6、hive的select(GROUP BY、ORDER BY、CLUSTER BY、SORT BY、LIMIT、union、CTE)、join使用详解及示例
7、hive shell客户端与属性配置、内置运算符、函数(内置运算符与自定义UDF运算符)
9、hive的explode、Lateral View侧视图、聚合函数、窗口函数、抽样函数使用详解
10、hive综合示例:数据多分隔符(正则RegexSerDe)、url解析、行列转换常用函数(case when、union、concat和explode)详细使用示例
13、java api访问hive操作示例
[WITH CommonTableExpression (, CommonTableExpression)*]
SELECT [ALL | DISTINCT] select_expr, select_expr, ...
FROM table_reference
[WHERE where_condition]
[GROUP BY col_list]
[ORDER BY col_list]
[CLUSTER BY col_list
| [DISTRIBUTE BY col_list] [SORT BY col_list]
[LIMIT [offset,] rows];
------------案例:美国Covid-19新冠数据之select查询--------------- --step1:创建普通表t_usa_covid19 drop table if exists t_usa_covid19; CREATE TABLE t_usa_covid19( count_date string, county string, state string, fips int, cases int, deaths int) row format delimited fields terminated by ","; --将源数据load加载到t_usa_covid19表对应的路径下 load data local inpath '/usr/local/bigdata/us-covid19-counties.dat' into table t_usa_covid19; select * from t_usa_covid19; --step2:创建一张分区表 基于count_date日期,state州进行分区 CREATE TABLE if not exists t_usa_covid19_p( county string, fips int, cases int, deaths int) partitioned by(count_date string,state string) row format delimited fields terminated by ","; --step3:使用动态分区插入将数据导入t_usa_covid19_p中 set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode = nonstrict; insert into table t_usa_covid19_p partition (count_date,state) select county,fips,cases,deaths,count_date,state from t_usa_covid19; ---------------Hive SQL select查询基础语法------------------ --1、select_expr --查询所有字段或者指定字段 select * from t_usa_covid19_p; select county, cases, deaths from t_usa_covid19_p; --查询匹配正则表达式的所有字段 SET hive.support.quoted.identifiers = none; --反引号不在解释为其他含义,被解释为正则表达式 --查询以c开头的字段 select `^c.*` from t_usa_covid19_p; 0: jdbc:hive2://server4:10000> select `^c.*` from t_usa_covid19_p limit 3; +-------------------------+------------------------+-----------------------------+ | t_usa_covid19_p.county | t_usa_covid19_p.cases | t_usa_covid19_p.count_date | +-------------------------+------------------------+-----------------------------+ | Autauga | 5554 | 2021-01-28 | | Baldwin | 17779 | 2021-01-28 | | Barbour | 1920 | 2021-01-28 | +-------------------------+------------------------+-----------------------------+ --查询当前数据库 select current_database(); --省去from关键字 --查询使用函数 select count(county) from t_usa_covid19_p; --2、ALL DISTINCT --返回所有匹配的行 select state from t_usa_covid19_p; --相当于 select all state from t_usa_covid19_p; --返回所有匹配的行 去除重复的结果 select distinct state from t_usa_covid19_p; --多个字段distinct 整体去重 select county,state from t_usa_covid19_p; select distinct county,state from t_usa_covid19_p; select distinct sex from student; 0: jdbc:hive2://server4:10000> select distinct sex from student; WARN : Hive-on-MR is deprecated in Hive 2 and may not be available in the future versions. Consider using a different execution engine (i.e. spark, tez) or using Hive 1.X releases. +------+ | sex | +------+ | 女 | | 男 | +------+ --3、WHERE CAUSE select * from t_usa_covid19_p where 1 > 2; -- 1 > 2 返回false select * from t_usa_covid19_p where 1 = 1; -- 1 = 1 返回true --where条件中使用函数 找出州名字母长度超过10位的有哪些 select * from t_usa_covid19_p where length(state) >10 ; --where子句支持子查询 SELECT * FROM A WHERE A.a IN (SELECT foo FROM B); --注意:where条件中不能使用聚合函数 --报错 SemanticException:Not yet supported place for UDAF 'count' --聚合函数要使用它的前提是结果集已经确定。 --而where子句还处于“确定”结果集的过程中,因而不能使用聚合函数。 select state,count(deaths) from t_usa_covid19_p where count(deaths) >100 group by state; 0: jdbc:hive2://server4:10000> select state,count(deaths) from t_usa_covid19_p where count(deaths) >100 group by state; Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10128]: Line 1:54 Not yet supported place for UDAF 'count' (state=42000,code=10128) --可以使用Having实现 select state,count(deaths) from t_usa_covid19_p group by state having count(deaths) > 100; --4、分区查询、分区裁剪 --找出来自加州,累计死亡人数大于1000的县 state字段就是分区字段 进行分区裁剪 避免全表扫描 select * from t_usa_covid19_p where state ="California" and deaths > 1000; --多分区裁剪 select * from t_usa_covid19_p where count_date = "2021-01-28" and state ="California" and deaths > 1000; --5、GROUP BY --根据state州进行分组 --SemanticException:Expression not in GROUP BY key 'deaths' --deaths不是分组字段 报错 --state是分组字段 可以直接出现在select_expr中 select state,deaths from t_usa_covid19_p where count_date = "2021-01-28" group by state; --被聚合函数应用 select state,sum(deaths) from t_usa_covid19_p where count_date = "2021-01-28" group by state; --6、having --统计死亡病例数大于10000的州 --where语句中不能使用聚合函数 语法报错 select state,sum(deaths) from t_usa_covid19_p where count_date = "2021-01-28" and sum(deaths) >10000 group by state; --先where分组前过滤(此处是分区裁剪),再进行group by分组, 分组后每个分组结果集确定 再使用having过滤 select state,sum(deaths) from t_usa_covid19_p where count_date = "2021-01-28" group by state having sum(deaths) > 10000; --这样写更好 即在group by的时候聚合函数已经作用得出结果 having直接引用结果过滤 不需要再单独计算一次了 select state,sum(deaths) as cnts from t_usa_covid19_p where count_date = "2021-01-28" group by state having cnts> 10000; --7、limit --没有限制返回2021.1.28 加州的所有记录 select * from t_usa_covid19_p where count_date = "2021-01-28" and state ="California"; --返回结果集的前5条 select * from t_usa_covid19_p where count_date = "2021-01-28" and state ="California" limit 5; --返回结果集从第3行(含)开始 共3行 以下是查询结果比较 --[LIMIT [offset,] rows] select * from t_usa_covid19_p where count_date = "2021-01-28" and state ="California" order by deaths desc limit 2,3; --注意 第一个参数偏移量是从0开始的 0: jdbc:hive2://server4:10000> select * from t_usa_covid19_p where count_date = "2021-01-28" and state ="California" order by deaths desc ; +-------------------------+-----------------------+------------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------+------------------------+ | t_usa_covid19_p.county | t_usa_covid19_p.fips | t_usa_covid19_p.cases | t_usa_covid19_p.deaths | t_usa_covid19_p.count_date | t_usa_covid19_p.state | +-------------------------+-----------------------+------------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------+------------------------+ | Los Angeles | 6037 | 1098363 | 16107 | 2021-01-28 | California | | Riverside | 6065 | 270105 | 3058 | 2021-01-28 | California | | Orange | 6059 | 241648 | 2868 | 2021-01-28 | California | | San Diego | 6073 | 233033 | 2534 | 2021-01-28 | California | | San Bernardino | 6071 | 271189 | 1776 | 2021-01-28 | California | | Santa Clara | 6085 | 100468 | 1345 | 2021-01-28 | California | | Sacramento | 6067 | 85427 | 1216 | 2021-01-28 | California | | Fresno | 6019 | 86886 | 1122 | 2021-01-28 | California | 。。。。 0: jdbc:hive2://server4:10000> select * from t_usa_covid19_p where count_date = "2021-01-28" and state ="California" order by deaths desc limit 2,3; WARN : Hive-on-MR is deprecated in Hive 2 and may not be available in the future versions. Consider using a different execution engine (i.e. spark, tez) or using Hive 1.X releases. +-------------------------+-----------------------+------------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------+------------------------+ | t_usa_covid19_p.county | t_usa_covid19_p.fips | t_usa_covid19_p.cases | t_usa_covid19_p.deaths | t_usa_covid19_p.count_date | t_usa_covid19_p.state | +-------------------------+-----------------------+------------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------+------------------------+ | Orange | 6059 | 241648 | 2868 | 2021-01-28 | California | | San Diego | 6073 | 233033 | 2534 | 2021-01-28 | California | | San Bernardino | 6071 | 271189 | 1776 | 2021-01-28 | California | +-------------------------+-----------------------+------------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------+------------------------+ ---------------Hive SQL select查询高阶语法------------------ ---1、order by --根据字段进行排序 --默认asc, nulls first 也可以手动指定nulls last select * from t_usa_covid19_p where count_date = "2021-01-28" and state ="California" order by deaths ; --指定desc nulls last select * from t_usa_covid19_p where count_date = "2021-01-28" and state ="California" order by deaths desc; --强烈建议将LIMIT与ORDER BY一起使用。避免数据集行数过大 --当hive.mapred.mode设置为strict严格模式时,使用不带LIMIT的ORDER BY时会引发异常。 select * from t_usa_covid19_p where count_date = "2021-01-28" and state ="California" order by deaths desc limit 3; --2、cluster by --根据指定字段将数据分组,每组内再根据该字段正序排序(只能正序)。根据同一个字段,分且排序。 select * from student; --不指定reduce task个数 --日志显示:Number of reduce tasks not specified. Estimated from input data size: 1 select * from student cluster by num; --分组规则hash散列(分桶表规则一样):Hash_Func(col_name) % reducetask个数 --分为几组取决于reducetask的个数(结果见下图) --手动设置reduce task个数 set mapreduce.job.reduces =2; select * from student cluster by num; --3、distribute by + sort by --案例:把学生表数据根据性别分为两个部分,每个分组内根据年龄的倒序排序。 --错误 select * from student cluster by sex order by age desc; select * from student cluster by sex sort by age desc; CLUSTER BY无法单独完成,因为分和排序的字段只能是同一个; ORDER BY更不能在这里使用,因为是全局排序,只有一个输出,无法满足分的需求。 --正确 --DISTRIBUTE BY +SORT BY就相当于把CLUSTER BY的功能一分为二 --前提:DISTRIBUTE BY 是在多个reduce的时候才会有效果,否则不能看到效果 --1.DISTRIBUTE BY负责根据指定字段分组; --2.SORT BY负责分组内排序规则。 --分组和排序的字段可以不同。 set mapreduce.job.reduces=3; select * from student distribute by sex sort by age desc; --下面两个语句执行结果一样 select * from student distribute by num sort by num; select * from student cluster by num; set mapreduce.job.reduces =2; select * from student cluster by num;
set mapreduce.job.reduces=3;
select * from student distribute by sex sort by age desc;
使用DISTINCT关键字与只使用UNION默认值效果一样,都会删除重复行。1.2.0之前的Hive版本仅支持UNION ALL,在这种情况下不会消除重复的行。
---------------Union联合查询---------------------------- --语法规则 select_statement UNION [ALL | DISTINCT] select_statement UNION [ALL | DISTINCT] select_statement ...; --使用DISTINCT关键字与使用UNION默认值效果一样,都会删除重复行。 select num,name from student_local UNION select num,name from student_hdfs; --和上面一样 select num,name from student_local UNION DISTINCT select num,name from student_hdfs; --使用ALL关键字会保留重复行。 select num,name from student_local UNION ALL select num,name from student_hdfs limit 2; --如果要将ORDER BY,SORT BY,CLUSTER BY,DISTRIBUTE BY或LIMIT应用于单个SELECT --请将子句放在括住SELECT的括号内 SELECT num,name FROM (select num,name from student_local LIMIT 2) subq1 UNION SELECT num,name FROM (select num,name from student_hdfs LIMIT 3) subq2; --如果要将ORDER BY,SORT BY,CLUSTER BY,DISTRIBUTE BY或LIMIT子句应用于整个UNION结果 --请将ORDER BY,SORT BY,CLUSTER BY,DISTRIBUTE BY或LIMIT放在最后一个之后。 select num,name from student_local UNION select num,name from student_hdfs order by num desc; ------------子查询Subqueries-------------- --from子句中子查询(Subqueries) --子查询 SELECT num FROM ( select num,name from student_local ) tmp; --包含UNION ALL的子查询的示例 SELECT t3.name FROM ( select num,name from student_local UNION distinct select num,name from student_hdfs ) t3; --where子句中子查询(Subqueries) --不相关子查询,相当于IN、NOT IN,子查询只能选择一个列。 --(1)执行子查询,其结果不被显示,而是传递给外部查询,作为外部查询的条件使用。 --(2)执行外部查询,并显示整个结果。 SELECT * FROM student_hdfs WHERE student_hdfs.num IN (select num from student_local limit 2); --相关子查询,指EXISTS和NOT EXISTS子查询 --子查询的WHERE子句中支持对父查询的引用 SELECT A FROM T1 WHERE EXISTS (SELECT B FROM T2 WHERE T1.X = T2.Y);
-----------------Common Table Expressions(CTE)----------------------------------- --select语句中的CTE with q1 as (select num,name,age from student where num = 95002) select * from q1; -- from风格 with q1 as (select num,name,age from student where num = 95002) from q1 select *; -- chaining CTEs 链式 with q1 as ( select * from student where num = 95002), q2 as ( select num,name,age from q1) select * from (select num from q2) a; -- union with q1 as (select * from student where num = 95002), q2 as (select * from student where num = 95004) select * from q1 union all select * from q2; --视图,CTAS和插入语句中的CTE -- insert create table s1 like student; with q1 as ( select * from student where num = 95002) from q1 insert overwrite table s1 select *; select * from s1; -- ctas create table s2 as with q1 as ( select * from student where num = 95002) select * from q1; -- view create view v1 as with q1 as ( select * from student where num = 95002) select * from q1; select * from v1;
inner join(内连接)、left join(左连接)、right join(右连接)full outer join(全外连接)、left semi join(左半开连接)、cross join(交叉连接,也叫做笛卡尔乘积)。
table_reference [INNER] JOIN table_factor [join_condition]
| table_reference {LEFT|RIGHT|FULL} [OUTER] JOIN table_reference join_condition
| table_reference LEFT SEMI JOIN table_reference join_condition
| table_reference CROSS JOIN table_reference [join_condition] (as of Hive 0.10)
ON expression
-- 1、table_reference:是join查询中使用的表名,也可以是子查询别名(查询结果当成表参与join)。
-- 2、table_factor:与table_reference相同,是联接查询中使用的表名,也可以是子查询别名。
-- 3、join_condition:join查询关联的条件,如果在两个以上的表上需要连接,则使用AND关键字。
--table1: 员工表 CREATE TABLE employee( id int, name string, deg string, salary int, dept string ) row format delimited fields terminated by ','; --table2:员工住址信息表 CREATE TABLE employee_address ( id int, hno string, street string, city string ) row format delimited fields terminated by ','; --table3:员工联系方式表 CREATE TABLE employee_connection ( id int, phno string, email string ) row format delimited fields terminated by ','; --加载数据到表中 load data local inpath '/usr/local/bigdata/employee.txt' into table employee; load data local inpath '/usr/local/bigdata/employee_address.txt' into table employee_address; load data local inpath '/usr/local/bigdata/employee_connection.txt' into table employee_connection; 0: jdbc:hive2://server4:10000> select * from employee; +--------------+----------------+---------------+------------------+----------------+ | employee.id | employee.name | employee.deg | employee.salary | employee.dept | +--------------+----------------+---------------+------------------+----------------+ | 1201 | gopal | manager | 50000 | TP | | 1202 | manisha | cto | 50000 | TP | | 1203 | khalil | dev | 30000 | AC | | 1204 | prasanth | dev | 30000 | AC | | 1206 | kranthi | admin | 20000 | TP | +--------------+----------------+---------------+------------------+----------------+ 0: jdbc:hive2://server4:10000> select * from employee_address ; +----------------------+-----------------------+--------------------------+------------------------+ | employee_address.id | employee_address.hno | employee_address.street | employee_address.city | +----------------------+-----------------------+--------------------------+------------------------+ | 1201 | 288A | vgiri | jublee | | 1202 | 108I | aoc | ny | | 1204 | 144Z | pgutta | hyd | | 1206 | 78B | old city | la | | 1207 | 720X | hitec | ny | +----------------------+-----------------------+--------------------------+------------------------+ 0: jdbc:hive2://server4:10000> select * from employee_connection; +-------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+ | employee_connection.id | employee_connection.phno | employee_connection.email | +-------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+ | 1201 | 2356742 | gopal@tp.com | | 1203 | 1661663 | manisha@tp.com | | 1204 | 8887776 | khalil@ac.com | | 1205 | 9988774 | prasanth@ac.com | | 1206 | 1231231 | kranthi@tp.com | +-------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+
内连接是最常见的一种连接,它也被称为普通连接,其中inner可以省略:inner join == join ;
--1、inner join select e.id,e.name,e_a.city,e_a.street from employee e inner join employee_address e_a on e.id =e_a.id; --等价于 inner join=join select e.id,e.name,e_a.city,e_a.street from employee e join employee_address e_a on e.id =e_a.id; --等价于 隐式连接表示法 select e.id,e.name,e_a.city,e_a.street from employee e , employee_address e_a where e.id =e_a.id; -- 查询员工的地址 0: jdbc:hive2://server4:10000> select e.*,a.street from employee e join employee_address a on e.id = a.id; WARN : Hive-on-MR is deprecated in Hive 2 and may not be available in the future versions. Consider using a different execution engine (i.e. spark, tez) or using Hive 1.X releases. +-------+-----------+----------+-----------+---------+-----------+ | e.id | e.name | e.deg | e.salary | e.dept | a.street | +-------+-----------+----------+-----------+---------+-----------+ | 1201 | gopal | manager | 50000 | TP | vgiri | | 1202 | manisha | cto | 50000 | TP | aoc | | 1204 | prasanth | dev | 30000 | AC | pgutta | | 1206 | kranthi | admin | 20000 | TP | old city | +-------+-----------+----------+-----------+---------+-----------+ 0: jdbc:hive2://server4:10000> select e.*,a.street from employee e ,employee_address a where e.id = a.id; WARN : Hive-on-MR is deprecated in Hive 2 and may not be available in the future versions. Consider using a different execution engine (i.e. spark, tez) or using Hive 1.X releases. +-------+-----------+----------+-----------+---------+-----------+ | e.id | e.name | e.deg | e.salary | e.dept | a.street | +-------+-----------+----------+-----------+---------+-----------+ | 1201 | gopal | manager | 50000 | TP | vgiri | | 1202 | manisha | cto | 50000 | TP | aoc | | 1204 | prasanth | dev | 30000 | AC | pgutta | | 1206 | kranthi | admin | 20000 | TP | old city | +-------+-----------+----------+-----------+---------+-----------+
left join中文叫做是左外连接(Left Outer Join)或者左连接,其中outer可以省略,left outer join是早期的写法。
left join的核心就在于left左。左指的是join关键字左边的表,简称左表。
--2、left join select e.id,e.name,e_conn.phno,e_conn.email from employee e left join employee_connection e_conn on e.id =e_conn.id; --等价于 left outer join select e.id,e.name,e_conn.phno,e_conn.email from employee e left outer join employee_connection e_conn on e.id =e_conn.id; 0: jdbc:hive2://server4:10000> select e.*,c.phno,c.email from employee e left join employee_connection c on e.id = c.id; WARN : Hive-on-MR is deprecated in Hive 2 and may not be available in the future versions. Consider using a different execution engine (i.e. spark, tez) or using Hive 1.X releases. +-------+-----------+----------+-----------+---------+----------+-----------------+ | e.id | e.name | e.deg | e.salary | e.dept | c.phno | c.email | +-------+-----------+----------+-----------+---------+----------+-----------------+ | 1201 | gopal | manager | 50000 | TP | 2356742 | gopal@tp.com | | 1202 | manisha | cto | 50000 | TP | NULL | NULL | | 1203 | khalil | dev | 30000 | AC | 1661663 | manisha@tp.com | | 1204 | prasanth | dev | 30000 | AC | 8887776 | khalil@ac.com | | 1206 | kranthi | admin | 20000 | TP | 1231231 | kranthi@tp.com | +-------+-----------+----------+-----------+---------+----------+-----------------+
right join中文叫做是右外连接(Right Outer Jion)或者右连接,其中outer可以省略。
right join的核心就在于Right右。右指的是join关键字右边的表,简称右表。
right join和left join之间很相似,重点在于以哪边为准,也就是一个方向的问题。
--3、right join select e.id,e.name,e_conn.phno,e_conn.email from employee e right join employee_connection e_conn on e.id =e_conn.id; --等价于 right outer join select e.id,e.name,e_conn.phno,e_conn.email from employee e right outer join employee_connection e_conn on e.id =e_conn.id; 0: jdbc:hive2://server4:10000> select e.*,c.id,c.phno,c.email from employee e right join employee_connection c on e.id = c.id; WARN : Hive-on-MR is deprecated in Hive 2 and may not be available in the future versions. Consider using a different execution engine (i.e. spark, tez) or using Hive 1.X releases. +-------+-----------+----------+-----------+---------+-------+----------+------------------+ | e.id | e.name | e.deg | e.salary | e.dept | c.id | c.phno | c.email | +-------+-----------+----------+-----------+---------+-------+----------+------------------+ | 1201 | gopal | manager | 50000 | TP | 1201 | 2356742 | gopal@tp.com | | 1203 | khalil | dev | 30000 | AC | 1203 | 1661663 | manisha@tp.com | | 1204 | prasanth | dev | 30000 | AC | 1204 | 8887776 | khalil@ac.com | | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 1205 | 9988774 | prasanth@ac.com | | 1206 | kranthi | admin | 20000 | TP | 1206 | 1231231 | kranthi@tp.com | +-------+-----------+----------+-----------+---------+-------+----------+------------------+
full outer join 等价 full join ,中文叫做全外连接或者外连接。
--4、full outer join select e.id,e.name,e_a.city,e_a.street from employee e full outer join employee_address e_a on e.id =e_a.id; --等价于 select e.id,e.name,e_a.city,e_a.street from employee e full join employee_address e_a on e.id =e_a.id; 0: jdbc:hive2://server4:10000> select e.*,c.id,c.phno,c.email from employee e full join employee_connection c on e.id = c.id; WARN : Hive-on-MR is deprecated in Hive 2 and may not be available in the future versions. Consider using a different execution engine (i.e. spark, tez) or using Hive 1.X releases. +-------+-----------+----------+-----------+---------+-------+----------+------------------+ | e.id | e.name | e.deg | e.salary | e.dept | c.id | c.phno | c.email | +-------+-----------+----------+-----------+---------+-------+----------+------------------+ | 1201 | gopal | manager | 50000 | TP | 1201 | 2356742 | gopal@tp.com | | 1202 | manisha | cto | 50000 | TP | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 1203 | khalil | dev | 30000 | AC | 1203 | 1661663 | manisha@tp.com | | 1204 | prasanth | dev | 30000 | AC | 1204 | 8887776 | khalil@ac.com | | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 1205 | 9988774 | prasanth@ac.com | | 1206 | kranthi | admin | 20000 | TP | 1206 | 1231231 | kranthi@tp.com | +-------+-----------+----------+-----------+---------+-------+----------+------------------+
左半开连接(LEFT SEMI JOIN)会返回左边表的记录,前提是其记录对于右边的表满足ON语句中的判定条件。
从效果上来看有点像inner join之后只返回左表的结果。
--5、left semi join 但是只返回左表全部数据, 只不过效率高一些 select * from employee e left semi join employee_address e_addr on e.id =e_addr.id; --相当于 inner join 只不过效率高一些 select e.* from employee e inner join employee_address e_addr on e.id =e_addr.id; 0: jdbc:hive2://server4:10000> select * from employee e left semi join employee_address e_addr on e.id =e_addr.id; WARN : Hive-on-MR is deprecated in Hive 2 and may not be available in the future versions. Consider using a different execution engine (i.e. spark, tez) or using Hive 1.X releases. +-------+-----------+----------+-----------+---------+ | e.id | e.name | e.deg | e.salary | e.dept | +-------+-----------+----------+-----------+---------+ | 1201 | gopal | manager | 50000 | TP | | 1202 | manisha | cto | 50000 | TP | | 1204 | prasanth | dev | 30000 | AC | | 1206 | kranthi | admin | 20000 | TP | +-------+-----------+----------+-----------+---------+
交叉连接cross join,将会返回被连接的两个表的笛卡尔积,返回结果的行数等于两个表行数的乘积。对于大表来说,cross join慎用。
在SQL标准中定义的cross join就是无条件的inner join。返回两个表的笛卡尔积,无需指定关联键。
在HiveSQL语法中,cross join 后面可以跟where子句进行过滤,或者on条件过滤。
--6、cross join --下列A、B、C 执行结果相同,但是效率不一样 --A: select a.*,b.* from employee a,employee_address b where a.id=b.id; --B: select * from employee a cross join employee_address b on a.id=b.id; select * from employee a cross join employee_address b where a.id=b.id; --C: select * from employee a inner join employee_address b on a.id=b.id; --一般不建议使用方法A和B,因为如果有WHERE子句的话,往往会先生成两个表行数乘积的行的数据表然后才根据WHERE条件从中选择。 --因此,如果两个需要求交集的表太大,将会非常非常慢,不建议使用。 --A: explain select a.*,b.* from employee a,employee_address b where a.id=b.id; --B: explain select * from employee a cross join employee_address b on a.id=b.id; --C: explain select * from employee a inner join employee_address b on a.id=b.id;
SELECT a.* FROM a JOIN b ON (a.id = b.id)
SELECT a.* FROM a JOIN b ON (a.id = b.id AND a.department = b.department)
SELECT a.* FROM a LEFT OUTER JOIN b ON (a.id <> b.id)
SELECT a.val, b.val, c.val FROM a
JOIN b ON (a.key = b.key1)
JOIN c ON (c.key = b.key2)
SELECT a.val, b.val, c.val FROM a
JOIN b ON (a.key = b.key1)
JOIN c ON (c.key = b.key1)
SELECT a.val, b.val, c.val FROM a
JOIN b ON (a.key = b.key1)
JOIN c ON (c.key = b.key2)
-- 第一个map / reduce作业将a与b联接在一起,然后将结果与c联接到第二个map / reduce作业中。
SELECT a.val, b.val, c.val FROM a
JOIN b ON (a.key = b.key1)
JOIN c ON (c.key = b.key1)
SELECT a.val, b.val, c.val FROM a
JOIN b ON (a.key = b.key1)
JOIN c ON (c.key = b.key2)
-- 在第二个MR作业中,将缓冲第一个连接的结果,同时将c的值通过reducer流式传输。
SELECT /*+ STREAMTABLE(a) */ a.val, b.val, c.val FROM a
JOIN b ON (a.key = b.key1)
JOIN c ON (c.key = b.key1)
-- 然后,对于从a中检索到的每一行,将使用缓冲的行来计算联接。如果省略STREAMTABLE提示,则Hive将流式传输最右边的表。
SELECT /*+ MAPJOIN(b) */ a.key, a.value FROM a
JOIN b ON a.key = b.key
--不需要reducer。对于A的每个Mapper,B都会被完全读取。限制是不能执行FULL / RIGHT OUTER JOIN b。
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