module top_module(output one);
assign one = 1;
module top_module(
output zero
);// Module body starts after semicolon
assign zero = 0;
module top_module(input in, output out);
assign out = in;
module top_module(
input a, b, c,
output w, x, y, z
assign w=a;
assign x=b;
assign y=b;
assign z=c;
module top_module(
input in,
output out
assign out=~in;
module top_module(
input a, b,
output out
assign out=a & b;
module top_module(
input a, b,
output out
assign out=!(a | b);
module top_module(
input a, b,
output out
assign out = !(a ^ b);
module top_module( input a, input b, input c, input d, output out, output out_n ); // 请用户在下方编辑代码 wire a_and_b, c_and_d, or_out; assign a_and_b = a&b; assign c_and_d = c&d; assign or_out = a_and_b | c_and_d; assign out = or_out; assign out_n = ~or_out; //用户编辑到此为止 endmodule
module top_module (
input wire [2:0] vec,
output wire [2:0] outv,
output wire o2,
output wire o1,
output wire o0);
// Module body starts after module declaration
// 请用户在下方编辑代码
assign outv[2:0] = vec[2:0];
assign o0 = vec[0];
assign o1 = vec[1];
assign o2 = vec[2];
// 用户编辑到此为止
`default_nettype none // Disable implicit nets. Reduces some types of bugs.
module top_module(
input wire [15:0] in,
output wire [7:0] out_hi,
output wire [7:0] out_lo
// Write your code here
assign out_hi = in[15:8];
assign out_lo = in[7:0];
module top_module(
input [31:0] in,
output [31:0] out
assign out[31:24] = in[7:0];
assign out[23:16] = in[15:8];
assign out[15:8] = in[23:16];
assign out[7:0] = in[31:24];
module top_module(
input [2:0] a,
input [2:0] b,
output [2:0] out_or_bitwise,
output out_or_logical,
output [5:0] out_not
// Write your code here
assign out_not[5:0] = ~({b[2:0],a[2:0]});
assign out_or_bitwise = a | b;
assign out_or_logical = a[0]|a[1]|a[2]|b[0]|b[1]|b[2];
module top_module( input [3:0] in, output out_and, output out_or, output out_xor ); /* assign out_and = in[0]&in[1]&in[2]&in[3]; assign out_or = in[0]|in[1]|in[2]|in[3]; assign out_xor = in[0]^in[1]^in[2]^in[3]; */ assign out_and = &in[2:0]; assign out_or = |in[2:0]; assign out_xor = ^in[2:0]; endmodule
module top_module (
input [4:0] a, b, c, d, e, f,
output [7:0] w, x, y, z );
// assign { ... } = { ... };
assign {w, x, y, z} = {a, b, c, d, e, f, 2'b11};
module top_module(
input [7:0] in,
output [7:0] out
assign out = {in[0], in[1], in[2], in[3], in[4], in[5], in[6], in[7]};
module top_module (
input [7:0] in,
output [31:0] out );//
assign out = {{24{in[7]}},in[7:0]};
module top_module (
input a, b, c, d, e,
output [24:0] out );//
// The output is XNOR of two vectors created by
// concatenating and replicating the five inputs.
assign out = ~({ {5{a}}, {5{b}},{5{c}},{5{d}}, {5{e}}} ^ { 5{a, b, c, d, e} });
module top_module( input a, input b, output out ); // 请用户在下方编辑代码 mod_a imod_a1( .in1(a), .in2(b), .out(out) ); //用户编辑到此为止 endmodule module mod_a ( input in1, input in2, output out ); assign out = in1 & in2; endmodule
module mod_a( output out1, out2, input in1,in2,in3,in4); assign out1 = in1 & in2 & in3 & in4; //这只是一个简单的示例 assign out2 = in1 | in2 | in3 | in4; //这只是一个简单的示例 endmodule module top_module( input a, input b, input c, input d, output out1, output out2 ); // 请用户在下方编辑代码 mod_a imod_a1(out1, out2, a, b, c, d); // 用户编辑到此为止 endmodule
module mod_a ( output out1 , output out2 , input in1 , input in2 , input in3 , input in4 ); assign out1 = in1 & in2 & in3 & in4; //这只是一个简单的示例 assign out2 = in1 | in2 | in3 | in4; //这只是一个简单的示例 endmodule module top_module ( input a , input b , input c , input d , output out1, output out2 ); //Write your code here mod_a imod_a1( .out1(out1), .out2(out2), .in1(a), .in2(b), .in3(c), .in4(d) ); endmodule
module my_dff(input clk,input d,output reg q);
always@(posedge clk)
q <= d;
module top_module ( input clk, input d, output q );
// Write your code here
wire t1, t2;
my_dff idff1(clk, d, t1);
my_dff idff2(clk, t1, t2);
my_dff idff3(clk, t2, q);
module my_dff8( input clk, input [7:0] d, output reg [7:0] q ); always@(posedge clk) q <= d; endmodule module top_module( input clk, input [7:0] d, input [1:0] sel, output reg [7:0] q ); // Write your code here wire [7:0]t1; wire [7:0]t2; wire [7:0]t3; my_dff8 idff8_1(clk, d, t1); my_dff8 idff8_2(clk, t1, t2); my_dff8 idff8_3(clk, t2, t3); always @(*) begin case(sel) 2'd0: q <= d; 2'd1: q <= t1; 2'd2: q <= t2; 2'd3: q <= t3; endcase end endmodule
module add16 ( input[15:0] a, input[15:0] b, input cin, output[15:0] sum, output cout );
assign {cout,sum} = a + b + cin;
module top_module(
input [31:0] a,
input [31:0] b,
output [31:0] sum
wire c;
add16 iadd16_1(.a(a[15:0]), .b(b[15:0]), .cin(0), .sum(sum[15:0]), .cout(c));
add16 iadd16_2(.a(a[31:16]), .b(b[31:16]), .cin(c), .sum(sum[31:16]), .cout());
module add1 ( input a, input b, input cin, output sum, output cout );
// Full adder module here
assign sum = a ^ b ^ cin;
assign cout = (a&b)|(a&cin)|(b&cin);
module top_module (
input [31:0] a,
input [31:0] b,
output [31:0] sum
wire c;
add16 a0(.a(a[15:0]), .b(b[15:0]), .cin(1'b0), .sum(sum[15:0]), .cout(c));
add16 a1(.a(a[31:16]), .b(b[31:16]), .cin(c), .sum(sum[31:16]), .cout());
module add16 ( input[15:0] a, input[15:0] b, input cin, output[15:0] sum, output cout ); assign {cout,sum} = a + b + cin; endmodule module top_module( input [31:0] a, input [31:0] b, output [31:0] sum ); wire [15:0]sum_0; wire [15:0]sum_1; wire c; add16 iadd16_high_0(.a(a[31:16]), .b(b[31:16]), .cin(0), .sum(sum_0), .cout()); add16 iadd16_high_1(.a(a[31:16]), .b(b[31:16]), .cin(1), .sum(sum_1), .cout()); add16 iadd16_low(.a(a[15:0]), .b(b[15:0]), .cin(0), .sum(sum[15:0]), .cout(c)); assign sum[31:16] = (c == 1 ? sum_1 : sum_0); endmodule
module add16 ( input[15:0] a, input[15:0] b, input cin, output[15:0] sum, output cout ); assign {cout,sum} = a + b + cin; endmodule module top_module( input [31:0] a, input [31:0] b, input sub, output [31:0] sum ); wire [31:0]b2 = b ^ {32{sub}}; wire c; add16 iadd16_1(.a(a[15:0]), .b(b2[15:0]), .cin(sub), .sum(sum[15:0]), .cout(c)); add16 iadd16_2(.a(a[31:16]), .b(b2[31:16]), .cin(c), .sum(sum[31:16]), .cout()); endmodule
module top_module(
input a,
input b,
output wire out_assign,
output reg out_alwaysblock
assign out_assign = a & b;
always @(*) begin
out_alwaysblock <= a & b;
module top_module( input clk, input a, input b, output wire out_assign, output reg out_always_comb, output reg out_always_ff ); // 请用户在下方编辑代码 assign out_assign = a ^ b; //reg不一定非要在电路中引入寄存器 always @(*) begin out_always_comb = a ^ b; end always @(posedge clk) begin out_always_ff <= a ^ b; end //用户编辑到此为止 endmodule
module top_module( input a, input b, input sel_b1, input sel_b2, output wire out_assign, output reg out_always); // 请用户在下方编辑代码 wire [1:0]sel = {sel_b1, sel_b2}; assign out_assign = (sel == 3 ? b : a); always @(*) begin if(sel == 3) out_always = b; else out_always = a; end //用户编辑到此为止 endmodule
module top_module ( input cpu_overheated , output reg shut_off_computer , input arrived , input gas_tank_empty , output reg keep_driving ); // Edit the code below always @(*) begin if (cpu_overheated) shut_off_computer = 1'b1; else shut_off_computer = 1'b0; end always @(*) begin if (~arrived) keep_driving = ~gas_tank_empty; else keep_driving = 0; end endmodule
module top_module ( input [2:0] sel, input [3:0] data0, input [3:0] data1, input [3:0] data2, input [3:0] data3, input [3:0] data4, input [3:0] data5, output reg [3:0] out );// always@(*) begin // This is a combinational circuit case(sel) 0: out = data0; 1: out = data1; 2: out = data2; 3: out = data3; 4: out = data4; 5: out = data5; default: out = 3'b0; endcase end endmodule
module top_module( input [3:0] in, output reg [1:0] pos ); // Write your code here always @(*) begin case(in) 4'b0000: pos = 0; 4'b0001: pos = 0; 4'b0010: pos = 1; 4'b0011: pos = 0; 4'b0100: pos = 2; 4'b0101: pos = 0; 4'b0110: pos = 1; 4'b0111: pos = 0; 4'b1000: pos = 3; 4'b1001: pos = 0; 4'b1010: pos = 1; 4'b1011: pos = 0; 4'b1100: pos = 2; 4'b1101: pos = 0; 4'b1110: pos = 1; 4'b1111: pos = 0; endcase end endmodule
module top_module ( input [7:0] in, output reg [2:0] pos ); always @(*) begin casez(in) 8'bzzzz_zzz1: pos = 0; 8'bzzzz_zz1z: pos = 1; 8'bzzzz_z1zz: pos = 2; 8'bzzzz_1zzz: pos = 3; 8'bzzz1_zzzz: pos = 4; 8'bzz1z_zzzz: pos = 5; 8'bz1zz_zzzz: pos = 6; 8'b1zzz_zzzz: pos = 7; default: pos = 0; endcase end endmodule
module top_module ( input [15:0] scancode, output reg left, output reg down, output reg right, output reg up ); always @(*) begin up = 1'b0; down = 1'b0; left = 1'b0; right = 1'b0; case(scancode) 16'he06b: left = 1; 16'he072: down = 1; 16'he074: right = 1; 16'he075: up = 1; endcase end endmodule
module top_module (
input [7:0] a, b, c, d,
output [7:0] min);
wire [7:0] min_ab = a < b ? a : b;
wire [7:0] min_cd = c < d ? c : d;
assign min = min_ab < min_cd ? min_ab : min_cd;
module top_module (
input [7:0] in,
output parity);
assign parity = ^in[7:0];
module top_module (
input clk, // Clocks are used in sequential circuits
input d,
output reg q );//
// Use a clocked always block
// copy d to q at every positive edge of clk
// Clocked always blocks should use non-blocking assignments
always @(posedge clk) begin
q <= d;
module top_module (
input clk,
input [7:0] d,
output reg [7:0] q
// 请用户在下方编辑代码
always @(posedge clk) begin
q <= d;
module top_module (
input clk,
input reset, // Synchronous reset
input [7:0] d,
output reg [7:0] q
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset) q <= 8'b0;
else q <= d;
module top_module (
input clk ,
input reset ,
input [7:0] d ,
output reg [7:0] q
// Write your code here
always @(negedge clk) begin
if(reset) q <= 8'h34;
else q <= d;
module top_module (
input clk,
input areset, // active high asynchronous reset
input [7:0] d,
output reg [7:0] q
// Write your code here
always @(posedge clk or posedge areset) begin
if (areset) q <= 8'b0;
else q <= d;
module top_module( input clk, input resetn, input [1:0] byteena, input [15:0] d, output reg [15:0] q ); // Write your code here always @(posedge clk) begin if(~resetn) q <= 16'b0; else begin q[15:8] <= byteena[1] == 1 ? d[15:8] : q[15:8]; q[7:0] <= byteena[0] == 1 ? d[7:0] : q[7:0]; end end endmodule
module top_module (
input clk,
input in,
output reg out);
wire d = out ^ in;
always @(posedge clk) begin
out <= d;
module top_module ( input clk, input x, output z ); reg q1, q2, q3; wire d1 = x ^ q1; wire d2 = x & ~q2; wire d3 = x | ~q3; assign z = ~(q1|q2|q3); initial begin q1 = 0; q2 = 0; q3 = 0; end always @(posedge clk) begin q1 <= d1; q2 <= d2; q3 <= d3; end endmodule
module top_module ( input clk, input in, output reg out = 0 ); wire prev_in; dff idff_1(.clk(clk), .d(in), .q(prev_in)); always @(posedge clk) begin if(~prev_in & in) out <= 1; else out <= 0; end endmodule module dff( input clk, input d, output reg q ); initial q = 0; always @(posedge clk) begin q <= d; end endmodule
module top_module ( input clk, input in, output reg out ); //initial out = 0; wire prev_in; dff idff_1(.clk(clk), .d(in), .q(prev_in)); always @(posedge clk) begin out <= prev_in ^ in; end endmodule module dff ( input clk, input d, output reg q ); always @(posedge clk) begin q <= d; end endmodule
module top_module (
input clk,
input reset, // 异步复位,高电平有效,复位值为0
output reg [3:0] q);
always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
if(reset) q <= 0;
else if(q == 15) q <= 0;
else q <= q + 1;
module top_module (
input clk , //时钟信号
input reset , //同步高电平有效复位信号
output reg [3:0] q //计数结果
// 请用户在下方编辑代码
always @(posedge clk) begin
if(reset) q <= 1;
else if(q == 10) q <= 1;
else q <= q + 1;
module top_module(
input clk,
input reset,
input en,
output reg [3:0]q);
always @(posedge clk) begin
if(reset) q <= 5;
else if (~en) q <= q;
else if (q == 5) q <= 15;
else q <= q - 1;
module top_module( input clk , //4Hz input reset , output [7:0] ss ); // Write your code here reg [1:0]cnt; reg [3:0]ones_place; reg [3:0]tens_place; //initial begin cnt = 0; ones_place = 0; tens_place = 0;end assign ss[3:0] = ones_place[3:0]; assign ss[7:4] = tens_place[3:0]; always @(posedge clk) begin if(reset) begin cnt <= 0; ones_place <= 0; tens_place <= 0; end else if(cnt == 3) begin cnt <= 0; if(ones_place == 9) begin ones_place <= 0; if (tens_place == 5) tens_place <= 0; else tens_place <= tens_place + 1; end else begin ones_place <= ones_place + 1; end end else begin cnt <= cnt + 1; end end endmodule
module top_module( input clk, input areset, //异步、高有效、复位值为0 input load, input ena, input [3:0] data, output reg [3:0] q); //Write your code here always @(posedge clk or posedge areset) begin if(areset) q <= 0; else if(load) q <= data; else if(ena) q <= q >> 1; else q <= q; end endmodule
module top_module( input clk, input enable, input S, input A, B, C, output reg Z ); // Write your code here reg [7:0]q; //initial begin q <= 0; end always @(posedge clk) begin if(enable) begin q <= {q[6:0], S}; end else begin q <= q; end end always @(*) begin Z = q[{A, B, C}]; end endmodule
module top_module(
input [2:0] addr,
output [3:0] q
reg [3:0]mem[7:0];
integer i = 0;
initial begin
for (i = 0; i < 8; i = i + 1) begin
mem[i] = i;
assign q = mem[addr];
module ram_one_port( input clk, input wr_en, input [2:0] wr_addr, input [15:0] wr_data, input [2:0] rd_addr, output [15:0] rd_data); reg [15:0]mem[7:0]; initial begin $readmemh("memfile.dat", mem); end assign rd_data = mem[rd_addr]; always @(posedge clk) begin if(wr_en) mem[wr_addr] <= wr_data; end endmodule
module top_module(
input clk,
input areset, // Asynchronous reset to state B
input in,
output reg out);//
always @(posedge clk or posedge areset) begin
if(areset) out <= 1;
else if(in == 0) out <= ~out;
else out <= out;
module top_module (
input sel,
input [7:0] a,
input [7:0] b,
output [7:0]out );
assign out = ({8{~sel}} & a) | ({8{sel}} & b);
//`timescale 1ns/1ns module tb(); reg a,b; initial begin a = 1'b1; b = 1'b0; #10 a = 1'b1; b = 1'b1; #10 a = 1'b0; b = 1'b1; #10 a = 1'b0; b = 1'b0; #10 a = 1'b1; b = 1'b0; #10 $finish; end endmodule
module tb(); reg a,b; wire q; //对ab信号进行初始化 initial begin a = 0; b = 0; #3 b = 1; #2 a = 1; b = 0; #2 b = 1; #2 a = 0; b = 0; #2 a = 0; b = 1; #2 a = 1; b = 0; #2 b = 1; #2 a = 0; b = 0; //$finish; end //例化mymodule模块 mymodule imymodule_1(.a(a), .b(b), .q(q)); endmodule module mymodule( input a,b, output q ); assign q = a & b; endmodule
module tb(); wire [2:0]out;//必要输出信号 //信号定义 reg clk; initial clk = 0; //信号生成 always #5 clk = ~clk; //模块例化 dut idut_1(.clk(clk), .out(out)); endmodule module dut(input clk, output reg [2:0]out); //测试模块 always @(posedge clk) out <= out + 1'b1; endmodule
module ram_one_port( input clk, input [1:0] addr, input wr_en, input [7:0] wr_data, output [7:0] rd_data ); reg [7:0] mem[3:0]; initial begin mem[0] = 8'b0; mem[1] = 8'b0; mem[2] = 8'b0; mem[3] = 8'b0; end assign rd_data = mem[addr]; always@(posedge clk) begin if(wr_en) mem[addr] <= wr_data; end endmodule module tb( ); //信号定义 reg clk,wr_en; reg [1:0] addr; reg [7:0] wr_data; wire [7:0] rd_data; //信号生成 initial begin clk = 0; forever #5 clk = ~clk; //生成周期为10的一个时钟信号 end initial begin addr = 2'b0; @(posedge clk); repeat(4) begin //repeat为verilog关键字,表示重复操作 @(posedge clk); //等待clk信号的上升沿到来 #1 addr = addr + 1; //clk上升沿1个时间单位后,addr加一 end end initial begin wr_en = 0; #16; //延时一段时间, @(posedge clk); #1 wr_en = 1; @(posedge clk); @(posedge clk); #1 wr_en = 0; end initial begin wr_data = 8'h0; repeat(4) begin wait(wr_en==1'b1); #1 wr_data = $random%256; @(posedge clk); end end //例化被测模块 ram_one_port ram_inst( .clk(clk), .wr_en(wr_en), .addr(addr), .wr_data(wr_data), .rd_data(rd_data) ); endmodule
module top_module( input clk, input [4:0] A1,A2,A3, input [31:0] WD, input WE, output [31:0] RD1,RD2 ); reg [31:0] reg_file[0:31]; //初始化寄存器堆 integer i; initial begin for(i=0;i<32;i=i+1) reg_file[i] = 0; end //写入寄存器 always@(posedge clk) begin if(WE) begin if(A3 != 0) reg_file[A3] <= WD; end /*待填*/ end //读取寄存器 assign RD1 = reg_file[A1];/*待填*/ assign RD2 = reg_file[A2];/*待填*/ endmodule
module top_module( input clk, input rst, input JUMP, input [31:0] JUMP_PC, output reg [31:0] pc); wire [31:0] pc_plus4; assign pc_plus4 = pc + 32'h4; //计算PC always@(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin /*待填*/ if(rst == 1) pc <= 32'b0; else if(JUMP) pc <= JUMP_PC; else pc <= pc_plus4; end endmodule
module top_module( input [31:0] inst, output reg [31:0] out ); wire [6:0] opcode; assign opcode= inst[6:0]; //立即数扩展 initial out = 32'b0; always@(*) begin case(opcode) 7'b0010111: begin out[31:12] = inst[31:12]; end //auipc 7'b0110111: begin out[31:12] = inst[31:12]; end //lui 7'b1100011: begin //B type out[12] = inst[31]; out[11] = inst[7]; out[10:5] = inst[30:25]; out[4:1] = inst[11:8]; out[31:13] = {19{out[12]}}; end 7'b1101111: begin //jal out[20] = inst[31]; out[19:12] = inst[19:12]; out[11] = inst[20]; out[10:1] = inst[30:21]; out[31:21] = {10{out[20]}}; end 7'b1100111: begin //jalr->I type out[11:0] = inst[31:20]; out[31:12] = {20{out[11]}}; end 7'b0000011: begin //I type out[11:0] = inst[31:20]; out[31:12] = {20{out[11]}}; end 7'b0100011: begin //S type out[11:5] = inst[31:25]; out[4:0] = inst[11:7]; end 7'b0010011: begin //I type out[11:0] = inst[31:20]; out[31:12] = {20{out[11]}}; end default: out = 32'b0; endcase end endmodule
module top_module( input [31:0] REG1, input [31:0] REG2, input [2:0] Type, output reg BrE ); wire signed [31:0] signed_REG1; wire signed [31:0] signed_REG2; //wire unsigned [31:0] unsigned_REG1; //wire unsigned [31:0] unsigned_REG2; assign signed_REG1 = REG1; assign signed_REG2 = REG2; //assign unsigned_REG1 = REG1; //assign unsigned_REG2 = REG2; always@(*) begin case(Type) 3'b010: BrE = signed_REG1 == signed_REG2 ? 1 : 0; //beq 3'b011: BrE = signed_REG1 != signed_REG2 ? 1 : 0; //bne 3'b100: BrE = signed_REG1 < signed_REG2 ? 1 : 0; //blt 3'b101: BrE = signed_REG1 >= signed_REG2 ? 1 : 0; //bge 3'b110: begin //bltu case({signed_REG1[31], signed_REG2[31]}) 2'b00: BrE = signed_REG1 < signed_REG2; 2'b01: BrE = 1; 2'b10: BrE = 0; 2'b11: BrE = signed_REG1 < signed_REG2; endcase end 3'b111: begin //bgeu case({signed_REG1[31], signed_REG2[31]}) 2'b00: BrE = signed_REG1 >= signed_REG2; 2'b01: BrE = 0; 2'b10: BrE = 1; 2'b11: BrE = signed_REG1 >= signed_REG2; endcase end default: BrE = 0; /*待填*/ endcase end endmodule
module top_module( input [31:0] SrcA,SrcB, input [3:0] func, output reg [31:0] ALUout ); wire signed [31:0] signed_a; wire signed [31:0] signed_b; assign signed_a = SrcA; assign signed_b = SrcB; always@(*) begin case(func) 4'b0000: ALUout = signed_a + signed_b; //add 4'b1000: ALUout = signed_a - signed_b; //sub 4'b0001: ALUout = signed_a << signed_b[4:0]; //sll 4'b0010: ALUout = signed_a < signed_b ? 1 : 0; //lt 4'b0011: begin //ltu case({signed_a[31], signed_b[31]}) 2'b00: ALUout = signed_a < signed_b; 2'b01: ALUout = 1; 2'b10: ALUout = 0; 2'b11: ALUout = signed_a < signed_b; endcase end 4'b0100: ALUout = signed_a ^ signed_b; //xor 4'b0101: ALUout = signed_a >> signed_b[4:0]; //srl 4'b1101: ALUout = signed_a >>> signed_b[4:0]; //sra 4'b0110: ALUout = signed_a | signed_b; //or 4'b0111: ALUout = signed_a & signed_b; //and 4'b1110: ALUout = signed_b; // default: ALUout = 0; /*待填*/ endcase end endmodule
module top_module( input clk, input [31:0] im_addr, output [31:0] im_dout, input [2:0] dm_rd_ctrl, input [1:0] dm_wr_ctrl, input [31:0] dm_addr, input [31:0] dm_din, output reg [31:0] dm_dout ); reg [3:0] byte_en; reg [31:0] mem[0:4095]; //4K*32 = 16KB reg [31:0] mem_out; integer i; initial begin for(i=0;i<4095;i=i+1) mem[i] = 0; end initial begin $readmemh("./problem/inst.dat",mem); end assign im_dout = {im_addr[31:14], im_addr[1:0]} == 0 ? mem[im_addr] : 0; //由于不能跨单位读取数据,地址最低两位的数值决定了当前单位能读取到的数据,即mem_out always@(*) begin case(dm_addr[1:0]) 2'b00: mem_out = mem[dm_addr[13:2]][31:0]; 2'b01: mem_out = {8'h0,mem[dm_addr[13:2]][31:8]}; 2'b10: mem_out = {16'h0,mem[dm_addr[13:2]][31:16]}; 2'b11: mem_out = {24'h0,mem[dm_addr[13:2]][31:24]}; endcase end always@(*) begin case(dm_rd_ctrl) 3'b001: begin //lb case(dm_addr[1:0]) 2'b00: dm_dout = {{24{mem[{dm_addr[13:2], 2'b00}][7]}}, mem[{dm_addr[13:2], 2'b00}][7:0]}; 2'b01: dm_dout = {{24{mem[{dm_addr[13:2], 2'b00}][15]}}, mem[{dm_addr[13:2], 2'b00}][15:7]}; 2'b10: dm_dout = {{24{mem[{dm_addr[13:2], 2'b00}][23]}}, mem[{dm_addr[13:2], 2'b00}][23:16]}; 2'b11: dm_dout = {{24{mem[{dm_addr[13:2], 2'b00}][31]}}, mem[{dm_addr[13:2], 2'b00}][31:24]}; endcase end 3'b010: begin //lbu case(dm_addr[1:0]) 2'b00: dm_dout = {24'b0, mem[{dm_addr[13:2], 2'b00}][7:0]}; 2'b01: dm_dout = {24'b0, mem[{dm_addr[13:2], 2'b00}][15:7]}; 2'b10: dm_dout = {24'b0, mem[{dm_addr[13:2], 2'b00}][23:16]}; 2'b11: dm_dout = {24'b0, mem[{dm_addr[13:2], 2'b00}][31:24]}; endcase end 3'b011: begin //lh case(dm_addr[1:0]) 2'b00: dm_dout = {{16{mem[{dm_addr[13:2], 2'b00}][15]}}, mem[{dm_addr[13:2], 2'b00}][15:0]}; 2'b10: dm_dout = {{16{mem[{dm_addr[13:2], 2'b00}][31]}}, mem[{dm_addr[13:2], 2'b00}][31:16]}; default: dm_dout = 0; endcase end 3'b100: begin //lhu case(dm_addr[1:0]) 2'b00: dm_dout = {16'b0, mem[{dm_addr[13:2], 2'b00}][15:0]}; 2'b10: dm_dout = {16'b0, mem[{dm_addr[13:2], 2'b00}][31:16]}; default: dm_dout = 0; endcase end 3'b101: dm_dout = mem_out; //lw default: dm_dout = 0; endcase end always@(*) begin if(dm_wr_ctrl == 2'b11) byte_en = 4'b1111; else if(dm_wr_ctrl == 2'b10) begin if(dm_addr[1] == 1'b1) byte_en = 4'b1100; else byte_en = 4'b0011; end else if(dm_wr_ctrl == 2'b01) begin case(dm_addr[1:0]) 2'b00: byte_en = 4'b0001; 2'b01: byte_en = 4'b0010; 2'b10: byte_en = 4'b0100; 2'b11: byte_en = 4'b1000; endcase end else byte_en = 4'b0000; end always@(posedge clk) begin if((byte_en != 1'b0)&&(dm_addr[30:12]==19'b0)) begin case(byte_en) 4'b0001: mem[{dm_addr[11:2], 2'b00}][7:0] <= dm_din[7:0]; 4'b0010: mem[{dm_addr[11:2], 2'b00}][15:8] <= dm_din[7:0]; 4'b0100: mem[{dm_addr[11:2], 2'b00}][23:16] <= dm_din[7:0]; 4'b1000: mem[{dm_addr[11:2], 2'b00}][31:24] <= dm_din[7:0]; 4'b0011: mem[{dm_addr[11:2], 2'b00}][15:0] <= dm_din[15:0]; 4'b1100:mem[{dm_addr[11:2], 2'b00}][31:16] <= dm_din[15:0]; 4'b1111:mem[{dm_addr[11:2], 2'b00}] <= dm_din; endcase end end endmodule
//module controler( module top_module( input [31:0] inst, output rf_wr_en, output reg [1:0] rf_wr_sel, output do_jump, output reg [2:0] BrType, output alu_a_sel, output alu_b_sel, output reg [3:0] alu_ctrl, output reg [2:0] dm_rd_ctrl, output reg [1:0] dm_wr_ctrl ); wire [6:0] opcode; wire [2:0] funct3; wire [6:0] funct7; wire is_lui; wire is_auipc; wire is_jal; wire is_jalr; wire is_beq; wire is_bne; wire is_blt; wire is_bge; wire is_bltu; wire is_bgeu; wire is_lb; wire is_lh; wire is_lw; wire is_lbu; wire is_lhu; wire is_sb; wire is_sh; wire is_sw; wire is_addi; wire is_slti; wire is_sltiu; wire is_xori; wire is_ori; wire is_andi; wire is_slli; wire is_srli; wire is_srai; wire is_add; wire is_sub; wire is_sll; wire is_slt; wire is_sltu; wire is_xor; wire is_srl; wire is_sra; wire is_or; wire is_and; wire is_add_type; wire is_u_type; wire is_jump_type; wire is_b_type; wire is_r_type; wire is_i_type; wire is_s_type; assign opcode = inst[6:0]; assign funct7 = inst[31:25]; assign funct3 = inst[14:12]; assign is_lui = (opcode == 7'h37) ; assign is_auipc= (opcode == 7'h17) ; assign is_jal = (opcode == 7'h6F) ; assign is_jalr = (opcode == 7'h67) && (funct3 ==3'h0) ; assign is_beq = (opcode == 7'h63) && (funct3 ==3'h0) ; assign is_bne = (opcode == 7'h63) && (funct3 ==3'h1) ; assign is_blt = (opcode == 7'h63) && (funct3 ==3'h4) ; assign is_bge = (opcode == 7'h63) && (funct3 ==3'h5) ; assign is_bltu = (opcode == 7'h63) && (funct3 ==3'h6) ; assign is_bgeu = (opcode == 7'h63) && (funct3 ==3'h7) ; assign is_lb = (opcode == 7'h03) && (funct3 ==3'h0) ; assign is_lh = (opcode == 7'h03) && (funct3 ==3'h1) ; assign is_lw = (opcode == 7'h03) && (funct3 ==3'h2) ; assign is_lbu = (opcode == 7'h03) && (funct3 ==3'h4) ; assign is_lhu = (opcode == 7'h03) && (funct3 ==3'h5) ; assign is_sb = (opcode == 7'h23) && (funct3 ==3'h0) ; assign is_sh = (opcode == 7'h23) && (funct3 ==3'h1) ; assign is_sw = (opcode == 7'h23) && (funct3 ==3'h2) ; assign is_addi = (opcode == 7'h13) && (funct3 ==3'h0) ; assign is_slti = (opcode == 7'h13) && (funct3 ==3'h2) ; assign is_sltiu= (opcode == 7'h13) && (funct3 ==3'h3) ; assign is_xori = (opcode == 7'h13) && (funct3 ==3'h4) ; assign is_ori = (opcode == 7'h13) && (funct3 ==3'h6) ; assign is_andi = (opcode == 7'h13) && (funct3 ==3'h7) ; assign is_slli = (opcode == 7'h13) && (funct3 ==3'h1) && (funct7 == 7'h00); assign is_srli = (opcode == 7'h13) && (funct3 ==3'h5) && (funct7 == 7'h00); assign is_srai = (opcode == 7'h13) && (funct3 ==3'h5) && (funct7 == 7'h20); assign is_add = (opcode == 7'h33) && (funct3 ==3'h0) && (funct7 == 7'h00); assign is_sub = (opcode == 7'h33) && (funct3 ==3'h0) && (funct7 == 7'h20); assign is_sll = (opcode == 7'h33) && (funct3 ==3'h1) && (funct7 == 7'h00); assign is_slt = (opcode == 7'h33) && (funct3 ==3'h2) && (funct7 == 7'h00); assign is_sltu = (opcode == 7'h33) && (funct3 ==3'h3) && (funct7 == 7'h00); assign is_xor = (opcode == 7'h33) && (funct3 ==3'h4) && (funct7 == 7'h00); assign is_srl = (opcode == 7'h33) && (funct3 ==3'h5) && (funct7 == 7'h00); assign is_sra = (opcode == 7'h33) && (funct3 ==3'h5) && (funct7 == 7'h20); assign is_or = (opcode == 7'h33) && (funct3 ==3'h6) && (funct7 == 7'h00); assign is_and = (opcode == 7'h33) && (funct3 ==3'h7) && (funct7 == 7'h00); assign is_add_type = is_auipc | is_jal | is_jalr | is_b_type | is_s_type | is_lb | is_lh | is_lw | is_lbu | is_lhu | is_add | is_addi ; assign is_u_type = is_lui | is_auipc ; assign is_jump_type= is_jal ; assign is_b_type = is_beq | is_bne | is_blt | is_bge | is_bltu | is_bgeu ; assign is_r_type = is_add | is_sub | is_sll | is_slt | is_sltu | is_xor | is_srl | is_sra | is_or | is_and ; assign is_i_type = is_jalr | is_lb | is_lh | is_lw | is_lbu | is_lhu | is_addi | is_slti | is_sltiu | is_xori | is_ori | is_andi | is_slli | is_srli | is_srai ; assign is_s_type = is_sb | is_sh | is_sw ; //rf_wr_en assign rf_wr_en = is_u_type | is_jump_type | is_i_type | is_r_type /*待填*/ ; //[1:0]rf_wr_sel always@(*) begin if(is_jal|is_jalr) rf_wr_sel = 2'b01; else if(is_addi|is_slli|is_xori|is_srli|is_srai|is_ori|is_andi|is_r_type|is_u_type) rf_wr_sel = 2'b10; else if(is_lb|is_lbu|is_lh|is_lhu|is_lw) rf_wr_sel = 2'b11; else rf_wr_sel = 2'b00; /*待填*/ end //do_jump assign do_jump = is_jal|is_jalr/*待填*/ ; //[2:0]BrType always@(*) begin if(is_beq) BrType = 3'b010; else if(is_bne) BrType = 3'b011; else if(is_blt) BrType = 3'b100; else if(is_bge) BrType = 3'b101; else if(is_bltu) BrType = 3'b110; else if(is_bgeu) BrType = 3'b111; else BrType = 3'b000; /*待填*/ end //alu_a_sel assign alu_a_sel = is_r_type|is_i_type|is_s_type/*待填*/; //alu_b_sel assign alu_b_sel = ~is_r_type/*待填*/ ; //alu_ctrl always@(*) begin if(is_auipc|is_jal|is_jalr|is_b_type|is_s_type|is_lb|is_lbu|is_lh|is_lhu|is_lw|is_add|is_addi) alu_ctrl = 4'b0000; else if(is_sub) alu_ctrl = 4'b1000; else if(is_sll|is_slli) alu_ctrl = 4'b0001; else if(is_srl|is_srli) alu_ctrl = 4'b0101; else if(is_sra|is_srai) alu_ctrl = 4'b1101; else if(is_slt|is_slti) alu_ctrl = 4'b0010; else if(is_sltu|is_sltiu) alu_ctrl = 4'b0011; else if(is_xor|is_xori) alu_ctrl = 4'b0100; else if(is_or|is_ori) alu_ctrl = 4'b0110; else if(is_and|is_andi) alu_ctrl = 4'b0111; else if(is_lui) alu_ctrl = 4'b1110; else alu_ctrl = 4'b0000; /*待填*/ end //[2:0]dm_rd_ctrl always@(*) begin if(is_lb) dm_rd_ctrl = 3'b001; else if(is_lbu) dm_rd_ctrl = 3'b010; else if(is_lh) dm_rd_ctrl = 3'b011; else if(is_lhu) dm_rd_ctrl= 3'b100; else if(is_lw) dm_rd_ctrl = 3'b101; else dm_rd_ctrl = 3'b000; /*待填*/ end //[1:0]dm_wr_ctrl always@(*) begin if(is_sb) dm_wr_ctrl = 2'b01; else if(is_sh) dm_wr_ctrl = 2'b10; else if(is_sw) dm_wr_ctrl = 2'b11; else dm_wr_ctrl = 2'b00; /*待填*/ end endmodule
module top_module( input clk, input rst ); wire clk; wire rst; wire [31:0] inst; wire [1:0] rf_wr_sel; reg [31:0] rf_wd; wire rf_wr_en; wire [31:0] rf_rd1,rf_rd2; wire [31:0] pc; wire [31:0] pc_plus4; wire do_jump; wire JUMP; wire [31:0] imm_out; wire [2:0] comp_ctrl; wire BrE; wire alu_a_sel; wire alu_b_sel; wire [31:0] alu_a,alu_b,alu_out; wire [3:0] alu_ctrl; wire [2:0] dm_rd_ctrl; wire [1:0] dm_wr_ctrl; wire [31:0] dm_dout; always@(*) begin case(rf_wr_sel) 2'b00: rf_wd = 32'h0; 2'b01: rf_wd = pc_plus4; 2'b10: rf_wd = alu_out; 2'b11: rf_wd = dm_dout; default:rf_wd = 32'h0; endcase end assign pc_plus4 = pc + 32'h4; assign JUMP = BrE || do_jump; assign alu_a = alu_a_sel ? rf_rd1 : pc ; assign alu_b = alu_b_sel ? imm_out : rf_rd2 ; reg_file reg_file0( .clk (clk), .A1 (inst[19:15]), .A2 (inst[24:20]), .A3 (inst[11:7]), .WD (rf_wd), .WE (rf_wr_en), .RD1 (rf_rd1), .RD2 (rf_rd2) ); pc pc0( .clk (clk), .rst (rst), .JUMP (JUMP), .JUMP_PC (pc+imm_out), //? .pc (pc) ); imm imm0( .inst (inst), .out (imm_out) ); branch branch0( .REG1 (rf_rd1), .REG2 (rf_rd2), .Type (comp_ctrl), .BrE (BrE) ); alu alu0( .SrcA (alu_a), .SrcB (alu_b), .func (alu_ctrl), .ALUout (alu_out) ); mem mem0( .clk (clk), .im_addr (pc), .im_dout (inst), .dm_rd_ctrl (dm_rd_ctrl), .dm_wr_ctrl (dm_wr_ctrl), .dm_addr (alu_out), .dm_din (rf_rd2), .dm_dout (dm_dout) ); ctrl ctrl0( .inst (inst), .rf_wr_en (rf_wr_en), .rf_wr_sel (rf_wr_sel), .do_jump (do_jump), .BrType (comp_ctrl), .alu_a_sel (alu_a_sel), .alu_b_sel (alu_b_sel), .alu_ctrl (alu_ctrl), .dm_rd_ctrl (dm_rd_ctrl), .dm_wr_ctrl (dm_wr_ctrl) ); endmodule
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