robo 3t连接
Robo 3T (formerly Robomongo) is a graphical application to connect to MongoDB. The newest version now includes support for TLS/SSL and SNI which is required to connect to Atlas M0 free tier clusters.
Robo 3T(以前称为Robomongo )是用于连接MongoDB的图形应用程序。 现在,最新版本包括对TLS / SSL和SNI的支持,这是连接到Atlas M0免费层群集所必需的。
先决条件 (Prerequisites)
- The latest version of Robo 3T (I’m using Studio 3T) 最新版本的Robo 3T(我正在使用Studio 3T)
Whitelist your public ip address in Atlas, or disable the whitelist by adding
to your whitelist (Cluster > Security > IP Whitelist)在Atlas中将您的公共IP地址列入白名单,或者通过将
添加到白名单来禁用白名单(“ 群集”>“安全性”>“ IP白名单” )No network restrictions that block you from using TCP port 27017 to your cluster
Once you have installed the latest version, open the application and create your first Atlas profile.