computer 电脑 eye 眼睛 hello 你好 train 火车 wait 等待 zebra 斑马
wait 等待
computer 电脑 eye 眼睛 hello 你好 train 火车 wait 等待 zebra 斑马
-1 //不存在
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; enum Error_code { underflow, overflow, range_Error, success, not_present }; const int max_list = 2000; class Record { public: Record(); Record(string x, string y); string the_key()const; string the_other()const; private: string key; string other; }; typedef Record List_entry; Record::Record() { } Record::Record(string x, string y) { key = x; other = y; } string Record::the_key()const { return key; } string Record::the_other()const { return other; } class Key { string key; public: Key(string x); Key(const Record& r); string the_key()const; }; Key::Key(string x) { key = x; } Key::Key(const Record& r) { key = r.the_key(); } string Key::the_key()const { return key; } bool operator==(const Key& x, const Key& y) { return x.the_key() == y.the_key(); } //list的顺序实现 class List { public: List(); int size()const; bool full()const; bool empty()const; void clear(); Error_code insert(int position, const List_entry& x); Error_code remove(int position, List_entry& x); Error_code retrieve(int position, List_entry& x)const; Error_code replace(int position, List_entry& x); void traverse(void(*visit)(List_entry& x)); protected: int count; List_entry entry[max_list]; }; List::List() { count = 0; } int List::size()const { return count; } bool List::full()const { if (count == max_list) return true; return false; } bool List::empty()const { if (count == 0) return true; return false; } void List::clear() { count = 0; } Error_code List::retrieve(int position, List_entry& x)const { if (position < 0 || position >= count) return range_Error; x = entry[position]; return success; } Error_code List::insert(int position, const List_entry& x) { if (full()) return overflow; if (position<0 || position>count) return range_Error; for (int i = count - 1; i >= position; i--) entry[i + 1] = entry[i]; entry[position] = x; count++; return success; } Error_code List::remove(int position, List_entry& x) { if (empty()) return underflow; if (position < 0 || position >= count) return range_Error; x = entry[position]; for (int i = position; i < count - 1; i++) entry[i] = entry[i + 1]; count--; return success; } Error_code List::replace(int position, List_entry& x) { if (position < 0 || position >= count) return range_Error; entry[position] = x; return success; } void List::traverse(void(*visit)(List_entry& x)) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) (*visit)(entry[i]); } Error_code binary_search_1(const List& the_list, const Key& target, int& position, string& find) { Record data; int bottom = 0, top = the_list.size() - 1; while (bottom < top) { int mid = (bottom + top) / 2; the_list.retrieve(mid, data); if (data.the_key() < target.the_key()) bottom = mid + 1; else top = mid; } if (top < bottom) return not_present; else { position = bottom; the_list.retrieve(bottom, data); if (data.the_key() == target.the_key()) { find = data.the_other(); return success; } else return not_present; } } int main() { List a; string key, other, tran; int i = 0, position; cin >> key; Key target(key); while (cin >> key >> other) { Record temp(key, other); a.insert(i++, temp); } Error_code outcome = binary_search_1(a, target, position, tran); if (outcome == not_present) { cout << -1; } else{ cout << position << endl << target.the_key() << ' ' << tran; } return 0; }
(Start and end position)Given an array of integers numbers sorted in ascending order, find the starting and ending position of a given target value. Your algorithm’s runtime complexity must be in the order of O(log n). If the target is not found in the array, return [-1, -1].
【输出】 目标值在数组里,第一次以及最后一次出现的下标
5 7 7 8 8 10 -1
5 7 7 8 8 10 -1
#include <iostream> using namespace std; void find_first(int arr[], int target, int len) { int left = 0; int right = len - 1; while (left <= right) { int mid = (left + right) / 2; if (arr[mid] >= target) { right = mid - 1; } else { left = mid + 1; } } //不要加&& right > -1 //因为出循环的时候如果找到的是第一个数那么right一定为-1 if (left < len && arr[left] == target) cout << '[' << left << ','; else cout << '[' << -1 << ','; } void find_last(int arr[], int target, int len) { int left = 0; int right = len - 1; while (left <= right) { int mid = (left + right) / 2; if (arr[mid] <= target) { left = mid + 1; } else { right = mid - 1; } } //不要加left < len && //同理如果找到的是最后一个数那么出循环的时候left一定为len if (right > -1 && arr[right] == target) cout << right << ']' << endl; else cout << -1 << ']' << endl; } int main() { int target, num, i = 0; int arr[2001]; cin >> target >> num; while (num != -1) { arr[i++] = num; cin >> num; } find_first(arr, target, i); find_last(arr, target, i); }
(Sqrt function)Implement int sqrt(int x).Compute and return the square root of x, where x is guaranteed to be a non-negative integer. Since the return type is an integer, the decimal digits are truncated and only the integer part of the result is returned.
【输入】 4
【输出】 2
【输入】 8
【输出】 2 //8的开方为2.82842,结果只需要输出整数,故输出2即可。
#include <iostream> using namespace std; long long sqrt(int x) { long long left = 0; long long right = x; while (left <= right) { long long mid = (left + right) / 2; if (mid * mid < x) left = mid + 1; else if (mid * mid > x) right = mid - 1; else return mid; } return right; } int main() { long long num; cin >> num; cout << sqrt(num); return 0; }
1 6 12 19 -1
3 7 16 29 45 99 -1
1 3 6 7 12 16 19 29 45 99
#include <iostream> using namespace std; typedef int Node_entry; struct Node { Node_entry entry; Node* next; Node(); Node(Node_entry item, Node* add_on = NULL); }*LinkList; Node::Node() { next = NULL; } Node::Node(Node_entry item, Node* add_on) { entry = item; next = add_on; } Node* creat() { Node* head = new Node(); Node* cur = head; int num; cin >> num; while (num != -1) { Node* newptr = new Node(num); cur->next = newptr; cur = newptr; cin >> num; } return head; } Node* hebin(Node* La, Node* Lb) { //原链表中的游走指针 Node* pa = La->next; Node* pb = Lb->next; //新的链表中的游走指针 Node* cur = La; cur->next = NULL; while (pa && pb) { if (pa->entry < pb->entry) { cur->next = pa; cur = pa; pa = pa->next; } else { cur->next = pb; cur = pb; pb = pb->next; } } if (pa) { cur->next = pa; } if (pb) { cur->next = pb; } return La; } void print(Node* L) { Node* cur = L->next; while (cur != NULL) { cout << cur->entry << ' '; cur = cur->next; } } int main() { Node* La, * Lb, * Lc; La = creat(); Lb = creat(); Lc = hebin(La, Lb); print(Lc); //删除Lb头节点 delete Lb; //删除Lc(一串全删啦!) while (Lc != NULL) { Node* temp = Lc; Lc = Lc->next; delete temp; } return 0; }
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