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Android.common.mk.in ChangeLog COPYING HACKING m4 README SECURITY.md TODO
Android.mk conf doc init Makefile.am README_LEGACY.md sonar-project.properties
AUTHORS configure.ac Doxyfile.in INSTALL man README.md src
autogen.sh CONTRIBUTING.md fuzz LICENSE NEWS scripts testing
文件夹 | 描述 |
conf | 配置文件 |
doc | RFC标准文档 |
init | 初始化信息 |
src | 源代码文件 |
scripts | 脚本信息 |
testing | 测试程序 |
The src directory in the strongSwan distribution contains the following components:
Component | Description |
aikgen | Utility to generate an Attestation Identity Key bound to a TPM 1.2 |
charon | The IKE keying daemon |
charon-cmd | A command line IKE client |
charon-nm | The back end for the NetworkManager D-BUS plugin |
charon-svc | The Windows IKE service |
charon-systemd | An IKE daemon similar to charon but specifically designed for use with systemd |
charon-tkm | A variant of charon that is backed by a Trusted Key Manager (TKM) |
checksum | Utility to generate checksums of built executables and libraries |
conftest | Conformance test tool |
frontends/android | VPN client for Android |
frontends/gnome | NetworkManager plugin |
frontends/osx | charon-xpc helper daemon for the native macOS application |
ipsec | The legacy ipsec command line tool wrapping commands and other tools |
libcharon | Contains most of the code and the plugins of the charon daemon |
libfast | A lightweight framework to build native web applications using ClearSilver and FastCGI |
libimcv | Various Integrity Measurement Collectors (IMCs), Integrity Measuremeent Validators (IMVs) and the library code shared by them |
libipsec | A userland IPsec implementation used by kernel-libipsec and the Android VPN Client app |
libpts | Contains code for TPM-based Platform Trust Services (PTS) and SWID tag handling |
libpttls | Implements the PT-TLS protocol |
libradius | RADIUS protocol implementation used by e.g. the eap-radius and tnc-pdp plugins |
libsimaka | Contains code shared by several EAP-SIM/AKA plugins |
libstrongswan | The strongSwan library with basic functions used by the daemons and utilities |
libtls | TLS implementation used by the eap-tls, eap-ttls, eap-peap and other plugins |
libtnccs | Implements the IF-TNCCS interface |
libtncif | Implmements the IF-IMC/IF-IMV interfaces |
manager | A deprecated graphical management application for charon based on libfast |
medsrv | An experimental management front end for mediation servers based on libfast |
pki | Public Key Infrastructure utility |
pool | Utility to manage attributes and IP address pools provided by the attr-sql plugin |
pt-tls-client | Integrity measurement client using the PT-TLS protocol |
scepclient | Utility to enroll certificates using the SCEP protocol |
sec-updater | Utility extracting information about security updates and backports of Linux repositories (e.g. Debian or Ubuntu) |
starter | Legacy daemon that reads ipsec.conf and controls the keying daemon charon |
stroke | Legacy command line utility to control charon via the stroke protocol |
swanctl | Configuration and control utility that communicates via the vici interface |
sw-collector | Utility extracting information about software package installation, update or removal events from the apt history log |
tpm_extendpcr | Tool that extends a digest into a TPM PCR |
_updown | Default script called by the updown plugin on tunnel up/down events |
xfrmi | Create an XFRM interface |
文件 | 描述 |
backtrace.c backtrace.h | 回溯 |
chunk.c chunk.h | 块 |
debug.c debug.h | 调试 |
integrity_checker.c integrity_checker.h | 完整性检查 |
lexparser.c lexparser.h | |
printf_hook/ | |
utils/ utils.c utils.h | |
compat/ | 兼容性 |
enum.c enum.h | 枚举 |
optionsfrom.c optionsfrom.h | 参数 |
process.c process.h | 处理 |
capabilities.c capabilities.h | 能力 |
cpu_feature.c cpu_feature.h | CPU特性 |
leak_detective.c leak_detective.h | 丢包检测 |
identification.c identification.h | 识别 |
parser_helper.c parser_helper.h | 解析帮助 |
test.c test.h | 测试 |
/** * Object allocation/initialization macro, using designated initializer. */ #define INIT(this, ...) { (this) = malloc(sizeof(*(this))); \ *(this) = (typeof(*(this))){ __VA_ARGS__ }; } /** * Method declaration/definition macro, providing private and public interface. * * Defines a method name with this as first parameter and a return value ret, * and an alias for this method with a _ prefix, having the this argument * safely casted to the public interface iface. * _name is provided a function pointer, but will get optimized out by GCC. */ #define METHOD(iface, name, ret, this, ...) \ static ret name(union {iface *_public; this;} \ __attribute__((transparent_union)), ##__VA_ARGS__); \ static typeof(name) *_##name = (typeof(name)*)name; \ static ret name(this, ##__VA_ARGS__) /** * Callback declaration/definition macro, allowing casted first parameter. * * This is very similar to METHOD, but instead of casting the first parameter * to a public interface, it uses a void*. This allows type safe definition * of a callback function, while using the real type for the first parameter. */ #define CALLBACK(name, ret, param1, ...) \ static ret _cb_##name(union {void *_generic; param1;} \ __attribute__((transparent_union)), ##__VA_ARGS__); \ static typeof(_cb_##name) *name = (typeof(_cb_##name)*)_cb_##name; \ static ret _cb_##name(param1, ##__VA_ARGS__)
/** * Begin a new enum_name list. * * @param name name of the enum_name list * @param first enum value of the first enum string * @param last enum value of the last enum string * @param ... a list of strings */ #define ENUM_BEGIN(name, first, last, ...) \ static enum_name_t name##last = {first, last + \ BUILD_ASSERT(((last)-(first)+1) == countof(((char*[]){__VA_ARGS__}))), \ NULL, { __VA_ARGS__ }} /** * Continue a enum name list started with ENUM_BEGIN. * * @param name name of the enum_name list * @param first enum value of the first enum string * @param last enum value of the last enum string * @param prev enum value of the "last" defined in ENUM_BEGIN/previous ENUM_NEXT * @param ... a list of strings */ #define ENUM_NEXT(name, first, last, prev, ...) \ static enum_name_t name##last = {first, last + \ BUILD_ASSERT(((last)-(first)+1) == countof(((char*[]){__VA_ARGS__}))), \ &name##prev, { __VA_ARGS__ }} /** * Complete enum name list started with ENUM_BEGIN. * * @param name name of the enum_name list * @param prev enum value of the "last" defined in ENUM_BEGIN/previous ENUM_NEXT */ #define ENUM_END(name, prev) enum_name_t *name = &name##prev; /** * Define a enum name with only one range. * * This is a convenience macro to use when a enum_name list contains only * one range, and is equal as defining ENUM_BEGIN followed by ENUM_END. * * @param name name of the enum_name list * @param first enum value of the first enum string * @param last enum value of the last enum string * @param ... a list of strings */ #define ENUM(name, first, last, ...) \ ENUM_BEGIN(name, first, last, __VA_ARGS__); ENUM_END(name, last)
typedef struct chunk_t chunk_t;
* General purpose pointer/length abstraction.
struct chunk_t {
/** Pointer to start of data */
u_char *ptr;
/** Length of data in bytes */
size_t len;
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