- Lua 5.4.4 Copyright (C) 1994-2022 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
- > a==2
- false
- -- a由于未赋值,默认为nil,不能和数值相加
- > a+1
- stdin:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value (global 'a')
- stack traceback:
- stdin:1: in main chunk
- [C]: in ?
- Lua 5.4.4 Copyright (C) 1994-2022 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
- > t={1,2,3,4,5,6}
- -- 遍历表:关键词是in
- > for key,value int pairs(t) print(key,value) end
- stdin:1: 'in' expected near 'int'
- -- 遍历表,缺少关键词do
- > for key,value in pairs(t) print(key,value) end
- stdin:1: 'do' expected near 'print'
- -- 遍历表,正常输出
- > for key,value in pairs(t) do print(key,value) end
- 1 1
- 2 2
- 3 3
- 4 4
- 5 5
- 6 6
- Lua 5.4.4 Copyright (C) 1994-2022 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
- > function fun(a,b) print(a+b) end
- -- 传入1个参数,另一个参数没有赋值,默认为nil,nil不能与整数相加
- > fun(1)
- stdin:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value (local 'b')
- stack traceback:
- stdin:1: in function 'fun'
- (...tail calls...)
- [C]: in ?
- -- 传入两个数值,可正常相加
- > fun(1,2)
- 3
- -- 字符串类型不能相加
- > fun('a','b')
- stdin:1: attempt to add a 'string' with a 'string'
- stack traceback:
- [C]: in metamethod 'add'
- stdin:1: in function 'fun'
- (...tail calls...)
- [C]: in ?
assert(v, message):当v为false时,输出报错信息message
- Raises an error if the value of its argument v is false (i.e., nil or false);
- otherwise, returns all its arguments. In case of error, message is the error
- object; when absent, it defaults to "assertion failed!"
- * 当参数v是false时,输出错误信息,如果缺省message,默认输出"assertion failed!"
- * 当参数v是true时,返回所有参数(v message)
- Lua 5.4.4 Copyright (C) 1994-2022 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
- -- assert(false)
- > assert(false)
- stdin:1: assertion failed!
- stack traceback:
- [C]: in function 'assert'
- stdin:1: in main chunk
- [C]: in ?
- -- assert(nil)
- > assert(nil)
- stdin:1: assertion failed!
- stack traceback:
- [C]: in function 'assert'
- stdin:1: in main chunk
- [C]: in ?
- -- assert("nil")
- > assert("nil")
- nil
- -- assert(2>1)
- > assert(2>1)
- true
- -- assert(2<1,"2不小于1")
- > assert(2<1,"2不小于1")
- stdin:1: 2不小于1
- stack traceback:
- [C]: in function 'assert'
- stdin:1: in main chunk
- [C]: in ?
- -- 输出v、message
- > assert(1,"这是错误信息")
- 1 这是错误信息
- > assert(0,"0不是false")
- 0 0不是false
error(message, level):输出错误信息,该函数不会返回
- Raises an error (see §2.3) with message as the error object.
- This function never returns.
- * 中止正在执行的程序,输出错误信息message,该函数不会返回
- Usually, error adds some information about the error position
- at the beginning of the message, if the message is a string.
- * 通常,error函数会附加一些错误位置的信息到message头部
- The level argument specifies how to get the error position.
- With level 1 (the default), the error position is where the
- error function was called.
- * level=1(默认):为调用error位置(文件+行号)
- Level 2 points the error to where the function that called
- error was called; and so on.
- * level=2:指出哪个调用error的函数的函数
- Passing a level 0 avoids the addition of error position
- information to the message.
- * level=0:不添加错误位置信息
- huli@hudeMacBook-Pro ~ % cat error.lua
- function fun(a,b)
- error("出错了",0)
- print(a+b)
- end
- fun(1+2)
- -- 不添加错误位置信息
- huli@hudeMacBook-Pro ~ % lua error.lua
- lua: 出错了
- stack traceback:
- [C]: in function 'error'
- error.lua:2: in function 'fun'
- error.lua:6: in main chunk
- [C]: in ?
- -- level=1
- huli@hudeMacBook-Pro ~ % cat error2.lua
- function fun2(a,b)
- error("出错了",1)
- print(a+b)
- end
- fun2(2+2)
- -- 错误信息:前面添加文件(error2.lua)、error函数所在行号(2)
- huli@hudeMacBook-Pro ~ % lua error2.lua
- lua: error2.lua:2: 出错了
- stack traceback:
- [C]: in function 'error'
- error2.lua:2: in function 'fun2'
- error2.lua:6: in main chunk
- [C]: in ?
- -- level=2
- huli@hudeMacBook-Pro ~ % cat error3.lua
- function fun3(a,b)
- error("出错了",2)
- print(a+b)
- end
- fun3(3+2)
- -- 错误信息:文件名(error3.lua)、主函数调用了包含错误函数的函数所在行号(6)
- huli@hudeMacBook-Pro ~ % lua error3.lua
- lua: error3.lua:6: 出错了
- stack traceback:
- [C]: in function 'error'
- error3.lua:2: in function 'fun3'
- error3.lua:6: in main chunk
- [C]: in ?
pcall(function_name, arg, arg2, ...):以保护模式调用函数
- Calls the function f with the given arguments in protected mode.
- * 用给定的参数,以保护模式调用函数
- This means that any error inside f is not propagated; instead,
- pcall catches the error and returns a status code.
- * 函数的错误信息不会传播,会被pall捕获,然后返回一个状态码(boolean值)
- Its first result is the status code (a boolean), which is true
- if the call succeeds without errors. In such case, pcall also
- returns all results from the call, after this first result.
- * 如果调用成功,状态码返回true
- * 在true之后,pcall返回调用函数的所有结果
- In case of any error, pcall returns false plus the error object.
- Note that errors caught by pcall do not call a message handler
- * 如果调用失败,pcall返回false,输出错误信息
- Lua 5.4.4 Copyright (C) 1994-2022 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
- > function fun(a,b) print(a+b) end
- -- 调用的韩素运行出错,输出状态码false,然后输出错误信息
- > pcall(fun,1)
- false stdin:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value (local 'b')
- -- 执行函数,返回状态码,
- -- 如果函数有返回结果,输出返回结果
- > pcall(fun,1,2)
- 3
- true
- Lua 5.4.4 Copyright (C) 1994-2022 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
- > function fun2(a,b) print(a+b) return a+b end
- -- pcall(fun(1)):函数执行报错,随后pcall报错
- > pcall(fun2(1))
- stdin:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value (local 'b')
- stack traceback:
- stdin:1: in function 'fun2'
- stdin:1: in main chunk
- [C]: in ?
- -- pcall(fun2,1):函数执行报错
- > pcall(fun2,1)
- false stdin:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value (local 'b')
- -- pcall(fun2,1,2):函数正常执行,返回状态码、调用函数的返回结果
- > pcall(fun2,1,2)
- 3
- true 3
- -- pcall(fun2(1,3),1,2):先执行函数,函数返回结果4 ==> pcall(4,1,2) pcall调用报错
- > pcall(fun2(1,3),1,2)
- 4
- false attempt to call a number value
- -- pcall(fun(1,3)):先执行函数,函数返回结果4 == pcall(4),pcall
- -- pcall只能调用函数,不能调用数字
- > pcall(fun2(1,3))
- 4
- false attempt to call a number value
xpcall(function_name, messageHandler, arg, arg2, ...):与pcall类似,多了messageHandler(错误处理函数)
- This function is similar to pcall, except that
- it sets a new message handler msgh.
- huli@hudeMacBook-Pro ~ % cat xpcall.lua
- --被调用的函数
- function fun(a,b)
- print(a+b)
- end
- -- 自定义错误处理函数
- function errorHandler(error)
- print("error",error)
- end
- -- 调用函数
- xpcall(fun, errorHandler, 1)
- -- 执行脚本
- huli@hudeMacBook-Pro ~ % lua xpcall.lua
- error xpcall.lua:2: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value (local 'b')
- huli@hudeMacBook-Pro ~ % cat xpcall2.lua
- -- 调用的函数
- function fun2(a,b)
- print(a+b)
- end
- -- 错误处理函数
- function errorHandler()
- print(debug.traceback())
- end
- -- xpcall调用函数
- xpcall(fun2, errorHandler, 1)
- -- 执行脚本
- huli@hudeMacBook-Pro ~ % lua xpcall2.lua
- stack traceback:
- xpcall2.lua:6: in function 'errorHandler'
- xpcall2.lua:2: in function 'fun2'
- [C]: in function 'xpcall'
- xpcall2.lua:9: in main chunk
- [C]: in ?
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