# (0)修改库注释
alter table DBS modify column `desc` varchar(256) character set utf8;
alter table DATABASE_PARAMS modify column PARAM_VALUE varchar(256) character set utf8;
# (1)修改表字段注解和表注解
alter table COLUMNS_V2 modify column COMMENT varchar(256) character set utf8;
alter table TABLE_PARAMS modify column PARAM_VALUE varchar(4000) character set utf8;
# (2)修改分区字段注解
alter table PARTITION_PARAMS modify column PARAM_VALUE varchar(4000) character set utf8 ;
alter table PARTITION_KEYS modify column PKEY_COMMENT varchar(4000) character set utf8;
# (3)修改索引注解
alter table INDEX_PARAMS modify column PARAM_VALUE varchar(4000) character set utf8;
cd /export/server/datax-web-2.1.2
输入用户名 admin 密码 123456 就可以直接访问系统。
第一步: 在mysql的日期表准备了 700多条数据
第二步: 在hive中建表
第三步: 使用datax 将mysql中的数据 导入到 hive的日期表
第四步: 验证: select count(*) from hive.日期表; -- 700多条
第五步: 通过运行sql脚本 插入2024和2025年的日期数据 -- 365 + 365 = 730 + 730 = 1460 多表
第六步: 使用datax 将mysql中的数据 导入到 hive的日期表
第七步: 验证 select count(*) from hive.日期表; -- 1400多条
create table dim.test_dim_base_date_full( trade_date string comment '日期编码', year_code int comment '年编码', month_code int comment '月份编码', day_code int comment '日编码', quanter_code int comment '季度编码', quanter_name string comment '季度名称', week_trade_date string comment '周一时间', month_trade_date string comment '月一时间', week_end_date string comment '周末时间', month_end_date string comment '月末时间', last_week_trade_date string comment '上周一时间', last_month_trade_date string comment '上月一时间', last_week_end_date string comment '上周末时间', last_month_end_date string comment '上月末时间', year_week_code int comment '一年中第几周', week_day_code int comment '周几code', day_year_num int comment '一年第几天', month_days int comment '本月有多少天', is_weekend int comment '是否周末(周六和周日)', days_after1 string comment '1天后的日期', days_after2 string comment '2天后的日期', days_after3 string comment '3天后的日期', days_after4 string comment '4天后的日期', days_after5 string comment '5天后的日期', days_after6 string comment '6天后的日期', days_after7 string comment '7天后的日期' ) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as orc tblproperties ('orc.compress'='ZLIB');
path 路径:
desc formatted dim.test_dim_base_date_full;
再次执行之后 结果还是跟mysql中一样 说明是全量覆盖
将 json文件内容拷贝出来 且 修改
vim /export/server/datax/job/01_mysql_2_hive_date_full.json
{ "job": { "setting": { "speed": { "channel": 3, "byte": 1048576 }, "errorLimit": { "record": 0, "percentage": 0.02 } }, "content": [ { "reader": { "name": "mysqlreader", "parameter": { "username": "root", "password": "123456", "column": [ "`trade_date`", "`year_code`", "`month_code`", "`day_code`", "`quanter_code`", "`quanter_name`", "`week_trade_date`", "`month_trade_date`", "`week_end_date`", "`month_end_date`", "`last_week_trade_date`", "`last_month_trade_date`", "`last_week_end_date`", "`last_month_end_date`", "`year_week_code`", "`week_day_code`", "`day_year_num`", "`month_days`", "`is_weekend`", "`days_after1`", "`days_after2`", "`days_after3`", "`days_after4`", "`days_after5`", "`days_after6`", "`days_after7`" ], "splitPk": "", "connection": [ { "table": [ "base_date" ], "jdbcUrl": [ "jdbc:mysql://hadoop01:3306/dim" ] } ] } }, "writer": { "name": "hdfswriter", "parameter": { "defaultFS": "hdfs://hadoop01:8020", "fileType": "orc", "path": "/user/hive/warehouse/dim.db/test_dim_base_date_full", "fileName": "base_date", "writeMode": "truncate", "fieldDelimiter": ",", "column": [ { "name": "trade_date", "type": "string" }, { "name": "year_code", "type": "int" }, { "name": "month_code", "type": "int" }, { "name": "day_code", "type": "int" }, { "name": "quanter_code", "type": "int" }, { "name": "quanter_name", "type": "string" }, { "name": "week_trade_date", "type": "string" }, { "name": "month_trade_date", "type": "string" }, { "name": "week_end_date", "type": "string" }, { "name": "month_end_date", "type": "string" }, { "name": "last_week_trade_date", "type": "string" }, { "name": "last_month_trade_date", "type": "string" }, { "name": "last_week_end_date", "type": "string" }, { "name": "last_month_end_date", "type": "string" }, { "name": "year_week_code", "type": "int" }, { "name": "week_day_code", "type": "int" }, { "name": "day_year_num", "type": "int" }, { "name": "month_days", "type": "int" }, { "name": "is_weekend", "type": "int" }, { "name": "days_after1", "type": "string" }, { "name": "days_after2", "type": "string" }, { "name": "days_after3", "type": "string" }, { "name": "days_after4", "type": "string" }, { "name": "days_after5", "type": "string" }, { "name": "days_after6", "type": "string" }, { "name": "days_after7", "type": "string" } ] } } } ] } }
[root@hadoop01 job]# /usr/bin/python /export/server/datax/bin/datax.py /export/server/datax/job/01_mysql_2_hive_date_full.json
vim /export/server/datax/job/g.sh
/usr/bin/python /export/server/datax/bin/datax.py /export/server/datax/job/g_mysql_2_hive_date_full.json
- chmod 777 /export/server/datax/job/g.sh
- /export/server/datax/job/g.sh
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ods.test_stock_store_goods_stock_data_day_i(
id INT COMMENT '主键',
store_no STRING COMMENT '店铺编码',
goods_no STRING COMMENT '商品NO',
is_saleable BIGINT COMMENT '是否可售:0否,1是',
stock_qty DECIMAL(27,3) COMMENT '库存数量',
stock_price DECIMAL(27,2) COMMENT '成本价',
stock_amount DECIMAL(27,2) COMMENT '库存金额',
last_update_time TIMESTAMP COMMENT '更新时间'
comment '门店商品库存天表'
partitioned by(dt STRING COMMENT '统计时间')
row format delimited fields terminated by ','
stored as orc
tblproperties ('orc.compress'='SNAPPY');
desc formatted ods.test_stock_store_goods_stock_data_day_i;
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict; -- 先设置一下动态分区模式
MSCK REPAIR TABLE ods.test_stock_store_goods_stock_data_day_i --修复分区
"MSCK REPAIR TABLE ods.ods_stock_store_goods_stock_data_day_i"
然后通过insert overwrite插入到正式表中(test_sale_store_sale_pay_i)
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ods.test_sale_store_sale_pay_i( id BIGINT COMMENT '主键', order_no STRING COMMENT '单据唯一编号', order_id BIGINT COMMENT '单据唯一编号', store_no STRING COMMENT '门店编码', store_name STRING COMMENT '门店名称', trade_date TIMESTAMP COMMENT '交易日期', pay_date TIMESTAMP COMMENT '支付日期', deal_date TIMESTAMP COMMENT '库存处理时间', pos_no STRING COMMENT 'POS机编号', ser_id BIGINT COMMENT '交易序号', trade_id BIGINT COMMENT '销售类型:1-销售,2-退货,3-拒收,4-取消', parent_order_sn STRING COMMENT '母单号,如果单据是子单有值', source_order_sn STRING COMMENT '原始单据,退款的单据,则代表是原始销售单据', source_type BIGINT COMMENT '销售渠道:1-门店POS,2-商城小程序,3-团购销售', create_time STRING COMMENT '记录创建时间', business_code STRING COMMENT '业务类型//预售、及时达、B2C', pay_type_id STRING COMMENT '支付类别ID', third_party_id STRING COMMENT '第三方支付类别ID', third_party_name STRING COMMENT '第三方类别', pay_amount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '支付金额', third_trade_no STRING COMMENT '三方交易单号', trade_no STRING COMMENT '交易单号', source_trade_no STRING COMMENT '原始交易单号', item BIGINT COMMENT '序号,同一种支付方式可能多个条记录', ratio DECIMAL(27, 4) COMMENT '支付费率', memo STRING COMMENT '备注' ) comment '门店销售支付表' partitioned by (dt STRING COMMENT '销售日期') row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as orc tblproperties ('orc.compress'='ZLIB');
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ods.test_sale_store_sale_pay_i_temp( id BIGINT COMMENT '主键', order_no STRING COMMENT '单据唯一编号', order_id BIGINT COMMENT '单据唯一编号', store_no STRING COMMENT '门店编码', store_name STRING COMMENT '门店名称', trade_date TIMESTAMP COMMENT '交易日期', pay_date TIMESTAMP COMMENT '支付日期', deal_date TIMESTAMP COMMENT '库存处理时间', pos_no STRING COMMENT 'POS机编号', ser_id BIGINT COMMENT '交易序号', trade_id BIGINT COMMENT '销售类型:1-销售,2-退货,3-拒收,4-取消', parent_order_sn STRING COMMENT '母单号,如果单据是子单有值', source_order_sn STRING COMMENT '原始单据,退款的单据,则代表是原始销售单据', source_type BIGINT COMMENT '销售渠道:1-门店POS,2-商城小程序,3-团购销售', create_time STRING COMMENT '记录创建时间', business_code STRING COMMENT '业务类型//预售、及时达、B2C', pay_type_id STRING COMMENT '支付类别ID', third_party_id STRING COMMENT '第三方支付类别ID', third_party_name STRING COMMENT '第三方类别', pay_amount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '支付金额', third_trade_no STRING COMMENT '三方交易单号', trade_no STRING COMMENT '交易单号', source_trade_no STRING COMMENT '原始交易单号', item BIGINT COMMENT '序号,同一种支付方式可能多个条记录', ratio DECIMAL(27, 4) COMMENT '支付费率', memo STRING COMMENT '备注' ) comment '门店销售支付临时表' row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as orc tblproperties ('orc.compress'='ZLIB');
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
insert overwrite table ods.test_sale_store_sale_pay_i partition(dt)
select *,date_format(pay_date,'yyyy-MM-dd') as dt from ods.test_sale_store_sale_pay_i_temp t
删除临时表 hive中
drop table ods.test_sale_store_sale_pay_i_temp
-- 模拟store_sale_pay 增量数据(上一天的数据)
insert into sale.store_sale_pay
select * from (
select null as id, order_no, order_id, store_no, store_name, trade_date,
concat(date_sub(current_date, interval 1 day), substr(pay_date, 11)) as pay_date, deal_date, pos_no, ser_id, trade_id, parent_order_sn,
source_order_sn, source_type, create_time, business_code, pay_type_id,
third_party_id, third_party_name, pay_amount, third_trade_no, trade_no, source_trade_no, item, ratio, memo
from sale.store_sale_pay
where id<3
) as t1
select * from sale.store_sale_pay
where date(pay_date)=date_sub(current_date, interval 1 day)
任务构建 在where中要加上条件
pay_date >= date_sub(curdate(),interval 1 day) and pay_date < curdate()
查看结果 前一天数据成功导入
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ods.test_sale_shop_order_i( id BIGINT COMMENT '编号', parent_order_no STRING COMMENT '父单订单号', order_id STRING COMMENT '订单编号', is_split BIGINT COMMENT '是否拆单:0-不需要拆单;1-待拆单;2-已拆单', platform_id BIGINT COMMENT '平台id:1-有赞,2-京东到家,3-美团外卖,4-饿了么', tid STRING COMMENT '平台订单号', source_type BIGINT COMMENT '订单来源:10,20,30,40,41,50,60,70', source_name STRING COMMENT '订单来源名称:10-有赞,20-京东到家,30-美团外卖,40-饿了么,41-百度外卖,50-传智鲜精选,60-黑马优选,70-抖店', store_no STRING COMMENT '门店编码', city_id BIGINT COMMENT '城市编号', city_name STRING COMMENT '城市名称', region_code STRING COMMENT '区域编码', order_status BIGINT, order_status_desc STRING COMMENT '主订单状态描述:0-新建; 1-待出票;2-待备货;3-待揽件;4-待自提; 5-配送中;6-已完成;7-已取消', pay_type BIGINT COMMENT '支付类型:1-线下支付;2-线上支付', trade_type STRING COMMENT '交易类型。取值范围:fixed(一口价) gift(送礼)bulk_purchase(来自分销商的采购)present (赠品领取)group (拼团订单) pifa (批发订单) cod (货到付款) peer (代付) qrcode(扫码商家二维码直接支付的交易)qrcode_3rd(线下收银台二维码交易)', is_deleted BIGINT COMMENT '是否有效,1:已删除,0:正常', order_create_time TIMESTAMP COMMENT '平台订单创建时间', order_pay_time TIMESTAMP COMMENT '订单支付时间', create_time TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间', print_status BIGINT COMMENT '打印状态:0-未打票;1-已打票', print_time TIMESTAMP COMMENT '出票时间', stock_up_status BIGINT COMMENT '门店处理状态:0-待备货/1-已备货', stock_up_time TIMESTAMP COMMENT '备货完成时间', order_type BIGINT COMMENT '配送类型(真正的订单类型由业务类型来决定):1-及时送;2-隔日送;3-自提单', express_type BIGINT COMMENT '配送方式:0-三方平台配送;1-自配送;2-快递;3-自提', receive_time TIMESTAMP COMMENT '要求送达/自提时间', express_code STRING COMMENT '配送单号', delivery_status BIGINT COMMENT '配送状态:0-待配送;1-配送中;2-已送达', delivery_time TIMESTAMP COMMENT '配送时间', pick_up_status BIGINT COMMENT '自提状态:0-待自提;1-已自提', qr_code STRING COMMENT 'qr提货码', pick_up_time TIMESTAMP COMMENT '自提时间', complete_time TIMESTAMP COMMENT '订单完结时间', is_cancel BIGINT COMMENT '是否取消', cancel_time TIMESTAMP COMMENT '取消时间', cancel_reason STRING COMMENT '取消原因', refund_status BIGINT COMMENT '退款状态:0未退款,1部分退款,2已全额退款', refund_time TIMESTAMP COMMENT '已退款时间', last_update_time TIMESTAMP COMMENT '最新更新时间', order_total_amount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '订单总金额', product_total_amount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '商品总金额(原价)', pack_amount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '餐盒费/打包费', delivery_amount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '配送费', discount_amount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '订单优惠金额=商家承担优惠金额+平台补贴金额', seller_discount_amount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '商家承担优惠金额', platform_allowance_amount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '平台补贴金额', real_paid_amount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '实付金额', product_discount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '商品优惠金额', real_product_amount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '商品实际金额', buyer_id BIGINT COMMENT '买家id', buyer_phone STRING COMMENT '买家电话', buyer_remark STRING COMMENT '买家备注', r_name STRING COMMENT '收货人姓名', r_tel STRING COMMENT '收货人电话', r_province STRING COMMENT '收货人省份', r_city STRING COMMENT '收货人城市', r_district STRING COMMENT '收货人区域', r_address STRING COMMENT '收货人地址', r_zipcode STRING COMMENT '收货人邮编', is_tuan_head BIGINT COMMENT '是否为团长订单', store_leader_id BIGINT COMMENT '团长id', order_group_no STRING COMMENT '团单号', commision_amount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '抽佣金额', settle_amount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '结算金额', points_amount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '积分抵扣金额', pay_point BIGINT COMMENT '消费积分数', balance_amount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '余额扣除金额', pay_channel_amount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '通过支付渠道支付的金额', point_amount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '消费赠送积分', sync_erp_status BIGINT COMMENT '同步erp状态', sync_erp_msg STRING COMMENT '同步erp失败消息' ) COMMENT '商城订单表(更新表)' partitioned by (dt STRING COMMENT '更新日期') row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as orc tblproperties ('orc.compress'='ZLIB');
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ods.test_sale_shop_order_i_temp( id BIGINT COMMENT '编号', parent_order_no STRING COMMENT '父单订单号', order_id STRING COMMENT '订单编号', is_split BIGINT COMMENT '是否拆单:0-不需要拆单;1-待拆单;2-已拆单', platform_id BIGINT COMMENT '平台id:1-有赞,2-京东到家,3-美团外卖,4-饿了么', tid STRING COMMENT '平台订单号', source_type BIGINT COMMENT '订单来源:10,20,30,40,41,50,60,70', source_name STRING COMMENT '订单来源名称:10-有赞,20-京东到家,30-美团外卖,40-饿了么,41-百度外卖,50-传智鲜精选,60-黑马优选,70-抖店', store_no STRING COMMENT '门店编码', city_id BIGINT COMMENT '城市编号', city_name STRING COMMENT '城市名称', region_code STRING COMMENT '区域编码', order_status BIGINT, order_status_desc STRING COMMENT '主订单状态描述:0-新建; 1-待出票;2-待备货;3-待揽件;4-待自提; 5-配送中;6-已完成;7-已取消', pay_type BIGINT COMMENT '支付类型:1-线下支付;2-线上支付', trade_type STRING COMMENT '交易类型。取值范围:fixed(一口价) gift(送礼)bulk_purchase(来自分销商的采购)present (赠品领取)group (拼团订单) pifa (批发订单) cod (货到付款) peer (代付) qrcode(扫码商家二维码直接支付的交易)qrcode_3rd(线下收银台二维码交易)', is_deleted BIGINT COMMENT '是否有效,1:已删除,0:正常', order_create_time TIMESTAMP COMMENT '平台订单创建时间', order_pay_time TIMESTAMP COMMENT '订单支付时间', create_time TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间', print_status BIGINT COMMENT '打印状态:0-未打票;1-已打票', print_time TIMESTAMP COMMENT '出票时间', stock_up_status BIGINT COMMENT '门店处理状态:0-待备货/1-已备货', stock_up_time TIMESTAMP COMMENT '备货完成时间', order_type BIGINT COMMENT '配送类型(真正的订单类型由业务类型来决定):1-及时送;2-隔日送;3-自提单', express_type BIGINT COMMENT '配送方式:0-三方平台配送;1-自配送;2-快递;3-自提', receive_time TIMESTAMP COMMENT '要求送达/自提时间', express_code STRING COMMENT '配送单号', delivery_status BIGINT COMMENT '配送状态:0-待配送;1-配送中;2-已送达', delivery_time TIMESTAMP COMMENT '配送时间', pick_up_status BIGINT COMMENT '自提状态:0-待自提;1-已自提', qr_code STRING COMMENT 'qr提货码', pick_up_time TIMESTAMP COMMENT '自提时间', complete_time TIMESTAMP COMMENT '订单完结时间', is_cancel BIGINT COMMENT '是否取消', cancel_time TIMESTAMP COMMENT '取消时间', cancel_reason STRING COMMENT '取消原因', refund_status BIGINT COMMENT '退款状态:0未退款,1部分退款,2已全额退款', refund_time TIMESTAMP COMMENT '已退款时间', last_update_time TIMESTAMP COMMENT '最新更新时间', order_total_amount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '订单总金额', product_total_amount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '商品总金额(原价)', pack_amount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '餐盒费/打包费', delivery_amount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '配送费', discount_amount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '订单优惠金额=商家承担优惠金额+平台补贴金额', seller_discount_amount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '商家承担优惠金额', platform_allowance_amount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '平台补贴金额', real_paid_amount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '实付金额', product_discount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '商品优惠金额', real_product_amount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '商品实际金额', buyer_id BIGINT COMMENT '买家id', buyer_phone STRING COMMENT '买家电话', buyer_remark STRING COMMENT '买家备注', r_name STRING COMMENT '收货人姓名', r_tel STRING COMMENT '收货人电话', r_province STRING COMMENT '收货人省份', r_city STRING COMMENT '收货人城市', r_district STRING COMMENT '收货人区域', r_address STRING COMMENT '收货人地址', r_zipcode STRING COMMENT '收货人邮编', is_tuan_head BIGINT COMMENT '是否为团长订单', store_leader_id BIGINT COMMENT '团长id', order_group_no STRING COMMENT '团单号', commision_amount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '抽佣金额', settle_amount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '结算金额', points_amount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '积分抵扣金额', pay_point BIGINT COMMENT '消费积分数', balance_amount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '余额扣除金额', pay_channel_amount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '通过支付渠道支付的金额', point_amount DECIMAL(27, 2) COMMENT '消费赠送积分', sync_erp_status BIGINT COMMENT '同步erp状态', sync_erp_msg STRING COMMENT '同步erp失败消息' ) comment '商城订单临时表' row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as orc tblproperties ('orc.compress'='ZLIB');
将临时表中的数据加载到正式表中 在hive中
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
insert overwrite table ods.test_sale_shop_order_i partition(dt)
select *,date_format(t.create_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') as dt from ods.test_sale_shop_order_i_temp t
drop table ods.test_sale_shop_order_i_temp;
循环执行 任务构建
(create_time >= date_sub(curdate(),interval 1 day) and create_time < curdate())
or (last_update_time >= date_sub(curdate(),interval 1 day) and last_update_time < curdate())
查看结果 前一天数据已导入
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