辑的有效概念归纳
3640: Learning Set Functions with Limited Complementarity3640:具有有限互补性的学习集函数
3648: COALA: A Neural Coverage-Based Approach for Long Answer Selection with Small Data3648:COALA:一种基于神经覆盖的小数据长答案选择方法
3659: Interactive Semantic Parsing for If-Then Recipes via Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning3659:通过分层强化学习对 If-Then 食谱进行交互式语义解析
3663: Group Fairness for Indivisible Goods Allocation3663:不可分割货物分配的组公平性
3665: Towards Better Interpretability in Deep Q-Networks3665:在深度 Q 网络中实现更好的可解释性
3669: CycleEmotionGAN: Emotional Semantic Consistency Preserved CycleGAN for Adapting3669:CycleEmotionGAN:为适应而保留的情感语义一致性 CycleGAN
3671: An Equivalence Between Wagering and Fair-Division Mechanisms3671:投注和公平分配机制之间的等价
3682: Toward Fast, Automatic, Privacy-Preserving Learning of Optimal Network Resource3682:向最佳网络资源的快速、自动、隐私保护学习迈进
3690: Automated Rule Base Completion as Bayesian Concept Induction3690:作为贝叶斯概念归纳的自动规则库完成
3692: Which Factorization Machine Modeling is Better: A Theoretical Answer with Optimal3692:哪个分解机器建模更好:最优的理论答案
3695: Theory of Minds: Understanding Behavior in Groups Through Inverse Planning3695:心理理论:通过逆向规划了解群体行为
3696: Bias Reduction via End-to-End Shift Learning: Application to Citizen Science3696:通过端到端轮班学习减少偏差:应用于公民科学
3698: Self-Adversarially Learned Bayesian Sampling3698:自我对抗学习的贝叶斯采样
3701: Learning to Communicate and Solve Visual Blocks-World Tasks3701:学习沟通和解决视觉块世界任务
3706: Beyond Speech: Generalizing D-Vectors for Biometric Verification3706:超越语音:为生物特征验证推广 D 向量
3717: Mechanism Design for Multi-type Housing Markets with Acceptable Bundles3717:具有可接受捆绑的多类型住房市场的机制设计
3720: Active Learning of Multi-class Classification Models from Ordered Class Sets3720:从有序类集中主动学习多类分类模型
3722: Machine Teaching for Inverse Reinforcement Learning: Algorithms and Applications3722:逆强化学习的机器教学:算法和应用
3724: Interpreting Deep Models for Text Analysis via Optimization and Regularization Methods3724:通过优化和正则化方法解释文本分析的深度模型
3732: Inverse Abstraction of Neural Networks Using Symbolic Interpolation3732:使用符号插值对神经网络进行逆抽象
3739: Hybrid Reinforcement Learning with Expert State Sequences3739:具有专家状态序列的混合强化学习
3752: Explicitly Imposing Constraints in Deep Networks Via Conditional Gradients Gives improved generalization and faster convergence3752:通过条件梯度在深度网络中显式施加约束,从而改善泛化并加快收敛速度
3753: On-line Adaptative Curriculum Learning for GANs3753:GAN 的在线自适应课程学习
3767: When do Words Matter? Understanding the Impact of Lexical Choice on Audience3767:文字什么时候重要?了解词汇选择对受众的影响
3768: Running Time Analysis of MOEA/D with Crossover on Discrete Optimization Problem3768:
3771: Neural Machine Translation with Adequacy-Oriented Learning3771:具有充分性学习的神经机器翻译
3773: Multistream Classification with Relative Density Ratio Estimation3773:具有相对密度比估计的多流分类
3779: SAT-based Explicit LTLf Satisfiability Checking3779:基于 SAT 的显式 LTLf 可满足性检查
3782: Bayesian functional optimisation with shape prior3782:形状先验的贝叶斯函数优化
3783: From Recommendation Systems to Facility Location Games3783:从推荐系统到设施定位游戏
3789: A PAC Framework for Aggregating Agents’ Judgments3789:聚合代理判断的 PAC 框架
3790: ATP: Directed Graph Embedding with Asymmetric Transitivity Preservation3790:ATP:具有非对称传递性保留的有向图嵌入
3795: Violence Rating Prediction from Movie Scripts3795:电影剧本的暴力等级预测
3797: Task Embedded Coordinate Update: A Realizable Framework for Multivariate Non-convex3797:任务嵌入式坐标更新:多变量非凸的可实现框架
3805: “Reverse Gerrymandering”: Manipulation in Multi-Group Decision Making3805:“反向 Gerrymandering”:多组决策中的操纵
3818: Understanding Story Characters, Movie Actors and Their Versatility with Gaussian3818:用高斯理解故事人物、电影演员及其多才多艺
3823: A Recursive Algorithm for Projected Model Counting3823:一种用于投影模型计数的递归算法
3824: Algorithms for Average Regret Minimization3824:平均后悔最小化算法
3826: A Deep Neural Network for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection and Diagnosis in3826:用于无监督异常检测和诊断的深度神经网络
3830: Adjusting Reviewer Scores in Conference Reviewing3830:在会议审稿中调整审稿人分数
3855: Regularizing Neural Machine Translation by Target-bidirectional Agreement3855:通过目标双向协议规范神经机器翻译
3858: Multi-Agent Path Finding for Large Agents3858:大型代理的多代理路径查找
3868: Dynamic Layer Aggregation for Neural Machine Translation3868:神经机器翻译的动态层聚合
3873: Natural Option Critic(评论家)3873:
3875: Random Feature Maps for Itemset Kernel3875:项集内核的随机特征图
3877: Symmetry Breaking Constraints for Grid-based Multi-Agent Path Finding3877:基于网格的多代理路径查找的对称性破坏约束
3886: Fair and Efficient Memory Sharing: Confronting Free Riders3886:公平高效的记忆共享:对抗搭便车者
3900: Network Recasting: A Universal Method for Network Architecture Transformation3900:网络重铸:网络架构转换的通用方法
3904: Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Traffic Forecasting3904:用于交通预测的动态时空图卷积神经网络
3912: Deep Robust Unsupervised Multi-Modal Network3912:深度鲁棒无监督多模态网络
3914: Interleave Variational Optimization with Monte Carlo Sampling: A Tale of Two3914:使用蒙特卡洛采样进行交错变分优化:两个人的故事
3916: Declarative Question Answering over Knowledge Bases containing Natural Language Text3916:对包含自然语言文本的知识库的声明性问答
3922: Probabilistic Logic Programming with Beta-Distributed Random Variables3922:概率逻辑规划与 Beta 分布随机变量
3927: Embedding-based Complex Feature Value Coupling Learning for Detecting Outliers in3927:基于嵌入的复杂特征值耦合学习检测异常值
3929: LabelForest: Non-Parametric Semi-Supervised Learning for Activity Recognition3929:LabelForest:用于活动识别的非参数半监督学习
3931: Learning Dynamic Generator Model by Alternating Back-Propagation3931:通过交替反向传播学习动态生成器模型
3934: Connecting Language to Images: A Progressive Attention-Guided Network for Simultaneous Image Captioning and Language Grounding3934:将语言连接到图像:渐进式注意力引导网络
3940: Multi-Level Deep Cascade Trees for Conversion Rate Prediction in Recommendation3940:用于推荐中的转换率预测的多级深度级联树
3958: Congestion Graphs for Automated Time Predictions3958:自动时间预测的拥塞图
3970: A Topic-Aware Reinforced Model for Weakly Supervised Stance Detection3970:用于弱监督姿态检测的主题感知增强模型
3975: Heuristic Search Algorithm for Dimensionality Reduction Optimally Combining Feature3975:优化组合特征的降维启发式搜索算法
3978: DeepCF: A Unified Framework of Representation Learning and Matching Function3978:DeepCF:表示学习和匹配功能的统一框架
3999: Random Dictators with a Random Referee: Constant Sample Complexity Mechanisms for3999:带有随机裁判的随机独裁者:恒定样本复杂性机制
4013: Answer Identification from Product Reviews for User Questions by Multi-task Attentive4013:通过Multi-task Attentive从产品评论中回答用户问题的识别
4020: Exploiting Local Feature Patterns for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation4020:利用局部特征模式进行无监督域适应
4024: Weakly-Supervised Hierarchical Text Classification4024:弱监督分层文本分类
4025: Convex Formulations for Fair Principal Component Analysis4025:用于公平主成分分析的凸公式
4026: Acting and Planning Using Operational Models4026:使用操作模型执行和计划
4029: Learning Transferable Self-attentive Representations for Action Recognition in4029:学习可转移的自注意力表示以进行动作识别
4035: Compiling Bayesian Network Classifiers into Decision Graphs4035:将贝叶斯网络分类器编译成决策图
4039: ACE: An Actor Ensemble Algorithm for Continuous Control with Tree Search4039:ACE:用于树搜索连续控制的 Actor 集成算法
4041: Partial Label Learning via Label Enhancement4041:通过标签增强进行部分标签学习
4044: DialogueRNN: An Attentive RNN for Emotion Detection in Conversations4044:DialogueRNN:用于对话中情绪检测的细心 RNN
4047: Learning Fully Dense Neural Networks for Image Semantic Segmentation4047:学习用于图像语义分割的全密集神经网络
4048: Robust Deep Co-Saliency Detection with Group Semantic4048:使用组语义进行稳健的深度共显着性检测
4049: QUOTA: The Quantile Option Architecture for Reinforcement Learning4049:QUOTA:强化学习的分位数选项架构
4052: ParaBank: Monolingual Bitext Generation and Sentential Paraphrasing via Lexically-constrained Neural Machine Translation4052:ParaBank:通过词汇生成单语双文本和句子释义
4053: Smooth Deep Image Generator from Noises4053:从噪声中平滑深度图像生成器
4059: Attentive Tensor Product Learning4059:专注的张量积学习
4066: Complex Moment-Based Supervised Eigenmap for Dimensionality Reduction4066:用于降维的基于复杂矩的监督特征图
4068: Task-Driven Common Representation Learning via Bridge Neural Network4068:通过桥神经网络进行任务驱动的通用表示学习
4074: HAS-QA: Hierarchical Answer Spans Model for Open-domain Question Answering4074: HAS-QA:开放域问答的分层答案跨度模型
4077: Efficient Data Point Pruning for One-Class SVM4077:一类 SVM 的高效数据点修剪
4078: R(\textrm{S}^3)CIS: Robust Single-Step Spectral Clustering with Intrinsic Subspace4078:R(\textrm{S}^3)CIS:具有内在子空间的稳健单步谱聚类
4082: Hierarchically Structured Reinforcement Learning for Topically Coherent Visual Story4082:针对局部连贯视觉故事的分层结构强化学习
4096: Online Convex Optimization for Sequential Decision Processes and Extensive-Form Games4096:顺序决策过程和广泛形式博弈的在线凸优化
4105: Dual-view Ranking with Hardness Assessment for Zero-shot Learning4105:用于零样本学习的双视图排序和硬度评估
4114: Generating Character Descriptions for Automatic Summarization of Fiction4114:为小说的自动摘要生成字符描述
4115: Image Aesthetic Assessment Assisted by Attributes through Adversarial Learning4115:通过对抗学习由属性辅助的图像审美评估
4120: Hashtag Recommendation for Photo Sharing Services4120:照片共享服务的标签推荐
4121: Spatial and Temporal Mutual Promotion for Video-based Person Re-identificationYiheng Liu (University of Science and Technology of China); Zhenxun Yuan (Purdue University);4121:基于视频的行人再识别的时空互促
4124: Joint Extraction of Entities and Overlapping Relations using Position-Attentive Sequence4124:使用位置注意序列联合提取实体和重叠关系
4137: Generating Multiple Diverse Responses for Short-Text Conversation4137:为短文本对话生成多种不同的响应
4162: Asynchronous Proximal Stochastic Gradient Algorithm for Composition Optimization4162:用于组合优化的异步近端随机梯度算法
4175: What If We Simply Swap the Two Text Fragments? A Straightforward yet Effective Way to Test the Robustness of Methods to Confounding Signals in Nature Language Inference Tasks4175:如果我们简单地交换两个文本片段会怎样?一种简单而有效的方法
4176: f-Similarity Preservation Loss for Soft Labels: A Demonstration on Cross-Corpus Speech Emotion Recognition4176:软标签的 f-Similarity Preservation Loss:跨语料库语音的演示
4180: A Domain Generalization Perspective on Listwise Context Modeling4180:关于 Listwise 上下文建模的域泛化视角(排序学习)
4189: On Sampling Complexity of the Semidefinite Affine Rank Feasibility Problem4189:关于半定仿射秩可行性问题的采样复杂性
4198: Angular Triplet-Center Loss for Multi-view 3D Shape Retrieval4198:用于多视图 3D 形状检索的 Angular Triplet-Center Loss
4206: Neural Collective Graphical Models for Estimating Spatio-temporal Population Flow from Aggregated Data4206:从聚合数据估计时空人口流动的神经集体图形模型
4208: Automatic Construction of Parallel Portfolios via Explicit Instance GroupingShengcai Liu (University of Science and Technology of China)
; Ke Tang (Southern University of4208:通过显式实例分组自动构建并行组合刘盛才(中国科学技术大学);唐克(南方大学
4211: Understanding VAEs in Fisher-Shannon Plane4211:了解费雪-香农平面中的 VAE
4235: Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Internet Price War4235:互联网价格战的潜在狄利克雷分配
4239: Multiple Saliency and Channel Sensitivity Network for Aggregated Convolutional Feature4239:聚合卷积特征的多显着性和通道灵敏度网络
4240: Precision-Recall versus Accuracy and the Role of Large Data Sets4240:Precision-Recall 与 Accuracy 以及大数据集的作用
4246: Exploiting the Ground-Truth: An Adversarial Imitation Based Knowledge Distillation4246:利用地面真相:基于对抗性模仿的知识蒸馏
4250: DeepETA: a spatial-temporal sequential neural network model for estimating time of arrival in package delivery system4250:DeepETA:DeepETA:用于估计包裹递送系统到达时间的时空顺序神经网络模型
4251: Deep Short Text Classification with Knowledge Powered Attention4251:具有知识驱动注意力的深度短文本分类
4252: LENA: Locality-Expanded Neural Embedding for Knowledge Base Completion4252:LENA:用于知识库完成的局部扩展神经嵌入
4257: Optimizing Discount & Reputation Trade-offs in E-commerce Systems: Characterization4257:优化电子商务系统中的折扣和声誉权衡:表征
4267: DeepDPM: Dynamic Population Mapping via Deep Neural Network4267:DeepDPM:通过深度神经网络进行动态人口映射
4268: Community Focusing: Yet Another Query-Dependent Community Detection4268:社区聚焦:又一个查询依赖的社区检测
4277: Weighted Oblique Decision Trees4277:加权倾斜决策树
4293: Counterfactual Randomization: Rescuing Experimental Studies from Obscured4293:反事实随机化:从模糊中拯救实验研究
4296: A Layer Decomposition-Recomposition Framework for Neuron Pruning towards Accurate4296:用于神经元修剪的层分解-重组框架,以实现准确
4297: FLEX: Faithful Linguistic Explanations for Neural Net based Model Decisions4297:FLEX:基于神经网络的模型决策的忠实语言解释
4306: Markov Random Field meets Graph Convolutional Network: End-to-End Learning for4306:马尔可夫随机场遇到图卷积网络:端到端学习
4307: Antonym-Synonym Classification based on New Sub-space Embeddings4307:基于新子空间嵌入的反义词-同义词分类
4315: Large-Scale Heterogeneous Feature Embedding4315:大规模异构特征嵌入
4320: The Curse of Concentration in Robust Learning: Evasion and Poisoning Attacks from Concentration of Measure4320:鲁棒学习中的集中诅咒:逃避和中毒攻击
4329: Incorporating Semantic Similarity with Geographic Correlation for Query-POI Relevance4329:将语义相似性与地理相关性结合起来以实现查询-POI 相关性
4335: Multi-GCN: Graph Convolutional Networks for Multi-View Networks, with Applications to Global Poverty4335:Multi-GCN:用于多视图网络的图卷积网络,应用于全球贫困
4342: On Reinforcement Learning for Full-length Game of StarCraft4342:关于星际争霸全长游戏的强化学习
4350: Quantifying Uncertainties in Natural Language Processing Tasks4350:量化自然语言处理任务中的不确定性
4359: MFPCA: Multiscale Functional Principal Component Analysis4359:MFPCA:多尺度功能主成分分析
4364: Visual Place Recognition via Simultaneously Minimizing and Maximizing p-Order L2-Norm4364:通过同时最小化和最大化 p-Order L2-Norm 的视觉位置识别
4365: Data-Distortion Guided Self-Distillation for Deep Neural Networks4365:深度神经网络的数据失真引导自蒸馏
4374: Covariate Shift Adaptation on Learning from Positive and Unlabeled Data4374:从正数据和未标记数据中学习的协变量移位适应
4375: Comparative Summarisation of Document Collections4375:文献集的比较总结
4377: Partially Observable Multi-Sensor Sequential Change Detection: A Combinatorial Multi4377:部分可观察的多传感器顺序变化检测:组合多
4379: Understanding Persuasion Cascades in Online Product Rating Systems4379:了解在线产品评级系统中的说服级联
4382: Generating Chinese Ci with Designated Metrical Structure4382:生成具有指定格律结构的汉语词
4385: Distributed Representation of Words in Cause and Effect Spaces4385:因果空间中单词的分布式表示
4389: ClusterGAN : Latent Space Clustering in Generative Adversarial Networks4389:ClusterGAN:生成对抗网络中的潜在空间聚类
4400: Unknown Agents in Friends Oriented Hedonic Games: Stability and Complexity4400:面向朋友的享乐游戏中的未知代理:稳定性和复杂性
4402: Domain Agnostic Real-Valued Specificity Prediction4402:领域不可知的实值特异性预测
4404: Biomedical Image Segmentation via Representative Annotation4404:通过代表性注释进行生物医学图像分割
4410: BiHMP-GAN: Bidirectional 3D Human Motion Prediction GAN4410:BiHMP-GAN:双向 3D 人体运动预测 GAN
4416: Robust Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning via Minimax Deep Deterministic Policy4416:通过 Minimax Deep Deterministic Policy 进行稳健的多智能体强化学习
4423: Insufficient Data Can Also Rock! Learning to Converse Using Smaller Data with Augmentation4423:数据不足也可以摇滚!学习使用较小的数据与
4430: Approximate Inference of Outcomes in Probabilistic Elections4430:概率选举结果的近似推断
4433: The Utility of Sparse Representations for Control in Reinforcement Learning4433:稀疏表示在强化学习中的控制效用
4435: Learning to Write Creative Stories with Thematic Consistency4435:学习用主题一致性写创意故事
4444: Few-Shot Image and Sentence Matching via Gated Visual-Semantic Embedding4444:通过门控视觉语义嵌入进行少量图像和句子匹配
4454: Pareto Optimization for Subset Selection with Dynamic Cost Constraints4454:具有动态成本约束的子集选择的帕累托优化
4455: Modelling of Bi-directional Spatio-Temporal Dependence and Users’ Dynamic Preferences4455:双向时空依赖和用户动态偏好的建模
4461: Implicit Argument Prediction as Reading Comprehension4461:作为阅读理解的隐式参数预测
4465: Searching with Consistent Prioritization for Multi-Agent Path Finding4465:使用一致的优先级搜索多代理路径查找
4477: Self-Ensembling Attention Networks: Addressing Domain Shift for Semantic Segmentation4477:自集成注意力网络:解决语义的域转移
4478: Recursively Learning Causal Structures Using Regression-based Conditional Independence4478:使用基于回归的条件独立性递归学习因果结构
4483: Approximate Kernel Selection with Strong Approximate Consistency4483:具有强近似一致性的近似内核选择
4495: RecurJac : An Efficient Recursive Algorithm for Bounding Jacobian Matrix of General4495:RecurJac:一种有效的递归算法,用于界定一般的雅可比矩阵
4498: Frame and Feature-Context Video Super-Resolution4498:帧和特征上下文视频超分辨率
4499: Improving Optimization Bounds using Machine Learning: Decision Diagrams meet Deep4499:使用机器学习提高优化范围:决策图与深度相遇
4500: Crawling the Community Structure of Multiplex Networks4500:爬取多路复用网络的社区结构
4503: Spatiality Preservable Factored Poisson Regression for Large Scale Fine Grained GPS4503:用于大规模细粒度 GPS 的空间可保因子泊松回归
4517: Robust Ordinal Embedding from Contaminated Relative Comparisons4517:来自受污染相对比较的稳健序数嵌入
4518: Learning Compact Model for Large-Scale Multi-Label Data4518:学习大规模多标签数据的紧凑模型
4528: Efficient Identification of Approximate Best Configuration of Training in Large Datasets4528:有效识别大数据集中训练的近似最佳配置
4533: Unsupervised Controllable Text Formalization4533:无监督可控文本形式化
4542: Model-based Diagnosis of Hybrid Systems using Satisfiability Modulo Theory4542:使用可满足性模理论基于模型的混合系统诊断
4550: Supervised User Ranking in Signed Social Networks4550:签名社交网络中的监督用户排名
4554: Complexity of Inconsistency-Tolerant Query Answering in Datalog+/- under Cardinality4554:Datalog+/- 在基数下的不一致性容错查询回答的复杂性
4557: Devil in the Details: Towards Accurate Single and Multiple Human Parsing4557:细节中的魔鬼:迈向准确的单人和多人解析
4561: What and Where the Themes Dominate in Image4561:主题在图像中的主导地位和位置
4562: One-Pass Incomplete Multi-view Clustering4562:一次性不完全多视图聚类
4563: Linear Kernel Tests via Empirical Likelihood for High Dimensional Data4563:通过经验似然对高维数据进行线性核测试
4569: Exploring Answer Stance Detection with Recurrent Conditional Attention4569:使用循环条件注意探索答案姿态检测
4575: Refining Coarse-grained Spatial Data using Auxiliary Spatial Data Sets with Various4575:使用各种辅助空间数据集细化粗粒度空间数据
4578: Separator-based Pruned Dynamic Programming for Steiner Tree4578:Steiner 树的基于分离器的剪枝动态规划
4583: Dynamic Learning of Sequential Choice Bandit Problem under Marketing Fatigue4583:营销疲劳下顺序选择强盗问题的动态学习
4589: Context-Aware Self-Attention Networks4589:上下文感知自我注意网络
4591: MRes-RGNN: A Novel Deep Learning based Framework for Traffic Prediction4591:MRes-RGNN:一种基于深度学习的新型交通预测框架
4595: Querying Attributed DL-Lite Ontologies using Provenance Semirings4595:使用 Provenance Semirings 查询属性化的 DL-Lite 本体
4601: Belief Change and Non-monotonic Reasoning sans Compactness4601:信念变化和非单调推理无紧凑性
4605: Translating with Bilingual Topic Knowledge for Neural Machine Translation4605:使用神经机器翻译的双语主题知识进行翻译
4607: DeepCCFV: Camera Constraint-Free Multi-View Convolutional Neural Network for 3D object retrieval4607:DeepCCFV:用于 3D 的无相机约束多视图卷积神经网络
4622: Counting and Sampling from Markov Equivalent DAGs Using Clique Trees4622:使用团树从马尔可夫等效 DAG 中计数和采样
4631: DTMT: A Novel Deep Transition Architecture for Neural Machine Translation4631:DTMT:一种用于神经机器翻译的新型深度转换架构
4632: Stepping Stones to Inductive Synthesis of Low-Level Looping Programs4632:低级循环程序归纳综合的垫脚石
4653: Deep Hierarchical Graph Convolution for Election Prediction from Geospatial Census Data4653:用于从地理空间普查数据进行选举预测的深度层次图卷积
4661: Multi-Task Learning with Multi-View Attention for Answer Selection and Knowledge Base Question4661:具有多视图注意力的多任务学习,用于答案选择和知识库
4677: Validation of Growing Knowledge Graphs by Abductive Text Evidences4677:通过溯源文本证据验证不断增长的知识图谱
4685: Computing a Quasi-Perfect Stackelberg Equilibrium4685: 计算准完美 Stackelberg 均衡
4711: Differentiated Distribution Recovery for Neural Text Generation4711:神经文本生成的差分分布恢复
4720: X-DMM: Fast and Scalable Model Based Text Clustering4720:X-DMM:快速且可扩展的基于模型的文本聚类
4724: Structured Two-stream Attention Network for Video Question Answering4724:用于视频问答的结构化双流注意力网络
4736: Hierarchical Macro Strategy Model for MOBA Game AI4736:MOBA游戏AI的分层宏观策略模型
4737: Personalized Question Routing via Heterogeneous Network Embedding4737:通过异构网络嵌入的个性化问题路由
4743: Better Fine-tuning via Instance Weighting for Text Classification4743:通过文本分类的实例加权进行更好的微调
4746: Towards Personalized Review Summarization via User-aware Sequence Network4746:通过用户感知序列网​​络实现个性化评论摘要
4747: Coupled CycleGAN: Unsupervised Hashing Network for Cross-Modal Retrieval4747:耦合 CycleGAN:用于跨模式检索的无监督散列网络
4773: Surveys without Questions: A Reinforcement Learning Approach4773:没有问题的调查:强化学习方法
4783: Partial Multi-Label Learning by Low-Rank and Sparse Decomposition4783:通过低秩和稀疏分解进行部分多标签学习
4788: Learning Semantic Representations for Novel Words: Leveraging Both Form and Context4788:学习新词的语义表示:利用形式和上下文
4799: Aligning Domain-specific Distribution and Classifier for Cross-domain Classification from Multiple Sources4799:为跨域分类对齐特定域的分布和分类器
4802: Lattice CNNs for Matching Based Chinese Question Answering4802:用于基于匹配的中文问答的 Lattice CNN
4808: Efficient Image Retrieval via Decoupling Diffusion into Online and Offline Processing4808:通过将扩散解耦到在线和离线处理的高效图像检索
4810: Unsupervised Feature Selection by Pareto Optimization4810:帕累托优化的无监督特征选择
4816: Oversampling for Imbalanced Data via Optimal Transport4816:通过最优传输对不平衡数据进行过采样
4820: Collaborative, Dynamic and Diversified User Profiling4820:协作、动态和多样化的用户分析
4836: Variational Autoencoder with Implicit Optimal Priors4836:具有隐式最优先验的变分自动编码器
4838: Document Informed Neural Autoregressive Topic Models with Distributional Prior4838:记录具有分布先验的知情神经自回归主题模型
4841: Learning (from) Deep Hierarchical Structure among Features4841:学习(从)特征之间的深层层次结构
4852: Improving Domain-independent Planning via Critical Section Macro-Operators4852:通过关键部分宏运算符改进域独立规划
4853: On the Complexity of the Inverse Semivalue Problem for Weighted Voting Games4853:关于加权投票游戏的反半值问题的复杂性
4855: Estimating the Days to Success of Campaigns in Crowdfunding: A Deep Survival Perspective4855:估计众筹活动成功的天数:深度生存
4865: Probabilistic Alternating-Time Mu-Calculus4865:概率交替时间微积分
4880: SADIH: Semantic-Aware DIscrete Hashing4880:SADIH:语义感知离散散列
4891: Sparse Reject Option Classifier using Successive Linear Programming4891:使用连续线性规划的稀疏拒绝选项分类器
4898: Walrasian Dynamics in Multi-unit Markets4898:多单位市场中的瓦尔拉斯动力学
4902: Random Walk Decay Centrality4902:随机游走衰减中心性
4905: Neural Relation Extraction Within and Across Sentence Boundaries4905:句子边界内和跨句子边界的神经关系提取
4907: Partial Verification as a Substitute for Money4907:部分验证作为货币的替代品
4912: Meimei: An Efficient Probabilistic Approach for Semantically Annotating Tables4912:美美:一种用于语义注释表的有效概率方法
4918: A Sequential Set Generation Method for Predicting Set-Valued Outputs4918:用于预测集值输出的序列集生成方法
4932: Inter-Class Angular Loss for Convolutional Neural Networks4932:卷积神经网络的类间角损失
4938: Meta Learning for Image Captioning4938:用于图像描述的元学习
4947: TableSense: Mask R-CNN for Spreadsheet Table Detection4947:TableSense:用于电子表格检测的掩码 R-CNN
4963: Multi-agent Discussion Mechanism for Natural Language Generation4963:自然语言生成的多智能体讨论机制
4964: HyperAdam: A Learnable Task-Adaptive Adam for Network Training4964:HyperAdam:用于网络训练的可学习任务自适应 Adam
4966: Evolutionarily Learning Multi-aspect Interactions and Influences from Network Structure4966:从网络结构进化学习多方面的相互作用和影响
4976: HERS: Modeling Influential Contexts with Heterogeneous Relations for Sparse and Cold4976: HERS:用异构关系建模影响稀疏和冷的关系
4980: Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation with SMT as Posterior Regularization4980:使用 SMT 作为后正则化的无监督神经机器翻译
4989: Action Knowledge Transfer for Action Prediction with Partial Videos4989:用部分视频进行动作预测的动作知识转移
5002: Entity Alignment between Knowledge Graphs Using Attribute Embeddings5002:使用属性嵌入的知识图之间的实体对齐
5010: Operator Mutexes and Symmetries for Simplifying Planning TasksDaniel Fišer (FEE, CTU, Prague)
; Alvaro Torralba (Saarland University); Alexander Shleyfman5010:用于简化规划任务的运算符互斥体和对称性 Daniel Fišer(FEE,CTU,布拉格); Alvaro Torralba(萨尔州大学);亚历山大·施莱夫曼
5020: A Neural Multi-Task Learning Framework to Jointly Model Medical Named Entity5020:用于联合建模医学命名实体的神经多任务学习框架
5021: Bringing Order to Chaos - A Compact Representation of Partial Order in SAT-based HTN5021:为混乱带来秩序——基于 SAT 的 HTN 中部分秩序的紧凑表示
5022: Red-Black Heuristics for Planning Tasks with Conditional Effects5022:具有条件效应的规划任务的红黑启发式
5023: Forbidden Nodes Aware Community Search5023:禁止节点感知社区搜索
5030: Beyond RNNs: Positional Self-Attention with Co-Attention for Video Question Answering5030:超越 RNN:位置自注意力与视频问答的共同注意力
5048: Aging Evolution for Image Classifier Architecture Search5048:图像分类器架构搜索的老化演变
5056: Learning Incremental Triplet Margin for Person Re-identification5056:学习用于人员重新识别的增量三元组边距
5058: An Integral Tag Recommendation Model for Textual Content5058:文本内容的完整标签推荐模型
5069: Mixture of Expert/Imitator Network: Scalable Semi-supervised Learning Framework5069:专家/模仿者网络的混合:可扩展的半监督学习框架
5082: Exact and Approximate Weighted Model Integration with Probability Density Functions5082:与概率密度函数的精确和近似加权模型集成
5084: Community Detection in Social Networks Considering Topic Correlations5084:考虑主题相关性的社交网络中的社区检测
5092: A Unified Model for Opinion Target Extraction and Target Sentiment Classification5092:意见目标提取和目标情感分类的统一模型
5097: Deep Learning for Cost-Optimal Planning: Task-Dependent Planner Selection5097:成本最优规划的深度学习:任务相关的规划器选择
5118: A Memetic Approach for Sequential Security Games on a Plane with Moving Targets5118:在具有移动目标的飞机上进行顺序安全游戏的模因方法
5120: Unseen Word Representation by Aligning Heterogeneous Lexical Semantic Spaces5120:通过对齐异构词汇语义空间来表示看不见的单词
5123: Improving Image Captioning with Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets5123:使用条件生成对抗网络改进图像字幕
5134: Ranking-based Deep Cross-modal Hashing5134:基于排名的深度跨模态散列
5147: DRr-Net: Dynamic Re-read Network for Sentence Semantic Matching5147:DRr-Net:用于句子语义匹配的动态重读网络
5150: Optimal Interdiction of Urban Criminals with the Aid of Real-Time Information5150:借助实时信息优化拦截城市犯罪分子
“5163: Cash-out User Detection based on Attributed Heterogeneous Information Network
with a Hierarchical Attention Mechanism5163:基于属性异构信息网络的提现用户检测”
5171: Relation Structure-Aware Heterogeneous Information Network Embedding5171:关系结构感知异构信息网络嵌入
5172: Where to Go Next: A Spatio-Temporal Gated Network for Next POI Recommendation5172:下一步要去哪里:用于下一个 POI 推荐的时空门控网络
5189: Multi-View Multi-Instance Multi-Label Learning based on Confederate Matrix5189:基于联邦矩阵的多视图多实例多标签学习
5195: Multi-Attribute Transfer via Disentangled Representation5195:通过分离表示进行多属性传输
5204: Learning to Solve NP-Complete Problems – A Graph Neural Network for the Decision TSP5204:学习解决 NP 完全问题——决策 TSP 的图神经网络
5211: Sign-Full Random Projections5211:全符号随机投影
5216: Transferable Interactive Memory Network for Domain Adaptation in Fine-grained5216:用于细粒度域适应的可转移交互式记忆网络
5218: Multiple Independent Subspace Clusterings5218:多个独立子空间聚类
5221: Online Active Learning cross Multiple Tasks5221:在线主动学习跨多个任务
5225: Solving Integer Quadratic Programming via Explicit and Structural Restrictions5225:通过显式和结构限制求解整数二次规划
5238: Explainable Recommendation Through Attentive Multi-View Learning5238:通过专注的多视图学习进行可解释的推荐
5255: Predicting Concrete and Abstract Entities in Modern Poetry5255:预测现代诗歌中的具体和抽象实体
5266: Perceptual Pyramid Adversarial Networks for Text-to-Image Synthesis5266:用于文本到图像合成的感知金字塔对抗网络
5274: MPD-AL: An Efficient Membrane Potential Driven Aggregate-Label Learning Algorithm for5274:MPD-AL:一种有效的膜电位驱动聚合标签学习算法
5279: Unsupervised Learning helps Supervised Neural Word Segmentation5279:无监督学习有助于监督神经分词
5286: Relaxing and Restraining Queries for OBDA5286:
5293: Sequential Scene Composition5293:连续场景合成
5295: Human-like Delicate Region Erasing Strategy for Weakly Supervised Detection5295:用于弱监督检测的类人精细区域擦除策略
5296: An Exponential Tail Bound for the Deleted Estimate5296:已删除估计的指数尾边界
5298: Molecular Property Prediction: A Multilevel Quantum Interactions Modeling Perspective5298:分子性质预测:多级量子相互作用建模视角
5312: Optimal Dynamic Auctions are Virtual Welfare Maximizers5312:最佳动态拍卖是虚拟福利最大化器
5320: GRN: Gated Relation Network to Enhance Convolutional Neural Network for Named5320:GRN:门控关系网络以增强命名的卷积神经网络
5321: Partial Label Learning with Self-Guided Retraining5321:部分标签学习与自导再培训
5324: Scale Invariant Fully Convolutional Network: Detecting Hands Efficiently5324:规模不变的全卷积网络:有效地检测手
5325: Mode Variational LSTM Robust to Unseen Modes of Variation: Application to Facial Expression Recognition5325:模式变分 LSTM 对看不见的变化模式具有鲁棒性:应用于面部
5329: Faster Gradient-Free Proximal Stochastic Methods for Nonconvex Nonsmooth5329:非凸非光滑的更快的无梯度近端随机方法
5331: SEGAN: Structure-Enhanced Generative Adversarial Network for Compressed Sensing5331:SEGAN:用于压缩感知的结构增强生成对抗网络
5339: Collaboration based Multi-Label Learning5339:基于协作的多标签学习
5345: SuperVAE: Superpixelwise Variational Autoencoder for Salient Object Detection5345:SuperVAE:用于显着目标检测的超像素变分自动编码器
5358: PVRNet: Point-View Relation Neural Network for 3D Shape Recognition5358:PVRNet:用于 3D 形状识别的点视图关系神经网络
5370: Hypergraph Optimization for Multi-structural Geometric Model Fitting5370:多结构几何模型拟合的超图优化
5383: Label Embedding with Partial Heterogeneous Contexts5383:带有部分异构上下文的标签嵌入
5388: Temporal Planning with Temporal Metric Trajectory Constraints5388:具有时间度量轨迹约束的时间规划
5390: Deliberate Residual based Attention Network for Image Captioning5390:用于图像描述的故意残差注意网络
5391: Understanding Pictograph with Facial Features: End-to-End Sentence-Level Lip Reading of Chinese5391:了解具有面部特征的象形文字:端到端句子级唇读
5396: The Adversarial Attack and Detection under the Fisher Information Metric5396:Fisher 信息度量下的对抗性攻击和检测
5415: Scalable Recollections for Continual Lifelong Learning5415:用于持续终身学习的可扩展回忆
5422: Moral Permissibility of Action Plans5422:行动计划的道德许可
5438: Personalized Robot Tutoring using the Assistive Tutor POMDP (AT-POMDP)5438:使用辅助导师 POMDP (AT-POMDP) 的个性化机器人辅导
5441: A Radical-aware Attention-based Model for Chinese Text Classification5441:一种基于激进意识的中文文本分类模型
5442: Private Model Compression via Knowledge Distillation5442:通过知识蒸馏的私有模型压缩
5448: Unbounded Orchestrations of Transducers for Manufacturing5448:用于制造的传感器的无限编排
5450: A Generative Model for Dynamic Networks with Applications5450:具有应用程序的动态网络的生成模型
5454: Jointly Extracting Multi-triplets via Ranking with Translation Mechanism5454:通过排序与翻译机制联合提取多个三元组
5456: Using Benson’s Algorithm for Regularization Parameter Tracking5456:使用 Benson 算法进行正则化参数跟踪
5461: Deep Embedding Features for Salient Object Detection5461:显着对象检测的深度嵌入特征
5465: Path-specific Counterfactual Fairness5465:特定路径的反事实公平
5474: Composable Modular Reinforcement Learning5474:可组合的模块化强化学习
5482: Adaptive Proximal Average based Variance Reducing Stochastic Methods for5482:基于自适应近端平均的方差减少随机方法
5484: Chinese NER with Height-Limited Constituent Parsing5484:具有高度限制成分解析的中文 NER
5487: Understanding Dropouts in MOOCs5487:了解 MOOC 中的辍学
5490: Enhancing Lazy Grounding with Lazy Normalization in Answer-Set Programming5490:在答案集编程中使用惰性归一化增强惰性接地
5491: Efficient Counterfactual Learning from Bandit Feedback5491:从强盗反馈中进行有效的反事实学习
5492: Hyperbolic Heterogeneous Information Network Embedding5492:双曲异构信息网络嵌入
5530: RLTM: An Efficient Neural IR Framework for Long Documents5530:RLTM:一种用于长文档的高效神经 IR 框架
5540: Attention-aware Sampling via Deep Reinforcement Learning for Action Recognition5540:通过深度强化学习进行注意感知采样以进行动作识别
5556: Online Multi-Agent Pathfinding5556:在线多智能体寻路
5560: Bayesian Fairness5560:贝叶斯公平
5570: Transductive Bounds for the Multi-class Majority Vote Classifier5570:多类多数投票分类器的转换边界
5576: Gated Interleaved Multi-Task Composite State Sequencing: Learning to Daisy-Chain the5576:门控交错多任务复合状态排序:学习菊花链
5579: Efficient and Scalable Multi-task Regression on Massive Number of Tasks5579:对大量任务进行高效且可扩展的多任务回归
5583: Interactive Attention Transfer Network for Cross-domain Sentiment Classification5583:用于跨域情感分类的交互式注意力转移网络
5593: Exploiting synthetically generated data with semi-supervised learning for small and Imbalanced Datasets5593:利用半监督学习综合生成的数据,用于小型和
5596: Improving One-Class Collaborative Filtering via Ranking-based Implicit Regularizer5596:通过基于排名的隐式正则化器改进一类协同过滤J
5611: Coverage Centrality Maximization in Undirected Networks5611:无向网络中的覆盖中心性最大化
5622: Adversarial Binary Collaborative Filtering For Implicit Feedback5622:隐式反馈的对抗二元协同过滤
5624: DeepSTN+: Context-aware Spatial Temporal Neural Network for Crowd Flow Prediction in Metropolis(大都市)5624:DeepSTN+:用于人群流预测的上下文感知空间时间神经网络
5625: Lipper: Synthesizing Thy Speech using Multi-View Lipreading5625:Lipper:使用多视图唇读合成您的语音
5626: Deep Reactive Policies for Planning in Stochastic Nonlinear Domains5626:随机非线性域规划的深度反应策略
5628: Approximate Stream Reasoning with Metric Temporal Logic under Uncertainty5628:在不确定性下使用度量时间逻辑进行近似流推理
5630: From Independent Prediction to Re-ordered Prediction: Integrating Relative Position and5630:从独立预测到重新排序预测:整合相对位置和
5633: MixUp as Locally Linear Out-Of-Manifold Regularization5633:混合作为局部线性流形外正则化
5656: Sliding Window Temporal Graph Coloring5656:滑动窗口时间图着色
5658: Plan-And-Write: Towards Better Automatic Storytelling5658:Plan-And-Write:迈向更好的自动讲故事
5666: Multi-task Deep Reinforcement Learning with PopArt5666:使用 PopArt 进行多任务深度强化学习
5671: Cooperation Enforcement and Collusion Resistance in Repeated Public Goods Games5671:重复的公共产品博弈中的合作执法与反串通
5676: Exploiting the Contagious Effect for Employee Turnover Prediction5676:利用传染效应进行员工流动预测
5679: On the Inducibility of Stackelberg Equilibrium in Security Games5679:关于安全博弈中斯塔克伯格均衡的可诱导性
5688: Tied Transformers: Neural Machine Translation with Shared Encoder and Decoder5688:捆绑变压器:具有共享编码器和解码器的神经机器翻译
5691: Automatic Code Review by Learning the Revision of Source Code5691:通过学习源代码的修订来自动进行代码审查
5695: Learning Features and Abstract Actions for Computing Generalized Plans5695:用于计算广义计划的学习特征和抽象动作
5699: Solving Partially Observable Stochastic Games with Public Observations5699:用公共观测解决部分可观测随机博弈
5709: Find Me If You Can: Deep Software Clone Detection by Exploiting the Contest between5709:如果可以找到我:通过利用之间的竞争进行深度软件克隆检测
5713: Deception in Finitely Repeated Security GamesThanh Nguyen (University of Oregon)
; Yongzhao Wang (University of Michigan); Arunesh Sinha5713:无限重复安全游戏中的欺骗Thanh Nguyen(俄勒冈大学);王永昭(密歇根大学);阿鲁内什·辛哈
5715: SCNN: A General Distribution based Statistical Convolutional Neural Network with application to video object detection5715:SCNN:基于一般分布的统计卷积神经网络
5717: AI-Sketcher : A Deep Generative Model for Generating High Quality Sketches5717:AI-Sketcher:用于生成高质量草图的深度生成模型
5723: Unsupervised Stylish Image Description Generation via Domain Layer Norm5723:通过域层规范生成无监督的时尚图像描述
5729: Bidirectional Transition-Based Dependency Parsing5729:基于双向转换的依赖解析
5745: Distributionally Robust Semi-supervised Learning for People-centric Sensing5745:用于以人为中心的感知的分布式鲁棒半监督学习
5754: Unsupervised Post-processing of Word Vectors via Conceptor Negation5754:通过概念否定对词向量进行无监督后处理
5756: Implanting Rational Knowledge into Distributed Representation at Morpheme Level5756:将理性知识植入语素级别的分布式表示中
5758: An Innovative Genetic Algorithm for the Quantum Circuit Compilation Problem5758:量子电路编译问题的创新遗传算法
5765: Counting and Sampling Markov Equivalent Directed Acyclic Graphs5765:计数和采样马尔可夫等效有向无环图
5766: A Neural Network Approach to Verb Phrase Ellipsis Resolution5766:动词短语省略号解析的神经网络方法
5768: Instance-level Facial Attributes Transfer with Geometry-aware Flow5768:实例级面部属性转移与几何感知流
5773: Graph CNNs with Motif and Variable Temporal Block for Skeleton-based Action Recognition5773:具有 Motif 和可变时间块的图形 CNN,用于基于骨架的动作
5790: Subtask Gated Networks for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring5790:用于非侵入式负载监控的子任务门控网络
5793: Guiding the One-to-one Mapping in CycleGAN via Optimal Transport5793:通过最优传输指导 CycleGAN 中的一对一映射
5807: Strong Equivalence for Epistemic Logic Programs Made Easy5807:认知逻辑程序的强等价性变得容易
5809: Communication-optimal distributed dynamic graph clustering5809:通信优化的分布式动态图聚类
5812: Efficient Temporal Planning Using Metastates5812:使用转移状态的有效时间规划
5820: Challenges in the Automatic Analysis of Students’ Diagnostic Reasoning5820:学生诊断推理自动分析的挑战
5828: Efficiently Reasoning with Interval Constraints in Forward Search Planning5828:在前向搜索规划中使用区间约束进行有效推理
5833: A Nonconvex Projection Method for Robust PCA5833:稳健 PCA 的非凸投影方法
5839: Automatic Bayesian Density Analysis5839:自动贝叶斯密度分析
5846: A Pattern-based Approach to Recognizing Time Expressions5846:一种基于模式的时间表达式识别方法
5853: Complex Unitary Recurrent Neural Networks using Scaled Cayley Transform5853: 使用 Scaled Cayley 变换的复杂酉循环神经网络
5855: Collective Online Learning of Gaussian Processes in Massive Multi-Agent Systems5855:大规模多智能体系统中高斯过程的集体在线学习
5873: Skeleton-based Gesture Recognition Using Several Fully Connected Layers with Path Signature Features and Temporal Transformer Module5873:基于骨架的手势识别,使用带有路径的几个全连接层
5882: A Generalized Idiom Usage Recognition Model based on Semantic Compatibility5882:基于语义兼容性的广义成语用法识别模型
5886: A Probabilistic Derivation of LASSO and L12-Norm Feature Selections5886:LASSO 和 L12 范数特征选择的概率推导
5893: Designing Deep Generative Models for Molecular Graphs5893:为分子图设计深度生成模型
5894: What Is One Grain of Sand in the Desert? Analyzing Individual Neurons in Deep NLP5894:沙漠中的一粒沙是什么?分析深度 NLP 中的单个神经元
5898: On Strength Adjustment for MCTS-Based Programs5898:关于基于 MCTS 的程序的强度调整
5901: From Horn-SRIQ to Datalog: A Data-Independent Transformation that Preserves Assertion5901:从 Horn-SRIQ 到 Datalog:保留断言的数据无关转换
5910: Evolutionary Manytasking Optimization Based on Symbiosis in Biocoenosis5910:生物群落中基于共生的进化多任务优化
5917: That’s Mine! Learning Ownership Relations and Norms for Robots5917:那是我的!学习机器人的所有权关系和规范
5921: Mining Entity Synonyms with Efficient Neural Set Generation5921:挖掘具有高效神经集生成的实体同义词
5925: Character-Level Language Modeling with Deeper Self-Attention5925:具有更深层次自我关注的字符级语言建模
5928: Ontology-Based Query Answering for Probabilistic Temporal Data5928:概率时间数据的基于本体的查询回答
5931: On Structured Argumentation with Conditional Preferences5931:关于有条件偏好的结构化论证
5934: Making Money from What You Know - How to Sell Information?5934:用你所知道的赚钱——如何出售信息?
5951: HireNet: a Hierarchical Attention Model for the Automatic Analysis of Asynchronous Video Job Interviews5951:HireNet:用于异步视频面试自动分析的分层注意模型
5952: Fast Relational Probabilistic Inference and Learning: Approximate Counting via5952:快速关系概率推理和学习:通过超图进行近似计数
5965: A Reinforcement Learning Based Broker Agent for a Power Trading Competition: Design5965:用于电力交易竞赛的基于强化学习的经纪人代理:设计
5968: Bayesian Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Semi-supervised Classification5968:用于半监督分类的贝叶斯图卷积神经网络
5970: Crash to Not Crash: Learn to Identify Dangerous Vehicles using a Simulator5970:从碰撞到不碰撞:学习使用模拟器识别危险车辆
5972: Granularity-Agnostic Sense Model for Word Sense Induction5972:词义归纳的粒度不可知义模型
5974: End-to-end Structure-Aware Convolutional Networks for Knowledge Base Completion5974:用于知识库完成的端到端结构感知卷积网络
5977: Lifted Hinge-Loss Markov Random Field5977:提升铰链损失马尔可夫随机场
5978: Multi-unit Bilateral Trade5978:多单位双边贸易
5988: Robustness Guarantees for Bayesian Inference with Gaussian Processes5988:使用高斯过程的贝叶斯推理的鲁棒性保证
5994: Robust Optimization over Multiple Domains5994:多域的稳健优化
6001: PerformanceNet: Score-to-Audio Music Generation with Multi-Band Convolutional6001:PerformanceNet:使用多频段卷积生成乐谱到音频的音乐
6002: How Well Do Machines Perform on IQ tests: a Comparison Study on a Large-Scale Dataset6002:机器在 IQ 测试中的表现如何:大规模数据集的比较研究
6007: Allocating Interventions Based on Predicted Outcomes: A Case Study on Homelessness6007:根据预测结果分配干预措施:无家可归案例研究
6029: An Open-World Extension to Knowledge Graph Completion Models6029:知识图完成模型的开放世界扩展
6031: Interpretable preference learning: a game theoretic framework for large margin on-line6031:可解释的偏好学习:在线大余量的博弈论框架
6035: Lifelong Path Planning with Kinematic Constraints for Multi-Agent Pickup and Delivery6035:具有运动学约束的终身路径规划,用于多代理取货和交付
6038: Exploiting Time-Series Image-to-Image Translation to Simulate Home Range Estimators in6038:利用时间序列图像到图像的转换来模拟家庭范围估计器
6049: Reasoning over Streaming Data in Metric Temporal Datalog6049:对度量时间数据日志中的流数据进行推理
6057: Building Temporal Word Embeddings with a Compass6057:使用指南针构建时间词嵌入
6066: A Bridge between Liquid and Social Welfare in Combinatorial Auctions with Submodular6066:在具有子模块的组合拍卖中的流动性和社会福利之间的桥梁
6074: Forgetting in Modular Answer Set Programming6074:模块化答案集编程中的遗忘
6080: Heuristic Voting as Ordinal Dominance Strategies6080:作为序数优势策略的启发式投票
6090: DeepFuzz: Automatic Generation of Syntax Valid C Programs for Fuzz Testing6090:DeepFuzz:自动生成语法有效的 C 程序以进行模糊测试
6091: Learning Models of Sequential Decision-Making with Partial Specification of Agent6091:具有代理部分规范的顺序决策学习模型
6095: You Get What You Share: Incentives for a Sharing Economy6095:你得到你分享的东西:共享经济的激励措施
6098: Large-Scale Visual Relationship Understanding6098:大规模视觉关系理解
6105: Learning Diverse Bayesian Networks6105:学习不同的贝叶斯网络
6120: Practical Algorithms for Multi-stage Voting Rules with Parallel Universes Tiebreaking6120:具有平行宇宙平局的多阶段投票规则的实用算法
6136: Attacking Data Transforming Learners at Training Time6136:在训练时攻击数据转换学习者
6140: Analyzing Compositionality-Sensitivity of NLI Models6140:分析 NLI 模型的组合敏感性
6141: On the True Number of Clusters in a Dataset6141:关于数据集中的真实聚类数
6148: Multi-context System For Optimization Problems6148:用于优化问题的多上下文系统
6155: On the Proximity of Markets with Integral Equilibria6155:关于具有积分均衡的市场的邻近性
6156: MNCN: A Multilingual Ngram-Based Convolutional Network for Aspect Category Detection in Online Reviews6156:MNCN:一种基于多语言 Ngram 的卷积网络,用于在线评论中的方面类别检测
6166: Ontology-Mediated Query Answering over Log-Linear Probabilistic Data6166:基于对数线性概率数据的本体介导查询回答
6180: A Bandit Approach to Maximum Inner Product Search6180:最大内部产品搜索的强盗方法
6192: Combining Fact Extraction and Verification with Neural Semantic Matching Networks6192:将事实提取和验证与神经语义匹配网络相结合
6193: Measurement Maximizing Adaptive Sampling With Risk Bounding Functions6193:使用风险边界函数最大化自适应采样的测量
6196: Near Neighbor Approach for Learning Random Preference6196:学习随机偏好的近邻方法
6198: Multi-Perspective Relevance Matching with Hierarchical ConvNets for Social Media Search6198:用于社交媒体的分层卷积网络的多视角相关性匹配
6208: Generalized Distance Bribery6208:广义距离贿赂
6217: Learning Plackett-Luce Mixtures from Partial Preferences6217:从部分偏好中学习 Plackett-Luce 混合
6221: Representing and Learning Grammars in Answer Set Programming6221:在答案集编程中表示和学习语法
6224: Resisting Adversarial Attacks using Gaussian Mixture Variational Autoencoders6224:使用高斯混合变分自编码器抵抗对抗性攻击
6229: Evaluating Recommender System Stability with Influence-Guided Fuzzing6229:使用影响引导模糊测试评估推荐系统稳定性
6263: Iterated Belief Base Change: a Dynamic Epistemic Logic approach6263:迭代信念基础变化:动态认知逻辑方法
6273: Learning to Adaptively Scale Recurrent Neural Networks6273:学习自适应缩放递归神经网络
6276: Learning Vine Copula Models For Synthetic Data Generation6276:学习用于合成数据生成的 Vine Copula 模型
6279: Human-like Sketch Object Recognition via Analogical Learning6279:通过类比学习进行类人草图对象识别
6285: Robustness Envelopes for Temporal Plans6285:时间计划的鲁棒性包络
6288: Non-Parametric Transformation Networks6288:非参数变换网络
6296: Guided Dropout: A Strength Based Neuron Dropping Approach to Improve Generalization6296:引导辍学:一种基于强度的神经元下降方法来提高泛化能力
6316: Data Fine-tuning6316:数据微调
6318: Multi-task architecture learning6318:多任务架构学习
6329: A PSPACE Subclass of Dependency Quantified Boolean Formulas and Its Effective Solving6329:依赖量化布尔公式的 PSPACE 子类及其有效求解
6338: Multilevel Language and Vision Integration for Text-to-Clip Retrieval6338:文本到剪辑检索的多级语言和视觉集成
6354: Fast PMI-Based Word Embedding with Efficient Use of Unobserved Patterns6354:基于 PMI 的快速词嵌入以及有效使用未观察到的模式
6365: Learning optimal classification trees using a binary linear program formulation6365:使用二元线性规划公式学习最优分类树
6381: Manifold-valued Image Generation with Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Nets6381:使用 Wasserstein 生成对抗网络生成流形值图像
6382: Zero-shot Neural Transfer for Cross-lingual Entity Linking6382:跨语言实体链接的零样本神经迁移
6390: Consensus in Opinion Formation Processes in Fully Evolving Environments6390:在全面发展的环境中形成意见的过程中的共识
6399: Learning Multi-task Communication with Message Passing for Sequence Learning6399:学习多任务通信与序列学习的消息传递
6403: Learning Deviation Payoffs in Simulation-Based Games6403:在基于模拟的游戏中学习偏差收益
6405: Learning How to Ground a Plan - Partial Grounding in Classical Planning6405:学习如何制定计划 - 经典计划中的部分基础
6406: Triple Classification Using Regions And Fine-Grained Entity Typing6406:使用区域和细粒度实体类型的三重分类
6411: Fast, Memory-Efficient and Simple Mixture of Softmaxes with BPE and Hybrid-LightRNN6411:Softmax 与 BPE 和 Hybrid-LightRNN 的快速、高效和简单的混合
6418: Transfer Learning Only Using the Source Model and the Target Data for Sequence6418:仅使用源模型和目标数据进行序列迁移学习
6420: Near-lossless Binarization of Word Embeddings6420:词嵌入的近无损二值化
6432: Gradient-based Inference for Networks with Output Constraints6432:具有输出约束的网络的基于梯度的推理
6442: Analysis of Joint Multilingual Sentence Representations and Semantic K-Nearest Neighbor6442:联合多语言句子表示和语义K最近邻分析
6445: Incomplete Label Multi-task Deep Learning for Spatio-temporal Event Subtype6445:时空事件子类型的不完整标签多任务深度学习
6451: Improving Neural Question Generation using Answer Separation6451:使用答案分离改进神经问题生成
6455: A New Ensemble Learning Framework for 3D Biomedical Image Segmentation6455:用于 3D 生物医学图像分割的新集成学习框架
6461: Identification of Causal Effects in the Presence of Selection Bias6461:在存在选择偏差的情况下识别因果关系
6465: On the Parameters and Caveats of Mixture Models for Quantification6465:关于量化混合模型的参数和注意事项
6485: Contextualized Non-local Neural Networks for Sequence Learning6485:用于序列学习的上下文化非局部神经网络
6491: Robust Negative Sampling for Network Embedding6491:用于网络嵌入的稳健负采样
6494: SNR: Sub-Network Routing for Flexible Parameter Sharing in Multi-task Learning6494:SNR:多任务学习中灵活参数共享的子网络路由
6498: Bayesian Execution Skill Estimation6498:贝叶斯执行技能估计
6509: Efficient Online Learning For Mapping Kernels On Linguistic Structures6509:在语言结构上映射内核的高效在线学习
6510: Improving Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction with Neural Noise Converter and Conditional Optimal Selector6510:使用神经噪声转换器和条件最优选择器改进远程监督关系提取
6523: Dynamic Contracting under Positive Commitment6523:积极承诺下的动态收缩
6525: SAFE: A Neural Survival Analysis Model for Fraud Early Detection6525:安全:欺诈早期检测的神经生存分析模型
6531: Counting Complexity for Reasoning in Abstract Argumentation6531:计算抽象论证中推理的复杂性
6536: One-Class Adversarial Nets for Fraud Detection6536:用于欺诈检测的一类对抗网络
6537: CheXpert: A Large Chest Radiograph Dataset with Uncertainty Labels and Expert6537:CheXpert:带有不确定性标签和专家的大型胸片数据集
6539: Online Learning with Feature Space Adaptive Constraints6539:具有特征空间自适应约束的在线学习
6540: Structured Bayesian Networks: From Inference to Learning with Routes6540:结构化贝叶斯网络:从推理到学习路径
6541: Pareto Efficient Auctions with Interest Rates6541:具有利率的帕累托有效拍卖
6544: Learning Triggers for Heterogeneous Treatment Effects6544:异质治疗效果的学习触发器
6558: ``Bilingual Expert" Can Find Translation Errors6558:“双语专家”可以发现翻译错误
6560: Zero Shot Learning for Code Education: Rubric Sampling with Deep Learning Inference6560:代码教育的零样本学习:深度学习推理的标准抽样
6574: Combined Reinforcement Learning via Abstract Representations6574:通过抽象表示进行组合强化学习
6587: On Lifted Inference using Neural Embeddings6587:关于使用神经嵌入的提升推理
6593: Algorithms for Estimating Trends in Global Temperature Volatility6593:估计全球温度波动趋势的算法
6594: Non-Asymptotic Uniform Rates of Consistency for k-NN Regression6594:k-NN 回归的非渐近一致一致性率
6595: Constraint-based Sequential Pattern Mining with Decision Diagrams6595:使用决策图进行基于约束的顺序模式挖掘
6597: A task in a suit and a tie: paraphrase generation with semantic augmentation6597:西装革履的任务:带有语义增强的释义生成
6600: Constraint-Based Explanations of Machine Learning Models6600:机器学习模型的基于约束的解释
6611: Graph based Translation Memory for Neural Machine Translation6611:用于神经机器翻译的基于图的翻译记忆库
6613: Efficiently Combining Human Demonstrations and Interventions for Safe Training of Autonomous Systems in Real-Time6613:有效地结合人工演示和干预,实时安全训练自主系统
6617: An Improved Generic Bet-and-Run Strategy with Performance Prediction for Stochastic6617:一种改进的通用 Bet-and-Run 策略,具有随机指标的性能预测
6621: Distributional Semantics meets Multi-Label Learning6621:分布式语义遇到多标签学习
6632: Orderly Subspace Clustering6632:有序子空间聚类
6635: Enriching Word Embeddings with a Regressor Instead of Labeled Corpora6635:使用回归器而不是标记语料库来丰富词嵌入
6649: Jointly Learning to Label Sentences and Tokens6649:联合学习标记句子和标记
6663: Fast Iterative Combinatorial Auctions via Bayesian Learning6663:通过贝叶斯学习进行快速迭代组合拍卖
6668: Updates in Human-AI Teams: Understanding and Addressing the6668:人类-人工智能团队的更新:理解和解决
6669: Concurrency Debugging with Maximum Satisfiability6669:具有最大可满足性的并发调试
6672: Machine Learning Methods for Automatic Passive Acoustic Monitoring of the African6672:用于非洲自动被动声学监测的机器学习方法
6708: Learning Optimal and Fair Decision Trees for Non-Discriminative Decision-Making6708:学习用于非歧视性决策的最优和公平决策树
6710: Improved Knowledge Graph Embedding using Background Taxonomic Information6710:使用背景分类信息改进知识图嵌入
6719: DeepTileBars: Visualizing Term Distribution for Neural Information Retrieval6719:DeepTileBars:可视化神经信息检索的术语分布
6721: Towards Non-saturating Recurrent Units for Modelling Long-term Dependencies6721:向非饱和循环单元建模长期依赖
6725: An Improved Quasi-Polynomial Algorithm for Approximate Well-Supported Nash6725:一种改进的拟多项式算法,用于近似支持良好的纳什
6736: IPOMDP-Net: A Deep Neural Network for Partially Observable Multi-Agent Planning using Interactive POMDPs6736:IOMDP-Net:使用交互式 POMDP 进行部分可观察多智能体规划的深度神经网络
6742: Learning from Web Data using Adversarial Discriminative Neural Networks for Fine-Grained Classification6742:使用对抗判别神经网络从 Web 数据中学习进行细粒度分类
6747: Dimension-free error bounds from random projections6747:随机投影的无量纲误差界限
6748: Distributed PageRank Computation: An Improved Theoretical Study6748:分布式PageRank计算:改进的理论研究
6751: Adversarial actor-critic method for task and motion planning problems using planning6751:使用规划的任务和运动规划问题的对抗性演员批评方法
6773: TransConv: Relationship Embedding in Social Networks6773:TransConv:社交网络中的关系嵌入
6777: RobustSTL: A Robust Seasonal-Trend Decomposition Procedure for Long Time Series6777:RobustSTL:长期序列的稳健季节性趋势分解程序
6781: On Geometric Alignment in Low Doubling Dimension6781:关于低倍维的几何对齐
6788: ACM: Adaptive Cross-Modal Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for RGB-D Scene6788:ACM:RGB-D 场景的自适应跨模态图卷积神经网络
6793: PCGAN: Partition-Controlled Human Image Generation6793:PCGAN:分区控制的人体图像生成
6798: Text Assisted Insight Ranking Using Context-Aware Memory Network6798:使用上下文感知记忆网络的文本辅助洞察排名
6818: Utilizing Class Information for DNN Representation Shaping6818:利用类信息进行 DNN 表示整形
6839: Large Scale Learning of Agent Rationality in Two-Player Zero-Sum Games6839:两人零和游戏中智能体理性的大规模学习
6844: Uncovering Specific-Shape Graph Anomalies in Attributed Graphs6844:发现属性图中的特定形状图异常
6845: Off-Policy Deep Reinforcement Learning by Bootstrapping the Covariate Shift6845:通过引导协变量转移进行离策略深度强化学习
6869: QuaRel: A Dataset and Models for Answering Questions about Qualitative Relationships6869:QuaRel:用于回答有关定性关系问题的数据集和模型
6880: Rigorous Analysis of a Label Propagation Algorithm for Distributed Community Detection6880:用于分布式社区检测的标签传播算法的严格分析
6881: Evolving Solutions to Community-Structured Satisfiability FormulasFrank Neumann (The University of Adelaide, School of Computer Science, Faculty of6881:社区结构可满足性公式的演化解决方案Frank Neumann(阿德莱德大学计算机科学学院
6886: A Deep Reinforcement Learning based Multi-Step Coarse to Fine Question Answering6886:基于深度强化学习的多步粗到细问答
6893: Localizing Natural Language in Videos6893:在视频中本地化自然语言
6894: MotionTransformer: Transferring Physical Motion Between Domains For Neural Inertial6894:MotionTransformer:为神经惯性在域之间传输物理运动
6897: Explainable Reasoning over Knowledge Graphs for Recommendation6897:推荐知识图的可解释推理
6907: Spatially Invariant Unsupervised Object Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks6907:使用卷积神经网络进行空间不变的无监督目标检测
6915: Generation of Policy-Level Explanations for Reinforcement Learning6915:为强化学习生成策略级别的解释
6921: Adding Constraints to Bayesian Inverse Problems6921:为贝叶斯逆问题添加约束
6940: Adapting Translation Models for Transcript Disfluency Detection6940:为转录不流畅检测调整翻译模型
6951: Improving GAN with neighbors embedding and gradient matching6951:通过邻居嵌入和梯度匹配改进 GAN
6962: Generalized Planning via Abstraction: Arbitrary Numbers of Objects6962:通过抽象进行广义规划:任意数量的对象
6971: Interpretable Predictive Modeling for Climate Variables with Weighted Lasso6971:可解释的气候变量预测模型与加权套索
6974: RepeatNet: A Repeat Aware Neural Recommendation Machine for Session-based6974:RepeatNet:基于会话的重复感知神经推荐机
6975: AffinityNet: Semi-supervised Few-shot Learning for Disease Type Prediction6975:AffinityNet:用于疾病类型预测的半监督小样本学习
6992: Spatio-Temporal Graph Routing for Skeleton-based Action Recognition6992:用于基于骨架的动作识别的时空图路由
7005: VistaNet: Visual Aspect Attention Network for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis7005:VistaNet:用于多模态情感分析的视觉方面注意网络
7009: Predicting and Analyzing Language Specificity in Social Media Posts7009:预测和分析社交媒体帖子中的语言特异性
7013: Bidirectional Inference Networks with Application to Health Profiling7013:双向推理网络应用于健康分析
7014: Distant Supervision for Relation Extraction with Linear Attenuation Simulation and Non-IID Relevance Embedding7014:使用线性衰减模拟和非独立同分布相关嵌入的关系提取的远程监督
7015: Multi-Fidelity Automatic Hyper-Parameter Tuning via Transfer Series Expansion7015:通过传输级数扩展进行多保真自动超参数调整
7022: Minimum Intervention Cover of a Causal Graph7022:因果图的最小干预覆盖
7023: Improving Search with Supervised Learning in Trick-Based Card Games7023:在基于技巧的纸牌游戏中通过监督学习改进搜索
7028: Exploiting Background Knowledge in Compact Answer Generation for Why-questions7028:在为什么问题的紧凑答案生成中利用背景知识
7061: Story Ending Generation with Incremental Encoding and Commonsense Knowledge7061:使用增量编码和常识知识生成故事结尾
7063: Composite Binary Decomposition Network7063:复合二进制分解网络
7085: Anchors Bring Ease: An Embarrassingly Simple Approach to Partial Multi-view Clustering7085:锚点带来轻松:一种非常简单的局部多视图聚类方法
7092: GaitSet: Regarding Gait as a Set for Cross-View Gait Recognition7092:GaitSet:将步态视为跨视图步态识别的集合
7094: Character n-gram Embeddings to Improve RNN Language Models7094:改进 RNN 语言模型的字符 n-gram 嵌入
7117: Network Structure and Transfer Behaviors Embedding via Deep Prediction Model7117:通过深度预测模型嵌入网络结构和迁移行为
7122: Robust Online Matching with User Arrival Distribution Drift7122:具有用户到达分布漂移的稳健在线匹配
7133: Controllable Image-to-Video Translation: A Case Study on Facial Expression Generation7133:可控的图像到视频的翻译:面部表情生成的案例研究
7138: A Hierarchical Multi-task Approach for Learning Embeddings from Semantic Tasks7138:一种从语义任务中学习嵌入的分层多任务方法
7147: Similarity Preserving Deep Asymmetric Quantization for Image Retrieval7147:图像检索的相似性保持深度不对称量化
7159: Modelling Autobiographical Memory Loss Across Life Span7159:模拟整个生命周期的自传性记忆丧失
7164: Convolutional Spatial Attention Model for Reading Comprehension with Multiple-Choice7164:多选阅读理解的卷积空间注意模型
7182: Multi-Precision Quantized Neural Networks via Encoding Decomposition of {-1,+1}7182:通过{-1,+1}的编码分解的多精度量化神经网络
7188: Exploiting Class Learnability in Noisy Data7188:利用嘈杂数据中的类可学习性
7194: Learning Logistic Circuits7194:学习逻辑电路
7195: CompareLDA: A Topic Model for Document Comparison7195:CompareLDA:文档比较的主题模型
7196: ATOMIC: An Atlas of Machine Commonsense for If-Then Reasoning7196:原子:如果-那么推理的机器常识图集
7214: WK-VQA: World Knowledge-enabled Visual Question Answering7214:WK-VQA:支持世界知识的视觉问答
7217: Marginal Inference in Continuous Markov Random Fields using Mixtures7217:使用混合的连续马尔可夫随机场中的边际推理
7220: Predicting Argumenthood of English Preposition Phrases7220:预测英语介词短语的论证
7221: Wasserstein Soft Label Propagation on Hypergraphs: Algorithm and Generalization Error7221:超图上的 Wasserstein 软标签传播:算法和泛化错误
7225: Low-rank semidefinite programming for the MAX2SAT problem7225:MAX2SAT 问题的低秩半定规划
7226: Unsupervised Bilingual Lexicon Induction from Mono-lingual Multimodal Data7226:来自单语多模态数据的无监督双语词典归纳
7233: Multi³Net: Segmenting Flooded Buildings via Fusion of Multiresolution, Multisensor, and MultitemporalSatellite Imagery7233:Multi³Net:通过融合多分辨率、多传感器和
7236: Revisiting LSTM Networks for Semi-Supervised Text Classification via Mixed Objective7236:通过混合目标重新审视 LSTM 网络以进行半监督文本分类
7240: Matrix Completion for Graph-Based Deep Semi-Supervised Learning7240:基于图的深度半监督学习的矩阵完成
7242: Words Can Shift: Dynamically Adjusting Word Representations Using Nonverbal7242:单词可以转换:使用非语言动态调整单词表示
7259: Biologically Motivated Algorithms for Propagating Local Target Representations7259:用于传播局部目标表示的生物激励算法
7261: Data Augmentation based on Adversarial Autoencoder Handling Imbalance for Learning7261:基于对抗性自动编码器处理学习不平衡的数据增强
7290: InfoVAE: Balancing Learning and Inference in Variational Autoencoders7290:InfoVAE:平衡变分自动编码器中的学习和推理
7292: Dueling Bandits with Qualitative Feedback7292:与定性反馈决斗强盗
7332: Learning Segmentation Masks with the Independence Prior7332:使用独立先验学习分割掩码
7354: Found in Translation: Learning Robust Joint Representations by Cyclic Translations7354:在翻译中发现:通过循环翻译学习鲁棒的联合表示
7394: Ladder Gamma Variational Autoencoders for Graphs7394:图的梯形伽玛变分自动编码器
7397: A Model-free Affective Reinforcement Learning Approach to Personalization of a Social7397:一种社交个性化的无模型情感强化学习方法
7399: Clairvoyant restarts in branch-and-bound search using online tree size estimation7399:Clairvoyant 使用在线树大小估计在分支定界搜索中重新启动
7403: Tensor Decomposition for Multilayer Networks Clustering7403:多层网络聚类的张量分解
7418: Successor Features Based Multi-Agent RL for Event-Based Decentralized MDPsTarun Gupta (IIIT Hyderabad)
; Akshat Kumar (Singapore Management University); Praveen7418:基于事件的去中心化 MDP 的基于后继特征的多代理 RL Tarun Gupta (IIIT Hyderabad)*; Akshat Kumar(新加坡管理大学);普拉文
7422: A non-convex optimization approach to correlation clustering7422:相关聚类的非凸优化方法
7437: A study of Education Data Mining: Evidence from a Thai University7437:教育数据挖掘研究:来自泰国大学的证据
7440: A Deep Sequential Model for Discourse Parsing on Multi-Party Dialogues7440:多方对话中话语解析的深度序列模型
7447: Multiagent Decision Making For Maritime Traffic Management7447:海上交通管理的多代理决策
7468: Syntax-aware Neural Semantic Role Labeling7468:语法感知神经语义角色标签
7476: High Dimensional Clustering with r r r-nets7476:使用 r r r-nets 的高维聚类
7479: Factorization Machines for Knowledge Tracing7479:用于知识追踪的分解机
7498: Active Sampling for Open-Set Classification without Initial Annotation7498:无初始注释的开放集分类的主动抽样
7499: Learning Phenotypes and Dynamic Patient Representations via RNN Regularized7499:通过 RNN 正则化学习表型和动态患者表征
7512: PGANs: Personalized Generative Adversarial Networks for ECG Synthesis to Improve Patient-Specific Deep ECG Classification7512:
7543: Multi-Source Neural Variational Inference7543:多源神经变分推理
7545: Switch-LSTMs for Multi-Criteria Chinese Word Segmentation7545:用于多标准中文分词的 Switch-LSTM
7564: Nearest-Neighbour-Induced Isolation Similarity and Its Impact on Density-Based7564:最近邻诱导的隔离相似性及其对基于密度的影响
7577: An Efficient Approach to Informative Feature Extraction from Multimodal Data7577:一种从多模态数据中提取信息特征的有效方法
7591: Poll-Confident Voters in Iterative Voting7591:在迭代投票中投票自信的选民
7598: Hierarchical Context enabled Recurrent Neural Network for Recommendation7598:分层上下文启用递归神经网络推荐
7605: Axiomatic Characterization of Data-Driven Influence Measures for Classification7605:数据驱动的分类影响度量的公理化表征
7608: Distant Supervision with Adapted Manual Annotations7608:带有改编手动注释的远程监督
7635: Session-based Recommendation with Graph Neural Network7635:使用图神经网络的基于会话的推荐
7647: Learning Uniform Semantic Features for Natural Language and Programming Language7647:学习自然语言和编程语言的统一语义特征
7656: GlobalTrait: Personality Alignment of Multilingual Word Embeddings7656:GlobalTrait:多语言词嵌入的个性对齐法
7667: On the Time Complexity of Algorithm Selection Hyper-Heuristics for Multimodal7667:关于多模态算法选择超启发式算法的时间复杂度
7688: Towards Automated Semi-Supervised Learning7688:迈向自动化的半监督学习
7692: Bi-Kronecker Functional Diagrams: A Novel Canonical Representation of Boolean7692:Bi-Kronecker 函数图:布尔的一种新颖的规范表示
7703: Paraphrase Diversification as Guided Style Transfer7703:解释多样化作为引导式风格转移
7713: Efficient Quantization for Compact Neural Networks with Binary Weights and Low7713:具有二进制权重和低权重的紧凑神经网络的有效量化
7721: Learning Heterogeneous Spatial-Temporal Representation for Bike-sharing Demand7721:学习自行车共享需求的异构时空表示
7770: One for All: Neural Joint Modeling of Entities and Events7770:一应俱全:实体和事件的神经联合建模
7772: Randomized Strategies for Robust Combinatorial Optimization7772:稳健组合优化的随机策略
7815: Learning to Address Health Inequality in the United States with a Bayesian Decision7815:学习用贝叶斯决策解决美国的健康不平等问题
7833: Accurate and Interpretable Factorization Machines7833:准确和可解释的分解机
7837: A Robust and Efficient Algorithm for the PnL problem Using Algebraic Distance to7837:使用代数距离来解决 PnL 问题的稳健且高效的算法
7839: Overcoming Blind Spots in the Real World: Leveraging Complementary Abilities for Joint7839:克服现实世界中的盲点:利用互补能力进行联合
7860: Revisiting Projection-Free Optimization For Strongly Convex Constraint Sets7860:重新审视强凸约束集的无投影优化
7866: Geometric Hawkes Processes with Graph Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks7866:几何霍克斯过程与图卷积递归神经网络
7891: Deictic Image Maps: An Abstraction For Learning Pose Invariant Manipulation Policies7891:指示图像映射:学习姿势不变操作策略的抽象
7899: Plan-Length Bounds: Beyond 1-way Dependency7899:计划长度界限:超越单向依赖
7938: {Enhanced Random Forest Algorithms for Partially Monotone Ordinal Classification7938:{用于部分单调序数分类的增强型随机森林算法
7946: Active Generative Adversarial Network for Image Classification Enhancement7946:用于图像分类增强的主动生成对抗网络
7954: Universal Approximation Property and Equivalence of Stochastic Computing-based7954:基于随机计算的普遍逼近性质和等价性
7955: Gaussian-Induced Convolution for Graphs7955:图的高斯诱导卷积
7976: Robust Estimation of Similarity Transformation for Visual Object Tracking7976:视觉对象跟踪的相似性变换的鲁棒估计
7996: Parallel Restarted SGD with Faster Convergence and Less Communication: Demystifying7996:以更快的收敛速度和更少的通信并行重启 SGD:揭秘
8001: Can We Obtain Reliable Learning Results for High Stakes Applications?8001:我们能否为高风险应用程序获得可靠的学习结果?
8010: Satisfiability in Strategy Logic can be Easier than Model Checking8010:策略逻辑中的可满足性比模型检查更容易
8018: Learning A Key-Value Memory Co-Attention Matching Network for Person Re-Identification8018: 学习用于人员重新识别的键值记忆共同注意匹配网络
8021: Active Mini-Batch Sampling using Repulsive Point Processes8021:使用排斥点过程的主动小批量采样
8023: Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Course Recommendation in MOOCs8023: MOOCs 课程推荐的分层强化学习
8047: Modeling Local Dependence in Natural Language with Multi-channel Recurrent Neural8047:使用多通道递归神经对自然语言中的局部依赖进行建模
8049: Region-based Message Exploration over Spatio-Temporal Data Streams8049:时空数据流上基于区域的消息探索
8103: Bounding Uncertainty for Active Batch Selection8103:活动批次选择的边界不确定性
8106: Direct Training for Spiking Neural Networks: Faster, Larger, Better8106:脉冲神经网络的直接训练:更快、更大、更好
8110: Skill-guided Look-ahead Exploration for Reinforcement Learning ofManipulation Policies8110:操作策略强化学习的技能引导前瞻探索

