参考文献:深度强化学习(王树森等 著)
强化学习算法又分为多种, Q学习 是最经典的强化学习算法之一,维护一个Q-Table,输入离散的状态空间,输出离散的动作空间。 深度Q学习 用一个 深度Q网络(Deep Q Network,DQN) 代替了Q-Table,用DQN来近似动作价值函数
Q(s,a) ,可以输入连续的状态空间,输出的是每个动作的价值,最后决策的时候取最高价值的动作。然而,我们做路径跟踪,一般来说状态空间和动作空间都是连续的。如果使用深度Q学习,我们需要将动作空间分割成离散的,然后DQN需要输出每个离散动作的价值,计算代价相当之高,神经网络拟合较困难,而且动作的精度低。
有什么DRL算法可以解决连续动作空间问题呢?对于我们这样一个连续状态空间和连续动作空间的问题,最经典的算法就是 深度确定性策略梯度(Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient,DDPG) ,发表它的论文是Continuous control with deep reinforcement learning。
在PyTorch代码实现中,我们可以用简单的 多层感知机(Multi-Layer Perceptron,MLP) 来作为策略网络和价值网络。但多层感知机拟合能力较差,训练很容易达到瓶颈,如果计算资源充足,可以尝试将地图障碍物先验信息传入CNN等更复杂的神经网络一并训练。
class Actor(nn.Module): """ Actor network to generate the action. Parameters: state_dim (int): state dimension action_dim (int): action dimension hidden_depth (int): the number of hidden layers of the neural network hidden_width (int): the number of neurons in hidden layers of the neural network min_state (torch.Tensor): minimum of each value in the state max_state (torch.Tensor): maximum of each value in the state min_action (torch.Tensor): minimum of each value in the action max_action (torch.Tensor): maximum of each value in the action """ def __init__(self, state_dim: int, action_dim: int, hidden_depth: int, hidden_width: int, min_state: torch.Tensor, max_state: torch.Tensor, min_action: torch.Tensor, max_action: torch.Tensor) -> None: super(Actor, self).__init__() self.min_state = min_state self.max_state = max_state self.min_action = min_action self.max_action = max_action self.hidden_depth = hidden_depth self.input_layer = nn.Linear(state_dim, hidden_width) self.hidden_layers = nn.ModuleList([nn.Linear(hidden_width, hidden_width) for _ in range(self.hidden_depth)]) self.output_layer = nn.Linear(hidden_width, action_dim) def forward(self, s: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Generate the action based on the state. Parameters: s (torch.Tensor): state Returns: a (torch.Tensor): action """ # normalization s = (s - self.min_state) / (self.max_state - self.min_state) s = F.relu(self.input_layer(s)) for i in range(self.hidden_depth): s = F.relu(self.hidden_layers[i](s)) s = self.output_layer(s) a = self.min_action + (self.max_action - self.min_action) * torch.sigmoid(s) # [min,max] return a class Critic(nn.Module): """ Critic network to estimate the value function q(s,a). Parameters: state_dim (int): state dimension action_dim (int): action dimension hidden_depth (int): the number of hidden layers of the neural network hidden_width (int): the number of neurons in hidden layers of the neural network min_state (torch.Tensor): minimum of each value in the state max_state (torch.Tensor): maximum of each value in the state min_action (torch.Tensor): minimum of each value in the action max_action (torch.Tensor): maximum of each value in the action """ def __init__(self, state_dim: int, action_dim: int, hidden_depth: int, hidden_width: int, min_state: torch.Tensor, max_state: torch.Tensor, min_action: torch.Tensor, max_action: torch.Tensor) -> None: super(Critic, self).__init__() self.min_state = min_state self.max_state = max_state self.min_action = min_action self.max_action = max_action self.hidden_depth = hidden_depth self.input_layer = nn.Linear(state_dim + action_dim, hidden_width) self.hidden_layers = nn.ModuleList([nn.Linear(hidden_width, hidden_width) for _ in range(self.hidden_depth)]) self.output_layer = nn.Linear(hidden_width, 1) def forward(self, s: torch.Tensor, a: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Calculate the Q-value of (s,a) Parameters: s (torch.Tensor): state a (torch.Tensor): action Returns: q (torch.Tensor): Q-value of (s,a) """ # normalization s = (s - self.min_state) / (self.max_state - self.min_state) a = (a - self.min_action) / (self.max_action - self.min_action) input = torch.cat([s, a], axis=-1) q = F.relu(self.input_layer(input)) for i in range(self.hidden_depth): q = F.relu(self.hidden_layers[i](q)) q = self.output_layer(q) return q
DDPG是个 异策略(Off-Policy) 算法,行为策略(Behavior Policy) 可以不同于 目标策略(Target Policy) 。
(s,a,r,s′) 四元组数据加入 经验回放缓存(Experience Replay Buffer) ,当探索到了足够的数据后,就可以开始训练目标策略,行为策略改为在目标策略上加一个随机噪声,从而在不断进化地前提上保持探索。
四元组改为了五元组,加了一个"win"布尔变量,意思是如果成功到达终点(win),就终结马尔可夫决策过程(Markov Decision Process,MDP),不加上预期未来回报,否则要加上。 回报(Return) 是指 奖励(Reward) 在MDP中的累积值,通常使用 折扣回报(Discounted Return) 计算,公式是 u t = ∑ i = t n γ i − t ⋅ r i u_t=\sum_{i=t}^{n}{\gamma^{i-t} \cdot r_{i}} ut=∑i=tnγi−t⋅ri。在成功到达终点时终结MDP的好处是鼓励智能体更快到达终点,因为后面设计的奖励函数每一步都会有一个负的与终点距离的惩罚值,回报会对这些惩罚值累积,时间越久累积越多,所以越早到达终点,累积的惩罚越小。撞到障碍物(lose)就不终结MDP,否则会鼓励智能体尽早撞障碍物。
这个经验回放缓存还可以进行优化,可以改为 优先经验回放缓存(Prioritized Experience Replay Buffer) ,用SumTree来以 O ( l o g n ) O(logn) O(logn) 的时间复杂度抽样。
class ReplayBuffer(object): """ Experience replay buffer to store the transitions. Parameters: state_dim (int): state dimension action_dim (int): action dimension max_size (int): maximum replay buffer size device (torch.device): device to store the data """ def __init__(self, state_dim: int, action_dim: int, max_size: int, device: torch.device) -> None: self.max_size = max_size self.count = 0 self.size = 0 self.s = torch.zeros((self.max_size, state_dim), dtype=torch.float, device=device) self.a = torch.zeros((self.max_size, action_dim), dtype=torch.float, device=device) self.r = torch.zeros((self.max_size, 1), dtype=torch.float, device=device) self.s_ = torch.zeros((self.max_size, state_dim), dtype=torch.float, device=device) self.win = torch.zeros((self.max_size, 1), dtype=torch.bool, device=device) def store(self, s: torch.Tensor, a: torch.Tensor, r: torch.Tensor, s_: torch.Tensor, win: bool) -> None: """ Store a new transition in the replay buffer. Parameters: s (torch.Tensor): state a (torch.Tensor): action r (torch.Tensor): reward s_ (torch.Tensor): next state win (bool): win or otherwise, True: win (reached the goal), False: otherwise. """ self.s[self.count] = s self.a[self.count] = a self.r[self.count] = r self.s_[self.count] = s_ self.win[self.count] = torch.tensor(win, dtype=torch.bool) self.count = (self.count + 1) % self.max_size # When the 'count' reaches max_size, it will be reset to 0. self.size = min(self.size + 1, self.max_size) # Record the number of transitions def sample(self, batch_size: int) -> tuple: """ Sample a batch of transitions from the replay buffer. Parameters: batch_size (int): batch size Returns: batch_s (torch.Tensor): batch of states batch_a (torch.Tensor): batch of actions batch_r (torch.Tensor): batch of rewards batch_s_ (torch.Tensor): batch of next states batch_win (torch.Tensor): batch of win or otherwise, True: win (reached the goal), False: otherwise. """ index = torch.randint(self.size, size=(batch_size,)) # Randomly sampling batch_s = self.s[index] batch_a = self.a[index] batch_r = self.r[index] batch_s_ = self.s_[index] batch_win = self.win[index] return batch_s, batch_a, batch_r, batch_s_, batch_win
class DDPG(LocalPlanner): """ Class for Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) motion planning. Parameters: start (tuple): start point coordinate goal (tuple): goal point coordinate env (Env): environment heuristic_type (str): heuristic function type hidden_depth (int): the number of hidden layers of the neural network hidden_width (int): the number of neurons in hidden layers of the neural network batch_size (int): batch size to optimize the neural networks buffer_size (int): maximum replay buffer size gamma (float): discount factor tau (float): Softly update the target network lr (float): learning rate train_noise (float): Action noise coefficient during training for exploration random_episodes (int): Take the random actions in the beginning for the better exploration max_episode_steps (int): Maximum steps for each episode update_freq (int): Frequency (times) of updating the network for each step update_steps (int): Update the network for every 'update_steps' steps evaluate_freq (int): Frequency (times) of evaluations and calculate the average evaluate_episodes (int): Evaluate the network every 'evaluate_episodes' episodes actor_save_path (str): Save path of the trained actor network critic_save_path (str): Save path of the trained critic network actor_load_path (str): Load path of the trained actor network critic_load_path (str): Load path of the trained critic network **params: other parameters can be found in the parent class LocalPlanner Examples: >>> from python_motion_planning.utils import Grid >>> from python_motion_planning.local_planner import DDPG # Train the model, only for learning-based planners, such as DDPG # It costs a lot of time to train the model, please be patient. # If you want a faster training, try reducing num_episodes and batch_size, # or increasing update_steps and evaluate_episodes, or fine-tuning other hyperparameters # if you are familiar with them, usually in a cost of performance, however. >>> plt = DDPG(start=(5, 5, 0), goal=(45, 25, 0), env=Grid(51, 31), actor_save_path="models/actor_best.pth", critic_save_path="models/critic_best.pth") >>> plt.train(num_episodes=10000) # load the trained model and run >>> plt = DDPG(start=(5, 5, 0), goal=(45, 25, 0), env=Grid(51, 31), actor_load_path="models/actor_best.pth", critic_load_path="models/critic_best.pth") >>> plt.run() References: [1] Continuous control with deep reinforcement learning """ def __init__(self, start: tuple, goal: tuple, env: Env, heuristic_type: str = "euclidean", hidden_depth: int = 3, hidden_width: int = 512, batch_size: int = 2000, buffer_size: int = 1e6, gamma: float = 0.999, tau: float = 1e-3, lr: float = 1e-4, train_noise: float = 0.1, random_episodes: int = 50, max_episode_steps: int = 200, update_freq: int = 1, update_steps: int = 1, evaluate_freq: int = 50, evaluate_episodes: int = 50, actor_save_path: str = "models/actor_best.pth", critic_save_path: str = "models/critic_best.pth", actor_load_path: str = None, critic_load_path: str = None, **params) -> None: super().__init__(start, goal, env, heuristic_type, **params) # DDPG parameters self.hidden_depth = hidden_depth # The number of hidden layers of the neural network self.hidden_width = hidden_width # The number of neurons in hidden layers of the neural network self.batch_size = int(batch_size) # batch size to optimize the neural networks self.buffer_size = int(buffer_size) # maximum replay buffer size self.gamma = gamma # discount factor self.tau = tau # Softly update the target network self.lr = lr # learning rate self.train_noise = train_noise # Action noise coefficient during training for exploration self.random_episodes = random_episodes # Take the random actions in the beginning for the better exploration self.max_episode_steps = max_episode_steps # Maximum steps for each episode self.update_freq = update_freq # Frequency (times) of updating the network for each step self.update_steps = update_steps # Update the network for every 'update_steps' steps self.evaluate_freq = evaluate_freq # Frequency (times) of evaluations and calculate the average self.evaluate_episodes = evaluate_episodes # Evaluate the network every 'evaluate_episodes' episodes self.actor_save_path = actor_save_path # Save path of the trained actor network self.critic_save_path = critic_save_path # Save path of the trained critic network self.device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") print(f"Using device: {self.device}") self.n_observations = 8 # x, y, theta, v, w, g_x, g_y, g_theta self.n_actions = 2 # v_inc, w_inc self.min_state = torch.tensor([0, 0, -math.pi, self.params["MIN_V"], self.params["MIN_W"], 0, 0, -math.pi], device=self.device) self.max_state = torch.tensor([self.env.x_range, self.env.y_range, math.pi, self.params["MAX_V"], self.params["MAX_W"], self.env.x_range, self.env.y_range, math.pi,], device=self.device) self.min_action = torch.tensor([self.params["MIN_V_INC"], self.params["MIN_W_INC"]], device=self.device) self.max_action = torch.tensor([self.params["MAX_V_INC"], self.params["MAX_W_INC"]], device=self.device) self.actor = Actor(self.n_observations, self.n_actions, self.hidden_depth, self.hidden_width, self.min_state, self.max_state, self.min_action, self.max_action).to(self.device) if actor_load_path: self.actor.load_state_dict(torch.load(actor_load_path)) self.actor_target = copy.deepcopy(self.actor) self.critic = Critic(self.n_observations, self.n_actions, self.hidden_depth, self.hidden_width, self.min_state, self.max_state, self.min_action, self.max_action).to(self.device) if critic_load_path: self.critic.load_state_dict(torch.load(critic_load_path)) self.critic_target = copy.deepcopy(self.critic) self.actor_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.actor.parameters(), lr=self.lr, weight_decay=1e-4) self.critic_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.critic.parameters(), lr=self.lr, weight_decay=1e-4) self.actor_scheduler = ReduceLROnPlateau(self.actor_optimizer, mode='max', factor=0.2, patience=10) self.critic_scheduler = ReduceLROnPlateau(self.critic_optimizer, mode='max', factor=0.2, patience=10) self.criterion = nn.MSELoss() self.replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer(self.n_observations, self.n_actions, max_size=self.buffer_size, device=self.device) # Build a tensorboard self.writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir='runs/DDPG_{}'.format(datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S'))) # global planner g_start = (start[0], start[1]) g_goal = (goal[0], goal[1]) self.g_planner = {"planner_name": "a_star", "start": g_start, "goal": g_goal, "env": env} self.path = self.g_path[::-1] def __del__(self) -> None: self.writer.close() def __str__(self) -> str: return "Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG)" def plan(self) -> tuple: """ Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) motion plan function. Returns: flag (bool): planning successful if true else failed pose_list (list): history poses of robot """ s = self.reset() for _ in range(self.params["MAX_ITERATION"]): # break until goal reached if self.reach_goal(tuple(s[0:3]), tuple(s[5:8])): return True, self.robot.history_pose # get the particular point on the path at the lookahead distance to track lookahead_pt, theta_trj, kappa = self.getLookaheadPoint() s[5:7] = torch.tensor(lookahead_pt, device=self.device) s[7] = torch.tensor(theta_trj, device=self.device) a = self.select_action(s) # get the action from the actor network s_, r, done, win = self.step(s, a) # take the action and get the next state and reward s = s_ # Move to the next state self.robot.px, self.robot.py, self.robot.theta, self.robot.v, self.robot.w = tuple(s[0:5].cpu().numpy()) return True, self.robot.history_pose # return False, None def run(self) -> None: """ Running both plannig and animation. """ _, history_pose = self.plan() print(f"Number of iterations: {len(history_pose)}") if not history_pose: raise ValueError("Path not found and planning failed!") path = np.array(history_pose)[:, 0:2] cost = np.sum(np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diff(path, axis=0)**2, axis=1, keepdims=True))) self.plot.plotPath(self.path, path_color="r", path_style="--") self.plot.animation(path, str(self), cost, history_pose=history_pose) def reset(self, random_sg: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor: """ Reset the environment and the robot. Parameters: random_sg (bool): whether to generate random start and goal or not Returns: state (torch.Tensor): initial state of the robot """ if random_sg: # random start and goal start = (random.uniform(0, self.env.x_range), random.uniform(0, self.env.y_range), random.uniform(-math.pi, math.pi)) # generate random start and goal until they are not in collision while self.in_collision(start): start = (random.uniform(0, self.env.x_range), random.uniform(0, self.env.y_range), random.uniform(-math.pi, math.pi)) # goal is on the circle with radius self.params["MAX_LOOKAHEAD_DIST"] centered at start goal_angle = random.uniform(-math.pi, math.pi) goal_dist = self.params["MAX_LOOKAHEAD_DIST"] goal_x = start[0] + goal_dist * math.cos(goal_angle) goal_y = start[1] + goal_dist * math.sin(goal_angle) goal = (goal_x, goal_y, goal_angle) while self.in_collision(goal): goal_angle = random.uniform(-math.pi, math.pi) goal_dist = self.params["MAX_LOOKAHEAD_DIST"] goal_x = start[0] + goal_dist * math.cos(goal_angle) goal_y = start[1] + goal_dist * math.sin(goal_angle) goal = (goal_x, goal_y, goal_angle) else: start = self.start goal = self.goal self.robot = Robot(start[0], start[1], start[2], 0, 0) state = self.robot.state # np.array([[self.px], [self.py], [self.theta], [self.v], [self.w]]) state = np.pad(state, pad_width=((0, 3), (0, 0)), mode='constant') state[5:8, 0] = goal state = torch.tensor(state, device=self.device, dtype=torch.float).squeeze(dim=1) return state def step(self, state: torch.Tensor, action: torch.Tensor) -> tuple: """ Take a step in the environment. Parameters: state (torch.Tensor): current state of the robot action (torch.Tensor): action to take Returns: next_state (torch.Tensor): next state of the robot reward (float): reward for taking the action done (bool): whether the episode is done """ dt = self.params["TIME_STEP"] v_d = (state[3] + action[0] * dt).item() w_d = (state[4] + action[1] * dt).item() self.robot.kinematic(np.array([[v_d], [w_d]]), dt) next_state = self.robot.state next_state = np.pad(next_state, pad_width=((0, 3), (0, 0)), mode='constant') next_state = torch.tensor(next_state, device=self.device, dtype=torch.float).squeeze(dim=1) next_state[5:8] = state[5:8] next_state[2] = self.regularizeAngle(next_state[2].item()) next_state[3] = MathHelper.clamp(next_state[3].item(), self.params["MIN_V"], self.params["MAX_V"]) next_state[4] = MathHelper.clamp(next_state[4].item(), self.params["MIN_W"], self.params["MAX_W"]) win = self.reach_goal(tuple(next_state[0:3]), tuple(next_state[5:8])) lose = self.in_collision(tuple(next_state[0:2])) reward = self.reward(next_state, win, lose) done = win or lose return next_state, reward, done, win def reward(self, state: torch.Tensor, win: bool, lose: bool) -> float: """ The state reward function. Parameters: state (torch.Tensor): current state of the robot win (bool): whether the episode is won (reached the goal) lose (bool): whether the episode is lost (collided) Returns: reward (float): reward for the current state """ reward = 0 goal_dist = self.dist((state[0], state[1]), (state[5], state[6])) scaled_goal_dist = goal_dist / self.params["MAX_LOOKAHEAD_DIST"] reward -= scaled_goal_dist if win: reward += self.max_episode_steps if lose: reward -= self.max_episode_steps / 5.0 return reward
def select_action(self, s: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Select the action from the actor network. Parameters: s (torch.Tensor): current state Returns: a (torch.Tensor): selected action """ s = torch.unsqueeze(s.clone().detach(), 0) a = self.actor(s).detach().flatten() return a def optimize_model(self) -> tuple: """ Optimize the neural networks when training. Returns: actor_loss (float): actor loss critic_loss (float): critic loss """ batch_s, batch_a, batch_r, batch_s_, batch_win = self.replay_buffer.sample(self.batch_size) # Sample a batch # Compute the target q with torch.no_grad(): # target_q has no gradient q_ = self.critic_target(batch_s_, self.actor_target(batch_s_)) target_q = batch_r + self.gamma * torch.logical_not(batch_win) * q_ # Compute the current q and the critic loss current_q = self.critic(batch_s, batch_a) critic_loss = self.criterion(target_q, current_q) # Optimize the critic self.critic_optimizer.zero_grad() critic_loss.backward() torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.critic.parameters(), max_norm=1.0, norm_type=2) # clip the gradient self.critic_optimizer.step() # Freeze critic networks so you don't waste computational effort for params in self.critic.parameters(): params.requires_grad = False # Compute the actor loss actor_loss = -self.critic(batch_s, self.actor(batch_s)).mean() # Optimize the actor self.actor_optimizer.zero_grad() actor_loss.backward() torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.actor.parameters(), max_norm=1.0, norm_type=2) # clip the gradient self.actor_optimizer.step() # Unfreeze critic networks for params in self.critic.parameters(): params.requires_grad = True # Softly update the target networks for param, target_param in zip(self.critic.parameters(), self.critic_target.parameters()): target_param.data.copy_(self.tau * param.data + (1 - self.tau) * target_param.data) for param, target_param in zip(self.actor.parameters(), self.actor_target.parameters()): target_param.data.copy_(self.tau * param.data + (1 - self.tau) * target_param.data) return actor_loss.item(), critic_loss.item() def evaluate_policy(self) -> float: """ Evaluate the policy and calculating the average reward. Returns: evaluate_reward (float): average reward of the policy """ print(f"Evaluating: ") evaluate_reward = 0 for _ in tqdm(range(self.evaluate_freq)): s = self.reset(random_sg=True) done = False episode_reward = 0 step = 0 while not done: a = self.select_action(s) # We do not add noise when evaluating s_, r, done, win = self.step(s, a) self.replay_buffer.store(s, a, r, s_, win) # Store the transition episode_reward += r s = s_ step += 1 if step >= self.max_episode_steps: break evaluate_reward += episode_reward / step return evaluate_reward / self.evaluate_freq def train(self, num_episodes: int = 1000) -> None: """ Train the model. Parameters: num_episodes (int): number of episodes to train the model """ noise_std = self.train_noise * torch.tensor([ self.params["MAX_V_INC"] - self.params["MIN_V_INC"], self.params["MAX_W_INC"] - self.params["MIN_W_INC"] ], device=self.device) # the std of Gaussian noise for exploration best_reward = -float('inf') # Train the model for episode in range(1, num_episodes+1): print(f"Episode: {episode}/{num_episodes}, Training: ") s = self.reset(random_sg=True) episode_actor_loss = 0 episode_critic_loss = 0 optimize_times = 0 for episode_steps in tqdm(range(1, self.max_episode_steps+1)): if episode <= self.random_episodes: # Take the random actions in the beginning for the better exploration a = torch.tensor([ random.uniform(self.params["MIN_V_INC"], self.params["MAX_V_INC"]), random.uniform(self.params["MIN_W_INC"], self.params["MAX_W_INC"]) ], device=self.device) else: # Add Gaussian noise to actions for exploration a = self.select_action(s) a[0] = ((a[0] + torch.normal(0., noise_std[0].item(), size=(1,), device=self.device)). clamp(self.params["MIN_V_INC"], self.params["MAX_V_INC"])) a[1] = ((a[1] + torch.normal(0., noise_std[1].item(), size=(1,), device=self.device)). clamp(self.params["MIN_W_INC"], self.params["MAX_W_INC"])) s_, r, done, win = self.step(s, a) self.replay_buffer.store(s, a, r, s_, win) # Store the transition # update the networks if enough samples are available if episode > self.random_episodes and (episode_steps % self.update_steps == 0 or done): for _ in range(self.update_freq): actor_loss, critic_loss = self.optimize_model() episode_actor_loss += actor_loss episode_critic_loss += critic_loss optimize_times += 1 if win: print(f"Goal reached! State: {s}, Action: {a}, Reward: {r:.4f}, Next State: {s_}") break elif done: # lose (collide) print(f"Collision! State: {s}, Action: {a}, Reward: {r:.4f}, Next State: {s_}") break s = s_ # Move to the next state if episode > self.random_episodes: average_actor_loss = episode_actor_loss / optimize_times average_critic_loss = episode_critic_loss / optimize_times self.writer.add_scalar('Actor train loss', average_actor_loss, global_step=episode) self.writer.add_scalar('Critic train loss', average_critic_loss, global_step=episode) if episode % self.evaluate_episodes == 0 and episode > self.random_episodes - self.evaluate_episodes: print() evaluate_reward = self.evaluate_policy() print("Evaluate_reward:{}".format(evaluate_reward)) print() self.writer.add_scalar('Evaluate reward', evaluate_reward, global_step=episode) self.writer.add_scalar('Learning rate', self.actor_scheduler.optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'], global_step=episode) # Learning rates of the actor and critic are the same self.actor_scheduler.step(evaluate_reward) self.critic_scheduler.step(evaluate_reward) # Save the model if evaluate_reward > best_reward: best_reward = evaluate_reward # Create the directory if it does not exist if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(self.actor_save_path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.actor_save_path)) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(self.critic_save_path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.critic_save_path)) torch.save(self.actor.state_dict(), self.actor_save_path) torch.save(self.critic.state_dict(), self.critic_save_path)
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