原生环境 primary environment
次生环境 secondary environment
生态示范区 ecological demonstrate area
环境地质学 environmental geology
环境地球化学 environmental geo-chemistry
环境土壤学 environmental soil science
环境微生物学 environmental microbiology
环境危机 environmental crisis
环境保护 environmental protection
环境预测 environmental forecasting
环境自净 environmental self-purification
环境效应 environmental effect
环境容量 environmental capacity
环境演化 evolution of environment
环境舒适度 environmental comfort
环境背景值(本底值) environmental background value
环境保护产业(环保产业) environmental production industry
环境壁垒(绿色壁垒) environmental barrier
绿色革命 green revolution
可持续发展 sustainable development
第三类环境问题(社会环境问题) the third environmental problem
悬浮物 suspended solids
一次污染物 primary pollutant
二次污染物 secondary pollutant
全球性污染 global pollution
排污收费 pollution charge
可更新资源 renewable resources
不可更新资源 non-renewable resources
自然保护区 natural reserve area
防护林 protection forest
公害 public nuisance
矿山公害 mining nuisance
工业废水 industrial waste water
矿山废水 mining drainage
生活饮用水 domestic potable water
草原退化 grassland degeneration
沙漠化 desertification
人口压力 population pressure
人口净增率 rate of population
全球环境监测系统 global environment monitoring system GEMS
中国环境保护工作方针 Chinese policy for environment protection
“三同时”原则 principle of “ the three at the same time ”
二噁英公害 dioxine nuisance
马斯河谷烟雾事件 disaster in Meuse Valley
多诺拉烟雾事件 disaster in Donora
伦敦烟雾事件 disaster in London
水俣病事件 minamata disease incident
骨痛病事件 itai-itai disaster incident
洛杉矶光化学烟雾事件 Los Angeles photochemical smog episode
四日市哮喘事件 Yokkaichi asthma episode
米糠油事件 Yusho disease incident
水圈 hydrosphere
水循环 water circulation
地面水(地表水) surface water
水位 water level
下渗(入渗) sinking
蒸发 evaporation
最高水位 highest water level
最低水位 lowest water level
平均水位 average water level
警戒水位 warning water level
流速 flow velocity
流量 discharge
洪水期 flood season
枯水期 low-water season
冲刷 washout
含水层 aquifer
隔水层(不透水层) aquiclude
透水层 permeable stratum
层间水 interlayer water
承压水(有压层间水) confined water 或 自流水 artesian water
孔隙水 void water
岩溶水(喀斯特水) karst water
径流 runoff flow
地表径流 runoff
地下水 ground water
流域保护 water basin protection
淡水 fresh water
咸水 saltwater
降水 precipitation 沉淀
降水量 amount of precipitation
降水强度 intensity of precipitation
水环境容量 carrying capacity of water environment
水土流失(土壤侵蚀) soil and water loss
点源污染 point source pollution
面源污染 n on - point source pollution
扩散 diffusion
涡流 eddy current
涡流扩散 eddy diffusion
富营养化废水 eutrophic waste-water
污水 sewage
漫灌 flood irritation
水底沉积物(底质或底泥) benthal deposit
总固体 total solids
悬浮固体 suspended solids
总溶解固体 total dissolved solids
河流复氧常数 constant of river reoxygenation
湖泊酸化 lake acidification
富营养化 eutrophication
富营养湖 eutrophic lake
中营养湖 mesotrophic lake
贫营养湖 oligotrophic lake
水库 reservoir
海洋处置 sea disposal
海底采样 sea floor sample
赤潮(红潮) red tide
海水淡化 desalination of seawater
海底沉积物 sea bottom sediment
海洋倾倒 ocean dumping
水质 water quality
水资源综合利用 water resource integrated utilization
水土保持 soil and water conservation
河道整治 channel improvement
水污染毒性生物评价 biological assessment of water pollution toxicity
水利工程 hydro-engineering
水体自净 self-purification of water body
水环境保护功能区(水质功能区) functional district of water environment
土地处理系统 land treatment system
土地沙漠化 land desertification
土壤肥力 soil fertility
土壤酸碱度 soil acidity and alkalinity
土壤污染防治 prevention and treatment of soil pollution
土壤盐渍化(土壤盐碱化) soil salination
土壤酸化 soil acidification
母质(土壤母质或成土母质) parent material
土壤剖面 soil profile
腐殖质化 humification
淋溶作用 leaching
土壤改良 soil improvement
土壤粒级 soil separate
土壤质地 soil texture
缓冲作用 buffering/buffer action
缓冲剂 buffering agent/buffer
缓冲容量 buffer capacity
盐基饱和度 base saturation percentage
灌溉 irrigation
富里酸 fuvic acid
胡敏素 humin
土壤团聚体 soil aggregate
土壤退化(土壤贫瘠化) soil degeneration
土壤地带性 soil zonality
污水灌溉 wastewater irrigation
臭氧层 ozone layer
降水 precipitation
降水量 rainfall
降水强度 precipitation intensity
大气环境容量 atmospheric environmental capacity
事后评价 afterwards assessment
烟尘消除 elimination of smoke and dust
温室效应 greenhouse effect
大气扩散 atmospheric diffusion
烟羽(烟流或羽流) plume
逆温 inversion
生境 habitat
耐受极限 limits of tolerance
最小因子定律 law of minimum
生物检测 bioassay
环境胁迫 environmental stress
生物多样性 bio-diversity
生态位 niche
生命周期 life cycle
生态型 ecotype
自养生物 autotrophy
异养生物 heterotroph
指数增长 exponential growth
互利共生 mutualism
偏利共生 commensalisms
寄生 parasitism
衍生物 derivative
杀虫剂 insecticide
杀菌剂 fungicide
除草剂 herbicide
防腐剂 preservative
杀鼠剂 rodenticide
无残留农药 non-persistent pesticide
植物性农药 phytopesticide
污水灌溉 sewage irrigation
世界自然历史遗产保护地 world natural and historical heritage site
储量 stock
过度捕获 over-hunting; over-fishing
猎(渔)期 open season
农业残渣 agricultural dregs
赤潮 red tide
藻花 algae bloom/ 水花 water bloom
原生污染物 primary pollutant
次生污染物 secondary pollutant
急性毒性实验 acute toxicity test
慢性毒性实验 chronic toxicity test
预备实验 screening test; range-finding test; preliminary test
稀释 dilution
归宿 fate
生物积累 bioaccumulation
生物浓缩 bioconcentration
生物放大 biomagnification
生物降解 biological degradation; biodegradation
生物营养物质 biotic nutrient
多污生物带 polysaprobic zone
中污生物带 mesosaprobic zone
寡污生物带 oligosaprobic zone
敏感种 sensitive species; intolerant organism
耐污种 tolerant species
生物滤池 biological filter
净化塘 / 氧化塘 / 生物塘 purification pond
生物膜 biomembrane; biological film
轮作 crop rotation
间作 intercropping
套种 interplanting
基塘模式 farm land and fish pond model
防护林带 shelter belt
沼气 marsh gas
农家肥 farm manure
堆肥 piled manure
城市热岛效应 urban heat island effect
城市生态规划 urban ecological planning
环境激素 endocrine disrupting chemicals; endocrine disruptors
边缘效应 edge effect
生态恢复 ecological restoration
恢复生态学 restoration ecological
甲基汞 methyl mercury
镉米 cadmium rice
农药残留 pesticide residue
有机氯农药 organochlorine pesticide
有机磷农药 organophosphorous pesticide
氨基甲酸酯杀虫剂 carbamate insecticide
拟除虫菊酯杀虫剂 pyrethroid insecticide
植物生长调节剂 growth regulator
化学致癌物 chemical carcinogen
表面活性剂 surfactant
多氯联苯类 polychlorinated biphenyls;PCBs
多环芳烃类 polyaromtic hydrocarbon; PAH
催化(催化作用) catalysis
臭氧化 ozonization
光化学氧化剂 photochemical oxidant
过氧乙酰硝酸酯 peroxyacetyl nitrate ; PAN
干沉降 dry deposition
湿沉降 wet deposition
光化学烟雾 photochemical smog
大气光化学 atmospheric photochemistry
降水化学 precipitation chemistry
气溶胶化学 aerosol chemistry
悬浮颗粒物 suspended particulate
总悬浮颗粒物 total suspended particulates(TSP)
飘尘(可吸入颗粒物或可吸入尘) airborne particle
降尘(落尘) dustfall ; falling dust
气溶胶 aerosol
水质 water quality
盐度 salinity
氧化还原电位 oxidation-reduction potential ; redox potential
溶解氧 dissolved oxygen
化学需氧量 chemical oxygen demand
生化需氧量 biochemical oxygen demand
总有机碳 total organic carbon
溶解度 solubility
聚集 aggregation
絮凝 flocculation
凝聚 coagulation
离子交换 ion exchange
萃取 extraction
缓冲溶液 buffer solution
氧平衡模式(氧垂曲线) oxygen balance model
吸收剂 ( 吸附剂 )absorbent
活性炭 active carbon
氧化剂 oxidant
还原剂 reductant
胶团 micelle
胶体溶液 colloidal solution
脱硫剂 desulfurization agent
电渗析 electrodialysis
萃取剂 extracting agent
过滤 filter
絮凝剂 flocculant ; flocculating agent
无机絮凝剂 inorganic flocculant
有机高分子絮凝剂 organic polymer flocculant
中和法 neutralization
反渗透膜 reverse osmosis membrane
硅胶 silica gel
蒸汽蒸馏 steam distillation
超滤膜 ultrafilter membrane
灵敏度 sensitivity
准确度 accuracy
精密度 precision
可靠性 reliability
检测限 detection limit
相对误差 relative error
绝对误差 absolute error
偶然误差 accidental error
平均偏差 mean deviation
采样误差 sampling error
标准溶液 standard solution
标准物质 standard substance
允许误差 allowable error
允许浓度 allowable concentration
微量分析 microanalysis
痕量分析 trace analysis
现场分析 in-situ analysis
仪器分析 instrumental analysis
水质分析 water quality analysis
比色分析 colorimetric analysis
沉降分析 sedimentation analysis
自动分析 automatic analysis
原子吸收分光光度法 atomic absorption spectrophotometry
原子吸收分光光度计 atomic absorption spectrophotometer
原子荧光光谱法 atomic fluorescence spectrometry
原子荧光光谱仪 atomic fluorescence spectrometer
电化学分析法 electrochemical method
高效液相色谱法 high performance liquid chromatography
高效液相色谱仪 high performance liquid chromatograph
气相色谱分析 gas chromatography
气相色谱仪 gas chromatograph
采样器 sampler
大气采样器 air sampler
底泥采样器 sediment sampler
p H 计 pH meter
湿度计 hygrometer
固定大气污染源 stationary sources of air pollution
移动大气污染源 mobile sources of air pollution
固定式水污染源 stationary sources of water pollution
移动式水污染源 mobile sources of water pollution
污染负荷 pollution load
污染源调查 survey of pollution sources
无污染工艺 pollution-free technology
无污染装置 pollution-free installation
We must be committed to green development. Green mountains are gold mountains. To protect the environment is to protect productivity, and to improve the environment is to boost productivity — the truth is as simple as that. We must abandon development models that harm or undermine the environment, and must say no to shortsighted approaches of going after near-term development gains at the expense of the environment. Much to the contrary, we need to ride the trend of technological revolution and industrial transformation, seize the enormous opportunity in green transition, and let the power of innovation drive us to upgrade our economic, energy and industrial structures, and make sure that a sound environment is there to buttress sustainable economic and social development worldwide.
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