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CogVideoX-2B融合了多项前沿技术,包括三维变分自编码器(3D VAE)、端到端视频理解模型和专家Transformer技术,这些技术使得模型在视频生成领域处于领先地位。








pip install torch==2.4.0+cu118 torchvision==0.19.0+cu118 torchaudio==2.4.0 --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118

pip install -r requirements.txt -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple

3、CogVideoX-2b Diffusers模型下载

git lfs install

git clone https://huggingface.co/THUDM/CogVideoX-2b

4、CogVideoX-2b SAT模型下载

wget https://cloud.tsinghua.edu.cn/f/fdba7608a49c463ba754/?dl=1

mv 'index.html?dl=1' vae.zip

unzip vae.zip

wget https://cloud.tsinghua.edu.cn/f/556a3e1329e74f1bac45/?dl=1

mv 'index.html?dl=1' transformer.zip

unzip transformer.zip




  1. import argparse
  2. import tempfile
  3. from typing import Union, List
  4. import PIL.Image
  5. import imageio
  6. import numpy as np
  7. import torch
  8. from diffusers import CogVideoXPipeline
  9. def export_to_video_imageio(
  10. video_frames: Union[List[np.ndarray], List[PIL.Image.Image]], output_video_path: str = None, fps: int = 8
  11. ) -> str:
  12. """
  13. Export the video frames to a video file using imageio library to avoid the "green screen" issue.
  14. """
  15. if output_video_path is None:
  16. output_video_path = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".mp4", delete=False).name
  17. if isinstance(video_frames[0], PIL.Image.Image):
  18. video_frames = [np.array(frame) for frame in video_frames]
  19. with imageio.get_writer(output_video_path, fps=fps) as writer:
  20. for frame in video_frames:
  21. writer.append_data(frame)
  22. return output_video_path
  23. def generate_video(
  24. prompt: str,
  25. model_path: str,
  26. output_path: str = "./output.mp4",
  27. num_inference_steps: int = 50,
  28. guidance_scale: float = 6.0,
  29. num_videos_per_prompt: int = 1,
  30. device: str = "cuda",
  31. dtype: torch.dtype = torch.float16,
  32. ):
  33. """
  34. Generates a video based on the given prompt and saves it to the specified path.
  35. Parameters:
  36. - prompt (str): The description of the video to be generated.
  37. - model_path (str): The path of the pre-trained model to be used.
  38. - output_path (str): The path where the generated video will be saved.
  39. - num_inference_steps (int): Number of steps for the inference process. More steps can result in better quality.
  40. - guidance_scale (float): The scale for classifier-free guidance. Higher values can lead to better alignment with the prompt.
  41. - num_videos_per_prompt (int): Number of videos to generate per prompt.
  42. - device (str): The device to use for computation (e.g., "cuda" or "cpu").
  43. - dtype (torch.dtype): The data type for computation (default is torch.float16).
  44. """
  45. try:
  46. # Load pre-trained model
  47. pipe = CogVideoXPipeline.from_pretrained(model_path, torch_dtype=dtype).to(device)
  48. except Exception as e:
  49. raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to load model from {model_path}: {e}")
  50. print(f"Model loaded successfully from {model_path}")
  51. try:
  52. # Encode the prompt to get embeddings
  53. prompt_embeds, _ = pipe.encode_prompt(
  54. prompt=prompt,
  55. num_videos_per_prompt=num_videos_per_prompt,
  56. device=device,
  57. dtype=dtype,
  58. )
  59. except Exception as e:
  60. raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to encode prompt: {e}")
  61. print(f"Prompt encoded successfully: {prompt}")
  62. try:
  63. # Generate video frames
  64. video = pipe(
  65. num_inference_steps=num_inference_steps,
  66. guidance_scale=guidance_scale,
  67. prompt_embeds=prompt_embeds,
  68. negative_prompt_embeds=torch.zeros_like(prompt_embeds), # Not Supported negative prompt
  69. ).frames[0]
  70. except Exception as e:
  71. raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to generate video: {e}")
  72. print("Video generated successfully")
  73. try:
  74. # Export frames to video file
  75. export_to_video_imageio(video, output_path, fps=8)
  76. except Exception as e:
  77. raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to export video: {e}")
  78. print(f"Video saved successfully at {output_path}")
  79. if __name__ == "__main__":
  80. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate a video from a text prompt using CogVideoX")
  81. parser.add_argument("--prompt", type=str, required=True, help="The description of the video to be generated")
  82. parser.add_argument(
  83. "--model_path", type=str, default="THUDM/CogVideoX-2b", help="The path of the pre-trained model to be used"
  84. )
  85. parser.add_argument(
  86. "--output_path", type=str, default="./output.mp4", help="The path where the generated video will be saved"
  87. )
  88. parser.add_argument(
  89. "--num_inference_steps", type=int, default=50, help="Number of steps for the inference process"
  90. )
  91. parser.add_argument("--guidance_scale", type=float, default=6.0, help="The scale for classifier-free guidance")
  92. parser.add_argument("--num_videos_per_prompt", type=int, default=1, help="Number of videos to generate per prompt")
  93. parser.add_argument(
  94. "--device", type=str, default="cuda", help="The device to use for computation (e.g., 'cuda' or 'cpu')"
  95. )
  96. parser.add_argument(
  97. "--dtype", type=str, default="float16", help="The data type for computation (e.g., 'float16' or 'float32')"
  98. )
  99. args = parser.parse_args()
  100. # Convert dtype argument to torch.dtype.
  101. dtype = torch.float16 if args.dtype == "float16" else torch.float32
  102. generate_video(
  103. prompt=args.prompt,
  104. model_path=args.model_path,
  105. output_path=args.output_path,
  106. num_inference_steps=args.num_inference_steps,
  107. guidance_scale=args.guidance_scale,
  108. num_videos_per_prompt=args.num_videos_per_prompt,
  109. device=args.device,
  110. dtype=dtype,
  111. )



