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error sending data 12002


TNetHttpClient是DELPHI XE8新增加的控件。






  1. unit Unit1;
  2. interface
  3. uses
  4. Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants,
  5. System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics,
  6. Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, System.Net.URLClient,
  7. System.Net.HttpClient, System.Net.HttpClientComponent, Vcl.StdCtrls;
  8. type
  9. TForm1 = class(TForm)
  10. NetHTTPClient1: TNetHTTPClient;
  11. Button1: TButton;
  12. Memo1: TMemo;
  13. Button2: TButton;
  14. NetHTTPClient2: TNetHTTPClient;
  15. Button3: TButton;
  16. procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  17. procedure NetHTTPClient1RequestCompleted(const Sender: TObject;
  18. const AResponse: IHTTPResponse);
  19. procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
  20. procedure NetHTTPClient2RequestCompleted(const Sender: TObject;
  21. const AResponse: IHTTPResponse);
  22. procedure Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
  23. private
  24. { Private declarations }
  25. public
  26. { Public declarations }
  27. end;
  28. var
  29. Form1: TForm1;
  30. implementation
  31. uses System.NetEncoding;
  32. {$R *.dfm}
  33. function UrlDecode(const AStr: AnsiString): AnsiString;
  34. var
  35. Sp, Rp, Cp: PAnsiChar;
  36. s: AnsiString;
  37. begin
  38. SetLength(Result, Length(AStr));
  39. Sp := PAnsiChar(AStr);
  40. Rp := PAnsiChar(Result);
  41. Cp := Sp;
  42. while Sp^ <> #0 do
  43. begin
  44. case Sp^ of
  45. '+':
  46. Rp^ := ' ';
  47. '%':
  48. begin
  49. Inc(Sp);
  50. if Sp^ = '%' then
  51. Rp^ := '%'
  52. else
  53. begin
  54. Cp := Sp;
  55. Inc(Sp);
  56. if (Cp^ <> #0) and (Sp^ <> #0) then
  57. begin
  58. s := AnsiChar('$') + Cp^ + Sp^;
  59. Rp^ := AnsiChar(StrToInt(string(s)));
  60. end;
  61. end;
  62. Cp := Cp;
  63. end;
  64. else
  65. Rp^ := Sp^;
  66. end;
  67. Inc(Rp);
  68. Inc(Sp);
  69. end;
  70. SetLength(Result, Rp - PAnsiChar(Result));
  71. end;
  72. procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  73. var
  74. vHttp: TNetHTTPClient;
  75. vUTF8, vGBK: TStringStream;
  76. begin
  77. vHttp := TNetHTTPClient.Create(nil);
  78. vUTF8 := TStringStream.Create('', TEncoding.GetEncoding(65001));
  79. vGBK := TStringStream.Create('', TEncoding.GetEncoding(936));
  80. try
  81. Memo1.Lines.Add('----------------阻塞----------------');
  82. with vHttp do
  83. begin
  84. vUTF8.Clear;
  85. ConnectionTimeout := 2000; // 2秒
  86. ResponseTimeout := 10000; // 10秒
  87. AcceptCharSet := 'utf-8';
  88. AcceptEncoding := '65001';
  89. AcceptLanguage := 'zh-CN';
  90. ContentType := 'text/html';
  91. UserAgent := 'Embarcadero URI Client/1.0';
  92. try
  93. Get('http://offeu.com/utf8.txt', vUTF8);
  94. Memo1.Lines.Add('utf8:' + TNetEncoding.URL.UrlDecode(vUTF8.DataString));
  95. except
  96. on E: Exception do
  97. // Error sending data: (12002) 操作超时.
  98. // Error receiving data: (12002) 操作超时
  99. if Copy(E.Message, 1, Pos(':', E.Message) - 1) = 'Error sending data'
  100. then
  101. Memo1.Lines.Add('utf8:连接失败!')
  102. else if Copy(E.Message, 1, Pos(':', E.Message) - 1) = 'Error receiving data'
  103. then
  104. Memo1.Lines.Add('utf8:接收失败,请延长接收超时时间!')
  105. else
  106. Memo1.Lines.Add('utf8:' + E.Message);
  107. end;
  108. vGBK.Clear;
  109. AcceptCharSet := 'gbk';
  110. AcceptEncoding := '936';
  111. AcceptLanguage := 'zh-CN';
  112. ContentType := 'text/html';
  113. UserAgent := 'Embarcadero URI Client/1.0';
  114. Get('http://offeu.com/gbk.txt', vGBK);
  115. Memo1.Lines.Add('gbk:' + string(UrlDecode(AnsiString(vGBK.DataString))));
  116. end;
  117. Memo1.Lines.Add('----------------异步----------------');
  118. with NetHTTPClient1 do
  119. begin
  120. Asynchronous := true;
  121. ConnectionTimeout := 10000; // 10秒
  122. ResponseTimeout := 10000; // 10秒
  123. AcceptCharSet := 'utf-8';
  124. AcceptEncoding := '65001';
  125. AcceptLanguage := 'zh-CN';
  126. ContentType := 'text/html';
  127. UserAgent := 'Embarcadero URI Client/1.0';
  128. Get('http://offeu.com/utf8.txt');
  129. end;
  130. finally
  131. vUTF8.Free;
  132. vGBK.Free;
  133. vHttp.Free;
  134. end;
  135. end;
  136. procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
  137. var
  138. vHttp: TNetHTTPClient;
  139. vS: TStringStream;
  140. begin
  141. // 这里用的 APPCODE 是阿里云市场中的api,需要申请。
  142. vHttp := TNetHTTPClient.Create(nil);
  143. vS := TStringStream.Create('', TEncoding.GetEncoding(65001));
  144. try
  145. with vHttp do
  146. begin
  147. Memo1.Lines.Add('--------------SSL阻塞--------------');
  148. vS.Clear;
  149. ConnectionTimeout := 10000; // 10秒
  150. ResponseTimeout := 10000; // 10秒
  151. CustomHeaders['Authorization'] :=
  152. 'APPCODE 你申请的appcode';
  153. Accept := 'application/json;';
  154. ContentType := 'application/json; charset=utf-8;';
  155. UserAgent := 'Embarcadero URI Client/1.0';
  156. Get('https://dm-81.data.aliyun.com/rest/160601/ip/getIpInfo.json?'
  157. + 'ip=', vS);
  158. Memo1.Lines.Add('ssl:'
  159. + string(TNetEncoding.URL.UrlDecode(vS.DataString)));
  160. end;
  161. finally
  162. vS.Free;
  163. vHttp.Free;
  164. end;
  165. Memo1.Lines.Add('--------------SSL异步--------------');
  166. with NetHTTPClient2 do
  167. begin
  168. Asynchronous := true;
  169. ConnectionTimeout := 10000; // 10秒
  170. ResponseTimeout := 10000; // 10秒
  171. CustomHeaders['Authorization'] :=
  172. 'APPCODE 你申请的appcode';
  173. Accept := 'application/json;';
  174. ContentType := 'application/json; charset=utf-8;';
  175. UserAgent := 'Embarcadero URI Client/1.0';
  176. Get('https://dm-81.data.aliyun.com/rest/160601/ip/getIpInfo.json?'
  177. + 'ip=');
  178. end;
  179. end;
  180. procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
  181. var
  182. vHttp: TNetHTTPClient;
  183. vS: TStringStream;
  184. vList: TStrings;
  185. begin
  186. vHttp := TNetHTTPClient.Create(nil);
  187. vList := TStringList.Create;
  188. vS := TStringStream.Create;
  189. try
  190. Memo1.Lines.Add('----------------Post阻塞----------------');
  191. vS.Clear;
  192. with vHttp do
  193. begin
  194. ConnectionTimeout := 2000; // 2秒
  195. ResponseTimeout := 10000; // 10秒
  196. AcceptCharSet := 'utf-8';
  197. AcceptEncoding := '65001';
  198. AcceptLanguage := 'zh-CN';
  199. ContentType := 'text/html';
  200. UserAgent := 'Embarcadero URI Client/1.0';
  201. vList.Clear;
  202. vList.Values['id'] := 'test';
  203. vList.Values['pwd'] := 'test';
  204. vList.Values['cmd'] := '1';
  205. try
  206. Post('', vList, vS); // utf8进gbk出
  207. // Memo1.Lines.Add('post:' + TNetEncoding.URL.UrlDecode(vS.DataString));
  208. Memo1.Lines.Add('post:' + vS.DataString);
  209. except
  210. on E: Exception do
  211. // Error sending data: (12002) 操作超时.
  212. // Error receiving data: (12002) 操作超时
  213. if Copy(E.Message, 1, Pos(':', E.Message) - 1) = 'Error sending data'
  214. then
  215. Memo1.Lines.Add('post:连接失败!')
  216. else if Copy(E.Message, 1, Pos(':', E.Message) - 1) = 'Error receiving data'
  217. then
  218. Memo1.Lines.Add('post:接收失败,请延长接收超时时间!')
  219. else
  220. Memo1.Lines.Add('post:' + E.Message);
  221. end;
  222. end;
  223. finally
  224. vS.Free;
  225. vList.Free;
  226. vHttp.Free;
  227. end;
  228. end;
  229. procedure TForm1.NetHTTPClient1RequestCompleted(const Sender: TObject;
  230. const AResponse: IHTTPResponse);
  231. begin
  232. Memo1.Lines.Add('utf8:' + TNetEncoding.URL.UrlDecode(
  233. AResponse.ContentAsString(TEncoding.GetEncoding(65001))));
  234. end;
  235. procedure TForm1.NetHTTPClient2RequestCompleted(const Sender: TObject;
  236. const AResponse: IHTTPResponse);
  237. begin
  238. Memo1.Lines.Add('ssl:' + TNetEncoding.URL.UrlDecode(
  239. AResponse.ContentAsString(TEncoding.GetEncoding(65001))));
  240. end;
  241. end.



