论文地址:Mask R-CNN
源代码:matterport - github
复现的Mask R-CNN是基于Python3,Keras,TensorFlow。
- Python 3.4+
- TensorFlow 1.3+
- Keras 2.0.8+
- Jupyter Notebook
- Numpy, skimage, scipy
Mask R-CNN论文回顾
Mask R-CNN(简称MRCNN)是基于R-CNN系列、FPN、FCIS等工作之上的,MRCNN的思路很简洁:Faster R-CNN针对每个候选区域有两个输出:种类标签和bbox的偏移量。那么MRCNN就在Faster R-CNN的基础上通过增加一个分支进而再增加一个输出,即物体掩膜(object mask
先回顾一下Faster R-CNN, Faster R-CNN主要由两个阶段组成:区域候选网络(Region Proposal Network,RPN)和基础的Fast R-CNN模型。
Fast R-CNN通过RoIPool层对每个候选区域提取特征,从而实现目标分类和bbox回归
MRCNN采用和Faster R-CNN相同的两个阶段,具有相同的第一层(即RPN),第二阶段,除了预测种类和bbox回归,并且并行的对每个RoI预测了对应的二值掩膜(binary mask
这样做可以将整个任务简化为mulit-stage pipeline,解耦了多个子任务的关系,现阶段来看,这样做好处颇多。
- mask branch 预测个种类的二值掩膜输出
- 依据种类预测分支(Faster R-CNN部分)预测结果:当前RoI的物体种类为
- 第个二值掩膜输出就是该RoI的损失
在Faster R-CNN上预测物体标签或bbox偏移量是将feature map压缩到FC层最终输出vector,压缩的过程丢失了空间上(平面结构)的信息,而掩膜是对输入目标做空间上的编码,直接用卷积形式表示像素点之间的对应关系那是最好的了。
输出掩膜的操作是不需要压缩输出vector,所以可以使用FCN(Full Convolutional Network),不仅效率高,而且参数量还少。为了更好的表示出RoI输入和FCN输出的feature之间的像素对应关系,提出了RoIAlign层。
下图是SPPNet内对RoI的操作,在Faster R-CNN中只使用了一种粒度的特征图:
针对这个问题,提出了RoIAlign层:避免了对RoI边界或bin的量化操作,在扩展feature map时使用双线性插值算法。这里实现的架构要看FPN论文:
一开始的Faster R-CNN是基于最上层的特征映射做分割和预测的,这会丢失高分辨下的信息,直观的影响就是丢失小目标检测,对细节部分丢失不敏感。受到SSD的启发,FPN也使用了多层特征做预测。这里使用的top-down的架构,是将高层的特征反卷积带到低层的特征(即有了语义,也有精度),而在MRCNN论文里面说的双线性差值算法就是这里的top-down反卷积是用的插值算法。
项目的源代码地址为:github/Mask R-CNN
- Python 3.4+
- TensorFlow 1.3+
- Keras 2.0.8+
- Jupyter Notebook
- Numpy, skimage, scipy, Pillow(安装Anaconda3直接完事)
- cv2
git clone https://github.com/matterport/Mask_RCNN.git
- 1
),下载地址releasses Page.如果需要在COCO数据集上训练或测试,需要安装
文件)。- Linux: https://github.com/waleedka/coco
- Windows: https://github.com/philferriere/cocoapi. You must have the Visual C++ 2015 build tools on your path (see the repo for additional details)
- pycocotools (即第4条描述的)
- MS COCO Dataset。2014的训练集数据
- COCO子数据集,5K的minival和35K的validation-minus-minival。(这两个数据集下载比较慢,没有贴原地址,而是我的CSDN地址,分不够下载的可以私信我~)
项目源代码:matterport - github
- import os
- import sys
- import itertools
- import math
- import logging
- import json
- import re
- import random
- from collections import OrderedDict
- import numpy as np
- import matplotlib
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import matplotlib.patches as patches
- import matplotlib.lines as lines
- from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
- import utils
- import visualize
- from visualize import display_images
- import model as modellib
- from model import log
- %matplotlib inline
- ROOT_DIR = os.getcwd()
- # 选择任意一个代码块
- # import shapes
- # config = shapes.ShapesConfig() # 使用代码创建数据集,后面会有介绍
- # MS COCO 数据集
- import coco
- config = coco.CocoConfig()
- COCO_DIR = "/root/模型复现/Mask_RCNN-master/coco" # COCO数据存放位置
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- # 这里使用的是COCO
- if config.NAME == 'shapes':
- dataset = shapes.ShapesDataset()
- dataset.load_shapes(500, config.IMAGE_SHAPE[0], config.IMAGE_SHAPE[1])
- elif config.NAME == "coco":
- dataset = coco.CocoDataset()
- dataset.load_coco(COCO_DIR, "train")
- # Must call before using the dataset
- dataset.prepare()
- print("Image Count: {}".format(len(dataset.image_ids)))
- print("Class Count: {}".format(dataset.num_classes))
- for i, info in enumerate(dataset.class_info):
- print("{:3}. {:50}".format(i, info['name']))
- >>>
- >>>
- loading annotations into memory...
- Done (t=7.68s)
- creating index...
- index created!
- Image Count: 82081
- Class Count: 81
- 0. BG
- 1. person
- 2. bicycle
- ...
- 77. scissors
- 78. teddy bear
- 79. hair drier
- 80. toothbrush
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- # 加载和展示随机几张照片和对应的mask
- image_ids = np.random.choice(dataset.image_ids, 4)
- for image_id in image_ids:
- image = dataset.load_image(image_id)
- mask, class_ids = dataset.load_mask(image_id)
- visualize.display_top_masks(image, mask, class_ids, dataset.class_names)
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Bounding Boxes(bbox)
- # Load random image and mask.
- image_id = random.choice(dataset.image_ids)
- image = dataset.load_image(image_id)
- mask, class_ids = dataset.load_mask(image_id)
- # Compute Bounding box
- bbox = utils.extract_bboxes(mask)
- # Display image and additional stats
- print("image_id ", image_id, dataset.image_reference(image_id))
- log("image", image)
- log("mask", mask)
- log("class_ids", class_ids)
- log("bbox", bbox)
- # Display image and instances
- visualize.display_instances(image, bbox, mask, class_ids, dataset.class_names)
- >>>
- >>>
- image_id 41194 http://cocodataset.org/#explore?id=190360
- image shape: (428, 640, 3) min: 0.00000 max: 255.00000
- mask shape: (428, 640, 5) min: 0.00000 max: 1.00000
- class_ids shape: (5,) min: 1.00000 max: 59.00000
- bbox shape: (5, 4) min: 1.00000 max: 640.00000
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- # Load random image and mask.
- image_id = np.random.choice(dataset.image_ids, 1)[0]
- image = dataset.load_image(image_id)
- mask, class_ids = dataset.load_mask(image_id)
- original_shape = image.shape
- # 调整到固定大小
- image, window, scale, padding = utils.resize_image(
- image,
- min_dim=config.IMAGE_MIN_DIM,
- max_dim=config.IMAGE_MAX_DIM,
- padding=config.IMAGE_PADDING)
- mask = utils.resize_mask(mask, scale, padding) # mask也要放缩
- # Compute Bounding box
- bbox = utils.extract_bboxes(mask)
- # Display image and additional stats
- print("image_id: ", image_id, dataset.image_reference(image_id))
- print("Original shape: ", original_shape)
- log("image", image)
- log("mask", mask)
- log("class_ids", class_ids)
- log("bbox", bbox)
- # Display image and instances
- visualize.display_instances(image, bbox, mask, class_ids, dataset.class_names)
- >>>
- >>>
- image_id: 6104 http://cocodataset.org/#explore?id=139889
- Original shape: (426, 640, 3)
- image shape: (1024, 1024, 3) min: 0.00000 max: 255.00000
- mask shape: (1024, 1024, 2) min: 0.00000 max: 1.00000
- class_ids shape: (2,) min: 24.00000 max: 24.00000
- bbox shape: (2, 4) min: 169.00000 max: 917.00000
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原图片从(426, 640, 3)
放大到(1024, 1024, 3)
Mini Mask
- 我们存储在对象边界框内(bbox内)的mask像素,而不是存储整张图片的mask像素,大多数物体相对比于整张图片是较小的,节省存储空间是通过少存储目标周围的0实现的。
- 将mask调整到小尺寸
,对于大尺寸的物体会丢失一些精度,但是大多数对象的注解并不是很准确,所以大多数情况下这些损失是可以忽略的。(可以在config类中设置mini mask的size。)
- image_id = np.random.choice(dataset.image_ids, 1)[0]
- # 使用load_image_gt方法获取bbox和mask
- image, image_meta, bbox, mask = modellib.load_image_gt(
- dataset, config, image_id, use_mini_mask=False)
- log("image", image)
- log("image_meta", image_meta)
- log("bbox", bbox)
- log("mask", mask)
- display_images([image]+[mask[:,:,i] for i in range(min(mask.shape[-1], 7))])
- >>>
- >>>
- image shape: (1024, 1024, 3) min: 0.00000 max: 252.00000
- image_meta shape: (89,) min: 0.00000 max: 66849.00000
- bbox shape: (1, 5) min: 62.00000 max: 987.00000
- mask shape: (1024, 1024, 1) min: 0.00000 max: 1.00000
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visualize.display_instances(image, bbox[:,:4], mask, bbox[:,4], dataset.class_names)
- 1
实现mini mask操作:
- # load_image_gt方法集成了mini_mask的操作
- image, image_meta, bbox, mask = modellib.load_image_gt(
- dataset, config, image_id, augment=True, use_mini_mask=True)
- log("mask", mask)
- display_images([image]+[mask[:,:,i] for i in range(min(mask.shape[-1], 7))])
- >>>
- >>>
- mask shape: (56, 56, 1) min: 0.00000 max: 1.00000
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- mask = utils.expand_mask(bbox, mask, image.shape)
- visualize.display_instances(image, bbox[:,:4], mask, bbox[:,4], dataset.class_names)
- 1
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Anchors是Faster R-CNN内提出的方法。
模型在运行过程中有多层feature map,同时也会有非常多的Anchors,处理好Anchors的顺序非常重要。例如使用anchors的顺序要匹配卷积处理的顺序等规则。
- 先按金字塔等级排序,第一层的所有anchors,第二层所有anchors,etc..通过按层次可以很容易分开所有的anchors
- 对于每个层,通过feature map处理序列来排列anchors,通常,一个卷积层处理一个feature map 是从左上角开始,向右一行一行来整
- 对于feature map的每个cell,可为不同比例的Anchors采用随意顺序,这里我们将采用不同比例的顺序当参数传递给相应的函数
Anchor步长:在FPN架构下,前几层的feature map是高分辨率的。例如,如果输入是1024×1024
,那么第一层的feature map大小为256×256
,相对于图片像素的步长为4(1024/256=4),这里面有很多重叠,如果我们能够为feature map的每个点生成独有的anchor,就会显著的降低负载,如果设置anchor的步长为2,那么anchor的数量就会下降4倍。
类中,我们配置了3中比例([0.5, 1, 2]
)的anchors,以第一层feature map举例,其大小为256×256
- # 生成 Anchors
- anchors = utils.generate_pyramid_anchors(config.RPN_ANCHOR_SCALES,
- # Print summary of anchors
- print("Scales: ", config.RPN_ANCHOR_SCALES)
- print("ratios: {}, \nAnchors_per_cell:{}".format(config.RPN_ANCHOR_RATIOS , len(config.RPN_ANCHOR_RATIOS)))
- print("backbone_shapes: ",config.BACKBONE_SHAPES)
- print("backbone_strides: ",config.BACKBONE_STRIDES)
- print("rpn_anchor_stride: ",config.RPN_ANCHOR_STRIDE)
- num_levels = len(config.BACKBONE_SHAPES)
- print("Count: ", anchors.shape[0])
- print("Levels: ", num_levels)
- anchors_per_level = []
- for l in range(num_levels):
- num_cells = config.BACKBONE_SHAPES[l][0] * config.BACKBONE_SHAPES[l][1]
- anchors_per_level.append(anchors_per_cell * num_cells // config.RPN_ANCHOR_STRIDE**2)
- print("Anchors in Level {}: {}".format(l, anchors_per_level[l]))
- >>>
- >>>
- Scales: (32, 64, 128, 256, 512)
- ratios: [0.5, 1, 2],
- anchors_per_cell:3
- backbone_shapes: [[256 256] [128 128] [ 64 64] [ 32 32] [ 16 16]]
- backbone_strides: [4, 8, 16, 32, 64]
- rpn_anchor_stride: 2
- Count: 65472
- Levels: 5
- Anchors in Level 0: 49152
- Anchors in Level 1: 12288
- Anchors in Level 2: 3072
- Anchors in Level 3: 768
- Anchors in Level 4: 192
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- # Load and draw random image
- image_id = np.random.choice(dataset.image_ids, 1)[0]
- image, image_meta, _, _ = modellib.load_image_gt(dataset, config, image_id)
- fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10, 10))
- ax.imshow(image)
- levels = len(config.BACKBONE_SHAPES) # 共有5层 15个anchors
- for level in range(levels):
- colors = visualize.random_colors(levels)
- # Compute the index of the anchors at the center of the image
- level_start = sum(anchors_per_level[:level]) # sum of anchors of previous levels
- level_anchors = anchors[level_start:level_start+anchors_per_level[level]]
- print("Level {}. Anchors: {:6} Feature map Shape: {}".format(level, level_anchors.shape[0],
- config.BACKBONE_SHAPES[level]))
- center_cell = config.BACKBONE_SHAPES[level] // 2
- center_cell_index = (center_cell[0] * config.BACKBONE_SHAPES[level][1] + center_cell[1])
- level_center = center_cell_index * anchors_per_cell
- center_anchor = anchors_per_cell * (
- (center_cell[0] * config.BACKBONE_SHAPES[level][1] / config.RPN_ANCHOR_STRIDE**2) \
- + center_cell[1] / config.RPN_ANCHOR_STRIDE)
- level_center = int(center_anchor)
- # Draw anchors. Brightness show the order in the array, dark to bright.
- for i, rect in enumerate(level_anchors[level_center:level_center+anchors_per_cell]):
- y1, x1, y2, x2 = rect
- p = patches.Rectangle((x1, y1), x2-x1, y2-y1, linewidth=2, facecolor='none',
- edgecolor=(i+1)*np.array(colors[level]) / anchors_per_cell)
- ax.add_patch(p)
- >>>
- >>>
- Level 0. Anchors: 49152 Feature map Shape: [256 256]
- Level 1. Anchors: 12288 Feature map Shape: [128 128]
- Level 2. Anchors: 3072 Feature map Shape: [64 64]
- Level 3. Anchors: 768 Feature map Shape: [32 32]
- Level 4. Anchors: 192 Feature map Shape: [16 16]
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项目源代码:matterport - github
train_shapes.ipynb展示了如何在自己的数据集上训练Mask R-CNN.
- import os
- import sys
- import random
- import math
- import re
- import time
- import numpy as np
- import cv2
- import matplotlib
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- from config import Config
- import utils
- import model as modellib
- import visualize
- from model import log
- %matplotlib inline
- ROOT_DIR = os.getcwd() # Root directory of the project
- MODEL_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "logs") # Directory to save logs and trained model
- COCO_MODEL_PATH = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "mask_rcnn_coco.h5") # Path to COCO trained weights
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- load_image()
- load_mask()
- image_reference()
- class ShapesDataset(utils.Dataset):
- """
- 生成一个数据集,数据集由简单的(三角形,正方形,圆形)放置在空白画布的图片组成。
- """
- def load_shapes(self, count, height, width):
- """
- 产生对应数目的固定大小图片
- count: 生成数据的数量
- height, width: 产生图片的大小
- """
- # 添加种类信息
- self.add_class("shapes", 1, "square")
- self.add_class("shapes", 2, "circle")
- self.add_class("shapes", 3, "triangle")
- # 生成随机规格形状,每张图片依据image_id指定
- for i in range(count):
- bg_color, shapes = self.random_image(height, width)
- self.add_image("shapes", image_id=i, path=None,
- width=width, height=height,
- bg_color=bg_color, shapes=shapes)
- def load_image(self, image_id):
- """
- 依据给定的iamge_id产生对应图片。
- 通常这个函数是读取文件的,这里我们是依据image_id到image_info里面查找信息,再生成图片
- """
- info = self.image_info[image_id]
- bg_color = np.array(info['bg_color']).reshape([1, 1, 3])
- image = np.ones([info['height'], info['width'], 3], dtype=np.uint8)
- image = image * bg_color.astype(np.uint8)
- for shape, color, dims in info['shapes']:
- image = self.draw_shape(image, shape, dims, color)
- return image
- def image_reference(self, image_id):
- """Return the shapes data of the image."""
- info = self.image_info[image_id]
- if info["source"] == "shapes":
- return info["shapes"]
- else:
- super(self.__class__).image_reference(self, image_id)
- def load_mask(self, image_id):
- """依据给定的image_id产生相应的规格形状的掩膜"""
- info = self.image_info[image_id]
- shapes = info['shapes']
- count = len(shapes)
- mask = np.zeros([info['height'], info['width'], count], dtype=np.uint8)
- for i, (shape, _, dims) in enumerate(info['shapes']):
- mask[:, :, i:i+1] = self.draw_shape(mask[:, :, i:i+1].copy(),
- shape, dims, 1)
- # Handle occlusions
- occlusion = np.logical_not(mask[:, :, -1]).astype(np.uint8)
- for i in range(count-2, -1, -1):
- mask[:, :, i] = mask[:, :, i] * occlusion
- occlusion = np.logical_and(occlusion, np.logical_not(mask[:, :, i]))
- # Map class names to class IDs.
- class_ids = np.array([self.class_names.index(s[0]) for s in shapes])
- return mask, class_ids.astype(np.int32)
- def draw_shape(self, image, shape, dims, color):
- """绘制给定的形状."""
- # Get the center x, y and the size s
- x, y, s = dims
- if shape == 'square':
- image = cv2.rectangle(image, (x-s, y-s), (x+s, y+s), color, -1)
- elif shape == "circle":
- image = cv2.circle(image, (x, y), s, color, -1)
- elif shape == "triangle":
- points = np.array([[(x, y-s),
- (x-s/math.sin(math.radians(60)), y+s),
- (x+s/math.sin(math.radians(60)), y+s),
- ]], dtype=np.int32)
- image = cv2.fillPoly(image, points, color)
- return image
- def random_shape(self, height, width):
- """
- 依据给定的长宽边界生成随机形状
- 返回一个有三个值的元组:
- * shape: 形状名称(square, circle, ...)
- * color: 形状颜色(a tuple of 3 values, RGB.)
- * dimensions: 随机形状的中心位置和大小(center_x,center_y,size)
- """
- # Shape
- shape = random.choice(["square", "circle", "triangle"])
- # Color
- color = tuple([random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(3)])
- # Center x, y
- buffer = 20
- y = random.randint(buffer, height - buffer - 1)
- x = random.randint(buffer, width - buffer - 1)
- # Size
- s = random.randint(buffer, height//4)
- return shape, color, (x, y, s)
- def random_image(self, height, width):
- """
- 产生有多种形状的随机规格的图片
- 返回背景色 和 可以用于绘制图片的形状规格列表
- """
- # 随机生成三个通道颜色
- bg_color = np.array([random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(3)])
- # 生成一些随机形状并记录它们的bbox
- shapes = []
- boxes = []
- N = random.randint(1, 4)
- for _ in range(N):
- shape, color, dims = self.random_shape(height, width)
- shapes.append((shape, color, dims))
- x, y, s = dims
- boxes.append([y-s, x-s, y+s, x+s])
- # 使用非极大值抑制避免各种形状之间覆盖 阈值为:0.3
- keep_ixs = utils.non_max_suppression(np.array(boxes), np.arange(N), 0.3)
- shapes = [s for i, s in enumerate(shapes) if i in keep_ixs]
- return bg_color, shapes
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- # 构建训练集,大小为500
- dataset_train = ShapesDataset()
- dataset_train.load_shapes(500, config.IMAGE_SHAPE[0], config.IMAGE_SHAPE[1])
- dataset_train.prepare()
- # 构建验证集,大小为50
- dataset_val = ShapesDataset()
- dataset_val.load_shapes(50, config.IMAGE_SHAPE[0], config.IMAGE_SHAPE[1])
- dataset_val.prepare()
- # 随机选取4个样本
- image_ids = np.random.choice(dataset_train.image_ids, 4)
- for image_id in image_ids:
- image = dataset_train.load_image(image_id)
- mask, class_ids = dataset_train.load_mask(image_id)
- visualize.display_top_masks(image, mask, class_ids, dataset_train.class_names)
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- class ShapesConfig(Config):
- """
- 为数据集添加训练配置
- 继承基类Config
- """
- NAME = "shapes" # 该配置类的识别符
- #Batch size is 8 (GPUs * images/GPU).
- GPU_COUNT = 1 # GPU数量
- IMAGES_PER_GPU = 8 # 单GPU上处理图片数(这里我们构造的数据集图片小,可以多处理几张)
- # 分类种类数目 (包括背景)
- NUM_CLASSES = 1 + 3 # background + 3 shapes
- # 使用小图片可以更快的训练
- IMAGE_MIN_DIM = 128 # 图片的小边长
- IMAGE_MAX_DIM = 128 # 图片的大边长
- # 使用小的anchors,因为数据图片和目标都小
- RPN_ANCHOR_SCALES = (8, 16, 32, 64, 128) # anchor side in pixels
- # 减少训练每张图片上的ROIs,因为图片很小且目标很少,
- # Aim to allow ROI sampling to pick 33% positive ROIs.
- STEPS_PER_EPOCH = 100 # 因为数据简单,使用小的epoch
- VALIDATION_STPES = 5 # 因为epoch较小,使用小的交叉验证步数
- config = ShapesConfig()
- config.print()
- >>>
- >>>
- Configurations:
- [16 16]
- [ 8 8]
- [ 4 4]
- [ 2 2]]
- BACKBONE_STRIDES [4, 8, 16, 32, 64]
- BBOX_STD_DEV [ 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2]
- IMAGE_SHAPE [128 128 3]
- MASK_SHAPE [28, 28]
- MEAN_PIXEL [ 123.7 116.8 103.9]
- MINI_MASK_SHAPE (56, 56)
- NAME shapes
- RPN_ANCHOR_RATIOS [0.5, 1, 2]
- RPN_ANCHOR_SCALES (8, 16, 32, 64, 128)
- RPN_BBOX_STD_DEV [ 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2]
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- # 模型有两种模式: training inference
- # 创建模型并设置training模式
- model = modellib.MaskRCNN(mode="training", config=config,
- model_dir=MODEL_DIR)
- # 选择权重类型,这里我们的预训练权重是COCO的
- init_with = "coco" # imagenet, coco, or last
- if init_with == "imagenet":
- model.load_weights(model.get_imagenet_weights(), by_name=True)
- elif init_with == "coco":
- # 载入在MS COCO上的预训练模型,跳过不一样的分类数目层
- model.load_weights(COCO_MODEL_PATH, by_name=True,
- exclude=["mrcnn_class_logits", "mrcnn_bbox_fc",
- "mrcnn_bbox", "mrcnn_mask"])
- elif init_with == "last":
- # 载入你最后训练的模型,继续训练
- model.load_weights(model.find_last()[1], by_name=True)
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- 只训练head部分,为了不破坏基础层的提取能力,我们冻结所有backbone layers,只训练随机初始化的层,为了达成只训练head部分,训练时需要向
参数。 - Fine-tune所有层,上面训练了一会head部分,为了更好的适配新的数据集,需要fine-tune,使用
1. 训练head部分
- # 通过传入参数layers="heads" 冻结处理head部分的所有层。可以通过传入一个正则表达式选择要训练的层
- model.train(dataset_train, dataset_val,
- learning_rate=config.LEARNING_RATE,
- epochs=1,
- layers='heads')
- >>>
- >>>
- Starting at epoch 0. LR=0.002
- Checkpoint Path: /root/Mask_RCNNmaster/logs/shapes20171103T2047/mask_rcnn_shapes_{epoch:04d}.h5
- Selecting layers to train
- fpn_c5p5 (Conv2D)
- fpn_c4p4 (Conv2D)
- fpn_c3p3 (Conv2D)
- fpn_c2p2 (Conv2D)
- fpn_p5 (Conv2D)
- fpn_p2 (Conv2D)
- fpn_p3 (Conv2D)
- fpn_p4 (Conv2D)
- In model: rpn_model
- rpn_conv_shared (Conv2D)
- rpn_class_raw (Conv2D)
- rpn_bbox_pred (Conv2D)
- mrcnn_mask_conv1 (TimeDistributed)
- ...
- mrcnn_mask_conv4 (TimeDistributed)
- mrcnn_mask_bn4 (TimeDistributed)
- mrcnn_bbox_fc (TimeDistributed)
- mrcnn_mask_deconv (TimeDistributed)
- mrcnn_class_logits (TimeDistributed)
- mrcnn_mask (TimeDistributed)
- Epoch 1/1
- 100/100 [==============================] - 37s 371ms/step - loss: 2.5472 - rpn_class_loss: 0.0244 - rpn_bbox_loss: 1.1118 - mrcnn_class_loss: 0.3692 - mrcnn_bbox_loss: 0.3783 - mrcnn_mask_loss: 0.3223 - val_loss: 1.7634 - val_rpn_class_loss: 0.0143 - val_rpn_bbox_loss: 0.9989 - val_mrcnn_class_loss: 0.1673 - val_mrcnn_bbox_loss: 0.0857 - val_mrcnn_mask_loss: 0.1559
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2. Fine tune 所有层
- # 通过传入参数layers="all"所有层
- model.train(dataset_train, dataset_val,
- learning_rate=config.LEARNING_RATE / 10,
- epochs=2,
- layers="all")
- >>>
- >>>
- Starting at epoch 1. LR=0.0002
- Checkpoint Path: /root/Mask_RCNN-master/logs/shapes20171103T2047/mask_rcnn_shapes_{epoch:04d}.h5
- Selecting layers to train
- conv1 (Conv2D)
- bn_conv1 (BatchNorm)
- res2a_branch2a (Conv2D)
- bn2a_branch2a (BatchNorm)
- res2a_branch2b (Conv2D)
- ...
- ...
- res5c_branch2c (Conv2D)
- bn5c_branch2c (BatchNorm)
- fpn_c5p5 (Conv2D)
- fpn_c4p4 (Conv2D)
- fpn_c3p3 (Conv2D)
- fpn_c2p2 (Conv2D)
- fpn_p5 (Conv2D)
- fpn_p2 (Conv2D)
- fpn_p3 (Conv2D)
- fpn_p4 (Conv2D)
- In model: rpn_model
- rpn_conv_shared (Conv2D)
- rpn_class_raw (Conv2D)
- rpn_bbox_pred (Conv2D)
- mrcnn_mask_conv1 (TimeDistributed)
- mrcnn_mask_bn1 (TimeDistributed)
- mrcnn_mask_conv2 (TimeDistributed)
- mrcnn_class_conv1 (TimeDistributed)
- mrcnn_mask_bn2 (TimeDistributed)
- mrcnn_class_bn1 (TimeDistributed)
- mrcnn_mask_conv3 (TimeDistributed)
- mrcnn_mask_bn3 (TimeDistributed)
- mrcnn_class_conv2 (TimeDistributed)
- mrcnn_class_bn2 (TimeDistributed)
- mrcnn_mask_conv4 (TimeDistributed)
- mrcnn_mask_bn4 (TimeDistributed)
- mrcnn_bbox_fc (TimeDistributed)
- mrcnn_mask_deconv (TimeDistributed)
- mrcnn_class_logits (TimeDistributed)
- mrcnn_mask (TimeDistributed)
- Epoch 2/2
- 100/100 [==============================] - 38s 381ms/step - loss: 11.4351 - rpn_class_loss: 0.0190 - rpn_bbox_loss: 0.9108 - mrcnn_class_loss: 0.2085 - mrcnn_bbox_loss: 0.1606 - mrcnn_mask_loss: 0.2198 - val_loss: 11.2957 - val_rpn_class_loss: 0.0173 - val_rpn_bbox_loss: 0.8740 - val_mrcnn_class_loss: 0.1590 - val_mrcnn_bbox_loss: 0.0997 - val_mrcnn_mask_loss: 0.2296
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- class InferenceConfig(ShapesConfig):
- inference_config = InferenceConfig()
- # 重新创建模型设置为inference模式
- model = modellib.MaskRCNN(mode="inference",
- config=inference_config,
- model_dir=MODEL_DIR)
- # 获取保存的权重,或者手动指定目录位置
- # model_path = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, ".h5 file name here")
- model_path = model.find_last()[1]
- # 加载权重
- assert model_path != "", "Provide path to trained weights"
- print("Loading weights from ", model_path)
- model.load_weights(model_path, by_name=True)
- # 测试随机图片
- image_id = random.choice(dataset_val.image_ids)
- original_image, image_meta, gt_bbox, gt_mask =\
- modellib.load_image_gt(dataset_val, inference_config,
- image_id, use_mini_mask=False)
- log("original_image", original_image)
- log("image_meta", image_meta)
- log("gt_bbox", gt_bbox)
- log("gt_mask", gt_mask)
- visualize.display_instances(original_image, gt_bbox[:,:4], gt_mask, gt_bbox[:,4],
- dataset_train.class_names, figsize=(8, 8))
- >>>
- >>>
- original_image shape: (128, 128, 3) min: 18.00000 max: 231.00000
- image_meta shape: (12,) min: 0.00000 max: 128.00000
- gt_bbox shape: (2, 5) min: 1.00000 max: 115.00000
- gt_mask shape: (128, 128, 2) min: 0.00000 max: 1.00000
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- def get_ax(rows=1, cols=1, size=8):
- """返回Matplotlib Axes数组用于可视化.提供中心点控制图形大小"""
- _, ax = plt.subplots(rows, cols, figsize=(size*cols, size*rows))
- return ax
- results = model.detect([original_image], verbose=1) # 预测
- r = results[0]
- visualize.display_instances(original_image, r['rois'], r['masks'], r['class_ids'],
- dataset_val.class_names, r['scores'], ax=get_ax())
- >>>
- >>>
- Processing 1 images
- image shape: (128, 128, 3) min: 18.00000 max: 231.00000
- molded_images shape: (1, 128, 128, 3) min: -98.80000 max: 127.10000
- image_metas shape: (1, 12) min: 0.00000 max: 128.00000
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- # Compute VOC-Style mAP @ IoU=0.5
- # Running on 10 images. Increase for better accuracy.
- image_ids = np.random.choice(dataset_val.image_ids, 10)
- APs = []
- for image_id in image_ids:
- # 加载数据
- image, image_meta, gt_bbox, gt_mask =\
- modellib.load_image_gt(dataset_val, inference_config,
- image_id, use_mini_mask=False)
- molded_images = np.expand_dims(modellib.mold_image(image, inference_config), 0)
- # Run object detection
- results = model.detect([image], verbose=0)
- r = results[0]
- # Compute AP
- AP, precisions, recalls, overlaps =\
- utils.compute_ap(gt_bbox[:,:4], gt_bbox[:,4],
- r["rois"], r["class_ids"], r["scores"])
- APs.append(AP)
- print("mAP: ", np.mean(APs))
- >>>
- >>>
- mAP: 0.9
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代码分析-Mask R-CNN 模型分析
测试,调试和评估Mask R-CNN模型。
- import os
- import sys
- import random
- import math
- import re
- import time
- import numpy as np
- import scipy.misc
- import tensorflow as tf
- import matplotlib
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import matplotlib.patches as patches
- import utils
- import visualize
- from visualize import display_images
- import model as modellib
- from model import log
- %matplotlib inline
- ROOT_DIR = os.getcwd() # Root directory of the project
- MODEL_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "logs") # Directory to save logs and trained model
- COCO_MODEL_PATH = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "coco/mask_rcnn_coco.h5") # Path to trained weights file
- SHAPES_MODEL_PATH = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "log/shapes20171103T2047/mask_rcnn_shapes_0002.h5") # Path to Shapes trained weights
- # Shapes toy dataset
- # import shapes
- # config = shapes.ShapesConfig()
- # MS COCO Dataset
- import coco
- config = coco.CocoConfig()
- COCO_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "coco") # TODO: enter value here
- def get_ax(rows=1, cols=1, size=16):
- """控制绘图大小"""
- _, ax = plt.subplots(rows, cols, figsize=(size*cols, size*rows))
- return ax
- # 创建一个预测配置类InferenceConfig,用于测试预训练模型
- class InferenceConfig(config.__class__):
- # Run detection on one image at a time
- config = InferenceConfig()
- DEVICE = "/cpu:0" # /cpu:0 or /gpu:0
- TEST_MODE = "inference" # values: 'inference' or 'training'
- # 加载验证集
- if config.NAME == 'shapes':
- dataset = shapes.ShapesDataset()
- dataset.load_shapes(500, config.IMAGE_SHAPE[0], config.IMAGE_SHAPE[1])
- elif config.NAME == "coco":
- dataset = coco.CocoDataset()
- dataset.load_coco(COCO_DIR, "minival")
- # Must call before using the dataset
- dataset.prepare()
- # 创建模型并设置inference mode
- with tf.device(DEVICE):
- model = modellib.MaskRCNN(mode="inference", model_dir=MODEL_DIR,
- config=config)
- # Set weights file path
- if config.NAME == "shapes":
- weights_path = SHAPES_MODEL_PATH
- elif config.NAME == "coco":
- weights_path = COCO_MODEL_PATH
- # Or, uncomment to load the last model you trained
- # weights_path = model.find_last()[1]
- # Load weights
- print("Loading weights ", weights_path)
- model.load_weights(weights_path, by_name=True)
- image_id = random.choice(dataset.image_ids)
- image, image_meta, gt_bbox, gt_mask =\
- modellib.load_image_gt(dataset, config, image_id, use_mini_mask=False)
- info = dataset.image_info[image_id]
- print("image ID: {}.{} ({}) {}".format(info["source"], info["id"], image_id,
- dataset.image_reference(image_id)))
- gt_class_id = gt_bbox[:, 4]
- # Run object detection
- results = model.detect([image], verbose=1)
- # Display results
- ax = get_ax(1)
- r = results[0]
- # visualize.display_instances(image, gt_bbox[:,:4], gt_mask, gt_bbox[:,4],
- # dataset.class_names, ax=ax[0], title="Ground Truth")
- visualize.display_instances(image, r['rois'], r['masks'], r['class_ids'],
- dataset.class_names, r['scores'], ax=ax,
- title="Predictions")
- log("gt_class_id", gt_class_id)
- log("gt_bbox", gt_bbox)
- log("gt_mask", gt_mask)
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区域候选网络(Region Proposal Network,RPN)
RPN网络的任务就是做目标区域推荐,从R-CNN中使用的Selective Search方法到Faster R-CNN中使用的Anchor方法,目的就是用更快的方法产生更好的RoI。
RPN在图像上创建大量的boxes(anchors),并在anchors上运行一个轻量级的二值分类器返回有目标/无目标的分数。具有高分数的anchors(positive anchors,正样本)会被传到下一阶段用于分类。
通常,positive anchors也不会完全覆盖目标,所以RPN在对anchor打分的同时会回归一个偏移量和放缩值,用于修正anchors位置和大小。
RPN Target
RPN Target是需要找到有目标的anchor,传递到模型后面用于分类等任务。RPN会在一个完整的图片上覆盖多种不同形状的anchors,通过计算anchors与标注的ground truth(GT box)的IoU,认为IoU≥0.7为正样本,IoU≤0.3为负样本,卡在中间的丢弃为中立样本,训练模型不使用。
上面提到了训练RPN的同时会回归一个偏移量和放缩值,目的就是用来修正anchor的位置和大小,最终更好的与ground truth相cover。
- # 生成RPN trainig targets
- # target_rpn_match 值为1代表positive anchors, -1代表negative,0代表neutral.
- target_rpn_match, target_rpn_bbox = modellib.build_rpn_targets(
- image.shape, model.anchors, gt_bbox, model.config)
- log("target_rpn_match", target_rpn_match)
- log("target_rpn_bbox", target_rpn_bbox)
- # 分类所有anchor
- positive_anchor_ix = np.where(target_rpn_match[:] == 1)[0]
- negative_anchor_ix = np.where(target_rpn_match[:] == -1)[0]
- neutral_anchor_ix = np.where(target_rpn_match[:] == 0)[0]
- positive_anchors = model.anchors[positive_anchor_ix]
- negative_anchors = model.anchors[negative_anchor_ix]
- neutral_anchors = model.anchors[neutral_anchor_ix]
- log("positive_anchors", positive_anchors)
- log("negative_anchors", negative_anchors)
- log("neutral anchors", neutral_anchors)
- # 对positive anchor做修正
- refined_anchors = utils.apply_box_deltas(
- positive_anchors,
- target_rpn_bbox[:positive_anchors.shape[0]] * model.config.RPN_BBOX_STD_DEV)
- log("refined_anchors", refined_anchors, )
- >>>
- >>>
- target_rpn_match shape: (65472,) min: -1.00000 max: 1.00000
- target_rpn_bbox shape: (256, 4) min: -3.66348 max: 7.29204
- positive_anchors shape: (19, 4) min: -53.01934 max: 1030.62742
- negative_anchors shape: (237, 4) min: -90.50967 max: 1038.62742
- neutral anchors shape: (65216, 4) min: -362.03867 max: 1258.03867
- refined_anchors shape: (19, 4) min: -0.00000 max: 1024.00000
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看看positive anchors和修正后的positive anchors:
visualize.draw_boxes(image, boxes=positive_anchors, refined_boxes=refined_anchors, ax=get_ax())
- 1
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RPN Prediction
- # Run RPN sub-graph
- pillar = model.keras_model.get_layer("ROI").output # node to start searching from
- rpn = model.run_graph([image], [
- ("rpn_class", model.keras_model.get_layer("rpn_class").output),
- ("pre_nms_anchors", model.ancestor(pillar, "ROI/pre_nms_anchors:0")),
- ("refined_anchors", model.ancestor(pillar, "ROI/refined_anchors:0")),
- ("refined_anchors_clipped", model.ancestor(pillar, "ROI/refined_anchors_clipped:0")),
- ("post_nms_anchor_ix", model.ancestor(pillar, "ROI/rpn_non_max_suppression:0")),
- ("proposals", model.keras_model.get_layer("ROI").output),
- ])
- >>>
- >>>
- rpn_class shape: (1, 65472, 2) min: 0.00000 max: 1.00000
- pre_nms_anchors shape: (1, 10000, 4) min: -362.03867 max: 1258.03870
- refined_anchors shape: (1, 10000, 4) min: -1030.40588 max: 2164.92578
- refined_anchors_clipped shape: (1, 10000, 4) min: 0.00000 max: 1024.00000
- post_nms_anchor_ix shape: (1000,) min: 0.00000 max: 1879.00000
- proposals shape: (1, 1000, 4) min: 0.00000 max: 1.00000
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- limit = 100
- sorted_anchor_ids = np.argsort(rpn['rpn_class'][:,:,1].flatten())[::-1]
- visualize.draw_boxes(image, boxes=model.anchors[sorted_anchor_ids[:limit]], ax=get_ax())
- 1
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- limit = 50
- ax = get_ax(1, 2)
- visualize.draw_boxes(image, boxes=rpn["pre_nms_anchors"][0, :limit],
- refined_boxes=rpn["refined_anchors"][0, :limit], ax=ax[0])
- visualize.draw_boxes(image, refined_boxes=rpn["refined_anchors_clipped"][0, :limit], ax=ax[1])
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- limit = 50
- ixs = rpn["post_nms_anchor_ix"][:limit]
- visualize.draw_boxes(image, refined_boxes=rpn["refined_anchors_clipped"][0, ixs], ax=get_ax())
- 1
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- limit = 50
- # Convert back to image coordinates for display
- h, w = config.IMAGE_SHAPE[:2]
- proposals = rpn['proposals'][0, :limit] * np.array([h, w, h, w])
- visualize.draw_boxes(image, refined_boxes=proposals, ax=get_ax())
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- 所有的 anchors
- 所有修正的anchors
- 经过极大值抑制后的修正Anchors
- iou_threshold = 0.7
- recall, positive_anchor_ids = utils.compute_recall(model.anchors, gt_bbox, iou_threshold)
- print("All Anchors ({:5}) Recall: {:.3f} Positive anchors: {}".format(
- model.anchors.shape[0], recall, len(positive_anchor_ids)))
- recall, positive_anchor_ids = utils.compute_recall(rpn['refined_anchors'][0], gt_bbox, iou_threshold)
- print("Refined Anchors ({:5}) Recall: {:.3f} Positive anchors: {}".format(
- rpn['refined_anchors'].shape[1], recall, len(positive_anchor_ids)))
- recall, positive_anchor_ids = utils.compute_recall(proposals, gt_bbox, iou_threshold)
- print("Post NMS Anchors ({:5}) Recall: {:.3f} Positive anchors: {}".format(
- proposals.shape[0], recall, len(positive_anchor_ids)))
- >>>
- >>>
- All Anchors (65472) Recall: 0.263 Positive anchors: 5
- Refined Anchors (10000) Recall: 0.895 Positive anchors: 126
- Post NMS Anchors ( 50) Recall: 0.526 Positive anchors: 12
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Proposal 分类
前面RPN Target是生成region proposal,这里就要对其分类了~
Proposal Classification
- # Get input and output to classifier and mask heads.
- mrcnn = model.run_graph([image], [
- ("proposals", model.keras_model.get_layer("ROI").output),
- ("probs", model.keras_model.get_layer("mrcnn_class").output),
- ("deltas", model.keras_model.get_layer("mrcnn_bbox").output),
- ("masks", model.keras_model.get_layer("mrcnn_mask").output),
- ("detections", model.keras_model.get_layer("mrcnn_detection").output),
- ])
- >>>
- >>>
- proposals shape: (1, 1000, 4) min: 0.00000 max: 1.00000
- probs shape: (1, 1000, 81) min: 0.00000 max: 0.99825
- deltas shape: (1, 1000, 81, 4) min: -3.31265 max: 2.86541
- masks shape: (1, 100, 28, 28, 81) min: 0.00003 max: 0.99986
- detections shape: (1, 100, 6) min: 0.00000 max: 930.00000
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- det_class_ids = mrcnn['detections'][0, :, 4].astype(np.int32)
- det_count = np.where(det_class_ids == 0)[0][0]
- det_class_ids = det_class_ids[:det_count]
- detections = mrcnn['detections'][0, :det_count]
- print("{} detections: {}".format(
- det_count, np.array(dataset.class_names)[det_class_ids]))
- captions = ["{} {:.3f}".format(dataset.class_names[int(c)], s) if c > 0 else ""
- for c, s in zip(detections[:, 4], detections[:, 5])]
- visualize.draw_boxes(
- image,
- refined_boxes=detections[:, :4],
- visibilities=[2] * len(detections),
- captions=captions, title="Detections",
- ax=get_ax())
- >>>
- >>>
- 11 detections: ['person' 'person' 'person' 'person' 'person' 'orange' 'person' 'orange'
- 'dog' 'handbag' 'apple']
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Step by Step Detection
- # Proposals是标准坐标, 放缩回图片坐标
- h, w = config.IMAGE_SHAPE[:2]
- proposals = np.around(mrcnn["proposals"][0] * np.array([h, w, h, w])).astype(np.int32)
- # Class ID, score, and mask per proposal
- roi_class_ids = np.argmax(mrcnn["probs"][0], axis=1)
- roi_scores = mrcnn["probs"][0, np.arange(roi_class_ids.shape[0]), roi_class_ids]
- roi_class_names = np.array(dataset.class_names)[roi_class_ids]
- roi_positive_ixs = np.where(roi_class_ids > 0)[0]
- # How many ROIs vs empty rows?
- print("{} Valid proposals out of {}".format(np.sum(np.any(proposals, axis=1)), proposals.shape[0]))
- print("{} Positive ROIs".format(len(roi_positive_ixs)))
- # Class counts
- print(list(zip(*np.unique(roi_class_names, return_counts=True))))
- >>>
- >>>
- 1000 Valid proposals out of 1000
- 106 Positive ROIs
- [('BG', 894), ('apple', 25), ('cup', 2), ('dog', 4), ('handbag', 2), ('orange', 36), ('person', 36), ('sandwich', 1)]
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- limit = 200
- ixs = np.random.randint(0, proposals.shape[0], limit)
- captions = ["{} {:.3f}".format(dataset.class_names[c], s) if c > 0 else ""
- for c, s in zip(roi_class_ids[ixs], roi_scores[ixs])]
- visualize.draw_boxes(image, boxes=proposals[ixs],
- visibilities=np.where(roi_class_ids[ixs] > 0, 2, 1),
- captions=captions, title="ROIs Before Refinment",
- ax=get_ax())
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- # Class-specific bounding box shifts.
- roi_bbox_specific = mrcnn["deltas"][0, np.arange(proposals.shape[0]), roi_class_ids]
- log("roi_bbox_specific", roi_bbox_specific)
- # Apply bounding box transformations
- # Shape: [N, (y1, x1, y2, x2)]
- refined_proposals = utils.apply_box_deltas(
- proposals, roi_bbox_specific * config.BBOX_STD_DEV).astype(np.int32)
- log("refined_proposals", refined_proposals)
- # Show positive proposals
- # ids = np.arange(roi_boxes.shape[0]) # Display all
- limit = 5
- ids = np.random.randint(0, len(roi_positive_ixs), limit) # Display random sample
- captions = ["{} {:.3f}".format(dataset.class_names[c], s) if c > 0 else ""
- for c, s in zip(roi_class_ids[roi_positive_ixs][ids], roi_scores[roi_positive_ixs][ids])]
- visualize.draw_boxes(image, boxes=proposals[roi_positive_ixs][ids],
- refined_boxes=refined_proposals[roi_positive_ixs][ids],
- visibilities=np.where(roi_class_ids[roi_positive_ixs][ids] > 0, 1, 0),
- captions=captions, title="ROIs After Refinment",
- ax=get_ax())
- >>>
- >>>
- roi_bbox_specific shape: (1000, 4) min: -3.31265 max: 2.86541
- refined_proposals shape: (1000, 4) min: -1.00000 max: 1024.00000
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- # Remove boxes classified as background
- keep = np.where(roi_class_ids > 0)[0]
- print("Keep {} detections:\n{}".format(keep.shape[0], keep))
- # Remove low confidence detections
- keep = np.intersect1d(keep, np.where(roi_scores >= config.DETECTION_MIN_CONFIDENCE)[0])
- print("Remove boxes below {} confidence. Keep {}:\n{}".format(
- config.DETECTION_MIN_CONFIDENCE, keep.shape[0], keep))
- >>>
- >>>
- Keep 106 detections:
- [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
- 19 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 34 35 36 37 38 41 43 47 51
- 56 65 66 67 68 71 73 75 82 87 91 92 101 102 105 109 110 115
- 117 120 123 138 156 164 171 175 177 184 197 205 241 253 258 263 265 280
- 287 325 367 430 451 452 464 469 491 514 519 527 554 597 610 686 697 712
- 713 748 750 780 815 871 911 917 933 938 942 947 949 953 955 981]
- Remove boxes below 0.7 confidence. Keep 44:
- [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 12 13 14 17 19 26 31 34 38 41
- 43 47 67 75 82 87 92 120 123 164 171 175 177 205 258 325 452 469
- 519 697 713 815 871 911 917 949]
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- # Apply per-class non-max suppression
- pre_nms_boxes = refined_proposals[keep]
- pre_nms_scores = roi_scores[keep]
- pre_nms_class_ids = roi_class_ids[keep]
- nms_keep = []
- for class_id in np.unique(pre_nms_class_ids):
- # Pick detections of this class
- ixs = np.where(pre_nms_class_ids == class_id)[0]
- # Apply NMS
- class_keep = utils.non_max_suppression(pre_nms_boxes[ixs],
- pre_nms_scores[ixs],
- # Map indicies
- class_keep = keep[ixs[class_keep]]
- nms_keep = np.union1d(nms_keep, class_keep)
- print("{:22}: {} -> {}".format(dataset.class_names[class_id][:20],
- keep[ixs], class_keep))
- keep = np.intersect1d(keep, nms_keep).astype(np.int32)
- print("\nKept after per-class NMS: {}\n{}".format(keep.shape[0], keep))
- >>>
- >>>
- person : [ 0 1 2 3 5 9 12 13 14 19 26 41 43 47 82 92 120 123
- 175 177 258 452 469 519 871 911 917] -> [ 5 12 1 2 3 19]
- dog : [ 6 75 171] -> [75]
- handbag : [815] -> [815]
- apple : [38] -> [38]
- orange : [ 4 17 31 34 67 87 164 205 325 697 713 949] -> [ 4 87]
- Kept after per-class NMS: 11
- [ 1 2 3 4 5 12 19 38 75 87 815]
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- ixs = np.arange(len(keep)) # Display all
- # ixs = np.random.randint(0, len(keep), 10) # Display random sample
- captions = ["{} {:.3f}".format(dataset.class_names[c], s) if c > 0 else ""
- for c, s in zip(roi_class_ids[keep][ixs], roi_scores[keep][ixs])]
- visualize.draw_boxes(
- image, boxes=proposals[keep][ixs],
- refined_boxes=refined_proposals[keep][ixs],
- visibilities=np.where(roi_class_ids[keep][ixs] > 0, 1, 0),
- captions=captions, title="Detections after NMS",
- ax=get_ax())
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在上一阶段产生的实例基础上,通过mask head为每个实例产生分割mask。
Mask Target
display_images(np.transpose(gt_mask, [2, 0, 1]), cmap="Blues")
- 1
Predicted Masks
- # Get predictions of mask head
- mrcnn = model.run_graph([image], [
- ("detections", model.keras_model.get_layer("mrcnn_detection").output),
- ("masks", model.keras_model.get_layer("mrcnn_mask").output),
- ])
- # Get detection class IDs. Trim zero padding.
- det_class_ids = mrcnn['detections'][0, :, 4].astype(np.int32)
- det_count = np.where(det_class_ids == 0)[0][0]
- det_class_ids = det_class_ids[:det_count]
- print("{} detections: {}".format(
- det_count, np.array(dataset.class_names)[det_class_ids]))
- # Masks
- det_boxes = mrcnn["detections"][0, :, :4].astype(np.int32)
- det_mask_specific = np.array([mrcnn["masks"][0, i, :, :, c]
- for i, c in enumerate(det_class_ids)])
- det_masks = np.array([utils.unmold_mask(m, det_boxes[i], image.shape)
- for i, m in enumerate(det_mask_specific)])
- log("det_mask_specific", det_mask_specific)
- log("det_masks", det_masks)
- display_images(det_mask_specific[:4] * 255, cmap="Blues", interpolation="none")
- >>>
- >>>
- detections shape: (1, 100, 6) min: 0.00000 max: 930.00000
- masks shape: (1, 100, 28, 28, 81) min: 0.00003 max: 0.99986
- 11 detections: ['person' 'person' 'person' 'person' 'person' 'orange' 'person' 'orange'
- 'dog' 'handbag' 'apple']
- det_mask_specific shape: (11, 28, 28) min: 0.00016 max: 0.99985
- det_masks shape: (11, 1024, 1024) min: 0.00000 max: 1.00000
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display_images(det_masks[:4] * 255, cmap="Blues", interpolation="none")
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