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Objective: To fetch the latest product prices that have been hosted on the competitor’s website programmatically.


For the purpose of demonstration, let’s look into the websites of WeWork and Regus; two leading players in the co-working industry who competes among each other to serve hot desks, dedicated desks, and private offices across the globe. Let’s try to scrap their websites in California to retrieve the latest product price listings programmatically.

为了演示,让我们看一下WeWork和Regus的网站。 协同工作行业中的两家领先企业相互竞争,为全球的热办公桌,专用办公桌和私人办公室提供服务。 让我们尝试在加利福尼亚州废弃其网站,以编程方式检索最新的产品价格清单。

There were four milestones to accomplish the objective:


  1. Web scraped Regus sites using httr/rvest packages.

    Web使用httr / rvest软件包抓取了雷格斯网站。
  2. Cleaned the dataset and incorporated geospatial coordinates.

  3. Repeated steps 1 & 2 for WeWork websites.

  4. Embedded R script in Power BI and visualized the final output.

    Power BI中的嵌入式R脚本并可视化了最终输出。

Phase 1: Web scraped Regus sites using httr/rvest packages

阶段1:使用httr / rvest软件包在Web上刮除雷格斯网站

  • Step 1.1. Imported Libraries: Imported all the relevant libraries upfront.

    步骤1.1。 导入的库:预先导入了所有相关的库。
  • Step 1.2. Regus Location API: Extracted the co-working locations in California from Regus location API using httr package.

    步骤1.2。 雷格斯位置API:使用httr软件包从雷格斯位置API中提取加利福尼亚的共同工作地点。
options(warn=-1)time <- Sys.time()location_data_final <- data.frame()url <- “https://www.regus.com/api/search/centres"resp <- GET(url)http_type(resp)jsonRespText<-content(resp,as=”text”) jsonRespParsed<-content(resp,as=”parsed”)regus_locations <-fromJSON(jsonRespText) regus_locations <- regus_locations %>% select (CenterNumber ,CenterName  ,Latitude,Longitude ,FormattedAddress  ,CenterCity)

Phase 2: Cleaned the dataset and incorporated geospatial coordinates


  • Step 2.1. Reverse Geocoding: Used revgeo package to identify the street, city, state, and country of the lat, lng coordinates.

    步骤2.1。 反向地理编码:使用revgeo软件包来标识经纬度坐标的街道,城市,州和国家/地区。
reverse_geocode<- revgeo(longitude=regus_locations$Longitude                         ,latitude=regus_locations$Latitude                         ,output='frame')reverse_geocode <- cbind(regus_locations, reverse_geocode)regus_locations_full  <- regus_locations %>% inner_join (                         reverse_geocode, by = c("CenterNumber"))regus_california <- regus_locations_full %>%  filter(                      country == "United States of America"                     ,State == "California")
  • Step 2.2. Regus Product Pricing API: Extracted the Regus co-working product pricing per location in California. Finally wrapped the whole process of data extraction with a ‘for loop’.

    步骤2.2。 雷格斯产品定价API:提取了加利福尼亚州每个地点的雷格斯协同工作产品定价。 最后,用“ for循环”包装了整个数据提取过程。
dedicated_desk <- data.frame()for (i in 1: as.integer(regus_california %>% summarise(n()))){#Status Code 500 Pathurl <- paste("https://www.regus.com/ecommercevo/price?productType=platinum&daysLength=30&monthLength=1&startDate=", Sys.Date(),"&countryCode=US&centreNumber=",regus_california$CenterNumber[i], sep ="")  resp <- GET(url)  if(resp$status_code == 500){url <- paste("https://www.regus.com/ecommercevo/price?productType=platinum&monthLength=1&startDate=", Sys.Date(),"&countryCode=US&centreNumber=", "&_=",as.integer(as.numeric(Sys.time())),924,sep ="")resp <- GET(url)jsonRespText<-content(resp,as="text") vo_list <-fromJSON(jsonRespText)    if(!is.null(vo_list$Price)){dedicated_desk_temp <-  as_data_frame(vo_list$Price)%>%rename(dedicated_desk_price=value)dedicated_desk_temp$center_number <- as.integer (regus_california$CenterNumber[i])}if(is.null(vo_list$Price)){dedicated_desk_temp <-  as_data_frame( "$0" ) %>% rename( dedicated_desk_price =value)dedicated_desk_temp$center_number <- as.integer(regus_california$CenterNumber[i])}dedicated_desk <- rbind(dedicated_desk, dedicated_desk_temp)}  else if (resp$status_code == 200){jsonRespText<-content(resp,as="text") vo_list <-fromJSON(jsonRespText) if(!is.null(vo_list$Price)){dedicated_desk_temp <-  as_data_frame( vo_list$Price) %>% rename(dedicated_desk_price=value)dedicated_desk_temp$center_number <- as.integer ( regus_california$CenterNumber[i])}if(is.null(vo_list$Price)){dedicated_desk_temp <-  as_data_frame( "$0" ) %>% rename(dedicated_desk_price =value)dedicated_desk_temp$center_number <- as.integer (regus_california$CenterNumber[i])    }    dedicated_desk <- rbind(dedicated_desk, dedicated_desk_temp)  }}regus_california <- regus_california %>%  left_join(dedicated_desk, by = c("CenterNumber" = "center_number"))

Phase 3: Web scraped & Cleaned WeWork datasets


  • Step 3.1. WeWork Product Pricing API: Extracted the WeWork co-working product pricing per locations in California. Finally wrapped the whole process of data extraction with a ‘for loop’.

    步骤3.1。 WeWork产品定价API:提取了加利福尼亚州每个地点的WeWork合作产品定价。 最后,用“ for循环”包装了整个数据提取过程。
url <- c("https://www.wework.com/l/sf-bay-area--CA")location_data_final <- data.frame()for(i in url){ webpage <- read_html(i)location_data <- html_nodes(webpage, ".mb0, .ray-card__content") %>%html_text() %>%enframe()location_data$urlid <- ilocation_data_final <- rbind(location_data_final                       ,location_data)}wework_1.a <- location_data_final %>%  select (value) %>%  mutate (row_num = row_number(),filter_check = row_num%%2==0) %>%  filter(filter_check == "TRUE")%>%  select (-filter_check)%>%  select(-row_num) %>%  rename(                        site_name_short = value)wework_1.b <- location_data_final %>%  select (value) %>%  mutate (row_num = row_number(),filter_check = row_num%%2!=0 ) %>%  filter(filter_check == "TRUE")%>%  select (-filter_check)%>%  select(-row_num) wework_1 <- cbind(wework_1.a, wework_1.b)
  • Step 3.2. Cleaned WeWork dataset: Cleaned the raw dataset by extracting the required information out of the WeWork dataset

    步骤3.2。 清理过的WeWork数据集:通过从WeWork数据集中提取所需信息来清理原始数据集
wework_1 <- wework_1 %>% rename (full_info = value) %>% mutate(                             full_info = str_squish (full_info))wework_1 <- sqldf("select * from wework_1             where full_info not like '%Pricing for this location             is not yet available%'")wework_1 <- sqldf("select * from wework_1             where full_info not like '%Move in ahead of the curve             with special pre-opening rates%'")wework_1.1 <- str_split_fixed(wework_1$full_info,               "Starting prices", 2) %>% as.data.frame()wework_1.2 <- as.data.frame(wework_1.1$V2)               %>% rename (value = `wework_1.1$V2`)wework_1.2 <- separate(wework_1.2, value,               c("Private Office", "Price"),               sep = "Private Office")wework_1.2 <- separate(wework_1.2, Price,               c("private_office_price", "Price"),               sep = "Dedicated Desk") wework_1.2 <- separate(wework_1.2, Price,               c("dedicated_desk_price", "hot_desk_price"),               sep = "Hot Desk")wework_interim <- cbind(wework_1, wework_1.1, wework_1.2)                   %>%  select(-full_info,-V2)                   %>%  rename(site_name = V1) wordcount_final <- data.frame()for(i in 1: nrow(wework_interim)){wordcount_temp <-  enframe ( wordcount(wework_interim$site_name_short[i]) ) %>% select (value)wordcount_final  <- rbind(wordcount_final, wordcount_temp)}wework_pricing <- cbind(wework_interim, wordcount_final) %>%  rename(                  word_count= value) %>%  select (-`Private Office`)                   %>%  mutate(building_name =                   word(site_name, word_count+1, -1))                   %>%  select(-word_count)                   %>% mutate(site_name = building_name                  ,date_time_Stamp = format(Sys.time()                  ,  "%d-%m-20%y"),country = "United States"                  ,company =  "wework", currency_name = "US Dollar"                  , currency_short = "USD"                   , web_url = "https://www.wework.com/l/united-states")
  • Step 3.3. Reverse Geocoding: Used revgeo package to identify the street, city, state, and country of the lat, lng co-ordinates

    步骤3.3。 反向地理编码:使用revgeo软件包来标识经纬度坐标的街道,城市,州和国家/地区
output_final_lat  <- data.frame()output_final_lng <- data.frame()output_final_state  <- data.frame()for (i in 1:length(wework_pricing$site_name)) {output_temp <- opencage_forward(placename = wework_pricing$site_name[i], key = "d3f30e7282414d52ba36461e84613c34" )output_final_lat  <- bind_rows (output_final_lat, enframe( output_temp$results$geometry.lat[[1]] ))output_final_lng  <- bind_rows (output_final_lng, enframe( output_temp$results$geometry.lng[[1]] ))output_final_state  <- bind_rows (output_final_state, enframe( output_temp$results$components.state[[1]]))}wework_pricing$lat <- output_final_lat$valuewework_pricing$lng <- output_final_lng$valuewework_pricing$state <- output_final_state$value reverse_geocode<- revgeo(longitude=wework_pricing$lng, latitude=wework_pricing$lat, output='frame')wework_pricing <- wework_pricing %>% mutate(  street_name = word(site_name, 2, 3),  city        = reverse_geocode$city,  postcode    = reverse_geocode$zip )

Phase 4: Embedded R script in Power BI and visualized the final output

阶段4:Power BI中的嵌入式R脚本并可视化最终输出

Image for post
Geospatial Competitor Analysis 1 (Image by Author)
Image for post
Geospatial Competitor Analysis 2 (Image by Author)
Image for post
Geospatial Competitor Analysis 3 (Image by Author)



So, in a nutshell, we have successfully extracted the price listings per product per location of two competitors using the web scraping techniques in R programming. Finally, we visualized the output on a geospatial scale to build the data story.

因此,简而言之,我们已经使用R编程中的Web抓取技术成功提取了两个竞争对手每个位置的每种产品的价格清单。 最后,我们以地理空间规模可视化输出以构建数据故事。

What’s Next?


This is just the starting point of a journey to endless possibilities in competitor intelligence. We could do so much more with the extracted data like the following:

这只是迈向竞争者智慧无限可能性的起点。 我们可以对提取的数据做更多的事情,如下所示:

  • Expand the web harvesting technique to build and analyze the trend globally.

  • Automate the whole process of data extraction to build a real-time product pricing model.

  • Feed the daily product price listings into cloud storage (S3/Google Cloud) to monitor the competitor’s daily price fluctuations in a BI platform.

    将每日产品价格清单输入到云存储(S3 / Google Cloud)中,以监视竞争对手在BI平台中的每日价格波动。
  • Aggregate the price listings per product per location over a period of time to reap insights from the week on week/ month on month/ year on year analysis.

  • Auto-compute the avg. product price per city to see if we are underpriced or overpriced in comparison to the competitor’s price listings at any point in time.

    自动计算平均值。 每个城市的产品价格,以查看我们在任何时间点与竞争对手的价格清单相比是被低估还是被高估。

GitHub Repository


I have learned (and continue to learn) from many folks in Github. Hence sharing my entire R scripts and Power BI file in a public GitHub Repository in case if it benefits any seekers online. Also, feel free to reach out to me if you need any help in understanding the fundamentals of web scraping in R. Happy to share what I know:) Hope this helps!

我已经从Github的许多人那里学习了(并继续学习)。 因此,在公共GitHub存储库中共享我的整个R脚本和Power BI文件,以防万一它使在线求职者受益。 另外,如果您需要任何帮助来了解R中Web抓取的基础知识,请随时与我联系。乐于分享我所知道的内容:)希望这会有所帮助!

About the Author


翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/web-scraping-in-r-978dbcb79b


