A is a mechanism in an operating system that can run a series of steps. The process execution architecture depends on the operating system. For example, on Windows an Oracle background process is a thread of execution within a process. On Linux and UNIX, an Oracle process is either an operating system process or a thread within an operating system process.
一个进程是在操作系统中用于一些特定步骤实现特定功能的一个方法.进程的执行方法依赖于操作系统.比如说,在Windows的一个Oracle进程是一个进程中的的执行线程.Linux和Unix中, 一个Oracle的进程 也许是一个操作系统进程,或者是一个操作系统进程中的线程.
Processes run code modules. All connected Oracle Database users must run the following modules to access a :
多数进程的运行时基于代码的编写方式, 所有连接到ORACLE数据库中的用户必须使用以下的方式来访问数据库实例.
Application or Oracle Database utility
A database user runs a database application, such as a program or a database tool such as SQL*Plus, that issues SQL statements to a database.
一个数据库用户启动了一个数据库应用,比如预编辑器,或者一个sql plus的数据库工具,发出了一条SQL语句
Oracle database code
Each user has Oracle database code executing on his or her behalf that interprets and processes the application's SQL statements.
A process normally runs in its own private memory area. Most processes can periodically write to an associated trace file (see "").
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Types of Processes 进程类型
A database instance contains or interacts with the following types of processes:
A runs the application or Oracle tool code.
An is a unit of execution that runs the Oracle database code. In the multithreaded architecture, an Oracle process can be an operating system process or a thread within an operating system process. Oracle processes include the following subtypes:
一个Oracle的进程,是一个运行 Oracle数据库代码的可执行但愿. 在多线程结构中,一个Oracle进程可以是一个操作系统进程,或者是一个操作系统进程中的线程.Oracle进程包含以下类型
A starts with the database instance and perform maintenance tasks such as performing , cleaning up processes, writing redo buffers to disk, and so on.
后台进程.随着数据库实例的启动而运行,用于执行维护任务,例如执行实例级别的回复,清除没有用的进程,将redo buffer进入磁盘中等.
A performs work based on a client request.
For example, these processes parse SQL queries, place them in the , create and execute a for each , and read buffers from the or from disk.
Server processes, and the process memory allocated in these processes, run in the database instance. The instance continues to function when server processes terminate.
系统进程, 以及分配给这些进程的内容,都运行在数据库实例中,当服务器进程中断的时候实例会继续提供服务
A slave process performs additional tasks for a background or server process.
从属进程,用于执行一些针对后台进程还有服务器进程的 额外的任务
The process structure varies depending on the operating system and the choice of Oracle Database options. For example, you can configure the code for connected users fororconnections. In a shared server architecture, each server process that runs database code can serve multiple client processes.
shows aand background processes using dedicated server connections. For each user connection, a client process runs the application. This client process that is different from the dedicated server process that runs the database code. Each client process is associated with its own server process, which has its own.
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