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python3 mysql library best,使用Python3.7的Flask-MySQLdb的问题

python 3.7支持的flask版本

I am running into an issue with my flask web server. I get an error message once I add from flask_mysqldb import MySQL as well as the SQL script into my source file. I get this message:

$ python app.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "app.py", line 3, in from flask_mysqldb import MySQL File


line 1, in import MySQLdb File


line 18, in import _mysql ImportError:


2): Library not loaded: @rpath/libmysqlclient.21.dylib Referenced



Reason: image not found**

I am wondering if it has to do with me using python 3.7. The flask mysqldb doc says that it supports Python 2.7, 3.4 and 3.5. Should I be using an older version of python? Your input is much apprenticed!

Here is the source code:

from flask import Flask, render_template, flash, redirect, url_for, session, request, logging

from data import Articles

from flask_mysqldb import MySQL

from wtforms import Form, StringField, TextAreaField, PasswordField, validators

from passlib.hash import sha256_crypt

app = Flask(__name__)

app.config['MYSQL_HOST'] = 'localhost'

app.config['MYSQL_USER'] = 'root'

app.config['MYSQL_PASSWORD'] = '123456'

app.config['MYSQL_DB'] = 'myflaskapp'

app.config['MYSQL_CURSORCLASS'] = 'DictCursor'

mysql = MySQL(app)

Articles = Articles()



def home():

return render_template('home.html')


def about():

return render_template('about.html')


def articles():

return render_template('articles.html', articles = Articles)


def article(id):

return render_template('article.html', id = id)

class RegisterForm(Form):

name = StringField('Name', [validators.Length(min=1, max=50)])

username = StringField('Username', [validators.Length(min=4, max=25)])

email = StringField('Email', [validators.Length(min=6, max=50)])

password = PasswordField('Password', [


validators.EqualTo('Confirm', message='Passwords do not match')


confirm = PasswordField('Confirm Password')

@app.route('/register', methods=['GET', 'POST'])

def register():

form = RegisterForm(request.form)

if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():

name = form.name.data

email = form.email.data

username = form.username.data

password = sha256_crypt.encrypt(str(form.password.data))

# Create cursor

cur = mysql.connection.cursor()

# Execute query

cur.execute("INSERT INTO users(name, email, username, password) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s )", (name, email, username, password))

#Commit to DB


#close connection


flash('You are now registered and can now log in', 'success')


return render_template('register.html', form=form)

if __name__ == '__main__':



I've been following the same programming tutorial as you and I got everything working using Python 3.7. The only difference is that I'm using Linux and you're using MacOS. The problem here is not Python 3.7. Instead, the problem is indicated by this snippet:

Library not loaded: @rpath/libmysqlclient.21.dylib Referenced from: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/_mysql.cpython-37m-darwin.so Reason: image not found**

The problem is that the MySQL package can't find the dynamic library _mysql.cpython-37m-darwin.so as discussed in another thread.

The dynamic library should be available in the /usr/local/mysql/lib directory. If it is in that directory, then you just need to modify the $DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH variable with the following command:

export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/mysql/lib/:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH.

