1、用户交互的实现: 3
3、查询表的建立 6
3.1 预处理 6
3.2 倒排表的构建 8
3.3 倒排表的压缩 9
3.4 构建轮排索引 10
4、布尔查询 11
5、TF-IDF 值的计算 14
6、通配符查询 14
7、短语查询 15
8、结果数目更改 16
1、用户交互: 17
2、数据获取: 18
3、查询表的建立 19
4、查看指定词的 VB 编码 20
5、布尔查询 20
6、通配符查询 21
7、短语查询 22
(3)计算指定词的 TF-IDF 值;
所有功能都可以通过—hit 参数限制输出的结果数量。
Intel® Core™ i5-9300H CPU @ 2.40GHz 2.40 GHz
Windows 10 家庭中文版 x64 21H1 19043.1052
Python 3.8
(4)IDE 及包管理器:
JetBrains PyCharm 2020.1 x64, anaconda 3 for Windows(conda 4.9.0)
见附件 requirements.txt
[1]. [美]克里斯托夫·曼宁,[美]普拉巴卡尔·拉格万,[德]欣里希·舒策 著.王斌,李
鹏 译.信息检索导论(修订版).人民邮电出版社,2019.7.
本部分将围绕以下 8 个模块,就原理和实现层面分别予以介绍:用户交互的实现、数据获取、查询表的建立、布尔查询、TF-IDF 值的计算、通配符查询、短语查询、结果数目更改。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import cmd import re import sys from utils.Inverted_Index_Table import process from utils.IO_contral import show_summary from utils.crawl import Spider import time import operator import os class IRcmder(cmd.Cmd): intro = "Welcome to the Information Retrival System.\n".center(100, ' ') intro += "\n\nThis is a simple Information Retrival System.\n" intro += "You can use some commands to do some work related to the information retrieval.\n" intro += "Only supports English.\n" intro += "Shell commands are defined internally. \n\n" intro += "Type \'help\' or \'?\' to list all available commands.\n" intro += "Type \'help cmd\' to see more details about the command \'cmd\'.\n" intro += "Or type \'exit\' to exit this system.\n\n" def __init__(self): super(IRcmder, self).__init__() self.k = 10 # 爬虫获取数据 def do_get_data(self, args): # get_data ./data --numbers=10 --wait=0.5 k = 10 un_mattched = args.split(' ') hit_arg_rule = r'(?<=numbers=)[\w]*' for item in un_mattched: res = re.search(hit_arg_rule, item) if res: un_mattched.remove(item) k_rule = r'(?<=numbers=)[\d]*' k = re.search(k_rule, item).group() break args = ' '.join(un_mattched) try: tar_k = int(k) k = tar_k except Exception as e: print(e) tar_seconds = None un_mattched = args.split(' ') wait_arg_rule = r'(?<=wait=)[\w]*' for item in un_mattched: res = re.search(wait_arg_rule, item) if res: un_mattched.remove(item) wait_rule = r'(?<=wait=)[\d]*' seconds = re.search(wait_rule, item).group() try: tar_seconds = int(seconds) except Exception as e: print(e) break args = ' '.join(un_mattched) dirr = args.strip(' ') if not os.path.exists(dirr): os.mkdir(dirr) bug = Spider(limit=k, save_dir=dirr) bug.get_novels(wait=tar_seconds) bug.get_chapter(wait=tar_seconds) def change_k(self, args): k = self.k un_mattched = args.split(' ') hit_arg_rule = r'(?<=hits=)[\w]*' for item in un_mattched: res = re.search(hit_arg_rule, item) if res: un_mattched.remove(item) k_rule = r'(?<=hits=)[\d]*' k = re.search(k_rule, item).group() break args = ' '.join(un_mattched) try: tar = int(k) self.k = tar return args except Exception as e: print(e) # 构建倒排表 def do_build_table(self, args): try: self.object = process(args) self.object.indextable.index_compression() self.object.indextable.create_Permuterm_index() except Exception as e: print(e) # 打印索引 def do_show_index(self, args): try: self.object.indextable.show_index(args) except Exception as e: print(e) # 构建轮排索引 def do_create_Permuterm_index(self, args): try: self.object.indextable.create_Permuterm_index() except Exception as e: print(e) # 通配符查询 def do_wildcard_query(self, args): args = self.change_k(args) print('\nWildcard query.') print('\n') try: t1 = time.time() if not self.object.indextable.permuterm_index_table: self.object.indextable.create_Permuterm_index() ret = self.object.indextable.find_regex_words(args) words = ret print('searched words: ', ret) ret = self.object.indextable.compute_TFIDF(' '.join(ret)) t2 = time.time() print('Total docs: {0} (in {1:.5f} seconds)'.format(len(ret), t2 - t1)) print('Top-{0} rankings:\n'.format(min(self.k, len(ret)))) printed = {} for word in words: printed[word] = [] cnt = 0 for index, i in enumerate(ret): if cnt >= self.k: break hit_info = 'doc ID: {0} '.format(i[0]).ljust(12, ' ') hit_info += 'TF-IDF value: {0:.5f} '.format(i[1]).ljust(22, ' ') hit_info += 'doc name: {0}'.format(self.object.doc_lists[i[0]]) print(hit_info) for word in words: if i[0] not in printed[word]: if cnt >= self.k: break flag = show_summary(doc_list=self.object.doc_lists, index=i[0], word=word) if flag: # 打印过的词对应的文章不再打印 print('\n') printed[word].append(i[0]) cnt += 1 self.k = 10 except Exception as e: print(e) # 直接查指定词,通过TF-IDF # def do_search_by_TFIDF(self, args): # args = self.change_k(args) # try: # ret = self.object.indextable.compute_TFIDF(args) # print('Top-%d rankings:' % self.k) # for index, i in enumerate(ret): # if index > self.k: # break # print(i) # # build Reuters # # search_by_TFIDF approximately # except Exception as e: # print(e) # 布尔查询,暂不支持显示文章摘要 def do_boolean_query(self, args): args = self.change_k(args) print('\nBoolean query.Does not support summary display temporarily.') print('\n') try: t1 = time.time() expression = args.replace('(', ' ( ').replace(')', ' ) ').split() m = self.object.documents.keys() doc_list = sorted(self.object.documents.keys()) ret = self.object.indextable.boolean_query(expression, doc_list) t2 = time.time() if len(ret) == 0: print('Not found. (in {0:.5f} seconds)'.format(t2 - t1)) if len(expression) == 1: self.object.indextable.correction(expression[0]) else: if ret != 'Invalid boolean expression.': print('Total docs: {0} (in {1:.5f} seconds)'.format(len(ret), t2 - t1)) print('Top-{0} rankings:\n'.format(min(self.k, len(ret)))) cnt = 0 for ID in ret: if cnt >= self.k: break result = 'doc ID: {0} '.format(ID).ljust(12, ' ') result += 'doc name: {0}'.format(self.object.doc_lists[ID]) print(result) cnt += 1 print('\n') except Exception as e: print(e) # 短语查询 def do_phrase_query(self, args): args = self.change_k(args) print('\nPhrase query.') print('\n') try: t1 = time.time() ret = self.object.indextable.phrase_query(args) scores = {} for i in ret: scores[i] = self.object.indextable.compute_TFIDF_with_docID(args, i) scores = sorted(scores.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) t2 = time.time() print('Total docs: {0} (in {1:.5f} seconds)'.format(len(scores), t2 - t1)) print('Top-{0} rankings:\n'.format(min(self.k, len(scores)))) for index, i in enumerate(scores): if index > self.k: break hit_info = 'doc ID: {0} '.format(i[0]).ljust(12, ' ') hit_info += 'TF-IDF value: {0:.5f} '.format(i[1]).ljust(22, ' ') hit_info += 'doc name: {0}'.format(self.object.doc_lists[i[0]]) print(hit_info) flag = show_summary(doc_list=self.object.doc_lists, index=i[0], word=args) if flag: print('\n') # print(i) except Exception as e: print(e) def do_exit(self, args): try: print('\nThank you for using. Goodbye.\n') sys.exit() except Exception as e: print(e) def emptyline(self): pass def default(self, line): print('Unrecognized command.\nNo such symbol : {0}'.format(line)) def help_build_table(self): cmd_info = 'command: \tbuild_table'.center(80, ' ') cmd_info = cmd_info + '\nbuild_table [dir] --language'.center(30, " ") + '\n\n' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'Before the whole project starts,' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'you need to build an inverted index table via this command first.\n' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'The program will read the files under the path [dir],' cmd_info = cmd_info + ' and then create an inverted index table with using VB encoding to compress.\n' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'You should use the parameter \'--language=\' ' \ 'to explicitly specify the language of the text.\n\n' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'For example, assume that your documentation set is stored in the \'./data\' directory.\n' cmd_info = cmd_info + '如果文件集为中文文档,请输入: \n\tbuild_table ./data --language=zh\n' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'And if the language of the documentation set is English, ' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'please type: \n\tbuild_table ./data --language=en\n\n' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'Later an inverted index table will be built.' print(cmd_info) def help_show_index(self): cmd_info = 'command: \tshow_index'.center(80, ' ') cmd_info = cmd_info + '\nshow_index [word]'.center(30, " ") + '\n\n' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'When builting the index table, I use VB code to compress.' cmd_info = cmd_info + '\nAfter building the index table, ' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'you can view the VB compression code of the word you want via this command.\n\n' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'For example, if you want to see the VB compression code of the word \'we\',' cmd_info = cmd_info + ' please type: \n\nshow_index we\n\n' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'Later the screen will show the VB compression code of \'we\'\n' print(cmd_info) def help_get_data(self): cmd_info = 'command: \tget_data'.center(80, ' ') cmd_info = cmd_info + '\nget_data [dir] --wait --numbers'.center(30, " ") + '\n\n' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'If you don\'t have any English text, ' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'then you may need to get some English text for the next work.' cmd_info = cmd_info + '\nYou can use your own data source, ' \ 'or use this command to get some data automatically.\n\n' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'For example, if you want to get some data automatically,' cmd_info = cmd_info + ' please type: \n\nget_data ./data --numbers=10 --wait=0.5\n\n' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'Later you will get some English novels as a data source\n' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'Of course, in order to prevent crawlers from being banned by the website, ' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'we use the --wait parameter to wait for a period of time after each link is obtained ' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'to avoid putting too much pressure on the server.\n' print(cmd_info) def help_boolean_query(self): cmd_info = 'command: \tboolean_query'.center(80, ' ') cmd_info = cmd_info + '\nboolean_query [options] --hit '.center(30, " ") + '\n\n' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'After creating the index table, you can use this command for boolean query.\n' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'Available operations are AND, OR and NOT, ' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'and you can use () to combine them arbitrarily.\n' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'For example, if you want to find articles ' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'that contain \'we\' and \'are\' but not \'you\',' cmd_info = cmd_info + ' please type: \n\nboolean_query we AND are NOT you --hits=7\n\n' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'Later the screen will show some articles which are found.\n' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'Only supports English.\n' print(cmd_info) def help_phrase_query(self): cmd_info = 'command: \tphrase_query'.center(80, ' ') cmd_info = cmd_info + '\nphrase_query [phrase] --hit '.center(30, " ") + '\n\n' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'After creating the index table, you can use this command for phrase query.\n' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'For example, If you want to find an article that contains \'how is the weather today\',' cmd_info = cmd_info + ' please type: \n\nphrase_query how is the weather today --hits=7\n\n' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'Later the screen will show some articles ' \ 'with some summary information which are found.\n' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'Only supports English.\n' print(cmd_info) def help_wildcard_query(self): cmd_info = 'command: \twildcard_query'.center(80, ' ') cmd_info = cmd_info + '\nwildcard_query [target] --hit '.center(30, " ") + '\n\n' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'After creating the index table, you can use this command for wildcard query.\n' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'For example, If you want to find some articles that contain words starting with\'wh\' ' cmd_info = cmd_info + '(like \'when\' or \'where\' or \'what\' or some words else),' cmd_info = cmd_info + ' please type: \n\nwildcard_query wh* --hits=7\n\n' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'Later the screen will show some articles ' \ 'with some summary information which are found.\n' cmd_info = cmd_info + 'Only supports English.\n' print(cmd_info) if __name__ == '__main__': info = "\n\nThis is a simple Information Retrival System.\nCopyright 2021 " \ "@CandyMonster37: https://github.com/CandyMonster37\n" + \ "A course final project for Information Retrival, and you can find the latest vertion of the codes " \ "here: \n https://github.com/CandyMonster37/InformationRetrival.git \n\n\n" print(info) IRcmder.prompt = 'IR > ' IRcmder().cmdloop()
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